Efthymia Kyriakopoulou

My research focuses on environmental policy, sustainable development, urban economics, social interactions, network theory and transportation economics. Before joining SLU, I was a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Luxembourg, a research fellow and lecturer at the University of Gothenburg and a visiting researcher at the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, in Stockholm. I studied economics at the Athens University of Economics and Business and I received my PhD in 2011.
I have been involved in a lot of different courses in Economics and Environmental Economics at bachelor, master's, and doctoral level. In the last years, I have taught in the following courses:
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Agricultural and Environmental Projects (Master, SLU)
Environmental Economics (Master, SLU)
Environmental Policy (PhD, University of Helsinki)
Natural resource economics (PhD, University of Gothenburg (GU))
Environmental economics and Policy instruments (PhD, GU)
Public economics (Master, University of Luxembourg)
Microeconomics: Contract theory (Master, University of Luxembourg)
Environmental and resource economics (Master, GU)
Environmental policy instruments (Master, Chalmers University of Technology)
Environmental economics & International issues (Master, GU)
Urban economics (Bachelor, University of Luxembourg)
Environmental economics (Bachelor, GU)
Current Grants
2021-2025: "On the design of sustainable cities: recycling, social norms and economic policies", funded by FORMAS (7.8 million SEK). Principal Investigator.
2021-2024: "Working from Home in the Post-Pandemic Era: Curse or Blessing?", funded by Handelsbanken (1.5 million SEK). Principal Investigator.
2018-2021: "To buy or not to buy? Vehicle demand and policy for sustainable transport", funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket). Project Member.
Selected publications
Publications In Refereed Journals
[1] The Zoom City: Working From Home, Urban Productivity and Land Use, (with Pierre Picard), Journal of Economic Geography, forthcoming.
[2] On the Design of Sustainable Cities: Local Traffic Pollution and Urban Structure, (with Pierre Picard), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2021, vol 107: 102443.
[3] Natural Resource Management: A Network Perspective, (with Anastasios Xepapadeas), Environmental and Resource Economics, 2021, vol 80: 221–256.
[4] Cities and the Environment: The Case of Air Pollution, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2021, Vol. 15: 319-358.
[5] On the Strategic Effect of International Permits Trading on Local Pollution, (with Fabio Antoniou), Environmental and Resource Economics, 2019, 74(3): p. 1299-1329.
[6] Environmental Policy, Technology Adoption and the Size Distribution of Firms, (with Jessica Coria), Energy Economics, 2018, vol 72:p. 470-485.
[7] Atmospheric Pollution in Rapidly Growing Industrial Cities: Spatial Policies and Land Use Patterns, (with Anastasios Xepapadeas), Journal of Economic Geography, 2017, vol 17(3): p. 607-634.
[8] Three Necessary Conditions for Establishing Effective Sustainable Development Goals in the Anthropocene, (with A. Norström et al.), Ecology and Society, 2014, vol. 19(3): Art.8.
[9] Environmental Policy, First Nature Advantage and the Emergence of Economic Clusters, (with Anastasios Xepapadeas), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2013, vol. 43(1), p. 101-116.
[10] Social Change Vital to Sustainability Goals, (with A. Norström et al.), Nature, 2013, 498:299.
[11] (The Economics of) Discounting: Unbalanced Growth, Uncertainty and Spatial Considerations, (with Thomas Sterner), Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2012, vol. 4, p. 285-301.
[12] Spatial Location Decisions under Environmental Policy and Housing Externalities, (with Anastasios Xepapadeas), 2011, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, vol. 13(3), p. 195-217.
Reports, Publications In Books & Other Publications
[13] Towards Zero Emissions from Swedish Urban Transport, (with Tingmingke Lu and Rob Hart), Naturvårdsverket, 2021. ISBN 978-91-620-7004-5.
[14] The Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Greece: The Issue of Biodiversity, (with E. Vella and A. Xepapadeas), in The Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts of Climate Change in Greece, Bank of Greece Ed., Athens, 2011. ISBN 978-960-7032-58-4
[15] Cost Benefit Study of Low Carbon Strategies for the Greek Economy, (with A. Xepapadeas and A. Plitharas), Athens University of Economics and Business and WWF Hellas, Athens, 2010.
Work In Progress
[1] Location, Social Norms and Recycling, (with Fedor Iskhakov, Philip Ushchev, Yves Zenou)
[2] High-Rise Housing and Sustainable Development, (with Tingmingke Lu, Eleonora Patacchini, Jonathan Stråle).
[3] The Environmental Impact of Working from Home, (with Rainald Borck, Martin Jégard, Pierre Picard).
[4] Households’ Behavioral Responses to Road Pricing Policies, (with Rob Hart, Tingmingke Lu).
[5] Urban Transport Policies and Net Zero Emission in the EU, (with Rob Hart, Tingmingke Lu).
[6] Behavioural Insights in the Recycling of Municipal Waste: A Field Experiment in the City of Uppsala, (with Jonathan Stråle, Jens Rommel, Therese Lindahl).
[7] Behavioral Spillover Effects of the Swedish Weight-Based Recycling Tariff, (with Jonathan Stråle).