SLU news

Climate resilient food production - a future scenario workshop

Published: 24 September 2019

At a workshop today, SLU researchers gave a state-of-the-art synthesis of what we know today about future needs and uses of our food productions systems globally, as well as in Sweden.

As many as 140 particpants gathered today to discuss and identify future challenges for resilient food production in 2050.

- We know that climate change is already here and farmers across the globe are experiencing unstable and unpredictable crop seasons, increased agricultural pests and diseases and more frequent and more intense extreme weather events, said Sara Gräslund, Head of SLU Global, in her opening speech.
- It is a quite a challenge we have ahead of us, Sara Gräslund continued. The good news is that there are lots of constructive adaptation options.

During the first half of the day, key note speakers, mainly researchers from SLU, presented state of the art synthesis of soil and water resources, land use systems, livestock production; power and poverty dimensions and policy in practice. In the afternoon group discussions took place, followed by a discussion in plenary when the key note speakers summarised their take home messages from the discussions.

- We are extremely happy to see so many people gathered here to contribute to this event, which is a collaboration between SLU Global and Future Food, said Pernilla Johnsson, Programme Secretary at Future Food.

The people participating during the day were students, reseachers; and representatives from organisations, industry and public sector.


(This news text were written before the group discussions in the afternoon were held.)