SLU news

Amelia Mutter – new colleague in WP1

Published: 15 September 2020
portrait image Amelia Mutter

Amelia Mutter, PhD in technology and social change is now working for WP 1, government-led dialogue.

Amelia grew up in the USA and has a bachelor's degree in communications of science technology from Vanderbilt University and a master's degree in environmental science, policy and management from Lund University.

She defended her thesis in technology and social change earlier this year at Linköping University. The title of the thesis is Multiple Imaginaries of the Fossil Fuel Free Future – Biogas and Electricity in Swedish Urban Transport.

Urban development in Uppsala

Amelia will work in Work Package 1 together with, among others, Martin Westin and Camilo Calderon on the case Urban development in Uppsala on how community planners understand and use power.  

 “Previously I have worked with the theory sociotechnical imaginaries on how people understand the future and how understanding is mutual in society. Working with this I became curious about who gets a say in matters concerning society. That’s how I got in to similar issues as Camilo and Martin” says Amelia.

One purpose of the project is to investigate how more people can participate in planning processes in community planning. Another purpose is to produce concrete recommendations for the community planners.

“I am excited to work with the material that has already been collected, but also to be involved in collecting more material in the long run. I find it interesting to think about how community planners themselves understand concepts such as power and conflict, and how they handle it when they have to work with demands from different channels. To have this close collaboration with the practitioners is new for me and I look forward to being able to actually develop recommendations from that collaboration. It feels very exciting and rewarding to reach out to practitioners and not just other researchers,” Amelia concludes.

Amelia works at SLU’s Division of Environmental Communication.

