Wildlife in the city

Last changed: 14 June 2019

We will set-up a citizen science project in Umeå kommun. Participants will get a short course in how to use a camera trap (a camera with a motion-detection sensor) to see which animals live in their surroundings. They will then deploy these camera traps in the direct surroundings of their home.

The aims of the project are to:

  1. Determine which animals live in and around Umeå
  2. Find out which landscape characteristics determine the presence/absence of certain species
  3. Quantify how the participants perceive these animals before the project and how that perception changes during the project


Name: Tim R. Hofmeester
Department: Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies (VFM)
Faculty: Faculty of Forest Science (S)
Contact: tim.hofmeester@slu.se
