
Dennis Eriksson

Dennis Eriksson
Disputerad i genetik och växtförädling, och postdoc vid Köpenhamns universitet, SLU Alnarp samt European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) i Bryssel. Arbetade interdisciplinärt i ca 5 år (2017-2021) med lagstiftning och policyutveckling avseende biosäkerhet i växtförädling, tillträdeslagstiftning (Nagoya-protokollet) och sortskydd/växtförädlarrätt. Driver nu flera projekt (inkl som koordinator för det EU-finansierade GeneBEcon) på genredigering i olika grödor.


2018-2022, Gästföreläsare på ett flertal kurser i genetik, växtförädling och växtbiologi, SLU. Återkommande föreläsningar om biosäkerhetslagstiftning, Nagoya-protokollet, och växtförädlarrätt/IP.

2016, Föreläsare på doktorandkurs "Mutagenesis as a plant research and breeding tool", SLU Alnarp.

2016, Föreläsare på internationell MSc-kurs "New Plant Breeding Technologies" inom ELLS (Euroleague for Life Sciences), Köpenhamns universitet.

2016, Inbjuden gästföreläsare om växtförädling, Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Lima, Peru.

2015, Föreläsare på fördjupningskurs "Advanced Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources" (SLU-20141), SLU Alnarp.

2015, Organisatör av internationell MSc-kurs "Genetic Resources in Crop Breeding" inom ELLS (Euroleague for Life Sciences), SLU Alnarp.

2015, Medorganisatör av doktorandkurs "Plant Imaging Techniques", TC4F/PlantLink.

2015, Medorganisatör av ett-årigt mentorskapsprogram för doktorander, PlantLink.

2011, Heltidsanställning som Kursassistent för "Molecular Cell Biology" och "Cell Biology", Lunds Tekniska Högskola.

2005, Organisatör av doktorandkurs "Gene Technology in Plant Breeding", SLU Alnarp.


2017-- (nuvarande), Forskare, Inst för Växtförädling, SLU Alnarp. Numera på 25%.

2021-- (nuvarande), Professor i Funktionell Växtgenetik, Inst för Bioteknologi, INN University, Norge.

2015-2016, Scientific Coordinator, SLU Alnarp, utlandstjänstgöring vid European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) i Bryssel, Belgien.

2015, Postdoc SLU/Mistra Biotech, analys av svensk potatisförädling.

2011-2014, Postdoc Köpenhamns universitet, kväveassimilering i stråsäd.

2004-2009, Doktorand SLU Alnarp, domesticering av Lepidium campestre som en ny oljegröda.

2002, Magisterstudent, Temasek Life Sciences Laboratories, Singapore, markörfri transformering av ris.


2019-2020, Handledare för postdoktoral forskare, SLU

2019, Handledare för tre gästforskare (3 månader) på MSc-/PhD-nivå, SLU

2019, Biträdande handledare för MSc-student, Lunds Tekniska Högskola

2011-2012, Biträdande handledare av doktorand, Köpenhamns universitet.

2005-2006, Biträdande handledare av två MSc-studenter, SLU Alnarp.

Publikationer i urval

Rosado A and Eriksson D (2022). Biosafety legislation and the regulatory status of the products of precision breeding in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Plants, People, Planet, Early view published online 06.12.2021.

Spendrup S, Eriksson D and Fernqvist F (2021). Swedish consumers´ attitudes and values to genetic modification and conventional plant breeding – The case of fruit and vegetables. GM Crops & Food, 12(1): 342-360. https://doi:10.1080/21645698.2021.1921544

Purnhagen K et al (2021). Biotechnology and Organic Farming: Conflicting or Complementary Goals? Trends in Plant Science, 26: 48.

van der Meer P et al. (2021). The status under EU law of organisms developed through novel genomic techniques. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 1-20. https://doi:10.1017/err.2020.105

Eriksson D and Zimny T (2020). Critical observations on the French Conseil d'Etat ruling on mutagenesis. Nature Plants, 6: 1392-1393,

Zimny T and Eriksson D (2020). Exclusion or exemption from risk regulation? A comparative analysis of recent proposals to amend the European Union GMO legislation. EMBO Reports, 21: e51061,

Eriksson D, Ortiz R, Visser RG, Vives Vallés JA and Prieto H (2020). Editorial: Leeway to operate with plant genetic resources. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:911.

Lehrman A (ed.), Chatzopoulou S, Eriksson D, Jonas E, Levander F, Nicolia A, Rydhmer L, Röcklinsberg H, Sandin P and Zhu L-H (2020). Shaping our food – an overview of crop and livestock breeding. Uppsala, SLU. ISBN 978-91-981907-1-7.

Eriksson D, Custers R, Edvardsson Björnberg K, Hansson SO, Purnhagen K, Qaim M, Romeis J, Schiemann J, Schleissing S, Tosun J and Visser R (2020). Options to reform the European Union legislation on GMOs: scope and definitions. Trends in Biotechnology, 38(3): 231-234.

Eriksson D, Custers R, Edvardsson Björnberg K, Hansson SO, Purnhagen K, Qaim M, Romeis J, Schiemann J, Schleissing S, Tosun J and Visser R (2020). Options to reform the European Union legislation on GMOs: risk governance. Trends in Biotechnology, 38(4): 349-351.

Eriksson D, Custers R, Edvardsson Björnberg K, Hansson SO, Purnhagen K, Qaim M, Romeis J, Schiemann J, Schleissing S, Tosun J and Visser R (2020). Options to reform the European Union legislation on GMOs: post-authorization and beyond. Trends in Biotechnology, 38(5): 465-467.

Chatzopoulou S, Leiva Eriksson N and Eriksson D (2020). Improved risk assessment in the European Food Safety Authority: lessons from the European Medicines Agency. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:349.

Lindberg T, de Ávila RI, Zeller KS, Levander F, Eriksson D, Chawade A and Lindstedt M (2020). An integrated transcriptomic and proteomic approach to evaluate the human skin sensitization potential of glyphosate and its commercial agrochemical formulations. Journal of Proteomics, 217: 103647.

Eriksson D, de Andrade E, Bohanec B, Chatzopolou S, Defez R, Leiva Eriksson N, van der Meer P, van der Meulen B, Ritala A, Sági L, Schiemann J, Twardowski T and Vanek T (2019). Implementing an EU opt-in mechanism for GM crop cultivation. EMBO Reports, 20(5): e48036.

Eriksson D, Kershen D, Nepomuceno A, Pogson B, Prieto H, Purnhagen K, Smyth S, Wesseler J and Whelan A (2019). A comparison of the EU regulatory approach to directed mutagenesis with that of other jurisdictions, consequences for international trade and potential steps forward. New Phytologist, 222(4): 1673-1684.

Custers R, Casacuberta J, Eriksson D, Sági L and Schiemann J (2019). Genetic alterations that do or do not occur naturally; consequences for genome edited organisms in the context of biotechnology regulatory oversight. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6:213.

Eriksson D, de Andrade E, Bohanec B, Chatzopolou S, Defez R, Leiva Eriksson N, van der Meer P, van der Meulen B, Ritala A, Sági L, Schiemann J, Twardowski T and Vanek T (2018). Why the European Union needs a national GMO opt-in mechanism. Nature Biotechnology, 36(1): 18-19.

Eriksson D (2018). The evolving EU regulatory framework for precision breeding. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 132(3): 569-573.

Eriksson D, Akoroda M, Azmach G, Labuschagne M, Mahungu N and Ortiz R (2018). Measuring the impact of plant breeding on sub-Saharan African staple crops. Outlook on Agriculture, 47(3): 163–180.

Eriksson D, Ammann K, Chassy B and Chawade A (2018). Comments on two recent publications on GM maize and Roundup. Scientific Reports, 8: 13338.

Eriksson D, Harwood, W, Hofvander P, Jones H, Rogowsky P, Stöger E and Visser R (2018). A welcome proposal to amend the GMO legislation of the EU. Trends in Biotechnology, 36(11): 1100-1103.

