@misc{RN1066, title = {Redogörelse för verksamheten vid Statens skogsförsöksanstalt under femårsperioden 1927-1931 jämte förslag till arbetsprogram}, number = {27:9}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10146/}, year = {1932}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1065, title = {Redogörelse för verksamheten vid Statens skogsförsöksanstalt under år 1934}, number = {28:9}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10158/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1064, title = {Redogörelse för verksamheten vid Statens skogsförsöksanstalt under år 1935}, number = {29:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10166/}, year = {1936}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1063, title = {Redogörelse för verksamheten vid Statens skogsförsöksanstalt under år 1936}, number = {29:9}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10167/}, year = {1937}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1062, title = {Redogörelse för verksamheten vid Statens skogsförsöksanstalt under tiden 1932-31/10 1937 jämte förslag till arbetsuppgifter under den kommande femårsperioden}, number = {31:4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10175/}, year = {1938}, type = {Generic} } @inbook{RN1061, title = {National forest survey of Vasternorrland, 1938. National forest survey of the Ljungan, Indalsalven and Angermanalven watersheds, 1938 and 1939. National forest survey of Jamtland, 1939 and 1940}, booktitle = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Vasternorrlands lans skogar ar 1938. Riksskogstaxeringen av Ljungans, Indalsalvens och Angermanalvens flodomraden aren 1938 och 1939. Riksskogstaxeringen av Jamtlands lan aren 1939 och 1940.}, url = {://CABI:19406615605 }, year = {1940}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN1059, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Ljungans, Indalsälvens och Ångermanälvens flodområden åren 1938 och 1939 : förelöpande rapport till statsrådet och chefen för Kungl. jordbruksdepartementet}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Norrlands skogsvårdsförbunds tidskrift, 1940:4 Bilaga}, pages = {75 s.}, year = {1940}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1058, title = {State Forest Survey of the river basins of the Ljunga, Indalsalv, and Angermanalv, 1938 and 1939}, journal = {Skogsagaren}, volume = {17}, pages = {11-5}, note = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Ljungans, Indalsalvens och Angermanalvens flodomraden aren 1938 och 1939.}, url = {://CABI:19410601603 }, year = {1941}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN1057, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Jämtlands län åren 1939 och 1940 : rapport till statsrådet och chefen för Kungl. jordbruksdepartementet}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Norrlands skogsvårdsförbunds tidskrift, 1942:4 Bilaga}, pages = {105 s.}, year = {1942}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN1056, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Ljungans, Indalsälvens och Ångermanälvens flodområden åren 1938 och 1939 : förelöpande rapport till statsrådet och chefen för Kungl. jordbruksdepartementet}, year = {1942}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1053, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Gävleborgs län år 1942 : rapport till statsrådet och chefen för Kungl. jordbruksdepartementet}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Norrlands skogsvårdsförbunds tidskrift, 1944:2 Bilaga}, pages = {72 s.}, year = {1944}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1052, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Västerbottens län och Norrbottens läns kustland samt taxeringsresultat för skogarna inom Norrbottens läns lappmark (bearbetning av Domänverkets och Skogsvårdsstyrelsens taxeringar åren 1930-1941) : rapport till statsrådet och chefen för Kungl. jordbruksdepartementet}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Norrlands skogsvårdsförbunds tidskrift, 1944:1 Bilaga}, pages = {179 s.}, year = {1944}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1054, title = {State forest survey in the Province of Gavleborg}, journal = {Skogen}, volume = {31}, pages = {284-6}, note = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Gavleborgs lan.}, url = {://CABI:19446600045 }, year = {1944}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1051, title = {Expanded forestry research}, journal = {Skogen}, volume = {32}, pages = {339-40}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, ISSN = {0037-640X}, url = {://CABI:19450601530}, year = {1945}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN1050, title = {Redogörelser för verksamheten vid Statens skogsförsöksanstalt under åren 1941-1944}, number = {34:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10206/}, year = {1945}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1049, title = {Berättelse över verksamheten vid Statens skogsforskningsinstitut under perioden 1938-1945 jämte förslag till arbetsprogram för den kommande femårsperioden}, number = {35:4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9891/}, year = {1946}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1048, title = {Berättelse över verksamheten vid Statens skogsforskningsinstitut under år 1945}, number = {35:3}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9890/}, year = {1946}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1046, title = {Berättelse över verksamheten vid Statens skogsforskningsinstitut under år 1946}, number = {36:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9905/}, year = {1947}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN1047, title = {Vid andra riksskogstaxeringen av Norrland åren 1938-42 använd metodik och härom vunna erfarenheter : redogörelse / avgiven av 1937 års riksskogstaxeringsnämnd}, institution = {Statens offentliga utredningar, 1947:36}, number = {ISSN 0375-250X}, year = {1947}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN1045, title = {Berättelse över verksamheten vid Statens skogsforskningsinstitut under år 1947}, number = {37:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9914/}, year = {1948}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1044, title = {Berättelse över verksamheten vid Statens skogsforskningsinstitut under år 1948}, number = {38:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9925/}, year = {1949}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1043, title = {Berättelse över verksamheten vid Statens skogsforskningsinstitut under år 1949}, number = {39:6}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9932/}, year = {1950}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1042, title = {Berättelse över verksamheten vid Statens skogsforskningsinstitut under år 1950}, number = {40:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9942/}, year = {1951}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1041, title = {Statens skogsforskningsinstitut 1902-1952}, number = {42:1}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9955/}, year = {1952}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1040, title = {Berättelse över verksamheten vid Statens skogsforskningsinstitut under perioden 1946-1952 jämte förslag till arbetsprogram för den kommande femårsperioden}, number = {43:6}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9965/}, year = {1953}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1039, title = {Skogshögskolan 125 år}, number = {12-19}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9505/}, year = {1953}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN1038, title = {Föreläsningar hållna vid lantmäteristyrelsens kurs i skogsvärdering 28/10-1/11 1957 å Jordbrukets föreningsskola, Sånga-Säby gård, Svartsjö}, pages = {[106] s. med var. pag.}, year = {1957}, type = {Book} } @inbook{RN1037, title = {Proceedings of the meeting of the Section 32 [of I.U.F.R.O.]: Operational Efficiency, in Stockholm, 30 August - 3 September, 1958}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the meeting of the Section 32 [of I.U.F.R.O.]: Operational Efficiency, in Stockholm, 30 August - 3 September, 1958.}, pages = {138 pp.}, note = {Proceedings of the meeting of the Section 32 [of I.U.F.R.O.]: Operational Efficiency, in Stockholm, 30 August - 3 September, 1958.}, url = {://CABI:19590600519 }, year = {1959}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN1036, title = {Instruktion für die Aussenarbeit bei der Reichswaldtaxation im Jahre 1969}, publisher = {Stockholm}, address = {Stockholm}, year = {1969}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1035, title = {Mål och metoder för en ny riksskogstaxering m. m. Symposier på Skogshögskolan den 27 och 28 november 1972. Del 1. Underlagspromemoria med bilagor. Del 2. Diskussionsprotokoll.}, journal = {Rapporter och Uppsatser, Institutionen for Skogstaxering. 16}, number = {No. 16, parts 1 & 2}, pages = {99 + 193 pp.}, note = {Aims and methods for the new [Swedish] National Forest Survey, etc. Symposia at the Forestry College, Nov. 1972. Vol. 1: Background memorandum and annexes. Vol. 2: Proceedings.}, url = {://CABI:19770637854 }, year = {1973}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN1033, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1978}, address = {Umeå}, pages = {[108] bl.(var. pag.)}, year = {1978}, type = {Book} } @inbook{RN1034, title = {[Scandinavia]}, booktitle = {National forest inventory. Joint meeting of IUFRO groups S4.02}, pages = {364-393, 691-700}, note = {International Union of Forest Research Organizations Forest Resource Inventory National forest inventory. Joint meeting of IUFRO groups S4.02 (Forest Resource Inventory) and S4.04 (Forest Management Planning and Managerial Economics) 18-24 June 1978, Bucharest, Romania.}, url = {://CABI:19790652109 }, year = {1978}, type = {Book Section} } @inbook{RN1032, title = {Biomass research in the Nordic countries. A symposium in Umea on 23-25 Oct. 1979, organized by the Department of Forest Survey and the Department of Forest Yield Research with the support of the Swedish National Board for Energy Source Development}, booktitle = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {175 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-0588-2}, url = {://CABI:19810670545 }, year = {1980}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN1031, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid Riksskogstaxeringen år 1980}, address = {Umeå}, pages = {ca 200 s.}, year = {1980}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1030, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1973 - 77 : skogstillst°and, tillväxt och avverkning = The Swedish national forest survey 1973 - 77}, publisher = {Ume°a}, address = {Ume°a}, series = {The Swedish national forest survey 1973 - 77}, keywords = {1973-1977}, year = {1980}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN1028, title = {Behovet av forskning och försök inom mark-teknikområdet}, number = {61}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5015/}, year = {1981}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1029, title = {Skogsdata 81}, journal = {Skogsdata}, ISSN = {0280-0543}, year = {1981}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN1027, title = {Skogsdata 82. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna fran riksskogstaxeringen. }, note = {Sweden, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, url = {://CABI:19840694997 }, year = {1982}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1025, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1983}, address = {Umeå}, pages = {233 s.}, year = {1983}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN1026, title = {Skogsdata 83. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [återväxt, tillväxt, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd]}, institution = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, note = {Övervägande tabeller. 24 ref.}, keywords = {5021 pinus pinaceae picea betulaceae plants natural resources biological development forestry operations scandinavia western europe europe pinus sylvestris picea abies betula timber trees deciduous plants forest resources growth logging felling surveys yields sweden}, year = {1983}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1023, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år : jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5021 Umeå 1983 forest resources sweden forests measurement surveys}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN1024, title = {Skogsdata 85. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd]}, institution = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, note = {Övervägande tabeller. 28 ref.}, keywords = {5021 pinus pinaceae picea betulaceae plants natural resources forestry operations processing scandinavia western europe europe biological development pinus sylvestris picea abies betula timber trees deciduous plants forest resources logging felling cutting sweden growth yields surveys}, year = {1985}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1021, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid Riksskogstaxeringen år 1986}, publisher = {Inst.}, address = {Umeå :}, pages = {290 s.}, year = {1986}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN1022, title = {Skogsdata 86. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd]}, institution = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, note = {Övervägande tabeller. 28 ref.}, keywords = {5021 pinus pinaceae picea betulaceae plants natural resources forestry operations processing scandinavia western europe europe biological development pinus sylvestris picea abies betula timber trees deciduous plants forest resources logging felling cutting sweden growth yields surveys}, year = {1986}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN1020, title = {Skogsdata 87. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd, inkl. skogsskador, kronutglesning]}, institution = {SLU}, note = {Övervägande tabeller. 29 ref.}, keywords = {5021 pinus pinaceae picea betulaceae land resources natural resources forestry operations processing scandinavia western europe europe biological development tree form plant habit pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees forest land forest resources logging felling cutting site factors sweden growth yields symptoms crown surveys}, year = {1987}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1018, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1988}, publisher = {SLU, Inst. f. skogstax}, address = {Umeå :}, pages = {311 s.}, year = {1988}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN1019, title = {Skogsdata 88. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd, inkl. skogsskador, kronutglesning]}, institution = {SLU}, note = {Övervägande tabeller. 31 ref.}, keywords = {5021 pinus pinaceae picea betulaceae vegetation natural resources forestry operations processing forestation forest management land resources scandinavia western europe europe biological development tree form plant habit pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees forests forest resources logging felling cutting afforestation forest land site factors sweden growth yields symptoms crown surveys}, year = {1988}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN1015, title = {Aktuella skogsskötselfrågor - Föredrag från delkonferensen "SKOGSSKÖTSEL" vid Skogskonferensen i Umeå 1988}, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. skogsskötsel}, year = {1990}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1016, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1990}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, keywords = {5021 Jo AGROVOC: Fel vid amnesord: 5 0 2 1}, pages = {[334] s.}, year = {1990}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN1017, title = {Skogsdata 89/90. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd, inkl. skogsskador, kronutglesning]}, institution = {SLU}, note = {Övervägande tabeller. 36 ref.}, keywords = {5021 vegetation natural resources land resources forest management surveys forestry operations scandinavia western europe europe pinus pinaceae picea betulaceae biological development tree form plant habit forests forest resources forest land forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors sweden pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown}, year = {1990}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1014, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1991}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, keywords = {5021 Jo AGROVOC: Fel vid amnesord: 5 0 2 1}, pages = {[330] s.}, year = {1991}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1013, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1993-2002 : sammanfattning av förslagspromemorian}, publisher = {SLU, Inst. för skogstax.}, address = {Umeå :}, pages = {18 bl.}, year = {1991}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1012, title = {Skogsskador i Sverige 1990 : resultat av skogsskadebevakning från riksskogstaxeringen och skogsvårdsorganisationens observationsytor}, publisher = {Skogsstyr.}, address = {Jönköping :}, series = {Rapport / Skogsstyrelsen, 1991:4}, pages = {37 s.}, year = {1991}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1011, title = {The Swedish national forest inventory 1993-2002 : summary of the proposal memoranda}, publisher = {Umeå : SLU, Inst. för skogstax.}, address = {Umeå}, year = {1991}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1010, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1992}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, keywords = {5021 Jo AGROVOC: Fel vid amnesord: 5 0 2 1}, pages = {[338] s.}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1007, title = {Nytt från Riksskogstaxeringen}, journal = {Nytt från Riksskogstaxeringen}, ISSN = {1103-4343}, year = {1992}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN1006, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1983-87 : skogstillstånd, tillväxt och avverkning = The Swedish national forest inventory 1983-87 : state of forests, growth and annual cut}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, series = {The Swedish national forest inventory 1983-87}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1008, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1983 - 87 : skogstillstånd, tillväxt och avverkning = The Swedish National Forest Inventory 1983 - 87}, publisher = {Umeå: Institutionen för skogstaxering, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, address = {Umeå}, series = {The Swedish National Forest Inventory 1983 - 87 State of forests, growth and annual cut}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1009, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen ... det okända äventyret}, publisher = {Video Musik Teknik Production AB}, address = {Umeå :}, note = {Medverkande: Johan Bergström, Mats Englund, Jan Ericsson, Lars Fällman, Anders Lundström, Mats Nilsson, Per Nilsson, Lars-Gösta Nordén, Kenneth Nyström, Stig-Arne Olofsson, Jonas Fridman, Torgny Lindh, Per Nilsson, Carl Lugnegård, Bo Eriksson Stillbilder: Carl Lugnegård}, pages = {1 videokassett : (27 min., ljud, färg)}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1001, title = {Fältinstruktion för ståndortskartering av permanenta provytor vid riksskogstaxeringen}, journal = {Fältinstruktion för ståndortskartering av permanenta provytor vid riksskogstaxeringen}, year = {1993}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN1005, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1993}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, keywords = {5021 Jo AGROVOC: Fel vid amnesord: 5 0 2 1}, pages = {[350] s.}, year = {1993}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN1002, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen : en kunskapskälla : 70 års erfarenhet och data från inventeringar i skog och mark}, institution = {Institutionen för skogstaxering, SLU}, year = {1993}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1003, title = {Skogsskador i Sverige 1992 : resultat av skogsskadebevakningen från riksskogstaxeringen och skogsvårdsorganisationens observationsytor}, publisher = {Skogsstyr.}, address = {Jönköping :}, series = {Rapport / Skogsstyrelsen, 1993:3}, keywords = {pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest pathology sweden forest surveys forest inventories forest trees defoliation pinus picea betulaceae scandinavia surveys forest management pinaceae western europe europe}, pages = {34 s.}, year = {1993}, type = {Book} } @book{RN1000, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1994}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, keywords = {5021 Jo AGROVOC: Fel vid amnesord: 5 0 2 1}, pages = {[339] s.}, year = {1994}, type = {Book} } @book{RN999, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1995}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, keywords = {5021 Jo AGROVOC: Fel vid amnesord: 5 0 2 1}, pages = {[333] s.}, year = {1995}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN997, title = {Skogsdata 94. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd, inkl. skogsskador, kronutglesning] }, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. skogstaxering}, year = {1995}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN994, title = {En analys av skogstillståndet samt några alternativa avverkningsberäkningar för en stor del av Östads säteri}, number = {21}, abstract = {Denna rapport innehåller strategiska och taktiska planer för större delen av Östad stiftelses skogsinnehav. Planerna är utförda med hjälp av Indelningspaketet (Jonsson m fl 1993) och med det geografiska informationssystemet SkoGIS. Arbetet har utförts av studenter tillhörande skogsfakulteten vid SLU, under kursen Primärproduktionens planering (betecknad UI-6) Fältinventeringen av skogstillståndet på den berörda fastigheten genomfördes av studenterna under två veckor i början av september 1995. Analyser och bearbetning av data ägde rum under kursens teoridel i Umeå, vilken pågick i fem veckor. I rapporten redovisas sju alternativa avverkningsplaner på strategisk och taktisk nivå. Planerna skiljer sig åt i avseende på realräntan och den framtida prisnivå som används i beräkningarna. Vilken ränta och prisnivå som skall användas bestäms av ägarna, styrelsen eller motsvarande beslutsfattare. Planeraren,(i vårt fall studenterna), ska fatta sådana beslut. De sju avverkningsplanerna skall därför enligt ovanstående resonemang ses som beslutsunderlag för Östads stiftelses ledning när den slutgiltiga valet av avverkningsplan tas. Syftet med Indelningspaketet (IP) är att ta fram en strategisk skoglig plan för den fastighet som analyseras. IP innehåller de viktigaste komponenterna för detta: målformulerings-, inventerings-, konsekvensberäkning-och optimeringskomponenter. De strategiska resultaten kan även användas effektivt i den följande taktiska planeringen m h a statistiska metoder. De taktiska planerna är framtagna m h a GIS (se ovan). Den taktiska planeringens mål är att tillfredsställa den strategiska (övergripande) planeringens mål vad gäller totala avverkningsnivåer och ekonomiskt resultat de närmaste 5-1 O åren. Samtidigt skall planeraren väga in andra viktiga faktorer, som samordning av resurserna areellt, naturvårdsaspekter och landskapseffekter mm. Med hjälp av med regressionsanalys skattade så kallade "inoptimalförluster" kan olika hänsyn på beståndsnivå vägas mot varandra på ett ekonomiskt rationellt sätt. Kort sagt kan man säga att maximala nyttan kan uppnås till minsta möjliga kostnad.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8775/}, year = {1996}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN995, title = {Monitoring forest damage in the Nordic countries: Selected proceedings from meeting in the SNS-ad hoc Group on Monitoring of Forest Damage, 9-10 May 1995, Umea, Sweden}, journal = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skoglig Resurshushallning och Geomatik, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {4}, pages = {ii + 55 pp.-ii + 55 pp.}, note = {Times Cited: 0 Soderberg, U. Soren, W. 0}, url = {://CABI:19970607545}, year = {1996}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN993, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1997}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, keywords = {5041 Jo AGROVOC: Fel vid amnesord: 5 0 4 1}, pages = {[325] s.}, year = {1997}, type = {Book} } @book{RN992, title = {Skogsdata : aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen. 97}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5041 forests forest resources forest land landowners forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown sweden}, ISBN = {0280-0543}, year = {1997}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN990, title = {An analysis of the state of the forest and some management alternatives for the Östad estate}, number = {42}, abstract = {This report contains strategic and tactical plans for Ostad foundations forest estate. The plans are produced by means of the Forest Management Planning Package (Jonsson et al., 1993, see Remarks) and Arc View, a Geographical Information System (GIS). The Ostad estate is located 40 kilometers east of Gothenburg at lake Mjorn (58° N, 12°30'E). It comprises a total area of about 4600 hectares, of which roughly 3500 hectares are productive forest land. The dominant soil type is sandy moraine. The average site quality is moderate for southern Sweden conditions (the site quality is 8. 1 m3/ha/yr). More detailed data about the forest is found in chapter 4. The landscape has high scenic values, and is at many places broken by hills, steep cliffs and lakes. Large parts of the forest were intensively cut during the 1950-1960' sand efforts have been made during the last decades to increase the stocking. Close to the manor is a peninsula (about 160 hectares large), named Djurgarden, with former pasture land which now is afforested, to a large extent by valuable hardwood. The Ostad estate and foundation has an interesting history. From 1774, when the estate was donated by a wealthy merchant, N. Sahlgren, and until the end of Second World War, it served as a home and educational institution for youngsters from poor family conditions. Later it was the site for a forestry college. Since about 15 years the aim of the foundation is to support forestry and agricultural education and research, by providing both land for experimental activity and monetary funds. The estate is also famous for being once the home manor (in the 1750's) of J. Alstromer, the man who "brought the potato to Sweden". The planning has been carried out by students at the faculty of forestry from SLU Umea, during the course Forest Management Planning (SPLB 1). The forest inventory was done from Sept. 24 to Oct. 3 1997 and the data was processed and analyzed from Dec. 1997 to Jan. 16 1998. The report presents nine alternative harvesting plans on the strategic and tactical level. The alternatives differ with respect to interest rates and (future) price lists. Which alternative is to be considered as the optimal management plan is in the hands of the decision-makers for the Ostad foundation. The planner is not supposed to take a standpoint on the interest rate or price development. The purpose of the FMPP is to develop a strategic forestry plan for the estate analyzed. The FMPP contains the most important components for goal formulation, inventory, forecasts and optimization. The strategic result can then be used in the following tactical planning with help of statistical methods. The tactical plans are produced using GIS. The goal of the tactical plan is to fulfil the results of the strategic plan, with regards to the cutting level and economical results for the next 5 to 10 years. In the tactical planning other important factors are considered, such as co-ordination of the forestry activities, nature-conservation values and landscape-planning.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8717/}, year = {1998}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN991, title = {Skogsdata : aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen. 98}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5041 forests forest resources forest land landowners forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown sweden}, ISBN = {0280-0543}, year = {1998}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN987, title = {En analys av skogstillståndet samt några alternativa avverkningsberäkningar för Östads säteri}, number = {58}, abstract = {Denna rapport innehåller strategiska och taktiska planer för stiftelsen Östads skogsinnehav. Till planernas framställning har planeringssystemet Indelningspaketet och det geografiska informationssystemet Arcwiew använts. Östadligger utanför Alingsås, cirka 4 mil öster om Göteborg ( 58° N, l2°30'E). Den totala arealen på fastigheten är 4600 ha, varav drygt 3400 ha är produktiv skogsmark. Den dominerande jordtypen är sandig morän. Medelboniteten på fastigheten är normal för det geografiska läget (boniteten är uppskattad till 8.lm3sk per ha och år). Detaljerade fakta om skogstillståndet finner man i kapitel 5 nedan. Landskapet innehåller stundom höga naturvärden med branter, sjöar och lövskog. Stora delar av fastigheten avverkades mycket intensivt under 1950-och 1960-talen och stora uppoffringar har gjorts under de senaste decennierna för att öka virkesförrådet. I närheten av mangårdsbyggnaderna ligger en halvö kallad Djurgården, vilken till stor del har ädellövskaraktär. Östads säteri och stiftelse har en intressant historia. Från år 1774, när egendomen blev donerad av en välbärgad handelsman, (N. Sahlgren) och till slutet av andra världskriget fungerade fastigheten som ett hem och som skola åt ungdomar från fattiga förhållanden. Senare bedrevs skogsbrukskola på fastigheten. Sedan 15 år tillbaka är stiftelsens huvuduppgift att stödja skoglig och agral utbildning och forskning, genom att upplåta mark för utbildning forskning och genom årliga ekonomiska bidrag till sådan verksamhet. Fastigheten är även berömd för att ha varit hem åt den person som "införde potatisen till Sverige", Jonas Alströmer. Den i arbetet beskrivna planeringen har utförts av studenter från skogsfakulteten i Umeå under en fördjupningskurs i skoglig planering, sedd ur ett företags perspektiv (SPLB 1 resp. SPLC31). Den inledande inventeringen, syftande till att beskriva utgångstillståndet på Östad och ge data för analyserna genomfördes av studenterna (uppdelade i två omgångar) från den 28 september till den 14 oktober 1998. Den största delen av analyserna utfördes under december 1998-januari 1999. För analyserna har även det under åren 1994-1997 av studenter insamlade materialet använts.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8776/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN986, title = {Inter-active and dynamic approaches on forest and land-use planning}, number = {60}, abstract = {This document summarises the outcome of a training workshop, "Inter-active and dynamic approaches on forest and land-use planning", that was organised in Vietnam and Lao PDR during April 1999. The workshop was arranged by researchers from SLU, Umea in co­ operation with Sida and it's CCB Programme, the National Board of Forestry and concerned government institutions in Lao PDR-the National Programme for Shifting Cultivation Stabilisation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and in Vietnam-the Forest Inventory and Planning Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The main purposes of this paper are • To review and conclude the outcome of the workshop to all those who have participated or been concerned with it. • To summarise an evaluation of the somewhat unique arrangement, with participants from different sectors, administrative levels, gender and countries. • To present "the APM approach" on land use planning, which was put forward, tested and discussed during the workshop. The input to the working paper originates from participants, resource persons and instructors who took part in the workshop. The editing has been made by Mats Sandewall.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8855/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN988, title = {Skogsdata : aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen. 99}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5041 forests forest resources forest land landowners forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown sweden}, ISBN = {0280-0543}, year = {1999}, type = {Book} } @book{RN984, title = {Skogsdata : aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen. 2000, [Tema: Tillväxt och avgång]}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5041 forests forest resources forest land landowners forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth death yields forest pathology crown sweden}, ISBN = {0280-0543}, year = {2000}, type = {Book} } @book{RN983, title = {Skogsdata : aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen. 2001, [Tema: Skogens ålder]}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5041 forests forest resources forest land landowners forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown age sweden}, ISBN = {0280-0543}, year = {2001}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN982, title = {Strategier för Östads säteri}, number = {87}, abstract = {Kursens inriktning är planering av skogens utnyttjande ur ett företagsperspektiv. Kursen syftar till att ge kunskap om skogsföretagets planering både ur teoretisk och praktisk synvinkel. Sådan planering kräver kunskap inom ett flertal områden. Exempel är kunskap om skogsbruk och biologi, inventeringsteori, optimeringsmetoder, naturvårdshänsyn och datoriserade hjälpmedel som planeringssystem och geografiska informationssystem (GIS). Sådan kunskap erhålls bäst genom aktivt arbete med problem och kommunikation med andra om olika problemställningar. Här intar projektarbetet på Östads säteri en central plats. Här arbetar studenterna praktiskt med samtliga aspekter vid framtagandet av en långsiktigt plan. Med den inriktning skogsbruket har idag så spelar mångbruksaspekter en viktig roll. Projektarbetet går därför även under benämningen Östad Multiple U se plan (ÖMU). Litteraturstudier, seminarier, övningar kopplade till teoretiska moment samt föreläsningar ingår också för att ge extra kunskaper om planering utöver det som erhålls via Östadsprojektet. Som bas för datainsamling och bearbetningar fungerar Indelningspaketet (lP). Projektarbetena har gjorts i grupper om två. Samtliga grupper har arbetat under samma förutsättningar och med samma metodik. Däremot har inriktningen av de planer de arbetat fram skilt sig åt vad gäller mångbrukskrav och ekonomiska förutsättningar. I denna rapport kommer en sammanställning att redovisas av vissa centrala värden från samtliga de planer som tagits fram. Därefter presenteras tre av de totalt elva planerna i detalj och i den form de avrapporterats under kursen (viss smärre redigeringar har gjorts för att anpassa rapporterna). I Östadsprojektet ingår även att göra en taktisk plan på basis av den strategiska planen. Resultatet av denna del redovisas inte här.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8779/}, year = {2001}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN980, title = {Inter-active and dynamic approaches on forest and land-use planning in Southern Africa}, number = {97}, abstract = {This document summarises the outcome of a regional training workshop, "Interactive and dynamic approaches on forest and land use planning in Southern Africa". It was organised in December 2001 by the government of Botswana in cooperation with organisations in Zimbabwe and South Africa and with Swedish financial and technical support. The workshop aimed at exposing the participants to new cross sector approaches on strategic forest and land use planning, including the Area Production Model (APM) and concept, and to provide a platform for possible future development work in this field. It concerned such issues as the role of planning in relation to policies and local development, information and data needs in planning, the use of scenario modelling in land use planning, how to narrow the gap between "planning from above" and "planning from below", and the roles and interaction of different stakeholders in the planning process. The workshop had been proposed by the participating countries following an international training programme on policy and strategy development in Sweden. The 18 participants from three countries included central and local government staff concerned with forest and land use planning at the national and sub-national level, researchers and NGOs. The workshop consisted of two weeks of lectures, seminars and field based case studies and a concluding seminar, in which the participants presented their experiences and conclusions about the APM concept to a broader group of decision makers. Some of the main conclusions drawn by the participants were that the APM was a useful tool for promoting dynamic and multi-sector planning. At the same time the Model has a number of technical shortcomings that needs to be addressed. Those shortcomings were identified and discussed throughout the workshop. The need to keep the model simple and transparent was acknowledged. It was proposed that "homes" should be identified for the model in each country. Those homes should build up and maintain capacity to develop and adapt the model to the local conditions and priorities. INTRODUCTION. The workshop "Interactive and dynamic approaches on forest and land-use planning in Southern Africa" was arranged in Botswana in December 2001. It aimed at exposing the participants to new cross sector approaches on strategic forest and land use planning, including the Area Production Model (APM), and to provide a platform for possible future development work in this field. The workshop was the concluding step of a process that had been running for several years. It provides important lessons on approaches to cross-sectoral land use planning in Southern Africa. The process started in 1998, when there were several participants from Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe in an annual international course "Development of National Forest Policies and Strategies", organised by the Swedish National Board of Forestry and funded by Sida. Those participants strongly suggested that the Area Production Model, (APM), which had been demonstrated during the course, might be highly relevant in Southern Africa. As a response, the Country Capacity Building (CCB) project (a Sida funded project aiming at forest policy issues), set up a training programme in discussions with the three countries. As a first step, key personnel from the forest authorities in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe, underwent a post­ graduate course at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umea, Sweden. The course took place in March 2000 and was focused on the ideas and applications of the APM. In a second step, a workshop designated for a wider audience, including governmental as well as non­ governmental organisations, was planned for mid 2000. The workshop was originally intended to be a two-phase arrangement. The first phase to be arranged in Zimbabwe, focusing on model theory with only limited field work, and a second phase, were the participants would split up and ork a realistic case in a designated study area in each of the three countries involved. Unfortunately, the political situation in Zimbabwe during spring 2000 made it necessary to postpone the workshop. About a year later, in spring 2001, it was agreed among the interested countries to move it to another country in the Region, after the Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana, had generously accepted to host the workshop. The two-phase design of the workshop was by now reduced to a single event, with the joint study-area around Serowe in the eastern part of Botswana. The APM is a simulation model developed by Professor Nils-Erik Nilsson in co-operation with FAO. The Model, including an application concept, has been further developed by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics. The Swedish team of resource persons in the Botswana workshop have all been instrumental in the previous development work of the Model. The APM has been field tested on numerous occasions in South and Southeast Asia. This workshop, however, is the first occasion the model is used in Southern Africa. In spite of the simplicity and flexibility that characterises the model, the new setting was considered a major challenge when planning the workshop. The workshop results have given new and partly unexpected results in terms of both usefulness and applicability of the model. The Country Capacity Building project focuses on forest policy development. In modem terminology, nfp (national forest programmes) is a highly relevant term. Key strategies include support to demand driven processes, investment in human knowledge and, not least, a belief that personal commitment is as important for success as political commitments. On behalf of the organisers, I would like to thank the Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana, and the key­ persons from Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Without their commitment and enthusiasm, the positive outcome of the workshop would not have been possible.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8854/}, year = {2002}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN981, title = {Skogsdata : aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen. 2002, [Tema: Ungskogar]}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5041 forests forest resources forest land landowners forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown sweden}, ISBN = {0280-0543}, year = {2002}, type = {Book} } @book{RN979, title = {Skogsdata : aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen. 2003, [Tema: Skogens struktur]}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5041 forests forest resources forest land landowners forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown sweden}, ISBN = {0280-0543}, year = {2003}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN978, title = {Strategier för Östads säteri}, number = {115}, abstract = {Kursens inriktning är planering av skogens utnyttjande ur ett företagsperspektiv. Kursen syftar till att ge kunskap om skogsföretagets planering både ur teoretisk och praktisk synvinkel. Sådan planering kräver kunskap inom ett flertal områden. Exempel är kunskap om skogsbruk och biologi, inventeringsteori, ekonomi, optimeringsmetoder, naturvårdshänsyn och datoriserade hjälpmedel som planeringssystem och geografiska informationssystem (GIS). Sådan kunskap erhålls bäst genom aktivt arbete med problem och kommunikation med andra om olika problemställningar. Här intar projektarbetet på Östads säteri en central plats. Här arbetar studenterna praktiskt med samtliga aspekter vid framtagandet av en långsiktigt plan. Med den inriktning skogsbruket har idag så spelar mångbruksaspekter en viktig roll. Projektarbetet går därför även under benämningen Östad Multiple U se plan (ÖMU). Litteraturstudier, seminarier, övningar kopplade till teoretiska moment samt föreläsningar ingår också för att ge extra kunskaper om planering utöver det som erhålls via Östadsprojektet. Som bas för datainsamling och bearbetningar fungerar Indelningspaketet (IP). Projektarbetena har gjorts i grupper om två. Samtliga grupper har arbetat under samma förutsättningar och med samma metodik. Däremot har inriktningen av de planer de arbetat fram skilt sig åt vad gäller mångbrukskrav och ekonomiska förutsättningar. I denna rapport kommer en sammanställning att redovisas av vissa centrala värden från samtliga de planer som tagits fram. Därefter presenteras tre av de totalt tretton planerna, med olika mångbruksinriktningar, mer detaljerat för att få en uppfattning om vad varje grupp avrapporterat under kursen (viss redigering av gruppemas rapporter har gjorts). I Östadsprojektet ingår även att göra en taktisk plan för tre års avverkning på basis av den strategiska planen. Resultatet av denna del redovisas inte här.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8801/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN977, title = {Mark- och miljödagen 2009 : marken och klimatet}, institution = {Institutionen för mark och miljö}, number = {1}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {In nine presentations the topic of soil and climate were presented. Three were about estimations of future release of green-house gasses from peat soils, agricultural soils and forest soils, respectively. In two lectures questions about cultivated peat soils and drained forest soils were discussed. How climate change might affect draining and leaching of humus substances to surface waters was adressed in two presentations. Experiences of engaging college students in soil and climate studies was reported and finnally possible conflicts in the environmental work were high lighted.}, keywords = {Markdagen, Permafrost, Växthusgaser, Torvjordar, Skogsmark, Åkermark}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-8-388}, year = {2009}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN521, title = {Hyggesfritt skogsbruk : En kunskapssammanställning från Sverige och Finland}, institution = {Enheten för skoglig fältforskning}, number = {2017:1}, url = {https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/f-for/pdf/ff-rapport_hyggesfritt_skogsbruk_en_kunskapssammanstallning-2017-04-02.pdf#page=8}, year = {2017}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1451, author = {Aakala, T. and Heikkinen, J.}, title = {Harmonized decay classification for dead wood in Nordic national forest inventories}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {39}, number = {1}, pages = {1-7}, note = {Aakala, Tuomas Heikkinen, Juha 1651-1891}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2023.2282086}, url = {://WOS:001108029100001}, year = {2024}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1336, author = {Abrahamsson, Gunnar and Abrahamsson, Jonathan}, title = {Järnets flora–en undersökning av vegetationsutvecklingen vid Röda Jorden}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1292, author = {Adjei, Kwaku Peprah and Sicacha-Parada, Jorge and O’Hara, Bob and Steinsland, Ingelin}, title = {A Probabilistic Generating Process of Citizen Science Data: Modeling and Estimation of Parameters}, journal = {Electronic Journal of Probability}, volume = {20}, pages = {1-35}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN76, author = {Agestam, Eric}, title = {Skogsskötselserien [Elektronisk resurs]. 7, Gallring}, publisher = {Skogsstyrelsen}, address = {Jönköping}, url = {http://www.skogsstyrelsen.com/Global/PUBLIKATIONER/Skogsskotselserien/PDF/gallring%2020150520.pdf}, year = {2009}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1371, author = {Agren, A. M. and Hasselquist, E. M. and Stendahl, J. and Nilsson, M. B. and Paul, S. S.}, title = {Delineating the distribution of mineral and peat soils a the landscape scale in northern boreal regions}, journal = {Soil}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {733-749}, note = {Agren, Anneli M. Hasselquist, Eliza Maher Stendahl, Johan Nilsson, Mats B. Paul, Siddhartho S. 2199-398x}, ISSN = {2199-3971}, DOI = {10.5194/soll-8-733-2022}, url = {://WOS:000893647400001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN77, author = {Ahlen, I.}, title = {An inventory of woody browse for game}, journal = {Rapporter och Uppsatser, Institutionen for Skogstaxering}, number = {No. 16, Part 2}, pages = {17-25}, url = {://CABI:19750628477}, year = {1973}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1369, author = {Ahlstrom, A. and Canadell, J. G. and Metcalfe, D. B.}, title = {Widespread Unquantified Conversion of Old Boreal Forests to Plantations}, journal = {Earths Future}, volume = {10}, number = {11}, note = {Ahlstrom, Anders Canadell, Josep G. Metcalfe, Daniel B. Ahlstrom, Anders/F-3215-2017 Ahlstrom, Anders/0000-0003-1642-0037 2328-4277}, DOI = {10.1029/2022ef003221}, url = {://WOS:000888494400001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1407, author = {Ahlström, Anders and Canadell, Josep G and Metcalfe, Daniel B}, title = {Widespread unquantified conversion of old boreal forests to plantations}, journal = {Earth's Future}, volume = {10}, number = {11}, pages = {e2022EF003221}, ISSN = {2328-4277}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN78, author = {Akselsson, Cecilia and Belyazid, Salim}, title = {Critical biomass harvesting - Applying a new concept for Swedish forest soils}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {409}, pages = {67-73}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2017.11.020}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2017.11.020}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN79, author = {Akselsson, Cecilia and Karlsson, Gunilla Pihl and Karlsson, Per Erik and Ahlstrand, Jenny}, title = {Miljöövervakning på Obsytorna 1984–2013: Beskrivning, resultat, utvärdering och framtid}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art21/25828721-150940-Obsytor_webb.pdf}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @article{RN80, author = {Akselsson, Cecilia and Olsson, Jonas and Belyazid, Salim and Capell, René}, title = {Can increased weathering rates due to future warming compensate for base cation losses following whole-tree harvesting in spruce forests?}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, volume = {128}, number = {1}, pages = {89-105}, abstract = {Whole-tree harvesting, i.e. harvesting of stems, branches and tops, has become increasingly common during recent decades due to the increased demand for renewable energy. Whole-tree harvesting leads to an increase in base cation losses from the ecosystem, which can counteract recovery from acidification. An increase in weathering rates due to higher temperatures is sometimes suggested as a process that may counteract the acidifying effect of whole-tree harvesting. In this study the potential effect of increasing temperature on weathering rates was compared with the increase in base cation losses following whole-tree harvesting in spruce forests, along a temperature gradient in Sweden. The mechanistic model PROFILE was used to estimate weathering rates at National Forest Inventory sites at today’s temperature and the temperature in 2050, as estimated by two different climate projections. The same dataset was used to calculate base cation losses following stem-only and whole-tree harvesting. The calculations showed that the increase in temperature until 2050 would result in an increase in the base cation weathering rate of 20–33 %, and that whole-tree harvesting would lead to an increase in base cation losses of 66 % on average, compared to stem-only harvesting. A sensitivity analysis showed that moisture changes are important for future weathering rates, but the effect of the temperature change was dominating even when the most extreme moisture changes were applied. It was concluded that an increase in weathering rates resulting from higher temperatures would not compensate for the increase in base cation losses following whole-tree harvesting, except in the northernmost part of Sweden.}, ISSN = {1573-515X}, DOI = {10.1007/s10533-016-0196-6}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10533-016-0196-6}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1072, author = {Akselsson, C. and Westling, O.}, title = {Regionalized nitrogen budgets in forest soils for different deposition and forestry scenarios in Sweden}, journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {85-95}, ISSN = {1466822X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1466-822X.2004.00137.x}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-12444282734&doi=10.1111%2fj.1466-822X.2004.00137.x&partnerID=40&md5=bc169a25b48b4d74db863d1841a00526}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1073, author = {Akselsson, C. and Westling, O. and Alveteg, M. and Thelin, G. and Fransson, A. M. and Hellsten, S.}, title = {The influence of N load and harvest intensity on the risk of P limitation in Swedish forest soils}, journal = {Science of the Total Environment}, volume = {404}, number = {2-3}, pages = {284-289}, ISSN = {00489697 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.11.017}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-52949122187&doi=10.1016%2fj.scitotenv.2007.11.017&partnerID=40&md5=7f1f9e8802f897c5369c194c2e376b16}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN82, author = {Alberdi, I. and Bender, S. and Riedel, T. and Avitable, V. and Boriaud, O. and Bosela, M. and Camia, A. and Canellas, I. and Rego, F. Castro and Fischer, C. and Freudenschuss, A. and Fridman, J. and Gasparini, P. and Gschwantner, T. and Guerrero, S. and Kjartansson, B. T. and Kucera, M. and Lanz, A. and Marin, G. and Mubareka, S. and Notarangelo, M. and Nunes, L. and Pesty, B. and Pikula, T. and Redmond, J. and Rizzo, M. and Seben, V. and Snorrason, A. and Tomter, S. and Hernandez, L.}, title = {Assessing forest availability for wood supply in Europe}, journal = {Forest Policy and Economics}, volume = {111}, ISSN = {1389-9341}, DOI = {10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102032}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102032}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1075, author = {Alberdi, I. and Gschwantner, T. and Bosela, M. and Redmond, J. and Riedel, T. and Snorrason, A. and Gasparini, P. and Braendli, U. B. and Fridman, J. and Tomter, S. and Kulbokas, G. and Lanz, A. and Vidal, C.}, title = {Harmonisation of data and information on the potential supply of wood resources}, pages = {55-79}, ISSN = {9783319440156 (ISBN); 9783319440149 (ISBN)}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-44015-6_3}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85009686361&doi=10.1007%2f978-3-319-44015-6_3&partnerID=40&md5=46a8d29d79228c51e83539c29b2ec773}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN83, author = {Alberdi, Iciar and Michalak, Roman and Fischer, Christoph and Gasparini, Patrizia and Brändli, Urs-Beat and Tomter, Stein Michael and Kuliesis, Andrius and Snorrason, Arnór and Redmond, John and Hernández, Laura and Lanz, Adrian and Vidondo, Beatriz and Stoyanov, Nickola and Stoyanova, Maria and Vestman, Martin and Barreiro, Susana and Marin, Gheorghe and Cañellas, Isabel and Vidal, Claude}, title = {Towards harmonized assessment of European forest availability for wood supply in Europe}, journal = {Forest Policy and Economics}, volume = {70}, pages = {20-29}, abstract = {The supply of wood in Europe on a sustainable basis is highly relevant for forestry and related policies, particularly in relation to (i) analysing global change mitigation strategies and carbon accounting (ii) establishing realistic forecasts and targets for wood resources, biomass and renewable energy and (iii) assessing and supporting strategies for an increased use of wood. Therefore, it is relevant to have robust information of the availability for wood supply. The main aim of this paper is to harmonize the concept of ‘forest available for wood supply’ (FAWS) at European level. The data employed in this study was acquired through two questionnaires. The first questionnaire, conducted under the framework of COST Action FP1001 and a second questionnaire was completed by national correspondents and members of the UNECE/FAO. The analysis showed that reasons for the exclusion of forest from FAWS are diverse. Legal restrictions and specifically ´Protected areas´ are considered by 79% of the countries while very few countries consider economic restrictions. A new FAWS reference definition is provided and the consequences of using this new definition in eight European countries were analysed. Application of the proposed definition will increase consistency and comparability of data on FAWS and will result in decreasing the area of FAWS at a European level.}, keywords = {Wood resources National Forest Inventory Sustainability Multi-functionality FAWS COST Action FP1001}, ISSN = {1389-9341}, DOI = {10.1016/j.forpol.2016.05.014}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2016.05.014}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN84, author = {Albertsson, S.}, title = {The use of form-height graphs as a means of allowing for local stand variations in a relascope inventory}, journal = {Sveriges skogsvardsforbunds Tidskrift}, volume = {70}, number = {3}, pages = {257-268}, ISSN = {0371-2907}, url = {://CABI:19720602278}, year = {1972}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1076, author = {Albrectsen, B. R. and Witzell, J. and Robinson, K. M. and Wulff, S. and Luquez, V. M. C. and Ågren, R. and Jansson, S.}, title = {Large scale geographic clines of parasite damage to Populus tremula L}, journal = {Ecography}, volume = {33}, number = {3}, pages = {483-493}, ISSN = {09067590 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.05982.x}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77955248164&doi=10.1111%2fj.1600-0587.2009.05982.x&partnerID=40&md5=be229d74846f42d4653a7aa81b53adc9}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1386, author = {Aldea, Jorge and Bianchi, Simone and Nilsson, Urban and Hynynen, Jari and Lee, Daesung and Holmström, Emma and Huuskonen, Saija}, title = {Evaluation of growth models for mixed forests used in Swedish and Finnish decision support systems}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {529}, pages = {120721}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1456, author = {Aldea, Jorge and Dahlgren, Jonas and Holmström, Emma and Löf, Magnus}, title = {Current and future drought vulnerability for three dominant boreal tree species}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, volume = {30}, number = {1}, pages = {e17079}, ISSN = {1354-1013}, year = {2024}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN85, author = {Aldentun, Yvonne}, title = {Grénsen mellan ‘nemorala och boreo-nemorala zonen}, url = {https://se.fsc.org/preview.nemoral-zon.a-283.pdf}, year = {1997}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN86, author = {Allard, Anna and Löfgren, Per and Sundquist, Sture}, title = {Skador på mark och vegetation i de svenska fjällen till följd av barmarkskörning}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {126}, abstract = {It is known that driving of all-terrain vehicles during summer in can cause damage to both vegetation and the underlying ground. However, in the mountainous parts of Sweden it is poorly known if these problems are of general nature or occurring in patches. The aim with this study was to make a general investigation into occurrences of vehicle-tracks in the Swedish mountainous areas and adjoining sparse forests, using field investigations, interpretation of color infrared aerial photos and a questionnaire survey. A field survey was carried out at 28 permanent plots of 1 x 1 km by personnel of the NILS (National Inventory of Landscapes in Sweden) program during the summer of 2003 and in 8 of the plots (28 %), vehicle tracks were found. Two of the 8 plots have been interpreted in color infrared aerial photos as a larger area of 5 x 5 km and a multitude of linear elements were found. From field control of the interpretations we can conclude that many of the linear elements visible from the air, are very hard to see at ground level. The questionnaire survey shows that vehicle tracks occur scattered over the mountainous area and also that 4-wheeled motorcycles are the dominant type of vehicle. The answers also show that tracks stay long on the ground and can be seen long after vegetation covers the initial damage.}, keywords = {alpine vegetation, mechanical damage, soil degradation, plant cover, cross country vehicles, highlands, aerial surveying, surveys}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-398}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN87, author = {Allard, Anna and Marklund, Liselott and Glimskär, Anders and Högström, Mats}, title = {Utveckling av nationellt uppföljningssystem för småbiotoper vid åkermark}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {158}, abstract = {Detta projekt är en del i Jordbruksverkets arbete med att ta fram uppföljningsmetoder för småbiotoper inom miljökvalitetsmålet Ett rikt odlingslandskap. SLU, institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, har fått i uppdrag att fastställa rutiner för löpande sammanställning och analys av småbiotopsdata från flygbildtolkningen i det nationella miljöövervakningsprogrammet NILS (Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige). Arbetet baseras på förslag som togs fram inom ett tidigare uppdrag, och som avrapporterades i mars 2005 (Glimskär m.fl. 2005). Rapporteringen för småbiotoper innefattar mängden, och i viss mån kvaliteten, hos ett antal linjeobjekt, punktobjekt och kantzoner i eller i anslutning till åkermark. Dessa data sammanställs från flygbildstolkade kartskikt inom NILS stickprov av kvadratkilometerrutor från hela Sverige. De förslag som togs fram i den tidigare rapporten (Glimskär m.fl. 2005) har justerats i samråd med Jordbruksverket, i samband med att tolkningsmetodiken för linje- och punktobjekt utformades inom NILS under hösten-vintern 2005. Bland annat har hävd lagts till som en variabel med beskrivning av hävdstatus och grad av igenväxning hos linje- och punktobjekt.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-442}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN88, author = {Alriksson, Bengt-Åke}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen visar gallringsstyrkan ökar måttligt}, keywords = {thinning forestry operations surveys sweden}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1077, author = {Alveteg, M.}, title = {Projecting regional patterns of future soil chemistry status in Swedish forests using SAFE}, journal = {Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus}, volume = {4}, number = {2-3}, pages = {49-59}, ISSN = {15677230 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1023/B:WAFO.0000028344.56159.65}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-4344561526&doi=10.1023%2fB%3aWAFO.0000028344.56159.65&partnerID=40&md5=e48242878b421ec797f945180dc03064}, year = {2004}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN89, author = {Améen-Malmström, Hellen}, title = {Bibliografisk förteckning över Statens skogsförsöksanstalts publikationer 1924 - 30/6 1939}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Meddelanden från Statens skogsförsöksanstalt, 0283-3093}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10181/}, year = {1939}, type = {Book} } @book{RN90, author = {Améen-Malmström, Hellen}, title = {Bibliografisk förteckning över Statens skogsforskningsinstituts publikationer 1/7 1939-30/6 1952}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Meddelanden från Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, 0369-2167}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9956/}, year = {1952}, type = {Book} } @book{RN91, author = {Améen-Malmström, Hellen}, title = {Bibliografisk förteckning över Statens skogsforskningsinstituts publikationer 1/7 1952-1963}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Meddelanden från Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, 0369-2167}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10059/}, year = {1963}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN92, author = {Andersson, Elin and Kempe, Göran and Larsson, Artur and Siira, Ulrika}, title = {Uppföljning av biologisk mångfald med data från Riksskogstaxeringen: Slutrapport, mars 2012}, abstract = {Denna rapport redovisar resultatet av ett samarbete mellan två projekt, dels ett projekt inom fortlöpandemiljöanalys på SLU, lett av Artdatabanken, dels ett projekt som letts av Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlandtillsammans med Artdatabanken och Skogsstyrelsen. Det senare drivs som ett så kallat miljömålsprojekt,med medel från Naturvårdsverket. I båda projekten är Riksskogstaxeringen en samarbetspartner.Grundtanken i båda projekten är att undersöka vilka parametrar i Riksinventeringen av skog (RIS) sombäst speglar tillståndet för biologisk mångfald.I ett första steg har arbetsgruppen valt ut ett antal parametrar som bör tas fram och undersökas. I ett andrasteg har SLU tagit fram ett bakgrundsmaterial som diskuterats vidare inom gruppen. Därefter har gruppentagit fram ett preliminärt förslag på vilka parametrar som kan vara lämpliga att prioritera för uppföljningav miljömålen. Förslaget har remitterats till forskare och myndigheter som kan tänkas ha intresse avinnehållet och inkomna synpunkter har inarbetats i föreliggande slutrapport. Innehållet kan utgöralämpligt bakgrundsmaterial om tillståndet i skogen, men också som indikatorer och andra mått som kananvändas på olika sätt i uppföljning av biologisk mångfald.Övergripande kan det konstateras att RIS ger värdefull kunskap om främst utvecklingen av skogligastrukturer som trädens ålder, trädslag, beståndsålder och andra kvaliteter. Denna information kan bidra tillatt beskriva förutsättningarna för den biologiska mångfalden. Ett flertal av parametrarna har haft enpositiv utveckling under miljömålsperioden. Det är däremot inte liktydigt med att utvecklingen för denbiologiska mångfalden utvecklats i en positiv riktning. Detta på grund av att de nivåer som vi har att utgåfrån (1999) ofta ligger på en så låg nivå jämfört med många arters behov att det krävs kraftigaförändringar för att arterna ska kunna utvecklas i positiv riktning.Projektet har hitintills prioriterat drygt ett tjugotal skogliga parametrar för uppföljning av biologiskmångfald inom miljömålssystemet. Av de skogliga parametrarna har följande föreslagits få hög prioritet:•Antal gamla träd över 121 år per kvadratkilometer, indelat i åldersklasser•Areal gammal skog fördelad på skogstyper tall, gran, barr (ädel, barrädel, barrlöv)•Volym död ved av olika trädslag tall, gran, löv•Volym död ved av olika grovlek•Areal ädellövskog indelad i åldersklasser•Areal ädellövskog fördelat på olika klasser för mängden död vedDe arter och spårtecken från inventeringen som särskilt uppmärksammats är:•Hackmärken•Vedsvamp•Tickor•Mjölkört•Hänglavar man- och skägglav}, keywords = {Natural Sciences Earth And Related Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Naturvetenskap Geovetenskap Och Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap Miljömålsprojekt Levande Skogar Sustainable Forests Ett Rikt Växt- Och Djurliv A Rich Diversity Of Plant And Animal Life}, url = {https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:739255/FULLTEXT01.pdf}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1078, author = {Andersson, G. and Flisberg, P. and Nordström, M. and Rönnqvist, M. and Wilhelmsson, L.}, title = {A model approach to include wood properties in log sorting and transportation planning}, journal = {Infor}, volume = {54}, number = {3}, pages = {282-303}, ISSN = {03155986 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1080/03155986.2016.1198070}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84992183768&doi=10.1080%2f03155986.2016.1198070&partnerID=40&md5=dbbc8d536da9f9401c78b10962798243}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN93, author = {Andersson, H.}, title = {Nya kunskaper växer fram}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Sveriges nationalatlas (SNA), 1996}, note = {riksskogstaxeringen, provinsfloror, Steget Före Sveriges nationalatlas. Växter och djur}, keywords = {5041 organization of research research educational institutions education surveys flora biota scandinavia western europe europe research projects research institutions universities higher education forest surveys botanical composition sweden monitoring}, year = {1996}, type = {Book} } @phdthesis{RN94, author = {Andersson, Kjell}, title = {Geographic Information Systems as a tool to support monitoring and assessment of landscape and regional sustainability}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {New policies in Sweden about intensive forestry and functional green infrastructure require involvement of different sectors for planning of landscapes and regions. However, Sweden has no territorial land-use planning at these spatial scales. Landowners, municipalities and regional governments work separately to implement policies about sustainability. There is thus a growing need for integrated spatial planning, and thus assessments of sustainability at local to regional levels by comparing monitoring results with norms expressed in policies. The aim of this thesis is to analyse and visualise such data using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to enhance comprehensive spatial planning approaches for cooperation between different planning sectors. In paper I, habitat functionality was modelled for area-demanding focal species’ requirements in five coarse forest types. Also clear-felling rates within and outside functional habitats for each of four forest owner categories were measured. The differences among landowner categories concerning planning for ecological values were linked to how biodiversity-friendly their policies were. Papers II and III analyses how forest management affects two endangered species, and show that GIS-based proxy variables can be used to predict occurrence of both terrestrial and aquatic focal species. Paper IV assesses how Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) contributes to biodiversity conservation in Sweden and Russia. Analyses of structural connectivity and habitat functionality show that the minimum standard in FSC set-asides is not compatible with higher levels of ambition to maintain biodiversity. Paper V explores how planners, locals and tourists perceive landscape values, and how these can be interpreted and used in spatial planning. Paper VI demonstrates a zoning approach to identify green infrastructures and areas suitable for intensive forestry. In paper VII indicators for ecological, economical and socio-cultural values were summarised to compare municipalities’ sustainability. To conclude, there are large opportunities for analysing and visualising data to support integrated spatial planning about sustainability using GIS. However, there is a need for new education programs including all dimensions of sustainability in combination with use of GIS.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-279}, year = {2011}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN95, author = {Andersson, Mikael and Kellomäki, Seppo and Gardiner, Barry and Blennow, Kristina}, title = {Life-style services and yield from south-Swedish forests adaptively managed against the risk of wind damage: a simulation study}, journal = {Regional Environmental Change}, volume = {15}, number = {8}, pages = {1489-1500}, abstract = {We estimated the effect of adapting forest management to reduce the risk of wind damage under climate change on life-style services and forest yield in a south-Swedish forest using an integrated modelling approach. The ECHAM5/CCLM models had been used to produce a reference climate and a climate change scenario for the A1B emission scenario. Using the FinnFor model we estimated the effect of the climate change scenario on the site index for three common commercial tree species for the period 2001–2100. The adjusted site index was applied in projections of the forest using the Forest Time Machine model. The WINDA-GALES model was used to calculate the probability of wind damage in simulated future states of the forest. Effects of increasing forest owner motivation to take measures to adapt to climate change were simulated by comparing the effects of introducing adaptive measures in years 2001 and 2051, respectively. These adaptive measures had been identified in consultation with stakeholders. In the simulations, adaptive regimes resulted in generally increased yield, increased hunting potential and a higher number of forest management operations to be carried out, although other aspects of recreation services were reduced. The net return remained unaffected by most of the adaptive forest management regimes. The simulations were made without accounting for effects of predicted wind damage on the states of the forest. Forest owners perceiving increased risk of wind damage but also risk to their life-style would have to balance adaptive measures between these risks. We conclude that adapting forest management to reduce the risk of wind damage may impact on life-style services. Hence, this may affect the process of adaptation to an increasing risk of wind damage in southern Sweden.}, ISSN = {1436-378X}, DOI = {10.1007/s10113-014-0687-8}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10113-014-0687-8}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN96, author = {Andersson, Rune and Kaspersson, Eva and Wissman, Jörgen}, title = {Slututvärdering av Miljö- och landsbygdsprogrammet 2000-2006: vad fick vi för pengarna}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, address = {Uppsala}, keywords = {slututvärdering, miljöersättning, landsbygdsstöd, effekter, kostnadseffektivitet, måluppfyllelse, förbättringar}, pages = {470}, ISBN = {978-91-86197-01-8}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-1-129}, year = {2009}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN97, author = {Andersson, Sven-Olof}, title = {Barkmasseprocenter för timmer och massaved av tall och gran i Norrland}, number = {41:5}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9949/}, year = {1952}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN98, author = {Andersson, Sven-Olof}, title = {Funktioner och tabeller för kubering av småträd}, number = {44:12}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9981/}, year = {1954}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN99, author = {Andersson, Sven-Olof}, title = {Produktionstabeller för norrländska tallplanteringar}, number = {51:3}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10049/}, year = {1963}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1424, author = {Angelstam, Per and Bush, Terrence and Manton, Michael}, title = {Challenges and Solutions for Forest Biodiversity Conservation in Sweden: Assessment of Policy, Implementation Outputs, and Consequences}, journal = {Land}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {1098}, ISSN = {2073-445X}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN100, author = {Anon}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen kollar skogen varje år}, journal = {Aktivt Skogsbruk}, number = {6}, pages = {6-7}, keywords = {forests forest resources surveying surveys sweden}, ISSN = {0281-5052}, year = {1985}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN101, author = {Anon}, title = {Ökad kronutglesning, men fortsatt ökad tillväxt}, journal = {Skogseko}, number = {1}, abstract = {Riksskogstaxeringen}, keywords = {picea abies pinus sylvestris forest pathology forest inventories sweden growth forest trees}, year = {1993}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1306, author = {Appiah Mensah, Alex and Holmström, Emma and Petersson, Hans and Nyström, Kenneth and Mason, Euan G and Nilsson, Urban}, title = {The millennium shift: Investigating the relationship between environment and growth trends of Norway spruce and Scots pine in northern Europe}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1079, author = {Appiah Mensah, A. and Petersson, H. and Saarela, S. and Goude, M. and Holmström, E.}, title = {Using heterogeneity indices to adjust basal area – Leaf area index relationship in managed coniferous stands}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {458}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117699}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85076836950&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2019.117699&partnerID=40&md5=6ac1ce1b0452cba89aee256eab7f0561}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1332, author = {Ara, M. and Barbeito, I. and Kalen, C. and Nilsson, U.}, title = {Regeneration failure of Scots pine changes the species composition of young forests}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, pages = {9}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2021.2005133}, url = {://WOS:000723050900001}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1393, author = {Ara, Mostarin and Barbeito, Ignacio and Kalén, Christer and Nilsson, Urban}, title = {Regeneration failure of Scots pine changes the species composition of young forests}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {37}, number = {1}, pages = {14-22}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1413, author = {Araza, A. and de Bruin, S. and Hein, L. and Herold, M.}, title = {Spatial predictions and uncertainties of forest carbon fluxes for carbon accounting}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, note = {Araza, Arnan de Bruin, Sytze Hein, Lars Herold, Martin , Arnan/0000-0003-3906-221X}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-023-38935-8}, url = {://WOS:001043366500004}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1400, author = {Araza, A. and Herold, M. and Fridman, J. and al., et}, title = {Past decade above-ground biomass change comparisons from four multi-temporal global maps}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation}, volume = {118}, ISSN = {1569-8432}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jag.2023.103274}, url = {://WOS:000984294200001}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1080, author = {Archambeau, J. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Ratcliffe, S. and Fréjaville, T. and Changenet, A. and Muñoz Castañeda, J. M. and Lehtonen, A. and Dahlgren, J. and Zavala, M. A. and Benito Garzón, M.}, title = {Similar patterns of background mortality across Europe are mostly driven by drought in European beech and a combination of drought and competition in Scots pine}, journal = {Agricultural and Forest Meteorology}, volume = {280}, ISSN = {01681923 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107772}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85073184924&doi=10.1016%2fj.agrformet.2019.107772&partnerID=40&md5=06721cb02fdd6cc1562d46c3754c80b4}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN103, author = {Arman, V.}, title = {Some preliminary results of the national forest survey for Jonkoping, Kronoberg and Kalmar counties}, journal = {Svenska Skogsvardsforeningens Tidskrift}, volume = {48}, number = {4}, pages = {345-90}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19506602667}, year = {1950}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN104, author = {Arman, Valter}, title = {Några preliminära resultat från riksskogstaxeringen av Jönköpings, Kronobergs och Kalmar län}, number = {4}, pages = {343-390}, year = {1959}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN105, author = {Arman, Valter}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen aren 1953-1962: The National forest survey carried out in 1953-1962}, institution = {Skogshögskolan}, note = {English summary}, url = {http://libris.kb.se/bib/486516}, year = {1965}, type = {Report} } @book{RN106, author = {Arman, Valter}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen åren 1953-1962 : The national forest survey carried out in 1953-1962}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Rapporter och uppsatser / Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan, 0585-3311 ; 9}, year = {1965}, type = {Book} } @book{RN107, author = {Arman, Valter}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen åren 1958-1967 : Results from the National Forest Survey in 1958-1967}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Rapporter och uppsatser / Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan, 0585-3311 ; 13}, year = {1969}, type = {Book} } @article{RN108, author = {Arman, V. and Jakobsons, A.}, title = {Volume-determining factors, volume mean stems and increment percents based on the [Swedish] National Forest Survey}, journal = {Rapp. Uppsats. Instn. Skogstax. Skogshogsk., Stockh.}, number = {No. 10}, pages = {176}, url = {://CABI:19670601091}, year = {1967}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN109, author = {Arman, Valter and Jakobsons, Arnolds}, title = {Volymbestämmande faktorer, volymmedelstammar och tillväxtprocenter enligt riksskogstaxeringen}, institution = {Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan}, note = {ISSN 0585-3311}, number = {10}, year = {1967}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1081, author = {Askne, J. and Santoro, M. and Smith, G. and Fransson, J. E. S.}, title = {Large area boreal forest investigations using ERS InSAR}, journal = {ESA Special Publications}, volume = {475}, pages = {39-44}, ISSN = {92-9092-741-0}, url = {://WOS:000175369400006}, year = {2002}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1082, author = {Askne, J. I. H. and Fransson, J. E. S. and Santoro, M. and Soja, M. J. and Ulander, L. M. H.}, title = {Model-Based Biomass Estimation of a Hemi-Boreal Forest from Multitemporal TanDEM-X Acquisitions}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {5}, number = {11}, pages = {5574-5597}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, DOI = {10.3390/rs5115574}, url = {://WOS:000328626900010}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1461, author = {Astigarraga, Julen and Esquivel-Muelbert, Adriane and Ruiz-Benito, Paloma and Rodriguez-Sanchez, Francisco and Zavala, Miguel A and Vila-Cabrera, Albert and Schelhaas, Mart-Jan and Kunstler, Georges and Woodall, Christopher W and Cienciala, Emil}, title = {Abundance of Northern Hemisphere tree species declines in the warm and arid regions of their climatic niches}, journal = {bioRxiv}, pages = {2023.09. 04.556202}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN111, author = {Athanassiadis, Dimitris and Melin, Ylva and Lundström, Anders and Nordfjell, Tomas}, title = {Marginalkostnader för skörd av grot och stubbar från föryngringsavverkningar i Sverige}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {261}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {Kostnaden för att ta ut grot och stubbar från föryngringsavverkningar i Sverige har uppskattats och redovisas i form av marginalkostnadskurvor. Beräkningarna baseras på den mängd grot och stubbar som faller ut till följd av föryngringsavverkningar som utförs i referensscenariot i SKA-VB 08 för perioden 2010 - 2019. De potentialer som använts är efter avdrag för ekologiska, tekniska och ekonomiska restriktioner, dvs. nivå 3 i SKA-VB 08. Kostnaderna för uttag av grot och stubbar har beräknats för de maskinsystem som är vanligast förekommande i Sverige och Finland idag. Ersättning till markägare, administrationsomkostnader och kostnader för skörd, sönderdelning, maskinflyttningar och transport av grot och stubbar är de kostnadsposter som ingår i beräkningarna. Grot kan tas ut till en lägre kostnad än stubbar vilket leder till att marginalkostnadskurvan för grot startar på en lägre nivå än marginalkostnadskurvan för stubbar; 600 kr/ton TS för grot respektive 800 kr/ton TS för stubbar. Om kostnaden får öka från 770 till 920 kr/ton TS kan tillvaratagandet av grot öka från dagens ca 2 till 2,9 Mton TS, dvs. 90 % av den tillgängliga potentialen som är 3,2 Mton TS. Först vid en kostnad på 850 kr/ton TS trädbränsle uppgår andelen stubbar till 10 % av sortimentsfördelningen. Vid en kostnad på 1 100 kr/ton TS är sortimentsfördelningen så gott som lika för grot och stubbar. Om 2,5 Mton TS (60 %) av tillgänglig potential stubbar i nuläget ska bli aktuella för skörd blir uttagskostnaden upp till 1 000 kr/ton TS. Omräkningstalet 1 ton TS = 4,9 MWh har använts vid omvandling mellan massa och energi. Detta värde anger mängden energi som kan avges som värme vid förbränning av skogsbränsle med en fukthalt på 40 % när vattnets ångbildningsenergi inte utnyttjas. Om prestationen för de maskiner som ingår i stubbsystemet ökar med 15 % så kan man få ut samma mängd vid 920 kr/ton TS. Kostnadsfördelningen visar att transportkostnaderna är den viktigaste kostnadsposten, speciellt när det gäller små avverkningstrakter, belägna långt från tätort.}, keywords = {grot, stubbar, marginalkostnader}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-421}, year = {2009}, type = {Report} } @article{RN112, author = {Attebring, J.}, title = {Varför är gapet mellan tillväxt och bonitet så stort? En orienterande studie av skogarna i Småland}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 38}, year = {1985}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN113, author = {Attebring, J.}, title = {Faktisk och möjlig tillväxt - hur stor ät skillnaden och vad beror den på?}, journal = {Skogsfakta - Inventering och ekonomi Nr 10 1986}, pages = {4}, year = {1986}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN114, author = {Attebring, Jan}, title = {Relative increment as a measure of stocking in forest stands. Relativ volymtillväxt som mått på slutenhet i skogsbestånd}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, year = {1987}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1083, author = {Aune, K. and Jonsson, B. G. and Moen, J.}, title = {Isolation and edge effects among woodland key habitats in Sweden: Is forest policy promoting fragmentation?