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Bachelor degree thesis in Forest Science, G2E - Forest Science - Master´s Programme

The BSc course in Forest Science is an opportunity to make a project in a wide range of topics: silviculture, forest management planning, remote sensing, forest technology, wood science and technology, conservation biology, soil science, etc. The BSc project is in the form of a course with common lectures in scientific writing, statistics, science theory, literature retrieval and databases, etc. Supervision of the projects is distributed among the departments at the Forest faculty. Supervisor is decided by the topic choosen and the department. The course ends with individual oral presentations and opposition. The BSc is a great opportunity to dig into a topic you are really interested in where you plan and conduct the work with the help from the supervisor.

Information from the course leader

Självständigt kandidatarbete i skogsvetenskap - och skogsvetenskap med inriktning mot företagsekonomi - Jägmästarprogrammet VT2023

Vi kör en genemsam kursstart den 17e februari, 2023, för alla kandidatuppsatsstudenter, både för er som ska skriva kandidaterbete i skogsvetenskap och för er som ska skriva i skogsvetenskap med inriktning mot företagsekonomi. Kursstarten äger rum i föreläsningssalen Björken, på SLU i Umeå. Vi uppmanar alla studenter att delta fysiskt vid kursstarten, men för dem som inte kan närvara kommer vi även att vara uppkopplade till kursens Zoom-rum. De följande veckornas föreläsningar kommer att ske på distans via zoom.

Redovisningarna i slutet på kursen kommer att ske på plats.

Skicka iväg ett mail ifall ni har några funderingar!

Kontakt kursledare:

Skogsvetenskap: Nils Henriksson (

Skogsvetenskap med inriktning mot företagsekonomi: Cecilia Mark-Herbert (

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

EX0911-30171 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for EX0911

Academic year 2021/2022

Bachelor degree thesis in Forest Science, G2E - Forest Science - Master´s Programme (EX0911-30053)

2022-02-18 - 2022-05-01

Academic year 2020/2021

Bachelor degree thesis in Forest Science, G2E - Forest Science - Master´s Programme (EX0911-30012)

2021-02-18 - 2021-05-02

Academic year 2019/2020

Bachelor degree thesis in Forest Science, G2E - Forest Science - Master´s Programme (EX0911-30109)

2020-02-20 - 2020-04-30

Academic year 2018/2019

Bachelor degree thesis in Forest Science, G2E - Forest Science - Master´s Programme (EX0911-30212)

2019-02-21 - 2019-05-02

Syllabus and other information

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: No Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38060 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G2E)
Subject: Forest Science Forest science
Course code: EX0911 Application code: SLU-30171 Location: Umeå Distance course: No Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Forest ecology and Management Pace: 100%