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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (VH)

The VH faculty's mission is to conduct high-quality academic research and teaching in the field of veterinary medicine and animal science. We are engaged in most aspects of the life and welfare of domestic animals.

There are 414 pages tagged with VH Faculty:


The Swedish Livestock Research Centre is an important facility for research and teaching. The facility includes dairy cattle, pigs and poultry. The research coordinator and staff at the research

Kv- Could a low input system be the solution for future dairy production?

As the external resources and especially the feeding costs account for the largest part of the inputs in dairy production, it is important to explore alternatives. The project aims to investigate how

Improved animal handling in Swedish pig production through development and implementation of a training program - ProHand Pigs® SE

Improved animal handling in Swedish pig production through development and implementation of a training program. This project aims to improve animal welfare in Swedish pig production through the

Röbäcksdalen Research Station and Röbäcksdalens Research dairy farm

We carry out research and monitoring in a variety of areas such as agricultural science, ecology, climatology, phenology, geochemistry, biology, agroecology, soil science, animal science, food

More about SITES

The infrastructure at Röbäcksdalen has excellent conditions for teaching, research, and applied studies in crop production, soil science, climate studies, feeding of forages, and ecosystem studies in

Docentföreläsingar på VH-fakulteten

Docent Lectures at the VH Faculty internkommunikation@slu.se Welcome to the spring Docent Lectures at the VH faculty. VH-fakulteten Inspelningsstudion på plan 1 i Undervisningshuset på Almas

KV Cancer hos hund och människa – finns gemensamma riskfaktorer?

Cancer is common in dogs and negatively impacts animal welfare by causing pain and decreased quality of life. Cancer is also one of the most common causes of euthanasia in dogs. In this project, we

Department of Animal Nutrition and Management

We conduct research and teaching about nutrition and management of several animal species such as cattle, pigs, poultry, reindeer, fish, horses and dogs. As of January 1, 2024, we are part of the new

Diss Johan Lundblad

Exploring facial expressions in horses - biological and methodological approaches sofia.webering.ekberg@slu.se Johan Lundblad defends his thesis: Exploring facial expressions in horses - biological

Equine Science Unit

The equine science programme is only available in Swedish

Analytical laboratory in Umeå

THV's analytical laboratory is situated at SLU on campus and also include a gas in vitro laboratory. Analytical laboratory The analytical lab is found of floor five in the SLU building on campus. It

Three million for research to help flat-faced dogs and cats

Flat-faced dogs and cats often suffer from health conditions caused by their flat head shape, negatively affecting their quality of life. Now, the Swedish Animal Welfare Association is contributing