}, journal = {Biological Conservation}, volume = {124}, number = {1}, pages = {89-95}, ISSN = {00063207 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.biocon.2005.01.015}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-15744375158&doi=10.1016%2fj.biocon.2005.01.015&partnerID=40&md5=c0e4c221826fb2a3a16683d81ef6b06d}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1084, author = {Ausilio, G. and Sand, H. and Månsson, J. and Mathisen, K. M. and Wikenros, C.}, title = {Ecological Effects of Wolves in Anthropogenic Landscapes: The Potential for Trophic Cascades Is Context-Dependent}, journal = {Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {8}, ISSN = {2296701X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.3389/fevo.2020.577963}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85099752742&doi=10.3389%2ffevo.2020.577963&partnerID=40&md5=4e608ec7a8aab3b8189e5f40372ccbfb}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN115, author = {Axelsson, Anna-Lena}, title = {Forest landscape change in boreal Sweden 1850-2000}, volume = {183}, abstract = {In the project described in this thesis, structural changes that have occurred in the boreal Swedish forest during the last 150 years were studied through analysis of historical records. Historical perspectives on forest landscapes provide a better understanding of natural disturbance dynamics as well as anthropogenic changes and a frame of reference for assessing current ecological patterns and processes. The studies were performed at various spatial scales, and were conducted in two different forest regions in boreal Sweden. In the district of Lycksele, Västerbotten county, changes were studied from stand to regional scale within the same geographic context. In the county of Dalarna changes in the age distribution of large diameter trees were studied at county and landscape scales. Different types of spatially explicit historical data were used, including delineation and forest surveys, early timber counts and data from the first Swedish National Forest Inventory. Quantitative data on changes in logging and forest management were also included, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used to integrate various types of historical records and to perform spatial analysis at different scales. During the last 100 years a sharp reduction in complexity of the forest structure has occurred at all spatial levels. A multi-aged forest matrix has been replaced by a patchwork of forest stands of various ages. Most stands are younger than 100 years and dominated by even-aged forest. The current landscape structure created by forest management differs radically from the earlier landscape structure created by fire disturbance. At the end of the 19th century, deciduous patches were large and occurred at recently burned areas at higher altitudes. Today deciduous stands are distributed more evenly in the landscape and are connected to logging disturbance. Deciduous trees have been systematically removed during the 20 m century and today most deciduous trees occur in young stands. Both mean tree age and age variation of large diameter trees has decreased and nowadays large trees older than 400 years are rare in the boreal forest. Historical records provide unique spatially explicit information on forest structure at various spatial levels that could not be gathered in any other way. Forest surveys are useful for describing historical landscape structure and structural changes from larger stand (>100 hectares) up to regional levels. At smaller spatial scales the resolution of the forest survey maps are too coarse and analysis should be complemented with other types of historical records or other historical methods. A systematic approach to increase our knowledge of previous landscape patterns and regional variation in disturbance dynamics is presented. "Retrospective gap analysis" involves local analysis of historical records and integration of historical data in ecological landscape planning. In intensively managed landscapes the method can provide a framework for multi-objective forest management and restoration efforts at regional level. The method can also be used to develop regional goals for strategic conservation planning, or to refine goal-setting in forest certification.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/468/}, year = {2001}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN1085, author = {Axelsson, A. L. and Stahl, G. and Soderberg, U. and Petersson, H. and Fridman, J. and Lundstrom, A.}, title = {Sweden}, series = {National Forest Inventories: Pathways for Common Reporting}, pages = {541-553}, ISBN = {978-90-481-3232-4}, DOI = {10.1007/978-90-481-3233-1_35}, url = {://WOS:000274796800039}, year = {2010}, type = {Book} } @inbook{RN117, author = {Axelsson, A. L. and Ståhl, G. and Söderberg, U. and Petersson, H. and Fridman, F. and Lundström, A.}, title = {Development of Sweden’s National Forest Inventory}, booktitle = {National Forest Inventories – Pathways for Common Reporting}, editor = {Tomppo, E. and Gschwantner, T. and Lawrence, M. and McRoberts, R. E.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Heidelberg}, pages = {541-553}, ISBN = {978-90-481-3232-4}, year = {2010}, type = {Book Section} } @phdthesis{RN118, author = {Axelsson, Robert}, title = {Forest policy, continuous tree cover forest and uneven-aged forest management in Sweden’s boreal forest}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {Uneven-aged forest management based on selection systems is surrounded by strong feelings in Sweden and debates for and against have been going on for more than 100 years. The shift from selective felling, or high-grading, to sustained-yield forest policy eventually led to the use of clear cutting forest management systems on all boreal site types. The need for a more diverse set of silvicultural systems that emulate natural disturbance regimes has been emphasized in the recent Swedish forest policy debate. There are two aims of this thesis; 1) to estimate the amount of boreal continuous tree cover forest sites, i.e. sites that naturally were dominated by forests with gap phase and cohort dynamic, and the amount of pre-industrial agricultural woodlands, how much of such sites that hold old forest today and how they are managed, 2) To explore local forestry actor’s views on and knowledge about alternatives to the clear cutting silvicultural system. Two study areas, one in the south and one in the north part of the Swedish boreal forest, were examined using multiple methods for estimates of forest conditions and qualitative interviews with local forestry actors. In both study areas about 10 % of the forest landscape consisted of continuous tree cover sites. In addition there were high altitude mountain forests in the northern study area, and anthropogenic wooded grasslands in the southern study area. The present harvesting system was similar on all site types. In the southern study area forestry actors were more positive to unevenaged forest management systems than in the northern area. Foresters in both study areas blamed selection felling systems for the past unsustainable exploitation of the Swedish forests and were negative to using selection systems as alternatives for sustained yield production. However, they were positive to them as a complement to satisfy social and to some extent ecological values. To encourage the use of selection systems as a complement to the clear cutting system in areas with suitable site conditions and in areas with specific management goals there is a need for more knowledge about the consequences for different dimensions of sustainable forest management. Finally, to implement sustainable forest management a landscape approach is needed. This includes emulation of natural disturbance regimes for biodiversity, management of forests for social use, and improved cooperation among land owners at multiple scales in space and time.}, keywords = {continuous cover forestry, forest dynamics, forest management system, forest policy, forest governance, boreal forest, social forestry, biodiversity}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2459}, year = {2008}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN119, author = {Axelsson, Robert and Angelstam, Per}, title = {Uneven-aged forest management in boreal Sweden: local forestry stakeholders' perceptions of different sustainability dimensions}, journal = {Forestry}, volume = {84}, number = {5}, pages = {567-579}, abstract = {To implement policies on sustainable forest management (SFM), there is a need to satisfy economical, ecological and socio-cultural sustainability objectives. Due to a long history of sustained yield wood production to satisfy the needs of the forest industry, clearfelling management systems are used in similar to 96 per cent of managed forests in Sweden. To satisfy the intentions of contemporary forest and land use policies, uneven-aged forest management systems as a complement are currently debated. We interviewed local forestry stakeholders in the Swedish boreal forest region's north and south about their views on and attitudes towards different forest management systems' contribution to SFM. Most stakeholders were generally negative to the use of uneven-aged system for sustained yield wood production but saw advantages for ecological and socio-cultural dimensions of SFM. To encourage the use of even-aged cohort and uneven-aged systems to satisfy all dimensions of SFM, there is a need for improved communication, education and public awareness. This could ultimately lead to a more constructive and less heated debate. In addition, there is a need of more empirically based knowledge about uneven-aged and cohort forest management systems' pros and cons when it comes to satisfying economical, ecological and socio-cultural objectives.}, DOI = {10.1093/forestry/cpr034}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpr034}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN388, author = {Backéus, Sofia}, title = {Forest management strategies for CO₂ mitigation}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU}, type = {Doctoral thesis}, abstract = {The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased since pre-industrial time and a further increase is expected to lead to profound global climate change. Forests can play an important role in counteracting green house gas emissions as they are ubiquitous and are one of the currently available mechanisms for mitigating the increase of atmospheric CO₂. This thesis focuses on how carbon sequestration considerations can be incorporated in forest management analysis and planning. In Paper I the carbon status of forest biomass and soil in forest stands in southern Sweden were scrutinized under various thinning regimes and fertilization programmes. Biofuel production was also considered. Thinning and biofuel harvest decreased on-site carbon sequestration. Off-site forest carbon storage in products and fossil fuel substitution were, however, not considered. In Paper II an optimizing model that could handle a large forest area and the monetary value for carbon sequestration was presented. The objective was to maximize the net present value of harvested timber, biofuel production and carbon sequestration. The model was applied to the county of Västerbotten (3.2 million hectares) in northern Sweden using Swedish National Forest Inventory data. Applying a monetary value to carbon sequestration increased carbon storage and decreased harvest levels. In Paper III the model developed in the previous paper was used to model short–and long-term potential carbon sequestration together with timber and biofuel production. In-depth analyses of the same data set as in Paper II, i.e., the county of Västerbotten, were performed. Carbon prices ranged from zero up to the same level as the Swedish carbon dioxide tax (2310 SEK per tonne C). Harvest levels ceased at about 1000 SEK per tonne C. The decrease in harvest was more pronounced in the western low productive areas of the county. The focus in Paper IV was to investigate the impacts of climate change uncertainty in solutions to forest management problems for typical Swedish stands. Only the effect of raised temperature was considered. The economic value increased almost 5 % when the maximum temperature trend (+6.0°C) was applied, compared to the value under the minimum trend (+2.5°C). However, the economic importance of optimizing management plans according to the correct temperature scenario appeared to be limited.}, keywords = {Boreal forest, Carbon, Carbon price, Climate change, Fertilization, Thinning, Forest biofuel, Forest management planning, Optimization, Uncertainty}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-3022}, year = {2009}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN389, author = {Backlund, Botvid}, title = {Insamling, kontroll och arkivering av data vid riksskogstaxeringen : detaljerad svensk version}, institution = {Stockholm : Skogshögskolan}, year = {1968}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN390, author = {Backlund, B.}, title = {The notation [recording], checking and storing of data at the [Swedish] National Forest Survey [: a general illustrated description of the system and procedures used]}, booktitle = {Rapporter och Uppsatser, Institutionen for Skogstaxering}, pages = {v + 13 pp. + 6 fig., 13 appendices}, url = {://CABI:19750622933}, year = {1968}, type = {Book Section} } @techreport{RN391, author = {Backlund, Birgit}, title = {Wood assortments suitable for production of chemicals via bioconversion}, institution = {Innventia}, number = {490}, url = {http://www.innventia.com/Documents/Rapporter/report490.pdf}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN392, author = {Backlund, Ingegerd}, title = {Cost-effective cultivation of lodgepole pine for biorefinery applications}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU}, type = {Doctoral thesis}, abstract = {The overall objective was to evaluate the scope for the cost-effective cultivation of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta, PC) stands in a way that would enable early biomass harvesting to supply raw material for biorefineries. Commercial direct seeded PC stands were shown to produce 200 m3/ha of stemwood or 100 tons of d.w. biomass within 30 years despite one or two pre-commercial thinnings. Higher stand stem densities (≥3000 st/ha) yielded even more biomass (ca. 300 m3/ha) with only slight reductions in DBH (Study I). The effects of different silvicultural regimes on 20-year-old direct seeded PC stands were analyzed in a field experiment. A high biomass regime (no PCT) produced 144% more biomass and 134% more stem volume than the conventional regime (2200 st/ha). The diameter of the 1000 largest trees/ha did not differ between regimes. A regime with 4500 st/ha gave promising results in terms of both biomass and timber production. Importantly, producing large amounts of biomass early in the rotation period is compatible with a subsequent change of focus to emphasize pulp and timber production (II). To investigate the potential for using PC biomass in biorefineries to produce e.g. liquid biofuels, the chemical contents of wood samples from Scots- and lodgepole pine trials were compared. Heartwood had up to five times greater extractive contents than sapwood. 21 fatty and 10 resin acids were detected. It was estimated that ca. 150 kg of fatty acids and 1 ton resins/ha could be harvested from a mature boreal PC stand (III). The chemical compounds in the aboveground fractions of PC trees grown under a direct seeding-based regime were identified. The bark provided the highest extractive yields (16%) and the stemwood the lowest (1%). The extractive profiles of the needles differed strongly from the other fractions, being particularly rich in wax esters and fatty alcohols. It should be possible to harvest 2-3 tons of crude extractives/ha from a dense 30-year-old PC stand (IV). To estimate the commercial potential of different biorefinery products, a survey was performed. 95% of the respondents believed that the value of tree biomass will increase over the next ten years, mainly due to the replacement of oil-based products. Key product categories were: transportation fuels, special celluloses, materials and plastics, solid fuels and specialty chemicals. A strong correlation between the prices of electricity and wood fuel was identified, and electricity prices may play a key role in determining the future use of biomass (V). Overall, there is considerable but currently unrealized potential for the cost-effective cultivation of lodgepole pine in directly seeded dense stands using short rotation periods to produce substantial quantities of biomass for biorefineries within only a few decades.}, keywords = {biomass production, goal-oriented forestry, biobased products, Fennoscandia, chemical extraction, direct seeding, short rotation}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1674}, year = {2013}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN393, author = {Baeten, L. and Bruelheide, H. and van der Plas, F. and ... and Dahlgren, J. and ... and et al.}, title = {Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests}, journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, volume = {56}, number = {3}, pages = {733-744}, ISSN = {0021-8901}, DOI = {10.1111/1365-2664.13308}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13308}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1430, author = {Bakx, Tristan RM and Trubins, Renats and Eggers, Jeannette and Akselsson, Cecilia}, title = {The effect of spatial and temporal planning scale on the trade-off between the financial value and carbon storage in production forests}, journal = {Land Use Policy}, volume = {127}, pages = {106583}, ISSN = {0264-8377}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1087, author = {Barreiro, S. and Schelhaas, M. J. and Kändler, G. and Antón-Fernández, C. and Colin, A. and Bontemps, J. D. and Alberdi, I. and Condés, S. and Dumitru, M. and Ferezliev, A. and Fischer, C. and Gasparini, P. and Gschwantner, T. and Kindermann, G. and Kjartansson, B. and Kovácsevics, P. and Kucera, M. and Lundström, A. and Marin, G. and Mozgeris, G. and Nord-Larsen, T. and Packalen, T. and Redmond, J. and Sacchelli, S. and Sims, A. and Snorrason, A. and Stoyanov, N. and Thürig, E. and Wikberg, P. E.}, title = {Overview of methods and tools for evaluating future woody biomass availability in European countries}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, volume = {73}, number = {4}, pages = {823-837}, ISSN = {12864560 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s13595-016-0564-3}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85001975635&doi=10.1007%2fs13595-016-0564-3&partnerID=40&md5=61fecbd80e4b48258b31e2062d940d49}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN394, author = {Barrett, Frank and McRoberts, Ronald E. and Tomppo, Erkki and Cienciala, Emil and Waser, Lars T.}, title = {A questionnaire-based review of the operational use of remotely sensed data by national forest inventories}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {174}, pages = {279-289}, abstract = {We report on the operational use of remotely sensed data by national forest inventory (NFI) programmes in 45 countries representing approximately 65% of the world's forest area. The analysis is based on responses to a questionnaire prepared under the auspices of COST Action FP1001 “Improving Data and Information on the Potential Supply of Wood Resources: A European Approach from Multisource National Forest Inventories (USEWOOD)”. Responses were received from NFI remote sensing experts from both European and non-European countries. Three major conclusions were drawn from the study: (1) remote sensing now plays an essential role in many NFI programmes and provides data that can be used to enhance estimates for the most meaningful and commonly reported forest resource parameters; (2) a wide spectrum of remote sensing methods are currently used by NFI teams; and (3) although substantial effort and attention has been focused on the use of aerial photography and spaceborne sensor data for mapping and enhancing estimation, integration of uncertainly estimation requires additional attention. The operational use of remotely sensed data by NFI programmes is illustrated for three case studies: a case study for Switzerland focuses on digital aerial photography, a case study for Finland focuses on spaceborne sensor data for small area estimation, and a case study for the USA focuses on spaceborne sensor data for increasing the precision of large area estimates. Although use of remotely sensed data by NFI programmes may remain region-specific and some approaches are not readily transferable, generally applicable good practice guidelines were formulated on the basis of the questionnaire responses and the case studies. These guidelines are intended to promote better use of limited financial resources and to increase the accuracy and precision of NFI estimates.}, keywords = {COST action FP1001 Case studies Satellite imagery Spaceborne data Aerial photography}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2015.08.029}, url = {https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.1384}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN395, author = {Barth, Andreas}, title = {Spatially comprehensive data for forestry scenario analysis : consequences of errors and methods to enhance usability}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU}, abstract = {This thesis focuses on the use of forest data for national level policy making. Three major issues were considered: (i) to determine typical requirements of data in forestry scenario analysis, (ii) to evaluate and further develop methods to determine data requirements, and (iii) to develop methods that improve data usability in forestry scenario analysis. Increasingly, the trend is to use spatially comprehensive data as a basis for forestry scenario analysis. Compared to traditional approaches, often limited to sample data, this allows for a broader scope. This is needed since sustainable forestry today must encompass economical and ecological, as well as social perspectives. Different approaches to linking data acquisition strategies with decisions that typically are based on forestry scenario analyses were used in the determination of data requirements. In Paper I, a qualitative framework was developed and applied. The conclusions were that none of the currently used Swedish data acquisition strategies were able to provide data for adequate multi-resource forestry scenario analysis at national level. In Papers II and III, two quantitative approaches were used for the evaluation of sample-plot imputations; using a decision support system the quantitative consequences of errors and cost-plus-loss with simulations were considered. From Paper II it was clear that traditional approaches to acquiring spatially comprehensive data may lead to severe errors in scenario analyses. Both papers concluded that improvements are required in the methodology of assessing the data. In Paper IV, an analytical cost-plus-loss approach was used to address the issue of decision-making at the national level linked to national forest inventories. The conclusion was that the current level of Swedish national forest inventory is motivated fully by the role of the inventory to provide information for national level timber harvesting planning, whereas the inventory serves many other purposes as well. In Papers V and VI, methods were developed and tested regarding how the usability of spatially comprehensive data for national level forestry scenario analysis can be enhanced. In Paper V an algorithm for spatially consistent imputation within forest stands was developed and found to deliver good results in a case study. In Paper VI, a framework for landscape level imputation aiming at preserving overall composition while enhancing spatial configuration was outlined and tested. A core component of the framework was a restricted imputation algorithm that ensured that the classical imputation problem of data “tending towards the mean” was avoided. Case studies showed promising results, but it is clear that the methodological tool-kit must be further developed before it can be applied in practice.}, keywords = {forest inventory, data acquisition, forest management, decision support systems, forestry scenario analysis, data requirements, national level forest planning, decision-making, policy-making, cost-plus-loss analysis, medium-resolution satellite data, la scanner data, national forest inventory, data usability, optimisation, imputation}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-1863}, year = {2007}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN396, author = {Barth, Andreas and Lind, Torgny and Petersson, Hans and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {A framework for evaluating data acquisition strategies for analyses of sustainable forestry at national level}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {21}, number = {S7}, pages = {94-105}, abstract = {Analysing sustainable forestry at a national level involves many stakeholder groups and multiple resources; thus, analyses tend to be complicated. To evaluate the consequences of different policy options, scenario analyses often are carried out to assess effects in terms of what goods and services can be obtained from forests. This article concerns the provision of input data to such studies. Owing to the complexity of the analyses and the rapid development in the area of forest inventory methodology it is not straightforward to decide how input data should be acquired. This article provides a framework for how analyses of this type can be addressed as well as a case example to illustrate how different data acquisition methods may be evaluated. The framework comprises two steps: the first is to identify the demand of data connected to the resources included in the analysis; the second step is characterizing the quality of inventory data provided by the data acquisition strategy. As an example, three data acquisition strategies were evaluated; none of them was found to be optimal from all points of views and thus the study concludes with a presentation of an integrated method for data acquisition that is based on data from sampled landscape patches. Analysing sustainable forestry at a national level involves many stakeholder groups and multiple resources; thus, analyses tend to be complicated. To evaluate the consequences of different policy options, scenario analyses often are carried out to assess effects in terms of what goods and services can be obtained from forests. This article concerns the provision of input data to such studies. Owing to the complexity of the analyses and the rapid development in the area of forest inventory methodology it is not straightforward to decide how input data should be acquired. This article provides a framework for how analyses of this type can be addressed as well as a case example to illustrate how different data acquisition methods may be evaluated. The framework comprises two steps: the first is to identify the demand of data connected to the resources included in the analysis; the second step is characterizing the quality of inventory data provided by the data acquisition strategy. As an example, three data acquisition strategies were evaluated; none of them was found to be optimal from all points of views and thus the study concludes with a presentation of an integrated method for data acquisition that is based on data from sampled landscape patches.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/14004080500486922}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/14004080500486922}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1088, author = {Barth, A. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Determining sample size in national forest inventories by cost-plus-loss analysis: An exploratory case study}, journal = {European Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {131}, number = {2}, pages = {339-346}, ISSN = {16124669 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s10342-011-0505-5}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84856535983&doi=10.1007%2fs10342-011-0505-5&partnerID=40&md5=b581fba0312ababc9b9a4d2972d2a38b}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN397, author = {Bartlett, Deborah and Nicolescu, Valeriu-Norocel and Pyttel, Patrick}, title = {Evolution and perspectives of coppice forests in European countries and South Africa}, number = {606190598X}, url = {https://gala.gre.ac.uk/id/eprint/14009/}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1404, author = {Bassett, Kelley R and Östlund, Lars and Gundale, Michael J and Fridman, Jonas and Jämtgård, Sandra}, title = {Forest inventory tree core archive reveals changes in boreal wood traits over seven decades}, journal = {Science of The Total Environment}, pages = {165795}, ISSN = {0048-9697}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN398, author = {Beland Lindahl, Karin}, title = {Frame analysis, place perceptions and the politics of natural resource management}, abstract = {This thesis is an exploration into the politics of natural resource management. An objective is to integrate concerns for "place" in theory guiding management and resource politics. Conflicting perceptions of place appear to play a role in the making of resource management policy. So do multiple understandings of the meaning of policy and policy events. Consequently, another aim of this thesis is to make sense of actors' multiple understandings of places and policy. The empirical focus is on one forest related Government Commission and its expressions in the community of Jokkmokk in the North of Sweden. Many communities in the North owe their shape, character and identity to natural resource exploitation. They are often localised in landscapes which are recognised for high nature conservation values and conflicts over natural resource use are common. Such conditions are not unique to Sweden. By applying a neo-Durkheimian approach to frame analysis this thesis explores the role of place perceptions in politics of natural resource management. Drawing on theories of social spatialisation, actors' place related frames are identified. Questions of influence and power are investigated by using actors' place related frames as a point of departure for an interpretive policy analysis. The study demonstrates how a systematic analysis of place related frames helps explain important aspects of the policy making process. It shows how fundamentally conflicting place meanings divide the actors, their frames and Interpretive Communities. However, the study also shows that place perceptions do not always explain actors' political activities. Sometimes actors' social organisation and loyalties are more important. This thesis therefore offers a sociologically based approach to conceptualising place perceptions and their role in the politics of natural resource management. It accordingly shows how neo-Durkheimian theory may be applied in natural resource management contexts. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates how questions of natural resource management and rural development are interlinked – through place. The analytical approach enables an in depth understanding of the nature of policy making and intractable policy controversies. In the case of the Government Commission under study, it revealed a lack of local participation, disregard of local perspectives and, thus, insufficient legitimacy. As such,it may also contribute to efforts to manage conflicts as well as to develop more equitable and democratic governance systems.}, keywords = {politics, natural resource management, forest policy, place perceptions, frame analysis, interpretive policy analysis}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2498}, year = {2008}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN399, author = {Bell, David}, title = {Forest degradation, conservation and restoration in Sweden}, institution = {Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies}, number = {18}, abstract = {Forest ecosystems in Sweden are dynamic, and many species rely on natural disturbance regimes. Today, most structurally complex forests have been converted into even-aged stands of predominantly coniferous trees. Attempts to conserve biodiversity and ecosystem services have mostly involved silvicultural precautions and forest protection, but habitat restoration is becoming increasingly important. Before ecological restoration is attempted, researchers and conservation managers must try to understand the (1) site-history, (2) current state, and (3) natural variability of the ecosystem to be restored. Traditional approaches often focus on repairing specific habitat conditions, rather than on restoring landscape processes that form and sustain habitats. A potential short-cut in choosing the appropriate scales for restoration would be to restore habitats for so called ‘umbrella species’. Umbrella species require large expanses of functionally intact habitat. Consequently, many other naturally co-occuring species would benefit from their protection. Ecological restoration may also be the only way to relieve extinction debts in remnant habitats. Restoration methods have been developed to: • Mimic natural conditions (disturbance regimes and substrate availability) • Improve connectivity for species dispersal (create migration corridors) • Enlarge habitats • Minimize edge effects by creating buffer zones • Enable species re-introductions • Eradicate exotic species Restoration success, however, is not only measured in terms of species recovery. Stakeholder involvement is also crucial. Ecological restoration is an inherently subjective process, i.e. people decide on what to restore and for what reasons. Restoration managers must therefore consider public opinion before attempting to bring about change. Change, however, is inevitable, whether it is anthropogenic or not, and ecological restoration will influence future trajectories either way. Long-term monitoring and evaluation must therefore become integrated parts of ecological restoration in Sweden and elsewhere.}, keywords = {forest, stream, restoration, conservation}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-737}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1366, author = {Belyazid, S. and Akselsson, C. and Zanchi, G.}, title = {Water Limitation in Forest Soils Regulates the Increase in Weathering Rates under Climate Change}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, note = {Belyazid, Salim Akselsson, Cecilia Zanchi, Giuliana 1999-4907}, DOI = {10.3390/f13020310}, url = {://WOS:000850395600001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN400, author = {Belyazid, Salim and Giuliana, Zanchi}, title = {Water limitation can negate the effect of higher temperatures on forest carbon sequestration}, journal = {European Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {138}, number = {2}, pages = {287-297}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0 1612-4677}, ISSN = {1612-4669}, DOI = {10.1007/s10342-019-01168-4}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-019-01168-4}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN401, author = {Bengtson, M.}, title = {Barrförlust och ståndortsfaktorer i granskog - data från riksskogstaxeringen och ståndortskarteringen}, address = {Stockholm, 1998}, note = {16 ref. Barrförlust och luftföroreningar. Samband mellan kronutglesning och miljöfaktorer i barrskog}, keywords = {5014 picea pinaceae tree form plant habit plant vegetative organs plant anatomy plant diseases abscission plant physiology forest management surveys scandinavia western europe europe picea abies forest trees crown leaves dieback leaf fall forest stands forest inventories forest surveys sweden}, year = {1998}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN402, author = {Bengtsson, Göte}, title = {Förråd av torrskog samt naturlig avgång ur det råa virkesförrådet enligt riksskogstaxeringen}, publisher = {Skogshögskolan, Inst. f. skogstaxering}, pages = {102}, note = {Reprint Edition}, year = {1974}, type = {Manuscript} } @techreport{RN403, author = {Bengtsson, G.}, title = {Synpunkter på utnyttjande av riksskogstaxeringens matreial inom skogsbruket}, institution = {Sveriges Skogsvårdsförbund}, year = {1978}, type = {Report} } @book{RN406, author = {Bengtsson, G.}, title = {Förråd av torrskog samt naturlig avgång %U det råa virkesförrådet enligt Riksskogstaxeringen}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Arbetsrapport - Institutionen för Skogstaxering, Umeå, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, nr 18}, note = {18 ref.}, keywords = {5021 natural resources scandinavia western europe europe developmental stages forest resources sweden forest trees death damage injurious factors}, pages = {114 s.}, year = {1994}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN407, author = {Bengtsson, G. and Holmlund, J. and Lundström, A. and Sandewall, M.}, title = {Avverkningsberäkning 1985, AVB 85. Del 1. Beräkningarnas uppläggning samt resultatför virkesbalansområden och hela landet. Del 2. Detaljerade beräkningsförutsättningar, specialanalyser samt resultat för län och länsdelar}, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. skogstaxering}, year = {1989}, type = {Report} } @article{RN408, author = {Bengtsson, G. and Lindroth, S.}, title = {[Defoliation inventory of Norway spruce and Scots pine in 1984]}, journal = {Rapport - Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen foer Skogstaxering}, number = {50}, note = {19 ref. Summary (En)}, keywords = {Picea Abies Pinus Sylvestris Boreal Forests Forest Dieback Forest Pathology Forest Surveys Forest Inventories Sweden/ Forest Trees Viability Crown Environmental Impact Leaves Foret Boreale Deperissement Des Forets Pathologie Forestiere Enquete Forestiere Inventaire Forestier Suede/ Arbre Forestier Viabilite Houppier Impact Sur L'Environnement Feuille Bosque Boreal Marchitez Del Bosque Patologia Forestal Encuestas Forestales Inventarios Forestales Suecia/ Arboles Forestales Viabilidad Copa Impacto Ambiental Hojas Nfi National Forest Inventory}, ISSN = {0348-0496}, year = {1991}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN409, author = {Bengtsson, G. and Lindroth, S.}, title = {Skogsskadeinventeringen i Blekinge år 1984. Beskrivning av skador och vitalitet på stående och fällda träd}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 50}, year = {1991}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN410, author = {Bengtsson, Stina}, title = {Dieback of Fraxinus excelsior: biology of ash dieback and genetic variation of the fungus Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU}, type = {Doctoral thesis}, abstract = {Ash dieback caused by Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (anamorph Chalara fraxinea) is a disease that has emerged during the past twenty years. It was first observed in Poland and has expanded over most of the distribution area of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in Europe. This thesis comprises four scientific papers. The first reports the production of a phytotoxin, viridiol, by the fungus, and shows that it causes necrotic spots on ash cotyledons. The second paper describes a working tool, a species-specific DNA primer situated in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA, which can be used to detect the fungus in diseased host material and confidently identify fungal cultures. In the third paper, microsatellites and arbitrary primed PCR were used to investigate the genetic population structure of the fungus. The genetic variation was evenly distributed in the whole European population, implying a high level of gene flow. Double alleles in apothecia compared with single alleles in mycelia cultures strongly indicated sexual reproduction. H. pseudoalbidus was clearly distinct from the native closely related Hymenoscyphus albidus and it is unlikely that the disease is derived from a H. albidus ancestry. The low number of microsatellite alleles per locus indicated a recent founder effect in H. pseudoalbidus. In the fourth paper disease development was surveyed in 261 naturally infected ash trees over a 32 month period. A clear seasonal pattern was demonstrated, with lesion activity and growth rate peaking during the summer. A substantial proportion of the lesions ceased to develop, often when the lesion reached a branch base; however the rate at which new lesions emerged was greater than the rate at which lesions entered a resting phase. During the course of the survey a third of the trees died and only a few seedlings remained healthy. In addition, the lower temperature limit for the fungus in culture was estimated to be 0.5°C.}, keywords = {Chalara fraxinea, phytotoxin, population, lesion, microsatellite}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-892}, year = {2013}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1328, author = {Berg, B. and Johansson, M. B. and Nilsson, A. and Gundersen, P. and Norell, L.}, title = {Sequestration of carbon in the humus layer of Swedish forests - direct measurements}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {39}, number = {5}, pages = {962-975}, note = {ISI Document Delivery No.: 468IN Times Cited: 32 Cited Reference Count: 44 Berg, Bjorn Johansson, Maj-Britt Nilsson, Ake Gundersen, Per Norell, Lennart Gundersen, Per/B-2192-2008; Johansson, Maj-Britt/F-3758-2010 Gundersen, Per/0000-0002-9199-4033; "Incentivazione alla mobilita di studiosi stranieri e italiani residenti all' estero" We are grateful to the critical and constructive comments of two anonymous referees. This work was carried out when Bjorn Berg was a guest scientist at the Bayreuth Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Research, Bayreuth, Germany, Forest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, the Department of Forest Ecology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, and Dipartimento Biologia Strutturale e Funzionale, Universita Federico II, Napoli, Italy. The work by Bjorn Berg was financed by the program "Incentivazione alla mobilita di studiosi stranieri e italiani residenti all' estero". 34 1 40 Canadian science publishing Ottawa 1208-6037}, abstract = {To determine sequestration rates of carbon dioxide (CO2) we calculated the carbon (C) storage rate in humus layers of Swedish forests with Podsolic soils, which account for 14.2 x 10(6) ha of the 22.7 x 10(6) ha of forested land in Sweden. Our data set covered 41 years of humus inventories and mean humus layer thickness in 82 513 plots. We analysed three forest types: (i) all combinations of tree species, (ii) forests dominated (>70%) by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), and (iii) forests dominated (>70%) by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). To relate changes in humus layer thickness to land area we used the intersections in 25 km x 25 km grids and used kriging interpolation, permitting calculations for each forest type. For each intersection mean humus thickness for each year was calculated and regressed against time to obtain the rate of change. This rate, humus bulk density, and humus C concentration were used to calculate sequestration rates. The mean sequestration rate was 251 kg C.ha(-1).year(-1), which is higher than theoretical values. The sequestration rate was positively related to temperature sum, albeit including effects of forest management. The pine-dominated forest type had a mean rate of 283 kg C.ha(-1).year(-1), and the spruce-dominated had a mean rate of 239 kg C.ha(-1).year(-1). Under similar site conditions, pine sequestered more C than spruce (difference of 71 kg C.ha(-1).year(-1); p < 0.0001), showing the importance of this type of ecosystem for C sequestration.}, keywords = {soil carbon nitrogen deposition organic-matter dynamics sweden rates acidification respiration boreal model Forestry}, ISSN = {0045-5067}, DOI = {10.1139/x09-022}, url = {://WOS:000267810800008}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN411, author = {Berg, L.}, title = {Miljöövervakning av biologisk mångfald. Underlag till regeringsuppdraget: Miljöövervakningens framtida inriktning och omfattning}, address = {Stockholm, Feb 1996}, note = {PMK, LiM-projektet, riksskogstaxeringen, VMI, biotopkartering, CORINE Land Cover Underlag till regeringsuppdrag om miljöövervakning}, keywords = {farmland land resources natural resources physiographic features inland waters surface water water resources environments resource conservation resource management surveys evaluation scandinavia western europe europe cultivated land forest land wetlands highlands lakes rivers landscape marine areas biotopes biodiversity sustainability nature conservation forest surveys environmental impact assessment sweden legislation endangered species}, year = {1996}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN412, author = {Berg Lejon, Solveig}, title = {Studie av mätmetoder vid Riksskogstaxeringens årsringsmätning}, number = {110}, abstract = {Sedan 1923 har mätningen av borrkärnor gjorts med hjälp av mikroskop. Modern teknik för bildavläsning, överföring av bilder till dator samt programvaror för bildanalys, kan erbjuda effektivare och bättre arbetsrutiner vid årsringsmätningen för riksskogstaxering. Därför har studier av alternativ metod för analys av borrkärnor genomförts för att se om det föreligger någon skillnad mellan nuvarande använd analysmetod och en modern metod-WinDENDROs. Programvaran WinDENDRO är ett bildanalyssystem avsett speciellt för årsrings-, stam-och veddensitetsmätningar och analyser. Det förutsätter bildavläsning med t ex en scanner av hög optisk standard. En scanner ger en mycket hög upplösning av färg­ och gråskalebilder utan skuggor och ojämnheter i ljusintensitet även för större bildytor, vilket gör att den kan vara mycket användbar för analys av borrkärnor. Den först versionen av programmet kom 1988 och utvecklades i samarbete mellan Dr. Rejean Gagnon och Dr. Hubert Morin vid The Dendroecology Laboratory of Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi. Därefter har programmet uppdaterats regelbundet och förbättras.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8765/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN413, author = {Berg, S. and Lundström, A. and Svensson, S. A.}, title = {Lövträd i Sverige - Tillgångar och utnyttjande idag samt framtida utveckling i några områden}, institution = {SLU}, year = {1996}, type = {Report} } @article{RN414, author = {Berg, Staffan and Valinger, Erik and Lind, Torgny and Suominen, Tommi and Tuomasjukka, Diana}, title = {Comparison of co-existing forestry and reindeer husbandry value chains in northern Sweden}, journal = {SILVA FENNICA}, volume = {50}, number = {1}, abstract = {Forestry in Malå, northern Sweden, coexists with other land uses. Reindeer husbandry is in the area for centuries and requires large areas of grazing land. Competing land uses may threaten the Malå Sami village. The aim of the study was to evaluate increased consideration in forest management towards 1) reindeer husbandry, 2) nature and 3) a combination of the two. These scenarios were compared with forest management as it was in 2009. Results indicate that all three scenarios lead to a decrease in annual harvesting volumes of 0.2 to 0.4 million m3. Forest industry dominated the economic viability in the area. Forest management adapted to the needs of reindeer husbandry resulted in less potential for yearly harvest, employment and profits from forest industry. On the other hand, it led to an increase in growing stock and consequently the potential for carbon sequestration over time. Indeed the increased sequestration would compensate for all fossil emissions of carbon from the Forest Wood Chain (FWC). The nature scenario had minor effects on economic result and on the emissions of fossil carbon. The combined scenario gave a reduced economic performance for the FWC. A scenario based on forest management accommodating the needs of reindeer husbandry gave the best economic result for the reindeer chain, due to high survival rate of the reindeer. However the economic importance of reindeer husbandry in the region was small compared to the FWC. Results from scenario analysis could serve as a platform for mutual understanding between stakeholders.}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.1384}, url = {https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.1384}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN415, author = {Berghäll, Sören}, title = {Skogsskador i Sverige 1994 : resultat av skogsskadebevakningen från riksskogstaxeringen och skogsvårdsorganisationens observationsytor}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen (Jönköping : SJV offset)}, number = {ISSN 1100-0295}, year = {1995}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1370, author = {Bergkvist, J. and Lagergren, F. and Linderson, M. L. F. and Miller, P. and Lindeskog, M. and Jonsson, A. M.}, title = {Modelling managed forest ecosystems in Sweden: An evaluation from the stand to the regional scale}, journal = {Ecological Modelling}, volume = {477}, note = {Bergkvist, John Lagergren, Fredrik Linderson, Maj-Lena Finnander Miller, Paul Lindeskog, Mats Jonsson, Anna Maria Bergkvist, John/0000-0002-2382-7727 1872-7026}, ISSN = {0304-3800}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110253}, url = {://WOS:000917404200001}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1301, author = {Bergman, Hugo}, title = {Where are the forests with highest biomass in Sweden located?}, journal = {Student thesis series INES}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN416, author = {Bergman, Mats A.}, title = {Differences in final felling and thinning behaviour between owner categories in Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {7}, number = {1-4}, pages = {269-283}, abstract = {This paper develops a simple two?period present value maximizing model of forest management. The production possibility is determined by the initial forest endowment, a growth function and transformation relations between thinnings, final fellings, pulpwood supply and sawtimber supply. The model is applied on thinnings and final fellings data of three different ownership categories in Sweden; private industrial, private non?industrial and public owners. The results show lower price elasticities than previous studies where no distinction between ownership categories are made. Also, a previously unused inventory variable seems to have an important explanatory power.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827589209382719}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02827589209382719}, year = {1992}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN417, author = {Bergquist, Jonas and Ekö, Per-Magnus and Elving, Björn and Johansson, U. and Thuresson, T.}, title = {Jämförelse av produktionspotential mellan tall, gran och björk på samma ståndort}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen}, url = {http://shop.textalk.se/shop/9098/art7/4646107-d49e4f-1753-1.pdf}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @book{RN418, author = {Bergstedt, J.}, title = {Skogsdata 91. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd, inkl. skogsskador, kronutglesning]}, publisher = {Umeå : Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5021 forests forest resources forest land forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors sweden pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown}, year = {1991}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1089, author = {Bergstedt, J. and Axelsson, A. L. and Karlsson, J. and Lonander, J. and Tornqvist, U. and Milberg, P.}, title = {The first Swedish National Forest Inventory revisited: Changes between 1927 and 2013}, journal = {Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift}, volume = {111}, number = {6}, pages = {331-343}, ISSN = {0039646X (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85039870826&partnerID=40&md5=85ba1254606e2bc50c829f275b82583b}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN419, author = {Bergstedt, Johan and Axelsson, A. L. and Karlsson, Lars and Lönander, Johanna and Törnqvist, Lina and Milberg, Per}, title = {Förändringar i Eklandskapet 1927 till 2013: i den första riksskogstaxeringens fotspår}, journal = {SVENSK BOTANISK TIDSKRIFT}, volume = {111}, number = {6}, pages = {331-343}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn%3Anbn%3Ase%3Aliu%3Adiva-143221}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN420, author = {Bergstedt, Johan and Milberg, Per}, title = {The impact of logging intensity on field-layer vegetation in Swedish boreal forests}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {154}, number = {1}, pages = {105-115}, abstract = {The relationship between logging intensity and changes in ground cover vegetation was studied in 16 species and groups of species recorded at 10- or 11-year intervals in mature conifer-dominated forests. The 789 plots located in northern and central Sweden had been surveyed by the National Forest Inventory and the National Survey of Forest Soil and Vegetation. Thirty-seven percent of the plots had been subjected to a thinning or clear-cutting between the inventories. A principal components analysis showed that, of the variables considered, logging intensity had the highest explanatory power regarding change in ground cover vegetation between the inventories (the other variables were sum of temperatures, age of stand, timber volume, percentage Pinus sylvestris and site productivity). A multivariate direct gradient analysis technique (Redundancy analysis) showed that the logging intensity significantly affected the change in cover. This analysis also ranked the species in their responsiveness to logging. Epilobium angustifolium , narrow-leaved grasses and broad-leaved grasses, increased most with logging intensity. The response was not linear and only detectable at high logging intensities (>80%). In contrast, Vaccinium myrtillus seemed to decrease linearly with increased logging intensity. There was several years time-lag in the response to logging of E. angustifolium , V. myrtillus and narrow-leaved grasses. Several species and groups of species seemed unaffected by the logging. In sample plots unaffected by logging the cover of most species decreased.}, keywords = {Clear cut Community Cutting Multivariate analysis Sweden Thinning}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/S0378-1127(00)00642-3}, year = {2001}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN421, author = {Bergsten, Urban and Sahlen, Kenneth}, title = {Sådd}, publisher = {Skogsstyrelsen}, address = {Jönköping}, series = {Skogsskötselserien}, pages = {63}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-344}, year = {2008}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN422, author = {Bergström, Dan and Ulvcrona, Thomas and Nordfjell, Tomas and Egnell, Gustaf and Lundmark, Tomas}, title = {Skörd av skogsbränsle i förstagallringar}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {281}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {Efterfrågan på skogsbränslen ökar men någon större ökning av biprodukter från skogsindustrin kan man inte räkna med de kommande 10-20 åren. Detta innebär att konkurrensen om veden kommer att intensifieras och man ser idag möjligheter att skörda skogsbränslen från skogen, i såväl gallringar som föryngringsavverkningar. I Sverige utgör ogallrade skogar med en höjd under 15 m och ett biomassainnehåll mer än 30 ton torrsubstans (TS) per ha cirka 18,4% av den totala skogsmarksarealen. Den totala stående volymen på dessa arealer är cirka 258 miljoner ton TS varav 56% finns i Norrland. Den årliga avverkningspotentialen från dessa skogar ligger på ca 5 miljoner ton TS (ca 23 TWh) för landet som helhet. Vid en konventionell förstagallring tar man ut massaved (och ev. klentimmer) som gagnvirke där endast stammar med en brösthöjdsdiameter (dbh) över cirka 8 cm är kommersiellt gångbara. I tidiga förstagallringar får den konventionella gallringen höga avverkningskostnader på grund av beståndets låga medelstam (dbh < 12cm) och låg andel gagnvirke. Generellt när man apterar massaved i tidiga gallringar så kan cirka 20-30% av stamvedsvolymen inte användas pga för klena dimensioner. Denna volym tillsammans med trädets topp och grenar, lämnas outnyttjade i beståndet. Idag med en växande skogsbränslemarknad finns ett nytt sortiment som kan konkurrera med rundvirket i förstagallringar av stamrika, klena bestånd. Syftet med denna studie är att påvisa de mängder skogsbränsle som faller ut vid gallring av typiska klena, täta och normala gallringar i södra Sverige och att jämföra detta med rundvirkesutfallet som samma bestånd kan generera vad avser mängder och lönsamhet vid olika prisrelation mellan sortimenten. I utförda beräkningar har typbestånd använts. Ett relativt högt massavedspris och ett relativt lågt skogsbränslepris jämfört dagens prisnivåer har använts. Resultaten visar att skogsbränsle kan ge uppemot tre gånger högre bruttointäkt per hektar än massaved i ”klena” (dbh 9 cm) bestånd. Även i en mer normala förstagallring vad gäller stamdiametern (dbh 14 cm) ger skogsbränslet ca 13% högre bruttointäkt. I beräkningarna uppvisar skogsbränsle systemet ett avsevärt högre nettointäkt än massavedssystemet i det ”klena” beståndet. Författarna konkluderar att: • i tidiga/klena gallringar utgör den potentiella mängden massaved endast en liten del av den totala biomassan vilket också ger ett förhållandevis låg bruttointäkt jämfört med om hela biomassan skördas som skogsbränsle; • inte ens i ”normala” förstagallringar är bruttointäkten på massaveden högre än för skogsbränsle med dagens prisnivåer; • i klena” förstagallringar ger skogsbränsleskörd ett betydligt högre nettointäkt än motsvarande massavedsskörd; • om anpassad teknik för skörd och hantering av klena träd utvecklas kan stora mängder bränsle kostnadseffektivt skördas från de svenska ungskogarna. Det är inte något stort tekniksprång som behövs, och med kloka satsningar kan nya system realiseras inom kort tid.}, keywords = {Bioenergi, biobränsle, röjning, gallring}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-435}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN423, author = {Bernhold, Andreas}, title = {Management of Pinus sylvestris stands infected by Gremmeniella abietina}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU}, abstract = {The pathogen Gremmeniella abietina causes severe damage to native Pinus sylvestris and introduced Pinus contorta var. latifolia in Sweden. The recent G. abietina outbreak in 2001–2003, caused by the large tree type (LTT), affected at least 480,000 ha of middle-aged P. sylvestris stands and forced Swedish forest owners to sanitary clear-cut large areas of valuable forests. There was, however, little knowledge of survival and growth loss of infected trees and risks involved in replanting P. sylvestris in the G. abietina-infected slash. In this thesis, G. abietina disease incidence on P. sylvestris seedlings planted after sanitation felling was studied, with and without removal of infected P. sylvestris slash. Furthermore, survival and vitality of G. abietina in the slash was studied by spore germination tests of pycnidia collected from infected slash at regular intervals. One year after planting, G. abietina pycnidia were found on 32% of the control seedlings and total infection, including stem cankers, reached 44%. Removal of infected slash reduced the number of infected seedlings by 50% and seedling mortality by 27%, one year after planting. The vitality of G. abietina in the slash was as high in pycnidia collected in 13- to 18-months-old slash as in pycnidia collected in fresh slash. It is recommended to wait at least two years after sanitary fellings before replanting with P. sylvestris. To improve the accuracy of predictions of mortality and growth losses in infected, pole-sized P. sylvestris stands, mortality, diameter growth and insect colonisation were monitored and related to crown defoliation in four 40-year-old stands in 2001–2005. Of the killed trees, 84% were at least 90% defoliated the year before they died and trees with less than 90% defoliation were only killed in the initial phase of the outbreak. A majority of the trees were killed directly by G. abietina whereas less than one third died after colonisation by pine shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda), a pest that was mainly found on dead trees or trees with at least 95% defoliation. A greater fraction of small trees died and generally did so more rapidly than larger trees. Regression analysis indicated that a mean defoliation of 2/3 of the crown resulted in an average loss of 50% in diameter increment. Based on this study, a defoliation limit of 75–80% is recommended for sanitary cutting of P. sylvestris trees in the initial phases of an outbreak, and a limit of ca. 90% for trees that survive the initial phases of an outbreak. The interest in the productive P. contorta as an alternative to P. sylvestris is currently increasing in Sweden. To study the resistance of P. contorta to LTT G. abietina, seedlings of P. contorta and P. sylvestris were planted in gaps of an infected 40-year-old P. sylvestris stand in 2005. After two years, 45% of the P. contorta seedlings and 32% of the P. sylvestris seedlings were infected. However, mortality was lower and the mean length of infected tissue on surviving seedlings significantly shorter in P. contorta (3.9 cm) compared to P. sylvestris (10.4 cm). Furthermore, 47% of the P. contorta seedlings had developed new leader shoots in 2007, compared to 19% of the P. sylvestris seedlings. Histopathological examinations of infected shoots showed that both P. contorta and P. sylvestris produce ligno-suberised boundaries that are involved in the active defence in the shoots, preventing major crown dieback. The results indicate that P. contorta is more resistant to LTT G. abietina than P. sylvestris.}, keywords = {defoliation, diameter increment, disease resistance, fungal pathogen, growth loss, lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta, sanitation, Scleroderris canker, Scots pine, slash}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2168}, year = {2008}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN424, author = {Bertills, Ulla and Lövblad, G.}, title = {Kritisk belastning för svavel och kväve}, institution = {Naturvårdsverket}, url = {https://naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer/620-5174-1.pdf}, year = {2002}, type = {Report} } @article{RN425, author = {Biber, Peter and Borges, José G. and Moshammer, Ralf and Barreiro, Susana and Botequim, Brigite and Brodrechtová, Yvonne and Brukas, Vilis and Chirici, Gherardo and Cordero-Debets, Rebeca and Corrigan, Edwin}, title = {How sensitive are ecosystem services in European forest landscapes to silvicultural treatment?}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {6}, number = {5}, pages = {1666-1695}, DOI = {10.3390/f6051666}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f6051666}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN426, author = {Bjerketorp, Anders and Johnson, Lars}, title = {Kalhuggningens och skogsdikningens inflytande på vattendragens flöden}, number = {86:2}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5141/}, year = {1986}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN427, author = {Bjorklund, Lars and Petersson, Hans}, title = {Predicting Knot Diameter of Pinus sylvestris in Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, pages = {376-384}, abstract = {2 Average diameter of the thickest knot of each whorl within a specific stem section of Scots pine (TK) was studied using functions based on growth ring widths, diameter of dry branches, site index, stand age, and latitude. Data from the Pine Stem Bank - a database of external and internal properties where knots were detected by computerized tomography (CT) scanning - were used. A high value of the corrected coefficient of determination, R 2 (adj)=0.63, was found between TK and two independent variables, average width of growth rings 11 - 20 at stump height and latitude. It is argued that TK is a good parameter for describing timber quality, and that it now is predictable on standing trees as well as on existing data from the National Forest Inventory (NFI). An attempt was made to quantify the change in the TK - value by site index, tree class, age class, and region by applying functions to NFI data from 1988 - 92. In a second analysis, also based on NFI data, the TK - value had increased by 17% from 1966 to 1988 - 92. The authors believe that this is mainly a result of the silvicultural systems used and that it is possible to reverse the negative trend by changing silvicultural methods.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827589950152700}, year = {1999}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN428, author = {Björk, Lars}, title = {Kartläggning och identifiering av kontinuitetsskog}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen}, number = {4: 2009}, url = {https://shopcdn.textalk.se/shop/9098/art70/4646170-077d5b-1816.pdf}, year = {2009}, type = {Report} } @article{RN429, author = {Björkbäck, Folke}, title = {Metodik för botanisk inventering och dokumentation anpassad till riksskogstaxeringen}, journal = {FAUNA OCH FLORA}, pages = {130-137}, keywords = {Floristik Riksskogstaxering}, ISSN = {0014-8903}, year = {1989}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN430, author = {Björkman, Erik}, title = {Om rötskador i granskog och deras betydelse vid framställning av kemisk pappersmassa och silkemassa}, number = {4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9497/}, year = {1949}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1387, author = {Björnerås, Caroline and Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A and Hammarlund, Dan and Persson, Per and Kritzberg, Emma S}, title = {Sediment Records Shed Light on Drivers of Decadal Iron Concentration Increase in a Boreal Lake}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences}, volume = {127}, number = {3}, pages = {e2021JG006670}, ISSN = {2169-8953}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN431, author = {Bladh, Lars-Ola}, title = {Preliminära produktionsöversikter för "bättre hälften" enligt riksskogstaxeringen 1968-1972 : Preliminary yield tables for the "better half of forests" based on National Forest Survey 1968-1972}, publisher = {Stockholm}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Preliminary yield tables for the "better half of forests" based on National Forest Survey 1968-1972}, year = {1974}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN432, author = {Blomberg, Per}, title = {Skyddsvärda trädmiljöer i Skåne}, institution = {Naturskyddsförening}, url = {http://solna-sundbyberg.naturskyddsforeningen.se/wp-content/uploads/sites/106/2013/09/Tr%C3%A4dmilj%C3%B6er-Inneh%C3%A5ll.pdf}, year = {2000}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN433, author = {Blomberg, Robert}, title = {Tillämpning av kNN-Sverige i Södra Skogs verksamhet}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU}, type = {Student thesis}, abstract = {The digital map product kNN-Sweden contains nationwide data of the country’s forest land. The estimated forest variables are mean age, mean tree height, volume per tree species and total volume. Today Södra Skog’s assessments of timber potentials are mainly based on experience rate and subjective assumptions. Several of the company’s important functions and activities can probably be improved by a comprehensive and updated description of forest conditions in the operation area. The purpose of this study was to investigate how data from kNN-Sweden (with reference years 2000 and 2005 respectively) relate to forest management plans created by Södra Skog per evaluated variable and area size. Another intention of the study was to identify user needs in operational activities that can be supported by data from kNN-Sweden. The study began with a survey of user needs, which was later on linked to the reports discussion by proposals for implementation options. The results show relatively large estimation errors on the stand level. Aggregated areas, however, show substantially reduced errors. Large differences also exist between the individual variables in terms of both root mean square error and bias, expressed in per cent of true mean. These differences are similar in kNN-Sweden 2000 and 2005. Södra Skog should be able to use data from kNN-Sweden to support a number of functions and activities. As expected, reliability of the data decreases with increased geographical resolution, therefore overviews of large areas are initially most appropriate. Evaluating map products of more operational nature i.e. higher resolution, however, indicates together with the survey study that Södra Skog can use data from kNN-Sweden also for this purpose. Practical implementation probably requires Södra Skog to summarize data in more suitable classes, definitions and layout. These conclusions are based on assuming kNN-Sweden to be a free product requiring only low processing costs.}, keywords = {Fjärranalys virkespotentialer kNN-Sverige virkesköp skogsbruksplan kartering}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-332}, year = {2010}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1091, author = {Boettcher, H. and Verkerk, P. J. and Gusti, M. and Havlik, P. and Grassi, G.}, title = {Projection of the future EU forest CO2 sink as affected by recent bioenergy policies using two advanced forest management models}, journal = {Global Change Biology Bioenergy}, volume = {4}, number = {6}, pages = {773-783}, ISSN = {1757-1693}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1757-1707.2011.01152.x}, url = {://WOS:000309450100018}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1329, author = {Bohlin, I. and Maltamo, M. and Hedenas, H. and Lamas, T. and Dahlgren, J. and Mehtatalo, L.}, title = {Predicting bilberry and cowberry yields using airborne laser scanning and other auxiliary data combined with National Forest Inventory field plot data}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {502}, pages = {14}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119737}, url = {://WOS:000706948600007}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN435, author = {Bohlin, Jonas}, title = {Visualisering av skog och skogslandskap}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, abstract = {Allt oftare har allmänheten åsikter om hur skogsbruket skall skötas t.ex. i närheten av byar, eller utmed vägar och sjöar. För skogs- bruket kan detta innebära diskussioner om hur en åtgärd skall gör- as eller vilken hänsyn som skall tas. Vid en sådan intressekonflikt skulle visualisering av olika framtida scenarier kunna användas som diskussionsunderlag för att visa på hur t.ex. en avverkning skulle påverka landskapsvyn. Ett annat användningsområde för visualisering är som pedagogiskt verktyg vid diskussioner mellan fastighetsägare och skogsbruksplanläggare, virkesköpare etc. Detta blir mer aktuellt då andelen ägare som bor på fastigheten minskar och samtidigt som dessa ägare ofta har inkomst från ann- an verksamhet, vilket kan innebära att de har mindre intresse för och kunskap om skogsbruk och dess terminologi. För dessa skulle en visualiserad skogsbruksplan kunna vara ett bra komplement till de konventionella tabeller, grafer och kartor som beskriver fastigheten.}, keywords = {forest land, landscape, forest trees, models, computer software, computer applications, vision}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8670/}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @article{RN436, author = {Bohlin, Jonas and Bohlin, Inka and Jonzén, Jonas and Nilsson, Mats}, title = {Mapping forest attributes using data from stereophotogrammetry of aerial images and field data from the national forest inventory}, journal = {SILVA FENNICA}, volume = {51}, number = {2}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, DOI = {https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.2021}, url = {https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.2021}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1093, author = {Bohlin, J. and Wallerman, J. and Fransson, J. E. S.}, title = {Forest variable estimation using photogrammetric matching of digital aerial images in combination with a high-resolution DEM}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {27}, number = {7}, pages = {692-699}, ISSN = {02827581 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2012.686625}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84866767554&doi=10.1080%2f02827581.2012.686625&partnerID=40&md5=572d1eb235b2f5ecef40e0c6b59c0e38}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1094, author = {Bohlin, J. and Wallerman, J. and Olsson, H. and Fransson, J. E. S.}, title = {Species-Specific Forest Variable Estimation Using Non-Parametric Modeling of Multi-Spectral Photogrammetric Point Cloud Data}, journal = {International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences}, volume = {39-B8}, pages = {387-391}, url = {://WOS:000358207600070}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1360, author = {Bontemps, Jean-Daniel and Bouriaud, Olivier and Vega, Cédric and Bouriaud, Laura}, title = {Offering the appetite for the monitoring of European forests a diversified diet}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, volume = {79}, number = {1}, pages = {1-9}, ISSN = {1297-966X}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN437, author = {Borg, Anna}, title = {Flöden av kväve och fosfor i Forshällaåns avrinningsområde}, number = {4}, abstract = {The objective of this work was to examine the flows of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Forshällaån watershed, which covers an area of 27,4 km 2 and is situated between Uddevalla and Ljungskile in the province of Göteborgs- and Bohuslän, in southwest Sweden, latitude 58°18' N and longitude 11°56' E. 28 % of the watershed is agricultural land, the remaining is forest and some unproductive areas with bare bedrock. The dominant soil types on the agricultural land are sandy loam, silty loam and clay loams, but sand and clay also occur. The forested areas are located on shallow morainic tills in higher areas. Average annual precipitation and runoff are 900 mm and 425 mm respectively. Nitrogen deposition is estimated at 20 kg ha -1 year -1 . For the calculations, results from literature studies, interviews with farmers and estimations of plant nutrient balances on the farms in the watershed and an inventory of the household waste water systems made by the Uddevalla community have been used. Total leaching from the forest area (1960 ha) was estimated to 5.9 Mg N and 0,08 Mg P year -1, viz 3 kg N and 0,04 kg P ha -l year -l , but these figures are fairly approximate. With an increase in N-leaching of 1 kg ha -l year -l the total leaching from forest land would reach 7,9 Mg year -l. The agricultural land (458 ha) contributes with approximately 4.8 Mg N each year, which is 44 %, of the total nitrogen loss. Thus, the agricultural land is the most important source of nitrogen losses. Extensively used agricultural areas (320 ha) contributes with approximately l.3 Mg N year -1. These estimations have been done with good precision. It is difficult to give a precise figure on the contribution of erosion to N and P losses. Estimates of the nutrient losses caused by erosion have been made only for agricultural land with annual crops (200 ha). The estimated losses of P and N are about 0.20 and 0,8 Mg per year, respectively. Phosphorus is lost mainly through household waste water, which contributes with 0.52 Mg per year or 65 % of the total losses. Nitrogen lost from household waste water is calculated to about 1.9 Mg per year. In the forest areas large clear cuts and ruts should be avoided in order to reduce leaching of plant nutrients. In cultivated areas, fertilizing should be adapted to the uptake by tile crops and the manure should be spread over the whole area. Fallow should be avoided. Ploughing should be done as late as possible, preferably in the spring, and in direction perpendicular to the slope. Concerning tile household waste water the best for the water quality would be to use moulder toilets whenever possible.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5222/}, year = {1993}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN438, author = {Borges, Jose G. and Nordström, Eva Maria and Garcia Gonzalo, Jordi and Hujala, Teppo and Trasobares, Antonio}, title = {Computer-based tools for supporting forest management}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, note = {The following funders have supported writing of this publication: (1) EU FP7: Cost (European Cooperation in Science) and (2) EU FP7: Marie Curie project ForEAdapt}, abstract = {Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and the expertise world-wide answers a call from both the research and the professional communities for a synthesis of current knowledge about the use of computerized tools in forest management planning. According to the aims of the Forest Management Decision Support Systems (FORSYS) (http://fp0804.emu.ee/) this synthesis is a critical success factor to develop a comprehensive quality reference for forest management decision support systems. The emphasis of the book is on identifying and assessing the support provided by computerized tools to enhance forest management planning in real-world contexts. The book thus identifies the management planning problems that prevail world-wide to discuss the architecture and the components of the tools used to address them. Of importance is the report of architecture approaches, models and methods, knowledge management and participatory planning techniques used to address specific management planning problems. We think that this synthesis may provide effective support to research and outreach activities that focus on the development of forest management decision support systems. It may contribute further to support forest managers when defining the requirements for a tool that best meets their needs. The first chapter of the book provides an introduction to the use of decision support systems in the forest sector and lays out the FORSYS framework for reporting the experience and expertise acquired in each country. Emphasis is on the FORSYS ontology to facilitate the sharing of experiences needed to characterize and evaluate the use of computerized tools when addressing forest management planning problems. The twenty six country reports share a structure designed to underline a problem-centric focus. Specifically, they all start with the identification of the management planning problems that are prevalent in the country and they move on to the characterization and assessment of the computerized tools used to address them. The reports were led by researchers with background and expertise in areas that range from ecological modeling to forest modeling, management planning and information and communication technology development. They benefited from the input provided by forest practitioners and by organizations that are responsible for developing and implementing forest management plans. A conclusions chapter highlights the success of bringing together such a wide range of disciplines and perspectives. This book benefited from voluntary contributions by 94 authors and from the involvement of several forest stakeholders from twenty six countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia over a three-year period. We, the chair of FORSYS and the editorial committee of the publication, acknowledge and thank for the valuable contributions from all authors, editors, stakeholders and FORSYS actors involved in this project.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2066}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN439, author = {Bosela, Michal and Redmond, John and Kučera, Miloš and Marin, Gheorghe and Adolt, Radim and Gschwantner, Thomas and Petráš, Rudolf and Korhonen, Kari and Kuliešis, Andrius and Kulbokas, Gintaras and Fischer, Christoph and Lanz, Adrian}, title = {Stem quality assessment in European National Forest Inventories: an opportunity for harmonised reporting?}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, pages = {1-14}, abstract = {The potential of European National Forest Inventories to harmonise stem quality estimation in European forests was identified despite considerable differences in existing national approaches.}, ISSN = {1297-966X}, DOI = {10.1007/s13595-015-0503-8}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-015-0503-8}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN440, author = {Bostedt, Göran and Mustonen, Mika and Gong, Peichen}, title = {Increasing forest biomass supply in northern Europe – countrywide estimates and economic perspectives}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {31}, number = {3}, pages = {314-322}, abstract = {ABSTRACTWoody biomass is the largest source of renewable energy in Europe, and the expected increase in demand for wood for energy purposes was the stimulus for writing this paper. Opportunities to increase the supply of forest biomass in the short and long term are discussed, as well as environmental side effects of intensive forest management. Focusing on northern Europe, national estimates of potential annual fellings and the corresponding potential amounts, simulated by the European Forest Information Scenario model, are then presented, as well as reported fellings. For the region as a whole, there seems to be substantial unused biophysical potential, although recent data from some countries indicate underestimated annual felling rates. We argue that an economic perspective is lacking in the debate about wood production for energy purposes in Europe and harvest potentials, and we discuss the effects of biophysical capacity limits in forest yield from a partial equilibrium perspective. Using a larger proportion of the biophysical potential in northern Europe than at present will entail trade-offs with environmental and social values, which means that strategies are needed to protect and account for the benefits and costs of all forms of ecosystem services.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2015.1089930}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2015.1089930}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN441, author = {Botella, Leticia and Tuomivirta, Tero T. and Hantula, Jarkko and Diez, Julio J. and Jankovsky, Libor}, title = {The European race of Gremmeniella abietina hosts a single species of Gammapartitivirus showing a global distribution and possible recombinant events in its history}, journal = {Fungal Biology}, volume = {119}, number = {2–3}, pages = {125-135}, abstract = {The population genetics of the family Partitiviridae was studied within the European race of the conifer pathogen Gremmeniella abietina. One hundred sixty-two isolates were collected from different countries, including Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States. A unique species of G. abietina RNA virus–MS1 (GaRV-MS1) appears to occur indistinctly in G. abietina biotypes A and B, without a particular geographical distribution pattern. Forty-six isolates were shown to host GaRV-MS1 according to direct specific RT-PCR screening, and the virus was more common in biotype A than B. Phylogenetic analysis based on 46 partial coat protein (CP) cDNA sequences divided the GaRV-MS1 population into two closely related clades, while RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) sequences revealed only one clade. The evolution of the virus appears to mainly occur through purifying selection but also through recombination. Recombination events were detected within alignments of the three complete CP and RdRp sequences of GaRV-MS1. This is the first time that recombination events have been directly identified in fungal partitiviruses and in G. abietina in particular. The results suggest that the population dynamics of GaRV-MS1 do not have a direct impact on the genetic structure of its host, G. abietina, though they might have had an innocuous ancestral relationship.