
Last changed: 10 January 2023
Weather station

Climate measurements started as early as 1922 at the oldest experimental forests. It got its common design in 1989 and started routinely in January 1990.

Today, air and soil temperature, humidity, global radiation and precipitation are measured at all experimental forests. Measurement data is automatically processed to 10-minute and daily values. The climate is reported in annual reports, which can be downloaded from the unit's website. The development of the seasons, the weather, and the vegetation can be followed via web cameras.

Reference measurement of climate takes place at all forest experimental forests (only during the summer in Ätnarova). It got its common design in 1989 and started routinely in January 1990. The basic program of climate measurement includes air and ground temperatures, humidity, global radiation and precipitation.

Climate data from the reference stations are stored and available at the Svartberget research station, where long-term storage of original data also takes place and a database has been established.

The objective of the reference measurement of climate at the experimental forests can be summarized in the following points:

  • to form the basis for long-term climate measurements with high quality and continuity in close proximity to the respective experimental forest
  • to provide projects and other interested parties with meteorological background data
  • to constitute a reference to other climate-related measurements within each experimental forest.

Obeservations over the year are compiled into annual reports, common to all experimental forest.

It is possible to retrieve quality-controlled data from here.


Ola Langvall, Station Manager
Unit for Field-based Forest Research, SLU, +46 472 26 31 80