Invitation to the open lectures of FoSW PhD course PNG0070 - 15-18 May 2017

Last changed: 09 May 2017

Reviewing and Summarizing Science - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Science* (*But Did Not Ask)

Monday 16. May: Topic of the day – Key publications

09.00-09.45 (A2034, MVM): Lecture: Key publications – What, why and how? Identifcation of key publications, Journal impact factor, citations per year and societal impact.

Tuesday 16. May: Topic of the day – How to read a paper and how to write a manuscript review

09.00-09.45 Lärosal X (Ulls hus): Lecture: Brief introduction about the structure of a research article.

13.00-14.30 Lärosal T (Ulls hus): Lecture: How to write a manuscript review? Structure and content. Experience as referee, editor and author.

Wednesday 17. May: Topic of the day – Literature review

9.00-10.00 (A2034, MVM): Lecture: Brief introduction about the common structure of a literature review. How to write one. Endnote as help.

Thursday 18. May: Topic of the day – Conferences

9.00-10.30 (A2034, MVM): Lecture: Why conferences, how to choose them and how to use them to your advantage.

11.00-12.00 (A2034, MVM): Lecture: Networking during conferences - formal and informal activities


Lecturer: Antonia Liess, lector at Halmstad University, Associate Editor of Freshwater Science. Welcome!
