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Animal welfare and behaviour

The course contains specialisation within the fields of ethology and animal welfare. The course is built-up of self-study with seminars of scientific literature, where the student leads actively the implementation. The course contains a number of key lectures, applied exercises assessment of animal husbandry forms and a project work in the form of a scientific ethological study. In the course, the general skills debate and argumentation ability through exercises where current animal welfare issues are discussed out are trained several different perspectives. The course contains a project work and study visit.

Compulsory components occur within e g exercises, seminar, project work and study visits.

Course evaluation

The course evaluation is now closed

HV0188-20007 - Course evaluation report

Once the evaluation is closed, the course coordinator and student representative have 1 month to draft their comments. The comments will be published in the evaluation report.

Additional course evaluations for HV0188

Academic year 2020/2021

Animal welfare and behaviour (HV0188-20034)

2020-11-02 - 2021-01-17

Syllabus and other information

Grading criteria

Examination activity

Learning objective 1

Learning objective 2

Learning objective 3

Learning objective 4

Learning objective 4


Mark 4 or 5: Quiz passed before deadline

Mark 3: Quiz passed

Mark 4 or 5: Quiz passed before deadline

Mark 3: Quiz passed

Mark 4 or 5: Quiz passed before deadline

Mark 3: Quiz passed

Ethics assignment

Mark 3: The student discuss and review research on ethics related to ethology, animal welfare and animal protection critically.

Mark 3: The student assess and discuss different animal husbandry forms based on an ethics perspective.

Mark 3: The student describes different ethical standpoints in a chosen animal ethics dilemma.

Poster symposium

Mark 3: The student demonstrates an ability to present animal welfare issues in the poster format.

Mark 3: The students collaborate and produce a poster with the target group of the students of the course.


Mark 3: The student demonstrates the complexity in drawing conclusions about animal welfare from data, scientific literature and real life situations.

Mark 3: The students carry out a collaborative project, using scientific literature, and finding or gathering data, analyse with an appropriate method (method should be reflected on) and discuss their results in the light of relevant scientific literature.

Mark 3: The student demonstrate knowledge on how changes in animal husbandry may affect the different parameters of animal welfare.


Mark 3: The student shall after completing the course be able to actively and critically discuss the problems chosen by the group in the light of scientific literature and real life situations.

Mark 3: The student shall after completing the course be able to assess and discuss different animal husbandry forms based on an animal welfare, behaviour and ethics perspective within the problems chosen by the group.

Home exam

See table with specific requirements

Course objectives

discuss and review research within ethology, animal welfare and animal protection critically

assess and discuss different animal husbandry forms based on an animal welfare, behaviour and ethics perspective

apply animal welfare legislation and/or regulations and analyse and reflect on both national and international aspects on animal welfare and animal ethics

design and carry out projects and within animal behaviour and welfare using appropriate experimental and design methods

present scientific information aimed at a specified audience

Home exam

Mark 3

Mark 4

Mark 5


Discuss and review research within ethology, animal welfare and animal protection critically

The student demonstrates the ability to review scientific literature in relation to a specific case.

The student describes hers/his assessment of the animal welfare state and/or animal behaviour based on the literature reviewed.

The student demonstrates the ability to value the quality (e.g. study design, methods chosen) of the scientific literature reviewed.


assess and discuss different animal husbandry forms based on an animal welfare, behaviour and ethics perspective

The student makes an assessment and a comparison of animal husbandry form. The assessment is based on scientific literature and evaluated with ethical arguments.

With the use of scientific literature, the student suggests improvement of the animal husbandry forms described.


apply animal welfare legislation and/or regulations and analyse and reflect on both national and international aspects on animal welfare and animal ethics

The student describes animal welfare legislation or other types of regulations used in different countries or parts of the world. Furthermore, the student describes different ethical standpoints in a chosen animal ethics dilemma.

With the use of scientific literature, the student suggests improvement of the legislation/regulations described.

The student analyses arguments might potentially affect the ethical standpoints described (see mark 3 requirements) in relation to the suggested improvements (see mark 4).

Specific criteria for the graded mark set from the home exam:

Litterature list

  1. Understanding animal welfare : The science in its cultural context (UFAW animal welfare series) Författare: Fraser D. Kommentar: Obligatory literature: • Fraser, D. (2008). Understanding animal welfare : The science in its cultural context (UFAW animal welfare series). Oxford ; Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell. • Scientific papers related to course activities

Not obligatory but highly recommended: One book focusing on Animal Behaviour, of your own choice. Here are some suggestions (if you find another book on the corresponding level that is more relevant for you that is ok): • Manning, A., & Dawkins, M. (2012). An introduction to animal behaviour (6th ed.). Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press. • Price, E. (2008). Principles and applications of domestic animal behavior: An introductory text. Wallingford: CABI. • Broom, D., & Fraser, A. (2015). Domestic animal behaviour and welfare. (Fifth edition / Donald M. Broom and Andrew F. Fraser. ed.). Wallingford: CABI. • Martin, P., & Bateson, P. (2007). Measuring behaviour: An introductory guide (3.rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

If you want to prepare before the course on the basic elements of animal behaviour (and welfare) we suggest that you read Jensen 2009 (at least part 1). This book indicates the level of knowledge that is expected at course start. • Jensen, P. (2009). The ethology of domestic animals: An introductory text. Wallingford: CABI Pub. Jensen, 2009 (or at least an older version from 2002) is available as e-book at the SLU library.

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes The course is offered as a programme course: Animal Science - Master's Programme Agriculture Programme - Animal Science Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38054 SEK Cycle: Master’s level (A1N)
Subject: Animal Science Biology Animal science Biology
Course code: HV0188 Application code: SLU-20007 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: English Responsible department: Department of Animal Envrionment and Health Pace: 100%