GS-VMAS Planned activities

Last changed: 05 April 2024

Here you may find an overview of planned activities such as workshops and seminars within GS-VMAS. Upcoming acitivities are announced via the web, in the VHC coffe rooms and via mail to doktorand-VH.


Seminar: Patents & Intellectual Property Rights in Academy

When: 25 April, 2024, time 12.15 - 13.30

Where: Tanngrisner 2 (VHC)

Interested in patents and how to protect research-based ideas? Join our seminar on principles for managing intellectual property in research. The seminar will provide information on the roles of university, researchers, and PhD students in utilizing research results with intellectual property rights for educational purposes and publishing research findings.

Christer Frånlund is a senior Innovation and Business Advisor from SLU holding. He will present principles on patents and intellectual property rights in academy.

Gabriella Lindgren, senior lecturer and assoc. professor at HBIO, will present her experience with patents and the protection of research-based ideas.

Deadline for registration: 17 April, 2024

Workshop: Academic Productivity

When: May 22 2024, time 13.00-16.00

Where: Tanngrisner 1, VHC

Welcome to half-day workshop where you will get tools and strategies that help you increase your academic productivity.

More specifically, you will learn productivity tools such as the 80/20 principle, focusing on the end product, and working in units, and apply them to your own work situation. These tools serve to reinforce each other, are easy to implement, and provide a powerful impact. For more information see workshop poster.

The workshop is led by Åsa Bjurman from Finish on time and the author of of The Doctoral Student Handbook: Maser Effectiveness, Reduce Stress and Finish on time.

Deadline for registration: May 10

Workshop: Sustainable work methods

When: Autumn 2024

Where: More info will come

During the autumn we will together with Finish on Time arrange an additional workshop on Sustainable work methods – how to go from negative stress to sustainable work methods.

This half-day gives participants access to new approaches and techniques for a sustainable work situation. Theory around stress such as the demand-control-support model is interspersed with practical exercises. 

The workshop is led by Åsa Bjurman from Finish on time and the author of of The Doctoral Student Handbook: Maser Effectiveness, Reduce Stress and Finish on time.

Deadline for registration: Date will come later
Poster: Will come later
Register: Will come later


