17 Jan
2 Jan

Sal D & Övrre Foajén Undervisningshuset, Uppsala

Lunch Seminar "Opposite DOC trends in soil and surface waters – is recovery from acidification the most plausible explanation?"

<p style="text-align:center"> by <strong>Stefan Löfgren</strong>, Research Group Leader, Geochemistry and hydrology at Swedish University of Agticultural Sciences, Dept. of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment </p> <p style="text-align: center;">The seminar is given as a part of a bigger workshop “Aquatic Carbon –Progress, Puzzles and Prospects” For program se link below. <p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="http://www.slu.se/Global/externwebben/forskarskolor/focus-soils-water/FoSW_logo.jpg" /></p>

Abstract is comming up soon!


Time: 2013-01-17 11:00 - 2013-01-02 12:30
City: Uppsala
Location: Sal D & Övrre Foajén Undervisningshuset
Organiser: FoSW
Last signup date: 15 January 2013
Additional info:

Lunch seminar in connection to the Workshop on DOC.

For detailed DOC workshop program: “Aquatic Carbon –Progress, Puzzles and Prospects
