CV page

Anna Andersson

Anna Andersson


I am a reseracher in the Applied Analysis Group since 2017. The group works closely with Lund University and together we form the research centre AgriFood Economics Centre.

My research interests lie in the fields of international economics and agricultural economics.

I have an external website which you can access here.


Selected publications

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Andersson, A.; Brady, M. and Pohjola, J. (2021) How unnecessarily high abatement costs and unresolved distributional issues undermine nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea. Ambio

Andersson, A.; Blomquist, J. and Waldo, S. (2021) Local fisheries and thriving harbors – is there a value for the tourism sector? Marine Resource Economics, 36(2). 

Hammarlund, C. and Andersson, A. (2019) What's in it for Africa? European Union fishing access agreements and fishery exports from developing countries. World Development  113 (2019): 172-185.   

Andersson, A. (2018) The trade effect of private standards. European Review of Agricultural Economics 46(2): 267-290

Andersson, A.; Höjgård, S. and Rabinowicz, E. (2017) Evaluation of results and adaptation of EU Rural Development Programmes. Land Use Policy 67(2017): 298-314.

Andersson, A. (2016) Export performance and access to intermediate inputs: the case of rules of origin liberalisation. World Economy 39(8):1048-1079

Other publications

Andersson, A. (2021) Krav på produktionsmetoder för import - vilka effekter får det? AgriFood Fokus 2021:1, AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund.

Andersson, A., Blomquist, J. and Waldo, S. (2021) Finns det ett samband mellan yrkesfiske och turism? AgriFood PolicyBrief 2021:1, AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund.

Andersson, A. (2019) Är certifierade livsmedel lättare att exportera? AgriFood Policy Brief 2019:2, AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund.

Andersson, A. and Hammarlund, C. (2019) What's in it for Africa? EU fishing access agreements and exports. AgriFood Policy Brief 2019:1, AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund.

Andersson, A.; Bergman, K.; Brady, M.; Johansson, H. and Wilhelmsson, F. (2018) Jordbruk utan produktion - ett hinder för tillväxt? AgriFood Poilcy Brief 2018:6, AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund.

Andersson, A.; Höjgård, S. and Rabinowicz, E. (2017) Bättre landsbygdprogram efter utvärdering? AgriFood Policy Brief 2017:1, AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund. 

Andersson, A. (2017) Nya stöd till natur- och kulturmiljöer – vad kan vi lära av andra? AgriFood Fokus 2017:1, AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund. 

Andersson, A. (2015) Globala konsumtionstrender för livsmedel, Underlag till En livsmedelsstrategi för tillväxt i hela livsmedelskedjan. AgriFood PM, AgriFood Economics Centre, Lund. 



Analyst at the Department of Economics; Applied Analysis
Postal address:
AgriFood Economics Centre
Box 7030
220 07 Lund
Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15 D, Lund, Lund