7 Dec


A toolbox for increased academic productivity: From efficiency to effectiveness


SLU Landcape Teaching Synergy Forum is organizing a workshop: A toolbox for increased academic productivity: From efficiency to effectiveness

The objective is to provide academics with a toolbox for increased academic productivity. The background is that in academia we focus on what/the content of our work, but sometimes we forget to pay attention to our own work process, or how we work, think, and act.

However, the process is important for finishing research projects and managing stress levels. Furthermore, as individuals, we often have one main strategy, or a certain way of thinking and acting, to deal with a variety of situations. Often, our main strategy works fine, but when we encounter new situations, we might need a greater variety of strategies.

This workshop is designed to provide you with new strategies applicable to academic work. More specifically, you will learn productivity tools such as the 80/20 principle, and working in units, and apply them to your own work situation. 

Later, we will discuss and explore these strategies to support students and ourselves into the context of all of education and research we produce at SLU Landscape.

Åsa BurmanAbout the workshop leader: Åsa Burman is Reader (Docent) in practical philosophy at Stockholm University. She is the author of the Doctoral Student Handbook: Master Effectiveness, Reduce Stress and Finish on Time.

Over the past twelve years, Åsa and her Finish on Time colleagues have interacted with over 10 000 academics at universities throughout Sweden on topics such as academic productivity, academic writing and sustainable work methods. You can read more at www.finishontime.org

Registration to workshop

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Time: 2022-12-07 13:00 - 15:00
City: online
Organiser: SLU Teaching Synergy Forum
Additional info:

Zoom link will be sent out after registration.
Please contact Amanda Gabriel if you have any questions.

SLU Landscape Teaching Synergy Forum:
A setting for landscape educators at SLU to discuss teaching, exchange ideas, share work materials and explore collaboration opportunities. 


Amanda Gabriel
Lecturer at the Department of People and Society

Telephone: +4640415233, +46735186432
E-mail: amanda.gabriel@slu.se

Frida Andreasson
Program director – Landscape engineering

Researcher at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management

Telephone: +4640415248
E-mail: frida.andreasson@slu.se

Johan Ronnesjö
Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; SoL, Landskapsarkitektur Landskapsförvaltning

Telephone: +4618671752
E-mail: johan.ronnesjo@slu.se

SLU Landscape
SLU Landscape operates as a cross-institutional network for collaboration and joint profiling of work done in the landscape subject area at SLU. It is one of the largest environments for research and teaching in landscape architecture in Europe. 
