Scientific services and infrastructure available at SITES Lönnstorp

Last changed: 26 October 2023

The services and infrastructure available from SITES Lönnstorp, combined with the associated services available from SLU Alnarp, provide scientists in agriculture and ecology a broad range of ready-made support.

SITES Agroecologcial Field Experiment (SAFE):
SAFE consists of four agricultural systems: agroecological intensification cropping, perennial cereal cropping, organic cropping, and a reference conventional cropping rotation. The facility is repeated in four experimental blocks, covering a total of 14.2 hectares.

Conventional and organic fields:
SITES Lönnstorp offers 18 hectares of organic and 60 hectares of conventional cropping land for tailored field experiments.

Experienced staff:
SITES Lönnstorp is well serviced with three full time technical assistant staff, plus seasonal workers.

Monitoring data:
Continuous monitoring is undertaken on climate, soil properties (within SAFE), yield (within SAFE) and on spectral parameters - spectral monitoring is part of the SITES Spectral program.

Office space:
Office space can be arranged at either the Alnarp campus or the Lönnstorp farm.

Machinery park:
SITES Lönnstorp has a modern machinery park specially developed for agricultural experimentation.
Contact the Station manager, Johannes Albertsson, for a full list of available machinery and implements.

Field equipment:
An extensive store of field equipment is available for managing experimental plots and for sampling soil and plant material.
Contact the Station manager, Johannes Albertsson, for a full list of available field equipment.

Laboratories at Alnarp:
Established laboratory services are available at Alnarp for soil, plant, microbial and entomology analyses.

Greenhouses and Biotron at Alnarp:
Alnarp has a brand-new, world-class Biotron.
Modern greenhouses are also available for researchers.

Functional services and infrastructure

The Alnarp campus is accessible by car, bike and public transport. The bus connects directly with both Malmö Central and Lund Central.

Malmö and Lund offer accommodation of all levels and that is less than 15 km away. Accommodation is also available in Lomma.

The on-campus restaurant and the cafes and restaurants in Lomma are all within a 5 minute drive of Lönnstorp. There is a lunch room at Lönnstorp.

More information on services and infrastructure available at Lönnstorp and Alnarp.

SLU website