Instructions on how to use PDI calculation automation program (works only on windows) 1. After downloading the zip file "" make sure to extract all the files into the same folder. 2. Install python from if not already installed. Use pre-selected options in the installation process. 3. Make a copy of the xl file containing the taxadata you want to analyze and put it in the same folder as the files you extracted earlier. 4. Make sure your xl file is on standardized format (see taxondata_standard_example.xlsx) with full columns T, AG and AN, and its extension is either .xls or .xlsx. 5. Close the xl file "PDI_values.xlsx" in case it is open on your computer. 6. Klick on and follow the instructions in the terminal. If it is your first time using the program it might take some time to setup itself. 7. If successful the file "PDI values.xlsx" should contain the PDI values. If nothing happens something went wrong and you might want to look over the obove steps again. If it still dosen't work contact __.