Integrating insect olfaction and behavior for improved biocontrol with hoverflies

Last changed: 18 April 2023
Close up photo of a hover fly - Eopeodes Collorae

A global decline of insects calls attention to the vulnerability of our ecosystems and our reliance on beneficial insects that act as pollinators or natural enemies of pests. Hoverflies are fascinating ecosystem service providers.

Episyrphus balteatus, a species used for biological pest control, feeds as larva on aphids and pollinates flowering plants as adult. A better understanding on the regulation of different behaviors throughout development might help to conserve hoverflies and improve biocontrol application.

Olfaction integrates sensory information related to predation, pollination and other behaviors. We aim at a better understanding of the olfactory system and regulation of key behaviors in the life history of hoverflies as a basis for advanced biocontrol application.

We will combine transcriptomics, sampling and chemical analyses of ecologically relevant odors, electrophysiological testing of odors for responses at the antennal level, as well as behavioral investigations and field work.

The project will strongly relate to practical application based on earlier found attraction of E. balteatus to Metschnikowia yeasts in an organic apple orchard. Metschnikowia is used as a product for biocontrol of plant pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea. By use of yeast dispensers it might be possible to attract hoverflies to feed on a high-quality yeast diet that supports production of aphidophagous larvae, and moreover disperse the yeast by “Flying Agents” to flowering crops.


Project title

Integrating insect olfaction and behavior for improved biocontrol with hoverflies

Project leader

Paul Becher, department of plant protection biology


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Flinders University (Australien), National Centre for Biological Sciences (Indien), United States Department of Agriculture

Funding period


Funding Body


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Read more about the project in the research database Swecris: Swecris - Integration av insekters luktsinne och beteende för förbättrad biologisk bekämpning med blomflugor (