Eriksson D (2018). The Swedish policy approach to directed mutagenesis in a European context. Physiologia Plantarum, 164(4): 385-395.

Eriksson D (2018). Recovering the original intentions of risk assessment and management of genetically modified organisms in the European Union. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6:52.

McHughen A, Bradford K, Carter N, Eriksson D, Grabau E, Hood E, Parrott W and Wolt J (2018). Regulatory systems barriers to innovation for agricultural biotechnology faced by small businesses and universities. Council of Agricultural Science and Technology, Issue paper No 59, March 2018.

Eriksson D and Escajedo San-Epifanio L (2018). Governing the use of plant genome editing. Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 2nd ed., Paul Thomson ed.

Escajedo San-Epifanio L and Eriksson D (2018). Opt out from GMOs in the European Union. Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 2nd ed., Paul Thomson ed.

Eriksson D, Brinch-Pedersen H, Chawade A, Holme I, Hvoslef-Eide TAK, Ritala A, Teeri TH and Thorstensen T (2017). Scandinavian perspectives on plant gene technology: applications, policies and progress. Physiologia Plantarum, 162: 219–238.

Eriksson D and Chatzopolou S (2017). Responsible decision-making for plant research and breeding innovations in the European Union. GM Crops & Food, 9(1): 39-44.

Eriksson D and Ammann K (2017). A universally acceptable view on the adoption of improved plant breeding techniques. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 1999.

Sprink T, Eriksson D, Schiemann J and Hartung F (2016). Regulatory hurdles for genome editing - process vs. product based approaches in different regulatory contexts. Plant Cell Reports, 35(7): 1493-1506.

Eriksson D, Carlsson-Nilsson U, Ortíz R and Andreasson E (2016). Overview and breeding strategies of table potato production in Sweden and the Fennoscandian region. Potato Research, 59(3): 279-294.

Eriksson D, Stymne S and Schjoerring JK (2014). The slippery slope of cisgenesis. Nature Biotechnology 32(8): 727.

Thomsen HC, Moeller IS, Eriksson D and Schjoerring JK (2014). Glutamine synthetase – a target for crop NUE improvement? Trends in Plant Science 19(10): 656-663.

Wang L, Pedas P, Eriksson D and Schjoerring JK (2013). Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide decreases the ammonia compensation point of barley plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(10): 2713–2724.

Eriksson D and Merker A (2011). Cloning and functional characterisation of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in the novel oilseed crop Lepidium campestre L. Plant Breeding, 130(3): 407-409.

Glover JD, Reganold JP, Bell LW, Borevitz J, Brummer EC, Buckler ES, Cox CM, Cox TS, Crews TE, Culman SW, DeHaan LR, Eriksson D, Gill BS, Holland J, Hu F, Hulke BS, Ibrahim AM, Jackson W, Jones SS, Murray SC, Paterson AH, Ploschuk E, Sacks EJ, Snapp S, Tao D, Van Tassel DL, Wade LJ, Wyse DL and Xu Y (2010). Increasing food and ecosystem security via perennial grains. Science, 328: 1638-1639.

Glover JD, Reganold JP, Bell LW, Borevitz J, Brummer EC, Buckler ES, Cox CM, Cox TS, Crews TE, Culman SW, DeHaan LR, Eriksson D, Gill BS, Holland J, Hu F, Hulke BS, Ibrahim AM, Jackson W, Jones SS, Murray SC, Paterson AH, Ploschuk E, Sacks EJ, Snapp S, Tao D, Van Tassel DL, Wade LJ, Wyse DL and Xu Y (2010). Response to Perennial questions of hydrology and climate. Science, 330: 33.

Merker A, Eriksson D and Bertholdsson N-O (2010). Barley yield increases with undersown Lepidium campestre. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B – Soil and Plant Science, 60(3): 269-273.

Eriksson D and Merker A (2009). An efficient adventitious shoot regeneration protocol for Lepidium campestre (L.) R. BR. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 9(2): 78-83.



Forskare vid Institutionen för växtförädling
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Växtförädling, Box 190
234 22 LOMMA
Besöksadress: Sundsvägen 10, Alnarp