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Rural development

Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas.

There are 133 pages tagged with Rural development:

Cash transfer

Learning lessons from the effects of the child grant in South Africa. Unconditional cash transfers have in the past decade received increased attention as a potential way of reducing poverty in the

Trees in Africa

The project explores how Swedish consumers and actors perceive carbon compensation-motivated tree planting projects in African localities, and how imagined local social impacts relate to the


The project investigated the implementation of hybrid global governance in the Thai seafood supply chain focusing on labour standards. Background The Thai seafood supply chain has been significantly

Thinking beyond REDD

Background Large efforts are made internationally to control deforestation as an approach to climate mitigation; one example of this is the implementation of the UN-backed program REDD. However, so

Rural development

Here we present our research activities - in projects and publications.

Jennie Barron

Jennie Barron is a professor of agricultural water management since 1 October 2017. Her inauguration lecture is about managing agricultural water in changing landscapes. Jennie Barron's research

Soil health Living Labs

markmiljo-webb@slu.se How can Sweden contribute to creating Living Labs with a focus on soil health to meet regional challenges? Welcome on 24 April to find partners and learn about the EU's Mission


Rural Development and Natural Resource Management - Master's Programme Country: Sweden Why did I apply for SLU? - I applied to SLU because, when I read the programme description and the syllabus, I

The PECA research program

The PECA research program The PECA research program The PECA research program We are interested in understanding landscape changes, the linkages between agriculture and forestry in smallholder


The Interdisciplinary Academy is a programme at SLU with the aim of promoting and exploring cross-disciplinary research at SLU.


The PECA research team is a group of rural development researchers with backgrounds in agronomy, anthropology, food security and ecology. Participating researchers are: Adam Pain , Swedish University

PECA Publications

Publications from PECA I, II, III and Network project: Articles in Scientific journal Poudyal, B.H., Paudel, D., Marquardt, K. and Khatri, S. , 2023. Examining forest transition and collective action
