11 Oct

Loftets bankettsal, Ultuna, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Rikssalen, Uppsala castle, Uppsala, Sweden, Uppsala

12th One Health Sweden Scientific Meeting

meetings | seminars, workshops |

Welcome to the 12th One Health Sweden Scientific Meeting! Time to register Three sessions with oral presentations: “Under the One Health umbrella”, “Bats” and “Surveillance”.

Date: 11 October 2023
Venue: On site meeting at Loftets bankettsal, Ultuna, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Rikssalen, Uppsala castle, Uppsala, Sweden

Session 1: "Under the One Health umbrella"
Session 2: "Bats”
Session 3: “Surveillance”

Joint session at the castle: "Utilization of cross functional benefits".

We are happy to collaborate with STUNS, the foundation for collaboration between the universities in Uppsala, business and society, for this annual One Health meeting. We will have a joint session at Uppsala castle with speakers talking on One Health topics. After the session there will be mingle at the castle with drinks and light food with great opportunity to meet future collaborators. For information see Uppsala LIFE 2023 - The Annual Life Science Event (stuns.se). Please register for the castle session separately, link to registration form below.

The meeting, including lunch in Ultuna and mingle at Uppsala castle, is free of charge. There is limited number of seats so first come, first served basis. If you register but do not show up at the meeting you will receive an invoice of 500 SEK.

William’s in central Uppsala is booked for participants signed up for dinner. Dinner and drinks at own expense.


Time: 2023-10-11 10:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Loftets bankettsal, Ultuna, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Rikssalen, Uppsala castle, Uppsala, Sweden
Organiser: One Health Sweden
Last signup date: 1 October 2023
Additional info:

For registration please follow this link.

Abstracts, talks and posters:
First session, “Under the One Health umbrella”, is open for shorter oral presentations from the conference participants based upon abstracts. Please send in your abstracts consisting of maximum 250 words.

There will of course also be an exhibition for scientific posters. No abstracts needed for posters but we do need poster title and name of authors.

If you are interested in giving an oral or poster presentation send your abstract/poster title no later than September 24 to Eva.Haxton@medsci.uu.se and Tanja.Strand@sva.se.

For further information, contact Eva Haxton or Tanja Strand.

Best regards,
Steering committee of One Health Sweden


10.00 Registration/poster hanging

10.15 Session “Under the One Health umbrella”
”Swedish bats and their habitats – a book release” – Disa Eklöf/SVA

11.30 Lunch with posters

13.00 Session “Bats”
”Bats and humans living side by side” – Johnny de Jong/SLU
“Bat-borne viruses: diversity, spillover potential and impact on global animal and human health” - Anne-Lie Blomström/SLU
”What do we know about Bat lyssaviruses?” – Viktor Ahlberg/SVA

14.10 Short coffee break

14.30 Session ”Surveillance”
“Exploring the 'Report Tick' Web Tool: An Overview of the Tool and its Image Analysis Capabilities” - Giulio Grandi, SVA and Najmeh Abiri, LU
"Real-time surveillance of respiratory virus spread using symptom reporting, is it possible?” - Tove Fall/UU

15.15 End Ultuna part

15.24 or 15.34 Bus 12 to Segerstedt by Uppsala castle

16.15 Joint STUNS Session and Mingle at Uppsala castle

19.00 William’s booked in central Uppsala for those pre-registered

Program subject to change.