}, keywords = {Conifers Brunchorstia pinea Biotype Mycoviruses Partitiviridae Evolution}, ISSN = {1878-6146}, DOI = {10.1016/j.funbio.2014.12.001}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funbio.2014.12.001}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1452, author = {Bouchard, E. and Searle, E. B. and Fridman, J. and Westerlund, B. and al., et}, title = {Global patterns and environmental drivers of forest functional composition}, journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography}, volume = {33}, number = {2}, pages = {303-324}, ISSN = {1466-822X}, DOI = {10.1111/geb.13790}, url = {://WOS:001129852300001}, year = {2024}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN442, author = {Brandl, Susanne and Falk, Wolfgang and Klemmt, Hans-Joachim and Stricker, Georg and Bender, Andreas and Roetzer, Thomas and Pretzsch, Hans}, title = {Possibilities and Limitations of Spatially Explicit Site Index Modelling for Spruce Based on National Forest Inventory Data and Digital Maps of Soil and Climate in Bavaria (SE Germany)}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {5}, number = {11}, pages = {2626-2646}, abstract = {Combining national forest inventory (NFI) data with digital site maps of high resolution enables spatially explicit predictions of site productivity. The aim of this study is to explore the possibilities and limitations of this database to analyze the environmental dependency of height-growth of Norway spruce and to predict site index (SI) on a scale that is relevant for local forest management. The study region is the German federal state of Bavaria. The exploratory methods comprise significance tests and hypervolume-analysis. SI is modeled with a Generalized Additive Model (GAM). In a second step the residuals are modeled using Boosted Regression Trees (BRT). The interaction between temperature regime and water supply strongly determined height growth. At sites with very similar temperature regime and water supply, greater heights were reached if the depth gradient of base saturation was favorable. Statistical model criteria (Double Penalty Selection, AIC) preferred composite variables for water supply and the supply of basic cations. The ability to predict SI on a local scale was limited due to the difficulty to integrate soil variables into the model.}, keywords = {climate forest inventory height growth soil statistical model}, ISSN = {1999-4907}, DOI = {10.3390/f5112626}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f5112626}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN443, author = {Bravo, F. and Montero, G.}, title = {Site index estimation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in the High Ebro Basin (northern Spain) using soil attributes}, journal = {Forestry}, volume = {74}, number = {4}, pages = {395-406}, ISSN = {0015-752X}, year = {2001}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN444, author = {Breidenbach, Johannes and Antón-Fernández, Clara and Petersson, Hans and McRoberts, Ronald E. and Astrup, Rasmus}, title = {Quantifying the Model-Related Variability of Biomass Stock and Change Estimates in the Norwegian National Forest Inventory}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {60}, number = {1}, pages = {25-33}, abstract = {National Forest Inventories (NFIs) provide estimates of forest parameters for national and regional scales. Many key variables of interest, such as biomass and timber volume, cannot be measured directly in the field. Instead, models are used to predict those variables from measurements of other field variables. Therefore, the uncertainty or variability of NFI estimates results not only from selecting a sample of the population but also from uncertainties in the models used to predict the variables of interest. The aim of this study was to quantify the model-related variability of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) biomass stock and change estimates for the Norwegian NFI. The model-related variability of the estimates stems from uncertainty in parameter estimates of biomass models as well as residual variability and was quantified using a Monte Carlo simulation technique. Uncertainties in model parameter estimates, which are often not available for published biomass models, had considerable influence on the model-related variability of biomass stock and change estimates. The assumption that the residual variability is larger than documented for the models and the correlation of within-plot model residuals influenced the model-related variability of biomass stock change estimates much more than estimates of the biomass stock. The larger influence on the stock change resulted from the large influence of harvests on the stock change, although harvests were observed rarely on the NFI sample plots in the 5-year period that was considered. In addition, the temporal correlation between model residuals due to changes in the allometry had considerable influence on the model-related variability of the biomass stock change estimate. The allometry may, however, be assumed to be rather stable over a 5-year period. Because the effects of model-related variability of the biomass stock and change estimates were much smaller than those of the sampling-related variability, efforts to increase the precision of estimates should focus on reducing the sampling variability. If the model-related variability is to be decreased, the focus should be on the tree fractions of living branches as well as stump and roots.}, keywords = {Monte Carlo simulation biomass change biomass stock mean squared error parametric bootstrap uncertainty variance}, DOI = {10.5849/forsci.12-137}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5849/forsci.12-137}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1348, author = {Breidenbach, J. and Ellison, D. and Petersson, H. and Korhonen, K. T. and Henttonen, H. M. and Wallerman, J. and Fridman, J. and Gobakken, T. and Astrup, R. and Naesset, E.}, title = {Harvested area did not increase abruptly-how advancements in satellite-based mapping led to erroneous conclusions}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, volume = {79}, number = {1}, ISSN = {1286-4560}, DOI = {10.1186/s13595-022-01120-4}, url = {://WOS:000759547600001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1333, author = {Breidenbach, J. and Ivanovs, J. and Kangas, A. and Nord-Larsen, T. and Nilsson, M. and Astrup, R.}, title = {Improving living biomass C-stock loss estimates by combining optical satellite, airborne laser scanning, and NFI data}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {51}, number = {10}, pages = {1472-1485}, ISSN = {0045-5067}, DOI = {10.1139/cjfr-2020-0518}, url = {://WOS:000706532600007}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN445, author = {Bright, Ryan M. and Eisner, Stephanie and Lund, Marianne T. and Majasalmi, Titta and Myhre, Gunnar and Astrup, Rasmus}, title = {Inferring Surface Albedo Prediction Error Linked to Forest Structure at High Latitudes}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres}, volume = {123}, number = {10}, pages = {4910-4925}, note = {Times Cited: 0 Myhre, Gunnar/A-3598-2008; Bright, Ryan/ Myhre, Gunnar/0000-0002-4309-476X; Bright, Ryan/0000-0001-8553-5570 0 2169-8996}, ISSN = {2169-897X}, DOI = {10.1029/2018jd028293}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1029/2018jd028293}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN446, author = {Brink, Ted and Johansson, Ivar}, title = {Natur-och kulturinventeringen i Kronobergs län 1996-2001}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art81/4646081-0485fa-1729.pdf}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN447, author = {Broman, Nils and Christoffersson, Jan}, title = {Mätfel i provträdsvariabler och dess inverkan på precision och noggrannhet i volymskattningar}, number = {61}, abstract = {Riksskogstaxeringen införde 1983 mätning av en övre diameter på provträd. Övre diametern anges i cm och har mätts med en sk stångklave på 3 eller 5 meters höjd, beroende på provträdets storlek. Tanken med denna diametermätning har varit att utnyttja Brandels volymfunktioner ( funktionstyperna 05 och 09) för att höja precisionen (spridningen) och noggrannheten (systematisk avvikelse från sant värde) i volymskattningarna. Riksskogstaxeringen valde att tillfälligt för fältsäsongen 1993 slopa mätning av övre diameter på grund av resursbrist Man ställdes nu inför en situation då man kunde välja mellan att för 1993 års material tilldela provträd en övre diameter (direkt genom övre-diameter-funktioner eller indirekt genom översättningsfunktioner Näslundvolym --7 Brandelvolym) eller att använda sig av Näslunds eller Brandels funktioner som nyttjar brösthöjdsdiameter, trädhöjd, krongränshöjd och barktjocklek Vid arbetet med tilldelningsfunktioner uppkom snart frågeställningen om hur den slutliga precisionen i volymskattningar påverkas av osäkerheter i tilldelningsfunktioner samt mätfel i oberoende variabler som ingår i såväl tilldelningsfunktioner som olika volyrnfunktioner. För att försöka ge svar på detta, tillkom denna studie vars syften sammanfattas nedan.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8771/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN448, author = {Bruhn, Åke}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1923-2013 : 90 års inventering av Sveriges skog och mark}, publisher = {Umeå : Riksskogstaxeringen, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {Riksskogstaxeringen forest surveys history sweden Sverige 1900-talet Sekelskiftet 2000}, url = {https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/mi/rt_90_ar_fotobok_webb.pdf}, year = {2013}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1096, author = {Brukas, V. and Felton, A. and Lindbladh, M. and Sallnäs, O.}, title = {Linking forest management, policy and biodiversity indicators - A comparison of Lithuania and Southern Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {291}, pages = {181-189}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2012.11.034}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84871909265&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2012.11.034&partnerID=40&md5=e9d7169a842aee099fbcd99dfcd852d9}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN449, author = {Brunet, Jörg}, title = {Underbestånd i svenska ekskogar}, institution = {Institutionen för sydsvensk skogsvetenskap}, number = {48}, abstract = {Ett välskött underbestånd har en viktig roll för kvalitetsdaningen i ekskogar och påverkar även skogsmarkens långsiktiga produktionsförmåga. Detta projekt syftade på att, baserat på arters egenskaper och deras förekomst, analysera underbeståndens potential för att höja ekskogars ekonomiska och ekologiska värden i Sverige. Data från riksskogstaxeringen visade att underbestånd av minst 5 meters höjd, d.v.s. ungefär den lägsta höjd som behövs för god kvalitetsdaning av ekstammar, förekom i 29% av ekbestånden i Sverige, men endast hälften av dessa dominerades av skuggtåliga trädslag med goda kvalitetsdanande egenskaper. Detta betyder att det i endast var sjunde provyta förekom underbestånd med en god potential till kvalitetsdaning. Var sjätte provyta (16%) hade underbestånd som är högre än brösthöjd men lägre än 5 meter och som därmed hade en viss potential att påverka kvalitetsdaningen under omloppstiden. I övriga ekskogar saknades antingen underbestånd helt (27%), eller så var de lägre än 1,3 meter (28%). Detta innebär att många svenska ekbestånd för närvarande har en låg potential för kvalitetsproduktion med hjälp av underbestånd. På längre sikt finns dock möjligheter för intresserade skogsägare att uveckla underbestånden för kvalitetsdaning, då ca 80% av de undersökta bestånden innehöll ett undre beståndskikt med förekomst av åtminstone en lämplig skuggtålig art. Produktion av värdefullt ekvirke rekommederas främst på bättre marker. Det är också på dessa marker som förekomsten av lämpliga underbeståndsarter är som störst. Avenbok, hassel, lind och lönn har högst värde vid sammanvägning av både produktionsvärden och markekologiska aspekter, då de har goda kvalitetsdanande egenskaper och upprätthåller ett gynnsamt marktillstånd med mullhumus. Även bok kan bilda funktionella och värdefulla underbestånd men konkurrerar hårdare med eken och har sämre förnaegenskaper. Till granens fördel talar dess betestålighet och goda klenvirkesekonomi, medan nackdelarna är dess roll som mårhumusbildare och att dess krona släpper igenom mycket mindre nederbörd till marken än lövträden. Studier i ekplanteringar på åkermark visar att alla lämpliga lövträdsarter kan självföryngras och växa in i buskskiktet inom 30-40 år efter att eken planterats. Särskilt avenbok och lönnarterna lämpar sig att planteras samtidigt med eken som fröträd till ett framtida underbestånd.}, keywords = {ekskogar, ekbestånd, markvård, ekologi, produktion}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2040}, year = {2013}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN450, author = {Brunet, Jörg and Hedwall, Per-Ola}, title = {Klimatförändringar, kvävenedfall och skogsbruk}, publisher = {Fakulteten för skogsvetenskap, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {2015:13}, ISBN = {1400-7789}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-3237}, year = {2015}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN451, author = {Brus, D. J. and Hengeveld, G. M. and Walvoort, D. J. J. and Goedhart, P. W. and Heidema, A. H. and Nabuurs, G. J. and Gunia, K.}, title = {Statistical mapping of tree species over Europe}, journal = {European Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {131}, number = {1}, pages = {145}, abstract = {In order to map the spatial distribution of twenty tree species groups over Europe at 1 km × 1 km resolution, the ICP-Forest Level-I plot data were extended with the National Forest Inventory (NFI) plot data of eighteen countries. The NFI grids have a much smaller spacing than the ICP grid. In areas with NFI plot data, the proportions of the land area covered by the tree species were mapped by compositional kriging. Outside these areas, these proportions were mapped with a multinomial multiple logistic regression model. A soil map, a biogeographical map and bioindicators derived from temperature and precipitation data were used as predictors. Both methods ensure that the predicted proportions are in the interval [0,1] and sum to 1. The regression predictions were iteratively scaled to the National Forest Inventory statistics and the Forest map of Europe. The predicted proportions for the twenty tree species were validated by the Bhattacharryya distance between predicted and observed proportions at 230 plot data separated from the calibration data. Besides, the map with the predicted dominant species was validated by computing the error matrix. The median Bhattacharryya distance in the subarea with NFI plot data was 1.712, whereas in the subarea with ICP-Level-I data, this was 2.131. The scaling did not significantly decrease the Bhattacharryya distance. The estimated overall accuracy of this map was 43%. In areas with NFI plot data, overall accuracy was 57%, outside these areas 33%. This gain was mainly attributable to the much denser plot data, less to the prediction method.}, keywords = {Precipitation (Meteorology) -- Analysis Peace Movements -- Analysis Biological Indicators -- Analysis}, ISSN = {1612-4669}, DOI = {10.1007/s10342-011-0513-5}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-011-0513-5}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1423, author = {Bubnicki, Jakub Witold and Angelstam, Per and Mikusinski, Grzegorz and Svensson, Johan and Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar}, title = {Mapping forests with different levels of naturalness using machine learning and landscape data mining}, journal = {bioRxiv}, pages = {2023.07. 30.551142}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN452, author = {Bååth, Härje}, title = {Erfarenheter av GPS i riksskogstaxeringen 1996-2002}, abstract = {GPS has been used in the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) since 1996. During 1996-2000 GPS was used only to determine the coordinates of the sample plots. However, since 2001 (after the SA was stopped) the GPS was utilized even for navigation. The reason why GPS is used is that field data from the Swedish NFI are used together with satellite data. Furthermore it makes it easier to establish the plots and to find the permanent plots with GPS coordinates. From 1996-2002 a receiver with 6 channels was used to determine the coordinates of the plots. To get acceptable accuracy post processing was used with base data from SWEPOS. For navigation to the plots a cheap consumer GPS was adopted. Prior to the introduction of GPS a compass and measure tape was used. About 80 % of the plots had data that was possible to correct. The reason that not all of the data was available was due to, among other things, too few satellites available and too high PDOP, under 1996-1999. The positional accuracy of each location was calculated as the horizontal distance between the satellite-acquired position and the theoretical reference position. Comparison was carried out for data from temporary plots from 1996-1999, when a compass was used for navigation to the plots, and for data from 2001-20002, when GPS was used. The resulting accuracy was 45 m and 7 m respectively. Increasing the number of positions for averaging the mean for the coordinates of the plots resulted in increased accuracy. The greatest improvement was with GPS navigation, where the accuracy improved from 9,2 m for 20 positions to 6,5 m for >180 positions. The proportion of plots within 10 m from the theoretical plot centre was 83 % and 11 % respectively. The accuracy increased with decreasing density, expressed by tree height, basal area or volume, with GPS navigation. For tree height the accuracy ranged from 6,2 m to 11,3 m with tree height ranging from 0 m to >25 m. When navigating with compass the results were the opposite. Among the species, pinus sylvestris, bearch and pinus contorta the differences in accuracy was small, while for picea abies the accuracy was reduced by 1,5 m compared to the other species. With GPS navigation the average difference in accuracy between differentially corrected and uncorrected data from the 6 channel receiver and uncorrected data from the cheaper 12 channel receiver was very small. In all methods the accuracy increased with decreasing tree height, basal area and volume. The averaged differential correction was 2,8 m. The level was independent of if the sample plots were in an open area or in dense forest . When SA was applied the differentially correction was in average about 30 m. The number of positions hade a great effect on the correction. It varied from about 40 m with 20 positions to 21 m with >180 positions. When SA not was applied the differentially correction was 2,8 m. The accuracy increased with increasing number of positions. The differentially correction was rather independent of variables like tree height, basal area and volume. The results from the comparison of differentially corrected data from the 6 channel receiver and data from the cheaper 12 channel receiver showed that the differences were very small. That resulted in the use of the later since 2003 for both navigation and for determining the coordinates of the sample plots in the Swedish NFI}, keywords = {Forest Science Skogsvetenskap}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN453, author = {Bååth, Härje and Eriksson, Bo and Lundström, Anders and Lämås, Tomas and Johansson, Thomas and Persson, Jan Anders and Sundquist, Sture}, title = {Internationellt utbyte och samarbete inom forskning och undervisning i skoglig mätteknik och inventering}, number = {129}, abstract = {SLU har på uppdrag av Haglöf Sweden AB deltagit i ett kunskapsprojekt tillsammans med Mississippi State University (MSU) med syfte att studera integrerade GPS/GIS-system inom skogssektorn samt förväntad framtida utveckling inområdet. I uppdraget ingick en studiebesök vid Haglof Inc., MSU, Jones County Junior College samt kontakter med Stennis Space Center. Haglöf Sweden AB har lång erfarenhet av utveckling och produktion av skogliga mätinstrument. Idag utgör avancerade instrument baserade på elektronik, laser och ultraljud en betydande del. Instrument, som har rötterna inom SLU för utveckling av kostnadseffektiva inventeringsmetoder, tillverkas idag av Haglöf. Exempel är dataklaven Digitech och höjdmätare Vertex. Ett dotterbolag, Haglof Inc, finns numera i Madison, Mississippi. Vid SLU bedrivs idag flera rikstäckande inventeringar, som Riksinventeringen av skog (RIS, vari Riksskogstaxeringen och Markinventering ingår) och Nationell inventering av landskapet i Sverige (NILS). En metodik för delstatsvis inventering av skog har utvecklats vid MSU. I den sistnämnda inventeringen samt i Riksskogstaxeringen och NILS ingår, eller kommer att ingå, såväl fältinventering som fjärranalysmoment. Både SLU och MSU har starka forskarmiljöer inom inventeringsmetodik och fjärranalys. Ett system som integrerar GPS och GIS för fältinventering, Real Time Inventory, är utvecklat av Haglof Inc. Systemet kan lokalisera provytor inom ett område, orientering till ytorna görs med hjälp av GPS och ett program för registrering av data (T-Cruise) är länkat till systemet. En särskild metodik – Guided Transect Sampling – , som med hjälp av GPS-teknik leder inventeraren till områden där sannolikheten för förekomst av objekt är större än i övriga delar av det aktuella området, finns utvecklad vid SLU. Sannolikt kommer fler metoder som kombinerar GPS, GIS, fältinventering och fjärranalys för effektiva inventeringar att se dagens ljus framöver. I och med kraftfullare fältdatorer ökar möjligheten till att använda avancerade instrument och avancerade tekniker i fält. Ett exempel är den pågående forskningen kring runtomsvepande laser för skogliga mätningar. Tekniken ger en informationsmängd som vi idag bara kan ana analysmöjligheterna av. I och med att målsättningar för skogsbruket förändras kommer skogliga inventeringar att förändras. Företeelser av vikt för biologisk mångfald och för miljöövervakning är av ökat intresse. Förändringen kan medföra ökat behov av avancerade fältmätningar. T.ex. kan information om underväxt, etc., som kan ges av runtomsvepande laser, efterfrågas ur biodiversitetssynpunkt och markkemiska mätningar kan kräva avancerade fältmässiga instrument. Baserat på den kunskapsmängd och den erfarenhet som finns inom MSU, inom berörda företag och inom SLU är möjligheterna till fortsatta kontakter och samarbete goda. Det gäller såväl utbildning, forskning som teknikutveckling}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8655/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN454, author = {Bååth, Härje and Gällerspång, Andreas and Hallsby, Göran and Lundström, Anders and Löfgren, Per and Nilsson, Mats and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Metodik för skattning av lokala skogsbränsleresurser}, number = {65}, abstract = {Syftet med projektet var att utveckla en kostnadseffektiv metodik som passar till lokala uppskattningar av skogsbränsletillgången inom valfritt geografiskt område. Med tidigare kända metoder har beräkning av skogsbränslen, med godtagbar precision, endast varit möjliga på landsnivå och för större områden som län. Den framtagna metoden utnyttjar, i ett första steg, kNN-skattningar för att kombinera satellitbildsdata med fältdata från den landsomfattande Riksskogstaxeringen. Därefter utförs skogliga konsekvensberäkningar med Hugin-systemet för att skatta möjligt skogsbränsleuttag på kort och lång sikt. l Hugin finns stora möjligheter att ta lokala hänsyn och införa restriktioner för uttagen. Som exempel kan nämnas prioritering och omfattning av skogliga åtgärder som föryngring, röjning, gallring och föryngringsavverkning. Andra faktorer som kan styras är t.ex. begränsningar för avverkning på vissa typer av mark (ståndorter). Med den framtagna metoden blir det även möjligt att utesluta områden som naturskyddade områden, vägar, kantzoner kring sjöar och vattendrag mm där uttag av skogsbränslen inte bör ske eller där begränsningar råder. Allmänna begränsningar i form av krav på minsta uttagsmängder per hektar kan också inkluderas i beräkningarna. Som ett demonstrationsexempel skattades skogsbränsletillgången i Älvsbyns kommun. Det möjliga uttaget beräknades för traditionell avverkning fördelat på gallringar och föryngringsavverkning. Uppdelning gjordes på olika trädslag och fraktioner som bark, barr, grenar och toppar. Resultat redovisas också från en separat beräkning där det maximala terrängtransportavståndet sattes till 300 m. För att uppnå ett relativt medelfel för virkesförråd som är lägre än 1 O % genom att enbart använda riksskogstaxeringens provytor måste arealen uppgå till minst 100 000 ha. Motsvarande areal vid användning av den beskrivna metoden är ca 450 ha. Metoden kräver fortfarande mycket manuell hantering. Utvecklingsarbete har därför påbörjats för att automatisera delar av processen och på så sätt göra metoden mer effektiv och användarvänlig.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8764/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1097, author = {Bååth, H. and Gällerspång, A. and Hallsby, G. and Lundström, A. and Löfgren, P. and Nilsson, M. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Remote sensing, field survey, and long-term forecasting: An efficient combination for local assessments of forest fuels}, journal = {Biomass and Bioenergy}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, pages = {145-157}, ISSN = {09619534 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/S0961-9534(01)00065-4}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0036195618&doi=10.1016%2fS0961-9534%2801%2900065-4&partnerID=40&md5=13f780fef65b1ff6861bca678c4c2064}, year = {2002}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN456, author = {Bärring, U.}, title = {Om tillståndet i landets plantskogar}, institution = {Skogshögskolan, Inst. f. skogsföryngring}, year = {1963}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN457, author = {Bärring, Ulf}, title = {Behandling av lövträdsvegetation med herbicider}, number = {25}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8009/}, year = {1965}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN458, author = {Bärring, U.}, title = {Om tillståndet i våra skogskulturer}, institution = {Skogshögskolan, Inst. f. skogsföryngring}, year = {1975}, type = {Report} } @article{RN459, author = {Börjesson, Martin and Athanassiadis, Dimitris and Lundmark, Robert and Ahlgren, Erik O.}, title = {Bioenergy futures in Sweden–system effects of CO2 reduction and fossil fuel phase‐out policies}, journal = {GCB Bioenergy}, volume = {7}, number = {5}, pages = {1118-1135}, ISSN = {1757-1707}, DOI = {10.1111/gcbb.12225}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12225}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN460, author = {Börjesson, Pål}, title = {Produktionsförutsättningar för biobränslen inom svenskt jordbruk}, url = {http://lup.lub.lu.se/record/604789/file/609151.pdf}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN768, author = {Carbonnier, Charles}, title = {Bokens produktion i södra Sverige}, number = {91}, abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to derive yield tables for beech. The material consists of 39 permanent sample plots in beech stands. The development of top height during the study was used as the basis for deriving height development curves. With the aid of these, individual stands were referred to a certain height quality class, defined as the top height of the stand at a total age of 100 years. In constructing the yield tables, top height was assumed to follow the derived height development curves. Basal area increament as calculated by a function obtained by regression analysis, with the help of the material. The yield tables reproduce the average stand development and yield when site quality class, the initial stand and the thinning programme are given. In individual stands, yield deviates from the table, as a rule. The deviations depend partly on experimental error, e.g, errors in estimating basal area increment, and partly on the influence of factors not taken into account by variables in the increment function. In using the tables, such local deviations should be taken into account. The sample plots reviewed here should in many cases be suitable for this purpose.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5774/}, year = {1971}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN769, author = {Carbonnier, Charles}, title = {Produktionen i kulturbestånd av ek i södra Sverige}, number = {125}, abstract = {Data from 29 experimental plots in oak plantations are reported and have been utilized in constructing yield tables. The development of top height in individual experimental plots has been made the basis for deriving height development curves. In constructing the yield tables it has been assumed that the development of top height, follows the derived curves. In constructing the tables the increment per cent in basal area has been calculated by means of a function obtained from regression analysis of the empirical data. Special account has been taken of the effect of undergrowth on the oak stands. The content of the fine soil fraction is of great interest. This factor. in combination with site index, has been tested as a variable in the regression analysis. In all functions it proved to be a powerful variable and led to greater precision in the deterinination of' the increment per cent in basal area. The tables show the average stand development for given site quality, here defined in terms of top height at an age of 100 years and content of the fine soil fraction, initial stand and thinning programme.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5660/}, year = {1975}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN770, author = {Carlson, Allan}, title = {The effect of habitat loss on a deciduous forest specialist species: the White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos)}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {131}, number = {1–3}, pages = {215-221}, abstract = {The White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos), one of the rarest European woodpeckers, is an old-growth deciduous forest specialist which has shown widespread decline over most of its distribution range. In this study, I extend earlier analyses concerning range contraction and explore whether there exists a threshold in the amount of suitable habitat below which the species will not persist, and if there is a nonlinear decline in population size as suitable habitat in the forest landscape is reduced. A metapopulation model was parameterized with data from a stable population and an analytical estimated extinction threshold was tested on two data sets on population decline and range contraction. The species disappears from regions when the amount of deciduous forest declines below a certain level. One isolated Swedish sub-population, which had withdrawn to a forest-landscape with resources below the habitat threshold, became extinct in 1996. The two other Swedish sub-populations are in forest landscapes below the minimum habitat threshold and both these populations are declining. Finnish sub-populations persist in a landscape below the habitat threshold, however. Reanalyzing data for Finland indicates a time delay in population response as habitat is destroyed and when the amount of suitable habitat falls below 10% there is an accelerated decline in population size. In today’s intensively managed forests in Sweden and Finland, with low proportions of suitable habitat in the forest landscape, the immediate danger for the species is that the population will suffer from isolation.}, keywords = {White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) Old-growth deciduous forest specialist Habitat loss Population decline}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0378-1127(99)00215-7}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378112799002157}, year = {2000}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN772, author = {Cedervind, Jan}, title = {Impact of pine looper defoliation in Scots pine}, volume = {297}, abstract = {Widespread defoliation of forests caused by insects or fungi cause economic losses throughout the world. Successful outbreak management involves cost/benefit estimation and requires knowledge of potential yield losses. Currently, such knowledge is scarce. This thesis evaluates the significance of single-year defoliation by the pine looper moth (Bupalus piniaria L.) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and secondary attack by the pine shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) for yield losses in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). In a seven-year study, tree mortality and growth losses were quantified after a B. piniaria outbreak with a subsequent T. piniperda infestation at Hökensås in 1996. Secondary attack by T. piniperda was also studied in a Scots pine stand at Fredriksberg, infested by Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerberg) Morelet. in 2001. Tree mortality at Hökensås mainly occurred in areas with an average defoliation intensity of 90-100%. Tree mortality averaged 25%, and the “defoliation threshold” for tree survival was found to be 90% defoliation. Tree mortality peaked two years after the defoliation event, which coincided with high levels of pine shoot beetles. Involvement of T. piniperda in tree mortality increased with time since defoliation, and tree susceptibility to beetle attack increased with increasing defoliation intensity and decreasing dominance status of trees. As foliage of trees recovered, fewer trees were susceptible to beetle attack, and ultimately, beetle attacks ended as breeding substrate was depleted. Tree susceptibility to beetle attack was a function of tree vigour and beetle density. Growth losses at the Hökensås site were a combined effect of pine looper defoliation and shoot pruning by T. piniperda. Radial, height and volume growth losses were proportional to defoliation intensity. Whereas radial growth was little affected by beetle-induced shoot pruning, height growth was severely affected by beetle-induced damage to leading shoots. Growth losses alone, excluding tree mortality, were large enough to economically justify control of the pine looper outbreak had the outbreak been prevented in 1996. At Fredriksberg, T. piniperda colonised trees that would have survived the damage caused by G. abietina. However, trees with 90-100% foliage losses died because of the damage caused by G. abietina alone, and tree survival seemed to require that trees retained at least 20% of full foliage.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/406/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1281, author = {Changenet, A. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Ratcliffe, S. and Frejaville, T. and Archambeau, J. and Porte, A. J. and Zavala, M. A. and Dahlgren, J. and Lehtonen, A. and Garzon, M. B.}, title = {Occurrence but not intensity of mortality rises towards the climatic trailing edge of tree species ranges in European forests}, journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography}, volume = {30}, number = {7}, pages = {1356-1374}, ISSN = {1466-822X}, DOI = {10.1111/geb.13301}, url = {://WOS:000646677600001}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN773, author = {Chirici, Gherardo and Mura, Matteo and McInerney, Daniel and Py, Nicolas and Tomppo, Erkki O. and Waser, Lars T. and Travaglini, Davide and McRoberts, Ronald E.}, title = {A meta-analysis and review of the literature on the k-Nearest Neighbors technique for forestry applications that use remotely sensed data}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {176}, pages = {282-294}, abstract = {The k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) technique is a popular method for producing spatially contiguous predictions of forest attributes by combining field and remotely sensed data. In the framework of Working Group 2 of COST Action FP1001, we reviewed the scientific literature for forestry applications of k-NN. Information available in scientific publications on this topic was used to populate a database that was then used as the basis for a meta-analysis. We extracted qualitative and quantitative information from 260 experimental tests described in 148 scientific papers. The papers represented a geographic range of 26 countries and a temporal range from 1981 to 2013. Firstly, we describe the literature search and the information extracted and analyzed. Secondly, we report the results of the meta-analysis, especially with respect to estimation accuracies reported for k-NN applications for different configurations, different forest environments, and different input information. We also provide a summary of results that may reasonably be expected for those planning a k-NN application using remotely sensed data from different sensors and for different forest attributes. Finally, we identify some methodological publications that have advanced the state of the science with respect to k-NN.}, keywords = {k-Nearest Neighbors Forestry applications Review Meta-analysis}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2016.02.001}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0034425716300293}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN774, author = {Christensen, Pernilla and Glimskär, Anders and Hedblom, Marcus and Ringvall, Anna}, title = {Myrarnas areal och vegetation}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {237}, abstract = {NILS är ett rikstäckande miljöövervakningsprogram som följer tillstånd och förändringar i det svenska landskapet och hur dessa påverkar förutsättningarna för den biologiska mångfalden. NILS finansieras av Naturvårdsverket, där NILS ingår i programområde Landskap. Ett viktigt syfte med NILS är att följa upp de nationella miljökvalitetsmålen för olika naturtyper och fungera som underlag för att till exempel visa om genomförda miljövårdsåtgärder leder till önskade förbättringar på nationell nivå eller landsdelsnivå. När NILS första femåriga inventeringsperiod (2003-2007) nu har avslutas kan de första tillförlitliga skattningarna göras, baserat på NILS hela nationella stickprov. Efter nästa femårsperiod (2008-2012), när alla rutor har inventerats ännu en gång, kan vi dessutom göra skattningar av förändringar. Denna rapport presenterar resultat för myrar och andra torvmarker baserat på provyteinventeringen i NILS för åren 2003-2007. Dessa data kompletterar väl de som har kommit fram genom den rikstäckande Våtmarksinventeringen (VMI) som inte omfattar alla myrar eftersom varje län har satt en minsta storleksgräns för vilka som ska ingå (Gunnarsson & Löfroth 2009). Syftet med VMI var att göra en heltäckande kartering av Sveriges myrar, som underlag för att identifiera vilka myrarealer som är skyddsvärda, med höga naturvärden, och vilka som skulle kunna bli aktuella för exploatering genom t.ex. torvtäkt. Därför valde man att fokusera på lite större myrar. Den minimistorlek som valdes som gräns är i många län 10 hektar, och i norra Sverige 50 hektar (Westerberg & Rynbäck Andersson, 2004). NILS har däremot en minsta karteringsenhet på 0,1 hektar (Esseen m.fl. 2007, Allard m.fl. 2003), vilket innebär att även mindre myrar kommer med i urvalet. NILS kan därmed komplettera de befintliga dataunderlagen och ge ett bra underlag för att skatta förändringar för alla arealklasser och alla regioner. Särskilt för fjällen finns det i dagsläget ingen detaljerad information om mängden myrar. Riksinventeringen av skog (RIS), där Riksskogstaxeringen och Markinventeringen ingår, har ett stort stickprov av provytor för skog och andra naturtyper, men gör som regel inga fältbesök i fjällen ovanför barrskogsgränsen, och därför fyller NILS en särskilt viktig funktion just där. I NILS ingår också ett större urval av växtarter som är typiska för myrar, t.ex. vitmossor och andra våtmarksmossor. Detta är alltså den första rapporten som presenterar representativa och detaljerade data för myrar i hela fjällregionen, utifrån fältinventering med tydliga urvalskriterier. För myrar nedanför fjällen kan RIS och NILS stickprov tillsammans ge ett bra underlag för noggranna analyser av tillstånd och förändringar. Fältinventeringen i NILS är utformad för att ge ett bra och detaljerat underlag för att beskriva artförekomst och förändringar i markvegetationen, vilket är särskilt viktigt i fjällen, i jordbrukslandskapet och i myrar. Ytterligare ett syfte med denna rapport är alltså att ge en detaljerad bild av myrarnas vegetation i olika delar av landet, på ett sätt som tidigare inte har varit möjligt. Tidigare har data om arealer av torvmark, träd- och buskskikt samt många markvariabler kunnat tas fram via Riksskogstaxeringen (Hånell 1990). Syftet med denna rapport är alltså att ge en nyanserad och heltäckande bild av myrarnas areal, vegetation och artinnehåll samt olika typer av påverkan i Sverige och illustrera hur NILS provytedata kan bidra till en sådan beskrivning, genom att:  beräkna arealer utifrån enhetliga kriterier i hela landet, inklusive fjällen  jämföra de beräknade arealerna med tidigare uppgifter från andra datakällor  jämföra några olika avgränsningskriterier utifrån vegetation och arealer  presentera en detaljerad beskrivning av myrarnas vegetation, baserad på enhetlig fältmetodik  pr sentera skattningar av mängder för växtarter i träd-, busk-, fält- och bottenski t  uppskatta mängden av påverkan från diken och markstörning utifrån registreringar i provytor}, keywords = {Myrar, Areal, Vegetation, Skattningar, Provytedata, NILS}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9216/}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN776, author = {Christensen, Pernilla and Ringvall, Anna}, title = {Utvärdering av NILS dimensionering med avseende på styrkan i förändringsskattningar}, institution = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, type = {Technical Report}, keywords = {provytedata, design}, url = {https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5541/}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1392, author = {Christiansen, Ditte Marie and Iversen, Lars Lønsmann and Ehrlén, Johan and Hylander, Kristoffer}, title = {Changes in forest structure drive temperature preferences of boreal understorey plant communities}, journal = {Journal of Ecology}, volume = {110}, number = {3}, pages = {631-643}, ISSN = {0022-0477}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN777, author = {Cienciala, Emil and Tomppo, Erkki and Snorrason, Arnor and Broadmeadow, Mark and Colin, Antoine and Dunger, Karsten and Exnerova, Zuzana and Lasserre, Bruno and Petersson, Hans and Priwitzer, Tibor and Sanchez, Gerardo and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Preparing emission reporting from forests: use of National Forest Inventories in European countries}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {42}, number = {1}, abstract = {We examine the current status of greenhouse gas inventories of the sector Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF), in European countries, with specific focus on the utilization of National Forest Inventory (NFI) programs. LULUCF inventory is an integral part of the reporting obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol. The analysis is based on two questionnaires prepared by the COST Action E43 “Harmonisation of National Forest Inventories in Europe”, which were answered by greenhouse gas reporting experts in European countries. The following major conclusions can be drawn from the analysis: 1) definitions used to obtain carbon pool change estimates vary widely among countries and are not directly comparable 2) NFIs play a key role for LULUCF greenhouse gas estimation and reporting under UNFCCC, and provide the fundamental data needed for the estimation of carbon stock changes covering not only living biomass, but increasingly also deadwood, litter and soil compartments. The study highlights the effects of adopting different definitions for two major reporting processes, namely UNFCCC and FAO, and exemplifies the effect of different tree diameter thresholds on carbon stock change estimates for Finland. The results demonstrate that more effort is needed to harmonize forest inventory estimates for the purpose of making the estimates of forest carbon pool changes comparable. This effort should lead to a better utilization of the data from the European NFI programs and improve the European greenhouse gas reporting.}, url = {https://www.silvafennica.fi/article/265}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1385, author = {Cimdins, Reinis and Krasovskiy, Andrey and Kraxner, Florian}, title = {Regional Variability and Driving Forces behind Forest Fires in Sweden}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, number = {22}, pages = {5826}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN778, author = {Cintas, Olivia and Berndes, Göran and Cowie, Annette L. and Egnell, Gustaf and Holmström, Hampus and Ågren, Göran I.}, title = {The climate effect of increased forest bioenergy use in Sweden: evaluation at different spatial and temporal scales}, journal = {WIREs Energy Environ}, ISSN = {2041-840X}, DOI = {10.1002/wene.178}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN779, author = {Cintas, Olivia and Berndes, Göran and Hansson, Julia and Poudel, Bishnu Chandra and Bergh, Johan and Börjesson, Pål and Egnell, Gustaf and Lundmark, Tomas and Nordin, Annika}, title = {The potential role of forest management in Swedish scenarios towards climate neutrality by mid century}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {383}, number = {Supplement C}, pages = {73-84}, abstract = {Swedish climate policy targets net zero greenhouse gases (GHG) by mid-century, with road transport independent of fossil fuels by 2030, requiring far-reaching changes in the way energy is used. Forest management is expected to support carbon sequestration and provide biomass for various uses, including energy. In this paper, we combine two energy scenarios with four forest scenarios and quantify GHG balances associated with energy-use for heat, electricity, and road transport, and with forest management and production, use, and end-of-life management of various forest products, including products for export. The aggregated GHG balances are evaluated in relation to the 2-degree target and an allocated Swedish CO2 budget. The production of biofuels in the agriculture sector is considered but not analyzed in detail. The results suggest that Swedish forestry can make an important contribution by supplying forest fuels and other products while maintaining or enhancing carbon storage in vegetation, soils, and forest products. The GHG neutrality goal is not met in any of the scenarios without factoring in carbon sequestration. Measures to enhance forest productivity can increase output of forest products (including biofuels for export) and also enhance carbon sequestration. The Swedish forest sector can let Sweden reach net negative emissions, and avoid “using up” its allocated CO2 budget, thereby increasing the associated emissions space for the rest of the world.}, keywords = {Climate change GHG balances Forest fuels Carbon budget Forest supply Energy systems}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.07.015}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378112716303619}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN780, author = {Claesson, S. and Duvemo, K. and Lundström, Anders and Wikberg, P. E.}, title = {Skogliga konsekvensanalyser 2015 – SKA 15}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen}, number = {Rapport 10/2015}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art17/31291417-90daf1-Skogliga_konsekvensanalyser_webb.pdf}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1098, author = {Cook-Patton, S. C. and Leavitt, S. M. and Gibbs, D. and Harris, N. L. and Lister, K. and Anderson-Teixeira, K. J. and Briggs, R. D. and Chazdon, R. L. and Crowther, T. W. and Ellis, P. W. and Griscom, H. P. and Herrmann, V. and Holl, K. D. and Houghton, R. A. and Larrosa, C. and Lomax, G. and Lucas, R. and Madsen, P. and Malhi, Y. and Paquette, A. and Parker, J. D. and Paul, K. and Routh, D. and Roxburgh, S. and Saatchi, S. and van den Hoogen, J. and Walker, W. S. and Wheeler, C. E. and Wood, S. A. and Xu, L. and Griscom, B. W.}, title = {Mapping carbon accumulation potential from global natural forest regrowth}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {585}, number = {7826}, pages = {545-550}, ISSN = {00280836 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1038/s41586-020-2686-x}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85091432763&doi=10.1038%2fs41586-020-2686-x&partnerID=40&md5=8e1c2e49d20734e8dd96914a9b925a0d}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN781, author = {Corona, Piermaria}, title = {Consolidating new paradigms in large-scale monitoring and assessment of forest ecosystems}, journal = {Environmental Research}, volume = {144, Part B}, pages = {8-14}, abstract = {Forests provide a wide range of ecosystem services from which people benefit, and upon which all life depends. However, any rational decision related to the maintenance and enhancement of the multiple functions provided by the forests needs to be based on objective, reliable information. As such, forest monitoring and assessment are rapidly evolving as new information needs arise or new techniques and tools become available. Global change issues and utilities from ecosystem management are distinctively to be considered, so that forest inventory and mapping are broadening their scope towards multipurpose resources surveys. Recent changes in forest management perspective have promoted the consideration of forests as complex adaptive systems, thereby highlighting the need to account that such approaches actually work: forest monitoring and assessment are then expected to address and fully incorporate this perspective at global scale, seeking to support planning and management decisions that are evidence-based. This contribution provides selected considerations on the above mentioned issues, in the form of a commented discussion with examples from the literature produced in the last decade.}, keywords = {Global changes Resilience thinking Complex adaptive system Forest inventory Forest mapping Forest management}, ISSN = {0013-9351}, DOI = {10.1016/j.envres.2015.10.017}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935115301158}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1099, author = {Cronie, O. and Nyström, K. and Yu, J.}, title = {Spatiotemporal modeling of Swedish Scots pine stands}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {59}, number = {5}, pages = {505-516}, ISSN = {0015749X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.5849/forsci.12-007}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84886653113&doi=10.5849%2fforsci.12-007&partnerID=40&md5=925ca03990c916bc88cc1b0b3bdcebbd}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN783, author = {Crowther, T. W. and Glick, H. B. and Covey, K. R. and Bettigole, C. and Maynard, D. S. and Thomas, S. M. and Smith, J. R. and Hintler, G. and Duguid, M. C. and Amatulli, G. and Tuanmu, M. N. and Jetz, W. and Salas, C. and Stam, C. and Piotto, D. and Tavani, R. and Green, S. and Bruce, G. and Williams, S. J. and Wiser, S. K. and Huber, M. O. and Hengeveld, G. M. and Nabuurs, G. J. and Tikhonova, E. and Borchardt, P. and Li, C. F. and Powrie, L. W. and Fischer, M. and Hemp, A. and Homeier, J. and Cho, P. and Vibrans, A. C. and Umunay, P. M. and Piao, S. L. and Rowe, C. W. and Ashton, M. S. and Crane, P. R. and Bradford, M. A.}, title = {Mapping tree density at a global scale}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {525}, number = {7568}, pages = {201-205}, abstract = {The global extent and distribution of forest trees is central to our understanding of the terrestrial biosphere. We provide the first spatially continuous map of forest tree density at a global scale. This map reveals that the global number of trees is approximately 3.04 trillion, an order of magnitude higher than the previous estimate. Of these trees, approximately 1.39 trillion exist in tropical and subtropical forests, with 0.74 trillion in boreal regions and 0.61 trillion in temperate regions. Biome-level trends in tree density demonstrate the importance of climate and topography in controlling local tree densities at finer scales, as well as the overwhelming effect of humans across most of the world. Based on our projected tree densities, we estimate that over 15 billion trees are cut down each year, and the global number of trees has fallen by approximately 46% since the start of human civilization.}, ISSN = {0028-0836}, DOI = {10.1038/nature14967}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature14967}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN784, author = {Cruse, T.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringens fältdatainsamlingssystem}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 1 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources scandinavia western europe europe information science forest resources sweden data collection surveys}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @book{RN785, author = {Cruse, T. Sveriges Lantbruksuniv Umeå Inst för Skogstaxering}, title = {The use of computers in the Swedish National Forest Inventory with special reference to data capture}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, note = {(Freiburg (Västtyskland) : 10-14 jun 1985)}, keywords = {5021 computers forests surveys information processing data collection}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN120, author = {Daamen, Wim}, title = {Kontrolltaxeringen åren 1973-1977 : resultat från en kontroll av datainsamlingen vid riksskogstaxeringen}, institution = {Institutionen för skogstaxering, SLU}, note = {With an English summary. ISBN 91-576-0500-9, ISSN: 0348-0496}, number = {27}, year = {1980}, type = {Report} } @book{RN121, author = {Daamen, W.}, title = {Results from a control survey on data collection in the Swedish National Forest Survey 1973-77}, series = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, note = {Times Cited: 0}, pages = {189 pp.-189 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-0500-9}, url = {://CABI:19810670642}, year = {1980}, type = {Book} } @article{RN123, author = {Dahlberg, Ulrika and Berge, Therese W. and Petersson, Hans and Vencatasawmy, Coomaren P.}, title = {Modelling biomass and leaf area index in a sub-arctic Scandinavian mountain area}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {60-71}, abstract = {Estimates of biomass and leaf area index (LAI) are important variables in ecological and climate models. However, very little is known about the biomass and LAI of the vegetation in the Scandinavian mountain area. In this study, extensive field data consisting of diameter at breast height for 13?000 trees and height for 550 trees were collected. Furthermore, biomass and leaf area (LA) measurements for 46 mountain birch trees [Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlowa) Hämet-Ahti] and biomass and LA measurements for shrubs (e.g. Salix spp., Betula nana) at 36 sample plots were carried out. Multiplicative linear models for trees were fitted to tree biomass and LA measurements using basal area at breast height, height, crown diameter and diameter at stump height as explanatory variables. Additive linear models were fitted to shrub biomass and LAI measurements using coverage of shrubs, topographic variables and soil type as explanatory variables. The functions were then used to predict the biomass and LAI for trees and shrubs for the entire test area, which covers an area of 84 km2 and is located at latitude 68° N. The mean total biomass estimates were 27?493 kg ha?1 for the forest and 7650 kg ha?1 for snow-protected heath and meadow vegetation. The LAIs were 2.06 and 0.52, respectively. For monitoring biomass and LAI in the Scandinavian mountain area, the functions could also be applied to data from traditional field-based inventories and the estimates might further be improved by combining the estimates from the test area with auxiliary information such as remote sensing images.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580310019266}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02827580310019266}, year = {2004}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN124, author = {Dahlberg, Ulrika and Bergstedt, Johan and Pettersson, Anders}, title = {Fältinstruktion för och erfarenheter från vegetationsinventering i Abisko, sommaren 1997}, number = {32}, abstract = {Denna arbetsrapport är ett resultat av fältarbetet under sommaren 1997, då 839 provytor lades ut i närheten av Abisko naturvetenskapliga station, Kiruna kommun. Vegetationsinventeringen i Abisko är ett projekt inom forskningsprogrammet Climate Impacts Research Centre, CIRC, som är lokaliserat vid Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station. CIRC är en del av Miljö och rymdforskningsinstitutet i Kiruna och är ett konsortium mellan Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Umeå Universitet, Stockholms Universitet och Kungliga Vetenskaps akademin. Denna inventering liknar till viss del den fältinventering som utförs på Riksskogstaxeringen vid Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU i Umeå samt ståndortskarteringen vid Institutionen för skoglig marklära, SLU i Uppsala. Flera variabler är hämtade från Riksskogstaxeringen och Ståndortskarteringen. Syftet med vegetationsinventeringen var att etablera permanenta provytor i Abisko som kan användas i studier av vegetation med fjärranalysmetoder. Fältarbetet utfördes under drygt två månader från slutet av juni till början av september av Ulrika Dahlberg, CIRC, och Johan Bergstedt, anställda vid Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU i Umeå, samt Anders Pettersson, CIRC, anställd av Kungliga vetenskapsakademin. Datasamlaren som användes programmerades av Thomas Johansson, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU i Umeå. Denna arbetsrapport består av två delar. Först kommer den arbetsinstruktion som vi använde vid provyteutlägget och registrering av variabler. Instruktionen ger en liten introduktion till provyteutlägget och beslaiver sedan varje variabel och hur de registreras i fältdator. Efter instruktionen kommer våra kommentarer om själva fältarbetet, vad vi tyckte fungerade dåligt och vad som fungerade bra. Vi har också fört in våra synpunkter på de olika variablerna som registrerades i provyorna. Kommentarerna är uppdelade på ett sätt som liknar instruktionen för att man lätt ska kunna referera till denna. Instruktionen består till en viss del av text från Instruktionen för fältarbetet vid Riksskogstaxeringen (1997) och Fältinstruktion för ståndortskartering (Carlsson et al. 1997). En del av denna text är redigerad på ett sätt så att den passar provytor i fjällen.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-449}, year = {1998}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1378, author = {Dahlgren Lidman, Felicia}, title = {Natural regeneration and management of birch}, ISSN = {9177609832}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN125, author = {Dahlstrom, P. and Kempe, G. and Lundberg, N.}, title = {Riksskogstaxerings återväxtinventering 1964-1972}, booktitle = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet.24}, pages = {72 pp.}, ISBN = {91-7088-924-4}, url = {://CABI:19810670572}, year = {1978}, type = {Book Section} } @phdthesis{RN126, author = {Dahlström, Anna}, title = {Betesmarker, djurantal och betestryck 1620-1850 : naturvårdsaspekter på historisk beteshävd i Syd- och Mellansverige}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {Compared to the past situation (the pre-industrial agriculture) there are only small fractions of semi-natural grasslands today in the Swedish landscape. These grasslands, and their biodiversity, are the result of a long management history. Therefore, grassland biodiversity should be favoured by management that is as similar as possible to traditional management regimes. The aim of this thesis is to produce historical knowledge, which can contribute to the formation of management methods that favours biodiversity in Swedish semi-natural pastures. This is possible due to Sweden's richness in historical documents. The grazing pressure was analysed in c. 70 hamlets in two plains and two upland regions, in south-central Sweden. The thesis has a quantitative and a qualitative part. Firstly, the stocking density (number of livestock units per hectare) was calculated for different hamlets and different time periods. The main historical sources used were cadastral maps from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, livestock tax registers from the 17th century and probate inventories from the 18th and 19th centuries. Secondly, the calculated stocking densities were interpreted in terms of grazing pressure (the relation between the demand for and supply of grazing fodder) through a mainly qualitative analysis, using additional historical sources. Outland grazing was common in all studied hamlets. The stocking density increased between 1620 and 1850 in at least two of the studied regions, less clearly in the two other regions. Whether an increased stocking density implied an increasing grazing pressure is hard to determine. Increasing stocking density could also have been connected to a decreasing tree cover in the outland (creating more light and grazing fodder). The intensified outland use could not be connected to one type of landscape since the clearly increased stocking density occurred in one plain and one upland area. The average grazing pressure was maximum 75 per cent (the proportion of the consumed grazing vegetation) in the early 17th century. With the assumption of a constant grazing pressure during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, the tree cover in the outland was calculated to between 70 and 90 percent in the two forested regions, 50 to 80 percent in the two plains. Historical complexity caused a dynamic land-use in several temporal and spatial scales (differences between hamlets, short-term dynamics between years and within one season) causing a multitude of ecological niches many of which have disappeared. In a time scale from 1620 to 1950 the largest changes in land use and number of livestock, occurred after 1850, but grazing in forest (outland) was probably still common in the 1930's. Today, only 1 to 2 percent of the former pasture areas are still grazed in the studied sites.}, keywords = {land-use history, semi-natural grasslands, outland, pastures, cadastral maps, livestock tax registers, probate inventories, livestock number, stocking density, grazing pressure, land-use dynamics, tree cover, grazed forest, grazed outland}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-1293}, year = {2006}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN127, author = {Danielsson, Helena and Pihl Karlsson, Gunilla}, title = {Metaller i mossa 2010}, institution = {IVL}, url = {http://www.ivl.se/download/18.343dc99d14e8bb0f58b7601/1454339558969/B1994.pdf}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN1341, author = {Danielsson, Helena and Pihl Karlsson, Gunilla}, title = {Metaller i mossa 2020, Kaunis Iron AB: På uppdrag av Kaunis Iron AB}, publisher = {IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet}, year = {2021}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1342, author = {Danielsson, Helena and Pihl Karlsson, Gunilla}, title = {Metaller och kväve i mossa 2020, Boliden Aitik: På uppdrag av Boliden Aitik}, publisher = {IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet}, year = {2021}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN786, author = {Danielsson, Helena Karlsson Gunilla Pihl}, title = {Metaller i mossa i Skåne län, 2010}, number = {IVL rapport B2059}, url = {http://www.ivl.se/download/18.343dc99d14e8bb0f58b7638/1454339597564/B2059.pdf}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @article{RN128, author = {de Jong, Johnny and Dahlberg, Anders}, title = {Impact on species of conservation interest of forest harvesting for bioenergy purposes}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {383}, pages = {37-48}, keywords = {Clearcutting Biodiversity Species of conservation interest Slash Stumps Wood-inhabiting species}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.09.016}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.09.016}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN129, author = {De Rosa, Michele and Pizzol, Massimo and Schmidt, Jannick}, title = {How methodological choices affect LCA climate impact results: the case of structural timber}, journal = {The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment}, volume = {23}, pages = {147-158}, ISSN = {0948-3349}, DOI = {10.1007/s11367-017-1312-0}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-017-1312-0}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN130, author = {Dettki, Holger and Wallerman, Jörgen}, title = {Skoglig GIS- och fjärranalysundervisning inom Jägmästar- och Skogsvetarprogrammet på SLU}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {122}, keywords = {geographical information systems, remote sensing, higher education, sweden, surveys}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-396}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1290, author = {Deutgen, Alfred and Walheim, Sixten}, title = {Ståndortens påverkan på övre höjd}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1101, author = {Drössler, L.}, title = {Tree species mixtures - A common feature of southern Swedish forests}, journal = {Forestry}, volume = {83}, number = {4}, pages = {433-441}, ISSN = {0015752X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1093/forestry/cpq025}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77957808406&doi=10.1093%2fforestry%2fcpq025&partnerID=40&md5=3509627e20c839fc8b1ee261d79ef77c}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN132, author = {Drössler, Lars and Fahlvik, Nils and Ekö, Per-Magnus}, title = {Stand structure and future development of a managed multi-layered forest in southern Sweden : Eriksköp - a case study}, institution = {Institutionen för sydsvensk skogsvetenskap}, number = {46}, abstract = {A heterogeneously structured forest stand with pine overstory and naturally regenerated spruce and oak trees in different size classes was documented. The effect of target diameter cutting on stand structure and growth was analyzed as a case-study. Both, systematic sample plots and forest gaps were used to describe the stand structure after cutting. Target diameter cutting in different treatments reduced the standing volume from ca. 320 to 180 m³/ha. Forest canopy gaps were created on more than 15% of the stand area. The seedling number of advanced natural regeneration was low (less than 500-1000 individuals per ha). Based on the advanced regeneration in gaps, three different scenarios for future ingrowth into the tree layer were defined. The extreme minimum ingrowth scenario assumed about 10 cm annual height growth and rather high mortality reported in literature from other experiments (resulting in one tree annually reaching 5 cm DBH during the next 50 years). Two other scenarios assumed 20 and 30 cm annual height growth. While no mortality was presumed within the latter scenario, moderate mortality rates (reported in literature) were chosen for the intermediate scenario. The maximum scenario postulates ten trees per year and ha reaching 5 cm DBH (equal to ingrowth reported from boreal single-tree selection forests). The moderate scenario assumes four new trees per year and he. Additional scenarios after soil preparation in gaps were used, defined on the base of shelterwood experiments. To describe the future basal area growth and continued target diameter cutting in the next 50 years, a single-tree growth model was applied, using stand age-independent estimations of the age of single trees. Thereby, a mean annual increment of 0.53-0.64 m2/ha was projected, similar to 5.6-6.8 m³/ha volume. Some errors to estimate the standing volume in multi-layered stands were detected during the simulation process. Compared to an evenaged spruce stand planted on the same site, the expected growth of the study stand during the next 50 years was one third lower. In average, about 120 m3/ha standing volume was removed in 20-25 years-cutting cycles. To continue without longer harvest intervals after the 50 years-simulation period, soil preparation seems necessary to achieve a sustainable number of small trees. Beside timber production, profitability was also lower by selective cutting. But, the important advantage of target diameter cutting can be more equally distributed income over time, with investments costs that can be covered by profit from timber harvest at the same time. A regular income of 17000-28000 SEK per ha every 20-25 years seems possible from today´s perspective. An additional treatment with alternative target diameters to promote particular tree species did not affect the amount of removals and the length of cutting intervals substantially. But simulations with 5 cm reduced target diameters caused very heavy removals and 35-40 years to reach 300 m³/ha standing volume again. The study includes discussions of tree species composition and development as well as a sensitivity analysis of the applied growth model.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-842}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @article{RN133, author = {Dubber, Wilhelm and Eklundh, Lars and Lagergren, Fredrik}, title = {Comparing field inventory with mechanistic modelling and light-use efficiency modelling based approaches for estimating forest net primary productivity at a regional level}, journal = {Boreal Environment Research}, volume = {22}, pages = {337-352}, url = {http://www.borenv.net/BER/archive/pdfs/ber22/ber22-337-352.pdf}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1102, author = {Dunger, K. and Petersson, S. H. O. and Barreiro, S. and Cienciala, E. and Colin, A. and Hylen, G. and Kusar, G. and Oehmichen, K. and Tomppo, E. and Tuomainen, T. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Harmonizing greenhouse gas reporting from European forests: Case examples and implications for European union level reporting}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {58}, number = {3}, pages = {248-256}, ISSN = {0015749X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.5849/forsci.10-064}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84862684172&doi=10.5849%2fforsci.10-064&partnerID=40&md5=6354b52349b0a236e2f3739844f21a88}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN787, author = {Ebenhard, Torbjörn and Forsberg, Maria and Lind, Torgny and Nilsson, Daniel and Andersson, Rune and Emanuelsson, Urban and Eriksson, Lennart and Hultåker, Oscar and Iwarsson Wide, Maria and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Environmental effects of brushwood harvesting for bioenergy}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {383}, number = {Supplement C}, pages = {85-98}, abstract = {Sweden aims to increase the proportion of renewable energy sources, ultimately to be able to phase out fossil fuels. To achieve this, new energy sources need to be explored. In this multi-disciplinary article, we examine the technical, economical, ecological and legal possibilities to commercially and sustainably harvest brushwood for bioenergy, while simultaneously gaining positive environmental effects, both for biological diversity, the cultural heritage, and the climate. The Swedish open landscape is becoming covered with secondary brushwood regrowth through natural succession, except where it is kept open. Brushwood is spreading along roads, railway lines, edge zones, in power line corridors, abandoned semi-natural grasslands, nature reserves, and in marginal land in urban areas. Such brushwood consists of saplings, bushes and young trees of a range of deciduous plant species, e.g. birch, aspen, alder and goat willow, sometimes mixed with conifers, often forming dense thickets. Such secondary brushwood regrowth could be systematically utilised as a new source of renewable bioenergy. Commercial brushwood harvesting in Sweden may contribute 26 PJ of energy annually, which may be a small but significant contribution, considering the favourable energy ratio (Er=28), indicating that large emission reductions can be achieved, if fossil fuels are replaced. Growing brushwood does not require fertilizers or pesticides, soil tillage or crop management, and it does not compete with any other potential land use. Many brushwood habitats are already being managed to clear brushwood, for other purposes, minimizing the added harvesting cost. Apart from providing bioenergy, it has also been suggested that brushwood harvesting would benefit biological diversity. A large number of nationally redlisted species are dependent on the active management of open habitats, including semi-natural grasslands, and man-made habitats such as road verges and power line corridors. Our literature review shows that brushwood harvesting could benefit both biological diversity and the cultural heritage, and contribute to the management of the open cultural landscape. There are however certain limitations. Brushwood harvesting would favour a certain set of species, including many redlisted, but it may also threaten another set of species, especially species associated with early successional stages of forest regeneration, as well as forest edge species, depending on how and where it is applied. Harvesting may be affected by legislation imposing limitations regarding habitats of particular importance for biodiversity. The environmental and legal constraints would probably reduce the profitability of brushwood harvesting in certain areas, as well as the annual production of bioenergy.}, keywords = {Bioenergy Brushwood harvesting Sustainability Biological diversity Climate}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.05.022}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.05.022}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN788, author = {Eggers, Jeannette and Holmström, Hampus and Lämås, Tomas and Lind, Torgny and Öhman, Karin}, title = {Accounting for a Diverse Forest Ownership Structure in Projections of Forest Sustainability Indicators}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {6}, number = {11}, pages = {4001-4033}, DOI = {10.3390/f6114001}, url = {http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/6/11/4001/htm}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN789, author = {Egnell, Gustaf}, title = {Biobränslemarknaden i Sverige : en nulägesanalys}, institution = {Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel}, number = {2008:1}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {Den redan pågående energiomställningen i Sverige och EU-ländernas nya åtaganden till 2020 för att öka andelen förnybara energikällor och minska på utsläppen av växthusgaser har ökat trycket på biomassa för energiändamål. Med fokus på den i Sverige dominerande biomassan från våra skogar ges här en nulägesanalys som främst syftar till att förklara skillnaden mellan fysiskt tillgänglig biomassa och den på biobränslemarknaden realiserade biomassan samt vad som kan påverka detta utbud på kort och lång sikt. Historiskt skördades våra skogar för en växande exportmarknad utan att några ansträngningar att etablera ny skog gjordes. För drygt 100 år sedan startade därför en restaurering av den svenska skogen med målsättningen att öka virkesförrådet. Från 1923 fram till idag finns, genom riksomfattande datainsamling, tillförlitlig statistik om virkesförrådet och därmed biomassatillgången i våra skogar. Under den perioden har virkesförrådet, genom aktiv skogsskötsel och avverkningsnivåer som de flesta år understigit tillväxten, ökat från 1760 miljoner kubikmeter till drygt 3000 miljoner kubikmeter. En viktig kunskap att ta med sig från detta är att det tar lång tid att öka virkesförrådet, vilket hänger ihop med skogens långa omloppstid. På i skogliga sammanhang kort sikt (10-20 år) är därför bidraget från skogen till biobränslemarknaden främst beroende av det virkesförråd vi redan har, dess tillväxt, avverkningsnivån i dessa skogar och eventuell import av skogsbiomassa. På medellång (20-50 år) till lång (50-100 år) sikt kan utbudet påverkas genom olika tillväxthöjande skötselåtgärder, vilket kan komma att ske om skogsägarna kan övertygas om att sådana skötselåtgärder också är en lönsam investering. Dagens stående virkesförråd (enbart stamved) omräknat till total trädbiomassa där även grenar, barr och löv samt stubbe och rötter ingår, motsvaras av drygt 2000 miljoner ton torr biomassa, vilket i energitermer motsvaras av drygt 10 000 TWh, varav drygt hälften i stambiomassa och resterande i grenar och toppar (så kallad grot) samt stubbar och rötter. För att kunna skatta bidraget från denna resurs till energiindustrin krävs först ett antagande om vilken avverkningsnivå som kommer att råda framöver. Flödet av biomassa till energiindustrin har än så länge till stor del hängt ihop med avverkningsnivåer styrda av skogsindustrin och en skogshushållningsnorm där avverkningen legat under tillväxten. Det är därför rimligt att anta att skogsbruket under de kommande decennierna kommer att agera som tidigare - men det kan naturligtvis inte uteslutas att avverkningarna blir högre eller lägre. Prisutvecklingen på skogsråvaran kommer liksom tidigare att vara avgörande för uttagsnivåerna även om de inte direkt styrs av ett strikt företagsekonomiskt tänkande. En del skogsägare ser istället sitt skogsägande som ett värdesäkrat arv till kommande generation. I ett scenario där skogsbruket avverkar som tidigare kommer avverkningsnivåerna att ligga på drygt 80 miljoner kubikmeter per år, vilket lämnar biomassa i form av grot och stubbar motsvarande ca 120 TWh kvar i skogen. Energin i stamveden är idag redan intecknad och grot motsvarande 8 TWh skördas redan medan stubbar enbart skördas i försöksskala. Grovt räknat finns i detta scenario en fysisk maxpotential i form av grot och stubbar motsvarande 110 TWh att hämta i samband med avverkningar i landets skogar. Hur mycket av denna biomassa som sedan kommer att skördas beror på en mängd faktorer. Den fysiska maxpotentialen utgör ett absolut tak och den på marknaden realiserade potentialen ligger avsevärt lägre på grund av olika faktorer: • Den tekniska potentialen styrs av tekniska restriktioner som i många fall är tydligt kopplade till ekonomiska restriktioner. Det vill säga befintlig teknik och logistik sätter gränser för vilka kvantiteter det är lönsamt att ta ut ur våra skogar. Det finns dock stor potential för att utveckla t kn ken vad gäller skörd av sådan biomassa som tidigare lämnades kvar i skogen vid stamvedsskörd. I stort sätt hela den teknik- och produktivitetsutveckling som skogsbruket har genomgått har riktat in sig på skörd av enskilda stammar för leverans till massa- och pappersindustrin samt sågverken. Idag då biomassan i grenar, toppar, stubbar och klena stammar också har ett kommersiellt värde finns mycket utvecklingsarbete kvar att göra. • Den ekologiska potentialen kopplar tydligt till de värden som brukare av våra skogar förväntas ta hänsyn till, nämligen biologisk mångfald, skogsmarkens långsiktiga produktionsförmåga, effekter på skogsmarken och därmed på grundvatten och omgivande sjöar, vattendrag och hav. Den ekologiska potentialen påverkas också direkt av lagar såsom miljöbalken och skogsvårdslagen liksom av de certifieringskriterier som finns kring den certifierade delen av svenskt skogsbruk, vilket idag omfattar broderparten av skogsarealen inom ramen för två certifieringssystem, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) och Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). • Nivån på den socialt acceptabla potentialen sätts bland annat av allmänhetens uppfattning om vad som är rimlig exploatering av biomassan i naturresursen skog. Här ingår annan alternativ markanvändning såsom rennäring, jakt, friluftsliv, svamp- och bärplockning samt hänsyn till forn- och kulturlämningar. Delar av detta regleras i kulturminneslagen, skogsvårdslagen och rennäringslagen. • Den ekonomiska potentialen styrs i grunden av prissättningen på biomassa för energiändamål och hur detta pris förhåller sig till kostnaderna för att leverera biomassan. Men potentialen styrs också av prissättningen på skogsråvaran för skogsindustrin och därmed lönsamheten för skogsindustrin då en stor del av energiflödena av skogsbiomassa för energiändamål går via skogsindustrin. Andra viktiga faktorer här är hur privata skogsägare värderar sitt skogs-innehav och vad de önskar få ut av det i form av pengar eller andra värden. Alla dessa faktorer behöver vägas in vid bedömning av den framtida biomassapotentialen från den svenska skogen. Då samtliga faktorer är mer eller mindre rörliga blir detta naturligtvis svårt, vilket förklarar varför olika bedömare kan landa på så olika nivåer. Ett exempel på detta är SLU:s skattning från 1998 som efter restriktioner landade på en grotpotential motsvarande 32 TWh medan Skogsindustrierna 2005 menade att grotpotentialen stannar på 15 TWh. Utöver grot och stubbar finns ytterligare biomassa-potential från våra skogar i klena stammar och ändrade apteringsrutiner där prisrelationen mellan massaved och energived kan komma att vara styrande för vid vilken toppdiameter toppen kapas och huruvida virket ska gå till massaindustrin eller energiindustrin. Energiindustrin har här en konkurrensfördel då den finns mer väl spridd över landet, vilket minskar transportkostnaden för råvaran. Hur mycket som detta kommer att ge beror av samma faktorer som ovan vilket försvårar och skapar osäkerhet i skattningen. På längre sikt (50-100 år) kan utbudet av trädbio-massa påverkas genom insatser som ökar skogs-produktionen. En tumregel här är att små insatser över stora arealer ofta ger mer än stora kostsamma insatser på en begränsad areal. Här finns redan kunskapen och framtida potentialer går att skatta. Även detta blir emellertid en lek med siffror så länge som det inte går att få med skogsägarna. För att skogsägarna i stor omfattning ska leverera näringsrikt skogsbränsle i form av GROT, klena stammar och stubbar måste priset på råvaran ligga på en rimlig nivå i förhållande till näringstillförsel för att kompensera för eventuella tillväxtförluster. En förändrad syn på ungskogsskötslen för att maximera biomassaproduktionen i ungskog kräver att tekniken för att skörda klena stammar utvecklas och effektiviseras innan metoden kan rekommenderas i en skala som sedan märks på marknaden. Inv st ringar i nästa skogsgeneration bygger på en övertygelse om att energimarknaden tillsammans med skogsindustrimarknaden kommer att vara stark i ett längre perspektiv (50-100 år). Då en stor del av intäkterna för skogsägaren kommer från sågtimmer kan nya skogsskötselsystem med ökad biomassaproduktion tillsammans med kvalitetssågtimmer påverka skogsägarna. Jordbrukets förutsättningar att leverera biomassa till energisektorn har utretts i sen tid i rapporten Bioenergi från jordbruket - En växande resurs (SOU 2007:36). Där konstateras att jordbruket stod för 1,5 TWh av energitillförseln år 2005, vilket svarar mot blygsamma 1 % av total tillförsel. För att få lite perspektiv på jordbrukets potential konstaterar utredningen vidare att svensk växtodling år 2005 producerade biomassa som om den använts för bioenergiändamål motsvarar knappt 80 TWh, varav cirka 30 TWh utgjordes av restprodukter (halm och blast m.m.). Insatsenergin vid denna odling, varav huvudparten utgjordes av fossila bränslen, var 5,5 TWh. Mer av dagens restprodukter från jordbruket kan naturligtvis nyttjas och delar av produktionen kan komma att ställas om med inriktning mot energigrödor vilket kan komma att ske om det bedöms som ekonomiska fördelaktigt. Dessutom finns jordbruksmark som idag ligger i träda som kan tas i anspråk. Ett flertal olika skattningar av jordbrukets potentiella bidrag har gjorts genom åren och här är spridningen än större än vad gäller skogens bidrag. Ett skäl till detta är att bedömningarna till stor del bygger på biomassa som ännu inte odlas i landet, därför kommer antaganden om hur stor andel av åkermarken som tas i anspråk för energiproduktion, vilka grödor som väljs och var i landet odlingen sker att spela stor roll för resultatet. Jordbrukspolitiken med dess regleringar och stöd samt det spridda ägandet minskar inte osäkerheten i dessa antaganden. Utredningen analyserade också vilken roll jordbruket kan ha vid olika utformningar av styrmedel samt vilka kostnadssänkningar som krävs för att de olika energigrödorna skall vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. Den analysen kom fram till att tillskottet från jordbruket till omställningen av energisystemet kommer att bli relativt begränsat och att omställningen därför i första hand måsta klaras av med andra åtgärder. Sveriges torvresurser motsvarande 1,6 % av världens totala resurser, skulle också kunna utnyttjas i energiomställningen. Men trots att el producerad med torv i godkända kraftvärmeanläggningar berättigar till elcertifikat befinner sig torvbranschen i Sverige i kris. Orsaken är att torv tillsammans med kol belastas med en svavelskatt på 30 kr per kilo svavel, samt att torv i handeln med utsläppsrätter behandlas som ett fossilt bränsle med samma emissionsfaktor som kol. Torvens emissionsfaktor kommer att vara avgörande för i vilken utsträckning torven kommer att finnas på energimarknaden. Finland argumenterar för att torven borde klassificeras som ett “långsamt förnybart biobränsle” då torven, om än långsamt, växer till på de flesta torvmarker. Svenska myndigheter som utrett frågan på regeringens uppdrag bedömer att en acceptans inom EU för en förändrad systemgräns för torv inte kan uppnås förrän tidigast inför nästa åtagandeperiod som börjar år 2013. I Sverige har man bytt fokus från stora, i huvudsak öppna, myrar och istället riktat in sig på de torvmarker man kan anta läcker mer växthusgaser än de binder, varför det ur klimatsynpunkt skulle vara en fördel att skörda och utnyttja energin i den torven. Aktuella torvmarker är torvmarker som dikats för att gynna skogstillväxt, torvmarker som dikats för jordbruk och redan påbörjade och därmed dikade torvtäkter. En skattning visar att 7,4 miljarder kubikmeter torv motsvarande ca 7 400 TWh finns på sådana marker i landet. Delar av dessa resurser kan komma att realiseras om torven omklassificeras. Stöd för att detta kommer att ske kommer från FN:s klimatorgan (International Panel of Cli at Change, IPCC) som fört över torv från kategorin övriga fossila bränslen till en egen kategori benämnd torv. Import av biomassa är ytterligare en möjlighet som står till buds för att mätta en växande marknad, men inom den europeiska unionen kommer marknaden sannolikt att hårdna som en följd av ländernas åtaganden till 2020. Ryssland och Kanada är stora skogsländer med potential att kunna leverera skogsbiomassa på världsmarknaden. På grund av omfattande skogsdöd och svåra tider för traditionell skogsindustri i Kanada finns goda förutsättningar för export en hel del skogsbiomassa för energi-ändamål under kommande år för att hålla liv i den egna skogsindustrin. Ryssland känns mera osäkert på grund av svag infrastruktur, brist på riskkapital och kompetens inom skogsbranschen samt en protektionistisk syn på skogsråvaran som manifesterats i exporttullar på rundved. Slutligen finns en framtida världsmarknadspotential om större realer snabbväxande energigrödor kommer till stånd i länder med ett klimat som ger en hög och varaktig produktion. De största potentialerna antas finnas i Sydamerika och Afrika.