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Agri4D 2023: Themes

Theme 1: Securing food and nutrition within planetary boundaries

This theme aims to bring forward discussions relating to all stages of food systems and their outcomes, from ecosystems supporting production, to the producers, consumers, including value chain and market actors, linking farmers to consumers. 

Within this theme, we invite researchers, decision-makers and practitioners who are exploring challenges, and innovative solutions to increase the resilience of food systems in times of crises across the Global South.

This theme embraces related research topics, including: 

  • Resilient food production systems
  • Sustainable food processing approaches and value chains
  • Transparent and inclusive market systems  
  • Accessible food, nutrition and health
  • Landscape approaches and climate change

Theme 2: Governance and rights in food systems: Leaving no one behind

In order to create sustainable and resilient food systems it is important to identify vulnerabilities and opportunities to prevent future risks and promote sustainable solutions. This theme emphasises topics that aim to answer ‘resilience for whom?’ within food systems. Marginalised groups in society are often impacted the most by food crises, but have unique opportunities for transforming those systems away from status quo. These groups vary across contexts but may include e.g. smallholder farmers, indigenous groups, marginalised genders, children and youth, etc.

We encourage stakeholders to bring forward context specific experiences and examples to discuss why and how vulnerabilities exist in food systems, who is affected and why, and potential ways to solve such challenges.

This theme invites presentations exploring examples in relation to: 

  • Food (in)justice, food sovereignty, gender  
  • Rights to food (i.e. food as a human right), food security, food and nutrition
  • Understanding vulnerabilities in food systems (e.g. intersectional processes and power relations that make specific people vulnerable)
  • Transformative or innovative practices promoted by marginalised peoples or groups
  • Income security and wealth creation in agri-food systems
  • Smallholder rights e.g. land tenure/ natural resources rights, to secure access to land
  • The roles of private and public sectors in food systems (e.g. how the public sector can enable private sector investments, how private sector involve in community engagement and supply chains at local levels)

The Agri4D conference aims to bridge science, policy and practice to create a real-world impact on global food systems to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger. It is free of charge for all participants. 

Organised by SLU Global at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI), with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). 

Go to the conference platform here!

Published: 06 September 2023 - Page editor: agnes.bondesson@slu.se