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Animal breeding and genetics

Course evaluation

Additional course evaluations for HV0206

Academic year 2023/2024

Animal breeding and genetics (HV0206-30014)

2024-03-20 - 2024-06-02

Academic year 2022/2023

Animal breeding and genetics (HV0206-40097)

2023-03-22 - 2023-06-04

Syllabus and other information

Litterature list

Kursen kommer att använda följande böcker:

**Genetic improvement of farmed animals
**Författare: Simm, G., Pollott, G., Mrode, R., Houston,R. & Mashall, K.
ISBN: 9781789241716

**Variansanalys och försöksplanering
**Författare: Ulla Engstrand & Ulf Olsson
Finns till försäljning i Servicecenter i Ulls hus, c:a 250 kr.

Kompendier och artiklar kommer att delas ut under kursen, kontakta kursledaren vid frågor.

Course facts

The course is offered as an independent course: Yes The course is offered as a programme course: Animal Science and Sustainability (BSc) Tuition fee: Tuition fee only for non-EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens: 38060 SEK Cycle: Bachelor’s level (G1F)
Subject: Animal Science Biology
Course code: HV0206 Application code: SLU-40178 Location: Uppsala Distance course: No Language: Swedish Responsible department: Department of Animal Biosciences Pace: 100%