}, keywords = {biobränsle, energimarknad}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-13}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @article{RN790, author = {Ek, Bengt}, title = {Hur många myrstackar har vi här då? [Riksskogstaxeringen]}, keywords = {forest surveys sweden nature conservation}, year = {2002}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN791, author = {Eklund, Bo}, title = {Den finska riksskogstaxeringen [Besprechung von] Yrjö Ilvessalo: Suomen metsävarat ja metsien tila. Il valtakunnan metsien arviointi. Communicationes Instituti forestalis fenniae 30}, journal = {Svenska Skogsvårdsföreningens tidskrift}, pages = {281-296}, year = {1943}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN792, author = {Eklund, Bo}, title = {Skogsforskningsinstitutets årsringsmätningsmaskiner}, number = {38:5}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9922/}, year = {1949}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN793, author = {Eklund, Bo}, title = {Fortsatta studier över ett gallringsförsök i stavagranskog}, number = {41:10}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9954/}, year = {1952}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN794, author = {Eklund, Bo}, title = {Årsringsbreddens klimatiskt betingade variation hos tall och gran inom norra Sverige åren 1900-1944}, number = {44:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9977/}, year = {1954}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN795, author = {Eklund, Bo}, title = {Om granens årsringsvariationer inom mellersta Norrland och deras samband med klimatet}, number = {47:1}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10008/}, year = {1957}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN796, author = {Eklundh, Lars and Jonsson, Per and Kuusk, Andres}, title = {Investigating modelled and observed Terra/MODIS 500-m reflectance data for viewing and illumination effects}, journal = {Advances in Space Research}, volume = {39}, number = {1}, pages = {119-124}, ISSN = {0273-1177}, DOI = {10.1016/j.asr.2006.02.022}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2006.02.022}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN799, author = {Ekström, Magnus}, title = {Nonparametric estimation of the variance of sample means based on nonstationary spatial data}, number = {88}, abstract = {In Politis and Romano (1993), different block resampling estimators of variance of general linear statistics, e.g. a sample mean, were proposed under the assumption of stationarity. In the present paper such estimators of variance of sample means, computed from nonstationary spatially indexed data {Xi : i E A}, where A is a finite subset of the integer lattice Z2, are studied. Consistency of estimators of variance will be shown for the following kind of data: Observations taken from different lattice points are allowed to come from different distributions, and the dependence structure is allowed to differ over the lattice. We assume that all observed values are from distributions with the same expected value, or with expected values that decompose additively into directional components. Furthermore, it will be assumed that observations separated by a certain distance are independent.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8846/}, year = {2001}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN800, author = {Ekström, Magnus and Belyaev, Yuri}, title = {On the estimation of the distribution of sample means based on non-stationary spatial data}, institution = {Dept of Forest resource management}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8826/}, year = {2001}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1103, author = {Ekström, M. and Esseen, P. A. and Westerlund, B. and Grafström, A. and Jonsson, B. G. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Logistic regression for clustered data from environmental monitoring programs}, journal = {Ecological Informatics}, volume = {43}, pages = {165-173}, ISSN = {15749541 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecoinf.2017.10.006}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85038109792&doi=10.1016%2fj.ecoinf.2017.10.006&partnerID=40&md5=a10c50f40b8411799c338a1999da5c12}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN801, author = {Ekström, Magnus and Sjöstedt-deLuna, Sara}, title = {Estimation of the variance of sample means based on nonstationary spatial data with varying expected values}, number = {90}, abstract = {Subsampling and block resampling methods have been suggested in the literature to nonparametrically estimate the variance of some statistic computed from spatial data. Usually stationary data are required. However, in empirical applications, the assump­ tion of stationarity can often be rejected. This paper proposes nonparametric methods to estimate the variance of sample means based on nonstationary spatial data using subsam­ pling. It is assumed that data is observed on a rectangular lattice in some subregion of R 2. The kind of data we consider is of the following type: The information in the different picture elements (pixels) of the lattice are allowed to come from different distributions, with smoothly varying expected values, or with expected values decomposed additively into directional components. Furthermore, pixels are assumed to be locally dependent, and the dependence structure is allowed to differ over the lattice. Consistent variance esti­ mators for sample means, and convergence rates in mean square, are provided under these assumptions. An example with applications to forestry, using satellite data, is discussed.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8831/}, year = {2001}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN802, author = {Ekö, Per-Magnus and Johansson, Ulf and Petersson, Nils and Bergqvist, Jonas and Elfving, Björn and Frisk, Johan}, title = {Current growth differences of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ), Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) and birch ( Betula pendula and Betula pubescens ) in different regions in Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {23}, number = {4}, pages = {307-318}, abstract = {The choice of species in forestry is important, and a real issue as large areas of wind-damaged forest land in southern Sweden need to be regenerated. To compare the growth potential between the most common tree species in Sweden, ratios between site quality derived from site index values determined with site properties were used. A regression function to determine site index for birch from site properties was used to complement the known relationships between site properties and site index for spruce and pine. In large regions of Sweden the distribution of site quality classes was calculated to compare the special characteristics and demands of the three species. On average, the growth difference for pine compared to spruce was about 60% in southern Sweden and 95% in northern Sweden. Corresponding figures between birch and spruce were 40% and 60%. Birch was expected to produce around 60% of pine in northern Sweden and about 70% in southern Sweden. However, it must be stressed that the comparison is based on survey data encompassing mainly naturally regenerated birch, whereas spruce and pine are mainly planted.}, keywords = {Downy Birch Norway Spruce Scots Pine Silver Birch Site Index Site Properties Site Quality}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580802249126}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827580802249126}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN803, author = {Elfving, B.}, title = {Återväxtens etablering och utveckling till röjningstidpunkten}, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. skogsskötsel}, year = {1992}, type = {Report} } @article{RN804, author = {Ellison, David and Lundblad, Mattias and Petersson, Hans}, title = {Carbon accounting and the climate politics of forestry}, journal = {Environmental Science & Policy}, volume = {14}, number = {8}, pages = {1062-1078}, abstract = {Many proposals have been made for the more successful inclusion of LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) in the Kyoto framework. Though the positions of individual states or the goal of avoided deforestation guide many approaches, our model sets cost-effective strategies for climate change mitigation and the efficient and balanced use of forest resources at its center. Current approaches to forest resource-based carbon accounting consider only a fraction of its potential and fail to adequately mobilize the LULUCF sector for the successful stabilization of atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations. The presence of a significantly large “incentive gap” justifies the urgency of reforming the current LULUCF carbon accounting framework. In addition to significantly broadening the scope of carbon pools accounted under LULUCF, we recommend paying far greater attention to the troika of competing but potentially compatible interests surrounding the promotion of standing forests (in particular for the purposes of carbon sequestration, biodiversity protection and ecosystem promotion/ preservation), harvested wood products (HWP) and bioenergy use. The successful balancing of competing interests, the enhancement of efficiency and effectiveness and the balanced use of forest resources require an accounting mechanism that weighs and rewards each component according to its real climate mitigation potential. Further, our data suggest the benefits of such a broadly based carbon accounting strategy and the inclusion of LULUCF in national and international accounting and emission trading mechanisms far outweigh potential disadvantages. Political arguments suggesting countries could take advantage of LULUCF accounting to reduce their commitments are not supported by the evidence we present.}, keywords = {Kyoto Protocol Carbon accounting LULUCF HWP Bioenergy Climate change mitigation}, ISSN = {1462-9011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.envsci.2011.07.001}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1462901111001079}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN805, author = {Ellison, David and Lundblad, Mattias and Petersson, Hans}, title = {Reforming the EU approach to LULUCF and the climate policy framework}, journal = {Environmental Science & Policy}, volume = {40}, pages = {1-15}, abstract = {We focus on recent progress in reforming the role of forests and other land use in the EU climate policy framework. EU inclusion of LULUCF (Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry) in the climate policy framework still lags international developments, remaining at odds even with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's (UNFCCC) Kyoto framework. Though the EU has made some important changes that eclipse even the UNFCCC framework—in particular regarding the inclusion of cropland and grazing land management in mandatory EU-level carbon accounting practices—in other respects the EU has far to go. As part of a strategy for fulfilling emission reduction commitments within the EU burden-sharing agreement, Member states are not permitted to trade either in domestically nor foreign produced forest-based carbon credits. On the other hand, both the EU and the UNFCCC/Kyoto LULUCF frameworks remain distant from an idealized model that could facilitate increased climate change mitigation and a more efficient and balanced use of forest-based resources. Limiting the incorporation of forests in the climate policy framework has significant consequences for the cost and rapidity of emission reductions. Forest potential thus remains under-mobilized for climate change mitigation. In this context, we draw particular attention to the fact that forest-based carbon sequestration's potential contribution to negative emissions represents an important missed opportunity. In the context of ongoing discussions over the EU and UNFCCC's Post-Kyoto frameworks, we propose an all-encompassing LULUCF carbon accounting model incorporating all previously omitted carbon pools and activities, thus weighing LULUCF removals and emissions on a par with emissions from other sectors (industry, the energy sector, end-users). The successful integration of LULUCF into the EU climate policy and carbon-trading frameworks could dovetail neatly with emerging international climate change mitigation efforts.}, keywords = {LULUCF}, ISSN = {1462-9011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.envsci.2014.03.004}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1462901114000616}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1104, author = {Ellison, D. and Petersson, H. and Lundblad, M. and Wikberg, P. E.}, title = {The incentive gap: LULUCF and the Kyoto mechanism before and after Durban}, journal = {GCB Bioenergy}, volume = {5}, number = {6}, pages = {599-622}, ISSN = {17571693 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/gcbb.12034}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84885793048&doi=10.1111%2fgcbb.12034&partnerID=40&md5=8143f89d8603b0c374213e89273061a9}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN808, author = {Ellman Kareld, Louise and Linge, Henric and Andersson, Monica and Ahlström, Anders and Lessmark, Olof and Samuelsson, Theodor and Ekerholm, Per and Hallgren Larsson, Eva and Bengtsson, Hasse}, title = {Länsprogram Kronobergs län : Regional miljöövervakning 2015-2020}, institution = {Länsstyrelsen i Kronobergs län}, number = {2014:22}, month = {2014}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:naturvardsverket:diva-2366}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN809, author = {Embertsén, Sven}, title = {Virkesdrivning inom Kramfors-delen av SCA 1911-1965}, number = {134}, abstract = {The investigation deals with logging and transport in the present Swedish forest company "Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (Swedish Cellulose Co, SCA)" during the period of 1911-1965. The main part of the forests investigated is located in the valley of the river Ångermanälven. A description of logging conditions and of the changes in forest production and techniques is given. During the period, the development of the pulp industry greatly changed the composition of the harvested timber. The forest labour in harvesting changed from being mainly farmers working in the forest in winter only to specialized forest workers working in the forest the year round. Methods and tools in logging as well as the long distance transports also changed considerably. At the beginning of the period, most of the work was manual. At the end of the period, machines were introduced for the heaviest parts of the forest work. Logging and transport costs increased during the period of investigation. This may be explained by changes in the book-keeping system, the type of wood produced, the properties of harvested stands and fluctuations of the value of money etc. An analysis of the influence of these various factors on the costs is presented.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5618/}, year = {1976}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN810, author = {Enander, Karl-Göran}, title = {Ekologi, skog och miljö : vetenskap och idéer under 300 år}, institution = {Institutionen för skogen ekologi och skötsel}, number = {4}, abstract = {”När ekologi och miljö diskuteras sker det ofta i ett spänningsfält mellan vetenskap och ideologi” skriver Karl-Göran Enander, hedersdoktor vid Skogsvetenskapliga fakulteten, i inledningen. Den spänningen präglar ”Ekologi, skog och miljö. Vetenskap och idéer under 300 år”, och mitt i spänningsfältets hamnar skogen. Det är en bred historik, som i avsnitten om ekologi och miljö även ger en internationell översikt. I boken skildrar Enander hur skogsskötseln och miljön påverkats av växlande ekonomiska och politiska förhållanden och av ekologivetenskapens framsteg. Den syn på naturen som filosofer, författare och konstnärer – såsom Immanuel Kant, Henry David Thoreau, Paul Cezanné och Bruno Liljefors – uttryckt i sina verk har också haft inflytande, liksom naturskyddsföreningars och miljögruppers opinionsbildning. 1700-talet var Carl von Linnés århundrade. Hans klassifikations- och nomenklatursystem har haft avgörande betydelse för ekologins utveckling. Linné hade också kommit långt i sina tankegångar om de ekologiska sambanden i naturen. Under 1800-talet banade nya geologiska upptäckter av Charles Lyell väg för Charles Darwins utvecklingslära, vilken i grunden ändrade förutsättningarna inom den ekologiska forskningen. Inom växtgeografin gjordes viktiga upptäckter av Alexander von Humboldt och inom växtfysiologin av Justus von Liebig. Forskningsrönen var kända av dåtidens lärda skogsmän, men tillämpades i mycket begränsad utsträckning inom skogsskötseln. Arthur Tansley lanserade begreppet ekosystem på 1930-talet, och Eugene Odum gick över till studier av hela ekosystem på 1950-talet. Bland de ledande ekologerna i Sverige under 1900-talets första hälft finner vi Henrik Hesselman, och under den andra hälften Carl Olof Tamm. Forskningsrönen inom ekologi, skogsföryngring och skogsproduktion beaktades så småningom allt mer i skogsskötseln och miljövården. Till detta bidrog också opinionen från allmänheten och nybildade miljöorganisationer under 1970-talet och framåt. Den verkliga vändpunkten inom miljövården kom på 1990-talet.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-289}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN811, author = {Enander, Karl-Göran}, title = {Skogsbruk på samhällets villkor : skogsskötsel och skogspolitik under 150 år}, institution = {Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel}, number = {1}, abstract = {I ”Skogsbruk på samhällets villkor” skildrar Karl-Göran Enander – hedersdoktor vid Skogsvetenskapliga fakulteten – skogsskötselns och skogspolitikens utveckling i ett allmänpolitiskt och ekonomiskt sammanhang från 1800-talets mitt till 2000-talets början. Även andra områden har påverkat skogsskötseln och skogspolitiken, särskilt skogsforskningen och den tekniska utvecklingen, samt tidvis idéströmningar i samhället. Läsaren får en sammanhängande historik över varje område. Under 1800-talet exploaterades skogarna i jakt på råvara till sågverk och massabruk. Skogsvården var satt på undantag, och virkesförrådet sjönk i hela landet. Intresset för skogslagstiftning var svagt på grund av de liberala strömningarna i samhället. Farhågor för virkesbrist för den expanderande skogsindustrin låg bakom den första nationella skogslagen som antogs 1903. Den har därefter successivt byggts ut, men först vid mitten av århundradet ägde det rum en mer allmän övergång från ett exploaterande till ett intensivt och uthålligt skogsbruk. Samtidigt fick skogsforskningen en allt större betydelse för valet av skogsskötselmetoder.}, keywords = {skogsskötsel, skogspolitik, skogshistoria, sverige}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-288}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @article{RN940, author = {Ene, Liviu Theodor Naesset, Erik Gobakken, T. Gregoire, T. G. and Ståhl, Göran and Nelson, Ross}, title = {Assessing the accuracy of regional LiDAR-based biomass estimation using a simulation approach}, journal = {Remote Sensing Of Environment}, volume = {123}, pages = {579-592}, abstract = {To meet the increasing need for reliable and timely timber resources and carbon stock estimates at intermediate and local decision levels, a sampling approach using airborne laser scanning (ALS) as a strip sampling tool has been proposed as a supplement to the conventional field-based National Forest Inventory system. This idea led to a large-scale biomass survey project undertaken in Hedmark County, Norway, an area encompassing 27390 km(2). The field biomass estimates were provided by the Norwegian NFI, and the ALS measurements were acquired in parallel strips using a systematic (SYS) design. The ALS-based biomass estimation was performed using regression estimators under design-based and the model-based inferential frameworks. A possible approach to assess the validity of inference when complex designs are involved is to use a sampling simulator where an artificial population represents the 'ground truth' and the properties of the estimators are investigated via simulated sampling. To create the artificial population, a large multivariate dataset containing NFI field observations and ALS metrics was generated using a copula function fitted to the empirical observations, and then it was generalized over the study area using satellite imagery and nearest: neighbor imputations. The properties of several design-based model-assisted and model-based variance estimators were investigated using simulated sampling and the accuracy of ALS-based and ground-based estimates under simple random sampling without replacement (SRSwoR) and SYS designs were compared. The simulation results indicated that the ALS-based survey produced valid inference under design-based and model-based frameworks. The variance estimators performed well under two-phase SRSwoR, but the real standard errors were overestimated approximately 4.7 times under two-phase SYS. Compared to the pure ground-based inventories, the estimated standard errors of the ALS-based estimates were approximately 1.8 times larger, while the real accuracy (in terms of root mean squared error) improved with 59%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.}, keywords = {Forest inventory Laser scanning Regression estimators Design-based inference Model‐based inference Variance estimation Monte-Carlo simulations Copulas}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2012.04.017}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2012.01.025}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1401, author = {Engel, M. and Mette, T. and Falk, W. and Poschenrieder, W. and Fridman, J. and Skudnik, M.}, title = {Modelling Dominant Tree Heights of Fagus sylvatica L. Using Function-on-Scalar Regression Based on Forest Inventory Data}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, note = {Engel, Markus Mette, Tobias Falk, Wolfgang Poschenrieder, Werner Fridman, Jonas Skudnik, Mitja Fridman, Jonas/0000-0002-8295-665X 1999-4907}, DOI = {10.3390/f14020304}, url = {://WOS:000945121100001}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN812, author = {Englund, M.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1923-92 - En översiktlig beskrivning av utformning, omfattning och datainnehåll}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Arbetsrapport - Institutionen för Skogstaxering, Umeå, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, nr 19}, note = {28 ref.}, keywords = {5021 surveys forest management scandinavia western europe europe forest surveys forest inventories sweden methods}, pages = {59 s.}, year = {1994}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN813, author = {Engström, Kjell}, title = {Fågelfaunans beroende av skogens sammansättning}, number = {45:2}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9984/}, year = {1955}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN814, author = {Ericsson, Anders and Walheim, Mats and Nordén, Lars-Gösta and Näsholm, Torgny}, title = {Concentrations of Mineral Nutrients and Arginine in Needles of Picea Abies Trees from Different Areas in Southern Sweden in Relation to Nitrogen Deposition and Humus Form}, journal = {Ecological Bulletins}, number = {44}, pages = {147-157}, abstract = {The study describes the occurrence of mineral nutrient imbalances in Picea abies (L.) Karst. trees in southern Sweden in relation to both deposition of nitrogen and humus form. Concentrations of mineral nutrients and free arginine were used to monitor imbalanced nutrition of trees caused by surplus nitrogen availability in the soil and/or low availability of other mineral nutrients. The major part of the investigation was performed on permanent sample plots within the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) representing forests typical of the region and both mor and peat plots were sampled. A number of mor plots, laid out by the National Board of Forestry (NBF) were also sampled. The NBF plots were considered to suffer from the "new type" of forest decline in Sweden when they were selected and, therefore, represented typically damaged forests of the region. Although total nitrogen and arginine concentrations of the trees in the NFI-study were highest in the area with the highest nitrogen deposition, the concentrations were low. High arginine concentrations and low P/N ratios were found in NFI trees growing on peat plots. The NBF plots showed, in comparison with mor plots of the NFI-study, a considerably greater frequency with high needle arginine concentrations. It is concluded that, although trees on peat soils in southern Sweden tended to have greater mineral nutrient imbalances in areas with the highest airborne deposition, the humus form was more important for the development of nutrient imbalances than the deposition level. The importance of studying representative material of the region, when forest health is investigated, is discussed.}, ISSN = {03466868}, year = {1995}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN815, author = {Ericsson, E.}, title = {Carbon accumulation and fossil fuel substitution during different rotation scenarios}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {269-278}, note = {Times Cited: 16 1 19}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580308621}, url = {://WOS:000183612100007}, year = {2003}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN816, author = {Ericsson, J.}, title = {A study on land and forest cover classification using remote sensing data - experiences of visual interpretations in Northern Sweden}, journal = {Arbetsrapport - Institutionen foer Skogstaxering, Umeaa, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {12}, note = {9 ref. Summary (En). *SE}, keywords = {Forest Land Boreal Forests Remote Sensing Analytical Methods Communication Technology Computer Applications Forest Inventories Sweden Classification Land Use Cartography Aerial Surveying Terrain Forestier Foret Boreale Teledetection Technique Analytique Technique De Communication Application Des Ordinateurs Inventaire Forestier Suede Utilisation Des Terres Cartographie Releve Aerien Tierras Forestales Bosque Boreal Teledeteccion Tecnicas Analiticas Tecnologia De Comunicacion Aplicaciones Del Ordenador Inventarios Forestales Suecia Clasificacion Utilizacion De La Tierra Cartografia Reconocimiento Aereo Fra Forest Resources Assessment Corine Coordination Of Information On The Environment Ac Nfi National Forest Inventory Satellite Image Interpretation}, ISSN = {1102-2256}, year = {1993}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN817, author = {Ericsson, Stefan}, title = {Arthandbok fältskiktsarter för Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, abstract = {Tanken med denna handbok är den skall användas till att identifiera fältskiktsarterna i NILS i vegetativt tillstånd. Beskrivningarna utgår därför från växternas byggnad, med livsform och basala blad som huvudkaraktärer, och med betoning på kännetecken som kan ses under hela säsongen. Det förutsätts att användaren har grundläggande kunskaper i kärlväxters byggnad, men för några termer finns en ordförklaring. Växterna delas här in i grupper baserade på allmänt utseende och bladform (t ex "flytbladsväxter" och "örter med parbladigt sammansatta blad"). Inom grupperna presen teras de sedan i stort sett i sedvanlig systematisk ordning. De flesta arterna är säkert bekanta för inventerarna, men eftersom bestämningen till stor del måste gå ut på att utesluta växter som inte skall tas upp i NILS, har mycket möda lagts på att lista förväxlingsarter. Tanken är att man, när man stöter på en obekant växt i en provyta, snabbt med hjälp av några få karaktärer skall kunna placera den i rätt grupp, och sedan kunna kontrollera de kännetecken som ges för växter man misstänker att det kan vara. I början av varje grupp nämns också växter som återfinns under andra grupper, men som man under vissa förhållan den skulle kunna placera i den aktuella gruppen. Man bör även snegla på beskrivningarna av dessa växter. I beskrivningarna har viktiga karaktärer strukits under. Detta ger en snabb översikt över det som kännetecknar växten. De flesta växter går att bestämma enbart med dessa karak tärer, förutsatt att man fört dem till rätt grupp. Men ibland, särskilt om växten inte blommar, måste man syna fler detaljer. När man tror sig ha identifierat växten kontrollerar man också under Förväxlingsrisk Växter som där enbart har svenskt namn är fätskiktsarter i NILS som man kan läsa mer om på annan plats i denna bok. De som också har vetenskapligt namn omfattas inte av NILS eller räknas som buskar. För sådana växter finns det ibland en kort uppgift om utbredning. Det gör det bara om större delen av utbredningen inte sammanfaller med den växt texten handlar om. Ett exempel: under plattlummer finns två förväxlings arter, fjällummer och mattlummer. Båda har vetenskapligt namn, för de är inte NILs växter. Eftersom mattlummer överallt är en möjlig förväxlingsart preciseras ej utbredningen, men för fjällummer nämns det att den huvudsakligen finns i fjälltrakterna. Den som inven terar i södra Sverige kan alltså utesluta fjällummer som förväxlingsart. Ett stycke som kallas variation finns ofta med. Här nämns allt ifrån skillnader mellan arter eller underarter till uppgifter om frekventa hybrider och avvikande blomfärger. Avsik ten är att lista sådant som kan vara obekant för en inventerare, och därmed skulle kunna inverka på om huruvida växten skall räknas med i analysen. Några exempel: under fetknop par nämns att det finns både gul- vit- och rosablommande arter, eftersom en inventerare som blivit van vid att fetknoppar skall vara gula kan tro att vit fetknopp är en växt som inte skall räknas med; under revlummer beskrivs underarterna, eftersom det annars är risk att fjällformen uppfattas som någon ovidkommande art; under plattlummer nämns underarter na eftersom vissa floror räknar en av dem som en egen art, varför det finns risk att en inventerare med en sådan flora tror att växten skall uteslutas; under vattenpilört beskrivs både hur den ser ut när den växer i vatten och hur den ser ut på land, eftersom en inventerare som tidigare bara känner den från den ena miljön, inte för sitt liv kan föreställa sig att den växt han har framför sig också är en vattenpilört. Tyvärr är inte handboken illustrerad. Från början var det tänkt att den skulle vara det, men tiden räckte inte till. För att i någon mån kompensera för detta, hänvisas vid vruje art till Den Nordiska Floran (Mossberg, B., Stenberg, L. & Ericcson, S., Stockholm 1992). Hänvisningen skrivs som "DNF" följt av sidnummer. Namnsättning n följer den officiella, svenska namnlistan Förteckning över svenska kärl växter av Thomas Karlsson. (Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 91: 241-560, dvs häfte 5/1997.). Dessutom finns andra svenska och vetenskapliga namn från de vanligaste flororna med som synonymer (inom parentes). Familjeindelningen följer Den Nordiska Floran. Detta för att man skall kunna slå upp beskrivningarna där. Växtfamiljemas karaktärer nämns nämligen inte i denna handbok. Utbredningskartorna har jag själv tecknat. De har förenklats och uppdaterats något från de kartor jag gjorde till Den Nordiska Floran. Det bör betonas att många ogräs och för vildade växter tillfälligt påträffats utanför de områden som markerats på kartorna. För sådana arter utgör särskilt i norr kartans gräns ofta en gissning. För några förvildade växter som jag tidigare inte karterat är kartorna mycket schematiska. Det gäller lupiner, jätte balsamin, och jätteloka + tromsöloka. För arter som klockljung och strandråg, som expanderar längs vägar, saknas säkert markeringar i en del områden där de nu finns, men hela den naturliga utbredningen finns med.}, keywords = {vegetation, surveys}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8777/}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @book{RN819, author = {Eriksson, Allan}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen åren 1968-1972 : Results from the national forest survey in 1968-1972}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Rapporter och uppsatser / Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan, 21}, pages = {165 s. :}, year = {1975}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1449, author = {Eriksson, A. and Eggers, J. and Claesson, S. and Fridman, J. and Nylander, M. and Olsson, P. and Öhman, K. and Nordström, E. M.}, title = {Availability and mobilization of forest resources in Sweden}, journal = {European Journal of Forest Research}, note = {Eriksson, Andreas Eggers, Jeannette Claesson, Svante Fridman, Jonas Nylander, Martin Olsson, Patrik Ohman, Karin Nordstrom, Eva-Maria 1612-4677}, ISSN = {1612-4669}, DOI = {10.1007/s10342-023-01647-9}, url = {://WOS:001143147700001}, year = {2024}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN820, author = {Eriksson, Allan and Janz, Klaus}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen åren 1968-1972}, institution = {Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan}, number = {ISSN 0585-3311}, year = {1975}, type = {Report} } @book{RN821, author = {Eriksson, B.}, title = {Så här blev det - praktiska erfarenheter från 1983 års säsong}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources scandinavia western europe europe working conditions quality of life information science forest resources sweden working hours measurement data collection}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN822, author = {Eriksson, B. and Kempe, G.}, title = {The Swedish National Forest Inventory: Methods and results}, publisher = {Lyngby (Denmark): SNS}, note = {Summary (En) 26 ref.}, keywords = {Forests Forest Inventories Methods Sampling Data Collection Data Processing Sweden Foret Inventaire Forestier Methode Echantillonnage Collecte De Donnees Traitement Des Donnees Suede Bosques Inventarios Forestales Metodos Muestreo Recoleccion De Datos Procesamiento De Datos Suecia}, year = {1994}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN823, author = {Eriksson, B. Sveriges Lantbruksuniv Umeå Inst för Skogstaxering}, title = {The Swedish National Forest Inventory. A brief description}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, note = {(Freiburg (Västtyskland) : 10-14 jun 1985)}, keywords = {5021 forests surveying sweden sampling computers}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN824, author = {Eriksson, Daniel}, title = {Spatial modeling of nature conservation variables useful in forestry planning}, number = {78}, abstract = {A method of estimating the spatial distribution of some natural occurring characteristics important to nature conservation is described and applied to a managed forest in southern Sweden. Forest compartments were stratified by age and three different kinds of variables, namely the amount of Coarse Woody Debris (CWD), the coverage of the Forest Floor Vegetation (FFV) and the Nature Conservation Value (NCV), were measured at 289 geo-referenced circular sample plots. Spherical and exponential functions describing spatial autocorrelation were derived from semivariograms and kriging was used to create contour maps by spatial interpolation. A majority of the investigated variables proved to be spatially autocorrelated. For many variables the semi-variograms showed an evident nugget effect, which either could be explained by random measurement errors or, perhaps more likely, by a component of the spatial process with shorter range than the shortest sampling interval of about 30 - 40 meters. Hence, to fully explain or model Nature Conservation Variables observations at even shorter distances than this would be helpful.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8840/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @inbook{RN825, author = {Eriksson, L.}, title = {Extraction roads and damage caused by machines in thinning. Results from the Swedish National Forest Survey 1978-79}, booktitle = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogsteknik, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {iv + 44 pp. + appendix}, ISBN = {91-576-0874-1}, url = {://CABI:19820678900}, year = {1981}, type = {Book Section} } @techreport{RN826, author = {Eriksson, L. and Ingelög, T. and Kardell, L.}, title = {Blåbär, lingon och hallon. Förekomst och bärproduktion i Sverige 1974-1977}, institution = {SLU, avd f. landskapsvård}, year = {1979}, type = {Report} } @article{RN827, author = {Eriksson, Ljusk A. and Sallnas, Ola and Stahl, Goran}, title = {Forest certification and Swedish wood supply}, journal = {Forest Policy and Economics}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {452-463}, abstract = {A number of measures have been introduced into Swedish forestry in order to satisfy demands on biodiversity and sustainability. Protection measures include set asides, areas with continuous cover forestry and retention trees on harvesting sites, to name but a few. Most of these practices will have implications for the total wood supply of the Swedish forests. In 1998, the Swedish standard for forest certification according to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) was approved. The standard adopts many detailed regulations regarding how forests should be managed. The aim of this study is to assess the likely effect of FSC certification on short- and long-term supply of roundwood in Sweden. A scenario, expressed as the distribution of the forest land base on production forests, areas with restrictions for management and reserves, is input into a simulation model in which forest owners are assumed to be guided by economic criteria when deciding on management. Four scenarios were created based on the data of the Swedish National Forest Inventory. For each scenario the short-term wood supply was assessed. Also, a number of long run simulations with different relative price levels are presented. The results indicate that full adoption of the FSC standard on the entire land base, compared with adherence only to the Forestry Act, could result in a substantial reduction in supply, or, conversely, could induce a price increase in case supplied quantities should be maintained at current levels. This is under the assumption that no compensating mechanisms, exogenous to the model, come into effect. Furthermore, a sustained price increase that would compensate for lost volumes today does not seem to prevail in the long run. In conclusion, the ongoing adaptation of Swedish forestry to the standards of the certification programs could have substantial effects on the timber supply and will probably influence the international competitiveness of the Swedish forest sector. Effects and tendencies like these should form integral parts of future analyses of wood balances and wood supply in a regional perspective.}, keywords = {Long range projection Forest sector Price expectations Markov model}, ISSN = {1389-9341}, DOI = {10.1016/j.forpol.2005.11.001}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2005.11.001}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1368, author = {Eriksson, L. O. and Bergh, J.}, title = {A Tool for Long-Term Forest Stand Projections of Swedish Forests}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, note = {Eriksson, Ljusk Ola Bergh, Johan 1999-4907}, DOI = {10.3390/f13060816}, url = {://WOS:000816422400001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN828, author = {Eriksson, Ljusk Ola and Imamovic, Dzemal and Petersson, Hans and Sallnäs, Ola and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Wood supply from Swedish forests managed according to the FSC-standard}, number = {94}, abstract = {In 1998, the Swedish standard for forest certification according to FSC's principles and criteria was approved (Anon. 1998). During a short period following this approval, all major forest companies in Sweden adopted the standard and modified their management practices. The overall aim of the standard is to outline management principles that maintain the ecosystem productivity and biodiversity, secure local people's livelihood, and promote long-term valuable wood­ production. In particular, the standard comprises many detailed regulations regarding how forests should be managed. For example, 5 percent of forest areas should be set aside for free development or be managed to promote biological values, certain areas must be managed to promote deciduous forests, boundary zones to streams, lakes, and non-productive land should be left, as should also a certain minimum number of trees (10 ha-1) during harvesting operations (Anon. 1998). Compared to management practices of most companies before adoption of the FSC standard, the new management regimes imply lower levels of potential harvests. Some analyses have been made to quantify the effects on the harvesting levels of the new management (e.g., Lundstrom et al. 1997, Anon. 2000). In these studies, the range of harvesting reduction due to the FSC standard has been found to be in the order 10 to 20 percent. Similar results are presented by V erkaik and Nabuurs (2000) in a study of the consequences of adopting "nature-orientated" management in Scandinavian forests. It should be noted that in the latter study no attempts were made to follow the FSC standard specifically. The long-term sustainable harvesting levels in Sweden, before the adoption of the FSC criteria, have been assessed to be slightly more than 100 mill. m3 per year (Anon. 2000). The annual cutting levels during the last decade have been about 70-75 mill. m3 per year. There are several reasons for the relatively large difference between the two figures. Firstly, many forests in Sweden are still comparably young, and thus not mature for final felling. Secondly, we are here dealing with different concepts. The level around 100 mill. m3 is what, from a biological point of view, would be possible to sustainably take out from the forests -it is reflecting a potential. In this calculation no considerations to restrictions of technical, social or economic kind are taken. The factual figure of 70-75 mill. m3 is reflecting the real supply of wood, given the economic setting and restrictions on forestry of different kinds. In most of the above studies of the effect of FSC' s standard on the harvesting levels, the modelling approach has been to let the management activities be controlled by a set of rules formulated to mimic certain forest management practices. These rules are followed, even if a deeper analysis (which is typically not made) for some forestry activities would imply negative results from an economical point of view. Together this implies that these studies are dealing with the "potential" discussed above. A different approach is to put forestry into an economical framework, letting the activities largely be controlled by economical considerations. The result of such an analysis most likely would be a different round-wood supply, leading to lower harvesting levels as compared to the levels that correspond to the biological potential. It can be argued that this kind of analysis in a better way would be able to assess the actual consequences on the harvesting levels of new demands on forestry, e.g. those caused by FSC certification. The objective of this study was to analyse the implications of the FSC standard on the supply of round-wood in Sweden. This is done with respect to both the effects on current supply relationships and the long-term harvest level. Two different assumptions about the rigor of the FSC-standard are analysed. These two scenarios are contrasted to a modified version of the environmental restrictions of the recent SKA study (Anon. 2000) which is used as a baseline case. The constraint are less restrictive than in the SKA study and are intended to reflect forest management under the current Forestry Act, though with no adherence to the particular stipulations of the FSC standard. Furthermore, an extreme case with no environmental considerations is included in order to assess the maximum economic potential. The different levels of environmental objectives form the basis for four scenarios. The scenarios differ with respect to the amount area that can be used for production and how much is allocated for modified management and into reserves. Except for the distribution of the forest area on permissible management, the economic and other conditions remain the same. The analysis was performed with a method for modelling the forest and the forest manager decisions developed by SaUnas and Eriksson (1989). The method derives economically optimal harvesting regimes for all types of forests given certain assumptions regarding prices and costs.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8851/}, year = {2002}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN829, author = {Eriksson, Ljusk Ola and Löfgren, Stefan and Öhman, Karin}, title = {Implications for forestry of stream water chemical demands : an introductory study}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {271}, type = {Technical Report}, keywords = {water quality}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-295}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @article{RN830, author = {Eriksson, Olof and Sandewall, Mats and Wilhelmsson, Erik}, title = {A model for analyzing influence of timber production on lichens for reindeer grazing}, journal = {Rangifer}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {15-32}, ISSN = {1890-6729}, url = {https://www.ub.uit.no/baser/septentrio/index.php/rangifer/article/view/712}, year = {1987}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN831, author = {Eriksson, S. and Hammer, M.}, title = {The challenge of combining timber production and biodiversity conservation for long-term ecosystem functioning - a case study of Swedish boreal forestry}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {237}, number = {1/3}, pages = {208-217}, abstract = {In this case study of Swedish boreal forestry, we analyze the implementation in practical management of a sustainable forest management that includes the continued capacity of ecosystems to also provide non-timber services. In the Swedish national forest policy, the equal goals of timber production and biodiversity conservation have increased the responsibility of landowners and managers to modify practical management. We compiled written information from three larger FSC-certified forestry companies combined with semi-structured interviews with forest management personnel at regional offices to map what data and information the companies collect and use. We examined to what extent obtainable information from the forest companies captures composition, structure, and function of boreal ecosystems at patch, stand and landscape scale. This was done using 47 indicators compiled from literature and grouped into five categories based on nationally identified deficiencies in the managed boreal forest compared to unmanaged forest. We found that the recording of data describing different aspects of the forest ecosystem were separated in two largely uncoordinated systems, Ecological Landscape Plans and stand registers. While there is a need for conservation-oriented data across scales, collected statistics was largely production-oriented and related to the stand scale. We also identified information gaps regarding different ecosystem structures and their spatial distribution such as dead wood and habitat networks. The knowledge base available to future management decisions also seems to lack information on connectivity in the landscape, habitat at smaller spatial scales and the effectiveness of reserved areas. To reach the ecological goals of sustainable forest management, there is a need to further coordinate existing data and information but also to fill gaps in particular regarding cross-scale information.}, keywords = {Sustainable forest management Management practices Forest system indicators Ecological scales}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2006.09.046}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2006.09.046}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN832, author = {Erlandsson, Martin and Buffam, Ishi and Fölster, Jens and Laudon, Hjalmar and Temnerud, Johan and Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A. and Bishop, Kevin}, title = {Thirty‐five years of synchrony in the organic matter concentrations of Swedish rivers explained by variation in flow and sulphate}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {1191-1198}, ISSN = {1365-2486}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01551.x}, url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01551.x/full}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN833, author = {Ersson, Back Tomas}, title = {Possible concepts for mechanized tree planting in southern Sweden : An Introductory Essay on Forest Technology}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {269}, type = {Technical Report}, keywords = {tree planting machine, container seedling, stand regeneration, mechanised planting}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-261}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1349, author = {Esseen, P. A. and Ekstrom, M. and Grafstrom, A. and Jonsson, B. G. and Palmqvist, K. and Westerlund, B. and Stahl, G.}, title = {Multiple drivers of large-scale lichen decline in boreal forest canopies}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, ISSN = {1354-1013}, DOI = {10.1111/gcb.16128}, url = {://WOS:000766073800001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN838, author = {Esseen, P. A. and Ekström, M. and Westerlund, B. and Palmqvist, K. and Jonsson, B. G. and Grafström, A. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Broad-scale distribution of epiphytic hair lichens correlates more with climate and nitrogen deposition than with forest structure}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {46}, number = {11}, pages = {1348-1358}, ISSN = {0045-5067}, DOI = {10.1139/cjfr-2016-0113}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2016-0113}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1108, author = {Esseen, P. A. and Hedström Ringvall, A. and Harper, K. A. and Christensen, P. and Svensson, J.}, title = {Factors driving structure of natural and anthropogenic forest edges from temperate to boreal ecosystems}, journal = {Journal of Vegetation Science}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, pages = {482-492}, ISSN = {11009233 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/jvs.12387}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84959148551&doi=10.1111%2fjvs.12387&partnerID=40&md5=cd61e9810d1bf18a5592d548972a6753}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN834, author = {Esseen, Per-Anders and Glimskär, Anders and Moen, Jon and Söderström, Bo and Weibull, Anki}, title = {Analys av informationsbehov för Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS)}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, abstract = {På uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket har en informationsanalys utförts för att utreda prioriterade övervakningsbehov för programmet Stickprovsvis LandskapsÖvervakning (SLÖ). Rapporten utgör underlag för det fortsatta arbetet med att ta fram vilken detaljinformation som ska ingå i SLÖ. Syftet har varit att göra en relevant analys av vilka frågeställningar och informations- behov som olika kravställare prioriterar. Primära kravställare är de nationella miljökvalitets- målen, olika myndigheter och organisationer samt internationella konventioner och EU- direktiv. Arbetet har huvudsakligen bedrivits i form av telefonintervjuer. Totalt har ett 90-tal personer från olika myndigheter, organisationer, företag, forskningsinstitut och universitet intervjuats. Den information som efterfrågats omfattar bl a: vilken variabel eller typ av information som bör övervakas, syfte, typ av analys (tillstånd, förändring, orsakssammanhang, prognoser), målpopulation (naturtyp, specifik biotop etc), redovisningsgrupper (naturtyp, geografisk och tematisk indelning, t ex miljöstöd), tidskrav (frekvens, specifika årtal) och eventuella krav på statistisk precision. Arbetet har skett naturtypsvis för fem olika naturtyper: jordbrukslandskap, urban miljö, våtmarker och stränder, skogslandskap samt fjällmiljö. I rapporten redovisas först utdata- variabler genererade av miljökvalitetsmål och andra kravställande dokument. Därefter ges korta sammanfattningar av allmänna synpunkter som framkommit vid intervjuerna. Föreslagna utdatavariabler och informationsområden har ställts samman i bruttolistor för respektive naturtyp. Variablerna har ordnats efter fallande prioritetsordning och har delats upp i fem olika kategorier: 1. processer och påverkan, 2, biotoper, 3. linjeelement, 4. punktelement, och 5. organismer. Övriga synpunkter på utformningen av SLÖ, särskilt med avseende på stratifiering, rutstorlek, omdrevsintervall, flygbildstolkning och nomenklatur har också ställts samman. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att det finns ett mycket stort intresse för övervakning av biologisk mångfald i ett landskapsperspektiv. I jordbruksmiljö prioriterade man information inom tre områden: 1. ängs- och hagmarker, 2. småbiotoper (inklusive punkt- och linjeelement) och 3. odlingslandskapets sammansättning. I urban miljö efterfrågades information inom följande områden: 1. grönyteområden (träd- och gräsbevuxna), 2. äldre lövträd och bärande träd, 3. småbiotoper (småvatten, trädgårdar, ruderatområden) samt 4. rekreation och landskapsbild. För våtmarker och stränder urskiljdes sju olika informationsområden: 1. markavvattning, 2. naturlig eller påverkad vattenregim, 3. hävd, 4. markstörning och exploatering, 5. strukturell variation, 6. näringstillgång och kemisk påverkan, och 7. hotade och främmande arter. Viktiga informationsområden i skogslandskapet är: 1. störnings- processer och människans påverkan, 2. landskapets sammansättning, 3. beståndsegenskaper, 4. strukturelement och 5. organismer. I fjällmiljö identifierades fyra olika områden: 1. renskötselns påverkan, främst genom bete och tramp, 2. barmarkskörning och linjära strukturer, 3. klimatförändringar, och 4. hotade arter och främmande arter. För fyra naturtyper ges förslag till prioriterade utdatavariabler i ett appendix}, keywords = {landscape, biodiversity, environmental impact, information needs, surveys, monitoring, sweden}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8657/}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN835, author = {Esseen, Per-Anders and Hylander, Kristoffer}, title = {Lavkompendium för Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS)}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, abstract = {Detta kompendium har tagits fram för att användas inom Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS). Det primära syftet med kompendiet är att det ska användas som bestämnings- och referenslitteratur av fältpersonalen i samband med NILS fältinventering av provytor (Esseen m fl 2004). I kompendiet ingår samtliga marklevande (19 arter och artgrupper) och trädlevande (2 arter) lavar som inventeras i fält. I NILS inventeras främst vanligt förekommande lavar med viss tonvikt lagd på arter som finns i fjällen. Detta kompendium behandlar de lavar som ingår i NILS fältinventering. Syftet med kompendiet är att ge dig som inventerar en hjälp att lära dig känna igen de olika lavarna. Kompendiet innehåller beskrivningar och fotografier av de olika arterna eller grupperna. Vi har lagt särskild vikt vid hur man känner igen dem i fält och vilka de mest sannolika förväxlingsarterna är. En lav är en symbios mellan svamp och alg eller cyanobakterie. I princip kan man säga att svampen bidrar med skydd medan algen och/eller cyanobakterien bidrar med energi från sin fotosyntes. Cyanobakterier bidrar också med kväve från speciella kvävefixerande celler. Samlingar av cyanobakterier kallas cephalodier. Det finns lavar i många olika färger, men det är vanligt att färgen också varierar med fuktigheten. Många lavar med grönalger som algkomponent blir mycket grönare i väta än när de är torra (Jämför till exempel de två torsklavarna på sid. 18). Om det är cyanobakterier som är den huvudsakliga algkomponenten blir lavarna istället vanligen blågråa när de är fuktiga (se t.ex. skrovellav sid. 28). Att färgen kan variera mycket beroende på fuktigheten är viktigt att tänka på när man skall artbestämma en lav. Hos en blomma eller en bladmossa kan man tala om stam och blad. Hos lavar talar man istället om bål. Man brukar göra en praktisk grovindelning av lavarna i busklavar, bladlavar och skorplavar. Många busklavar har ett busklikt växtsätt med en förgrenad bål med ofta runda eller plattade grenar. Till busklavar räknas också lavar med ett upprätt växtsätt även om de inte är förgrenade. De flesta busklavar har ingen tydlig över- eller undersida. Hos släktena Cladonia (bägarlavar och renlavar) och Stereocaulon (påskrislavar) som räknas till busklavarna brukar man kalla de uppstickande delarna av bålen för podetier eller pseudopodetier medan de platta fjällen som sitter på eller vid basen av podetierna kallas fyllokladier eller bålfjäll (se t.ex. bilden av rislav på sid. 14). Bladlavar har en platt bål som ofta är uppflikad i kanterna i vad man kallar lober (grenarna hos busklavar benämns också ofta som lober). Bladlavar har en tydlig skillnad mellan över- och undersida. På undersidan finns ofta rhiziner som är smala trådar som fäster laven vid underlaget. Skorplavar växer tätt tryckt till underlaget (t.ex. bark eller sten) och det går oftast inte att ta loss laven utan att ta bort en bit av substratet. Vanligen är det lätt att se vilken grupp som en lav tillhör, men det finns en del arter som kan vara svårplacerade. En lav kan föröka sig på flera olika sätt. Den sexuella förökningen sker genom sporspridning (enbart svampkomponenten). Sporerna bildas i fruktkroppar. Den vanligaste typen kallas apothecium. De är ofta runda och upphöjda och har vanligen en annan färg än lavbålen. Om en lav har apothecier (eller motsvarande) säger man att den är fertil och om inte att den är steril. Många lavar kan också sprida sig asexuellt genom att fragment av laven sprids. Det finns också specialiserade asexuella spridningsorgan. Soredier är små bollar av hyfer och alger som lossnar från så kallade soral. För blotta ögat upplevs soralen vanligen som mjöliga bildningar (ofta ljusa) på lavbålen och kan uppträda i fläckar eller utmed sprickor och kanter. Isidier är utväxter av bålen som kan sprida laven genom att de bryts av. Isidier ser ofta ut som små piggar, fjäll eller kulor och har vanligen samma färg som, eller mörk re färg än den övriga bålen. Pseudocypheller är små runda eller avlånga öppningar i ytan av lavbålen som ibland är lite upphöjda som en vårta. Mer utförliga beskrivningar av lavars uppbyggnad, förökning och ekologi finns till exempel i boken ”Lavar en fälthandbok” av Roland Moberg och Ingemar Holmåsen. I den boken finns också beskrivningar, bilder och nycklar till många fler lavar, varför den skall användas som komplement till detta kompendium. Namnsättningen följer aktuell nomenklatur (Nordin m.fl. 2004, Santesson m.fl. 2004), vilket innebär att vissa skillnader finns mot Moberg och Holmåsen (1990) (se nedan)}, keywords = {lichenes, identification, surveys, monitoring, highlands, sweden}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8662/}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN836, author = {Esseen, Per-Anders and Nilsson, Björn and Allard, Anna and Gardfjell, Hans and Högström, Mats}, title = {Landskapsdata från Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS)}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {169}, abstract = {I rapporten presenteras resultat från den detaljerade flygbildstolkningen för det första året (2003) i Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS). Resultaten är preliminära eftersom de endast baseras på 1-års data (av totalt 5). De tolkade rutorna är 1,1 km × 1,1 km stora medan resultaten redovisas för 1 km × 1 km rutor. Totalt 126 rutor ingår i materialet, varav 119 flygbildstolkats och 7 karttaxerats. Totalt har 13617 polygoner avgränsats och tolkats. Underlagsmaterialet är IR-färgbilder som fotograferats från 4 600 meters flyghöjd, vilket ger en ungefärlig bildskala av 1:30 000. Avgränsningen av polygoner och tolkningen av variabler har utförts i en digital fotogrammetrisk station. Nedan sammanfattas de viktigaste resultaten: • I genomsnitt finns det 108 tolkade polygoner per NILS-ruta i landet. Antalet polygoner är 20% högre i södra Sverige (stratum 1-6) än i norra (stratum 7-10). • De flesta polygonerna är små (76% är mindre än 1 ha). Medianarealen är 0,42 ha och medelarealen 1,12 ha. Medelarealen uppvisar liten variation mellan strata. Polygonarealen är lognormalt fördelad. • I rapporten presenteras arealskattningar och medelfel för sex dominerande marktäcke- /markanvändningsklasser (Ägoslag) inom landarealen: anlagd mark, jordbruksmark, skogsmark, annan terrester mark nedan fjällen, våtmark nedan fjällen och fjäll. • Arealskattningarna av Ägoslag visar en relativt god överensstämmelse med Riksskogstaxeringens data. Dock underskattas jordbruksarealen medan skogsmarken överskattas vilket beror på att 2003-års stickprov innehåller mer skog än genomsnittet. • Medelfelet (uttryckt som variationskoefficient) för arealskattningarna varierade mellan 3% (skogsmark) och 18% (anlagd mark) sett över hela landet. Medelfelen är större på landsdelsnivå (5-38%) och inom stratum. • Polygonarealen för hopslagna polygoner av samma Ägoslag varierade mellan 0,6 ha för annan terrester mark nedan fjällen till 10,5 ha för skogsmark och 19,9 ha för fjäll. I jordbruksmark var polygonerna 4,5 ha i södra och 3,1 ha i norra Sverige. • Ett exempel på system för klassificering av naturtyp i polygonerna har tagits fram med utgångspunkt från de tolkade variablerna enligt a posterioriprincipen. I systemet ingår totalt 63 olika naturtyper. • Arealskattningar och medelfel har beräknats för alla naturtyper inom respektive stratum, landsdel och för hela landet. Medelfelen blir högre för de flesta naturtyper än för Ägoslag pga den finare indelningen. Med utgångspunkt från medelfelen i 2003-års data kan man förvänta sig medelfel för hela omdrevet (5-år) på runt 10% eller lägre för arealskattningar av vanliga naturtyper i hela landet, i vissa fall även på landsdelsnivå. För många av de mindre vanliga naturtyperna bedöms medelfelet ofta bli lägre än 20% för hela landet. En viktigt slutsats är att uppdelningen i antal naturtyper och deras detaljeringsgrad noga måste avvägas mot storleken på förväntade medelfel. • Medelarealen för hopslagna polygoner av samma naturtyp varierar från 0,1 till 4,4 ha (åker) inom landarealen. Den finns en stor variation i polygonstorlek såväl inom som mellan naturtyper. • I 2003-års data har totalt 30 av 50 olika markanvändningsklasser registrerats. Vanligaste klass var Skogsbruk, följd av Ingen synbar markanvändning}, keywords = {Flygbildstolkning, NILS}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-695}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN839, author = {Essen, Per-Anders and Glimskär, Anders and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Linjära landskapselement i Sverige}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, abstract = {I denna rapport presenteras för första gången totalskattningar av längden linjära landskaps- element (linjeobjekt) av olika typer i Sverige. Underlagsmaterialet för beräkningarna är det första årets (2003) fältdata från Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS). Linjeobjekten har inventerats med s k linjekorsningsmetodik inom 1x1 km2 rutor fördelade över hela landet i 10 olika strata. I rapporten redovisas: 1) skattningar av den totala längden av linjeobjekt i landet, 2) tätheten av linjeobjekt i den södra respektive den norra delen av Sverige, och 3) för vissa typer, linjeobjektens struktur och kvalitet. Skattningarna baseras på en femtedel av det totala antalet stickprovsrutor som ingår i NILS vilket innebär en viss osäkerhet. Säkrare skattningar och en mer detaljerad redovisning kommer att kunna göras när data för ett helt omdrev (5 år) finns tillgängligt. Arbetet har utförts vid institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Umeå. NILS är ett rikstäckande miljöövervakningsprogram som finansieras av Naturvårdsverket. NILS ingår i programområde landskap. Syftet med NILS är följa upp nationella miljökvalitetsmål för olika naturtyper och att visa om genomförda miljöskyddsåtgärder leder till önskade förbättringar eller inte.}, keywords = {landscape, environmental protection, physiographic features, surveys, monitoring, sweden}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8648/}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN840, author = {Essen, Per-Anders and Löfgren, Per}, title = {Vegetationskartan över fjällen och nationell inventering av landskapet i Sverige (NILS) som underlag för Natura 2000}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, abstract = {Vegetationskartan över de svenska fjällen ger en bra översiktlig bild över den storskaliga fördelningen av vegetationstyper inom fjällområdet. Den höga generaliseringsgraden i kartan medför dock att den karakteristiskt småskaliga variationen i fjällens vegetation döljs. Slutsatsen är att vegetationskartan är alltför generaliserad för att användas som underlag för att följa förändringar i vegetationen. Det är således tveksamt om vegetationskartan uppfyller kvalitetskraven för utgöra underlagsmaterial för basinventeringen inom Natura 2000. I rapporten visas att NILS har stor potential för att tillgodose informationsbehoven för Natura 2000 inom fjällområdet. För vanligt förekommande Natura 2000 habitat, bl a Fjällhedar och boreala hedar samt Nordisk fjällbjörkskog, bedöms NILS 1x1 km2 rutor vara tillräckligt många för att ge ett godtagbart statistiskt underlag med avseende på tillstånd och förändringar i miljön. Den pågående datainsamlingen inom NILS bedöms kunna täcka merparten av informationsbehovet för vanliga vegetationstyper. I rapporten visas att NILS 5x5 km2 rutor har stor potential för att följa tillståndet i sparsamt förekommande habitat, t ex kalkgräsmarker och rasbranter. Detta kan göras genom kompletterande flygbildstolkning och riktade fältinventeringar utöver vad som ingår i det ordinarie programmet. För sällsynt förekommande habitat behövs en förtätning av NILS stickprovsutlägg.}, keywords = {alpine vegetation, subalpine forests, highlands, evaluation, nature conservation, monitoring, surveys, aerial surveying, sweden}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8646/}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN134, author = {Fahlvik, Nils}, title = {Aspects of precommercial thinning in heterogeneous forests in southern Sweden}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {The overall objective of the work underlying this thesis was to suggest and evaluate possible strategies for the tending of young heterogeneous stands of Norway spruce, Scots pine and birch in southern Sweden. Heterogeneity was defined as variation in species composition, height distribution and spatial arrangement of the trees. The influence of stand density after precommercial thinning and timing of thinning on the diameter of the thickest branch was studied for naturally regenerated Scots pine. The branch diameter was found to decrease with increasing number of remaining stems after precommercial thinning. However, leaving very dense stands (> 3000 stems ha-1) resulted only in a minor reduction of the branch diameter. Late precommercial thinning, compared to early, reduced the branch diameter. The influence of the precommercial thinning regime on the crown ratio (living crown length/tree height) was also analysed. To be able to simulate the influence of different management options on the development of the young forest, single-tree growth models was developed for Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch. Height growth and diameter was estimated as a function of tree height, stand and site variables. Growth reduction due to competition was estimated using individual, distance independent indices as well as expressions of the overall stand density. In the third study the influence of stand structure after precommercial thinning on the development of mixtures between Norway spruce and silver birch was simulated. The aim was to identify mixtures that allowed both species to develop well until the first commercial thinning. By leaving birches with an average height slightly greater than spruce at precommercial thinning, a large proportion of competitive birches were available at first commercial thinning, at the same time as the relative diameter distribution of spruce in the mixture was equal to that of a pure spruce stand of the same density. The height difference between the species as well as the species proportion had a decisive impact on volume production. In the fourth study different precommercial thinning strategies were identified and applied to a heterogeneous stand including Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch. Stand development and economical returns over a rotation was estimated using a set of empirical models. The aim of the long-term strategies was: (i) a conifer dominated stand with focus on high production, (ii) a conifer dominated stand with focus on high timber quality, (iii) to preserve the heterogeneous stand structure, (iv) a mosaic pattern by tree species, (v) to reduce the precommercial thinning cost, without jeopardizing the future stand development. The difference in total volume production was found to be relatively small between the strategies. The lowest production was found for the strategies promoting species mixture at tree level (iii) and group level (iv). The net present value was highest for the strategy aiming at high production (ii) and lowest for the strategy aiming at preserved heterogeneity (iii). The minimal precommercial thinning (v) was a less profitable alternative, mainly because of an expensive first commercial thinning. Differences in timber quality were not considered in the simulations. The case study illustrates the possibilities for influencing the structure of a heterogeneous stand through precommercial thinning, as well as the limitations imposed by the initial stand structure.}, keywords = {Betula spp., branch diameter, cleaning, growth simulator, layering, mixed stand, Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, spatial distribution, stand development, young stand}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-674}, year = {2005}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN135, author = {Fahlvik, Nils and Ekö, Per Magnus and Petersson, Nils}, title = {Effects of precommercial thinning strategies on stand structure and growth in a mixed even-aged stand of Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch in southern Sweden}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {49}, number = {3}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.1302}, url = {https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.1302}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1109, author = {Fahlvik, N. and Elfving, B. and Wikstrom, P.}, title = {Evaluation of growth models used in the Swedish Forest Planning System Heureka}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {48}, number = {2}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.1013}, url = {://WOS:000338435700001}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1460, author = {Fahlvik, Nils and Trubins, Renats and Holmström, Emma and Sonesson, Johan and Lundmark, Tomas and Nilsson, Urban}, title = {Abandoning conversion from even-aged to uneven-aged forest stands–the effects on production and economic returns}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, pages = {1-12}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, year = {2024}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN137, author = {Fazakas, Z.}, title = {Vädersatellitdata i Riksskogstaxeringen. Pilotstudie för skattning av virkesförråd och skogsandel}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Arbetsrapport - Institutionen för Skogstaxering, Umeå, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, nr 22}, note = {7 ref.}, keywords = {5021 surveys forest management natural resources scandinavia western europe europe surveying forest surveys forest inventories forest resources forest stands sweden remote sensing methods}, pages = {18 s.}, year = {1994}, type = {Book} } @article{RN138, author = {Fazakas, Z. and Nilsson, M.}, title = {Volume and forest cover estimation over southern Sweden using AVHRR data calibrated with TM data}, journal = {International Journal of Remote Sensing}, volume = {17}, number = {9}, pages = {1701-1709}, abstract = {In this paper an approach to extend field information across large regions is presented and validated. Total wood volume and volume for different tree-species were estimated in a calibration area using field data, digital map information and a partial Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scene. Forest cover information was obtained from digital maps in the same area. The TM estimates and the forest cover information were then used to determine the statistical relations between these parameters and the spectral signature of NOAA-AVHRR pixels covering the same location. Regression analysis was used to develop this relation. The regression equations developed from the calibration area were then applied to a much larger area covering southern Sweden to estimate the forest parameters of interest. In this paper an approach to extend field information across large regions is presented and validated. Total wood volume and volume for different tree-species were estimated in a calibration area using field data, digital map information and a partial Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scene. Forest cover information was obtained from digital maps in the same area. The TM estimates and the forest cover information were then used to determine the statistical relations between these parameters and the spectral signature of NOAA-AVHRR pixels covering the same location. Regression analysis was used to develop this relation. The regression equations developed from the calibration area were then applied to a much larger area covering southern Sweden to estimate the forest parameters of interest.}, ISSN = {0143-1161}, DOI = {10.1080/01431169608948733}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01431169608948733}, year = {1996}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN139, author = {Fazakas, Z. and Nilsson, M. and Olsson, H.}, title = {Regional forest biomass and wood volume estimation using satellite data and ancillary data}, journal = {Agricultural and Forest Meteorology}, volume = {98-99}, pages = {417-425}, abstract = {Tree biomass and wood volume was estimated for parts of the NOPEX region in Central Sweden (latitude 60°00', longitude 17°00'). National Forest Inventory (NFI) sample plot data was combined with Landsat TM data using an inverse-squared distance weighting in a feature space defined by TM bands 1-5, and 7. This estimation method is known as the 'k nearest-neighbor' method. Estimates are produced for all forest land pixels in the TM image and are represented as a grid of 25 m x 25 m raster cells. The estimates were evaluated, both using cross validation and with the help of plots from an intensively sampled validation area. The accuracy on grid-cell level was poor, but increased when aggregations of cells were evaluated. The mean RMSE error as a function of area of aggregation is presented. The obtained RMSE for an aggregation area of 510 ha forests land, was 8.7% for biomass and 4.6% for wood volume.}, keywords = {Digital Satellite Images Forest Biomass Forest Wood Volume}, ISSN = {01681923}, DOI = {10.1016/S0168-1923(99)00112-4}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168192399001124}, year = {1999}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN140, author = {Felton, A. and Hedwall, P. O. and Lindbladh, M. and Nyberg, T. and Felton, A. M. and Holmström, E. and Wallin, I. and Löf, M. and Brunet, J.}, title = {The biodiversity contribution of wood plantations: Contrasting the bird communities of Sweden’s protected and production oak forests}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {365}, pages = {51-60}, abstract = {The oak-dominated woodlands and forests of northern Europe have experienced dramatic declines due to agriculture, urbanization, and conifer-dominated production forestry. These losses have had a substantial negative impact on biodiversity due to the large number of forest species which depend on oak and the environments oak-dominated forests provide. Production oak stands may serve as a means of supplementing or complementing the habitat provided by the limited remaining natural oak remnants in this region. Here we evaluate the extent to which oak plantations in temperate southern Sweden provide habitat and resources for bird communities, by surveying and contrasting the bird species composition and diversity found in mature and young production oak stands (5 and 8 replicates respectively) and protected oak-dominated remnant forests (5 replicates). The mature production stands possessed a bird community partially overlapping in bird species composition, and comparable in species richness (34 species) to that found within protected oak forests (39 species). Furthermore, the production oak forests surveyed hosted threatened or near threatened bird species, including black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), goldcrest (Regulus regulus), starling (Sturnus vulgaris), and yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella). Though production oak forests cannot replace the habitat provided by protected oak forests, these stands do appear to provide conditions consistent with the habitat and resource requirements of a diverse cross-section of bird species in this region, including species of substantial conservation concern. Production oak forests thus have the capacity to make a positive contribution to biodiversity conservation, as well as providing a diverse range of goods and services to society.}, keywords = {Bird assemblage Forest management Feeding guild Nesting guild Migrant Silviculture}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.01.030}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.01.030}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1305, author = {Felton, Adam and Hedwall, Per-Ola and Trubins, Renats and Lagerstedt, Jakob and Felton, Annika and Lindbladh, Matts}, title = {From mixtures to monocultures: Bird assemblage responses along a production forest conifer-broadleaf gradient}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {494}, pages = {119299}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1110, author = {Felton, A. and Löfroth, T. and Angelstam, P. and Gustafsson, L. and Hjältén, J. and Felton, A. M. and Simonsson, P. and Dahlberg, A. and Lindbladh, M. and Svensson, J. and Nilsson, U. and Lodin, I. and Hedwall, P. O. and Sténs, A. and Lämås, T. and Brunet, J. and Kalén, C. and Kriström, B. and Gemmel, P. and Ranius, T.}, title = {Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix}, journal = {Ambio}, volume = {49}, number = {5}, pages = {1050-1064}, ISSN = {00447447 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s13280-019-01248-0}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85073825576&doi=10.1007%2fs13280-019-01248-0&partnerID=40&md5=7575023f48ea9aa4f98d043affbdee8d}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN141, author = {Fernandez-Lacruz, Raul and Di Fulvio, Fulvio and Athanassiadis, Dimitris and Bergstrom, Dan and Nordfjell, Tomas}, title = {Distribution, characteristics and potential of biomass-dense thinning forests in Sweden}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {49}, number = {5}, abstract = {Understanding the characteristics of unutilized biomass resources, such as small-diameter trees from biomass-dense thinning forests (BDTF) (non-commercially-thinned forests), can provide important information for developing a bio-based economy. The aim of this study was to describe the areal distribution, characteristics (biomass of growing stock, tree height, etc.) and harvesting potential of BDTF in Sweden. A national forest inventory plot dataset was imported into a geographical information system and plots containing BDTF were selected by applying increasingly stringent constraints. Results show that, depending on the constraints applied, BDTF covers 9-44% (2.1-9.8 M ha) of the productive forest land area, and contains 7-34% of the total growing stock (119-564 M OD t), with an average biomass density of 57 OD t ha-1. Of the total BDTF area, 65% is located in northern Sweden and 2% corresponds to set-aside farmlands. Comparisons with a study from 2008 indicate that BDTF area has increased by at least 4% (about 102 000 ha), in line with general trends for Sweden and Europe. Analyses revealed that the technical harvesting potential of delimbed stemwood (over bark, including tops) from BDTF ranges from 3.0 to 6.1 M OD t yr(-1) (7.5 to 15.1 M m(3) yr(-1)), while the potential of whole-tree harvesting ranges from 4.3 to 8.7 M OD t yr(-1) (10.2 to 20.6 M m(3) yr(-1)) depending on the scenario considered. However, further technological developments of the harvest and supply systems are needed to utilize the full potential of BDTF.}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.1377}, url = {https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.1377}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN142, author = {Fischer, Christoph and Gasparini, Patrizia and Nylander, Martin and Redmond, John and Hernandez, Laura and Brändli, Urs-Beat and Pastor, Alejandro and Rizzo, Maria and Alberdi, Iciar}, title = {Joining Criteria for Harmonizing European Forest Available for Wood Supply Estimates. Case Studies from National Forest Inventories}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {7}, number = {5}, pages = {104}, abstract = {For national and international reporting on forest available for wood supply (FAWS), harmonized data are needed. This information is required as forests provide goods for various sectors like the timber industry or the bioenergy sector. The effect of applying different thresholds to the three restriction classes (environmental, social and economic restriction) within the proposed reference definition for FAWS was evaluated. We applied the reference definition for FAWS to national data sets provided by five European National Forest Inventories using harmonized thresholds. The effects on FAWS area and growing stock were evaluated for each restriction and threshold. All countries within this study could report on protected areas. Social restrictions were not applied in any country, data on other restrictions are available but definitions vary. The application of common thresholds for restrictions proved difficult as effects vary between countries. The economic restriction is the most challenging to assess as many countries do not have corresponding data for direct calculation of, e.g., harvesting costs. Using proxies for harvesting costs was difficult, as common thresholds may not be applied in different countries. For standardized reporting, a FAWS definition should be developed that utilizes existing, harmonized indicators to describe restrictions.}, keywords = {forest area wood resources wood supply economic environmental social restriction}, DOI = {10.3390/f7050104}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f7050104}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN143, author = {Flygare, A. M.