SLU news

Graduate School LiFT 2019

Published: 24 May 2019

14 LiFT PhD students visited SLU to get insights in food ethics and legislation

The Graduate School LiFT (Future Technologies for Food production) is a national education and research network in food-related areas. The overall goal of the graduate school is to strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish food industry by providing highly trained PhDs with high scientific competence in areas of importance for the Swedish society and industry. LiFT is a part of Food Science Sweden ( 

The LiFT course “Food Ethics and Legislation” was hosted by SLU in Uppsala, 6th-8th May, 2019. The contribution from lecturers from academia, the National Food Administration, The Swedish Food Federation (Livsmedelsföretagen) and Bergström & Hellqvist AB, gave an excellent opportunity for PhD students to broaden their knowledge and expand their networks. Areas covered during the course included laws and directives at EU and national level, the National Food Administration's regulations and their application in food industry. The students also discussed the ethical issues in the food chain, and aspects in human-animal interaction. 

-       It was very important course for me because I plan to work in agriculture / food sector after graduation. After the course I feel that I am better equipped with knowledge to face a tricky jungle of laws, rules and ethical dilemmas, says Thomas Eliasson, a PhD student at SLU. Thomas is working on the project "The pursuit of the flavour producing lactobacilli throughout the dairy value chain; from forage plants to the matured cheese".

LiFT PhD students have various backgrounds including civil engineering, chemical engineering, agronomy, biology or food science. 

-      The LiFT course “Food Ethics and Legislation” at SLU was an excellent opportunity to expand my network because it allowed me to be in contact and discuss relevant topics with other PhD students and also with the speakers and researchers, saysGabriel Barbosa, a PhD student at Chalmers who investigates the stability of anthocyanins from berry fruits during mild processing.

-      Our goal is to offer educational activities of high quality and organize the relevant course for our PhD students, says course administrator Galia Zamaratskaia.

The next LiFT course “Innovation strategy, entrepreneurship and project management”, will be hosted by Chalmers. Read more about LiFT:
