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Economic history A/Global transformation and globalisation 1700-2000

The course covers economic transformation and mutually dependency between different continents and regions through for example trade, colonialism and globalisation. A historical perspective is used to understand the development of Asia’s, Africa’s and Latin America’s in relation to The Western world’s. The emphasis lies on the period from 1800 and forward, but the course treats at a general level the development from approximately 1650. The central economic-historical issues concerning globalisation are problematised and the most important theoretical tools for how one describes and critically analyse economic growth and development in a long-term international perspective is introduced. The use of resources and its consequences for development are treated in relation to questions about integration and sustainable growth. Both the development problems of the developing countries and the road of the recently industrialised countries to prosperity are treated.

Part 1. Trade, colonialism and globalisation - about 1700-2000

Dependencies between different countries and regions are in focus for the component, and initially, early trade relations are treated. The emphasis of the component lies on the relations from approximately 1800. Causes to and effects of Western Europe’s industrialisation and economic development are seen in a global perspective. War, colonization and decolonization as well as protectionism and free trade as well as economic integration and the growth of the global capitalism are some central aspects that are treated. The interaction between technical development and institutional relations for the economic development of Asia’s, Africa’s and Latin America’s is emphasised and problematised. Central starting points are the availability of natural resources, capital and manpower during different historical periods. The component is assessed through a compulsory seminar as well as a written examination.

Part 2. Development issues during the 20th century

Development issues during the 20th century are in focus for component 2. The emphasis lies on the decolonization after the second world war. As well as in component 1 trade and the considerable expansion global capitalism are emphazised. Central development and growth theories are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on institutional theories to explain growth, income distribution and poverty in Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as how these theories have influenced the developmental politics during the other half of the 20th century. The component also treats the question about economic growth in relation to sustainable development. The component is assessed through compulsory seminars as well as a shorter minor essay that should treat some aspect of the development issues of the 20th century.

Information from the course leader

Välkommen till kursen Ekonomisk historia A / Global omvandling och globalisering 1700-2000, 15 hp!

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Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

HI0026-40110 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for HI0026

Academic year 2020/2021

Economic history A/Global transformation and globalisation 1700-2000 (HI0026-40080)

2021-03-24 - 2021-06-06

Academic year 2019/2020

Economic history A/Global transformation and globalisation 1700-2000 (HI0026-40076)

2020-03-25 - 2020-06-07

Academic year 2018/2019

Economic history A/Global transformation and globalisation 1700-2000 (HI0026-40117)

2019-03-26 - 2019-06-09

Syllabus and other information

Grading criteria

Betygskriterier HI0026 Ekonomiska historia A / Global omvandling och globalisering 1700-2000, 15 hp

Kursen erbjuds i samarbete med Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet (UU), som också ansvarar för examinationen av kursen.

Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen tillämpar en tregradig betygsskala Underkänd (U), Godkänd (G) och Väl godkänd (VG) för kursen 2EH326 Ekonomisk historia A: Global omvandling och globalisering 1700-2000. För att erhålla betyget Godkänt krävs att man fullgjort alla delar av kursen, det vill säga har klarat tentamen med minst betyget Godkänt, blivit godkänd under seminarier och gjort tillhörande inlämningsuppgifter samt författat och försvarat en Godkänd PM.

De två enskilda momenten betygssätts enligt en modifierad tregradig skala där 0 = underkänd, 1 = godkänd med viss tvekan, 2 = godkänd, 3 = väl godkänd med viss tvekan och 4 = Väl godkänd. Betygen 1 och 3 används bara vid gränsfall. Vid sammanvägningen av moment krävs minst genomsnittsbetyget 3 för att betyget ska bli Väl godkänd. För betyget godkänd på kursen krävs minst betyget 1 på samtliga ingående moment. (Från kursbeskrivningen för 2EH326 Ekonomisk historia A/Global omvandling och globalisering 1700-2000, 15 hp).

Det utökade betyget på modulen ”PM och seminarier” och tentamenspoängen från modulen ”Tentamen” överförs till SLU:s betygsskala enligt nedanstående tabell fastslagen av examinatorn vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen. Kursbetyget vid SLU är en sammanvägning av modulbetyget från modulen ”PM och seminarier” och tentamenspoäng med hänsyn tagen till nivån på kursbetyget som ges för 2EH326, t ex om kursbetyget för 2EH326 är G för en viss kombination av modulbetyg blir SLU-betyget 3.

PM och seminarier, 7,5 hp

Tentamen, 7,5 hp






SLU-betyg (UU-betyg)

G1 =


19 – 28 p =


3 (G)

G1 =


29 – 35 p =


3 (G)

G1 =


36 – 40 p =


3 (G)

G2 =


19 – 28 p =


3 (G)

G2 =


29 p =


3 (G)

G2 =


30 – 35 p =


4 (VG)

G2 =


36 – 40 p =


4 (VG)

VG3 =


19 p =


3 (G)

VG3 =


20 – 28 p =


3 (G)

VG3 =


29 – 35 p =


4 (VG)

VG3 =


36 – 40 p =


5 (VG)

VG4 =


19 p =


3 (G)

VG4 =


20 – 28 p =


4 (VG)

VG4 =


29 – 35 p =


4 (VG)

VG4 =


36 – 40 p =


5 (VG)

Litterature list

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 26165 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1N)
Subject: History
Course code: HI0026 Application code: SLU-40110 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Economics Pace: 100%