}, title = {A comparison of contextual classification methods using Landsat TM}, journal = {International Journal of Remote Sensing}, volume = {18}, number = {18}, pages = {3835-3842}, abstract = {The performance of contextual classification methods is evaluated using Landsat TM data. Classes of pixels adjacent to the pixel to be classified are assumed to be conditionally independent given the class of the pixel to be classified. An assumption of autocorrelated spectral reflectance is made in three of the methods. Methods that utilize information from one image and images from two different occasions are compared.Our results indicate that an autocorrelation method utilizing images from two different occasions performs optimally.}, ISSN = {0143-1161}, DOI = {10.1080/014311697216649}, year = {1997}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN144, author = {Folkesson, B. and Johansson, T.}, title = {Broadleaved trees in forest land. An analysis of data from the Swedish National Forest Survey 1974-1978 and previous surveys}, booktitle = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogsproduktion, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {71 pp. + 90 appendices}, ISBN = {91-576-0590-4}, url = {://CABI:19820679103}, year = {1981}, type = {Book Section} } @techreport{RN145, author = {Folkesson, Börje and Johansson, Tord}, title = {Lövträdsförekomst på skogsmark : specialstudie av material från riksskogstaxeringen 1974-1978 samt äldre taxeringar : rapport från projektet Ungskogsröjning och lövbehandling %D 1981}, institution = {Institutionen för skogsproduktion, SLU, Rapport nr 5}, number = {ISBN 91-576-0590-4, ISSN: 0348-7636}, year = {1981}, type = {Report} } @article{RN147, author = {Forsman, Mona and Börlin, Niclas and Holmgren, Johan}, title = {Estimation of Tree Stem Attributes Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry with a Camera Rig}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {61}, abstract = {We propose a novel photogrammetric method for field plot inventory, designed for simplicity and time efficiency on-site. A prototype multi-camera rig was used to acquire images from field plot centers in multiple directions. The acquisition time on-site was less than two minutes. From each view, a point cloud was generated using a novel, rig-based matching of detected SIFT keypoints. Stems were detected in the merged point cloud, and their positions and diameters were estimated. The method was evaluated on 25 hemi-boreal forest plots of a 10-m radius. Due to difficult lighting conditions and faulty hardware, imagery from only six field plots was processed. The method performed best on three plots with clearly visible stems with a 76% detection rate and 0% commission. Diameters could be estimated for 40% of the stems with an RMSE of 2.8-9.5 cm. The results are comparable to other camera-based methods evaluated in a similar manner. The results are inferior to TLS-based methods. However, our method is easily extended to multiple station image schemas, something that could significantly improve the results while retaining low commission errors and time on-site. Furthermore, with smaller hardware, we believe this could be a useful technique for measuring stem attributes in the forest.}, ISSN = {1999-4907}, DOI = {10.3390/f7030061}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f7030061}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN148, author = {Fridh, M. and Svensson, S. A. and Toet, H.}, title = {Avverkningarna 1973-82. Deras storlek och sammansättning}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 40}, year = {1987}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN149, author = {Fridman, J.}, title = {Skogsdata 92. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen}, publisher = {Umeå : Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå}, abstract = {tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd, inkl. skogsskador, kronutglesning}, keywords = {5021 forests forest resources forest land forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors sweden pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @book{RN150, author = {Fridman, J.}, title = {Skogsdata 93. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen}, publisher = {Umeå : Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå}, abstract = {tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd, skogsskador, kronutglesning}, keywords = {5021 forests forest resources forest land forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors sweden pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown}, year = {1993}, type = {Book} } @article{RN151, author = {Fridman, J.}, title = {Volume increment percentages according to the Swedish National Forest Inventory. Tables and functions based on sample tree- and sample plot data from the years of 1983 to 1992}, journal = {Rapport - Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen foer Skoglig Resurshushaallning och Geomatik}, number = {1}, note = {Summary (En) 24 ref.}, keywords = {Forest Trees Growth Diameter Increment Forest Inventories Forest Resources Forest Management Planning Sweden Arbre Forestier Croissance Accroissement Du Diametre Inventaire Forestier Ressource Forestiere Amenagement Forestier Planification Suede Arboles Forestales Crecimiento Incremento De Diametro Inventarios Forestales Recursos Forestales Ordenacion Forestal Planificacion Suecia Planning Tools}, ISSN = {1401-0070}, year = {1995}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN152, author = {Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Volymtillväxtprocent enligt Riksskogstaxeringen : tabeller och funktioner baserade på provträds- och provytedata från åren 1983-1992 = Volume increment percentages according to the Swedish National Forest Inventory : tables and functions based on sample tree- and sample plot data from the years of 1983 to 1992}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Volume increment percentages according to the Swedish National Forest Inventory}, keywords = {5041 forest trees growth diameter increment forest inventories forest resources forest management planning sweden planning tools}, year = {1995}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN153, author = {Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Skog i reservat; beräkningar från Riksskogstaxeringen}, note = {Uppsala Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, number = {ISSN 1400-7789}, year = {1999}, type = {Report} } @article{RN154, author = {Fridman, J.}, title = {Conservation of Forest in Sweden: a strategic ecological analysis}, journal = {Biological Conservation}, volume = {96}, number = {1}, pages = {95-103}, note = {Times Cited: 28 0 30}, ISSN = {0006-3207}, DOI = {10.1016/s0006-3207(00)00056-2}, url = {://WOS:000088516800008}, year = {2000}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN155, author = {Fridman, J. and Holm, S. and Nilsson, M. and Nilsson, P. and Ringvall, A. H. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Adapting National Forest Inventories to changing requirements - the case of the Swedish National Forest Inventory at the turn of the 20th century}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {48}, number = {3}, abstract = {National Forest Inventories (NFIs) are becoming increasingly important worldwide in order to provide information about the multiple functions of forests, e.g. their provision of raw materials to industry, biodiversity and their capacity to store carbon for mitigating climate change. In several countries the history of NFIs is very long. For these countries a specific challenge is to keep the inventories up-to-date without sacrificing the advantages associated with long time series. At the turn of the 20th century European NFIs faced some major challenges. In this article we describe the history and the recent developments of the Swedish NFI as an example from which general observations are made and discussed. The Swedish NFI started in 1923 and has evolved from an inventory with a narrow focus on wood resources to an inventory today which aims to provide information about all major forest ecosystem services. It can be concluded that the traditional approaches of most European NFIs, e.g. to collect data through sample plot field inventories, has proved to be applicable even for a wide range of new information requirements. Specifically, detailed data about land use, trees, vegetation, and soils has found new important uses in connection with biodiversity assessments and the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions. Though time-consuming and difficult, making NFI information comparable across countries through harmonization appears to be a useful approach. The European National Forest Inventory Network (ENFIN) was formed in 2003 and has been successful in pan-European NFI harmonization.}, keywords = {sample plot inventory forest state ENFIN harmonization sampling remote sensing}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.1095}, url = {https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.1095}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN156, author = {Fridman, Jonas and Holmström, Hampus and Nyström, Kenneth and Petersson, Hans and Ståhl, Göran and Wulff, Sören}, title = {Sveriges skogsmarksarealer enligt internationella ägoslagsdefinitioner}, number = {54}, abstract = {Vid redovisning av resultat från regionala, nationella eller internationella resursinventeringar brukar en uppdelning av arealer på ägoslag göras. Att definiera vad termen ägoslag står för är inte helt lätt. En viktig komponent i begreppet anknyter emellertid till markanvändningen. Följaktligen särskiljs ofta skogsmark från jordbruksmark och bebyggd mark. Ägoslag åsätts dock även utifrån andra kriterier än markanvändning och normalt urskiljs flera olika typer av impediment, t.ex. myrimpediment och bergimpediment Någon enkel definition av vad som åsyftas med ett ägoslag är därför svår att ge. Begreppet kan snarast sägas spegla vad som uppfattas som en första naturlig uppdelning av land-och vattenarealerna i olika kategorier. Ägoslagsdefinitioner skiljer sig åt mellan olika länder. Detta gäller i allra högsta grad ägoslaget skogsmark. I de Nordiska länderna definieras skogsmark i huvudsak efter produk­ tionsförmåga (och markanvändning), medan begreppet i flera andra länder utgår från kronslutenhet (Köhl, m.fl. 1997). Även om klassificeringsgrunderna är desamma skiljer sig ändå de exakta definitionerna ofta åt. Således räcker det t.ex. med 5% kronslutenhet för att ett område ska räknas som skogsmark i Spanien, medan motsvarande krav i Österrike är 30%. I Sverige gäller som bekant att skogsmark är sådan mark där produktionsförmågan överstiger l m3sk/ha,år samtidigt som marken inte i väsentlig utsträckning används för andra ändamål. (Enligt skogsvårdslagen inräknas även olika former av skyddsskogar, även om produktions­ förmågan är mindre än l m3sk/ha,år.) I samband med internationella jämförelser och t.ex. ratificering av konventioner är det ett betydande problem att definitioner av begrepp skiljer sig åt mellan olika länder. Detta gäller inte minst begreppet skogsmark. FAO (och UN/ECE) har emellertid i anslutning till sina återkommande uppskattningar av tillståndet i världens skogar -Forest Resource Assessment 2000 (FRA2000) är den senaste -utarbetat riktlinjer som ska kunna användas globalt (Anon 1997). Dessa återges i fullständig form i appendix l och i sammanfattad form nedan: • Skogsmark (jorest) är sådana områden som har potential att bära träd med en samman­ lagd krontäckning om minst 10% och en höjd om minst 5 meter. Mark som i huvudsak används för jordbruk ingår ej och ett område måste vara minst 0.5 ha stort för att räknas med. • Träd- och buskmark (other wooded land) är sådana områden som har potential att bära minst 5 meter höga träd med en krontäckning i intervallet 5-10%, samt områden som har en krontäckning av träd-och buskar om minst 10% men ej klarar kraven för skogsmark. Mark som i huvudsak används för jordbruk ingår ej och ett område måste vara minst 0.5 ha stort för att räknas med. I Sverige genomfördes under 1998 en landsomfattande uppskattning av skogsmark respektive träd-och buskmark, enligt FRA2000s definitioner, i Riksskogstaxeringens (RTs) regi. Avsik­ ten är att momentet ska finnas kvar även fortsättningsvis i RT. Den inventering som genom­ fördes omfattade emellertid inte reservat med restriktioner för skogsbruk och inte heller fjäll­ regionen. De senare områdena täcks dock översiktligt, dels av en studie av Löfgren (1998)­ där fjällområdet samt reservat ovan gränsen för svårföryngrad skog taxerades i kartor och flygbilder - dels av en särskild reservatsinventering som genomfördes som ett särskilt moment inom RT vid mitten av 90-talet. Syftet med den aktuella arbetsrapporten är att redovisa arealerna skogsmark respektive träd­ och buskmark i Sverige på basis av data från RT 1998. Dessa uppgifter kompletteras med resultat från Löfgren (1998), samt från den särskilda reservatsinventeringen för att totala arealer på landsnivå ska erhållas. Härutöver redovisas, i appendix 2, resultaten från multivarlata databearbetningar som utförts i amband med ett internt kompetensutvecklings­ program Eftersom flera av dessa bearbetningar innebar klassificering av ägoslag förlades redovisningarna till den aktuella arbetsrapporten.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8783/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN157, author = {Fridman, Jonas and Kihlblom, Dag and Söderberg, Ulf}, title = {Förslag till miljöindexsystem för naturtypen skog}, number = {30}, abstract = {Följande rapport behandlar ett förslag till miljöindexsystem för naturtypen skqg. Arbetet har bedrivits som ett uppdrag åt Statens Naturvårdsverk (SNV) och har utförts av institutionen för skogstaxering, SLU i Umeå, i samarbete med Dag Kihlblom, skogsstyrelsen. SNV har i direktiven specificerat fyra olika skyddsområden att beakta vid utformningen av indexsystemet. Med de fyra skyddsobjekten som grund har delindex beräknats för fyra olika delområden inom naturtypen skog; l. skogsmarkens produktionsförmåga 2. Rekreation och estetiska värden 3. Biologisk mångfald 4. Skogen som resurs Variabier ur riksskogstaxeringens variabeluppsättning har testats och valts för respektive del område. Valda variabler skall sammantaget spegla tillståndet inom respektive del område. Dessutom har variablerna valts så att de skall vara enkla att förstå för gemene man, samt inte uppvisa för stora fluktuationer i tiden. Det senare som indikation på att precisionen i skatt­- ningen av respektive variabel är tillräckligt hög. För varje delområde har delindex beräknats som treårsmedelvärden genom att väga samman delområdets indikatorvariabler med subjektivt valda vikter. Delindex kan sägas vara ett vägt medelvärde av förändringen jämfört med en femårig basperiod (1983-1987). För respektive delindex har följande indikatorvariabler använts: l. skogsmarkens produktionsförmåga -Andelen gallringsskog med gräs som dominerande markvegetation -Andelen granar i åldern 61-80 år med mindre än 20% barrförluster 2. Rekreation och estetiska värden -Antalet träd/ha grövre än 1O cm som kvarlämnats efter slutavverkning -Andelen plant-, ung-och gallringsskog med ren granskog. -Virkesförrådet av lövträd -Andelen hygge över 6 ha 3. Biologisk mångfald -Andel gallringsskog med mer än 20 % löv -Antal tallar och lövträd l ha grövre än 30 cm i ung-och gallringsskog -Andelen gammal skog där inga åtgärder utförts under de senaste 25 åren -Torra träd/ha grövre än 1O cm på hyggen och i slutavverkningsskog -Årlig slutavverkningsareal -Andel skogsmark med slutenhet över 0.4 där sump eller vitmossa är dominerande bottenskilasarter -Biotopdiversitet 4. Skogen som resurs -Årlig avsatt tillväxt Genom att beräkna ett vägt medelvärde av de fyra delindex för varje treårsperiod har ett miljöindex för naturtypen skog konstruerats. Ä ven i detta steg har vikter subjektivt tilldelats respektive delindex. Resultaten av beräkningarna visar att delindex för skogsmarkens pro­ duktionsförmåga sjunkit och att delindex för rekreation och estetiska värden ökat jämfört med basperioden. Övriga delindex samt miljöindex visar inga säkerställda förändringar. Generellt kvarstår ett antal frågetecken gällande den typ av indexkonstruktion som detta arbete syftat till att framställa. Den stora frågan är om valda variabler, på ett riktigt och någorlunda fullständigt sätt, fångar in den egenskap som vi avsett att spegla. Detta gäller speciellt delindex för skogsmarkens produktionsförmåga. En stor osäkerhet ligger även i val av vikter vid såväl delindex- som miljöindexberäkning. Resultatet måste dock ses som ett relativt framkomligt instrument för sina översiktliga syften. Ett mycket viktigt påpekande är att inga jämförelser av indexnivåer mellan olika landsdelar låter sig göras.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8789/}, year = {1998}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN158, author = {Fridman, J. and Lundström, A. and Ottosson Löfvenius, M. and Valinger, E.}, title = {Analys av stormskador efter Gudrun – en tillämpning av fortlöpande miljöanalys}, institution = {Skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {2006:8}, url = {http://www.slu.se/PageFiles/33707/2006/FS06-08.pdf}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN159, author = {Fridman, Jonas and Löfstrand, Ronny and Roos, Staffan}, title = {Stickprovsvis landskapsövervakning}, number = {63}, abstract = {I "ProgramomrÃ¥de Landskap" (PL) i NaturvÃ¥rdsverkets program för "Svensk Nationell Miljöövervakning"(Dnr 721-965-98Mn) presenteras en struktur för den nationella landskapsövervakningen. Strukturen bestÃ¥r av fem huvud komponenter; (i) Heltäckande satellitövervakning med CLD/SLD (Corine LandcoverDatal Svenska LandtäckeData), (ii) stickprovsvis övervakning med IR-färg flygbilder (IRF), (iii) Enhetlig stickprovsvis fältövervakning, (iv) ProgramomrÃ¥desvisa tilläggsmoment till enhetlig stickprovsvis fältövervakning samt, (v) Separat fältverksamhet som samlokaliseras med IRF-ytorna. Som ett led i utvecklingsarbetet av den nationella miljöövervakningen har NaturvÃ¥rdsverket uppdragit Ã¥t SLU Miljödata att utföra en förstudie avseende "Utveckling av landskapsövervakning, förstudie". Denna rapport utgör redovisning av detta uppdrag vars syften varit att • sammanställa befintlig information som är relevant förutvecklandet av ett nationellt miljöövervakningssystem • identifiera omrÃ¥den som behöver studeras ytterligare • utarbeta en projektplan för den vidare utvecklingen av stickprovsvis LandskapsÖvervakning (SLÖ). SLÖ är främst kopplat till komponenterna (ii), (iii), (iv) och möjligen i viss mÃ¥n även till (i) ovan. Bakgrunden till detta delprogram är bl.a. ett behov av information pÃ¥ landskapsnivÃ¥ för att knyta ihop olika ekosystem till en landskapsekologisk helhet med hjälp av datafÃ¥ngst i olika skalor. DÃ¥ komponenten kartering/tolkning avIR-färgflygbilder med all säkerhet torde ingÃ¥ i SLÖ, kan det förväntas att den information som idag genereras inom LiM/CAP (se kapitel 2. 1, 2.2) i framtiden kommer att tillhandahÃ¥llas av SLÖ. Viktiga skillnader mellan LiM/CAP och det planerade SLÖ är att det senare föreslÃ¥s omfatta alla naturtyper inom ramen för ett landsomfattande stickprov, samt att det även föreslÃ¥s bedrivas kontinuerligt istället för insatsvis som LiM/CAP. SLÖ bör samordnas med en rad andra verksamheter, pÃ¥gÃ¥ende eller planerade. För att nämna nÃ¥gra gäller detta de nationella programmen för kust och hav, fjäll, jordbruksmark och vÃ¥tmarker. Det gäller i hög grad även programomrÃ¥de skog och därmed möjligheter till samordning med Riksskogstaxeringen och stÃ¥ndortskarteringen (RT/SK). Utvecklingen av CLD/SLD ligger dock vid sidan om detta En av SLU Miljödata tillsatt arbetsgrupp har under vÃ¥ren och sommaren 1999 arbetat med förstudieninför starten av det egentliga utvecklingsarbetet inom SLÖ. Utöver den ovan nämnda strukturen i programförslaget har arbetsgruppen haft en prioriteringslista över övervakningsbehov (se bilaga) att utgÃ¥ ifrÃ¥n. Ytterligare riktlinjer med avseende pÃ¥ programmets innehÃ¥llsmässiga och strukturella utformning har framkommit vid projektmöten under vÃ¥ren/sommaren 1999. (se minnesanteckningar pÃ¥ http://www.resgeom.slu.se/ stax/pers/jfr/slo/hemsidaSLO.html). Iförstudien har arbetsgruppen främst fokuserat pÃ¥ metodik och erfarenheter dragna ur det svenska LiM-projektet (LiM= Livsmedelspolitikens miljöeffekter), dess uppföljare, dvs. det pÃ¥gÃ¥ende projektet CAP:s miljöeffekter (CAP = the Common Agrkulture Policy) som utvärderar effekterna av EU :s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik) och det brittiska Countryside Survey (CS). Sammantaget bedöms erfarenheterna frÃ¥n CS och LiM utgöra en god bas att arbeta utifrÃ¥n. Vad gäller satellitbaserade fjärranalysmetoder har det pÃ¥gÃ¥ende REsE programmet (Remote Sensing for the Environment) inom MISTRA utgjort bas för vÃ¥ra studier. Rapporten är författad av en arbetsgrupp bestÃ¥ende av Jonas Fridman och Ronny Löfstrand, institutionen för skoglig resurshushÃ¥llning och geomatik samt Staffan Roos, institutionen för naturvÃ¥rdsbiologi. En styrgrupp bestÃ¥ende av Pe Angelstam, institutionen för naturvÃ¥rdsbiologi, Urban Emanuelsson, Centrum för biologisk mÃ¥ngfald, Lars Lundin, institutionen för skoglig marklära, Mats Nilsson och Göran StÃ¥hl, b ¥da vid institutionen för skoglig resurshushÃ¥llning och geomatik, samt Torgny Wiederholm, SLU Miljödata har fungerat som styrgrupp under arbetet (alla institutioner ovan tillhör SLU).}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8784/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN160, author = {Fridman, Jonas and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen inför 2000-talet : utredningar avseende innehåll och omfattning i en framtida riksskogstaxering}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU}, number = {ISSN 1401-1204}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8786/1/fridman_et_al_120410.pdf}, year = {1999}, type = {Report} } @article{RN161, author = {Fridman, Jonas and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {A Three-step Approach for Modelling Tree Mortality in Swedish Forests}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {455-466}, abstract = {A new system is presented for predicting tree mortality, in order to improve Swedish long-term forest planning. A three-step approach was used, which consists of (I) estimating the probability of mortality on a sample plot (II) quantifying the mortality in terms of proportion of basal area and (III) distributing the mortality among individual trees. The system predicts the mortality for 5 yr periods. Data from permanent sample plots of the Swedish National Forest Inventory were used. Independent variables used for steps I and II were specific to site, stand and plot characteristics. In the step III models, which were tree-species specific, competition indices were also included. Logistic regression was used for steps I and III models, while linear regression was used for the step II models. A fair performance of the functions was observed, although mortality is a highly stochastic process. In applications, random simulation in all steps can mimic this.}, keywords = {Dead Trees Forest Management Natural Tree Mortality Planning}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580152632856}, year = {2001}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN162, author = {Fridman, J. and Valinger, E.}, title = {Modelling probability of snow and wind damage using tree, stand, and site characteristics from Pinus sylvestris sample plots}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {348-356}, note = {Times Cited: 17 0 17}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827589809382994}, url = {://WOS:000075970900011}, year = {1998}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN163, author = {Fridman, Jonas and Walheim, Mats}, title = {Död ved i Sverige}, number = {24}, abstract = {För första gången kan resultat presenteras om mängden död ved i Sveriges skogar. I den­ na arbetsrapport redovisas resultaten från en landsomfattande inventering av drygt 22 000 provytor som genomförts av Riksskogstaxeringen vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet i Umeå under åren 1994 och 1995. Studien kan sammanfattas i följande punkter: • På svensk skogsmark finns i genomsnitt6m3 död ved/hektar, dvs. sammanlagt 136 miljoner m3 • Död ved saknas på drygt 60% av de inventerade provytorna • I norra Norrland finns död ved på ca 50% av provytorna • Mest död ved, såväl totalt som per hektar, finns i norra Norrland, 53 milj m3 eller 7,8 m3jha • På storskogsbrukets arealer finns död ved på 47% av provytorna. Motsvarande andel för små­ skogsbruket är 32%. • 75% av den döda veden består av lågor, dvs. liggande döda träd och stamdelar som är mer ned­ brutna än stående döda träd • Ju äldre skogen är, desto mer död ved finns i den • Mängden död ved är dubbelt så stor i slutavverkningsmogna bestånd som på hyggen där slutav­- verkning nyligen skett}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8788/}, year = {1997}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1115, author = {Fridman, J. and Walheim, M.}, title = {Amount, structure, and dynamics of dead wood on managed forestland in Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {131}, number = {1-3}, pages = {23-36}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/S0378-1127(99)00208-X}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0034213960&doi=10.1016%2fS0378-1127%2899%2900208-X&partnerID=40&md5=2773f09b60f824043daf5a7805deb006}, year = {2000}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1116, author = {Fridman, J. and Westerlund, B.}, title = {Sweden}, pages = {769-782}, ISSN = {9783319440156 (ISBN); 9783319440149 (ISBN)}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-44015-6_42}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85009688936&doi=10.1007%2f978-3-319-44015-6_42&partnerID=40&md5=1d4546e035b307fb3fbe93c3ca8b95e5}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN164, author = {Fries, Clas and Lämås, Tomas}, title = {Different management regimes in a boreal forest landscape : ecological and economic effects}, number = {208}, abstract = {Five management regimes were theoretically applied and evaluated in a 10 000 ha boreal forest landscape. Four regimes were designed to enhance conditions for biodiversity conservation, by establishing reserves and by modifying stand management. One regime was purely for timber production. Effects on biodiversity were assessed in terms of changes in population sizes within species or as number of species within ecological groups of the Red-listed species in the landscape. Assessments were based on the effects of management regimes on natural features of significance to animal and plant diversity. Effects on growing stock, harvest level, and economic return were assessed by means of the Forest Management Planning Package. Results indicate that biodiversity can be preserved only if the landscape is managed to satisfy the demands of species that require continuity in habitat conditions, and if management recognises fire-generated successions in boreal forest. Such management encompasses a system of patches managed so that important successional stages are always present in the landscape. The regime based on traditional silviculture did not encompass such features and, consequently, did not maintain biodiversity in the landscape. In the traditional silviculture regime, the future amount of deciduous trees was constant while the amount of old forest strongly decreased. As expected, this regime also generated the highest economic output. The decrease in harvested volumes and net incomes in the other regimes was approximately proportional to the reduction in non-protected, productive forest land.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/3011/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1117, author = {Fröberg, M.}, title = {Residence time of fine-root carbon using radiocarbon measurements of samples collected from a soil archive}, journal = {Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science}, volume = {175}, number = {1}, pages = {46-48}, ISSN = {14368730 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1002/jpln.201100072}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84856786501&doi=10.1002%2fjpln.201100072&partnerID=40&md5=5f264041e448e1fff3086c6c2c659961}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN165, author = {Fröberg, Mats and Hansson, Karna and Kleja, Dan Berggren and Alavi, Ghasem}, title = {Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen leaching from Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch stands in southern Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {262}, number = {9}, pages = {1742-1747}, note = {Published in Forest Ecology and Management by Elsevier.}, abstract = {The effects of three common tree species – Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch – on leaching of dissolved organic carbon and dissolved nitrogen were studied in an experimental forest with podzolised soils in southern Sweden. We analyzed soil water collected with lysimeters and modeled water fluxes to estimate dissolved C and N fluxes. Specific UV absorbance (SUVA) was analyzed to get information about the quality of dissolved organic matter leached from the different stands. Under the O horizon, DOC concentrations and fluxes in the birch stands were lower than in the spruce and pine stands; annual fluxes were 21 g m-2 y-1 for birch and 38 g m-2 y-1 and 37 g C m-2 y-1 for spruce and pine, respectively. Under the B horizon, annual fluxes for all tree species ranged between 3 and 5 g C m-2 y-1, implying greater loss of DOC in the mineral soil in the coniferous stands than in the birch stands. We did not find any effect of tree species on the quality of the dissolved organic matter, as measured by SUVA, indicating that the chemical composition of the organic matter was similar in leachates from all three tree species. Substantial amounts of nitrogen was leached out of the soil profile at the bottom of the B horizon from the pine and birch stands, whereas the spruce stands seemed to retain most of the nitrogen in the soil. These differences in N leaching have implications for soil N budgets.}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2011.07.033}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2011.07.033}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN166, author = {Fröberg, Mats and Löfgren, Stefan}, title = {Förbättrad skattning av typhalterav N och P från skogs- ochmyrmark i södra Sverige införPLC6 – kan modeller baserade påkNN-data användas?}, number = {141}, abstract = {In PLC5, the type concentrations for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) indischarge from forest land in northern Sweden were estimated from theirrelations to altitude, while the inorganic fractions were handled as constants.For southern Sweden, the type concentrations were based on median valuesobtained from measurements in a number of streams with forests andwetlands as dominating land cover in the catchment. The only forestoperation taken into account was clear-felling. In southern Sweden, the Ntype concentration from clear-felling was based on the relation between Ndeposition and the N concentration in soil water. In northern Sweden the Ntype concentration was obtained by multiplying the forest typeconcentration with a factor of 2. For P, the type concentration from clearfellingwas obtained in a similar way by multiplying the forest typeconcentration with a factor.In earlier SMED projects (SMED report no 52:2011, SMED report no100:2011, SMED report no 109:2012), nitrogen and phosphorusconcentrations in runoff from forest land and wetlands have been studied bymeasurements in stream water in about 200 randomly selected small forestand wetland dominated catchments. In these earlier projects forest status(increment, biomass, tree species etc. was classified by the ProbabilisticClassifier method and data from satellite images and the national forestinventory (NFI). Thereafter, models have been created to estimate the N andP type concentrations. The explanatory power of these models was muchhigher compared with those used for PLC5. Additionally, the data from therandomly selected streams showed that the PLC5 type concentrationstangibly underestimated the N and P concentrations in southwest Sweden.For PLC6, there is a need of improved N and P type concentrations fromforest land and wetland, especially in southern Sweden.Forest data based on the Probilistic Classifier method do not exist fromlarge areas of Sweden, which implies that improved PLC6 typeconcentrations cannot be developed for these regions. In this project wehave therefore used nationally covering geographic information from kNNSverigeand Lantmäteriet to describe forest status. kNN-Sverige is anothermethod for characterizing forest status and it is also based on satellite andNFI data.These publically available forest status data were used to model nitrogenand phosphorus concentrations in runoff from forest land and wetland in8southern Sweden south of Lake Siljan during four seasons. The models werevalidated against independent data from 22 streams in southern Sweden.This data originate from national and regional monitoring and the SwedishForest Agency forest soil liming project (SKOKAL).It was found that forest status based on kNN-data did not add any significantinformation to the models. The most important explanatory variables wereinstead geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude, altitude) and theproportion of forests and wetlands in the catchment.Based on models without kNN-data as explanatory variables, the modelingwas relatively successful for total N with R2 between 0.22 and 0.46 for therandomly selected streams and R2 between 0.11 and 0.51 for the 17 streamswith data on total-N in the test dataset. For total P modeling was lesssuccessful with R2 between 0.04 and 0.27 for the calibration dataset and R2close to zero for the test dataset. For the strams in the test dataset, the newmodels overestimated the N and P concentrations in many cases. This maybe explained by longer water residence time in these systems, which createsprerequisites for larger N and retention.Based on models without kNN-data as explanatory variables, calculations ofnew N and P type concentrations were made for the PLC5 sub-catchments.On average, the new estimates of concentrations are higher than those usedin PLC5, especially in low elevation areas in southernmost Sweden. Thenew N concentrations are better than those used in PLC5 and can be usedfor southern Sweden (south of lake Siljan) in PLC6. In southeast, themodeled N concentrations are less certain due to lack of water chemic l datafrom randomly selected streams. Such studies should be initiated in order tovalidate the model estimates. The modeled P concentrations should not beused for PLC6 due to low accuracy in the estimates.}, keywords = {Natural Sciences Earth And Related Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Naturvetenskap Geovetenskap Och Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap Smed (Svenska Miljöemissionsdata) Vatten}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:naturvardsverket:diva-1666}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1118, author = {Fröberg, M. and Tipping, E. and Stendahl, J. and Clarke, N. and Bryant, C.}, title = {Mean residence time of O horizon carbon along a climatic gradient in Scandinavia estimated by 14C measurements of archived soils}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, volume = {104}, number = {1-3}, pages = {227-236}, ISSN = {01682563 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s10533-010-9497-3}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-79957852250&doi=10.1007%2fs10533-010-9497-3&partnerID=40&md5=418b6f26a792471cf7983682dd23c0d4}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1119, author = {Gallaun, H. and Zanchi, G. and Nabuurs, G. J. and Hengeveld, G. and Schardt, M. and Verkerk, P. J.}, title = {EU-wide maps of growing stock and above-ground biomass in forests based on remote sensing and field measurements}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {260}, number = {3}, pages = {252-261}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2009.10.011}, url = {://WOS:000279582100003}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN461, author = {Gamfeldt, L. and Snäll, T. and Bagchi, R. and Jonsson, M. and Gustafsson, L. and Kjellander, P. and Ruiz-Jaen, M. C. and Fröberg, M. and Stendahl, J. and Philipson, C. D. and Mikusinski, G. and Andersson, E. and Westerlund, B. and Andrén, H. and Moberg, F. and Moen, J. and Bengtsson, J.}, title = {Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species}, journal = {Nature Communications}, volume = {4}, ISSN = {2041-1723}, DOI = {10.1038/ncomms2328}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms2328}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN462, author = {Garas, T.}, title = {A comparison between two methods of measuring annual rings}, booktitle = {Rapport, Avdelningen for Skoglig Biometri, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {22 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-0220-4}, url = {://CABI:19810671689}, year = {1979}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN1347, author = {Gatti, R. C. and Reich, P. B. and Gamarra, J. G. P. and Crowther, T. and ... and Fridman, J. K. and Westerlund, B. and ... and et al.}, title = {The number of tree species on Earth}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, volume = {119}, number = {6}, ISSN = {0027-8424}, DOI = {10.1073/pnas.2115329119}, url = {://WOS:000758488400010}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN167, author = {Gilichinsky, Michael and Heiskanen, Janne and Barth, Andreas and Wallerman, Jörgen and Egberth, Mikael and Nilsson, Mats}, title = {Histogram matching for the calibration of kNN stem volume estimates}, journal = {International Journal Of Remote Sensing}, volume = {33}, number = {22}, pages = {7117-7131}, abstract = {The k-nearest neighbours (kNN) methods have been used successfully in many countries for the production of spatially comprehensive raster databases of forest attributes, made from the combination of National Forest Inventory (NFI) and satellite data. In Sweden, country-wide kNN estimates of forest variables have been produced to represent the forest condition in the years 2000 and 2005 by using a combination of Système Pour l'Observation de la Terre 5 (SPOT 5) satellite data and field data from the Swedish NFI. The resulting products are wall-to-wall raster maps with estimates of total stem volume, stem volume per tree species, tree height and stand age and a 25 × 25 m2 pixel resolution. However, probability-based kNN stem volume estimates tend to have a suppressed variation range as large values are usually underestimated and small values are overestimated. One way to handle this problem is to calibrate the kNN stem volume estimates to the reference distribution of stem volume observations by histogram matching (HM) for a defined geographic area. In this study, we have tested HM for the calibration of kNN total stem volume raster maps to the reference distribution captured by a forest inventory (FI) from 106 stands in Strömsjöliden, in the north of Sweden. The available field FI data set comprises 1084 circular plots, divided into a reference data set and an evaluation data set of total stem volume observations. The reference data set was used for the creation of a cumulative frequency histogram of total stem volume and the evaluation data set was used to assess the accuracy of volume estimates, before and after HM. The HM adjusted the cumulative distribution of the kNN data set to the distribution of the reference observations and resulted in a distribution of kNN estimates of total stem volume, which corresponded closely to that of the evaluation data set. The results show that the variation range of the kNN stem volume estimates can be extended by HM both on the pixel and stand levels. The extension of the range of estimates towards the range provided by the field observations allows improvement of kNN volume estimation for use in forest management planning based on stand-level analysis, given that the reference stem volume distribution can be estimated accurately, for example, using field data from NFI.}, keywords = {Geosciences, Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinär Geovetenskap Environmental Sciences Miljövetenskap Remote Sensing Fjärranalysteknik Forest Science Skogsvetenskap}, ISSN = {0143-1161}, DOI = {10.1080/01431161.2012.700134}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2012.700134}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1122, author = {Gilichinsky, M. and Sandström, P. and Reese, H. and Kivinen, S. and Moen, J. and Nilson, M.}, title = {Application of national forest inventory for remote sensing classification of ground lichen in nothern Sweden}, volume = {38}, pages = {146-152}, ISSN = {16821750 (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84923763006&partnerID=40&md5=1b3bc4bbd47468287e545d33b0ff313d}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN466, author = {Gilichinsky, Michael and Sandström, Per and Reese, Heather and Kivinen, Sonja and Moen, Jon and Nilsson, Mats}, title = {Mapping ground lichens using forest inventory and optical satellite data}, journal = {International Journal of Remote Sensing}, volume = {32}, number = {2}, pages = {455-472}, abstract = {Lichen is a major forage resource for reindeer and may constitute up to 80% of a reindeer's winter diet. The reindeer grazing area in Sweden covers almost half of the country, with reindeer using mountainous areas in the summer and forested areas in the winter. Knowledge about the spatial distribution of ground lichens is important for both practical and decision-making purposes. Since the early 1980s, remote sensing research of lichen cover in northern environments has focused on reindeer grazing issues. The objective of this study was to use lichen information collected in the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) as training data to classify optical satellite images into ground lichen cover classes. The study site was located within the reindeer husbandry area in northern Sweden and consisted of the common area between two contiguous Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT)-5 scenes and one Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) scene. Three classification methods were tested: Mahalanobis distance, maximum likelihood and spectral mixture analysis. Post-classification calibration was applied using a membership probability threshold in order to match the NFI-measured proportions of lichen coverage classes. The classification results were assessed using an independently collected field dataset (229 validation areas). The results demonstrated high classification accuracy of SPOT imagery for the classification of lichen-abundant and lichen-poor areas when using the Mahalanobis distance classifier (overall accuracy 84.3%, kappa = 0.68). The highest classification accuracy for Landsat was achieved using a maximum likelihood classification (overall accuracy 76.8%, kappa = 0.53). These results provided an initial indication of the utility of NFI data as training data in the process of mapping lichen classes over large areas.}, ISSN = {0143-1161}, DOI = {10.1080/01431160903474962}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/01431160903474962}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN467, author = {Githiori, John B.}, title = {Evaluation of anthelmintic properties of ethnoveterinary plant preparations used as livestock dewormers by pastoralists and small holder farmers in Kenya}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv}, abstract = {Parasitic nematodes, especially Haemonchus contortus, are among the most common and economically important causes of infectious diseases of sheep and goats owned by pastoralists and small holder farmers in East Africa. In Kenya, control of these infections mainly relies on the use of anthelmintic drugs. However, ethnoveterinary medicine (EVM) preparations are widely used by pastoralists and small holder farmers (SHF) for treatment of their livestock against helminth parasites. This thesis covers the evaluation of the anthelmintic efficacy of some EVM preparations used by pastoralists and SHF in Kenya. The plant species selected, and prepared for animal dosing with the help of traditional healers (THs) were: Aframomum sanguineum, Albizia anthelmintica, Ananas comosus, Annona squamosa, Azadirachta indica, Dodonaea angustifolia, Hagenia abyssinica, Hildebrandtia sepalosa, Myrsine africana, Olea europaea var. africana, and Rapanea melanophloeos. Evaluation was carried out in two in vivo infection models, namely H. contortus in sheep and Heligmosomoides polygyrus in mice. The anthelmintic efficacy of the EVM preparations was monitored through faecal egg count (FEC) reduction, at regular intervals for a period of 2 – 3 weeks post treatment in sheep. Monitoring in mice was done through FEC and total worm counts (TWC) one week after treatment. An a priori cut-off value of 70% reduction of FEC and TWC, to denote useful anthelmintic efficacy, was used for both sheep and mice. Of the ten plant species tested in sheep, the largest decrease of 34% in FEC was measured from a bark preparation of A. anthelmintica collected from the Samburu District. None of the other plant species had a significant effect on FEC. Similarly, the seven plant species and some of their related active constituents evaluated in mice did not significantly reduce FEC or remove parasites. Preparations of A. anthelmintica at doses above 0.5 g per mouse were toxic. In conclusion, no reduction of FEC or TWC greater than the a priori value of 70% was observed in sheep or in mice. Therefore, the plants evaluated were ineffective as anthelmintics in the preparations and forms that were used.}, keywords = {Ethnoveterinary preparations, sheep, mice, Haemonchus contortus, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, anthelmintic efficacy, pastoralists, smallholder farmers, Kenya}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/514/}, year = {2004}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN468, author = {Gjertsen, Arnt Kristian}, title = {Accuracy of forest mapping based on Landsat TM data and a kNN-based method}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {110}, number = {4}, pages = {420-430}, abstract = {A multi-source forest inventory (MSFI) method has been developed for use in the Norwegian National Forest Inventory (NFI). The method is based on a k-nearest neighbour rule and uses field plots from the NFI, land cover maps, and satellite image data from Landsat Thematic Mapper. The inventory method is used to produce maps of selected forest variables and to estimate the selected forest variables for large areas such as municipalities. In this study, focus has been on the qualitative variables ‘dominating species group’ and ‘development class’ because these variables are of central interest to forest managers. A mid-summer Landsat 5 TM scene was used as image data, and all NFI plots inside the scene were used as a reference dataset. The relationship between the spectral bands and the forest variables was analysed, and it was found that the levels of association were low. A leave-one-out method based on the reference dataset was used to estimate the pixel-level accuracies. They were found to be relatively low with 63% agreement for species groups. An independent control survey was available for a municipality and estimates from the MSFI were compared to it. The levels of error were quite high. It was concluded that the large area estimates were biased by the reference dataset.}, keywords = {Multi-source forest inventory kNN Accuracy Landsat TM}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2006.08.018}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2006.08.018}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN469, author = {Glimskär, Anders and Allard, Anna and Högström, Mats}, title = {Småbiotoper vid åkermark – indikatorer och flygbildsbaserad uppföljning i NILS}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, abstract = {I denna rapport presenteras förslag till principer och tillvägagångssätt för att följa situationen för småbiotoper i det svenska jordbrukslandskapet i NILS (Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige). Uppdragsgivare är Jordbruksverket, som avser att använda detta som ett underlag för att utforma uppföljningen kopplad till miljökvalitetsmålet Ett rikt odlingslandskap, särskild delmål 2 om småbiotoper: ”Mängden småbiotoper skall bevaras i minst dagens omfattning i odlingslandskapet.” (Svenska miljömål – delmål och åtgärdstrategier. Regeringens proposition 2000/01:130). I uppdraget betonas att även kvalitativa aspekter på småbiotoperna bör lyftas fram, med grund i miljökvalitetsmålets formulering: ”Odlingslandskapets och jordbruksmarkens värde för biologisk produktion och livsmedelsproduktion skall skyddas samtidigt som den biologiska mångfalden och kulturmiljövärdena bevaras och stärks.” Projektets syfte har varit att föreslå och testa metoder för uppföljning av linjeobjekt, punktobjekt och kantzoner i och i anslutning till åkermark samt ange kostnader för sådan uppföljning baserat på data från NILS ordinarie flygbildstolkning. Arbetet har utförts vid institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Umeå och institutionen för naturvårdsbiologi, SLU, Uppsala. NILS är ett rikstäckande miljöövervakningsprogram som finansieras av Naturvårdsverket. NILS ingår i programområde landskap. Syftet med NILS är att följa upp nationella miljökvalitetsmål för olika naturtyper och att visa om genomförda miljöskyddsåtgärder leder till önskade förbättringar på nationell nivå eller landsdelsnivå}, keywords = {cultivated land, biotopes, landscape, aerial surveying, photography, photointerpretation, remote sensing, monitoring, sweden}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8658/}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN470, author = {Glimskär, Anders and Löfgren, Per and Ringvall, Anna}, title = {Uppföljning av naturvärden i ängs- och betesmarker via NILS}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU}, number = {146}, abstract = {Denna rapport har som syfte att ge förslag till utformning av ett uppföljningssystem för naturvärden i objekt som identifierats som skyddsvärda i Ängs- och betesmarksinventeringen (Jordbruksverket 2005a, b) samt göra en statistisk och kostnadsmässig utvärdering av olika designalternativ. Utgångspunkten har varit att uppföljningen ska ske i ett stickprov av objekt som så nära som möjligt ansluter till den metodik och de landskapsrutor som används i det nationella miljöövervakningsprogrammet NILS (Allard m.fl., 2003, Esseen m.fl., 2005). Av de åtta indikatorer som föreslagits av Naturcentrum (2004) har vi valt ut de fem som verkar mest lämpade för uppföljning i anslutning till NILS. Den metodik som föreslagits av Naturcentrum (2004) har följts så långt möjligt, men vissa modifieringar har gjorts för att göra uppföljningen effektivare. De fem indikatorerna, som motsvaras av varsitt inventeringsmoment, delas in i två grupper. Kärlväxter, grova träd och lavar på lövträd inventeras en gång per omdrev, d.v.s. en gång vart femte år. Beräkningarna utgår ifrån att inventeringen görs av den ordinarie fältpersonalen i NILS, i nära anslutning till de ordinarie provyte- och linjeinventeringsmomenten i rutan. Fjärils-, humle och dyngbaggsinventeringen görs däremot av särskild personal, som har god artkännedom och vana vid inventering av de berörda insektsgrupperna. Samma objekt som för växtinventeringen besöks, men vid flera tillfällen (3 eller i vissa fall 2) under en säsong. En stor besparing på transportkostnader kan göras om båda insektsmomenten görs av samma person, vid samma tillfälle. För alla insektsgrupper bör ett urval göras av de arter som har störst förutsättningar att ge bra data. För urval av objekt föreslår vi s.k. PPS-urval, där större objekt har större sannolikhet att väljas än de små. Detta gör att stickprovet blir mer effektivt för att representera helheten. Baserat på de regler vi satt för antal objekt som väljs per landskapsruta har vi därefter gjort våra beräkningar baserat på ett testurval av objekt ur Ä&B-databasen Tuva, som motsvarar tre nivåer: 290, 728 och 1277 objekt per femårsperiod. Dessutom har vi testat två ambitionsnivåer för utlägg inom objekt (antal provytor och transekter): ”Låg” och ”Hög”. Den statistiska utvärderingen för varje inventeringsmoment har gjorts baserat på dataset som vi fått använda från Länsstyrelsen i Östergötland, SLU och Skogsvårdsstyrelsen i Kronoberg, samt GIS-skikt och inventeringsdata från Ä&B/Jordbruksverket. Resultaten visar entydigt att ett stickprov av 290 objekt är helt otillräckligt för samtliga moment. Däremot är skillnaden mellan 728 och 1277 objekt relativt liten jämfört med kostnaden. Av de två alternativen för utlägg verkar ett utökat antal provytor ge bättre skattningar, medan fler transekter för insektsinventering inte har någon större betydelse totalt sett. Som vårt huvudalternativ förespråkar vi alltså för kärlväxter, träd och lavar vårt alternativ ”728 hög” och för insekter ”728 låg”. Det motsvarar den uppskattade kostnaden 975.000 kr per år för växtinventeringen och 2.327.000 kr per år för insektsinventeringen. Till detta kommer totalt ca. 300.000 för administration, datahantering, grundläggande analyser m.m. Totalt ger det en föreslagen budget på ca. 3,6 miljoner kr per år. Nästan en tredjedel av kostnaden för insektsinventeringen utgörs av sortering av dyngprover och artbestämning av dyngbaggar. Om man gör ett strikt urval av de mest indikativa och någorlunda lättbestämda dyngbaggearterna kan denna kostnad troligen minskas en del. Ett mer drastiskt alternativ till besparing kan vara att lagra proverna tills ytterligare medel kan frigöras. Kostnaderna för insamling är jämförelsevis liten om den görs i samband med fjärilsinventeringen. Vi förordar att de ordinarie momenten i NILS provyteinventering genomförs också i de provytor som läggs u i Ä&B-objekten. Den tillkommande kostna en är relativt marginell (uppskattningsvis 167.000 per år, vilket motsvarar ungefär 5% av totalkostnaden), samtidigt som fördelarna är mycket stora vad gäller att ta fram strukturella indikatorer (hävdintensitet, markförhållanden, träd- och buskskikt) och för möjligheterna till samanalys med NILS ordinarie stickprov. Till detta kan också komma flygbildstolkning med NILS ordinarie metodik, där kostnaderna troligen är i samma storleksordning. Vi vill också framhålla de stora möjligheterna till samordning med uppföljningen av gräsmarkshabitat i Natura 2000-nätverket, där Naturvårdsverket och länsstyrelserna har huvudansvaret. De värdeindikatorer och metoder man där lyfter fram är mycket likartade de som här diskuteras (Naturvårdsverket, 2005). Vi föreslår att inventeringsmomenten för kärlväxter, träd och lavar påbörjas i full skala så fort medel kan frigöras. De osäkerheter som finns i skattningarna av kostnader och statistisk styrka är troligen ganska små, och fördjupade analyser som markant förbättrar beräkningarna kan bara göras utifrån ett mycket större dataset än de vi hittills använt. En mindre pilotstudie kostar pengar och försenar den skarpa datainsamlingen med ett år, men förbättrar kanske ändå inte underlaget för beräkningarna mer än marginellt. För insektsinventeringarna är behovet av ett års pilotstudier troligen större, eftersom osäkerheterna i organisering av arbetet, tidsåtgång och förväntade data är större.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-431}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1124, author = {Gotmark, F. and Fridman, J. and Kempe, G.}, title = {Education and advice contribute to increased density of broadleaved conservation trees, but not saplings, in young forest in Sweden}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Management}, volume = {90}, number = {2}, pages = {1081-1088}, ISSN = {0301-4797}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.04.002}, url = {://WOS:000261895500044}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1365, author = {Goude, M. and Nilsson, U. and Mason, E. and Vico, G.}, title = {Comparing basal area growth models for Norway spruce and Scots pine dominated stands}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {56}, number = {2}, note = {Goude, Martin Nilsson, Urban Mason, Euan Vico, Giulia Vico, Giulia/A-6296-2010 Vico, Giulia/0000-0002-7849-2653; Goude, Martin/0000-0002-2179-292X 2242-4075}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.10707}, url = {://WOS:000830554400008}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1356, author = {Goude, Martin and Nilsson, Urban and Mason, Euan and Vico, Giulia}, title = {Using hybrid modelling to predict basal area and evaluate effects of climate change on growth of Norway spruce and Scots pine stands}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {37}, number = {1}, pages = {59-73}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1458, author = {Gozé, Léna and Ekström, Magnus and Sandring, Saskia and Jonsson, Bengt-Gunnar and Wallerman, Jörgen and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Estimation of plant density based on presence/absence data using hybrid inference}, journal = {Ecological Informatics}, volume = {80}, pages = {102377}, ISSN = {1574-9541}, year = {2024}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN471, author = {Grafström, A. and Schnell, S. and Saarela, S. and Hubbell, S. P. and Condit, R.}, title = {The continuous population approach to forest inventories and use of information in the design}, journal = {Environmetrics}, volume = {28}, number = {8}, abstract = {An extended theoretical framework for the continuous population approach to forest inventories is derived. Here, we treat a simultaneous selection of sample points with any prescribed sampling intensity over a continuous population. Different ways to use available auxiliary information, for example, from remote sensing, by selection of approximately balanced or spatially balanced samples are considered. A large data set of spatially continuous individual tree-level data is used to demonstrate the potential of these theoretical approaches. This study shows new ways to integrate remote sensing information in designs for forest inventory applications, which can significantly reduce the variance of the Horvitz–Thompson estimator for target variables related to the auxiliary information.}, keywords = {balanced sampling cube method Horvitz–Thompson estimator local pivotal method Monte Carlo representative samples}, ISSN = {1099-095X}, DOI = {10.1002/env.2480}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1002/env.2480}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN472, author = {Grafström, Anton and Zhao, Xin and Nylander, Martin and Petersson, Hans}, title = {A new sampling strategy for forest inventories applied to the temporary clusters of the Swedish national forest inventory}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {47}, number = {9}, pages = {1161-1167}, ISSN = {0045-5067}, DOI = {10.1139/cjfr-2017-0095}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2017-0095}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN473, author = {Grandin, Ulf}, title = {Miljöövervakning för att studera effekter av en eventuell klimatförändring}, institution = {SLU, institutionen för miljöanalys}, abstract = {Syftet med denna rapport är att ge kunskapsunderlag för anpassning av miljöövervakningen till uppgiften att följa upp arbetet med miljömålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan Rapporten kan sammanfattas i följande punkter: • Skogsbruket har idag inte någon strategi för att möta ett eventuellt förändrat klimat. • Med ett mildare klimat förväntas en ökad andel lövträd. I rapportern föreslås att Markinventeringen inom Riksinventeringen av Skog modifieras för att på ett tydligare sätt kunna upptäcka en ökning av ungplantor av lövträd. • För att kunna följa en eventuell höjning av trädgränsen föreslås att NILS- programmet utökar övervakningen av trädplantor ovan den nuvarande trädgränsen. • Övervakning av effekter som ökade skador på skogen till följd av storm, insekter, och allmän vitalitetsnedsättning täcks redan idag av Riksskogstaxeringen. • Koldioxidbegränsande åtgärder är en medveten strategi för att öka kolinbindning eller minska emission av växthusgaser. Övervakning av många koldioxidbegränsande åtgärder som kan vidtas inom skogsbruket täcks idag av Riksskogstaxeringen. • För att kunna upptäcka effekter av en klimatförändring i vatten och hos vattenorganismer är homogena tidsserier av yttersta vikt. • För plankton förväntas de största förändringarna av en klimatförändring under senvinter och tidig vår. Därför är det önskvärt att plankton provtas dels under isen, dels tidigare på våren än idag. • Fältmomenten inom övervakningen av bentiska makroevertebrater bedöms vara tillfredsställande. En önskan är att provtagningen i framtiden även omfattar sedimentprover. • Övervakningen av fisk bedöms i nuläget vara tillfredsställande, dock behövs en mer utvecklad och systematisk övervakning av vattentemperaturen. • Övervakningen av vattenkemiska variabler är i stort sett tillfredsställande vad gäller ytvatten. Undantaget är temperaturövervakningen som bedöms vara otillräcklig. Här förespråkas en övervakning med hjälp av automatiska temperaturloggar som placeras på olika djup. Provtagningen i djupare vatten är däremot inte tillräcklig. En djupare provtagning föreslås omfatta temperatur, syrgas, nitrat och fosfat.}, keywords = {Farming Biota Geoscientificinformation Environment Inland Waters Skog Träd Temperaturövervakning Miljöövervakning Markinventering Vatten Provtagning Fisk Plankton Effekter Klimatförändring Koldioxid Vattenkemi Vattenorganismer Natural Sciences Earth And Related Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Naturvetenskap Geovetenskap Och Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap Landscape Landskap Begränsad Klimatpåverkan Reduced Climate Impact}, url = {http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:657950}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN474, author = {Granqvist Pahlén, Tina and Nilsson, Mats and Egberth, Mikael and Hagner, Olle and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Aktuella kartdata över skogsmarken}, keywords = {ListningKNN}, url = {http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:657653}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @article{RN475, author = {Gregoire, Timothy G. and Ringvall, Anna H. and Ståhl, Göran and Næsset, Erik}, title = {Conditioning post-stratified inference following two-stage, equal-probability sampling}, journal = {Environmental and Ecological Statistics}, volume = {23}, number = {1}, pages = {141-154}, abstract = {This paper considers conditioning on the size of the samples observed in post-strata following a two-stage sampling design. We argue that it is reasonable to do so despite the complexity of the design. We derive an expression for the covariances among post-strata estimates resulting from secondary sampling units on the same primary sampling unit which reside in different post-strata. To motivate both issues we describe a two-stage LiDAR-assisted sample for aboveground biomass that was reported in Gregoire et al. (Can J For Res 41:83–95, 2011).}, ISSN = {1573-3009}, DOI = {10.1007/s10651-015-0332-9}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10651-015-0332-9}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1126, author = {Gschwantner, T. and Alberdi, I. and Balázs, A. and Bauwens, S. and Bender, S. and Borota, D. and Bosela, M. and Bouriaud, O. and Cañellas, I. and Donis, J. and Freudenschuß, A. and Hervé, J. C. and Hladnik, D. and Jansons, J. and Kolozs, L. and Korhonen, K. T. and Kucera, M. and Kulbokas, G. and Kuliešis, A. and Lanz, A. and Lejeune, P. and Lind, T. and Marin, G. and Morneau, F. and Nagy, D. and Nord-Larsen, T. and Nunes, L. and Pantić, D. and Paulo, J. A. and Pikula, T. and Redmond, J. and Rego, F. C. and Riedel, T. and Saint-André, L. and Šebeň, V. and Sims, A. and Skudnik, M. and Solti, G. and Tomter, S. M. and Twomey, M. and Westerlund, B. and Zell, J.}, title = {Harmonisation of stem volume estimates in European National Forest Inventories}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, volume = {76}, number = {1}, ISSN = {12864560 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s13595-019-0800-8}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85062430154&doi=10.1007%2fs13595-019-0800-8&partnerID=40&md5=c8b84a7a6b291fe636a5ad92fce7009e}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1361, author = {Gschwantner, Thomas and Alberdi, Iciar and Bauwens, Sébastien and Bender, Susann and Borota, Dragan and Bosela, Michal and Bouriaud, Olivier and Breidenbach, Johannes and Donis, Jānis and Fischer, Christoph}, title = {Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories: Historical origins, current methods and harmonisation}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {505}, pages = {119868}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN477, author = {Gschwantner, Thomas and Lanz, Adrian and Vidal, Claude and Bosela, Michal and Di Cosmo, Lucio and Fridman, Jonas and Gasparini, Patrizia and Kuliešis, Andrius and Tomter, Stein and Schadauer, Klemens}, title = {Comparison of methods used in European National Forest Inventories for the estimation of volume increment: towards harmonisation}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, volume = {73}, number = {4}, pages = {807-821}, abstract = {The increment estimation methods of European NFIs were explored by means of 12 essential NFI features. The results indicate various differences among NFIs within the commonly acknowledged methodological frame. The perspectives for harmonisation at the European level are promising.}, ISSN = {1297-966X}, DOI = {10.1007/s13595-016-0554-5}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-016-0554-5}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN478, author = {Gundersen, Per and Ginzburg Ozeri, Shimon and Vesterdal, Lars and Bárcena, Teresa G. and Sigurdsson, Bjarni D. and Stefansdottir, Helena M. and Oddsdottir, Edda S. and Clarke, Nicolas and Kjønaas, O. Janne and Persson, Tryggve}, title = {Forest soil carbon sink in the Nordic region}, institution = {Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet}, url = {https://forhot.is/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Gundersen-ed.-P.-Ginzburg-S.-O.-Vesterdal-L.-B%C3%A1rcena-T.-G.-Sigurdsson-B.-D.-Stefansdottir-H.-M.-.-.-.-Lazdi%C5%86a-D.-2014.-Forest-soil-carbon-sink-in-the-No.pdf}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN479, author = {Gunulf, Anna}, title = {Establishment of Heterobasidion annosum s.l. infections in young Norway spruce dominated stands}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU}, abstract = {One of the worst pathogens on Norway spruce, Heterobasidion annosum s.l., can establish in previously healthy trees by spores landing on freshly made stumps from where mycelia can grow via root grafts and contacts to the adjacent tree. The risk of spore infection as well as disease transfer has been considered to be negligible in young stands due to the small target size of stumps and their small root systems. Consequently, small stumps created during precommercial thinning and late precommercial thinning are usually not treated with protective agents against spore infections as is commonly done during commercial thinnings. The objective of this thesis was to increase the knowledge regarding establishment of H. annosum s.l. infections in young Norway spruce dominated stands, in order to provide a renewed knowledge-base for forest management decisions. The results from field studies showed that although the risk of spore infections increased with increasing stump size more than half of small Norway spruce stumps created during precommercial thinning and late precommercial thinning were infected with H. annosum s.l. (Paper I, II). Of the two Heterobasidion species present in Sweden H. parviporum had a competitive advantage over H. annosum s.s. during colonization of Norway spruce wood (III). Norway spruce stumps as small as 2.5 cm in diameter could transfer infection to trees and the risk of transfer increased with increasing stump size (IV). Stump treatment with the biocontrol agent Phlebiopsis gigantea decreased the amount of spore infections on small stumps (I). The reduction was within the lower range reported from commercial thinning stumps. Simulations of decay development after late precommercial thinning indicated that a substantial amount of the decay at final felling could be attributed to late precommercial thinning. Further, the simulations indicated that stump treatment could reduce the decay at final felling if removal intensities were high. However, the economic outcome of stump treatment varied (II). In conclusion, there is a risk of new H. annosum s.l. infections establishing during silvicultural operations in young Norway spruce dominated stands. Precautionary measures to reduce the risk such as early precommercial thinnings or, where applicable, winter fellings or stump treatment could be considered.}, keywords = {root and butt rot, Heterobasidion annosum s.l., Norway spruce, birch, precommercial thinning, late precommercial thinning, stump treatment}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1249}, year = {2013}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN480, author = {Gustafsson, Karl and Angelstam, Per and Eriksson, Hillevi and Hultengren, Svante and Weibull, Henrik}, title = {Framtidens skog}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art51/4646051-aeaadd-1701.pdf}, year = {1990}, type = {Report} } @article{RN481, author = {Gustafsson, Kalle and Hägg, Sören}, title = {Skogliga konsekvensanalyser 2003}, journal = {Swedish Forest Agency, Report}, volume = {2}, pages = {1-38}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art80/4646080-6d2461-1728.pdf}, year = {2004}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN482, author = {Gustafsson, Karl Ivar Mattias and Nilsson, Per}, title = {Skogsskötseln vid 90-talets mitt -läge och trender}, number = {1401-1204}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8807/1/nilsson_et_al_120410.pdf}, year = {1999}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN1300, author = {Gustafsson, Lena and Johansson, Victor and Leverkus, Alexandro B and Strengbom, Joachim and Wikberg, Sofie and Granath, Gustaf}, title = {Disturbance interval modulates the starting point for vegetation succession}, publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, ISBN = {0012-9658}, year = {2021}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN483, author = {Gustavsson, Leif and Haus, Sylvia and Lundblad, Mattias and Lundström, Anders and Ortiz, Carina A. and Sathre, Roger and Truong, Nguyen Le and Wikberg, Per-Erik}, title = {Climate change effects of forestry and substitution of carbon-intensive materials and fossil fuels}, journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews}, volume = {67}, number = {Supplement C}, pages = {612-624}, abstract = {We estimate the climate effects of directing forest management in Sweden towards increased carbon storage in forests with more land set-aside for protection, or towards increased forest production for the substitution of carbon-intensive materials and fossil fuels, relative to a reference case of current forest management. We develop various scenarios of forest management and biomass use to estimate the carbon balances of the forest systems, including ecological and technological components, and their impacts on the climate in terms of radiative forcing. The scenario with increased set-aside area and the current level of forest residue harvest resulted in lower cumulative carbon emissions compared to the reference case for the first 90 years, but then showed higher emissions as reduced forest harvest led to higher carbon emissions from energy and material systems. For the reference case of current forest management, increased harvest of forest residues gave increased climate benefits. The most climatically beneficial alternative, expressed as reduced cumulative radiative forcing, in both the short and long terms is a strategy aimed at high forest production, high residue recovery rate, and high efficiency utilization of harvested biomass. Active forest management with high harvest levels and efficient forest product utilization will provide more climate benefit, compared to reducing harvest and storing more carbon in the forest.}, keywords = {Biomass residues Forest management Climate change Radiative forcing}, ISSN = {1364-0321}, DOI = {j.rser.2016.09.056}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2016.09.056}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1298, author = {Gustavsson, Leif and Nguyen, T and Sathre, Roger and Tettey, Uniben Yao Ayikoe}, title = {Climate effects of forestry and substitution of concrete buildings and fossil energy}, journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews}, volume = {136}, pages = {110435}, ISSN = {1364-0321}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1331, author = {Guyennon, A. and Reineking, B. and Dahlgren, J. and Lehtonen, A. and Ratcliffe, S. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Zavala, M. A. and Kunstler, G.}, title = {Colonization and extinction dynamics and their link to the distribution of European trees at the continental scale}, journal = {Journal of Biogeography}, volume = {49}, number = {1}, pages = {117-129}, note = {I}, ISSN = {0305-0270}, DOI = {10.1111/jbi.14286}, url = {://WOS:000729571800001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1402, author = {Guyennon, A. and Reineking, B. and Salguero-Gomez, R. and Dahlgren, J. and Lehtonen, A. and Ratcliffe, S. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Zavala, M. A. and Kunstler, G.}, title = {Beyond mean fitness: Demographic stochasticity and resilience matter at tree species climatic edges}, journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography}, volume = {32}, number = {4}, pages = {573-585}, note = {Guyennon, Arnaud Reineking, Bjorn Salguero-Gomez, Roberto Dahlgren, Jonas Lehtonen, Aleksi Ratcliffe, Sophia Ruiz-Benito, Paloma Zavala, Miguel A. Kunstler, Georges Zavala, Miguel A/H-3603-2015; Kunstler, Georges/F-9179-2012; Ruiz-Benito, Paloma/E-5833-2012 Zavala, Miguel A/0000-0003-1456-0132; Kunstler, Georges/0000-0002-2544-1940; Ruiz-Benito, Paloma/0000-0002-2781-5870; Ratcliffe, Sophia/0000-0001-9284-7900; Salguero-Gomez, Roberto/0000-0002-6085-4433 1466-8238}, ISSN = {1466-822X}, DOI = {10.1111/geb.13640}, url = {://WOS:000922855800001}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN484, author = {Gärdenäs, Annemieke I. and Jansson, Per-Erik}, title = {Simulated water balance of Scots pine stands in Sweden for different climate change scenarios}, journal = {Journal of Hydrology}, volume = {166}, number = {1}, pages = {107-125}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0022169494025942}, year = {1995}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1129, author = {Götmark, F.}, title = {Management alternatives for temperate forests with high conservation values in South Sweden}, journal = {Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift}, volume = {104}, number = {1 SUPPL.}, pages = {S1-S88}, ISSN = {0039646X (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77954322451&partnerID=40&md5=3dc05fb8c0b22fcfa3fba4340604b75f}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN485, author = {Götmark, Frank}, title = {Skötsel av skogar med höga naturvärden – en kunskapsöversikt. Fri utveckling, traditionell hävd och naturvårdsgallring – tre skötselalternativ för sydsvenska skogar}, journal = {Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift}, volume = {104}, number = {Supplement 1}, pages = {1-88}, abstract = {Skötsel av skogar med höga naturvärden – en kunskapsöversikt. [Management alternatives for temperate forests with high conservation values in south Sweden.] The management of reserves and other forests with high biodiversity values is debated. Focusing on south Sweden (Fig. 1), I review non- or minimal intervention (”free” succession), traditional management (e.g. grazing, pollarding) and careful partial cutting (conservation thinning, stands with >75% canopy closure). The alternatives are based on 1) ecology and 2) cultural/aesthetical nature conservation, that may be mixed and form value judgements. For about 20 years, ecologists have emphasized the importance of natural disturbances for management (e.g. fire, windstorms, extreme temperatures). In Sweden, the role of succession tends to be overlooked, especially the long-term perspective required to produce old-growth, old trees of long-lived species (>500 years), and high dead wood volumes. In the European lowland, there are extremely few woods that have not been cut for 300 years or more. I suggest minimal intervention should be used for at least 50% of the area of forests with high biodiversity values. Traditional use, including fire that has a strong cultural component, complements minimal intervention in creating habitat diversity, if grazing effects are controlled. Deciduous broadleaved trees, valuable for conservation in our conifer-dominated production forests, have increased (Swedish National Forest Inventory, NFI Fig. 5). Secondary succession in semi-natural stands have led to denser forests, and conservation thinning (CI) is tested in 25 such stands (references in Table 4). Overall, compared to control areas, CI has positive short-term effects on biodiversity of seven organism groups. I used NFI data from 2003–2007 to analyse broadleaf-rich forest types of three height classes. Tall forests dominated. Closed canopy stands (all height classes) formed about 500 000 ha. Part of this area may be subjected to conservation thinning (and minimal intervention/traditional use). Only 1.4–6% of the broadleaf-rich forest types were protected as nature reserves or national parks 2003–2007. In addition, green forestry plans are used by private and other forest owners to set aside or manage identified conservation stands. The forest company Sveaskog establishes Ecoparks, with various forms of management, and also minimal intervention. No coordinated planning for management of the conservation forests exists in Sweden. We lack data on the actions of forest owners, and need to study the effects of the different forms of management on biodiversity and on cultural/aesthetical aspects.}, keywords = {Sannolikhetsteori Och Statistik Probability Theory And Statistics Ekologi Ecology Skogsvetenskap Forest Science Landskapsarkitetktur Landscape Architecture Terrestisk, Limnisk Och Marin Ekologi Terrestrial, Freshwater And Marine Ecology Statistik Statistics Natur- Och Landskapsvård Nature Conservation And Landscape Management Skogsskötsel Forestry Conservation Management Forest Biodiversity Traditional Management Old-Growth}, ISSN = {0039-646X}, url = {http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1203119/FULLTEXT01.pdf}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN487, author = {Götmark, Frank and Fridman, Jonas and Kempe, Gran}, title = {Education and advice contribute to increased density of broadleaved conservation trees, but not saplings, in young forest in Sweden}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Management}, volume = {90}, number = {2}, pages = {1081-1088}, abstract = {The effectiveness of different conservation policies is debated, but the policies are rarely evaluated quantitatively. A voluntary or ‘soft’ policy based mainly on education provides information about ecosystems and effects of land use, to encourage conservation action. Swedish forestry relies mainly on soft policy, with substantial resources for education and advice to more than 200,000 forest owners, while legal regulation is weak. Increased retention of broadleaved trees at clear-cutting, with environmental benefits in the conifer-dominated forestry, is important in the policy. We used the Swedish National Forest Inventory to analyse this policy for young forests in southern Sweden. Between 1983–1987 and 1998–2002 the policy had no positive effect on saplings (1.3 m tall to 4.9 cm dbh) of birch, oak, beech and other species that mostly decreased in density, due to planting of conifers and browsing by ungulates. However, broadleaved conservation trees (≥15 cm dbh) increased in density, e.g. to about one oak and six birches per ha in young coniferous forest in 1998–2002. The relative increase in density was higher for large (≥20 cm dbh) than for small trees (15–20 cm dbh). The density of conservation trees was higher on forestland of high than of low productivity. Thus, the soft conservation policy did not influence regeneration of saplings in this type of forestry system, but large broadleaved trees were increasingly saved at ‘clear-cuttings’. Advice and educational programmes probably contributed to this result. A continued increase in conservation trees at harvest may require economical support to forest owners.}, keywords = {Conservation trees Policy Voluntary approach Forest Forestry Saplings Retained trees Swedish National Forest Inventory}, ISSN = {0301-4797}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.04.002}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.04.002}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN488, author = {Götmark, Frank and Fridman, Jonas and Kempe, Göran and Norden, Björn}, title = {Broadleaved tree species in conifer-dominated forestry: Regeneration and limitation of saplings in southern Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {214}, number = {1-3}, pages = {142-157}, abstract = {Forests and forestry in Sweden are dominated by conifers. Silviculture using mixed or broadleaved stands is often recommended, but the degree to which broadleaves regenerate naturally needs to be clarified. The Swedish National Forest Inventory is here used for a region-wide study of broadleaved saplings (1.3 m tall to 4.9 cm dbh) regenerated naturally. For 12 species (taxa) in young forests (<7 m tall) and high forests (≥7 m), sapling densities were related to seven forest types and three productivity classes. Birch had highest densities in all but two broadleaved forest types. Birch, oak, rowan and sallow had 70–85% of their total sapling populations in conifer-dominated forest types, indicating good potential for mixed stands. Beech, lime, hornbeam, ash and elm were mostly restricted to ‘noble’ (hardwood) forests. The regeneration success (saplings per mature tree) for birch, rowan and oak was highest in conifer-dominated forest beech was about equally successful in conifer-dominated and broadleaved forests, and ash was very successful in broadleaved forest. Oak regeneration may be problematical in broadleaved forests, but we suggest this is not the case in conifer-dominated forests (where oaks have rarely been studied). Sapling densities of the species in the forest types were not consistently correlated with productivity, but birch and aspen generally regenerated strongest at intermediate and at high productivity, respectively. In noble forests, oak, ash and elm regenerated strongest at low productivity. The role of asexual regeneration (sprouting) remains to clarify. Our results suggest that lime, elm, ash and some other trees currently are limited mainly by poor dispersal, rather than habitat availability. The results are promising for various forms of mixed-species forestry that does not require planting (or little planting) and that would be beneficial for nature conservation.}, keywords = {Sustainable forestry Betula Populus Quercus Fagus Sorbus Salix Fraxinus Ulmus Tilia Acer}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2005.04.001}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2005.04.001}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1132, author = {Götmark, F. and Fridman, J. and Kempe, G. and Toet, H.}, title = {Broadleaved trees in south Sweden: Regeneration, limiting factors and recent changes}, journal = {Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift}, volume = {100}, number = {2}, pages = {80-95}, ISSN = {0039646X (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33646438694&partnerID=40&md5=b5e1bb4a2f8d733c591aa2a8d6c61ac2}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN489, author = {Haegermark, I.}, title = {Samband mellan kronutglesning hos gran (Picea abies L. Karst.) och olika staandortsfaktorer. En analys grundad paa observationer gjorda vid staandortskarteringen och riksskogstaxeringen i Sverige under aaren 1984-87}, note = {13 ref. Summary (En). AVAILABILITY: Ultunabiblioteket, POB 7071, S-750 07 Uppsala - Sweden. E-mail: ulla.andersson@bibul.slu.se}, keywords = {Forest Soils Facteur Lie Au Site Suelo Forestal Forest Trees Leaves Metodos Estadisticos Statistical Methods Site Factors Forest Surveys Arboles Forestales Sweden Suecia Suede Methode Statistique Hojas Enquete Forestiere Feuille Pathologie Forestiere Patologia Forestal Arbre Forestier Forest Pathology Caracteristicas Del Sitio Encuestas Forestales Sol De Foret Picea Abies}, year = {1995}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1450, author = {Haemaelaeinen, A. and Runnel, K. and Ranius, T. and Strengbom, J.