The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Swedish Food Supply Chain

Last changed: 01 October 2019

The application of blockchain is gaining traction as a game-changer in the food industry. Blockchain has the potential to enhance transparency, improve trust, and accelerate widespread data sharing within food supply chain.

The increasing interest of Blockchain technology in agriculture, calls for a clear understanding of its implications and challenges ahead. The first aim of this study is to synthesise the extant literature and put forward a practice based view on an application of blockchain on food supply chain. The second aim of the project is to use empirical data derived from case studies to contribute to developing critical awareness of implications of blockchain in the Swedish food context.


Project leader: Karin Hakelius and Ashkan Pakseresht

Project period: Jan 2020 - Dec 2021

Project co-workers: Coming soon

Project funder: Nanneson fund

Total funds: Coming soon

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