Ultra High- (UHPLC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), and Bomb Calorimeter

Last changed: 08 September 2020

UHPLC for amino acid analysis. Bomb calorimeter for determination of gross energy.

Bomb calorimeter – Parr Isoperobol Calorimeter 6300 uppgraded with screen and controller for 6400.

UHPLC for amino acid analysis: UltiMate 3000 RS. The system includes

◾Variable wavelength detector, Device: VWD-3400RS, P/N: 5074.0010

◾Column department, Device: TCC-3000RS, P/N: 5730.0000

◾Autosampler, Device: WPS-3000RS, P/N: 5840.0010

Hydrolyzing units (micro wave) Paar Multiwave 3000 and Mars 6.

Two complete HPLC systems.


Anna-Greta Haglund

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