}, title = {Diversity of forest structures important for biodiversity is determined by the combined effects of productivity, stand age, and management}, journal = {Ambio}, note = {Haemaelaeinen, Aino Runnel, Kadri Ranius, Thomas Strengbom, Joachim 1654-7209}, ISSN = {0044-7447}, DOI = {10.1007/s13280-023-01971-9}, url = {://WOS:001132732900001}, year = {2024}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN490, author = {Hagberg, E.}, title = {The second State Forest Survey of Norrland: conspectus with map of the areas surveyed in the different years and of the published and unpublished reports, etc. (indicating where these are available)}, journal = {Norrlands Skogsvardsforbunds Tidskrift}, number = {3}, pages = {444-6}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19430602021}, year = {1943}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN491, author = {Hagberg, Erik}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Kopparbergs län åren 1943 och 1944}, number = {37:9}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9915/}, year = {1948}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN494, author = {Hagberg, Erik}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Kopparbergs län åren 1943 och 1944 : The national forest survey of the province of Kopparberg carried out in 1943 and 1944}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Meddelanden från Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, 37:9}, pages = {108 s.}, year = {1948}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN492, author = {Hagberg, Erik}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Kopparbergs län åren 1943 och 1944 The national forest survey of the province of Kopparberg carried out in 1943 and 1944}, publisher = {Stockholm : Statens skogsforskningsinstitut}, keywords = {0112 forestry}, year = {1948}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN493, author = {Hagberg, E.}, title = {The State Forest Survey of the country of Kopparberg, 1943-4}, journal = {Meddelanden fran Statens Skogsforskningsinstitut}, volume = {37}, number = {9}, pages = {108-108}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19480600022}, year = {1948}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN495, author = {Hagberg, Erik}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Östra Mellansverige åren 1950-1952 The national forest survey of Eastern Central Sweden carried out in 1950-1952}, publisher = {Stockholm : Statens skogsforskningsinstitut}, keywords = {0112 forestry}, year = {1955}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN496, author = {Hagberg, E.}, title = {The new Swedish national forest survey}, journal = {Unasylva}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {2-8, 28}, url = {://CABI:19570603171}, year = {1957}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN498, author = {Hagberg, Erik}, title = {Orienterande undersökning över rikets uppdelning i regionala områden med ledning av vid riksskogstaxeringen registrerad radietillväxt}, number = {3}, pages = {403-414}, year = {1959}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN497, author = {Hagberg, E.}, title = {A preliminary investigation of Sweden's division into growth regions, based on diameter increment data of the Swedish Forest Survey}, journal = {Svenska Skogsvardsforeningens Tidskrift}, volume = {57}, number = {3}, pages = {403-14}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19596601323}, year = {1959}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN500, author = {Hagberg, E.}, title = {Några problem vid övergången från 1:a och 2:a till 3:e taxeringen}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983)}, keywords = {forest resources sweden measurement surveys history}, year = {1985}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN501, author = {Hagberg, Erik and Tersmeden, Carl}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Västsverige åren 1949-1951}, number = {44:4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9973/}, year = {1954}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN503, author = {Hagberg, Erik and Tersmeden, Carl}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Västsverige åren 1949-1951}, institution = {Meddelanden från Statens skogsforskningsinstitut}, number = {ISSN 0369-2167}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1049}, year = {1954}, type = {Report} } @article{RN502, author = {Hagberg, E. and Tersmeden, C.}, title = {The state forest survey of West Sweden 1949-51}, journal = {Meddelanden fran Statens Skogsforskningsinstitut}, volume = {44}, number = {4}, pages = {63-63}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19540604403}, year = {1954}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN504, author = {Hagberg, Erik and Tersmeden, Carl}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen av Östra Mellansverige åren 1950-1952}, number = {45:4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9986/}, year = {1955}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN505, author = {Hagglund, B.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen ar 1983}, journal = {Tidskrift - Sveriges skogsvardsforbund}, volume = {79}, number = {1/2}, pages = {47-50}, note = {5 ref.}, ISSN = {0371-2907}, year = {1981}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN506, author = {Hagglund, B. and Svensson, L. G.}, title = {Site conditions on forest land and wetlands in Sweden. A description and analysis based on data from the National Forest Survey}, series = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, note = {Times Cited: 0}, pages = {122 pp.-122 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-1293-5}, url = {://CABI:19830682794}, year = {1982}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN507, author = {Hagner, Mats}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringens tillfälliga ytor bör inte användas till utveckling av prognosmodeller för volymproduktion}, number = {21, 2005}, abstract = {Detta teoretiska arbete gjordes för att visa vilken risk för falska samband som föreligger när tillfälliga ytor uppmätta av riksskogstaxeringen används för att konstruera prognosmodeller över tillväxt. Slumpgenerator användes för att skapa data gällande för 1000 ytor. Dessa analyserades med regressionsanalys. Slutsatsen var att datormodeller för produktionsprognoser inte bör utformas med riksskogstaxeringens tillfälliga provytor som underlag. Anledningen är att man får in falska samband som beror på variation i täthet utanför provytan, bördighet, trädålder, tid efter gallring, gallringsintensitet och gallringssätt. Beståndets struktur har även en kraftig inverkan på tillväxten.}, keywords = {Forestry}, url = {http://www.researchgate.net/publication/28610181_Riksskogstaxeringens_tillflliga_ytor_br_inte_anvndas_till_utveckling_av_prognosmodeller_fr_volymproduktion}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN508, author = {Hagner, O.}, title = {Computer aided forest stand delineation and inventory based on satellite remote sensing [NFI-sample plots, t-ratio segmentation]}, publisher = {Umeaa (Sweden)}, note = {9 ref. Summary (En)}, keywords = {Remote Sensing Forest Surveys Forest Inventories Sweden/ Data Processing Monitoring Sampling Teledetection Enquete Forestiere Inventaire Forestier Suede/ Traitement Des Donnees Controle Continu Echantillonnage Teledeteccion Encuestas Forestales Inventarios Forestales Suecia/ Procesamiento De Datos Vigilancia Muestreo}, ISBN = {1100-777X}, year = {1990}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN509, author = {Hagner, Olle}, title = {Textur i flygbilder för skattning av beståndsegenskaper}, number = {29}, abstract = {Textur i flygbilder i kombination med spektral signatur i satellitbilder kan ge en skattningsnoggrannhet på beståndsnivå för trädslagsfördelning (tall , gran, löv), virkesförråd och diameter som är likvärdig med konventionell relaskopinventering. Kombinationen av textur och spektral signatur ger väsentligt högre skattningsnoggrannhet än de enskilda komponenterna var för sig. Artificiella neurala nätverk kan användas för att modellera sambanden mellan textur, spektral signatur och beståndsegenskaper. Texturens orientering är en viktig komponent för skattning av beståndsegenskaper. Bilddata bör ha minst l meters upplösning för att inte viktig texturinformation skall förloras. Enskilda trädkronor kan identifieras i bilddata med l meters upplösning. Modellbaserad matchning av enskilda träd har större potential än statisti ska texturmått för praktisk inventering eftersom den kompenserar för varierande avbildningsgeometri och belysningsförhållanden och dessutom ger mer detaljerad information om beståndets sammansättning.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8790/}, year = {1997}, type = {Generic} } @inbook{RN510, author = {Hagner, O. and Nilsson, M. and Reese, H. and Egberth, M. and Olsson, H.}, title = {Procedure for classification of forests for CORINE land cover in Sweden}, booktitle = {New Strategies for European Remote Sensing}, editor = {Oluic, M.}, pages = {523-529}, note = {24th Symposium of the European-Association-of-Remote-Sensing-Laboratories (EARSeL) MAY 25-27, 2004 Dubrovnik, CROATIA European Assoc Remote Sensing Labs}, ISBN = {90-5966-003-X}, url = {https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, year = {2005}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN1134, author = {Hagner, O. and Olsson, H.}, title = {Normalisation of within-scene optical depth levels in multispectral satellite imagery using National Forest Inventory plot data}, series = {New Strategies for European Remote Sensing}, pages = {279-284}, ISBN = {90-5966-003-X}, url = {://WOS:000228786900034}, year = {2005}, type = {Book} } @article{RN511, author = {Hagner, Olle and Reese, Heather}, title = {A method for calibrated maximum likelihood classification of forest types}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {110}, number = {4}, pages = {438-444}, abstract = {A modification to the maximum likelihood algorithm was developed for classification of forest types in Sweden's part of the CORINE land cover mapping project. The new method, called the “calibrated maximum likelihood classification” involves an automated and iterative adjustment of prior weights until class frequency in the output corresponds to class frequency as calculated from objective (field-inventoried) estimates. This modification compensates for the maximum likelihood algorithm's tendency to over-represent dominant classes and under-represent less frequent ones. National forest inventory plot data measured from a five-year period are used to estimate relative frequency of class occurrence and to derive spectral signatures for each forest class. The classification method was implemented operationally within an automated production system which allowed rapid production of a country-wide forest type map from Landsat TM/ETM+ satellite data. The production system automated the retrieval and updating of forest inventory plots, a plot-to-image matching routine, illumination and haze correction of satellite imagery, and classification into forest classes using the calibrated maximum likelihood classification. This paper describes the details of the method and demonstrates the result of using an iterative adjustment of prior weights versus unadjusted prior weights. It shows that the calibrated maximum likelihood algorithm adjusts for the overclassification of classes that are well represented in the training data as well as for other classes, resulting in an output where class proportions are close to those as expected based on forest inventory data.}, keywords = {Prior weights Maximum likelihood classification Landsat Forest inventory Plot location Haze correction Area estimates CORINE}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2006.08.017}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2006.08.017}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN512, author = {Hagner, Stig}, title = {Om kott- och fröproduktionen i svenska barrskogar}, number = {47:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10015/}, year = {1958}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN513, author = {Hagner, Stig}, title = {Naturlig föryngring under skärm}, number = {52:4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10058/}, year = {1962}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN515, author = {Hagner, Stig}, title = {Cone crop fluctuations in Scots pine and Norway spruce}, number = {33}, abstract = {The present work reports on comparisons (figs. 3 and 5) between observations of the annual cone setting of Scots pine and Norway spruce in various parts of the country carried out by the State rangers (table 2) and observations made by the National Forest Survey (table 1). On the basis of these comparisons the long series of State ranger observations (1909-1953) has been regionally transformed to an absolute scale of values (table 3). Calculations have been made by means of these series with the purpose of elucidating how often a certain level of cone setting occurs in various parts of the country (fig. 6) and what range of variation that might occur in respect of number of years between cone crops of a size considered worthwhile to collect (table 4).}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5876/}, year = {1965}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN514, author = {Hagner, Stig}, title = {Om fröproduktion, fröträdsval och plantuppslag i försök med naturlig föryngring}, number = {27}, abstract = {I arbetet redovisas vissa undersökningsresultat från föryngringsinstitutionens fasta skärmförsök, nämligen: 1. Fröproduktionen 2. Betydelsen av frötradsvalet for besåningsintensiteten 3. Plantuppslaget 4. Sambandet mellan fröfall och plantuppslag. Provytornas belägenhet framgår av fig. 1. I tab. 1 återfinnas vissa allmänna data om ytorna samt uppgifter om fröproduktionen per träd. I tab. 2 redovisas inventerings-resultat beträffande markberednings- och föryngrings-resultatet. Tallfröproduktionen per träd (fig. 3) samvarierar starkt med växtplatsens belägenhet. I norr, på relativt högt belägna lokaler, har skärmtraden endast producerat några få 100-tal grobara frön per träd och år. I södra Sverige ligger genomsnittsproduktionen i stället vid drygt 5 000 frön. På grund av skillnader i antal skärmtrad per hektar blir överlägsenheten i fråga om besåningsintensitet per ytenhet hos de sydliga ytorna ännu större, eller, enligt ett räkneexempel, av storleks-ordningen 17 gånger. Jämförelser mellan granfröproduktionen per träd har endast utförts på ett antal ytor av höjdläges-karaktär (fig. 4). Träden på de sydligare av dessa har producerat 2 à 3 gånger så många frön och åstadkommit cirka 4 gånger så hög besåing som de nordliga. Forhållandevis god kottsättning på granen har uppträtt nära nog vartannat år på dessa ytor (tab. 3 ) . En betydande mängd av granfröet från en och samma kottgeneration, i genomsnitt 19 procent, föll först fr. o. m. andra hösten efter kott-sättningen.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8007/}, year = {1965}, type = {Generic} } @phdthesis{RN516, author = {Hagström, Peter}, title = {Biomass potential for heat, electricity and vehicle fuel in Sweden}, university = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {The main objective of this thesis was to determine how far a biomass quantity, equal to the potential produced within the Swedish borders, could cover the present energy needs in Sweden with respect to economic and ecological circumstances. Three scenarios were studied where the available biomass was converted to heat, electricity and vehicle fuel. Three different amounts of biomass supply were studied for each scenario: 1) potential biomass amounts derived from forestry, non-forest land, forest industry and community; 2) the same amounts as in Case 1, plus the potential biomass amounts derived from agriculture; 3) the same amounts as in Case 1, plus 50% of the potential pulpwood quantity. For evaluating the economic and ecological circumstances of using biomass in the Swedish energy system, the scenarios were complemented with energy, cost and emergy analysis. The scenarios indicated that it may be possible to produce 170.2 PJ (47.3 TWh) per year of electricity from the biomass amounts in Case 2. From the same amount of biomass, the maximum annual production of hydrogen was 241.5 PJ (67.1 TWh) per year or 197.2 PJ (54.8 TWh) per year of methanol. The energy analysis showed that the ratio of energy output to energy input for large-scale applications ranged from 1.9 at electric power generation by gasification of straw to 40 at district heating generation by combustion of recovered wood. The cost of electricity at gasification ranged from 7.95 to 22.58 €/GJ. The cost of vehicle work generated by using hydrogen produced from forestry biomass in novel fuel cells was economically competitive compared to today’s propulsion systems. However, the cost of vehicle work generated by using methanol produced from forestry biomass in combustion engines was rather higher compared to use of petrol in petrol engines. The emergy analysis indicated that the only biomass assortment studied with a larger emergy flow from the local environment, in relation to the emergy flow invested from society after conversion, was fuel wood from non-forest land. However, even use of this biomass assortment for production of heat, electricity or vehicle fuels had smaller yields of emergy output in relation to emergy invested from society compared to alternative conversion processes; thus, the net contribution of emergy generated to the economy was smaller compared to these alternative conversion processes.}, keywords = {bioenergy potential, biomass potential, cost analysis, emergy, energy analysis, energy scenarios, systems analysis, thermochemical conversion.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-949}, year = {2006}, type = {Thesis} } @inbook{RN517, author = {Hall, Marianne and Smith, Henrik G.}, title = {Production, biodiversity and climate change mitigation}, booktitle = {Forests and Mankind: The relationship must be made sustainable}, publisher = {Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, Lund University}, address = {Lund}, chapter = {1}, pages = {9}, ISBN = {978-91-979893-7-4}, url = {https://lup.lub.lu.se/search/ws/files/5545009/5268392.pdf}, year = {2015}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN1377, author = {Hallberg-Sramek, Isabella and Nordström, Eva-Maria and Priebe, Janina and Reimerson, Elsa and Mårald, Erland and Nordin, Annika}, title = {Combining scientific and local knowledge improves evaluating future scenarios of forest ecosystem services}, journal = {Ecosystem Services}, volume = {60}, pages = {101512}, ISSN = {2212-0416}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN518, author = {Hammar, Torun and Ortiz, Carina A. and Stendahl, Johan and Ahlgren, Serina and Hansson, Per-Anders}, title = {Time-Dynamic Effects on the Global Temperature When Harvesting Logging Residues for Bioenergy}, journal = {BioEnergy Research}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {1912-1924}, abstract = {The climate mitigation potential of using logging residues (tree tops and branches) for bioenergy has been debated. In this study, a time-dependent life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed using a single-stand perspective. Three forest stands located in different Swedish climate zones were studied in order to assess the global temperature change when using logging residues for producing district heating. These systems were compared with two fossil reference systems in which the logging residues were assumed to remain in the forest to decompose over time, while coal or natural gas was used for energy. The results showed that replacing coal with logging residues gave a direct climate benefit from a single-stand perspective, while replacing natural gas gave a delayed climate benefit of around 8–12 years depending on climate zone. A sensitivity analysis showed that the time was strongly dependent on the assumptions for extraction and combustion of natural gas. The LCA showed that from a single-stand perspective, harvesting logging residues for bioenergy in the south of Sweden would give the highest temperature change mitigation potential per energy unit. However, the differences between the three climate zones studied per energy unit were relatively small. On a hectare basis, the southern forest stand would generate more biomass compared to the central and northern locations, which thereby could replace more fossil fuel and give larger climate benefits.}, ISSN = {1939-1242}, DOI = {10.1007/s12155-015-9649-3}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s12155-015-9649-3}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN519, author = {Hanell, B.}, title = {Peatlands in Sweden: a description of forest conditions on shallow and deep peatlands and their national and local distribution}, booktitle = {Rapporter i Skogsekolgi och Skoglig Marklara}, pages = {85 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-3271-8}, url = {://CABI:19930670705}, year = {1989}, type = {Book Section} } @techreport{RN520, author = {Hannerz, Mats}, title = {SKOGSSÅDD − Fröförsörjning och ekonomi}, institution = {Skogsforsk}, url = {http://www.skogforsk.se/contentassets/3522dafba0554cdaae0e1b7102a4fc97/arbetsrapport-308-1995.pdf}, year = {1995}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1299, author = {Hannerz, Mats and Simonsson, Per}, title = {Skogens biologiska mångfald–om arter, miljöarbete och statistik}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN522, author = {Hansen, Karin and Hellsten, Sofie and Akselsson, Cecilia}, title = {CLEO Project 1.2 Forestry and land use scenarios: Deliverable D1.2.2 Regional forestry scenarios finalised}, institution = {CLEO (Climate Change and Environmental Objectives)}, url = {http://docplayer.se/109737190-Karin-hansen-sofie-hellsten-ivl-and-cecilia-akselsson-lunds-university.html}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN523, author = {Hansen, Karin and Malmaeus, Mikael and Lindblad, Maria}, title = {Ekosystemtjänster i svenska skogar}, number = {B2190}, url = {http://www.ivl.se/download/18.343dc99d14e8bb0f58b76b0/1454339652008/B2190.pdf}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN524, author = {Hansson, Karna}, title = {Impact of tree species on carbon in forest soils}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {Different tree species differ in productivity, litter quality and quantity, canopy structure and nitrogen deposition. Norway spruce (Picea abies), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula and B. pubescens) are the three dominant tree species in Sweden. This thesis compares soil C fluxes and the accumulation of soil organic carbon under adjacent Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch stands growing on similar soils and examines the different processes involved. This was achieved mainly through field measurements of carbon pools and fluxes in southern Sweden, combined with respiration and decomposition studies in the laboratory. Soil carbon fluxes and the accumulation of soil organic carbon were found to differ between the three species, with the strongest differences in humus layers between spruce and birch, with pine intermediate. Most carbon was stored in soils in spruce stands. Birch stands had the fastest root turnover and the highest carbon mineralisation rate. Species differences can be explained by differences in tree growth rate and decomposition. The three tree species differed in terms of litter quality, carbon mineralisation, DOC fluxes and fine root turnover.}, keywords = {carbon, tree species, fine root turnover, DOC, nitrogen}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-185}, year = {2011}, type = {Thesis} } @misc{RN525, author = {Hansson, Lennart}, title = {Small mammal abundance in relation to environmental variables in three Swedish forest phases}, number = {147}, abstract = {The distribution of the most common small mammal species was examined with regard to the main forest phases ('afforestations', mature forests and 'reforestations'), plant communities, basic habitat variables and management techniques in a southern, a central and a northern Swedish region. The density indices from trapping with standard methods showed different patterns of population fluctuation in these regions. There were many clear differences in the distribution of the various species in the different plant communities. For example, field voles Microtus agrestis and shrews Sorex araneus appeared in highest numbers in luxuriant communities on peaty soil in the autumn, and wood mice Apodemus sylvaticus appeared in greatest numbers in areas with plant colonization on recently abandoned fields. In several instances such habitats could be identified as potential surplus areas for the small mammals. Habitat factors especially germane to the abundance of small mammals were depth of litter and humus, amount of boulders, vertical cover and soil moisture. Significant management techniques in this connection were ditching, cleaning in forest and reforestations and burning. Possible causal relations behind the distributions are discussed.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5489/}, year = {1978}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN526, author = {Hansson, Per}, title = {Gremmeniella - riskbedömning och åtgärder: slutrapport till Länsförsäkringsbolagens forskningsfond}, url = {http://www.lansforsakringar.se/globalassets/aa-global/dokument/ovrigt/aa-om-oss/forskning/00000-gremmeniella-riskbedomning-atgarder.pdf}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1136, author = {Hasenauer, H. and Neumann, M. and Moreno, A. and Running, S.}, title = {Assessing the resources and mitigation potential of European forests}, journal = {Energy Procedia}, volume = {125}, pages = {372-378}, DOI = {10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.052}, url = {://WOS:000419173400045}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN527, author = {Hedblom, Marcus}, title = {Städernas flora och fauna: övervakning av grön mångfald i centrum}, journal = {Fauna och flora}, volume = {107}, number = {4}, pages = {30-37}, note = {Publicerad med tillstånd av ArtDatabanken, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Published with permission of ArtDatabanken, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {År 1950 levde en tredjedel av världens befolkning i städer, sedan fem år tillbaka bor hälften i städer och allt tyder på att år 2030 bor två tredjedelar av alla människor i städer. År 2050 skulle det innebära 6,5 miljarder stadsbor. Fram till år 2030 kommer det att byggas mer sammanhängande stadsbebyggelse än vad det finns totalt idag. Det innebär enorma infrastrukturomställningar och stora arealer av mark kommer att tas i anspråk. Den mark som bebyggs är ofta mycket dåligt inventerad på djur och natur trots att forskning visar på höga värden i och omkring tätorter. Behovet av en kunskapsbas är stort.}, ISSN = {0014-8903}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2311}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN528, author = {Hedblom, Marcus and Hedenås, Henrik and Allard, Anna and Svensson, Johan and Jougda, Leif}, title = {Metoder och möjligheter att använda NILS data i tillämpad integrerad landskapsplanering: Renbruksplaner, UAV låghöjdsflygfotografier och dialog}, note = {National Inventory of Landscapes in Sweden}, number = {27}, DOI = {10.13140/RG.2.2.29006.66881}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/deref/http%3A%2F%2Fdx.doi.org%2F10.13140%2FRG.2.2.29006.66881}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN529, author = {Hedenås, Henrik}, title = {Upprättandet av en manual för inventering av renbetestyper: fjäll och myr}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {431}, abstract = {I denna rapport presenteras manualen som beskriver fältinventeringen på fjäll och myr med syfte att kartlägga och beskriva förutsättningarna för renbete i landskapet. Detta är en viktig del i upprättandet av s.k. Renbruksplaner. Renbruksplaner används i dag både som planeringsverktyg i renskötseln och som ett underlag i samrådsdiskussioner med andra markanvändare. Sedan tidigare finns en manual rörande inventering i skogslandet. I diskussioner mellan renskötare och representanter för skogsstyrelsen och miljöövervakningsprogrammet Nationell inventering av landskapet i Sverige (NILS) under 2013-2014 framkom att renskötarna var intresserade av att utöka sin fältinventering till att inte bara omfatta skogslandskapet utan även fjäll-och myrlandskapet. Orsaken till detta är att en del samebyar har sett ett ökat intresse för att etablera främst gruvor och vindkraftverk på dessa marker. Rapporten tar även upp och diskuterar förutsättningarna för manualens tillblivelse. Inventeringsmetodiken grundar sig delvis på den metodik som används för att inventera renbetestyper i skogslandet och delvis på NILS-metodiken. NILS är ett nationellt inventeringsprogram som drivs av SLU och som samlar in data både i fält och från flygbilder. Fältinventeringsmetodiken som används i Renbruksplanen är en förenklad version av NILS metodiken. Eftersom metodiken i Renbruksplanerna påminner om den i NILS går det att jämföra variabler i inventeringarna med riksinsamlat data. Utvecklingen av manualen har skett i dialog med olika samebyar, SLU och Skogsstyrelsen.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2298}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN530, author = {Hedenås, Henrik and Christensen, Pernilla and Svensson, Johan}, title = {Utvärdering av NILS data i fjällen}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {427}, abstract = {Målet med denna studie har varit att utreda vilka variabler i NILS – Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige – som är lämpliga och möjliga att ha med i en regional miljöövervakning av fjällandskapet. Utgångspunkten är miljömålet ”Storslagen fjällmiljö”. De data som använts i denna rapport är från två hela inventeringsvarv i NILS fältinventering (2003-2007 respektive 2008-2012) och från ett inventeringsvarv i NILS flygbildstolkning (2003-2007). För fältdata har både data från provyte- och linjekorsningsinventeringen använts. Alla data analyseras dels för hela fjällkedjan, vilken omfattar all mark ovanför den s.k. gränsen för fjällnära skog, och dels för norra fjällen (Norrbottens län ovanför denna gräns) respektive södra fjällen (Västerbottens, Jämtlands och Dalarnas län ovanför denna gräns). Det finns en lång rad variabler i NILS som är nog vanliga för att det skall vara möjligt att detektera förändringar över tiden och som därmed kan användas som uppföljningsbara indikatorer. Exempel på sådana är total krontäckning; täckning av björk; total busktäckning; täckningen av enbuskar, dvärgbjörk och vissa videarter eller artgrupper; fältskiktets totala täckning; täckning av ris och graminider samt av örter i vissa habitat. När det gäller bottenskiktet behövs det lite mer ingående analyser, men gruppen övriga mossor är utan tvekan en grupp som är nog vanlig för att det skall vara möjligt att använda som indikator på förändringar. Det som i hög grad styr om en variabel är möjlig att använda är hur vanlig den är, d.v.s. i hur många NILS rutor som den har registrerats. I här ej publicerade analyser kan vi konstatera att NILS kan följa förändringar över tiden med en tillräcklig tillförlitlighet för variabler som registerats i 13 eller fler rutor. Men är förändringen stor och distinkt nog så kan även förändringar av något ovanligare variabler detekteras (ex. dvärgbjörk på klimatimpediment i södra delen av fjällkedjan). Data från NILS linjekorsningsinventering ger underlag för analyser av tätheten av linjära element. När det gäller variabler så är vattendragen en grupp som är nog vanlig för att det skall vara möjligt att detektera förändringar. När det gäller transportleder så finns det en potential att detektera förändringar i variablerna djurstigar och fordonsspår. För båda dessa variabler finns det indikationer på förändringar i detta datamaterial. För flygbildstolkade data har vi inte genomfört några förändringsskattningar då vi än så länge enbart har data från perioden 2003-2007. Av de variabler som vi tittat på i denna studie är areal öppen och trädbeklädd mark, med andel busk- och trädtäckning i fjällbarrskogen, fjällbjörkskogen och på kalfjället intressanta att följa med avseende på igenväxning av tidigare mer öppna områden. Våra resultat visar att det inte har skett några signifikanta förändringar i areal fjällbarrskog, fjällbjörkskog och kalfjäll under denna tidsperiod (2003-2007 jämfört med 2008-2012). Att kalfjället växer igen på grund av klimatförändringar är något som diskuteras och det finns forskningsresultat från delar av fjällkedjan som stödjer detta. NILS kan med sitt stickprov följa förändringar över hela fjällkedjan men inom denna relativt korta tidsperiod är det inte förväntat att några större förändringar skall ha hunnit ske. Det är dock viktigt att följa hur dessa arealer och deras utbredning (latitud, longitud, altitud) förändras över tiden över hela fjällkedjan, för att kunna fånga upp storskaliga förändringar och ge underlag för uppföljning av miljömål och mer fördjupade studier. Den totala krontäckningen på kalfjället har ökat i hela fjällkedjan, men det har inte skett någon ökad krontäckning av björk som är den dominerande trädarten. Detta gör att resultaten måste tolkas med viss försiktighet. Den totala busktäckningen på kalfjället är högre i den södra elen av f ällkedjan jämfört med den norra delen Detta kan eventuellt bero på skillnader i klimat och betestryck mellan områdena. En annan orsak som kanske kan förklara skillnaden i busktäckning mellan södra och norra fjällen är att det är relativt mer lågalpina områden (lägre altitud som oftare är buskrika) i södra fjällen jämfört med norra fjällen där de finns relativt mer mellan och högalpina områden (som ofta är buskfattiga). Fältskiktet har ökat i hela fjällkedjan; på kalfjället, i fjällbjörkskogen och i fjällbarrskogen. Framförallt har det skett en ökning av graminider och ris på kalfjället och i fjällbjörkskogen. Denna trend är tydligare i norra delen än i södra. I södra delen är det enbart ris som ökat på kalfjället. För linjeobjekten är den relativa standardavikelsen hög och resultaten måste därför tolkas med försiktighet. Intressant är dock den konstaterade ökningen av fordonsspår i hela fjällkedjan. Ett exploateringsindex, som bygger på den totala tätheten av linjeelement, har tagits fram som är ett mått på total mänsklig påverkan, men visar inte på några skillnader över tiden. Rapporten visar att NILS redan idag kan leverera bra underlag för nationell och regional miljöövervakning och indikatorer till miljömålet ”Storslagen fjällmiljö.” Det finns också stora möjligheter att utveckla miljöövervakningen i fjällkedjan för bättre och mer omfattande landskapsdata som underlag till en långsiktigt hållbar förvaltning av fjällandskapet.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2248}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN531, author = {Hedvall, Pär-Ola}, title = {Forest floor vegetation in Sweden: impacts of intensified forestry, nutrient addition and changes in forest structure}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {In boreal forests, dwarf-shrubs (Vaccinium spp.) often dominate the forest floor and are key-stone species in ecosystems due to their importance for nutrient cycling and as a major food source for herbivores. Forestry affects the vegetation both directly through management and indirectly by altering the forest structure. Forest fertilization with N at the end of the rotation period is a common practice in Swedish boreal forests. Even higher timber production can be achieved if fertilization with multi-nutrient fertilizer is applied early in the rotation period, but the effects on forest floor vegetation have not been studied. The objectives of this thesis were to increase knowledge regarding how 1) intensive fertilization in young forest affects forest floor vegetation; 2) background deposition of N influences the effects of N addition; and 3) to relate observed changes in common species abundances to changes in forest structure. Fertilization decreased the abundance of many common forest plant species while only few species increased (I). Surprisingly, also species known as nitrophilous decreased in abundance. Paper I shows that the decrease in availability of light induced by fertilization is a crucial factor behind this change. Consequently, fertilization reduced both species richness, species diversity and the between site (β) diversity (II). In areas where the background N deposition was low (4 kg ha-1 yr-1), the effects of N addition were larger than in areas with intermediate (16 kg ha-1 yr-1) deposition (III). Key-stone species among the forest floor vegetation of boreal Sweden (e.g. Vaccinium myrtillus) were found to decrease in abundance (IV). These species are strongly dependent on aspects of forest structure, such as forest density and age, and likewise, temporal changes in species abundance coincided with corresponding changes in forest structure (IV). In conclusion, in large parts of Sweden the prevailing forest management is incompatible with a productive forest floor vegetation possessing a high diversity of plant species, and this situation will only be exacerbated by more intensive use of fertilization regimes. To avoid associated cascading effects from the decreased abundance of key-stone species, forestry intensity needs to be relaxed on the landscape level which would likely result in a considerable loss of timber production. Compensation for this loss through intensified forestry on other areas would indicate the need for altered forest zoning.}, keywords = {Bryophyte, Deschampsia flexuosa, Eutrophication, Forest understory, Forest undergrowth, Herbaceous layer, Lichen, Picea abies, Vascular plant}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-678}, year = {2012}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1137, author = {Hedwall, P. O. and Brunet, J.}, title = {Trait variations of ground flora species disentangle the effects of global change and altered land-use in Swedish forests during 20 years}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, volume = {22}, number = {12}, pages = {4038-4047}, ISSN = {13541013 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/gcb.13329}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84971483862&doi=10.1111%2fgcb.13329&partnerID=40&md5=4c27cba74214df2b5f4616c7b81f6907}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1138, author = {Hedwall, P. O. and Brunet, J. and Diekmann, M.}, title = {With Ellenberg indicator values towards the north: Does the indicative power decrease with distance from Central Europe?}, journal = {Journal of Biogeography}, volume = {46}, number = {5}, pages = {1041-1053}, ISSN = {03050270 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/jbi.13565}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85063864123&doi=10.1111%2fjbi.13565&partnerID=40&md5=a678a688d16a4c921f379334cd3c0c67}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1140, author = {Hedwall, P. O. and Brunet, J. and Rydin, H.}, title = {Peatland plant communities under global change: Negative feedback loops counteract shifts in species composition}, journal = {Ecology}, volume = {98}, number = {1}, pages = {150-161}, ISSN = {00129658 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1002/ecy.1627}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85008227655&doi=10.1002%2fecy.1627&partnerID=40&md5=69424e8071e89c6da5341264ddcd1a75}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1141, author = {Hedwall, P. O. and Gustafsson, L. and Brunet, J. and Lindbladh, M. and Axelsson, A. L. and Strengbom, J.}, title = {Half a century of multiple anthropogenic stressors has altered northern forest understory plant communities}, journal = {Ecological Applications}, volume = {29}, number = {4}, ISSN = {19395582 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1002/eap.1874}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85063885177&doi=10.1002%2feap.1874&partnerID=40&md5=8d4941c9f8bdab464362fab71b9d4f65}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1142, author = {Hedwall, P. O. and Mikusinski, G.}, title = {Sprucification in protected forests: myth or veracity? - Clues from 60 yrs survey data}, journal = {Applied Vegetation Science}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {371-380}, ISSN = {1402-2001}, DOI = {10.1111/avsc.12233}, url = {://WOS:000384751300002}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1143, author = {Hedwall, P. O. and Mikusiński, G.}, title = {Structural changes in protected forests in Sweden: Implications for conservation functionality}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {45}, number = {9}, pages = {1215-1224}, ISSN = {00455067 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1139/cjfr-2014-0470}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84944615065&doi=10.1139%2fcjfr-2014-0470&partnerID=40&md5=eb6e41427de4082ce8b793ebf004b164}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1144, author = {Hedwall, P. O. and Strengbom, J. and Nordin, A.}, title = {Can thinning alleviate negative effects of fertilization on boreal forest floor vegetation?}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {310}, pages = {382-392}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2013.08.040}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84884379816&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2013.08.040&partnerID=40&md5=ef772a6b914d65797fc2b64398bf5b57}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1327, author = {Hedwall, P. O. and Uria-Diez, J. and Brunet, J. and Gustafsson, L. and Axelsson, A. L. and Strengbom, J.}, title = {Interactions between local and global drivers determine long-term trends in boreal forest understorey vegetation}, journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography}, volume = {30}, number = {9}, pages = {1765-1780}, ISSN = {1466-822X}, DOI = {10.1111/geb.13324}, url = {://WOS:000669314700001}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN534, author = {Hedwall, Per-Ola and Brunet, Jörg and Nordin, Annika and Bergh, Johan}, title = {Changes in the abundance of keystone forest floor species in response to changes of forest structure}, journal = {Journal of Vegetation Science}, volume = {24}, number = {2}, pages = {296-306}, abstract = {Question Does the abundance of keystone forest floor species change in response to changes in the forest structure? Location Sweden Methods We used data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory to investigate changes in the abundance of three common species, as well as the total abundance of all understorey vascular plants (the field layer) in forests in the boreal and temperate parts of Sweden. GLMs and GAMs were used to relate species abundance and temporal changes in abundances to forest structure and forest structural change. Results Productivity, measured as the site index, was the most important determinant of individual species' abundance. The volume of Picea abies, the density of tree stems and forest age were among the most important forest structural variables. We found that the dwarf shrub Vaccinium myrtillus, the narrow-leaved grasses (mainly Avenella flexuosa) and the total field layer cover decreased in boreal Sweden from 1994 through 2010 and that these changes coincided with an increase in forest density and with a reduction in forest age. Conclusions Changes in Swedish forests to higher tree layer density and younger age appear to contribute significantly to current changes in forest floor vegetation. The use of more intensive thinning practices to reduce the total density of the forest and to increase the proportion of broad-leaved tree species and Pinus sylvestris would favour the forest floor species in this study. Moreover, increasing forest age (i.e. the length of rotation periods) might favour V. myrtillus in particular, for which the time since disturbance is important for the recovery of pre-disturbance abundance. However, increased thinning intensity and forest age will reduce the potential for wood production, implying a trade-off between production of wood and maintenance of well-developed forest floor vegetation.}, ISSN = {1100-9233}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01457.x}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1654-1103.2012.01457.x}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN539, author = {Heikkinen, Juha and Tomppo, Erkki and Freudenschuss, Alexandra and Weiss, Peter and Hylen, Gro and Kusar, Gal and McRoberts, Ronald and Kändler, Gerald and Cienciala, Emil and Petersson, Hans and Ståhl, Goran}, title = {Interpolating and Extrapolating Information from Periodic Forest Surveys for Annual Greenhouse Gas Reporting}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {58}, number = {3}, pages = {236-247}, abstract = {National forest inventories (NFIs) are an important source of data for reporting greenhouse gas emissions and removals for the Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry sector as required by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. A major limitation is that NFI resources are generally not sufficient for producing reliable information on year-to-year variation. Interpolation, extrapolation, smoothing, and/or aggregation of data from several years are therefore needed to comply with the reporting requirements for a specific year. Various methods for accomplishing this task are illustrated and evaluated based on data and experiences from the NFIs of six countries, concentrating on the estimation of the stem volume of living trees as a surrogate for tree biomass. Six main conclusions were drawn: (1) NFI data from the target years only were not sufficient for reliable estimation of annual stock change; (2) changes between whole inventory cycles (typically 5 years) could be estimated with reasonable precision; (3) simple moving average estimators of stock are problematic in the estimation of changes; (4) interpenetrating panel designs with permanent sample plots are desirable from the point of view of inter/extrapolating and change estimation; (5) data on annual growth variation and harvests are important and can be used directly in the default method, which is based on differences between increment and drain; and (6) time gaps between NFI surveys may lead to significant errors in the estimation of stock changes.}, keywords = {Kyoto Protocol climate change national forest inventories tree biomass}, ISSN = {0015-749X}, DOI = {10.5849/forsci.10-086}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5849/forsci.10-086}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1350, author = {Heiland, L. and Kunstler, G. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Buras, A. and Dahlgren, J. and Hulsmann, L.}, title = {Divergent occurrences of juvenile and adult trees are explained by both environmental change and ontogenetic effects}, journal = {Ecography}, volume = {2022}, number = {3}, ISSN = {0906-7590}, DOI = {10.1111/ecog.06042}, url = {://WOS:000747857600001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN540, author = {Hekkala, Anne-Maarit and Ahtikoski, Anssi and Päätalo, Marja-Leena and Tarvainen, Oili and Siipilehto, Jouni and Tolvanen, Anne}, title = {Restoring volume, diversity and continuity of deadwood in boreal forests}, journal = {Biodiversity and Conservation}, volume = {25}, number = {6}, pages = {1107-1132}, abstract = {Restoration of boreal forests by emulating natural disturbances is used to bring back typical components of natural forests that are reduced by silvicultural management. The volume, diversity and continuity of deadwood are the most important factors determining the diversity of deadwood-dependent species. In a large-scale experiment consisting of 43 experimental stands and 15 controls we assessed how alternative restoration methods enhancing deadwood availability (felling and felling + burning with two levels of felling: 20 and 40 % of initial volume of living trees, and a storm treatment) would affect short- and long-term deadwood volume and diversity using 7-year deadwood measurements and simulation modelling. In short-term, restoration by felling + burning increased both the volume and diversity of deadwood, whereas felling only increased merely the volume of deadwood. The simulations of tree growth, mortality and wood decomposition indicated that in comparison to controls, felled and storm-treated stands have greater deadwood volumes up to 40 years and felled + burned stands more than 60 years after restoration. Our results suggest that felling with 20 % of initial tree volume does not harm the future deadwood continuity, whereas intensive burning may imperil the deadwood continuity in a stand level. In conclusion, restoration clearly speeds up the development of the deadwood volumes needed to host large portions of biodiversity, and burning is the most effective restoration method in short- and long term. In practice, several restoration methods could be used concurrently in the landscape to obtain the best results.}, ISSN = {1572-9710}, DOI = {10.1007/s10531-016-1112-z}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-016-1112-z}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN541, author = {Hellberg, Erik}, title = {Historical variability of deciduous trees and deciduous forests in northern Sweden}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv}, abstract = {The aim of the work underlying this thesis was to study the historical variability of deciduous trees and deciduous forests in northern Sweden. To ascertain the effects of forest fires and human activities on the historical variability of deciduous trees, retrospective studies were carried out at different. These studies were designed to: improve our understanding of the genesis of deciduous forests in the present boreal landscape; the role of forest fires and effects of forest management on the structure and composition of spruce-dominated ecosystems; develop methods to separate charcoal fragments of birch based on wood anatomy, to be able to; study the effects of past human activities on forest-limit ecosystems in northern Sweden. Different sets of retrospective methods (i.e. dendroecology, pollen analysis, anthracology and analyses of written historical sources) were used to achieve these aims. The first study revealed that the effects of aggregated disturbances (forest grazing, human interference with fire regimes and logging) were responsible for the formation of deciduous forests in the present landscape. In the study of spruce-dominated ecosystems, forest fire cycles were found to be long, but had profound effects on the structure and composition of the landscapes until the beginning of the 20th century; i.e. deciduous forests were dominating in areas previously affected by fires. Furthermore, forestry had strong negative effects on the coverage of old coniferous forests and deciduous forests. In the third study, the methodology developed showed that dwarf birch and mountain birch can be distinguished from one another and from silver birch and hairy birch based on wood anatomy, while silver birch and hairy birch could not be distinguished from one another. In the forest limit-ecosystem studied, human impact was found to be strong. Due to the exploitation of trees for fuel wood the area was cleared during the Viking-ages, and in combination, with climate the forest has not recovered since then. A general conclusion was that the scale and effects of human impact were ecosystem- and region- specific depending on the prior role of natural disturbances and the nature of the anthropogenic modification.}, keywords = {Betula, boreal forest, ecosystem management, forest history, Populus}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/518/}, year = {2004}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN542, author = {Hellgren, M. B. and Stenlid, J.}, title = {Long-term reduction in the diameter growth of butt rot affected Norway spruce, Picea abies}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {74}, number = {1/3}, pages = {239-243}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, url = {://CABI:19950613371}, year = {1995}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN544, author = {Hesselman, Henrik}, title = {Barrskogens arealfördelning på tall-, gran- och barrblandsbestånd i Norrland och Dalarna}, number = {28:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10157/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN543, author = {Hesselman, Henrik}, title = {Fibyskogen och dess utvecklingshistoria}, number = {28:5}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10154/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN545, author = {Hesselman, Henrik}, title = {Den naturvetenskapliga avdelningens verksamhet under åren 1902-1938 och avdelningens framtida uppgifter}, number = {31:5}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10176/}, year = {1938}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN546, author = {Hesselman, Henrik}, title = {En på flygrekognoscering grundad karta över bokskogens utbredning i Sverige. En kritisk granskning}, journal = {Geografiska Annaler}, volume = {21}, pages = {72-87}, ISSN = {1651-3215}, url = {http://skogsstyrelsen.com/Global/myndigheten/Projekt/kontinuitetsskog%20och%20hyggesfritt/Rapport_4_2009_Kartl%C3%A4ggning%20och%20identifiering%20av%20kontinuitetsskog.pdf}, year = {1939}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN547, author = {Hesselman, Henrik and Petterson, Henrik and Trägårdh, Ivar and Wibeck, Edvard}, title = {Redogörelse för verksamheten vid Statens skogsförsöksanstalt under år 1928}, number = {25:6}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10393/}, year = {1929}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN548, author = {Hjorth, R.}, title = {Med riksskogstaxering i skogspolitiken under några decennier}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 32 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {policies natural resources scandinavia western europe europe forest products forestry policies forest resources sweden wood}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @article{RN549, author = {Hof, Anouschka R. and Hjältén, Joakim}, title = {Are we restoring enough? Simulating impacts of restoration efforts on the suitability of forest landscapes for a locally critically endangered umbrella species}, journal = {Restoration Ecology}, volume = {26}, number = {4}, abstract = {Habitat restoration is often implemented to mitigate the negative effects of intensive forestry on biodiversity. It may be increasingly adopted in future to alleviate additional negative effects of climate change. Ascertaining the restoration effort needed to fulfill project goals is difficult. Insights may be gained through simulating the effects of restoration efforts on landscape dynamics through time. Here we used a spatially explicit landscape simulation model to simulate the effects of different restoration efforts on forest landscapes in Sweden to assess the level of mitigation that is needed to allow viable populations of the locally critically endangered White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos); an umbrella species whose protection may serve the protection of a range of other species. Based on the goals of the protection plan for the species, which reflect its habitat requirements, we evaluated which of several restoration scenarios could fulfill goals with respect to (1) the amount of deciduous forest; (2) the amount of dead wood; and (3) the age of the forest. We found that whereas it may be relatively easy and quick to acquire high levels of dead wood, increasing the proportions of deciduous forest and of old forests require considerably more time and effort. Also, current management actions would not be sufficient to create the required amount of habitat to conserve the White-backed Woodpecker in our study region. Simulations like ours can provide valuable information about the levels of restoration needed through time to fulfill project goals and may prevent wasting valuable resources, time, effort, and money.}, keywords = {boreal forest decision-making Dendrocopos leucotos ecological restoration modeling woodpecker}, ISSN = {1526-100X}, DOI = {10.1111/rec.12628}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12628}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN1304, author = {Holand, Øystein and Moen, Jon and Kumpula, Jouko and Löf, Annette and Rasmus, Sirpa and Røed, Knut}, title = {Project ReiGN: Reindeer Husbandry in a Globalizing North–Resilience, Adaptations and Pathways for Actions}, booktitle = {Nordic Perspectives on the Responsible Development of the Arctic: Pathways to Action}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {227-248}, year = {2021}, type = {Book Section} } @inbook{RN550, author = {Holm, S. and Hagglund, B. and Martensson, A.}, title = {En metod för generalisering av riksskogstaxeringens provträdsdata}, booktitle = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. 25}, pages = {94 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-0182-8}, url = {://CABI:19810670591}, year = {1979}, type = {Book Section} } @techreport{RN551, author = {Holm, Sören and Lundström, Anders}, title = {Åtgärdsprioriteter}, note = {SKA 99, Skogliga konsekvensanalyser}, abstract = {I system för långsiktiga konsekvensanalyser behövs regler för hur val av objekt för olika åtgärder ska ske. För åtgärderna röjning, gallring, föryngringsavverkning och gödsling finns därför i Hugin-systemet olika regler för att beräkna "prioritetstal" för en provyta. Ett problem när provytor används som beräkningsenheter är att de kan avvika ganska kraftigt från medelvärdet för den åtgärdsenhet som den befinner sig i. Eftersom beslut tas för åtgärdsenheten och inte för den enskilda provytan, måste särskilda avsteg från provytebaserade prioriteringsregler göras. Dessutom bör avsteg göras för att efterlikna den faktiska skogsskötseln, som inte alltid stämmer överens med de aktuella prioriteringsreglerna. Inom projektet SKA 99 har en ny variant för val av objekt för åtgärd utvecklats. Syftet har varit att konstruera prioritetstal för användning i långsiktiga avverkningsberäkningar (som Hugin), baserade på hur åtgärder faktiskt har utförts, enligt information inhämtad från Riksskogstaxeringens permanenta provytor. I föreliggande rapport beskrivs dels den tidigare varianten av prioriteringsregler där rangordning sker efter angelägenhetsgrad med avseende på virkesproduktion, dels den nya varianten baserad på hur skogsägarna faktiskt valt objekt för olika åtgärder.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8793/}, year = {2000}, type = {Report} } @article{RN552, author = {Holmgren, Eva and Holmgren, Lina and Lidestav, Gun}, title = {Comparison of harvesting and business activities of non-shareholders and shareholders in a forest common in Västerbotten, Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {22}, number = {6}, pages = {582-592}, abstract = {Swedish forest commons are collectively owned and managed by shareholders who always also own other forest holdings. The majority of them are non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners. The objective of this study was to assess differences, with respect to harvesting intensity and related business activities on their individually managed forest properties, between non-shareholders and shareholders in a Swedish forest common. Forest commons are intended to promote local agriculture and forestry and to serve as a model for forestry activities. On this basis, the hypotheses examined in this study were that the shareholders’ harvesting and business activities, as well as their contributions to the local economy, are greater than those of non-shareholders. An apparent difference between shareholders and non-shareholders was found, but it was unexpected since non-shareholders undertook more harvesting and business activities than shareholders, and contributed more to the local economy through taxes. Since no evidence was found for a significant difference between the two categories in their potential to undertake forestry activities, one provisional conclusion is that the outcome is partly due to differences between the institutional frameworks in which shareholders and non-shareholders operate and the impact of these frameworks on incentives to maximize forest production.}, keywords = {Common, community-managed forest, forest ownership, forest resources management, Swedish forestry}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827580701618769}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN553, author = {Holmgren, Johan and Joyce, Stephen and Nilsson, Mats and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Estimating Stem Volume and Basal Area in Forest Compartments by Combining Satellite Image Data with Field Data}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {103-111}, abstract = {11 The weighted k - nearest neighbour (kNN) method was used for estimating stem volume (m3 ha? 1 ) and basal area (m2 ha? 1 ) on a compartment level (average 19 ha) by combining satellite image data with measurements from Swedish National Forest (NFI) inventory plots. In the kNN method each estimation location (target plot) is assigned a value that is an average, which is weighted, of the attribute data from the k closest reference plots (NFI plots). The distance between target and reference plot was measured on different scales, which were transforms of spectral values and/or ancillary data. The standard error (assuming bias with no trend) of stem volume estimates in the compartments was 36% using only spectral data. This estimation accuracy improved to 17% if site index, age of the forest and mean tree height (ancillary data) were known for the compartments. Low volumes were overestimated and high volumes underestimated. This bias was reduced if ancillary data were added but was also dependent on the transform of the original scales.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580050160538}, year = {2000}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN554, author = {Holmgren, Johan and Olsson, Håkan and Wallerman, Jörgen}, title = {Plot-level stem volume estimation and tree species discrimination with CASI remote sensing}, number = {51}, abstract = {Data fran Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) insttilld for fyra spektrala band (460-495nm, 550-580nm, 660-682nm, 740-762nm) inmatt for fastigheten Kattbole (Lat.60°00'N, Long.l7°18'E) utanfor Uppsala analyserades tillsammans med skogliga data fran provytor med 10m radie. Data fran tva flygstrak, ett med flygriktning mot solen och ett annat vinkelratt mot solen, anvandes i detta fOrsok. Information om stamvolym och tradsslagsfordelning fanns att tillga for 138 provytor i det forsta och 120 provytor i det andra straket. Det fanns en positiv korrelation (R2=0.51-0.53) mellan stamvolym och den inverterade radiansen fOr samtliga spektrala band pa provyteniva. Det fanns aven en stark korrelation mellan stamvolym och ett provat matt pa skuggdensitet, vilket indikerar att mangden skuggor forklarar mycket av korrelationen mellan volym och radians. Korrelationen mellan volym och radians visade sig vara starkare for sidan mot solen jamfort med sidan bort fran solen i det flygstrak som lag vinkelratt mot belysningsriktningen. Provytor med en volym > 120 m3ha-1 i det forsta flygstraket klassificerades efter tradslagsfordelning (tall, gran, lOv). Grupper bildades med hjalp av denna klassificering och hypotesen att det inte fanns nagon skillnad i radians mellan dessa grupper testades. Det var mojligt att skilja mellan talldominerade och grandominerade ytor. Helt grandominerade ytor gick dessutom att skilja ut fran grandominerade ytor med ett litet inslag av tall. Helt talldomierade ytor gick daremot inte att skilja fran talldominerade ytor med ett litet inslag av gran. For att skilja pa provytor med olika tradslagsfOrdelning var det narinfraroda bandet bast att anvanda.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8852/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN555, author = {Holmgren, Lina and Holmgren, Eva and Fridman, Jonas and Lidestav, Gun}, title = {Biological diversity indicators: A comparison of Swedish forest commons and other forest ownership categories}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, pages = {61-68}, abstract = {Research indicates that natural resources managed in common, resembling traditional commons such as the Swedish forest commons, could be a type of regime with the potential to stimulate successfully sustainable use conditions. This is supported by findings regarding the characteristics of Swedish forest commons, their claimed concern for the environment and relatively high proportion of old forest in two out of three regions. Swedish environmental policy is directed towards environmental quality objectives and the Sustainable Forests objective states, among other things, that biological diversity must be maintained and enhanced. Swedish National Forest Inventory data for the period 2003–2006 were used to analyse differences between forest commons in northern Sweden and other ownership categories regarding the proportion of forestland with a large deciduous element, the proportion of forest older than 80 years with a large (> 25%) deciduous element, the volume of dead wood and the proportion of forest older than 140 years, parameters corresponding to the interim targets for enhanced biological diversity. The results show no consistent differences in indicator variables between the forest commons and other ownership categories, signifying that forests managed in common have been conducted in ways promoting biodiversity more effectively than in other ownership categories. Further studies of different ownership categories regarding driving forces and forest status are warranted.}, keywords = {Biological Diversity Indicators Other Ownership Categories Swedish Forest Commons}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580903505186}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827580903505186}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1302, author = {Holmgren, Peter and FutureVistas, AB}, title = {The forest carbon debt illusion}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN556, author = {Holmgren, Peter and Thuresson, Tomas}, title = {Skoglig planering på amerikanska västkusten}, number = {3}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8794/}, year = {1995}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1308, author = {Holmström, E. and Carlström, T. and Goude, M. and Lidman, F. D. and Felton, A.}, title = {Keeping mixtures of Norway spruce and birch in production forests: insights from survey data}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {36}, number = {2-3}, pages = {155-163}, note = {Cited By :2 Export Date: 11 August 2021}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2021.1883729}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85100868145&doi=10.1080%2f02827581.2021.1883729&partnerID=40&md5=69bc8270c6eac9c9cbdbce0fdc9c0044}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN557, author = {Holmström, Emma and Hjelm, Karin and Karlsson, Matts and Nilsson, Urban}, title = {Scenario analysis of planting density and pre-commercial thinning: will the mixed forest have a chance?}, journal = {European Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {135}, number = {5}, pages = {885-895}, abstract = {In the establishment phase, several management alternatives could be applied that affect the species composition of the future stand. In this study, tree seedling data from experiments with planted Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) and naturally regenerated species, mainly Silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), were used for six simulated pre-commercial thinning (PCT) scenarios. The scenarios included both monocultures and mixed stand alternatives with various initial spacing of the planted Norway spruce (0, 1600 or 2800 seedlings) and selection of main stems based on relative heights. Further stand development and individual tree growth were simulated until final harvest. Potentially, based on findings of the seedling measurements, the stands could be mixed with five to six species, but the browsing pressure from ungulates reduced this possibility since the height growth for all species except Norway spruce was highly affected by browsing. The simulated mixtures had a small variation between the PCT scenarios for the maximum mean annual increment (about 10 %). Although the growth was similar for Norway spruce, the proportion of birch in the final stands differed from 3 to 21 % between treatments and none of the high-density planting treatments generated a mixed Norway spruce–birch forest at the time of final felling.}, ISSN = {1612-4677}, DOI = {10.1007/s10342-016-0981-8}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-016-0981-8}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN558, author = {Holmström, Hampus}, title = {Averaging absolute GPS positionings made underneath different forest canopies}, number = {82}, abstract = {Dealing with data collection of natural resources for management planning purposes, there is an interest in capturing the spatiality, i.e. the geographical location of the features of interest. The Global Positioning System (GPS) provides a tool, both for navigation and positioning, although not without limitations. Several sources of errors have impact on the positional accuracy. Differential GPS increases the accuracy but might in certain applications be unavailable. Navigating in difficult terrain (e.g. mountain areas), where traditional maps give little or no guidance, highlights the benefits of GPS. By applying a not-so-advanced algorithm, arithmetical averaging, using absolute (non-differential) GPS measurements, it is possible to improve the positional accuracy. Initial horizontal mean errors are decreased by 50 % after approx. 10 minutes of active logging of singular GPS-positions and averaging these. Improvement of the accuracy continues thereafter, although substantial improvements require long time of observation. The impact of the canopy was marginal, however assumed to cause longer time of logging in dense forests before a certain number of positions are obtained, compared to measurements made under a clear sky. However, it must be pointed out that the results are of somewhat doubtful value, since the conditions were drastically changed when the intentional distortion of the GPS-signals (the Selective Availability, SA) was stopped. In the current situation, the different structure of the remaining errors leads to a limited use of averaging. This study was carried out just before the SA was stopped, which happened quite unexpectedly in May 2000.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8853/}, year = {2001}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN559, author = {Holmström, Hampus}, title = {Data acquisition for forestry planning by remote sensing based sample plot imputation}, volume = {201}, abstract = {In forestry planning, accurate description of the state of the forests is essential. Advanced planning models often require input data with high resolution, i.e. data at the single-tree level. Field inventory procedures based on sample plot measurements are usually employed. However, such methods are expensive, so cost-efficient alternatives would be attractive. In the work described in this thesis, inventory methods based on imputation of reference sample plot data were evaluated. The reference material consisted of data from previously performed field inventories. The k nearest neighbour (kNN) method was used, in which all variables available at the reference plots were simultaneously estimated for the target areas. The imputations were based on information derived from interpretations of aerial photographs, optical satellite data, radar data (airborne sensor), and existing stand records. To account for differences in the qualities of the different information sources combined in the kNN estimations, distance metrics were defined and applied using regression functions. The utility of various types of forecasted reference material was evaluated. Increasing the length of forecasts of reference sample plot data increased the mean square error (MSE) in stem volume estimates. However, by excluding disturbed plots (due to thinnings) from the reference material, plot data forecasted for up to 25 years could be used without severely decreasing the accuracy of the estimations. Using aerial photo interpretations together with stand records, kNN estimates of stem volume with relative root MSEs (RMSEs) of 14-20% at the stand level were obtained. More accurate estimates were obtained for a northern test site, in comparison with results from southern Sweden. Combining optical satellite data and radar data significantly improved results, giving a RMSE in standwise stem volume estimates of 22%, compared to 30% for the best single-sensor case. Consequences of using kNN estimations in a planning context were evaluated by a cost-plus-loss approach. The total cost of undertaking an inventory was obtained by summing the actual inventory cost and the net present value of expected future losses due to non-optimal decisions caused by erroneous data. Input data obtained by imputation of reference sample plots were compared with traditional field sample plot inventories. Results indicated that the total cost of an inventory could be reduced by 15-50% by integrating different methods; imputation could be applied for some types of stands while more accurate field inventories should be carried out in others. It is not necessarily the most valuable stands that should be inventoried by careful field measurements, but many of those with a treatment impendin}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/29/}, year = {2001}, type = {Generic} } @inbook{RN560, author = {Holmström, Hampus and Korosuo, Anu}, title = {Framtidsanalyser av Vindelns lövvärdetrakt: satellitbilder, kNN-metoden och planeringssystemet Heureka PlanWise i analyser av ett lövgynnande skogsbruk}, booktitle = {Skötselförslag för Vindelns lövvärdetrakt : ett naturvårdsprojekt enligt landskapsstrategimodellen}, publisher = {Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {Satellitbilder, planering}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-109}, year = {2011}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN562, author = {Hornberg, S.}, title = {Changes in population density of moose (Alces alces) and damage to forests in Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {149}, number = {1-3}, pages = {141-151}, note = {Times Cited: 35 0 36}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/s0378-1127(00)00551-x}, url = {://WOS:000169650500011}, year = {2001}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN563, author = {Horstkotte, Tim and Lind, Torgny and Moen, Jon}, title = {Quantifying the Implications of Different Land Users’ Priorities in the Management of Boreal Multiple-Use Forests}, journal = {Environmental Management}, volume = {57}, number = {4}, pages = {770-783}, abstract = {In the management of natural resources, conflicting interests and objectives among different stakeholders often need to be considered. Here, we examine how two contrasting management scenarios of boreal forests in northern Sweden differ in their consequences on forest structural composition and the economic gains at harvest. Management strategies prioritize either (i) forest characteristics that promote grazing resources for reindeer herded by the indigenous Sámi, or (ii) timber production as practiced in Sweden today. When prioritizing reindeer grazing, forest stands develop a higher abundance of older age classes with larger trees and lower stem density, which reduces harvest and revenue levels by approximately 20 % over a 100-year period. The differences between these strategies illustrate the complexity in finding a trade-off for coexistence between industrial land users and other livelihoods that share the same landscape. Political support and institutional solutions are necessary to initiate changes in policy in finding such trade-offs in the management of environmental resources and thereby influence the optimal distribution of costs and benefits between different actors.}, ISSN = {1432-1009}, DOI = {10.1007/s00267-015-0643-5}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-015-0643-5}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN564, author = {Horstkotte, Tim and Moen, Jon}, title = {Successional pathways of terrestrial lichens in changing Swedish boreal forests}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {453}, note = {1872-7042}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117572}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117572}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1426, author = {Horstkotte, Tim and Sandström, Per and Neumann, Wiebke and Skarin, Anna and Adler, Sven and Roos, Ulrika and Sjögren, Jörgen}, title = {Semi-domesticated reindeer avoid winter habitats with exotic tree species Pinus contorta}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {540}, pages = {121062}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1282, author = {Hounkpatin, K. O. L. and Stendahl, J. and Lundblad, M. and Karltun, E.}, title = {Predicting the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon stock in Swedish forests using a group of covariates and site-specific data}, journal = {Soil}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {377-398}, ISSN = {2199-3971}, DOI = {10.5194/soil-7-377-2021}, url = {://WOS:000671008100003}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN565, author = {Hultgren, Svante and Andersson, Magdalena}, title = {Sammanställning över lavar som indikerar höga naturvärden på gamla och grova träd i södra Sveriges kulturlandskap: kompendium för Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS)}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {157}, abstract = {Detta kompendium har tagits fram för att användas inom Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS). Det primära syftet med kompendiet är att det ska användas som bestämnings- och referenslitteratur av fältpersonalen i samband med NILS fältinventering av grova träd i ängs- och betesobjekt (Glimskär m fl 2006). I kompendiet ingår samtliga lavarter på grova träd som inventeras i fält. I NILS inventeras främst vanligt förekommande arter som indikerar höga naturvärden i betesmarker. NILS är ett rikstäckande miljöövervakningsprogram som finansieras av Naturvårdsverket. NILS ingår i programområde landskap. Ängs- och betesinventeringen som ingår i NILS finansieras av Jordbruksverket. Syftet med NILS är att följa upp nationella miljökvalitetsmål för olika naturtyper och att visa om genomförda miljöskyddsåtgärder leder till önskade förbättringar eller inte. Arbetet med detta kompendium har utförts av Naturcentrum AB på beställning av Institutionen för Skoglig Resurshushållning och Geomatik, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Umeå.}, keywords = {lichenes, nature conservation, sweden, species}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-441}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN566, author = {Hånell, B.}, title = {Skogliga våtmarker i Sverige}, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. skoglig marklära}, year = {1989}, type = {Report} } @article{RN567, author = {Hånell, Björn and Magnusson, Tord}, title = {An evaluation of land suitability for forest fertilization with biofuel ash on organic soils in Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {209}, number = {1-2}, pages = {43-55}, abstract = {The nutrients removed from the forest when branches and tree tops are harvested for fuel can be returned to the site by bringing back the wood-ash from the burning. In Sweden, this compensation measure is not carried out to any appreciable extent, mostly because there is no economic incentive to the landowner. The ash contains all the elements required for tree growth except for nitrogen (N), the most important element limiting growth on mineral soils. Since ash, so far, is brought back only to mineral soils, increased forest growth cannot be expected. In contrast, for organic soils, N is often abundant whereas the amounts of other mineral nutrients in peat are small. This means that the peatland forests provide an opportunity for ash amendment in order to increase forest production. Old fertilization trials using wood-ash show that the growth increase can be very large. The aims of this study were (i) to calculate the area of peat-covered land that, with respect to stand growth responses, could be regarded as most suitable for biofuel ash (wood-ash and peat-ash) fertilization and (ii) to assess the amount of biofuel ash needed for fertilizing this area. Most of the area calculations were based on data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (SNFI) 1997-2001. Sites were selected using existing knowledge about ash fertilization effects on tree growth and with the aid of registrations made in SNFI regarding peat thickness, site productivity, drainage, condition of drains, dominating field vegetation, and stage of stand development. Additional calculations were made to estimate the area of abandoned peat harvesting fields ready for after-use by afforestation. According to the selection criteria used, the most suitable sites for biofuel ash fertilization are drained, mid-rotation or old peatland forests where the field vegetation is dominated by shrubs or low sedge plants indicative of medium-low site productivity. The selected area comprises 190,000 ha. Most are located in North and North Central Sweden (90,000 ha), whereas South Central and South Sweden accounted for 30,000 and 70,000 ha, respectively (Figs. 1 and 2). To these areas, 2000-3000 ha of abandoned peat fields ready for afforestation should be available within a period of about 5 years. The present annual production of biofuel ash in Sweden, of acceptable quality for forest fertilization, is 250,000-300,000 tonnes. If it were desired to fertilize all the sites (190,000 ha) identified in this study with 5000 kg per ha, it would require 3-4 years of the current annual production of bio-ash.}, keywords = {Growth Response Peat-Ash Peatland Forests Recycling Wood-Ash}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2005.01.002}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN569, author = {Hägglund, B.}, title = {Prognoser över produktione i etablerad skog. En sammanfattning och analys av arbetet inom ett av HUGIN-projektets delområden}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 31}, year = {1981}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN570, author = {Hägglund, Björn}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen - en jubilar i förnyelse}, journal = {SKOGEN}, pages = {68, 70-68, 70}, keywords = {Riksskogstaxering Skogstaxering}, ISSN = {0037-640X}, year = {1983}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN572, author = {Hägglund, B.}, title = {En ny svensk riksskogstaxering}, booktitle = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {90 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-2216-7}, url = {://CABI:19890635128}, year = {1985}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN571, author = {Hägglund, B.}, title = {Riksskogstaxering 1983-92 - varför och i stora drag hur?}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 3 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources scandinavia western europe europe forest resources sweden measurement surveying statistical analysis}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN573, author = {Hägglund, Björn and Lundmark, Jan-Erik}, title = {Site index estimation by means of site properties}, number = {138}, abstract = {The aim of this study is to establish functional relationships between site index (dominant height at a total age of 100 years) and site properties, which can be used for predicting site index in forestry. The functions are derived from a mathematical growth model, assuming that the effects of different growth factors interact in a multiplicative way. Data selected from the National Forest Survey and comprising more than 3 000 plots are used to estimate the parameters of the model by means of regression analysis. In total, 10 functions are constructed-6 for Scots pine and 4 for Norway spruce. These functions are checked by an examination of residuals and by a comparison with data not used for constructing the functions. The checks gave fairly satisfactory results, and the functions seem suitable for their purpose. However, site indices predicted have an accuracy considerably lower than when using site index curves in stands suitable for that method. Hence, the use of the functions should be restricted to situations where site index curves cannot be applied.