28 May

Botildenborg, Malmö

Workshop on plant breeding and methods

seminars, workshops |
Trials in green house

SLU Grogrund is arranging a workshop on 28 May, 09:30 am – 3:00 pm with a focus on the latest methodology for use in plant breeding such as gene editing, high-throughput phenotyping and genomics.

The idea is to gather actors from both industry and research to shed light on the area from different perspectives and discuss future needs for collaboration and research.

The workshop will take place at Botildenborg in Malmö and is open for everyone.

Last day to sign up for the workshop was 16 May 2024.


Time: 2024-05-28 09:30 - 15:00
City: Malmö
Location: Botildenborg
Organiser: SLU Grogrund
Last signup date: 16 May 2024


Coffee served from 9.30

10.00 Eva Johansson, program manager for SLU Grogrund, welcomes

10.10 Current SLU Grogrund projects in the field

  • Phenomics – Developing automated phenotyping methods for breeding wheat and sugar beet, project leader Aakash Chawade
  • Low-cost Genomic Selection, project leader Aakash Chawade
  • Development of genome editing in food crops, project leader Per Hofvander

10.35 Current situation and future opportunities using genome editing in plant research and breeding, Mariette Andersson, CEO, SolEdits AB

11.00 Short break

11.10 Implementing physiological phenotyping into a holistic phenomics approach, Thomas Roitsch, professor, Dep. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

11.35 Genomic tools to optimize plant breeding systems in cereals, Lucia Gutierrez, assoc. professor, Cereals Breeding and Quantitative Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA – presentation via digital link

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Brainstorming led by Eva Johansson, program manager for SLU Grogrund

What is important for us to work on together to strengthen method development in plant breeding?


Coffee will be served during the afternoon

15.00 Conclusion