The MEKARN project has finished

Last changed: 17 September 2020

The MEKARN (Mekong Basin Animal Research Network) Programme involves cooperation between HUV and 14 research institutes and university departments of animal production/science in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. The programme was supported by Sida and became operational in 2001, and the third and final phase (2008-2012) has now ended. Activities have focused on the sustainable use of natural resources in integrated, small-scale livestock-based systems. In December 2012 the final five PhD students defended their theses in the MEKARN project.


MEKARN logotype. Picture.


Watch a power point presentation about MEKARN


Facts about MEKARN

  • 63 students from four countries have received Master of Science degree from SLU, of which 32 % from Cambodia, 24% från Lao PDR, 34 % från Vietnam and 11 % from Thailand
  • In average 36% of the students were females
  • 32 doctors graduated during 2001-2012
  • All research done in home country on practical, farmer-related issues
  • In general four articles are included in the doctoral thesis



Ewa Wredle,, phone +46 18 672699