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5587/}, year = {1977}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN574, author = {Hägglund, Björn and Ranneby, Bo}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen}, journal = {STATISTISK TIDSKRIFT}, pages = {36-46}, keywords = {Riksskogstaxering}, ISSN = {0039-7261}, year = {1983}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN575, author = {Hägglund, B. and Svensson, L. G.}, title = {Svensk skogsmark - bördighet och ståndortsförhållanden}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Skogsfakta - Inventering och ekonomi}, year = {1982}, type = {Book} } @book{RN576, author = {Hägglund, Björn}, title = {Ståndortsförhållanden på skogsmark myri Sverige : en beskrivning och analys grundad på data från riksskogstaxeringen = Site conditionson forest land and wetlands in Sweden}, publisher = {Umeå: Institutionen för skogstaxering, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Site conditionson forest land and wetlands in Sweden a description and analysis based on data from the National Forest Survey}, year = {1982}, type = {Book} } @article{RN577, author = {Hägglund, B. Sveriges Lantbruksuniv Umeå Inst för Skogstaxering}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen = The Swedish national forest survey}, journal = {The Swedish national forest survey}, keywords = {5021 5011 forest resources sweden surveys}, year = {1983}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1412, author = {Häme, T. and Astola, H. and Kilpi, J. and Rauste, Y. and Sirro, L. and Mutanen, T. and Parmes, E. and Rasinmäki, J. and Imangholiloo, M.}, title = {Forest Area and Structural Variable Estimation in Boreal Forest Using Suomi NPP VIIRS Data and a Sample from VHR Imagery}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {15}, number = {12}, note = {Hame, Tuomas Astola, Heikki Kilpi, Jorma Rauste, Yrjo Sirro, Laura Mutanen, Teemu Parmes, Eija Rasinmaki, Jussi Imangholiloo, Mohammad ; Kilpi, Jorma/AAE-7107-2021 Imangholiloo, Mohammad/0000-0001-6240-077X; Hame, Tuomas/0000-0002-1446-010X; Kilpi, Jorma/0000-0003-2932-4298 2072-4292}, DOI = {10.3390/rs15123029}, url = {://WOS:001016156100001}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1425, author = {Hämäläinen, Aino and Fahrig, Lenore and Strengbom, Joachim and Ranius, Thomas}, title = {Effective management for deadwood‐dependent lichen diversity requires landscape‐scale habitat protection}, journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, ISSN = {0021-8901}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1149, author = {Högberg, P. and Wellbrock, N. and Högberg, M. N. and Mikaelsson, H. and Stendahl, J.}, title = {Large differences in plant nitrogen supply in German and Swedish forests – Implications for management}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {482}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118899}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85098988586&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2020.118899&partnerID=40&md5=4cb1cf482fc5165a152d8870b7938b2b}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN578, author = {Höglund, Jonas and Hansen, Karin and Gustavsson, Mathias and Hansson, Julia and Ahlgren, Serina and Börjesson, Pål and Sundberg, Cecilia and Helldin, Jan-Olof and Moghaddam, Elham Ahmadi and Grahn, Maria and Persson, U. Martin and Cederberg, Christel}, title = {Biofuels and land use in Sweden: an overview of land-use change effects}, institution = {The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels}, number = {f3, 2013: 7}, url = {https://publications.lib.chalmers.se/records/fulltext/193075/local_193075.pdf}, year = {2013}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN579, author = {Hörnberg, S.}, title = {Moose density related to occurrence and consumption of different forage species in Sweden}, booktitle = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. 58}, volume = {58}, pages = {98 pp.}, ISBN = {0348-0496}, url = {://CABI:19960600368}, year = {1995}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN581, author = {Hörnberg, Staffan}, title = {Changes in population density of moose (Alces alces) and damage to forests in Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {149}, number = {1-3}, pages = {141-151}, abstract = {The moose population in Sweden has undergone large changes during the last decades. This fact has caused concern for both the forestry and hunters. In this study the interactions between the moose population and forest vegetation were investigated. The information on moose population density was collected using questionnaires sent to the managers of county hunting boards in 1987, 1990, and 1992. Data concerning harvesting of moose by hunting were taken from the Swedish National Environment Protection Agency (official statistics), and the data used to analyse forest damage and browsing pressure caused by moose were from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI). The study showed that the moose population increased in Sweden until the winter 1981-1982, when the population was estimated to be 314,000. This corresponds to an average density of approximately 1.1 moose/km 2 productive forest land. However, the differences in moose density among counties were large and probably connected to local management strategies and biological conditions. After 1982, the moose population was reduced in many areas, and in 1992 the moose population was estimated to be 225,000. The reduction was caused, to a major part, by increased harvest. There was a significant correlation between reported population changes and registration by the NFl of browsing on preferred tree species and damage in young pine stands. This indicated that the county board advisers had correctly detected population trends and that it is possible to detect changes in a moose population by using a combination of objective browsing and damage inventories. It was, nevertheless, impossible to determine any significant correlation between moose density and damage level. The damaged area of young pine stands per moose varied among counties. Differences in climate, forage coverage, habitat patterns, period of growth etc. were considered to be the main reasons for the variation. There was a significant correlation between the proportion of young pine stands (percent of the total area young forest) and damaged hectares of young pine stands per moose, which shows that the browsing utilisation of pine is closely connected to the available proportion of pine in the total forage bag. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.}, keywords = {Browsing Pressure Carrying Capacity Countrywide (Moose Census) Inventory Moose Density Scots Pine}, ISSN = {03781127}, DOI = {10.1016/S0378-1127(00)00551-X}, year = {2001}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN580, author = {Hörnberg, Staffan}, title = {The relationship between moose (Alces alces) browsing utilisation and the occurrence of different forage species in Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {149}, number = {1-3}, pages = {91-102}, abstract = {The occurrence of forage in Swedish forests and its consumption by moose at the bush and tree levels have been mapped with the help of data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) 1969-1972 and 1983-1987. The correlation between forage occurrence and consumption has also been investigated. In total, some 120 000 sample plots form the basis of the study. Birch was by far the most common source of forage in forests and other land-use classes. The occurrence of forage species varied between regions and most of the forage occurred in low coverage classes, making forage consumption largely dependent on the presence of forage. Most of the browsing vegetation (91%) consisted of six species: birch, sallow/willow, pine, juniper, rowan, and aspen in order of foraging preference. Willow and birch were at the top of the consumption list in most regions, whereas the consumption of pine varied from region to region. Regression analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between the consumption of the six most preferred species and the proportion of available forage per species. It has also been established that the proportion of other forage affected the consumption of pine and birch. The most significant correlation, however, was between the occurrence of pine feed and the consumption of pine. No connection could be found between the occurrence of birch feed and the consumption of pine. Consumption was proportional to the share of forage in each coverage class and between the share of forage in forests and other land-use classes. Willow and rowan were among the most utilised forage, at an average of 21 and 19%, respectively. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.}, keywords = {Browsing Pressure Land-Use Classes Moose Preference Scots Pine Utilisation}, ISSN = {03781127}, DOI = {10.1016/S0378-1127(00)00547-8}, year = {2001}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN582, author = {Hörnfeldt, Roland}, title = {Silviculture adapted to multiple goals in Swedish small scale forestry: methods for choosing practices, biotopes, stands and events}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {During recent decades a new type of private forest owner has appeared in Sweden, with forestry goals other than simply generating money from wood production; these goals include hunting, maintaining biodiversity, cultural aspects and historical values. However, multiple goals often conflict with each other, leading to a problem of finding practices that can deliver several goals at the same time. Recently, there has been an increasing move to continuous cover forestry and other systems or practices that are considered more likely than clear cutting to fulfil multiple goals. However, an additional problem is that much of what is said about the suitability of different practices is partly based upon beliefs rather than on sound data, so more research is needed in this domain. Finally, identifying stands that are suited to specific practices represents another challenge. The main objective of the research presented in this thesis was to identify tools that can help foresters to select appropriate practices and suitable forest stands that will allow them to achieve the multiple goals of small-scale forest owners. Silvicultural practices were identified through a literature search and their appropriateness and value was determined using matrices summarizing the results of published studies. The results indicated that thinning and successive felling were most suitable for delivering the goals considered. Passive practices were less well adapted. Further literature reviews were undertaken to find criteria relevant to six different situations. In order to determine the link between management practices and results, checklists were created for field-testing. Checklists were also intended to be useful in other situations, and two additional lists, ‘Optimizing natural regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)’, and ‘Avoiding false heartwood in ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.)’, were proposed as further examples of useful checklists.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1940}, year = {2014}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN583, author = {Hörnsten, Lisa}, title = {Emissioner på grund av skogsföryngring och gödsling}, institution = {Skogsforsk}, url = {http://www.skogforsk.se/contentassets/11f54579a94f4fb195e837fba128a579/arbetsrapport-323-1996.pdf}, year = {1996}, type = {Report} } @book{RN168, author = {Ilvessalo, Yrjö}, title = {Finlands skogar. : Skogstillgångarna och skogarnas tillstånd. Ett föredrag behandlande huvudresultaten av riksskogstaxeringen, hållet vid "Finska forstsamfundets"årsmöte d. 19 april 1924}, publisher = {Hfors}, address = {Hfors}, year = {1924}, type = {Book} } @article{RN169, author = {Ilvessalo, Y.}, title = {The second State Forest Survey in Finland. Some of the chief results}, journal = {Skogen}, volume = {27}, pages = {147-9}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, ISSN = {0037-640X}, url = {://CABI:19400618202}, year = {1940}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN170, author = {Ingemarson, Fredrik and Claesson, Svante and Thuresson, Tomas}, title = {Älg-och rådjursstammarnas kostnader och värden}, number = {2007:3}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art34/4646134-9cd2b5-1780.pdf}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @article{RN171, author = {International Union of Forest Research, Organizations}, title = {Scandinavia}, journal = {National forest inventory. Joint meeting of IUFRO groups S4.02 (Forest Resource Inventory) and S4.04 (Forest Management Planning and Managerial Economics) 18-24 June 1978, Bucharest, Romania.}, pages = {364-393, 691-700}, note = {Times Cited: 0 National forest inventory. Joint meeting of IUFRO groups S4.02 (Forest Resource Inventory) and S4.04 (Forest Management Planning and Managerial Economics) 18-24 June 1978, Bucharest, Romania. 0}, url = {://CABI:19790652109}, year = {1978}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1152, author = {Iordan, C. M. and Hu, X. P. and Arvesen, A. and Kauppi, P. and Cherubini, F.}, title = {Contribution of forest wood products to negative emissions: historical comparative analysis from 1960 to 2015 in Norway, Sweden and Finland}, journal = {Carbon Balance and Management}, volume = {13}, ISSN = {1750-0680}, DOI = {10.1186/s13021-018-0101-9}, url = {://WOS:000449966400001}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN172, author = {Iwald, Johan and Löfgren, Stefan and Stendahl, Johan and Karltun, Erik}, title = {Acidifying effect of removal of tree stumps and logging residues as compared to atmospheric deposition}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {290}, pages = {49-58}, abstract = {Harvesting of stumps and logging residues for bioenergy can be expected to increase in the future. An increased biomass export from the forest will increase the biological acidification, measured as net cation (cations-anions) export. The aim of this study is to estimate the acidifying effect that various levels of harvesting of tree stumps and logging residues will have in Sweden, and compare this with the acidification currently caused by acid deposition. Estimations of yearly logging of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L) Karst.) and birch (Betula spp.) on county-level were made based on scenario data from forestry consequence analyses and data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. Data of cation and anion contents in tree parts were used to calculate the net cation extraction per area unit resulting from harvesting of stumps, stem-wood and logging residues, respectively. County-level data were merged into data for three different regions representing a gradient in deposition and climate. Results indicate that harvesting of stumps constitutes 13-24% of total (stumps + stem-wood + logging residues) excess cation extraction, depending on harvest intensity and tree species. Harvesting of logging residues constitutes 27-45% of total net cation extraction. The higher acidifying effect of logging residues can be explained by the higher contents of base cations in needles and branches compared to stem-wood. In a comparison between total net cation extraction by tree harvesting and maximum levels of current acid deposition the acidifying effect of pine harvesting is 57-108% of that of acid deposition, the acidifying effect of spruce harvesting is 114-263% while the acidifying effect of birch harvesting is 60-171%. Concerning the amount of acid input to the soil per unit heating value as biofuel, stump harvesting generates 12-27 eq H+ MWh(-1) while logging residue harvesting generates 39-66 eq H+ MWh(-1). Stump harvesting generates a higher heating value per area unit than logging residue harvesting and results in a lower acid input to the soil per unit heating value generated. Thus, from a strict nutrient balance and acidification perspective stump harvesting is a better alternative than harvesting of logging residues. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, keywords = {AMMONIUM-SULFATE APPLICATION ASH-FORMING ELEMENTS FREE-FERTILIZATION FOREST GROWTH NUTRIENT ACIDIFICATION SOIL BIOMASS SWEDEN POOLS}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2012.06.022}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2012.06.022}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN175, author = {Jacobson, O.}, title = {The Swedish National Forest Survey 1966-71: increment percents}, series = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, note = {Times Cited: 0}, pages = {63 pp.-63 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-0235-2}, url = {://CABI:19810670571}, year = {1979}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN174, author = {Jacobson, Olle}, title = {Tillväxtprocenter enligt Riksskogstaxeringen åren 1966-1971}, institution = {Institutionen för skogstaxering, SLU}, number = {ISBN 91-576-0235-2, ISSN: 0348-0496}, year = {1979}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN176, author = {Jakobsons, A.}, title = {Sambandet mellan trädkronans diameter och andra trädfaktorer, främst brösthöjdsdiametern. Analyser grundade på riksskogstaxeringen provträdsmaterial}, url = {://CABI:19750622938}, year = {1970}, type = {Report} } @article{RN177, author = {Jalkanen, A. and Mäkipää, R. and Ståhl, G. and Lehtonen, A. and Petersson, H.}, title = {Estimation of the biomass stock of trees in Sweden: comparison of biomass equations and age-dependent biomass expansion factors}, journal = {Ann. For. Sci.}, volume = {62}, number = {8}, pages = {845-851}, abstract = {Differences and uncertainties of alternative methods applicable to estimation of biomass in national greenhouse gas inventories are evaluated. The alternative methods employed to obtain biomass estimates of trees are (1) aggregated stand-level volume estimates multiplied by biomass expansion factors (BEF), and (2) biomass equations applied to tree-wise data of a national forest inventory. In comparison to the reference value obtained using tree-wise biomass equations, the age-dependent BEFs for the whole of Sweden resulted in a 6.7% lower aboveground biomass estimate. The estimates were the closest for conifer-dominated forests in central Sweden, and the largest discrepancies were for spruce in southern Sweden. This result indicates that these age-dependent BEFs cannot be applied to conditions where stand development deviates from the conditions under which the BEFs were developed. The degree of uncertainty in both methods was highest in the young age-classes. At the regional level, the relative standard errors of the BEF-based biomass estimates were in the range of 4-13%.}, DOI = {10.1051/forest:2005075}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1051/forest:2005075}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1154, author = {Jalkanen, A. and Mäkipää, R. and Ståhl, G. and Letonen, A. and Petersson, H.}, title = {Estimation of the biomass stock of trees in Sweden: Comparison of biomass equations and age-dependent biomass expansion factors}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, volume = {62}, number = {8}, pages = {845-851}, ISSN = {12864560 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1051/forest:2005075}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-30444454066&doi=10.1051%2fforest%3a2005075&partnerID=40&md5=2b8bbfefc92dd63bb2347774fdc66fe7}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN179, author = {Janz, K.}, title = {Timber felled according to the stump inventories of the Swedish National Forest Inventory, 1969/70-1973/74}, journal = {Skogen}, volume = {63}, number = {4}, pages = {128-130}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, ISSN = {0037-640X}, url = {://CABI:19760632354}, year = {1976}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN180, author = {Janz, Klaus}, title = {Preliminära produktionsöversikter för hela skogen enligt riksskogstaxeringen 1968-1972}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen}, year = {1980}, type = {Report} } @book{RN182, author = {Janz, Kl As}, title = {Avverkningsberäkning 1969 : skogsmarksarealer, virkesförråd, möjlig avverkning m. fl. uppgifter för industriområden, län och småområden enligt riksskogstaxeringen 1964-1968}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Rapporter och uppsatser / Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan, 15}, pages = {145 s.}, year = {1970}, type = {Book} } @article{RN178, author = {Janz, K. Nilsson N. E. von Segebaden G.}, title = {Lövskogens avsättningsläge i Storumanområdet. Utredning rörande virkestillgångarna för en eventuell massafabrik i Storuman}, journal = {Rapporter / Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, Avdelningen för skogstaxering, 7}, year = {1962}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN183, author = {Jaramillo, Fernando and Cory, Neil and Arheimer, Berit and Laudon, Hjalmar and van der Velde, Ype and Hasper, Thomas B. and Teutschbein, Claudia and Uddling, Johan}, title = {Dominant effect of increasing forest biomass on evapotranspiration: interpretations of movement in Budyko space}, journal = {Hydrology and Earth System Sciences}, volume = {22}, number = {1}, pages = {567-580}, ISSN = {1607-7938}, DOI = {10.5194/hess-22-567-2018}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-22-567-2018}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN184, author = {Jasinski, Kristoffer and Uliczka, Helen}, title = {DE TRÄDBEVUXNA IMPEDIMENTENS BETYDELSE SOM LIVSMILJÖER FÖR VÄXT- OCH DJURARTER}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsens förlag}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art54/4645954-fec49a-1537.pdf}, year = {1998}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN185, author = {Jeansson, E.}, title = {Extent of naturally and artificially regenerated young growth stands according to results from the Swedish National Forest Survey}, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. skogsskötsel}, year = {1994}, type = {Report} } @article{RN186, author = {Johansson, Emma and Sandén, Per and Öberg, Gunilla}, title = {Spatial patterns of organic chlorine and chloride in Swedish forest soil}, journal = {Chemosphere}, volume = {52}, number = {2}, pages = {391-397}, abstract = {The concentration of organic carbon, organic chlorine and chloride was determined in Swedish forest soil in the southern part of Sweden and the spatial distribution of the variables were studied. The concentration of organically bound chlorine was positively correlated to the organic carbon content, which is in line with previous studies. However, the spatial distribution patterns strongly indicate that some other variable adds structure to the spatial distribution of organic chlorine. The distribution patterns for chloride strongly resembled the distribution of organic chlorine. The spatial distribution of chloride in soil depends on the deposition pattern which in turn depends on prevailing wind-direction, amount of precipitation and the distance from the sea. This suggests that the occurrence of organic chlorine in soil is influenced by the deposition of chloride or some variable that co-varies with chloride. Two clearly confined strata were found in the area: the concentrations of organic chlorine and chloride in the western area were significantly higher than in the eastern area. No such difference among the two areas was seen regarding the carbon content.}, keywords = {Organic chlorine Chloride Soil Spatial distribution}, ISSN = {0045-6535}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0045-6535(03)00193-0}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653503001930}, year = {2003}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN187, author = {Johansson, Jonas and Levin, Staffan}, title = {Income losses caused by reduced volume production caused by moose and red deer browsing in Kolmården}, institution = {SLU}, url = {https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/4739/1/Johansson_J_Levin_S_120828.pdf}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @article{RN188, author = {Johansson, Johanna and Lidestav, Gun}, title = {Can voluntary standards regulate forestry? - Assessing the environmental impacts of forest certification in Sweden}, journal = {Forest Policy and Economics}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {191-198}, abstract = {This article addresses the issue of to what extent forest certification schemes contribute to the enhancement of environmental protection in Swedish forestry. Our assessment is built on the analysis of three different data sets, namely: 1) the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI), 2) the Swedish Database for Forest Owner Analysis, presenting data on small-scale forestry practices and certification, and 3) a follow-up mail survey addressed to private small-scale forest owners with certified forest properties. Our NFI analysis indicated some minor improvements in forest conditions, corresponding with the interim target for enhanced biological diversity (dead wood, broad-leaved trees and old forests). The improvements were less evident on large-scale forest properties (certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council scheme) than on small-scale private forest properties (mainly certified in accordance with the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes). This contradicts a common assumption that a much higher degree of certification with stricter environmental standards will give more evident positive impacts on environmental conditions. However, results from the follow-up survey showed that more harvesting activity had taken place on certified small-scale forest properties than on non-certified properties. This could mean more negative effects on biodiversity. We conclude by stressing the importance of improving quantitative methods for determining a cause-and-effect relationship between certification and nature protection previous research tends to report rather far-reaching conclusions based on limited data sets. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.}, keywords = {Environmental Objectives Forest Certification Forest Practices National Forest Inventory Regulation}, ISSN = {13899341}, DOI = {10.1016/j.forpol.2010.11.004}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2010.11.004}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN189, author = {Johansson, Lars}, title = {Rotröta i Sverige enligt Riksskogstaxeringen en beskrivning och modellering av rötförekomst hos gran och björk = Root rot in Sweden according to the National Forest Inventory : a description and modelling the occurrence of root rot in spruce, pine and birch}, university = {Examensarbete}, note = {Examensarbete}, keywords = {5041 picea abies pinus sylvestris betula pendula betula pubescens root rots heterobasidion annosum models sweden}, year = {2000}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN190, author = {Johansson, Per}, title = {Störningskänslighet hos lavar i barrskogar}, institution = {Inst för Ekologi, SLU, Uppsala}, number = {2010:9}, url = {http://shop.textalk.se/shop/9098/art64/6396864-5466cb-1830.pdf}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN191, author = {Johansson, Therese}, title = {The conservation of saproxylic beetles in boreal forest : importance of forest management and dead wood characteristics}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {Forest management has altered the age structure, tree species composition and dead wood availability of Swedish boreal forests. As a consequence, many saproxylic (wood living) insect species have decreased in abundance and many species are threatened. New conservation-oriented forestry uses management measures to favour saproxylic species in managed forests. In my thesis, I evaluated the importance of these measures for saproxylic beetles and possible improvements by using a large-scale field experiment at ten sites in northern Sweden. The substrate types used in the experiment included burned and shaded logs, logs inoculated with two species of wood-decaying fungi, untreated control logs, created snags and the tops of the snags. The experiment was performed in three stand types: clear-cuts, mature managed stands and old-growth stands. Additionally, I performed attraction experiments to examine the attraction of saproxylic beetles to sporocarps and mycelia-infected wood of wood-decaying fungi in landscapes with different proportions of old spruce forest. Saproxylic beetles were affected by both forest management and dead wood characteristics. Snags differed from lying untreated logs and tops and supported different assemblages of saproxylic beetles and significantly higher numbers of several bark beetle and predator species. Tops attracted different assemblages from both snags and untreated logs. Burned logs supported a lower abundance of saproxylic beetles, particularly fire-favoured species and cambium consumers (especially Dryocoetes autographus, Hylurgops palliatus, Hylurgops glabratus and Hylastes cunicularius) and different assemblages of fire-favoured beetles, cambium consumers and predators from the untreated logs, probably because burning makes the cambium less suitable as food for bark beetles. However, some species were attracted to the burned logs. Log exposure proved to be important, especially on clear-cuts where shaded logs supported different assemblages of saproxylic beetles, particularly predators, from untreated logs. Shaded logs on clear-cuts also hosted different saproxylic beetle assemblages from untreated logs in mature managed and old-growth stands, suggesting that shaded logs on clear-cuts do not provide suitable substrate for all shade-demanding species. Sporocarps and mycelia-infected wood attracted some beetle species; Lordithon lunulatus was attracted to Fomitopsis pinicola sporocarps and D. autographus to Fomitopsis rosea mycelium-infected wood. Forest management affected the saproxylic beetle fauna and landscapes with lower proportions of old spruce forest supported depauperate saproxylic beetle assemblages compared with landscapes with higher proportions of old spruce forest. Clear-cuts supported different assemblages of saproxylic beetles, and all functional groups, compared with mature managed and old-growth stands. The assemblages of saproxylic beetles and predators also differed between old-growth and managed stands. Properties of the substrate are important for saproxylic insects and many species have specific substrate demands. To conserve functionally intact beetle assemblages in an area with intense forestry, both old-growth forest reserves and measures in the managed forest, such as the creation of a variety of dead wood substrates, is needed.}, keywords = {dead wood, saproxylic beetles, conservation, Sweden, boreal forest, substrate characteristics, forest management, functional groups}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-1127}, year = {2006}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN192, author = {Johansson, Tord}, title = {Naturlig inväxt av lövträd på åkermark}, institution = {Institutionen för energi och teknik}, abstract = {In the beginning of 1990 a study on ingrowth of broadleaves on abandoned farm land was started. The studied stands were located between latitude 58° and 65° N. Downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), European aspen (Populus tremula L.), black alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertner), grey alder (Alnus incana Moench) and sallow (Salix caprea L.) were studied. The stands were 4-36 years old. Maps were made on some stands describing the pattern of the number of trees on different distance from the edge of the farm land from where the mature broadleaf tree spread the seeds or pentrated their roots into the farm land. Amount of biomass per hectare and for the specific stand area are presented. The presented biomass production for the studied species was: 4.7-47.7 tons ha-1 for downy birch; 4.5-174.7 for silver birch; 16.4-221.5 for European aspen; 2.0-136.4 for black alder; 0.9-139.8 for grey alder and 57.7-63.7 tons ha-1 for sallow. The size of the stand area differed: 0.04-2.0 ha. Among the species 2 stands of downy birch produced ≥ 10 tons ha-1; 3 stands of silver birch; 4 stands of European aspen; 2 stands of black alder and 6 stands of grey alder. Some practical implications of the study are discussed.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2413}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN193, author = {Jonasson, H.}, title = {Classification of land-use classes and forest land using satellite data. A procedural study for Swedish national forest inventories}, booktitle = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. 42}, pages = {87 pp.}, ISBN = {0348-0496 91-576-3158-1}, url = {://CABI:19900675286}, year = {1987}, type = {Book Section} } @misc{RN194, author = {Jonson, Tor and Pettersson, Henrik}, title = {Stamformsproblemet}, number = {23:8}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10120/}, year = {1927}, type = {Generic} } @inbook{RN195, author = {Jonsson, B.}, title = {Functions for long-term forecasting of the size and structure of timber yields [in N. Sweden]}, booktitle = {Rapport, Avdelningen for Skogsuppskattning och Skogsindelning}, pages = {121 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-0477-0}, url = {://CABI:19810671674}, year = {1980}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN196, author = {Jonsson, B.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen som databank vid inventering pa foretagsniva}, journal = {Tidskrift - Sveriges skogsvardsforbund}, volume = {79}, number = {1/2}, pages = {115-117}, note = {6 ref.}, ISSN = {0371-2907}, year = {1981}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN197, author = {Jonsson, Bengt and Jacobsson, Jonas and Kallur, Hans}, title = {The forest management planning package : theory and application}, number = {189}, abstract = {The Forest Management Planning Package represents a general fundamental structure of a forest management planning system based on two inventory phases. It is an existing calculation system used in practical forestry in Sweden. The Forest Management Planning Package integrates economic theory, objective inventory measurements and accurate growth forecasts. The core of the system is a chain of models depicting the production possibilities of a forest holding. Detailed growth forecasts and economic calculations with high resolution (individual trees) permit analysis of various silvicultural treatment options in all types of Swedish stands. A non-linear objective function and mathematical optimization result in a compromise between maximum net present value and sustained net-revenue profile. Application of the system contributes to a much improved economic result through the removal of uncertainties concerning the real production possibilities and it has significantly altered the management strategies of the forest companies that have implemented it.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/4062/}, year = {1993}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1280, author = {Jonsson, B. G. and Dahlgren, J. and Ekstrom, M. and Esseen, P. A. and Grafstrom, A. and Stahl, G. and Westerlund, B.}, title = {Rapid Changes in Ground Vegetation of Mature Boreal Forests-An Analysis of Swedish National Forest Inventory Data}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {16}, DOI = {10.3390/f12040475}, url = {://WOS:000643032100001}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1156, author = {Jonsson, B. G. and Ekström, M. and Esseen, P. A. and Grafström, A. and Ståhl, G. and Westerlund, B.}, title = {Dead wood availability in managed Swedish forests - Policy outcomes and implications for biodiversity}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {376}, pages = {174-182}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.06.017}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84974578053&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2016.06.017&partnerID=40&md5=b84a26993ee2a4519b76725efbcffd58}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN199, author = {Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar and Svensson, Johan and Mikusinski, Grzegorz and Manton, Michael and Angelstam, Per}, title = {European Union's Last Intact Forest Landscapes are at A Value Chain Crossroad between Multiple Use and Intensified Wood Production}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {10}, number = {7}, abstract = {Research Highlights: The European Union’s last large intact forest landscapes along the Scandinavian Mountain range in Sweden offer unique opportunities for conservation of biodiversity, ecological integrity and resilience. However, these forests are at a crossroad between intensified wood production aimed at bio-economy, and rural development based on multi-functional forest landscapes for future-oriented forest value chains. Background and Objectives: We (1) estimate the area of near-natural forests potentially remaining for forest harvesting and wood production, or as green infrastructure for biodiversity conservation and human well-being in rural areas, (2) review how forest and conservation policies have so far succeeded to reduce the loss of mountain forests, and (3) discuss what economic, socio-cultural and ecological values that are at stake, as well as different governance and management solutions. Materials and Methods: First, we estimated the remaining amount of intact mountain forests using (1) the Swedish National Forest Inventory, (2) protected area statistics, (3) forest harvest permit applications and actually harvested forests, (4) remote sensing wall-to-wall data on forests not subject to clear-felling since the mid-1950s, (5) mapping of productive and non-productive forestland, and (6) estimates of mean annual final felling rate. Second, we review policy documents related to the emergence of land use regulation in north Sweden, including the mountain forest border, and illustrate this with an actual case that has had significant policy implementation importance. Results: There is a clear difference between the proportions of formally protected productive forestland above the mountain forest border (52.5%) and north Sweden in general (6.3%). A total of 300,000 ha of previously not clear-felled mountain forest outside protected areas remain, which can support novel value chains that are not achievable elsewhere. Conclusions: The mountain forests in Sweden provide unique conservation values in the European Union. Since the beginning of the 1990s, policy regulations have been successful in limiting forest harvesting. Currently, however, mountain forests are a battle ground regarding intensification of forest use, including logging of forests that have never been subject to clear-felling systems vs. nature conservation and wilderness as a base for rural development. The ability of mountain municipalities to encourage sustainable rural forest landscapes must be strengthened.}, DOI = {10.3390/f10070564}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f10070564}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN200, author = {Jonsson, Elin}, title = {Metod för kartläggning av lövråvara i Södra Skogs verksamhetsområde}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, keywords = {kNN-Sweden, National Forest Inventory, remote sensing, deciduous raw material, standing volume}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-1024}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @book{RN201, author = {Joyce, Steve}, title = {AN APPLICATION OF KALMAN FILTERING FOR MONITORING FOREST GROWTH AIDED BY SATELLITE IMAGE TIME SERIES}, publisher = {World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.}, abstract = {Abstract This paper presents a framework for updating estimates of forest parameters based on historical inventory data and growth models using a time sequence of satellite remote sensing measurements. If a forest growth model can be constructed in linear state equation form, with a vector of forest parameters representing the current state estimate, then it is shown how available remote sensing measurements can be used to improve the current state estimate and reduce its variance using Kalman filtering. Differences in the conditions of image acquisition and image quality are handled implicitly by constructing acquisition-specific models relating spectral measurements to forest parameters. The technique is applied and evaluated on a selection of permanent sample plots from the Swedish National Forest Inventory and a time sequence of 7 Landsat TM scenes over an 11-year period. When the initial forest state is known with some certainty, then the remote sensing measurements give only modest improvement over growth modeling alone, except perhaps when unexpected disturbances occur. However, it is straightforward to apply the same technique when the initial state is totally unknown or initial measurements are poor. In this case, forest parameter estimation and monitoring with remote sensing time series using Kalman filtering may be a useful complement to field inventory activities.}, keywords = {Land-Cover Dynamics}, pages = {371-378}, DOI = {10.1142/9789812777249_0042}, year = {2002}, type = {Book} } @article{RN1158, author = {Joyce, S. and Olsson, H.}, title = {Monitoring forest growth using long time series of satellite data}, volume = {33}, pages = {1081-1088}, ISSN = {16821750 (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85046350227&partnerID=40&md5=796acc36f36e980af4f74b2b3de7a695}, year = {2000}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN202, author = {Jönsson, Anna Maria and Lagergren, Fredrik and Smith, Benjamin}, title = {Forest management facing climate change - an ecosystem model analysis of adaptation strategies}, journal = {Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {201-220}, abstract = {To adapt to climate change, forest managers request information on management options for obtaining environmental, societal and economic goals. In this study, we assess the potential of adaptive forest management to influence the productivity and storm sensitivity of nemoral and boreal forest. The forest growth across Sweden over the 21st century was simulated by the ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS, comparing four management options: 1) default forest management, 2) shorter rotation period 3) increased fraction of broadleaved trees and 4) continuous cover forestry. The simulations indicated that a management strategy implemented by a majority of forest owners can have a large-scale effect on the standing volume and risk taking. The modelled risk of storm damage, expressed as the combined effect of tree properties, ground frost and wind load, was higher in the southern than in the northern part of the country due to latitudinal variations in all three components. We conclude that whereas the probability of a significant volume loss increase with the age of a forest, the calculated economic loss can be as high in young and mid-age forest stands. To reduce the risk of storm damage and fulfil a variety of management goals, a portfolio of adaptation strategies is needed. It should include active measures such as tree-species mixtures to spread the risks and shorter rotation periods of highly exposed stands, as well as reactive measures such as salvage and sanitary cutting to reduce the risk of subsequent spruce bark beetle outbreaks.}, ISSN = {1573-1596}, DOI = {10.1007/s11027-013-9487-6}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11027-013-9487-6}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN203, author = {Jönsson, Mari and Ruete, Alejandro and Gunnarsson, Urban and Kellner, Olle and Snäll, Tord}, title = {Övervakning av värdefulla skogsbiotoper : en utvärdering av extensivmetoden efter 10 år}, institution = {ArtDatabanken}, number = {18}, abstract = {Mellan åren 2009-2011 genomfördes de första återinventeringarna av de 19 nyckelbiotoper, 17 naturreservat och fyra äldre produktionsskogar i Dalarna och Gävleborgs län som inventerades tio år tidigare 1998-2002 inom övervakningsprogrammet " Resultaten visade att mängden substrat, antalet förekomster av indikatorarter och enskilda arter varierar mer än vad som kan förväntas av slumpen mellan olika grupper av inventeringsobjekt. Reservaten var generellt mer strukturellt mångfaldiga och artrika än produktionsbestånden, med mer lövträd, död ved av olika slag och fynd av indikatorarter per hektar. Nyckelbiotoper intog en mellanposition och hade lägre volym av död ved per hektar än naturreservaten. Medelfrekvensen indikatorarter och vanliga vedsvampar var i genomsnitt högre per hektar i naturreservat jämfört med nyckelbiotoper. Lägre medelfrekvenser av vanliga vedsvampar i nyckelbiotoperna kunde till stor del förklaras av en högre frekvens av fnöskticka Ingen förändring kunde statistiskt säkerställas för någon av de studerade skogliga variablerna, artgrupperna elExtensiv övervakning av biotopers innehåll med inriktning mot biologisk mångfald" (Extensivmetoden). De två länen beslöt då att utvärdera metodens effektivitet för att följa upp förändringar för skogliga variabler och indikatorarter efter tio år. I den här rapporten redovisas tillståndet vid återinventeringarna 2009- 2011 samt metodens effektivitet för övervakning och uppföljning av biologisk mångfald i dessa naturreservat, nyckelbiotoper och produktionsbestånd. Den ursprungliga tanken med Extensivmetoden är att inventeringarna ska upprepas vart tionde år för en viss grupp av objekt. Syftet här har varit att svara på (1) vilka förändringar som har skett för enskilda objekt samt en viss grupp av objekt för olika skogliga variabler, indikatorarter och vanliga vedsvampar, (2) hur små/stora genomsnittliga förändringar som kan avläsas med statistisk signifikans för enskilda objekt och en grupp av objekt och (3) vilka förändringar som har skett under 10-årsperioden i de skyddade områdena respektive nyckelbiotoperna jämfört med de äldre produktionsbestånden och "vanlig" skogsmark baserat på riksskogstaxeringens data? F. fomentarius i reservaten. Ingen förändring kunde statistiskt säkerställas för någon av de studerade skogliga variablerna, artgrupperna eller eller arterna i reservaten eller nyckelbiotoperna efter 10 år. Artrikedomen av indikatorarter förblev också opåverkad över tidsperioden. Detta betyder att både skyddade naturreservat och frivilligt avsatta nyckelbiotoper hade upprätthållit en mångfald av skogliga strukturer och arter under den angivna tidsperioden. Den här rapporten är därmed den första empiriska studien som visar att artrikedomen och frekvensen av skogliga indikatorarter och vanliga vedsvampar var oförändrad över tid inom både reservat och nyckelbiotoper. Det är dock viktigt att komma ihåg att styrkeanalyserna påvisade att storleken på förändringarna som kunde påvisas med en god statistisk styrka på ca 80 % varierade för den undersökta variabeln och objektkategorin. Ett urval av 17 naturreservat var tillräckligt för att upptäcka relevanta förändringar på 25-35 % (motsvarande rödlistkategorin sårbar) av den ursprungliga genomsnittliga frekvensen av indikatorarter och vanliga vedsvampar, samt individuellt vanliga svampar som fnöskticka och klibbticka, med 80 % statistisk styrka. Den statistiska styrkan för att upptäcka liknande förändringar från ett urval av 19 nyckelbiotoper var endast 20-40 %. Extensivmetoden hade en sämre precision och styrka för att följa upp förändringar för enskilda arter, speciellt för hänglavar i cirkelprovytor och mer ovanliga arter i bältessegment. Vår bedömning är att Extensivmetoden skulle kunna få en betydande roll för miljöövervakning av värdefulla skogsbiotoper i Sverige. Upprepbarhetenär god och det finns i dagsläget väldigt få etablerade miljöövervakningsprogram i skyd svärda skogar där upprepbarheten har utvärderats på ett liknande långsiktigt sätt. Bristen på långsiktiga övervakningsdata gör det svårt att bedöma Extensivmetodens effektivitet och betydelse i förhållande till annan miljöövervakning. En samordnad och jämförbar nationell och regional långsiktig miljöövervakning av miljökänsliga och viktiga artgrupper som lövträdslevande epifyter och vedlevande svampar saknas för olika skogsbiotoper, men är av stor betydelse för förståelsen av dessa biotopers naturvårdsnytta under framtida skötsel, förvaltning och klimat.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-3462}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1422, author = {Jönsson, Mari and Weslien, Jan-Olov and Gustafsson, Lena}, title = {Coarse woody debris legacies and their dynamics in retained forest patches}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {541}, pages = {121063}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN204, author = {Jönsson, Mari T. and Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar}, title = {Assessing coarse woody debris in Swedish woodland key habitats: Implications for conservation and management}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {242}, number = {2-3}, pages = {363-373}, abstract = {In the mainland Nordic countries and the Baltic States, the delineation and set-aside of woodland key habitats (WKHs) has been one important approach to conserving biodiversity outside traditional protected areas. Though the specifics of the key habitat concept differ from country to country, the intent is to set aside forest areas that (1) exhibit a low degree of exploitation, (2) host or potentially host red-listed species, and/or (3) contain old-growth characteristics (e.g. dead wood, large old trees) or other qualities considered valuable for maintaining biodiversity. However, it is still uncertain to what extent WKHs actually retain quantities and qualities of coarse woody debris (CWD) that are characteristic of old-growth forests. The Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (BMP) recently conducted a detailed inventory of 491 WKHs across Sweden, providing a large dataset with which to evaluate the effectiveness of the WKH program with respect to CWD. In the present study we analyze the BMP data and compare CWD volume and composition between WKHs, mature managed (stand age 81–120 years), overmature managed (age 121–140 years), and published findings from old-growth forests. The national average volume of CWD (standing and downed combined, m 3/ha) was higher in WKHs (19.5) than the mature managed (9.3) and the overmature managed forest (12.2), yet was markedly lower than that reported from old-growth forests. CWD volumes in spruce-dominated WKHs had been reduced by 50–63% in the southern and middle boreal regions to 43–64% in the northern boreal region when compared to old-growth forests. In general, CWD amount, variability and quality were greater within WKHs in the boreal regions as opposed to the nemoral and boreonemoral regions in the south of Sweden. The majority of the WKHs (64%) contained key elements (very large and/or decayed dead wood known to be crucial habitat for many threatened wood-dependent species). Considering that these structures are largely absent from managed forests, WKHs have better retained some of the important features of old-growth forests when compared to the surrounding managed forest. WKHs are therefore valuable habitats for dead wood dependent species and representative focal areas for continued and future forest restoration and landscape planning. Our results confirm that large sun-exposed and burned dead wood are underrepresented CWD components within WKHs and emphasize the need to broaden the WKH definition to include locations containing these structures.}, keywords = {Biodiversity Monitoring Programme Dead wood National Forest Inventory Forest remnants Set-asides Snags}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2007.01.054}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2007.01.054}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN205, author = {Kambach, Stephan and Allan, Eric and Bilodeau-Gauthier, Simon and Coomes, David A. and Haase, Josephine and Jucker, Tommaso and Kunstler, Georges and Müller, Sandra and Nock, Charles and Paquette, Alain and van der Plas, Fons and Ratcliffe, Sophia and Roger, Fabian and Ruiz-Benito, Paloma and Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael and Auge, Harald and Bouriaud, Olivier and Castagneyrol, Bastien and Dahlgren, Jonas and Gamfeldt, Lars and Jactel, Hervé and Kändler, Gerald and Koricheva, Julia and Lehtonen, Aleksi and Muys, Bart and Ponette, Quentin and Setiawan, Nuri and Van de Peer, Thomas and Verheyen, Kris and Zavala, Miguel A. and Bruelheide, Helge}, title = {How do trees respond to species mixing in experimental compared to observational studies?}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {9}, number = {19}, pages = {11254-11265}, ISSN = {2045-7758}, DOI = {10.1002/ece3.5627}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.5627}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN206, author = {Kangas, Annika and Astrup, Rasmus and Breidenbach, Johannes and Fridman, Jonas and Gobakken, Terje and Korhonen, Kari T. and Maltamo, Matti and Nilsson, Mats and Nord-Larsen, Thomas and Næsset, Erik and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Remote sensing and forest inventories in Nordic countries–roadmap for the future}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {33}, number = {4}, pages = {397-412}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2017.1416666}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2017.1416666}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN207, author = {Kardell, Lars}, title = {Om skogsbetet i allmänhet och det i Klövsjö i synnerhet}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig landskapsvård}, number = {105}, keywords = {dairy cows, forest grazing, forest plantations, vegetation, plant cover, forest trees, natural pastures, forest land, sweden}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-709}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN208, author = {Kardell, Lars}, title = {Effekter av dikning och gödsling i sumpskog 1978-2009}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig landskapsvård}, number = {110}, keywords = {forests, wetlands, drainage, fertilizer application, forestry production, vegetation, plant cover, fruit crops}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-713}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN209, author = {Kardell, Lars}, title = {Viltskador i skogen på Ekenäs: några försöksresultat 1992-2011}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig landskapsvård}, number = {113}, keywords = {damage, wild animals, browsing damage, forests, sweden}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-717}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN210, author = {Kardell, Lars}, title = {Ljungheden i Vrå socken och Skogssällskapet}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig landskapsvård}, number = {114}, keywords = {moors, calluna vulgaris, vegetation, sweden}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-718}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN211, author = {Kardell, Lars}, title = {Skogliga demonstrationsförsök på Tagel 1973-2011: skogsproduktion och bedömningar}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig landskapsvård}, number = {115}, keywords = {forestry production, forest management, experimentation, case studies, evaluation, sweden}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-719}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN212, author = {Kardell, Lars}, title = {Stockebacken på Remningstorp: ett experiment med återuppodling av en igenplanterad åkermark 1991-2012}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig landskapsvård}, number = {117}, abstract = {Under slutet av 1980-talet var frågor kring de nedläggningshotade jordbruksmarkerna högaktuella. Då, långt innan EU-inträdet, förutspåddes att en ny våg av skogsplantering på inägojord skulle svepa genom landet. I en delvis mycket spretig debatt hävdades, att om en åker överfördes till skog, så skulle dess framtida möjligheter till återuppodling vara spolierade. Jag fann denna synpunkt egendomlig. Genom tillmötesgående från Hildur och Sven Wingquists Stiftelse för skogsvetenskaplig forskning kunde vi hösten 1991 påbörja ett litet experiment på dennas egendom Remningstorp i Västergötland. I detta avverkade vi ett granbestånd planterat 1931 på en åker, bröt stubbar samt odlade potatis under några år, innan vi återplanterade arealen med gran och björk. I utgångsläget hösten 1991 var det stående förrådet 477 m3sk fördelat på 485 stammar allt räknat per hektar (se tabell 1). Medelgranen hade en diameter av 31,7 cm och en höjd av 26,8 m. Boniteten skattades till G36. Markvegetationen utgjordes av en lågörtstyp med dominerande harsyra. Bottenskiktet upptogs helt av stjärnmossa. I underväxten fanns 6 700 individer per hektar fördelade på 16 arter bland vilka ask och rönn dominerade. Av figur 2 framgår försökets uppläggning. Den västra tredjedelen av arealen anslogs till återuppodling. Inom resterande hygge stakades två provytor, vilka skulle planteras med gran och vårtbjörk. Till detta kom mindre insatser på omkringliggande marker för etablering av svartgran samt ädellöv. Återuppodlingen startade i april 1993, då vi bröt alla stubbar med en grävmaskin. Dessa kördes ut med skotare. Marken luckrades i ytan med hjälp av grävmaskinen varvid alla kvarvarande rötter sorterades fram och bortfördes. Bruttotiden för att iordningsställa marken blev 48 maskintimmar per hektar. Av dessa låg åtta timmar på skotaren. Till dessa siffror skall maskinernas till- och avtransport från försöksplatsen läggas. Den provyta som avsatts till potatisodling (se figur 3) harvades i maj 1993, varefter fåror uppdrogs med treskärig plog. Sättning skedde för hand liksom bredsådd av handelsgödsel (NPK 8:7:16 motsvarande 75 kg N/ha). Plomberat utsäde från Västsvenska Lantmän hade inköpts. Kupning skedde med plog i juni. Den 16 september 1993 skördade vi potatisen efter att fårorna körts upp med traktordragen krok. Därefter handplockade vi potatisen med hjälp av en hacka. Motsvarande odling skedde under 1994 om än i minskad omfattning. Då sådde vi också en mindre areal med havre. Försöksplanteringarna påbörjades i april 1994 då vi på björkparcellen satte ut täckrotsplantor 1/1 av proveniensen Asarum. Granparcellen tillfördes samtidigt barrotsplantor (2/2) av proveniensen Emmaboda. Våren därpå hjälpplanterades dessa ytor. Samtidigt delade vi åkerparcellen efter en öst-västlig linje och planterade denna med björk och gran av samma provenienser. Ytorna har vegetationsinventerats årligen mellan 1994 och 1999 samt därefter somrarna 2007 och 2012. Vid de två senare tillfällena har trädbestånden inmätts. Vissa smärre markundersökningar har företagits. Följande resultat erhölls: 1. På den återuppodlade åkern skördade vi i genomsnitt 12,4 ton potatis per hektar, vilket översteg kontrollåkerns 9,4 ton med 32% (se figur 4). Gödsling med NPK ökade avkastningen från 6,6 ton per hektar till 15,1 ton. År 1993 grävde vi netto upp 14,5 ton, medan skörden året därpå endast blev hälften, 7,3 ton per hektar. Alla siffror avser friskvikt med avdrag för utsädets vikt. I jämförelse med skördestatistiken fick vi det bästa året (1993) knappt 40% av länets medelproduktion. Genomsnittsavkastningen från försöken vid Stockebacken, 9,4 ton per hektar, motsvarade vad man på riksnivå fick i decenniet 1901-1910. 2. Havreskörden 1994 torkade bort. På den återuppodlade åkern tröskade vi fram 563 kg per hektar, vilket översteg kontrollåkerns 384 kg med 46%. 3. Analyser av skorvangrepp på potatisen gav inte något e tydigt uts ag. När det gällde vanlig skorv var skörden från ”skogsåkern” betydligt friskare jämfört med kontrollåkern. Motsatsen gällde angreppen av lackskorv. 4. Totalt genomförde 36 personer provsmakningar av potatisen. Även om skillnaderna var små kunde den potatis som vuxit på den gödslade delen av den återuppodlade åkern koras till vinnare. Sämst smakade enligt panelen potatisen från den ogödslade kontrollparcellen, d v s den som var ekologiskt odlad. 5. De tilläggsplanteringar av svartgran och ädla lövträd, som vi genomförde blev helt misslyckade. Våren 2012 fanns ingen svartgran kvar. Av fågelbärsträden kunde ett enda exemplar hänföras till den plantering som utfördes våren 1996. Några enstaka askar har också överlevt. De flesta är dock hårt drabbade av askskottsjuka. Ett 20-tal stjälkekar av totalt 200 utsatta kan, under förutsättning att det röjs för dessa, komma att ingå i det framtida beståndet utanför provytorna. Anledningen till dessa tillkortakommanden är förutom frost, med stor sannolikhet bristfällig vegetationsrensning. 6. Totalproduktionen i de anlagda björk- respektive granbestånden redovisas grafiskt i figur 7. Någon större skillnad mellan den återuppodlade åkern och de båda skogsmarksparcellerna föreligger inte, trots att bestånden på de båda senare haft en extra vegetationsperiod att växa på. Medelproduktionen i björkbestånden uppgår till 9,1 m3sk per år och hektar. Motsvarande siffra för granarna blev 10,4 m3sk. De senare uppvisar en mycket god kvalitet. Trots en del dubbeltoppar och stamböjar är kvaliteten hos vårtbjörkarna tillfredsställande.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1479}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN213, author = {Kardell, Lars and Eriksson, Lars}, title = {Blåbärs- och lingonrisets återhämtning 30 år efter kalavverkning och markberedning 1977-2010}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig landskapsvård}, number = {112}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-716}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN214, author = {Kardell, Lars and Forsberg, Nils-Gustav}, title = {Björkplanteringar av åkermark m m 1988-2005 på Sickelsjö gods i Västmanland}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig landskapsvård}, number = {104}, keywords = {betula, afforestation, forest plantations, farmland, growth, quality}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-707}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @article{RN215, author = {Karjalainen, L.}, title = {Coarse woody debris in old Pinus sylvestris dominated forests along a geographic and human impact gradient in boreal Fennoscandia}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {32}, number = {12}, pages = {2184-2200}, keywords = {ModÈ Le}, ISSN = {1208-6037}, year = {2002}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN216, author = {Karlsson, Bo}, title = {Strategiska skogsbruksval}, url = {http://www.skogforsk.se/contentassets/cc4a6a24b15a4f5292552fcb2dc8ce17/redogorelse-2-2006-low.pdf#page=107}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN217, author = {Karlsson, Bo}, title = {Trakthyggesbruk med gran och självföryngrad björk - en jämförande studie}, number = {2006:4}, url = {https://www.skogforsk.se/cd_20190114161752/contentassets/b050b2d0c0034f89a87514310ede9ff1/redogorelse-4-2006-low.pdf}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN218, author = {Karlsson, Fredrik}, title = {Skogsbrukets bekämpningsmedel}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/4274/}, year = {1996}, type = {Book Section} } @misc{RN219, author = {Karlsson, Matts}, title = {Natural regeneration of broadleaved tree species in southern Sweden}, volume = {196}, abstract = {The objective of the present thesis was to examine the effects of silvicultural treatments and seed dispersal from surrounding stands on the establishment of natural regeneration of broadleaved tree species in southern Sweden. Most of the broadleaved tree species that occur naturally in forests in southern Sweden were studied but birch (Betulapendula Ehrh.1 B. pi~besceizs Roth) was the most common species and present in equal numbers in all studies. The wind dispe.rsa1 of see.ds of se.ven species was studied and great variations were found. This could mainly be explained by differences in seed morphology. The effect of soil scarification was examined in all five studies and was generally found to be positive for the establishment of the studied broadleaved species. However, in some cases the scarification was not positive for the establishment. The reason for t l i s was hypothesised to be that the seed supply was limited, or an effect of large and/or animal-dispersed seeds. The effect of shelterwood w a s examined in three studies and was found to be positive for animal-dispersed species but negative for shade-intolerant species, although a sparse shelterwood can be used to rcgcncratc birch. Slash removal was included in onc study and found to be positive for thc cstnblishrncnt of birch. This thcsis showccl that regeneration trcatmcnts can be used to incrcasc the e.stablishnent of naturally regene.rated broadleaved tree seedlings, but the stand structure and species composition must be regulated with pre-commercial thinning. However, the effect of variations in seed production and seed dispersal must be closely examined from a time and a space perspective prior to any forecasts regarding the effects of regeneration trcatrnc}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/42/}, year = {2001}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN220, author = {Karlsson, Nicklas}, title = {Analys av framtida potential för virkesköp från privata skogsägare i Västerbottens län}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, keywords = {Forestry - General aspects Forestry production}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-116}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN221, author = {Karlsson, Per Erik and Danielsson, Helena and Pleijel, Håkan and Engardt, Magnuz and Andersson, Camilla and Andersson, Mikael}, title = {En ekonomisk utvärdering av inverkan av marknära ozon på växtligheten i Sverige}, number = {C59}, abstract = {Med finansiering från Naturvårdsverket har forskare från IVL, SMHI, Göteborgs Universitet samt SLU genomfört en analys av de ekonomiska värdena av den negativa inverkan av marknära ozon på växtligheten i Sverige vid olika scenarier för ozonbelastning och i relation till föreslagna målvärden vad gäller preciseringen för ozon och växtlighet inom miljömålet Frisk Luft. Arbetet utgör i stor utsträckning en uppdatering av en tidigare studie från 2006 (Karlsson m. fl., 2006a). Tre olika scenarier för ozonbelastning analyserades: 1 Nuvarande ozonbelastning (2006-2012). 2. Ett scenario där målvärdet för ozon och växtlighet inom miljömålet Frisk Luft inte överskrids vid någon plats i landet. 3. Ett förindustriellt scenario i avsaknad av ozonbelastning, dvs där ozonhalten 80 ?g/m3 aldrig överskreds och där AOT40 april-september således var noll över hela Sverige. Uppskattningar har gjorts för tillväxten hos några viktiga trädslag samt för skördeutbytet för vissa viktiga jordbruksgrödor. Utifrån en genomgång av ny vetenskaplig kunskap som framkommit sedan den föregående studien 2006, föreslås en höjning av den negativa ozoneffekten på stamtillväxten hos gran från -2 procent till -5 procent per 20 000 ?g/m3 timmar AOT40 april-september. AOT40 20 000 ?g/m3 timmar är en vanligt förekommande nivå på ozonbelastningen vid utsatta platser i södra Sverige. För tall föreslås samma ozoneffekt på stamtillväxten som hos gran. För lövträd föreslås att ozoneffekten på stamtillväxten kvarstår på -8 procent per 20 000 ?g/m3 timmar AOT40 april-september. Dos-respons-relationerna för vete inom konventionen om gränsöverskridande luftföroreningar (LRTAP) har i viss utsträckning uppdaterats sedan 2006. På grund av dessa uppdateringer har dos-responssambandet för vete förändrats något jämfört med föregående studie. Förändringen är dock av mycket liten betydelse för tolkningen av resultaten. Nuvarande ozonbelastning 2006-2012 beräknades minska skogstillväxten som ett summerat värde för alla landsdelar och trädslag i Sverige med 2.9 Mm3 år-1, i jämförelse med ett förindustriellt scenario i avsaknad av ozonbelastning, vilket motsvarar en procentuell minskning av tillväxten på -3.2 procent. Detta värde varierade mellan -1.6 och -4,9 procent, beroende på landsdel och trädslag. I ett scenario där målvärdet för ozon och växtlighet inom miljömålet Frisk Luft inte överskrids reducerades den negativa inverkan av ozon till ett medelvärde på -1.2 procent, och varierade mellan -0.6 och -2.1 procent. Sammantaget beräknades det ekonomiska värdet för inverkan av nuvarande ozonbelastning på skogstillväxt och skördebortfall inom jordbruket i Sverige till 913 MSEK år -1. Motsvarande värde för ett scenario där målvärdet för ozon och växtlighet inom miljömålet Frisk Luft inte överskrids vid någon plats i landet uppgick till 367 MSEK år-1. I bägge fallen gäller en jämförelse med ett förindustriellt scenario i avsaknad av ozonbelastning, dvs när ozonkoncentrationerna aldrig överskred 80 ?g/m3 (40 ppb).}, url = {http://www.ivl.se/download/18.343dc99d14e8bb0f58b7716/1445517844500/C59.pdf}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN1419, author = {Karlsson, Per Erik and Erlandsson, Martin and Mattsson, Eskil and Nilsson, Åsa}, title = {Klimatpåverkan från skogsbruk inom Sveaskogs produktiva skogsmark}, publisher = {IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet}, year = {2023}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN222, author = {Karlsson, Stefan}, title = {Ekonomiska konsekvenser av de skogliga sektorsmålen}, number = {2005:13}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art99/4646099-8f2d81-1746.pdf}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN223, author = {Karltun, Erik and Jacobson, Anders and Lennartsson, Tommy}, title = {Inlagring av kol i betesmark}, number = {2010:25}, abstract = {Sveriges klimatrapportering till FN anger en betydligt lägre ackumulering av kol inaturbetesmarker (i genomsnitt 61 kg C/ha och år för perioden 1990–2006 endastinlagring i mark) än vad som har rapporterats för gräsmarker i internationell litteratur (istorleksordningen mer än 1 000 kg C/ha och år endast inlagring i mark). Eftersomkolinlagring är en viktig men svårbestämd variabel vid bedömningen av betesdriftensmiljöpåverkan är det angeläget att verifiera de skattningar av markkolsförändringar somligger till grund för klimatrapporteringen. Ur naturvårdssynpunkt finns det vidaresärskilda skäl att utreda om det finns några samband mellan biodiversitet ochkolinlagring.En så kallad massbalansmetod användes för att verifiera klimatrapporteringen.Kolinlagringen skattades genom att först räkna ut hur mycket kväve som binds in imarken och därefter multiplicera mängden kväve med markens C/N-kvot. Mängdenackumulerat kväve räknades ut med hjälp av uppgifter om kvävedeposition, upptag avkväve i biomassa och utlakning av kväve från naturbetesmark. Indata hämtades frånriksinventeringen av skog (riksskogstaxeringen och markinventeringen) och andramiljöövervakningsdatabaser. För perioden 1990–2006 skattades markkolsinlagringen inaturbetesmarker till i genomsnitt 30 kg kol per hektar och år. Tio års ackumuleringmotsvarar i storleksordning en procent av den totala markkolspoolen. Den årligainlagringen motsvarar mindre än fem procent av de årliga växthusgasutsläppen från densvenska djurhållningen. Den låga ackumuleringen av kol i svenska naturbetesmarkerkan förklaras med att naturbetesmarkerna i huvudsak sköts extensivt utan att gödslas.Klimatkompensationen blir drygt tio procent om även biomassaökningen i träd ochbuskar tas med i beräkningarna.Data från riksskogstaxeringens vegetationsinventering användes för att klassabetesmarkerna utifrån hävdstatus och artmångfald. Det fanns inga statistiskt signifikantaskillnader i kolmängd mellan provytor med höga indikatorvärden för hävd jämfört medytor med lägre hävdklassificering. Det fanns inte heller några statistiskt signifikantaskillnader i mängden markkol mellan ytor med få arter och ytor med många arter.En kategori betesmarker som faller utanför denna studie är åkermark som relativt sentövergått till permanent bete. Det är troligt att dessa marker är mer effektiva på att lagrain kol på grund av bättre näringsstatus och högre produktion.}, keywords = {Natural Sciences Earth And Related Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Naturvetenskap Geovetenskap Och Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap Miljömålsprojekt Begränsad Klimatpåverkan Reduced Climate Impact Ett Rikt Odlingslandskap A Varied Agricultural Landscape}, url = {http://www2.jordbruksverket.se/webdav/files/SJV/trycksaker/Pdf_rapporter/ra10_25.pdf}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1163, author = {Karltun, E. and Stendahl, J. and Iwald, J. and Löfgren, S.}, title = {Forest biomass accumulation is an important source of acidity to forest soils: Data from Swedish inventories of forests and soils 1955 to 2010}, journal = {Ambio}, ISSN = {00447447 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s13280-021-01540-y}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85103425072&doi=10.1007%2fs13280-021-01540-y&partnerID=40&md5=6c29af955dfc8fe018f10336dba19e26}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1358, author = {Karltun, Erik and Stendahl, Johan and Iwald, Johan and Löfgren, Stefan}, title = {Forest biomass accumulation is an important source of acidity to forest soils: Data from Swedish inventories of forests and soils 1955 to 2010}, journal = {Ambio}, volume = {51}, number = {1}, pages = {199-208}, ISSN = {1654-7209}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN224, author = {Kempe, G.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringens återväxtinventering 1973-77}, booktitle = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. 28}, pages = {147 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-0581-5}, url = {://CABI:19810670573}, year = {1980}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN225, author = {Kempe, G.}, title = {Hur dåliga är våra föryngringar?}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 3 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources forest land land resources scandinavia western europe europe regeneration forest management silviculture biological development pinaceae picea forests vegetation forest resources forest plantations sweden natural regeneration growth pinus picea abies broadleaved forests}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @article{RN226, author = {Kempe, G.}, title = {Älgens skadegörelse på tallungskogen}, journal = {SLU Skogsfakta - Inventering och ekonomi Nr 24 1990}, year = {1990}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN228, author = {Kempe, Göran}, title = {Hjälpmedel för bestämning av slutenhet i plant- och ungskog}, number = {1}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8795/}, year = {1995}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN227, author = {Kempe, G.}, title = {Mått på föryngeingens kvalitet - stabilitet och samband med framtida volymproduktion}, institution = {Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {59}, year = {1995}, type = {Report} } @article{RN229, author = {Kempe, G.}, title = {Ökat virkesförråd trots skogsskador}, journal = {SLU Kunskapsbank Fortlöpande miljöanalys}, pages = {1}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN230, author = {Kempe, Göran}, title = {Älgskadornas inverkan på volymproduktionen i landets skogar: resultat baserade på Riksskogstaxeringens permanenta provytor}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {381}, abstract = {I takt med att en allt större areal tallskogar har skadats av älg har frågor runt hur detta påverkar volymproduktionen blivit allt mer aktuella. På uppdrag av Skogsstyrelsen gjordes en analys av hur volymproduktionen på Riksskogstaxeringens älgskadeinventerade permanenta provytor påverkats av älgskadornas omfattning. Genom framskrivning av ytornas tillstånd med Heureka i 60 år kunde även älgskadornas inverkan på volymproduktionen i den äldre skogen skattas. Med framtagna funktionssamband för yngre och äldre skog tillämpade på Riksskogstaxeringens provytor med tall perioden 2006-2010, kunde den årliga förlusten i volymproduktion vid olika nivåer på älgskadorna under beståndens ungskogsfas uppskattas. Beräkningarna påvisar en minskad volymproduktion på grund av älgskador i landets skogar på i storleksordningen 1 milj. m 3 sk/år på lång sikt. Den beräknade produktionsminskningen bygger på antagande om att all tallskog – även dagens medelålders och äldre tallskogar – har drabbats av älgskador under ungskogsfasen motsvarande älgskadenivån i tallungskogarna under senare decennier. Det ska poängteras att den här uppskattade förlusten i volymproduktion orsakad av älgskadorna är den som tillkommer utöver dålig föryngring och andra tillväxtnedsättande skador som exempelvis snöbrott och snöskytte. Förlusten på grund av älgskadorna gäller även förutsatt att skogsskötselåtgärder som normalt görs för att minimera effekterna av skador i ungskog har gjorts. Genom exempelvis trädslagsval och val av oskadade stammar vid röjning kan skadeeffekterna minskas och i extremfall kan även omplantering av totalskadade bestånd ha skett.}, keywords = {Älgskador, Riksskogstaxeringen, Landets skogar}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-735}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN231, author = {Kempe, Göran}, title = {En jämförelse av skattad avverkning med Riksskogstaxeringens stubbinventering och permanenta provytor}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {408}, abstract = {Riksskogstaxeringens statistik om årlig avverkning bygger på fältmätningar av stubbar efter avverkade träd på provytor som bedöms ha avverkats under föregående avverkningssäsong. Metoden medför risk för systematisk underskattning på grund av att vissa stubbar inte upptäcks och registreras. Även fel i säsongsbedömningen kan medföra systematiska fel. Med tillgång till data från flera återinventeringar av permanenta provytor, kan skattningar av avverkad areal och volym från stubbinventeringen jämföras med motsvarande skattningar med de permanenta provytorna. I denna studie görs sådana jämförelser med syftet att kvantifiera eventuella systematiska skillnader i skattat areal och volym mellan metoderna. Resultaten visar att Riksskogstaxeringens stubbinventering ger en statistiskt signifikant (95 %) mindre avverkad volym än de permanenta provytorna. Även avverkad areal är något mindre, men skillnaden är inte signifikant. Mot bakgrund av dessa resultat föreslås följande åtgärder för att förbättra Riksskogstaxeringens avverkningsstatistik: - Skattningar av årsvis avverkad areal och volym med stubbinventeringen kompletteras med skattningar av avverkning under föregående säsong på de permanenta provytorna varigenom stickprovet ökar och medelfelet minskar. - På motsvarande sätt kompletteras skattningar av fem års avverkning med stubbinventeringen med motsvarande skattningar med P-ytorna. - Skattningar av avverkad volym med stubbinventeringen räknas upp med faktorn 1,07 för att korrigeras för systematisk underskattning. I studien jämförs även Skogsstyrelsens statistik över avverkad volym med motsvarande skattningar med Riksskogstaxeringens permanenta provytor. Ingen statistiskt säkerställd skillnad kunde påvisas, men under 2000-talet påvisar Skogsstyrelsen en större avverkning än den som beräknas med de permanenta provytorna.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2416}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN232, author = {Kempe, Göran}, title = {Förändringsskattningar med data från Riksskogstaxeringen}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, number = {469}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-4825}, year = {2017}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN233, author = {Kempe, Göran and Dahlgren, Jonas}, title = {Uppföljning av miljötillståndet i skogslandskapet baserat på Riksskogstaxeringen}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn%3Anbn%3Ase%3Anaturvardsverket%3Adiva-6843}, year = {2016}, type = {Report} } @article{RN234, author = {Kempe, G. and Eriksson, B. and Jonasson, H. and Aakesson, H.}, title = {Minor field study no 3: appraisal to National Forest Inventory in Thailand [NFI]}, journal = {Arbetsrapport - Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen foer Skogstaxering}, number = {8}, keywords = {Forest Inventories Forest Resources Developing Countries Tropical Zones Thailand/ Land Use Computer Applications Forest Plantations National Parks Deforestation Inventaire Forestier Ressource Forestiere Pays En Developpement Zone Tropicale Thailande/ Utilisation Des Terres Application Des Ordinateurs Plantation Forestiere Parc National Deboisement Inventarios Forestales Recursos Forestales Paises En Desarrollo Zona Tropical Tailandia/ Utilizacion De La Tierra Aplicaciones Del Ordenador Plantacion Forestal Parques Nacionales Deforestacion}, year = {1990}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN235, author = {Kempe, Göran and Fridman, Jonas and Valinger, Erik}, title = {Stormen Gudruns inverkan på skogens tillstånd och skötsel: en analys med riksskogstaxeringens data}, institution = {Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel}, number = {2014:15}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2293}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN236, author = {Kempe, G. and Hallin, A. K.}, title = {Unikt om myrstackar och hackspettspår}, journal = {Miljöaktuellt}, pages = {1}, ISSN = {0345-763X}, year = {2004}, type = {Magazine Article} } @article{RN237, author = {Kempe, G. and Hallin, A. K.}, title = {Skogen är tätare, grövre och mer lövrik}, journal = {Miljöaktuellt}, volume = {10}, pages = {1}, ISSN = {0345-763X}, year = {2005}, type = {Magazine Article} } @article{RN238, author = {Kempe, G. and Hallin, A. K.}, title = {Mer död ved i skyddad skog}, journal = {Miljöaktuellt}, volume = {10}, pages = {1}, ISSN = {0345-763X}, year = {2006}, type = {Magazine Article} } @techreport{RN239, author = {Kempe, Göran and Nilsson, Tina}, title = {Uppföljning av miljötillståndet i skog baserat på Riksskogstaxeringen}, number = {2011:3}, keywords = {Natural Sciences Earth And Related Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Naturvetenskap Geovetenskap Och Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap Regionalt Finansierad Miljöövervakning Regional Forest Skog Levande Skogar Sustainable Forests}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn%3Anbn%3Ase%3Anaturvardsverket%3Adiva-3800}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @article{RN240, author = {Kempe, G. and Svensson, S. A.}, title = {Skogstillståndet inför 1980-talet}, journal = {SLU Skogsfakta Nr. 2 1980}, year = {1980}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN241, author = {Kempe, G. and Toet, H. and Magnusson, P. H. and Bergstedt, J.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1983-87. Skogstillstånd, tillväxt och avverkning}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Rapport - Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för Skogstaxering, no. 51}, note = {Numerical data. 20 ref.}, keywords = {5021 vegetation natural resources land resources forest management surveys scandinavia western europe europe biological development forestry operations forestation forests forest resources forest land forest inventories forest surveys sweden growth logging reforestation}, pages = {238 p.}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @article{RN242, author = {Kempe, G. and Toet, H. and Magnusson, P. H. and Bergstedt, J.}, title = {Swedish National Forest Inventory 1983-87: state of forests, growth and annual cut}, journal = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {51}, pages = {iv + 238 pp.-iv + 238 pp.}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, ISSN = {0348-0496}, url = {://CABI:19950602206}, year = {1992}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN243, author = {Kempe, Göran}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1983-87: skogstillstånd, tillväxt och avverkning = The Swedish national inventory 1983-87 : states of forests, growth and annual cut}, publisher = {Umeå: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering}, note = {Göran Kempe ... [et al.]. Summary in English captions describing tables also in English. Includes bibliographical references.}, year = {1992}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN244, author = {Kempe, G. Sveriges Lantbruksuniv Umeå Inst för Skogstaxering}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen något för kommunerna?}, keywords = {5021 forests forest resources sweden planning surveys kommunal planering}, year = {1988}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN245, author = {Kempe, G. Sveriges Lantbruksuniv Umeå Inst för Skogstaxering}, title = {Älgskador: Mäta i meter eller fot [bedömningsskillnader: Skogsstyrelsen - Riksskogstaxeringen]}, keywords = {5021 pinus sylvestris browsing damage elks forests forest trees surveying}, year = {1990}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1455, author = {Klaminder, Jonatan and Fassl, Magdalena and Baudet, Marlène and Östlund, Lars and Linderholm, Johan and Zale, Rolf}, title = {Landscape of ice and fire–uniquely well-preserved Scots pine trunks reveal forest fires near the retreating Weichselian ice margin}, journal = {Vegetation History and Archaeobotany}, pages = {1-9}, ISSN = {0939-6314}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN246, author = {Koehl, M.}, title = {Double sampling in the Swiss National Forest Inventory: results of a pilot study [NFI]}, publisher = {Umeaa (Sweden)}, note = {11 ref.