Our forage course will give you important knowledge for future agriculture

Last changed: 19 September 2023
 Curious calves are looking into the camera.

Are you interested in future agriculture and food? Then you really should attend SLU's course about forage. Ley (temporary grasslands) is the most commonly cultivated crop in Sweden, and it is also important in other European countries. Temporary grasslands and semi-natural grasslands are important for biodiversity. This is an interdisciplinary subject that concerns both farm animals and crop production. Society needs to understand this subject.

Half of Sweden’s agricultural land consists of temporary and semi-natural grasslands. It supplies our animals with forage and is economically important for milk and meat production. These fields are also important for grazing horses.

International students

Courses with this interdisciplinary focus are unusual, and therefore we also receive many international students – not least from Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic where grassland is important for the economy. The course has a European perspective and the students analyse differences between the countries due to climate and culture.

The course deals with both temporary and semi-natural grasslands and is therefore important for biodiversity. Mixing legumes or herbs with the grass species is common in Sweden and these flowering plants are important for pollinators. Many insects, birds and plants also depend on grazed grassland for food and habitat.

Visits to farms

After the course, the students will understand the importance of forage and grazing for agriculture and our food supply. They will also learn what sustainable production can look like. Students who complete this course should also be able to give advice about forage crops and how semi-natural grasslands can be managed to benefit animal husbandry and nature conservation.

The course contains a mixture of lectures, group exercises and visits to farms.

The course leader is Nilla Nilsdotter-Linde. She is a researcher who works closely with advisors and farmers. She will quickly help you to understand how extremely important the feed for our animals is for your food.