Paulina Berglund
The topic of my licentiate project is Improved breeding program for trotting horses in Sweden. I have always had a huge interest in animals and especially horses. After finishing my bachelor thesis on behaviour profiles in Standardbred trotters I started to work on an hourly basis mainly in the project “Fight, flight and genes: Contribution of behaviour genetics to equine athletic performance” financed by Formas, where I was responsible for the contact with trainers of trotting horses and collection of data. I analysed the collected data in my master’s thesis “Genetic background of temperament traits in Standardbred trotters”.
The aim of my licentiate project is to investigate if the statistical model used for the genetic evaluation of Swedish trotting horses can be improved. The main focus will be on the Swedish and Norwegian Coldblooded trotter. In the first paper, re-ranking of stallions based on performance in different race lengths will be studied. Also, the potential and effect of including functional traits and genomic information in the selection of the Swedish Standardbred trotters and the Coldblooded trotters will be studied. The project will lead to increased knowledge in areas of improvement regarding the statistical model used for genetic evaluation, as well as ideas and recommendations for the future to maintain sound and competitive trotting horses in Sweden.
The project is in close collaboration with The Swedish Trotting Association (ST), with representatives in the reference group.
2021 Degree of Master of Science in Agricultural science, Agronomexamen