}, keywords = {Forest Surveys Forest Inventories Remote Sensing Aerial Surveying Switzerland/ Costs Sampling Enquete Forestiere Inventaire Forestier Teledetection Releve Aerien Suisse/ Cout Echantillonnage Encuestas Forestales Inventarios Forestales Teledeteccion Reconocimiento Aereo Suiza/ Costos Muestreo}, ISBN = {1100-777X}, year = {1990}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1406, author = {Kons, Kalvis and Athanassiadis, Dimitris and Agar, David}, title = {Forecasting Future Procurement Potential of Swedish Forest Biomass Using Forest Inventory Data}, journal = {Croatian Journal Of Forest Engineering}, volume = {44}, number = {2}, ISSN = {1845-5719}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1448, author = {Kons, K. and Athanassiadis, D. and Agar, D. A.}, title = {Forecasting Future Procurement Potential of Swedish Forest Biomass Using Forest Inventory Data}, journal = {Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering}, volume = {44}, number = {2}, pages = {327-336}, note = {Kons, Kalvis Athanassiadis, Dimitris Agar, David A.}, ISSN = {1845-5719}, DOI = {10.5552/crojfe.2023.2011}, url = {://WOS:001088744700009}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN247, author = {Kovac, Marko and Bauer, Arthur and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Merging National Forest and National Forest Health Inventories to Obtain an Integrated Forest Resource Inventory - Experiences from Bavaria, Slovenia and Sweden}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {9}, number = {6}, abstract = {Backgrounds, Material and Methods: To meet the demands of sustainable forest management and international commitments, European nations have designed a variety of forest-monitoring systems for specific needs. While the majority of countries are committed to independent, single-purpose inventorying, a minority of countries have merged their single-purpose forest inventory systems into integrated forest resource inventories. The statistical efficiencies of the Bavarian, Slovene and Swedish integrated forest resource inventory designs are investigated with the various statistical parameters of the variables of growing stock volume, shares of damaged trees, and deadwood volume. The parameters are derived by using the estimators for the given inventory designs. The required sample sizes are derived via the general formula for non-stratified independent samples and via statistical power analyses. The cost effectiveness of the designs is compared via two simple cost effectiveness ratios. Results: In terms of precision, the most illustrative parameters of the variables are relative standard errors; their values range between 1% and 3% if the variables' variations are low (s%<80%) and are higher in the case of higher variations. A comparison of the actual and required sample sizes shows that the actual sample sizes were deliberately set high to provide precise estimates for the majority of variables and strata. In turn, the successive inventories are statistically efficient, because they allow detecting the mean changes of variables with powers higher than 90%; the highest precision is attained for the changes of growing stock volume and the lowest for the changes of the shares of damaged trees. Two indicators of cost effectiveness also show that the time input spent for measuring one variable decreases with the complexity of inventories. Conclusion: There is an increasing need for credible information on forest resources to be used for decision making and national and international policy making. Such information can be cost-efficiently provided through integrated forest resource inventories.}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0100157}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0100157}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN248, author = {Kruys, Nic and Fridman, Jonas and Götmark, Frank and Simonsson, Per and Gustafsson, Lena}, title = {Retaining trees for conservation at clearcutting has increased structural diversity in young Swedish production forests}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {304}, pages = {312-321}, abstract = {•Trees are often left after clearcutting to promote biodiversity.•Such retention approaches were introduced large-scale in Sweden about two decades ago.•Changes in structural diversity were analyzed with National Forest Inventory data.•Dead wood volumes have doubled in forests 0–10years old the last 10years.•Numbers of living trees in forests 0–10years old have returned to the 1955 level. Retaining trees for conservation at final harvest is becoming increasingly common within forestry globally, especially connected to clearcutting. The main action is to leave single living and dead trees, tree patches and buffer strips, to benefit biodiversity and to enhance ecosystem functioning. We present the first national analysis of effects on structural components from applying the retention approach. In Sweden retention forestry has been practiced large-scale for about 25years, prescribed by the law and a requirement in certification standards. By analyzing data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory we found that the volume of dead trees (⩾100mm in diameter single trees and trees in patches<0.02ha data for larger retention patches not available) in stands 0–10years old increased about 70% during the period 1997–2007, with a current average level of 8m3ha−1, and with a larger increase rate in this age class than in other forest ages. Retained living trees (⩾150mm in diameter data for larger retention patches not available) decreased in quantity from 1955 until the early 1980s, with lowest levels of about 5ha−1 (excluding Pinus sylvestris, commonly used as a seed tree) and then increased, approximately reaching the 1950s level by 2007, with about 15treesha−1 on average. Large-scale application of the clearcutting practice is the probable cause of the decrease, whilst retention actions are the likely explanation for the increase during the last decades. Our study clearly shows that young forests have become structurally richer since the introduction of the retention approach in forestry. However, comparatively low amounts of dead wood in forests 0–10years old compared to what is available in old forests imply loss at harvest and studies of possible mechanisms to explain this are needed. Our results can indicate possible changes in other parts of the world, where the retention approach has been introduced more recently.}, keywords = {Biodiversity Dead wood Logging Monitoring National Forest Inventory Variable retention}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2013.05.018}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2013.05.018}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN249, author = {Kuliešis, Andrius and Tomter, Stein M. and Vidal, Claude and Lanz, Adrian}, title = {Estimates of stem wood increments in forest resources: comparison of different approaches in forest inventory: consequences for international reporting: case studyof European forests}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, volume = {73}, pages = {857-869}, abstract = {Quality and reliability of forest resource assessments depend on the ability of national forest inventories (NFIs) to supply necessary and high-quality data. Over the last decades and especially since the 1990s, the NFIs in European countries have been rapidly developing. Possibilities for obtaining reliable and accurate data on annual increment from different inventory types were evaluated, and sample-based inventories have been found to be superior to standwise inventories in providing reliable data. Simplified methods may be employed when increment cannot be directly estimated from inventory data.}, ISSN = {1297-966X}, DOI = {10.1007/s13595-016-0559-0}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13595-016-0559-0}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN250, author = {Kunstler, Georges and Falster, Daniel and Coomes, David A. and Hui, Francis and Kooyman, Robert M. and Laughlin, Daniel C. and Poorter, Lourens and Vanderwel, Mark and Vieilledent, Ghislain and Wright, S. Joseph and Aiba, Masahiro and Baraloto, Christopher and Caspersen, John and Cornelissen, J. Hans C. and Gourlet-Fleury, Sylvie and Hanewinkel, Marc and Herault, Bruno and Kattge, Jens and Kurokawa, Hiroko and Onoda, Yusuke and Peñuelas, Josep and Poorter, Hendrik and Uriarte, Maria and Richardson, Sarah and Ruiz-Benito, Paloma and Sun, I. Fang and Ståhl, Göran and Swenson, Nathan G. and Thompson, Jill and Westerlund, Bertil and Wirth, Christian and Zavala, Miguel A. and Zeng, Hongcheng and Zimmerman, Jess K. and Zimmermann, Niklaus E. and Westoby, Mark}, title = {Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {529}, number = {7585}, pages = {204-207}, ISSN = {0028-0836}, DOI = {10.1038/nature16476}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature16476}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1167, author = {Kunstler, G. and Guyennon, A. and Ratcliffe, S. and Rüger, N. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Childs, D. Z. and Dahlgren, J. and Lehtonen, A. and Thuiller, W. and Wirth, C. and Zavala, M. A. and Salguero-Gomez, R.}, title = {Demographic performance of European tree species at their hot and cold climatic edges}, journal = {Journal of Ecology}, volume = {109}, number = {2}, pages = {1041-1054}, ISSN = {00220477 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/1365-2745.13533}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85096645399&doi=10.1111%2f1365-2745.13533&partnerID=40&md5=7668e92086cf0fd541a3ad62779b5e3b}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1353, author = {Kyaschenko, J. and Strengbom, J. and Felton, A. and Aakala, T. and Staland, H. and Ranius, T.}, title = {Increase in dead wood, large living trees and tree diversity, yet decrease in understory vegetation cover: The effect of three decades of biodiversity-oriented forest policy in Swedish forests}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Management}, volume = {313}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114993}, url = {://WOS:000806576200003}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1291, author = {Kärvemo, Simon and Jönsson, Mari and Hekkala, Anne-Maarit and Sjögren, Jörgen and Strengbom, Joachim}, title = {Multi-taxon conservation in northern forest hot-spots: the role of forest characteristics and spatial scales}, journal = {Landscape Ecology}, volume = {36}, number = {4}, pages = {989-1002}, ISSN = {1572-9761}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN251, author = {Laehde, E. and Laiho, O. and Norokorpi, Y. and Saksa, T.}, title = {Stand structure of thinning and mature conifer-dominated forests in boreal zone}, publisher = {Umeaa (Sweden)}, note = {13 ref. Summary (En). *SE}, keywords = {Pinus Sylvestris Forest Stands Picea Abies Boreal Forests Forest Inventories Tree Classes Thinning Finland Forest Trees Diameter History Peuplement Forestier Foret Boreale Inventaire Forestier Classe D'Arbres Eclaircissage Finlande Arbre Forestier Diametre Histoire Rodales Bosque Boreal Inventarios Forestales Clases De Arboles Aclareo Finlandia Arboles Forestales Diametro Historia Nfi Finnish National Forest Inventory}, ISBN = {0348-8969}, year = {1992}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN252, author = {Laestadius, Lars}, title = {The Restoration Diagnostic. Case Example: Southern Sweden}, institution = {World Resources Institute}, url = {http://www.wri.org/sites/default/files/WRI_Restoration_Diagnostic_Case_Example_SouthernSweden.pdf}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1168, author = {Lagergren, F. and Grelle, A. and Lankreijer, H. and Mölder, M. and Lindroth, A.}, title = {Current carbon balance of the forested area in Sweden and its sensitivity to global change as simulated by Biome-BGC}, journal = {Ecosystems}, volume = {9}, number = {6}, pages = {894-908}, ISSN = {14329840 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s10021-005-0046-1}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33750258601&doi=10.1007%2fs10021-005-0046-1&partnerID=40&md5=3aef113f2e9b4bf77476213c03a1b184}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN254, author = {Laiho, O.}, title = {Understoreys in the forests of Finland}, publisher = {Umeaa (Sweden)}, note = {13 ref. *SE}, keywords = {Pinus Sylvestris Picea Abies Betula Undergrowth Forest Stands Uneven Aged Stands Forest Inventories Finland Forest Trees Growth Sous Bois Peuplement Forestier Foret Inequienne Inventaire Forestier Finlande Arbre Forestier Croissance Sotobosque Rodales Monte Irregular Inventarios Forestales Finlandia Arboles Forestales Crecimiento Nfi Finnish National Forest Inventory}, ISBN = {0348-8969}, year = {1992}, type = {Generic} } @inbook{RN255, author = {Lamas, T.}, title = {Forest management planning for biodiversity and timber production}, booktitle = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skoglig Resurshushallning och Geomatik, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {viii + 56 pp.}, url = {://CABI:19970607576}, year = {1996}, type = {Book Section} } @misc{RN256, author = {Langlet, Olof}, title = {Till frågan om sambandet mellan temperatur och växtgränser}, number = {28:3}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10152/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1390, author = {Larson, Johannes and Lidberg, William and Ågren, Anneli M and Laudon, Hjalmar}, title = {Predicting soil moisture conditions across a heterogeneous boreal catchment using terrain indices}, journal = {Hydrology and Earth System Sciences}, volume = {26}, number = {19}, pages = {4837-4851}, ISSN = {1027-5606}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1362, author = {Larsson, Linnea}, title = {How does an adaptation of forest management to storm damage risk affect indicators for sustainable forestry?}, ISSN = {1401-1204}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN257, author = {Larsson-Stern, Marie}, title = {Aspects of hybrid larch (Larix X eurolepis Henry) as a potential tree species in southern Swedish forestry}, abstract = {The interest in growing hybrid larch (Larix × eurolepis Henry) in southern Sweden has increased in recent decades, one of its assumed advantages being high volume growth. The work underlying this thesis was designed to contribute to our understanding of hybrid larch and its use in commercial forestry as a complement to Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in southern Sweden. A literature review supported the hypotheses that young hybrid larch stands have high growth and yield potential. In addition, it highlighted the difficulties involved in morphologically distinguishing the hybrid from its parental species and stressed the susceptibility of hybrid larch to root rot (mainly caused by Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref.). A survey conducted through interviews in 1993 of the opinions of forest managers with practical experience of growing hybrid larch showed that the species was considered to offer an interesting complement to other conifer tree species in southern Sweden. In addition, a growth simulator was developed, based on data from 28 sample plots established in stands on fertile sites managed with practical forestry programs. It included regression functions for basal area increment, stand form-height and initial basal area. Top height growth curves from a Norwegian study were also included in the simulator. A yield table was calculated for the age span 15 to 45 years. The calculations showed that the yield of hybrid larch stands on fertile sites in southern Sweden was slightly higher compared to Norway spruce, and its growth rate was markedly higher in young stands. On fertile sites the mean annual volume increment peaked at an age of 35 years, at a level of 13 m³/ha. However, the bark volume, as a proportion of total volume, was ca. 5% lower for Norway spruce than for hybrid larch. Economic calculations using current prices and costs (year 2002) showed that cash flow for hybrid larch was slightly higher and the soil expectation value was more than double the corresponding values for Norway spruce. Hybrid larch stands can be damaged by root and butt rot, but there was no clear evidence that the species was markedly worse than Norway spruce in this respect. The general opinion was that well managed older larch stands were less susceptible to wind throw than old Norway spruce stands. A general conclusion was that hybrid larch could be an attractive complement to Norway spruce on relatively rich sites in southern Sweden.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/441/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN258, author = {Ledin, Stig}, title = {Metoder för växtetablering på sandmagasinet vid Aitik: miljöeffekter av rötslam som jordförbättringsmedel}, institution = {Institutionen för markvetenskap}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {This report summarises the results from studies concerning vegetation establishment in mine tailings from the Aitik copper mine at Gällivare in Northern Sweden (67o 0,06’ N; 20o 0,8’ E ). The studies were carried out between the years 1996 and 2006. The tailings consist of the rest remaining after enrichment of metals from the crushed and milled copper ore. The material has been dispersed in water and pumped to the pond during somewhat more than 30 years. The deposit covers an area of about 1400 hectares and is enclosed by the slopes of a valley and by constructed dams. The tailings have the texture of fine sand and are prone to wind erosion when getting dry. Thus, there is a need to cover the surface when the tailings are no longer pumped into the pond. Since the area is so large, covering the tailings with soil from the surroundings is out of question. Covering the whole area with water is possible, because the climate is humid, but there is a risk of dam-break. Thus, to cover the deposit with vegetation probably is the most sensible action for erosion control. The overall aim of the studies has been to find out how the establishing of vegetation should be performed, and to elucidate what consequences the measures taken at establishment will have for land use and the environment. The specific aims have been to get new knowledge on how trees, bushes, small bushes, herbs, grasses, lichens and mosses, naturally occurring in the Aitik area will develop in pure tailings and in tailings amended with organic material and alternatively mineral plant nutrients. Also a few plants from other environments were tried. Other specific aims were to find out which soil amendment that has the best positive and sustainable effect on development of plants, and to clarify the change over time in the amended tailings. The main environmental questions included how nitrogen and heavy metals behave at the plant establishment stage and later, and to state the risk of pollution of those elements. There were a number of field-, greenhouse- and laboratory trials performed to reach the goals. Grass- and clover species are recommended as initial vegetation. Many species from the surrounding area were self seeded in the trials, indicating that the tailings deposit will be easily colonized by species naturally occurring in the area. In several trials the pH decreased, due to the oxidation of pyrite occurring in the tailings, resulting in high solubility and plant availability of several metals, especially copper. This resulted in a low survival of the plants. However, the mining company has decided to alter the metal enrichment procedure, in order to remove as much pyrite as possible. It was also shown that only the additions of organic material to the tailings lead to a successful plant establishment. Digested sewage sludge was found to be suitable, and also potentially available in the large amounts needed. It was clear from the results that there is a risk of nitrogen pollution during the first growing season from the mineralized organic material. To prevent this, it is recommended that drainage water from the tailings pond should be taken care of during the first years. However, in the long run, the nitrogen pollution from the vegetated pond probably is smaller than from the surrounding natural land, due to a smaller total amount of carbon and nitrogen.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/3005/}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1411, author = {Lee, D. and Holmstrom, E. and Hynynen, J. and Nilsson, U. and Korhonen, K. T. and Westerlund, B. and Bianchi, S. and Aldea, J. and Huuskonen, S.}, title = {Current state of mixed forests available for wood supply in Finland and Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, note = {Lee, Daesung Holmstrom, Emma Hynynen, Jari Nilsson, Urban Korhonen, Kari T. Westerlund, Bertil Bianchi, Simone Aldea, Jorge Huuskonen, Saija 1651-1891}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2023.2259797}, url = {://WOS:001068930900001}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN259, author = {Lekander, Bertil}, title = {Skogsinsekternas uppträdande i Sverige under tiden 1946-1950}, number = {44:1}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9970/}, year = {1954}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN260, author = {Levers, Christian and Verkerk, Pieter J. and Müller, Daniel and Verburg, Peter H. and Butsic, Van and Leitão, Pedro J. and Lindner, Marcus and Kuemmerle, Tobias}, title = {Drivers of forest harvesting intensity patterns in Europe}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {315}, pages = {160-172}, abstract = {Forests provide humankind with essential raw materials and the demand for these materials is increasing. Further expanding forestry into unmanaged forests is environmentally costly and increasing forest area via plantations will not immediately lead to increased wood supply. Thus, just like in agriculture, forestry faces the challenge how to intensify forest management in existing production forests in sustainable ways. Yet, our current understanding of what determines forest management intensity is weak, particularly at broad scales, and this makes it difficult to assess the environmental and social trade-offs of intensification. Here, we analyse spatial patterns of forest harvesting intensity as one indicator for forest management intensity across Europe, a region where most forests suitable for production are already in use and where future intensification is likely. To measure forest harvesting intensity, we related harvested timber volumes to net annual increment for the period 2000–2010. We used boosted regression trees to analyse the spatial determinants of forest harvesting intensity using a comprehensive set of biophysical and socioeconomic explanatory variables. Our results show that forest harvesting intensity varied markedly across Europe and harvested timber volumes were well below the increment in most regions. Harvesting intensity was especially high in southern Finland, southern Sweden, southwestern France, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic. The spatial patterns of forest harvesting intensity were well explained by forest-resource related variables (i.e., the share of plantation species, growing stock, forest cover), site conditions (i.e., topography, accessibility), and country-specific characteristics, whereas socioeconomic variables were less important. We also found the relationship between forest harvesting intensity and some of its predictors (e.g., share of plantation species, accessibility) to be strongly non-linear and characterised by thresholds. In summary, our study highlights candidate areas where potentials for sustainably intensifying timber production may exist. Our analyses of the spatial determinants of harvesting intensity also provides concrete starting points for developing measures targeted at increasing regional wood supply from forests or lowering harvest pressure in regions where forests are heavily used. Finally, our study emphasises the importance for systems’ understanding for designing and implementing effective sustainable forest management policies.}, keywords = {Land use intensity Forest management Sustainable intensification Europe}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2013.12.030}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2013.12.030}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN261, author = {Li, C. Z. and Ranneby, B.}, title = {The precision of the estimated forest data from the [Swedish] National Forest Survey 1983-1987}, booktitle = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. 54}, pages = {54 pp.}, ISBN = {0348-0496}, url = {://CABI:19950602051}, year = {1992}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN1364, author = {Liang, J. J.... and Fridman, J. and Westerlund, B. et al.}, title = {Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients}, journal = {Nature Ecology & Evolution}, ISSN = {2397-334X}, DOI = {10.1038/s41559-022-01831-x}, url = {://WOS:000837555300001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN262, author = {Lidberg, William and Nilsson, Mats and Agren, Anneli}, title = {Using machine learning to generate high-resolution wet area maps for planning forest management: A study in a boreal forest landscape}, journal = {Ambio}, volume = {49}, number = {2}, pages = {475-486}, ISSN = {0044-7447}, DOI = {10.1007/s13280-019-01196-9}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-019-01196-9}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN263, author = {Lidestav, Gun}, title = {”350 000 skogsägare kan inte ha fel – men hur vet vi vad de tycker och vad de gör?”: workshop om skogsägandets förändrade villkor och vad skogsnäringen, samhället och allmänheten förväntar sig av skogen och dess ägare}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {150}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-432}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN264, author = {Lidestav, Gun and Thellbro, Camilla and Sandström, Per and Lind, Torgny and Holm, Einar and Olsson, Olof and Westin, Kerstin and Karppinen, Heimo and Ficko, Andrej}, title = {Interactions between forest owners and their forests}, booktitle = {Globalisation and Change in Forest Ownership and Forest Use}, editor = {E, Keskitalo}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, address = {London}, pages = {97-137}, ISBN = {978-1-137-57115-1, 978-1-137-57116-8}, DOI = {https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-57116-8_4}, year = {2017}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN1380, author = {Lidman, Felicia Dahlgren}, title = {Natural regeneration and management of birch}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN265, author = {Liedholm, H.}, title = {Additional quantities when utilizing whole trees from thinning}, booktitle = {Rapporter och Uppsatser, Institutionen for Skogsteknik}, pages = {34 pp. + 3 appendices}, url = {://CABI:19790656363}, year = {1976}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN1326, author = {Liepins, J. and Liepins, K. and Lazdins, A.}, title = {Equations for estimating the above- and belowground biomass of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench.) and common alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) in Latvia}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {36}, number = {5}, pages = {389-400}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2021.1937696}, url = {://WOS:000659349200001}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN266, author = {Liliegren, Yvonne}, title = {Regionalt miljöövervakningsprogram för Jönköpings län 2015-2020}, number = {2014:23}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn%3Anbn%3Ase%3Anaturvardsverket%3Adiva-2487}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN267, author = {Lind, Torgny}, title = {Quantifying the area of edge zones in Swedish forest to assess the impact of nature conservation on timber yields}, number = {38}, abstract = {The new Swedish Forestry Act states that the forests should be sustainably managed in a profitable way and, at the same time, the current levels of biodiversity should be maintained. This and the pressure from consumers for forest products to be produced in a way that protects biodiversity have changed forestry towards a more nature oriented management. An estimation of the effects of this nature conservation on timber yields and potential cut must be included in forest scenario modelling to assess the long term impacts. An important component of preserving biodiversity in forests in this nature oriented management is to adjust management measures in edge zones adjacent to mires, riparian zones, non-productive hills, etc. Examples of management measures in edge zones are no cutting, modified thinning, single tree selection or leaving behind large trees. These spatial considerations can now be dealt with in long-term forecasts using HUGIN, a system based on sample plot data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI). This is because of the improved description of the context of the NFI sample plots in the landscape. Furthermore, geographical positions are determined using the Global Positioning System (GPS), which facilitates the combination of NFI data with other data sources. A schedule of how to select sample plots located in forest habitats that are valuable for biodiversity is shown. Analyses of the new NFI data show that approximately 11 % of the productive forest land is located within 25 meters of mires and non-productive hills and 3 % is located in riparian zones. Forest scenario modelling using the HUGIN system will now be able to estimate the reductions in the long-term potential cut due to nature conservation in edge zones.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8857/}, year = {1998}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN268, author = {Lind, Torgny}, title = {Kolinnehåll i skog och mark i Sverige}, number = {86}, abstract = {Det bedöms att utsläppen av växthusgaser måste minska kraftigt från nuvarande nivåer för att klimatförändringarna ska kunna begränsas. För att nå detta krävs det att förbränningen av fossila bränslen minskar. skogsbrukets kanske främst roll är att bidra till att reducerade utsläpp av växthusgaser genom produktion av biobränsle som ersättning för fossila bränslen vid energiproduktion (t.ex. Gustavsson et al. 1995, Johansson 1996, Börjesson et al. 1997). Förbränning av biobränslen innebär en recirkulering av redan assimilerad koldioxid till atmosfären och ger sålunda ingen nettotillförseL Skogsbruket kan också bidra till att reducera C02 halten i atmosfären genom inbindning av koldioxid i biomassa och mark. Det är alltså viktigt att tillämpa sådan markvård som inte ökar utsläppen av redan inlagrat kol och lustgas. LUSTRA är ett MISTRA-finansierat forskningsprogram vid SLU (LUSTRA 2000). Det övergripande syftet är att värdera hur skoglig markanvändning och skogsbruk påverkar emissioner av växthusgaser och med utgångspunkt från detta föreslå handlingsvägar som leder till minskad ökningstakt av koldioxid i atmosfären. skogsbruket kan bidra till detta på i huvudsak två sätt. Det ena är, som nämns ovan, att ersätta fossila bränslen med skogsbränsle. Det andra är att binda in kol i träd och mark. En huvuduppgift för LUSTRA är att lägga fram strategier för hur biomassa på bästa sätt ska skördas på skogsmark för att sedan användas som ersättning till fossila bränslen. En annan uppgift är att beräkna lagringskapacitet för kol i mark och strategier för markanvändning och skogsskötsel så att lagringen av kol i marken kan säkerställas (Lilliesköld & Nilsson 1997).}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8804/}, year = {2001}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN269, author = {Lind, Torgny}, title = {Strategier för Östads säteri}, number = {93}, abstract = {Kursens inriktning är planering av skogens utnyttjande ur ett företagsperspektiv. Kursen syftar till att ge kunskap om skogsföretagets planering både ur teoretisk och praktisk synv inkel. S ådan planering kräv er kunskap inom ett flertal områden. Exempel är kunskap om skogsbruk och biologi, inv enteringsteori, ekonomi, optimeringsmetoder, naturv årdshänsyn och datoriserade hjälpmedel som planeringssystem och geografiska informationssystem (GI S ). S ådan kunskap erhålls bäst genom aktiv t arbete med problem och kommunikation med andra om olika problemställningar. Här intar projektarbetet på Östads säteri en central plats. Här arbetar studenterna praktiskt med samtliga aspekter v id framtagandet av en långsiktigt plan. Med den inriktning skogsbruket har idag så spelar mångbruksaspekter en v iktig roll. P rojektarbetet går därför äv en under benämningen Östad Multiple U se plan (ÖMU). Litteraturstudier, seminarier, öv ningar kopplade till teoretiska moment samt föreläsningar ingår också för att ge extra kunskaper om planering utöv er det som erhålls v ia Östadsprojektet. S om bas för datainsamling och bearbetningar fungerar I ndelningspaketet (IP ). P rojektarbetena har gjorts i grupper om tv å. S amtliga grupper har arbetat under samma förutsättningar och med samma metodik. Däremot har inriktningen av de planer de arbetat fram skilt sig åt v ad gäller mångbrukskrav och ekonomiska förutsättningar. I denna rapport kommer en sammanställning att redov isas av v issa centrala v ärden från samtliga de planer som tagits fram. Därefter presenteras tre av de totalt tretton planerna, med olika mångbruksinriktningar, mer detaljerat för att få en uppfattning om v ad v arje grupp av rapporterat under kursen (v iss smärre redigeringar av gruppemas rapporter har gjorts). I Östadsprojektet ingår äv en att göra en taktisk plan för tre års av v erkning på basis av den strategiska planen. Resultatet av denna del redov isas inte här.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8803/}, year = {2002}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN270, author = {Lind, Torgny and Söderberg, Ulf}, title = {Considering costs and revenues in long‐term forecasts of timber yields}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {9}, number = {1-4}, pages = {397-404}, abstract = {In Sweden, long‐term forecasts of timber yields have traditionally dealt with the production of timber, without consideration of costs and revenues. A system for long‐term forecasting (HUGIN) has been further developed with incorporation of calculations of costs for logging and silviculture together with revenues from timber and pulp wood. The forecasts of HUGIN are based on sample plot data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. After the specification of alternative silviculture and logging programs in HUGIN, the user can study costs, revenues and number of man‐days for each program. By using quality functions and price lists, the HUGIN system calculates the highest possible revenue for the individual tree by optimizing the division into assortments. The HUGIN system will be improved further in the future to include calculations of road transport costs, improved quality functions and revenues from other forest resources than timber.}, keywords = {Assortments Forest Management Planning Long‐Term Forecasting Optimization.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827589409382857}, year = {1994}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN271, author = {Lindberg, Eva and Holmgren, Johan}, title = {Flygburen laserskanning för skogliga skattningar}, publisher = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {2014:4}, abstract = {Flygburen laserskanning har under de senaste 15 åren blivit en datakälla för skogsbruksplanering. Data från flygburen laserskanning är noggranna tredimensionella mätningar av mark och vegetation med laserljus från ett flygplan eller helikopter.Flygburna laserdata kan kombineras med referensdata från fältobservationer för att automatiskt ta fram heltäckande skogsskattningar.Skogsägare och skogsförvaltare kan använda resultaten för bättre planering av avverkningar och naturvård.Om man mäter tillräckligt tätt kan enskilda träd identifieras i laserdata. Detta ger nya möjligheter att effektivt beskriva både diameterfördelningar och trädslag för stora områden.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2156}, year = {2014}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN272, author = {Lindberg, Eva and Roberge, Jean-Michel and Johansson, Therese and Hjältén, Joakim}, title = {Can Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) and Forest Estimates Derived from Satellite Images Be Used to Predict Abundance and Species Richness of Birds and Beetles in Boreal Forest?}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {4233-4252}, DOI = {10.3390/rs70404233}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/rs70404233}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1170, author = {Lindbladh, M. and Axelsson, A. L. and Hultberg, T. and Brunet, J. and Felton, A.}, title = {From broadleaves to spruce - the borealization of southern Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {29}, number = {7}, pages = {686-696}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2014.960893}, url = {://WOS:000344163100009}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN274, author = {Lindeberg, Göran and Bengt, Lindgren and Elizabeth, Malmberg}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen : en organisationsöversyn}, institution = {Statskontoret, Rapport nr 8}, number = {ISSN 0346-8747}, year = {1977}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN275, author = {Lindeberg, Johan}, title = {Hotbilder inom svenskt skogsbruk under 300 år och efterföljande reaktioner}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/4454/}, year = {1997}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN276, author = {Linder, Per and Östlund, Lars}, title = {Structural changes in three mid-boreal Swedish forest landscapes, 1885–1996}, journal = {Biological conservation}, volume = {85}, number = {1}, pages = {9-19}, ISSN = {0006-3207}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320797001687}, year = {1998}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN277, author = {Linderholm, H. W. and Björklund, J. A. and Seftigen, K. and Gunnarson, B. E. and Grudd, H. and Jeong, J. H. and Drobyshev, I. and Liu, Y.}, title = {Dendroclimatology in Fennoscandia – from past accomplishments to future potential}, journal = {Climate of the Past}, volume = {6}, pages = {93-114}, abstract = {Fennoscandia has a strong tradition in dendrochronology, and its large tracts of boreal forest make the region well suited for the development of tree-ring chronologies that extend back several thousands of years. Two of the world's longest continuous (most tree-ring chronologies are annually resolved) tree-ring width chronologies are found in northern Fennoscandia, with records from Torneträsk and Finnish Lapland covering the last ca. 7500 yr. In addition, several chronologies between coastal Norway and the interior of Finland extend back several centuries. Tree-ring data from Fennoscandia have provided important information on regional climate variability during the mid to late Holocene and have played major roles in the reconstruction of hemispheric and global temperatures. Tree-ring data from the region have also been used to reconstruct large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns, regional precipitation and drought. Such information is imperative when trying to reach better understanding of natural climate change and variability and its forcing mechanisms, and placing recent climate change within a long-term context.}, DOI = {10.5194/cp-6-93-2010}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-6-93-2010}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN278, author = {Linderholm, Kersti and Mattsson, Jan Erik}, title = {Analys av fosforflöden i Sverige}, institution = {Institutionen för biosystem och teknologi}, number = {2013:5}, abstract = {Fosforflöden till och från svenskt jordbruk och livsmedelskedja kring åren 2010- 2011 har kartlagts och kvantifierats. Även signifikanta fosforflöden inom andra sektorer har identifierats. Inflöden av fosfor utgörs av import av mineralgödsel och andra gödselmedel, atmosfärisk deposition samt import av livsmedel och fodermedel. Interna flöden i form av avfall och biprodukter från slakt, livsmedelsindustri och etanolframställning har beskrivits. Utflöden av fosfor utgörs av export av jordbruksprodukter, produkter till katt- och hundfoder, förluster till mark eller vatten samt avfall där fosforn inte återanvänds inom jordbruksproduktion. Svensk jordbruksmark hade en årlig nettoinförsel av cirka 10 600 ton fosfor motsvarande 3,2 kg fosfor per hektar. Den totala importen av fosfor i livsmedel och foder var större än importen av fosfor i gödselmedel. Trots stränga regler om krav på tillgång till mark att använda stallgödseln på, så ackumuleras fosfor i jorden vid gårdar med högre djurtäthet. Ekologiska gårdar är inget undantag. Mängden fosfor i stallgödsel överskrider vida mängden fosfor som importeras i mineralgödsel. Fosforflöden inom industrin finns främst inom massa- och pappersindustrin samt inom stålindustrin. Importerad kol och koks innehåller också fosfor. Betydande mängder fosfor återfinns i aska samt slagg från stålindustrin och slam från pappers- och massaindustrin. Oönskade ämnen som följer fosforflödet, främst kadmium, har kartlagts i den mån analyser har funnits. Information om kadmiumflöden finns främst kring avloppsslam och mineralgödsel. Det slam som används som gödsel i Sverige har betydligt lägre mängd kadmium per kg fosfor än den genomsnittliga mineralgödseln som används utanför Skandinavien. Kontrollen av kadmium i importerat livsmedel och foder är bristfällig.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-865}, year = {2013}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN279, author = {Lindgren, Katarina and Ekberg, Inger and Eriksson, Gösta}, title = {External factors influencing female flowering in Picea abies (L.) Karst}, number = {142}, abstract = {Inventories of the cone crop in the vicinity of meteorological stations in southern Sweden were made in the years 1973-1975. Correlations between cone crop and the following variables for the year of flower primordia initiation-cone crop, some temperature variables and precipitation-were calculated. The relationship between cone crop and some other factors was studied briefly. The investigation revealed that high temperature during the middle or end of June provokes increased flowering, on the condition that the cone crop during the year of flower primordia initiation is scanty. High precipitation during June may have a negative effect on the flowering. Similar studies on the relationship between cone crop and temperature, precipitation and cone crop in the year of bud differentiation were conducted using the data collected by the National Forest Survey during the years 1961- 1974. These correlations supported the observations made in our own inventories. Concerning the location of seed orchards of Picea abies, the results suggest that the south-eastern part of Sweden is most suitable.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5514/}, year = {1977}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1307, author = {Lindgren, Nils}, title = {Data assimilation of forest variables predicted from remote sensing data}, ISSN = {9177606906}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN280, author = {Lindgren, Nils and Christensen, Pernilla and Nilsson, Björn and Åkerholm, Marianne and Allard, Anna and Reese, Heather and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Using Optical Satellite Data and Airborne Lidar Data for a Nationwide Sampling Survey}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {4253-4267}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/rs70404253}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN281, author = {Lindgren, Nils and Nilsson, Björn and Allard, Anna and Åkerholm, Marianne and Christensen, Pernilla and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Metodutveckling för datainsamling i NILS landskapsruta: skattningar med laserdata och optiska satellitbilder}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {429}, abstract = {NILS är en stickprovsbaserad inventering som syftar till att producera information om miljön i Sverige. Resultaten används bland annat för nationell statistik och internationell rapportering liksom för forskning. Inventeringen baseras på åter-kommande inventering av 631 systematiskt utlagda samplingsenheter eller ”rutor” där varje ruta består av: en 1 km stor ruta som tolkas i detalj i IR-flygbilder, 12 provytor som besöks i fält, samt en 5 * 5 km stor ruta som skall ge information om omgivande landskap. Projektet har haft som syfte att undersöka möjligheter för att kartera NILS 5 km ruta med automatiska metoder som kan utföras med en begrän-sad tidståtgång. I denna rapport rapporteras försök med att använda optiska satellitdata från Landsat TM och SPOT HRG sensorerna, samt laserskannerdata från lantmäteriets nationella skanning för en ny nationell höjdmodell (NH). Viss förhandstolkning av ägoslagsgränser har gjorts i fotogrammetrisk arbetsstation. För att minska mängden manuellt arbete har möjligheterna att använda referensdata från NILS inventering-ens fältytor eller 1 km ruta, samt från Riksskogstaxeringen också undersökts. De väsentligaste resultaten redovisas nedan:  Krontäckning och trädvegetationens höjd kan skattas från laserdata om re-ferensdata beräknas från Riksskogstaxeringens klavträd, eller bedöms i fo-togrammetrisk arbetsstation; däremot så var Riksskogstaxeringens fältbe-dömda krontäckningar inte lika bra referensdata.  Busktäckning kunde inte skattas med laserskannerdata från Lantmäteriets nationella laserskanning, men har kunnat skattas i andra studier som gjorts med mera specialiserade skanningar,  De referensytor som täcker en satellitregistrering sammanfaller i regel end-ast delvis med de referensytor som täcker lämpliga laserskannerdata för samma skattningsområde, ett stratifierat arbetssätt är därför att föredra. Lantmäteriets laserskanning i kombination med referensdata från Riks-skogstaxeringen lämpade sig därvid väl för att dela in landskapet i öppna och trädtäckta marker (i detta projekt definierades trädtäckta områden som områden med mer än 10% krontäckning och mer än 3 m trädhöjd).  Inom trädtäckta områden kan en klassning i grova trädslagsklasser göras från kombinationen av satellitbilder och Riksskogstaxeringens ytor.  För det öppna landskapet undersöktes om befintliga fältdata kunde använ-das för en grov markvegetationsklassning, men datamaterialet, både från NILS och Riksskogstaxeringen, blev för litet. Flygbildstolkningen från NILS 1 km ruta var inte heller lämplig för detta ändamål. Istället kan en speciell flygbildstolkning användas, där ytor subjektivt väljs speciellt för denna klassning. Ett klassningsschema utvecklades, där ett antal grova klasser blev slutresultatet}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2255}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1388, author = {Lindgren, Nils and Nyström, Kenneth and Saarela, Svetlana and Olsson, Håkan and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Importance of Calibration for Improving the Efficiency of Data Assimilation for Predicting Forest Characteristics}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {14}, number = {18}, pages = {4627}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1289, author = {Lindgren, Nils and Wästlund, André and Bohlin, Inka and Nyström, Kenneth and Nilsson, Mats and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Updating of forest stand data by using recent digital photogrammetry in combination with older airborne laser scanning data}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, pages = {1-7}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN282, author = {Lindholm, Eva-Lotta}, title = {Energy use and environmental impact of roundwood and forest fuel production in Sweden}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {The increasing awareness of climate change issues, unstable fossil fuel prices and concerns about energy security are leading to a rising demand for forest products. If meeting this demand involves increased harvesting it is essential to employ efficient systems that allow sustainable forest management. This thesis examines the environmental performance of the Swedish forestry system and potential opportunities to improve this system. The focus was on roundwood and forest fuel procurement and timber transport, which were evaluated using a Life Cycle Assessment perspective. To evaluate the greenhouse gas savings from forest fuel, the dynamics of soil carbon stocks and the potential to replace fossil fuel were examined. Production of roundwood and forest fuel required little external energy and emitted low greenhouse gas emissions. About 3% of the inherent energy available in roundwood and 2-5% of that in forest fuel, logging residues and stumps was required in forest fuel production. More energy was required in northern Sweden than in southern Sweden, mostly due to higher energy use in transport operations. Secondary transport of roundwood and forest fuel comprised about 50% of energy use, which could be decreased by reducing the road transport distance by modal changes, e.g. between lorry and train, increasing the loading factor, decreasing the fuel requirements of vehicles and using an energy carrier with good environmental characteristics. There were great greenhouse gas savings when forest fuel, stumps and logging residues, replaced fossil fuel. Important factors when assessing the greenhouse gas savings from forest fuel, were the efficiency of the end use, type of fossil fuel substituted, allocation method, site productivity, intensity of the harvesting and bioenergy source (stumps or logging residues). Increasing the use of forest products and forest fuel may decrease energy use and emissions of greenhouse gases if fossil fuel and petrochemical-intensive products can be substituted. However, this can have other environmental impacts, indicating potential conflicts between different environmental areas.}, keywords = {life cycle assessment, forest fuel, transport, roundwood}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-3076}, year = {2010}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN283, author = {Lindqvist, Maria and Palme, Ulrika and Lindner, Jan Paul}, title = {A comparison of two different biodiversity assessment methods in LCA—a case study of Swedish spruce forest}, journal = {The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {190-201}, abstract = {Lately, there has been a growing interest in how to include biodiversity in life cycle assessment (LCA). The aim of this study was to compare two impact assessment methods, with regard to their applicability on a regional level and their feasibility in terms of data availability, through applying them to a case study.}, ISSN = {1614-7502}, DOI = {10.1007/s11367-015-1012-6}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11367-015-1012-6}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1285, author = {Lindroth, A. and Tranvik, L.}, title = {Accounting for all territorial emissions and sinks is important for development of climate mitigation policies}, journal = {Carbon Balance and Management}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, pages = {3}, ISSN = {1750-0680}, DOI = {10.1186/s13021-021-00173-8}, url = {://WOS:000638855200001}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN284, author = {Lindroth, S.}, title = {Arealer för energiskogsodling i Sverige}, journal = {SLU Skogsfakta - Inventering och ekonomi Nr 13 1986}, year = {1986}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN285, author = {Lindroth, Svante}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1923-92 : en historisk översikt med personliga kommentarer : festskrift till Gustaf von Segebaden}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skogstaxering, Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5021 forest surveys sweden history}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @book{RN286, author = {Lindroth, Svante}, title = {Skog och mark i Sverige : fakta från Riksskogstaxeringen}, publisher = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU}, address = {Stockholm}, pages = {140}, ISBN = {ISBN 91-7344-904-0 (inb.)}, year = {1995}, type = {Book} } @article{RN287, author = {Lindroth, S. and Åkerblom, K.}, title = {Arealer för energiskogsbruk i Sverige}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 36}, year = {1984}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN288, author = {Lindström, Åke and Svensson, Sören and Green, Martin and Ottvall, Richard}, title = {Distribution and population changes of two subspecies of Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita in Sweden}, journal = {Ornis Svecica}, volume = {17}, pages = {137-147}, ISSN = {1102-6812}, url = {http://www.fageltaxering.lu.se/sites/default/files/files/Uppsatser/ornsve2007_chiffchaff.pdf}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1359, author = {Liziniewicz, Mateusz and Barbeito, Ignacio and Zvirgzdins, Andis and Stener, Lars-Goran and Niemisto, Pentti and Fahlvik, Nils and Johansson, Ulf and Karlsson, Bo and Nilsson, Urban}, title = {Production of genetically improved silver birch plantations in southern and central Sweden}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN289, author = {Ljungqvist, Lennart}, title = {Tungmetaller i väggmossa i Stockholms län: Provtagning från 2000 Jämförelse med resultat från 1990 och 1995}, url = {http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:851983}, year = {2003}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN290, author = {Ljungqvist, Lennart}, title = {Väggmossan avslöjar spridningen av metaller: Provtagning 2005 i Stockholms län}, institution = {Naturvårdsverket}, number = {2007:8}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn%3Anbn%3Ase%3Anaturvardsverket%3Adiva-2675}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1172, author = {Lucas, R. W. and Sponseller, R. A. and Gundale, M. J. and Stendahl, J. and Fridman, J. and Högberg, P. and Laudon, H.}, title = {Long-term declines in stream and river inorganic nitrogen (N) export correspond to forest change}, journal = {Ecological Applications}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, pages = {545-556}, ISSN = {19395582 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1890/14-2413}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84969753397&doi=10.1890%2f14-2413&partnerID=40&md5=a876bc4c4912da9f266d16ff06a2bace}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1339, author = {Lundblad, Mattias and Roberge, Cornelia and Appiah Mensah, Alex and Petersson, Hans and Stendahl, Johan}, title = {Förslag på uppföljning av åtgärder för ökad kolinlagring och minskade utsläpp i LULUCF-sektorn-Beskogning av tidigare jordbruksmark}, ISSN = {1401-1204}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN292, author = {Lundblad, Mattias and Stendahl, Johan and Lundin, Lars and Olsson, Mats}, title = {Den svenska torvutvinningens klimatpåverkan: Om huruvida torvutvinningen kan bli mer gynnsam ur ett klimatperspektiv}, institution = {Institutionen för mark och miljö}, url = {http://testnyanv.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/miljoarbete-i-sverige/regeringsuppdrag/2016/redovisade/1-bilaga-den-svenska-torvutvinningens-klimatpaverkan.pdf}, year = {2016}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN293, author = {Lundeberg, Göran}, title = {Utilisation of various nitrogen sources, in particular bound soil nitrogen, by mycorrhizal fungi}, number = {79}, abstract = {Mycorrhiza-forming species mainly of the genera Amanita, Boletus, Rhizopogon and Tricholoma and some litter-decomposing species were employed. For ecological characterisation of the experimental material, most of these species were tested for the ability to produce the extra-cellular enzymes cellulase, pectinase, proteinase and laccase. The mycorrhiza-formers were clearly inferior to the litter-decomposers in this respect, although some deviations were noted. Of the synthetic nitrogen sources investigated, ammonium and asparagine were most readily utilised by the fungi, followed by glycine, acetamide, nitrate and glucosamine in that order. Unusable sources were diethylamine, proline and pyridine. Nitrite had a toxic effect throughout. Litter decomposers tended to be non-nitrate users but could more easily utilise amide nitrogen than mycorrhiza-formers. The result from an experimental series having raw humus as the only nitrogen source indicated that the mycorrhiza-forming fungi, like most of the litter-decomposers, could utilise to a very limited extent or not at all the nitrogen bound in the humus. The inoculation of cultures of pine seedlings on gamma-sterilised, N15- labelled raw humus with pure culture suspensions of different mycorrhizaformers and litter-decomposers influenced to varying degrees both the supply of assimilable nitrogen and plant development.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5812/}, year = {1970}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1363, author = {Lundmark, Erik}, title = {Spatial co-occurrence between wind power and boreal forestlands with lichen important for reindeer browsing}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN296, author = {Lundmark, Jan-Erik}, title = {Fältinstruktion för ståndortskartering av permanenta provytor vid riksskogstaxeringen 1983}, publisher = {Uppsala}, address = {Uppsala}, year = {1980}, type = {Book} } @book{RN297, author = {Lundmark, Jan-Erik}, title = {Fältinstruktion för ståndortskartering av permanenta provytor vid riksskogstaxeringen 1983}, address = {Uppsala}, pages = {97 s.}, year = {1983}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN298, author = {Lundmark, Tomas and Hannerz, Mats}, title = {Climate benefit of the Nordic Forests}, publisher = {Nordic Forest Research (SNS); Nordic Council of Ministers}, url = {http://nordicforestresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/tryck-engelsk-A4.pdf}, year = {2017}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN299, author = {Lundström, Anders}, title = {Regionala analyser om kontinuitetsskogar och hyggesfritt skogsbruk}, number = {2008:7}, url = {https://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/sv/publikationer/rapporter/regionala-analyser-om-kontinuitetsskogar-och-hyggesfritt-skogsbr.html}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN300, author = {Lundström, Anders}, title = {Nationella och regionala effekter av olika naturhänsynsnivåer}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {414}, abstract = {Syftet med denna studie är att på riksnivå (och till viss del regional nivå) studera effekterna på skogliga variabler av betydelse för biologisk mångfald av olika nivåer på hänsynsytor (0, 5, 20 och 30 %). Nivån på övriga avsättningar, dvs. formella avsättningar och hänsynsområden beräknas vara samma idag, dvs. 11,2 % av den produktiva skogsmarksarealen för hela landet. Analysen baseras på Riksskogstaxeringens provytor från 2010. Urvalet av hänsynsytor har gjorts genom att beräkna poäng utifrån ett antal variabler som bedömts ha betydelse för biologisk mångfald. Ytor med högst poäng har sedan plockats ut för att nå nivåerna i respektive alternativ. Beräkningar med Heureka-applikationen RegVis har sedan genomförts för de olika avsättningsnivåerna 100 år framåt. Ingen avverkning har utförts på de avsatta arealerna, utan de har lämnats för fri utveckling. Resultat för ett antal variabler viktiga för den biologiska mångfalden redovisas, och sammanfattas nedan: • Möjlig avverkning minskar motsvarande andelen avsatt areal (formellt avsatt, frivilligt avsatt och hänsynsytor). • Antal gamla träd (>100 år i söder, >120 år i norr) ligger kvar på ungefär dagens nivå med 5 % hänsynsytor under beräkningsperioden. Ökar mar-kant vid ökad avsättning, upp till en 3-dubbling. • Antal grova träd per hektar är betydligt högre i utgångsläget på hänsynsytorna jämfört med all skog, och ökar kraftigt med tiden. • Andelen lövträd är betydligt högre på hänsynsytorna jämfört med all skog i utgångsläget, medan andelen tall är lägre. Förändring över tiden är liten, beroende på att inga avverkningar utförs på hänsynsytorna. • Mängden död ved är i utgångsläget betydligt högre på hänsynsytorna jämfört med produktionsskogen, högst i 5 % -alternativet. Efter 100 år blir mängden död ved ungefär lika stor per hektar i produktionsskogen såväl som i hänsynsytorna, oberoende av alternativ.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2249}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN301, author = {Lundström, A. and Dolk, C. and Sporrong, H. and Tormalm, K. and Öberg, A.}, title = {Myllrande Våtmarker : Förslag till uppföljning av delmålet om byggande av skogsbilvägar över värdefulla våtmarker}, note = {ISSN 1100-0295}, number = {2006:3}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN302, author = {Lundström, Anders and Nilsson, Per and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Certifieringens konsekvenser för möjliga framtida uttag av industri och energived}, number = {23}, abstract = {Den svenska arbetsgruppen för FSC-certifiering har, i juni 1997, lämnat ett remissförslag rörande vilken standard som ska gälla för svenskt skogsbruk. I enlighet med FSCs prin­ciper och kriterier spänner standarden över en rad områden för att garantera ett miljöan­passat, samhällsnyttigt och ekonomiskt bärkraftigt skogsbruk. I flera avseenden ställer den föreslagna standarden högre krav på skogsbrukets mil­jöhänsyn än vad rådande lagar gör. Bl.a. ska 5% av den produktiva skogsmarken, utöver kantzoner etc. som normalt lämnas vid avverkning, undantags från skogsbruk. Vidare ska områden som gränsar till sjöar och vattendrag hållas kontinuerligt beskogade, löv­ skog främjas, s.k. evighetsträd lämnas, etc. (Svenska FSC-arbetsgruppen, 1997). Oavsett om man anser detta vara bra eller dåligt är det intressant att analysera på vil­ket sätt den föreslagna standarden kan komma att påverka möjliga framtida uttag av in­dustri- och energived. Frågan om energiveden är särskilt intressant mot bakgrund av beslutet att avveckla kärnkraftsreaktorerna i Barsebäck. I den aktuella studien har tre svenska län valts ut mer eller mindre slumpmässigt. Ett av länen har valts från norra Sverige, ett från mellersta och ett från södra Sverige. Till­ sammans representerar de ca 20% av Sveriges skogsmark. För vart och ett har beräk­ningar genomförts med Hugin (Lundström m.fl., 1992) för att belysa konsekvenserna av den föreslagna standarden. Vi har valt att inte redovisa vilka län det rör sig om, dels för att undvika diskussioner om de valda länens representativitet, dels för att inte föregripa resultat från planerade framtida konsekvensberäkningar, som förmodligen kommer att genomföras med bättre precision än de föreliggande beräkningarna. Den aktuella studien bör därför betraktas som en pilotstudie, ämnad att förmedla de stora dragen av certifieringens effekter. Resultat redovisas i termer av framtida möjliga uttagsnivåer vad gäller industri- och energived, samt skogstillståndets utveckling. I be­ räkningarna har antagits att alla markägare inom de aktuella länen kommer att bedriva skogsbruk i enlighet med den föreslagna standarden. studien fokuserar alltså på vilka följder certifieringen kan få för framtida virkesuttag. Vi vill gärna poängtera att detta givetvis endast är ena sidan av myntet. En fullständig studie, som vore avsevärt mer krävande, skulle även granska samhällets nytta till följd av den utökade miljöhänsynen.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8806/}, year = {1997}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN303, author = {Lundström, A. and Nilsson, P. and Söderberg, U.}, title = {Avverkningsberäkningar 1992. Länsvisa resultat}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 56}, year = {1993}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN304, author = {Lundström, A. and Rosvall, O. and Jacobsson, S.}, title = {Ökad avverkningspotetial med intensivare skogsskötsel}, institution = {SKOGFORSK}, number = {10}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN305, author = {Lundström, Anders and Wikberg, Per-Erik}, title = {Sweden}, booktitle = {Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability}, editor = {S, Barreiro and Mj, Schelhaas and R, McRoberts and G, Kändler}, series = {Managing Forest Ecosystems}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, pages = {289-301}, ISBN = {978-3-319-56199-8, 978-3-319-56201-8}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-56201-8_25}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-56201-8_25}, year = {2017}, type = {Book Section} } @techreport{RN306, author = {Lundström, Johanna}, title = {Biodiversity in young versus old forest}, institution = {Department of Ecology}, number = {06}, abstract = {This introductory essay has been written with the purpose to form a foundation for my PhD-study. My research task is to analyze how optimal selections of forest reserves can be made, considering biodiversity as well as economy. I cover several different areas which are of importance to my studies. The essay starts with a description of the biodiversity concept and what characterizes biodiversity in the boreal forest. It continues with an overview of concepts relating to succession, such as disturbance and resilience. This theoretical opening is followed by a chapter covering the importance for biodiversity of both young and old boreal forest and later it describes the complex problem of reserve establishment. A section on the Swedish national forest inventory (NFI) is motivated by the planned use of data from this source. An overview on what an NFI is and how it has been used in previous studies related to biodiversity is given. The essay finishes with a chapter in which interesting research approaches on how to make the establishment of new reserves more efficient are discussed}, keywords = {Environmental Sciences Related To Agriculture And Land-Use Miljö- Och Naturvårdsvetenskap}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-1-115}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN307, author = {Lundström, Johanna}, title = {Reserve selection in boreal forest: focusing on young forest biodiversity potential}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {Most boreal forests in North Europe are intensively managed, and the forest landscape is far from its natural stage leading to hundreds of species being threatened in Sweden alone. Reserves are established to protect biodiversity, but since the resources available for conservation do not cover all species in need of protection, effective prioritization is essential. In this thesis, a reserve selection model based on a goal programming approach was developed, finding the optimal age composition of reserves in boreal Sweden under different prerequisites. Forest data were derived from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) and the amount of structural indicators (proxy for biodiversity) registered in the NFI were maximized while simultaneously reassuring that all indicators were represented. I wanted to investigate how reserve selection could be made more effective by considering: (1) cost, (2) subjective preferences, and (3) future biodiversity potential, where the development over time was simulated using the forest analysis and planning tool Heureka PlanWise. To evaluate species response to retained structures in young managed forest, lichen species richness on retained aspen trees was surveyed. Results show that young forest is a cost-effective alternative. The proportion of young forest varied from 46% when subjective preferences were considered, to 76% when only the future values were considered. The cost-effective models were contrasted with area-effective models to show the pros and cons with such approaches. The area-constrained models often selected a more or less large proportion of old forest (77% when subjective preferences were considered, but 13% when only future values were considered), and were more expensive but covered less area to reach the same biodiversity value. In the aspen study higher lichen species richness was found on the retained trees that had been exposed for a longer time, including easily dispersed species and species often found in old forest. Scientists alone cannot find the optimal reserve network, since it depends on the goals that are set by society and how success is valued. Decision makers have to integrate societal, ecological and economic data and balance short term and long term constraints in terms of cost and available area in order to design cost-effective conservation strategies.}, keywords = {conservation planning, green tree retention, young forest:}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1447}, year = {2013}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1173, author = {Lundström, J. and Öhman, K. and Perhans, K. and Rönnqvist, M. and Gustafsson, L.}, title = {Cost-effective age structure and geographical distribution of boreal forest reserves}, journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, volume = {48}, number = {1}, pages = {133-142}, ISSN = {00218901 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01897.x}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-78650951397&doi=10.1111%2fj.1365-2664.2010.01897.x&partnerID=40&md5=aa5613c3d572687386c2eba3509ffd54}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN308, author = {Lundström, Johanna and Öhman, Karin and Rönnqvist, Mikael and Gustafsson, Lena}, title = {How reserve selection is affected by preferences in Swedish boreal forests}, journal = {Forest Policy and Economics}, volume = {41}, pages = {40-50}, abstract = {It is important to consider the preferences of the various stakeholders involved when evaluating effective reserve selection, since it is largely their preferences that determine which of a given set of potential reserve networks that actually is “the best”. We interviewed eight conservation planners working at the county administrative boards in each of the eight administrative counties covering boreal Sweden to establish weightings for different structural biodiversity indicators by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The subjective weightings were applied in a reserve selection model based on a goal programming (GP) approach. The structural indicators were derived from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) and used as proxy for biodiversity potential. A biodiversity indicator score, based on the values of those indicators, was maximized. The model adjusted this score ensuring that all indicators were represented in the selection, and further also adjusted the influence of the indicators based on the subjective weightings. We evaluated the GP approach by comparing it to a simple linear programming (LP) formulation, only maximizing the indicator richness. In all cases the model was limited either by a budget or an area. The biodiversity potential in young forests are often neglected within present conservation policies, however, the proportion of selected forest under 15 years was relatively high in all our cost-effective cases, varying between 32% and 60% using the individual planners subjective weightings, compared to 80% when using a simple LP model. The proportion of selected forest over 100 years varied between 69% and 85% in the area-effective cases using the subjective weightings, compared to 80% when using a simple LP model. Middle-aged forest was not favored in any of the selections, although they make up a substantial part of the total area. We conclude that there are differences in how conservation planners prioritize the indicators, and depending on how specific biodiversity indicators are weighted the age distribution of the selected reserves differs. This demonstrates the importance of considering how to establish appropriate weightings. It is also important to consider the, at least in our case, substantial difference in how common the different indicators are to ensure that the weightings get their intended impact on the selections.}, keywords = {AHP Conservation planning Cost-effective Goal programming Optimization Swedish National Forest Inventory}, ISSN = {1389-9341}, DOI = {10.1016/j.forpol.2013.12.007}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2013.12.007}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN309, author = {Lundström, Johanna and Öhman, Karin and Rönnqvist, Mikael and Gustafsson, Lena}, title = {Considering Future Potential Regarding Structural Diversity in Selection of Forest Reserves}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {e0148960}, abstract = {A rich structural diversity in forests promotes biodiversity. Forests are dynamic and therefore it is crucial to consider future structural potential when selecting reserves, to make robust conservation decisions. We analyzed forests in boreal Sweden based on 17,599 National Forest Inventory (NFI) plots with the main aim to understand how effectiveness of reserves depends on the time dimension in the selection process, specifically by considering future structural diversity. In the study both the economic value and future values of 15 structural variables were simulated during a 100 year period. To get a net present structural value (NPSV), a single value covering both current and future values, we used four discounting alternatives: (1) only considering present values, (2) giving equal importance to values in each of the 100 years within the planning horizon, (3) applying an annual discount rate considering the risk that values could be lost, and (4) only considering the values in year 100. The four alternatives were evaluated in a reserve selection model under budget-constrained and area-constrained selections. When selecting young forests higher structural richness could be reached at a quarter of the cost over almost twice the area in a budget-constrained selection compared to an area-constrained selection. Our results point to the importance of considering future structural diversity in the selection of forest reserves and not as is done currently to base the selection on existing values. Targeting future values increases structural diversity and implies a relatively lower cost. Further, our results show that a re-orientation from old to young forests would imply savings while offering a more extensive reserve network with high structural qualities in the future. However, caution must be raised against a drastic reorientation of the current old-forest strategy since remnants of ancient forests will need to be prioritized due to their role for disturbance-sensitive species.}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0148960}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0148960}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN310, author = {Lämås, Tomas and Sandström, Emma and Jonzén, Jonas and Olsson, Håkan and Gustafsson, Lena}, title = {Tree retention practices in boreal forests: what kind of future landscapes are we creating?}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {30}, number = {6}, pages = {526-537}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2015.1028435}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2015.1028435}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN311, author = {Lämås, Tomas and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Skattning av tillstånd och förändringar genom inventeringssimulering}, number = {25}, abstract = {För att följa populationers utveckling över tiden inom ett givet område kan området ifråga inventeras vid olika tidpunkter. Den simulator som beskrivs i det följande är framtagen för att studera kostnadseffektiviteten (samband mellan noggrannhet och kostnad) för olika inventeringsmetoder i detta sammanhang. Objektiva inventeringsmetoder för vanligt förekommande skogliga objekt, som t ex ordinära levande träd, är välkända inom skogbruket Objekt av intresse för naturvården, som t ex gamla enskilda träd eller stående döda träd eller lågor, är däremot sällsynta. För att få kunskap om objektiva inventeringsmetoders kostnadseffektivitet i dessa sammanhang (sällsynta objekt) har tidigare en inventeringssimulator konstruerats (Ståhl och Lärnås 1995). Med förhållandevis små förändringar var det möjligt att modifiera denna till att simulera populationers förändringar över tiden, samt att, utöver skattning vid en enskild tidpunkt, även utföra skattningar av förändringar. Modifieringarna utfördes under 1997 på uppdrag av Naturvårsverket och programpaketet som den nya simulatorn består av har getts namnet "NVSIM". Med sitt ursprung i den tidigare simulatorn, är den inte "optimal" i alla avseenden, t ex är vissa simuleringar tidskrävande. NVSIM genererar populationer med en täthet (antal individer per arealenhet) och rumslig fördelning i utgångsläget som specificeras av användaren. Avgång samt tillskott av individer, med avseende på täthet och rumslig fördelning, till en senare tidpunkt specificeras även. Inventeringar, med ett antal olika metoder, av området kan sedan simuleras. Med individ avses ett godtyckligt objekt. Individer kan t ex utgöras av enskilda växter eller djur men kan även avse t ex substrat för växter och djur. Ett exempel på det senare är döda stående träd eller lågor. Simulatorn består av tre enheter (Fig. l). Med den första enheten, populationssimulatorn, genereras populationen. Önskade egenskaper hos populationen (täthet och rumslig fördelning) anges i en styrfiL Populationssimulatorn genererar tre filer som beskriver populationen vid tidpunkt l, tidpunkt 2 samt förändringen av populationen. Inventeringar kan sedan utföras med den andra enheten, inventeringssimulatorn. Inventeringarnas utformning anges i en styrfiL En grafisk bild av enbart populationen eller populationen tillsammans med utfall av inventeringen (läge för provytor eller bälten samt resultatuppgifter) kan erhållas med den tredje enheten, den grafiska enheten. Inventeringssimulatorn hanterar tre inventeringsmetoder; bältesinventering, cirkelyteinventering och kvadratyteinventering. Används förändringsbilden så motsvarar inventeringen en inventering med fasta provytor eller bälten, dvs samma lägen vid vid båda tidpunkterna. Två fall av registre­- ringar på ytor/bälten utförs. Dels registreras samtliga individer; registrering av antal, dels registreras endast huruvida individer förekommer inom ytor/bälten (ev. inom delar av ytor/bälten); registrering av förekomst. Programmen i populations-och inventeringssimulatorn är programmerade i Fortran medan programmet i den grafiska enheten är programmerat i Turbo Pascal.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8796/}, year = {1997}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1420, author = {Lämås, Tomas and Sängstuvall, Lars and Öhman, Karin and Lundström, Johanna and Årevall, Jonatan and Holmström, Hampus and Nilsson, Linus and Nordström, Eva-Maria and Wikberg, Per-Erik and Wikström, Peder}, title = {The multi-faceted Swedish Heureka forest decision support system: context, functionality, design, and 10 years experiences of its use}, journal = {Frontiers in Forests and Global Change}, volume = {6}, pages = {1163105}, ISSN = {2624-893X}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN312, author = {Ländell, Gerda and Reinsson, Lovisa}, title = {Ängs- och betesmarker - en genomgång av tillgänglig statistik}, number = {2008:30}, abstract = {Vårt lands ängs- och betesmarker utgör livsmiljöer för växter och djur som är beroende avmänniskans fortsatta brukande och hävd. En stor del av odlingslandskapets biologiskamångfald finns i ängs- och betesmarkerna. Dessa marker har också ofta kulturhistoriskavärden och är vackra inslag i landskapsbilden.Delmål 1 inom miljökvalitetsmåletEtt rikt odlingslandskap anger att samtliga ängs- ochbetesmarker ska bevaras. De ska också skötas på ett sätt som bibehåller deras värden. Vidareanges i målet att arealerna med slåtterängar och vissa typer av betesmarker ska utökas.Kvaliteten på underlaget för statistiken om ängs- och betesmarken var under senare delen av1900-talet ofta bristfällig. Under 2000-talet har insamlingstekniken ändrats från att vara heltbaserad på postenkäter till att i stor utsträckning bygga på ansökningar för EU:s jordbruksstöd.Långa tidsserier med betesmarksarealer är ofta svårtolkade. Det som i statistiken ser utsom en ökning efter EU-inträdet är troligen en effekt av att arealerna började redovisasalltmer. Minskningen de senaste åren kan bero på hårdare regler för att få stöd, men de arealersom inte längre platsar i stödsystemen finns vanligen kvar – fast utanför lantbruksstatistiken.Kvaliteten på statistikunderlaget under senare år kan sägas vara väl dokumenterad och känd.Det är en följd av de omfattande kontroller som görs av arealer som får ekonomiskt stöd. Ennackdel är att ändrade stödregler avspeglas i form av fluktuationer i arealstatistiken.Ängs- och betesmarken är ojämnt fördelad i landet. De största totala arealerna finns iÖstergötlands, Jönköpings, Kalmar, Skåne och Västra Götalands län. Det är även storaregionala skillnader vad det gäller fördelningen av olika typer av ängs- och betesmarker.Exempelvis är slåtteräng vanligt förekommande i Skåne och i Norrbottens län medanskogsbete är mest frekvent på Gotland och i Kalmar län.Förutom via lantbruksstatistiken har uppgifter om betesmarksarealer samlats in via ett antalolika datakällor. Bland dessa är fastighetstaxeringen, Riksskogstaxeringen och SvenskaMarktäckedata de mest heltäckande. Riksskogstaxeringens så kallade naturbetesarealer är påriksnivå något lägre än lantbruksstatistikens ängs- och betesmarksareal. MenRiksskogstaxeringens åkermark är tvärtom högre, så möjligen kan diskrepanserna bero på attmarkerna klassificeras olika inom de två insamlingssystemen. Fastighetstaxeringen ochSvenska Marktäckedata visar betydligt större betesmarksarealer än lantbruksstatistiken.Avvikelserna bedöms framförallt bero på skillnader i hur definitionerna tolkas. Det finns ävenbetesmarksarealer som inte fångas upp av lantbruksstatistiken. Ytterligare en förklaring är attde ovan nämnda datakällorna inte har några begränsningar gällande vilka kategorier avföretag som ingår, medan lantbruksstatistiken innefattar jordbruksföretag med mer än tvåhektar åkermark.Modifierade stödregler, nya sätt att använda marken (exempelvis för produktion av energi)och en ombildad definition för skogsmark är tre exempel på kommande förändringar somtroligen kommer att påverka statistiken om ängs- och betesmark. För att möta dessaförändringar kan det vara lämpligt att göra en översyn av de ägoslagsdefinitioner som skagälla framöver. Kanske behöver det tas fram nya ägoslag som bättre beskriver den framtidamarkanvändningen.De senaste årens underlag till lantbruksstatistiken har hållit en relativ god kvalitet och det ärönskvärt att kunna behålla denna nivå. Behovet att bevaka utvecklingen i betesmarkernakommer fortsatt att finnas kvar i och med krav på utvärderingar av miljökvalitetsmåletEtt riktodlingslandskapoch uppföljningar av Landsbygdsprogrammet med miljöersättningar tillängs- och betesmarker.}, keywords = {Natural Sciences Earth And Related Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Naturvetenskap Geovetenskap Och Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap Miljömålsprojekt Ett Rikt Odlingslandskap A Varied Agricultural Landscape Ett Rikt Växt- Och Djurliv A Rich Diversity Of Plant And Animal Life}, url = {http://www2.jordbruksverket.se/webdav/files/SJV/trycksaker/Pdf_rapporter/ra08_30.pdf}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN313, author = {Löf, Magnus}, title = {Lövskog för framtiden: slutrapport 2014 : sammanställt med bidrag från medarbetarna i projektet}, number = {50}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2522}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN314, author = {Löfgren, Per}, title = {Skogsmark, samt träd och buskmark inom fjällområdet}, number = {34}, abstract = {Detta arbete ska bedömas mot bakgrund av att den tillgängliga tiden varit begränsad till tre veckor. De resultat som redovisas ska alltså betraktas som relativt grova Överslagsberäkningar. Målen med arbetet var att: • På basis av den Internationella defmitionen av Skogsmark resp. Träd- och Buskmark (se nedan) skatta den areella omfattningen av dessa Ägoslag inom de Områden ovanför gränsen för svårföryngrad Skog, som enligt Riksskogstaxeringen klassas som Fjäll resp. fridlyst Mark (Anon. 1997). • Skatta den totala arealen "egentliga" Fjällområden, d.v.s. den totala arealen Fjällbjörkskog och Fjällhed av olika slag (oavsett fridlyst eller ej), samt hur dessa arealer fördelar sig på åtkomlighet i termer av närhet till Bilväg och lokal terrängsvårighet Skälen till att Studien genomfördes var dels ett behov att i Internationell statistik kunna ange Sveriges totala Skogsmarksareal enligt vedertagna definitioner, dels ett behov att för en utredning av en eventuell framtida Fjäll inventering erhålla ett planeringsunderlag. I Internationella Statistiksammanhang används en annorlunda definition av Skogsmark än den i Sverige -1997- gängse använda. Istället för att dra en Gränslinje vid produktionsförmågan l Skogskubikmeter per Hektar och År (den Svenska defmitionen) fokuseras på Trädens krontäckning och höjd. Såsom Skogsmark (jorest) räknas - internationellt och i denna Rapport-sådan Mark som har eller har potential att bära Träd med en krontäckning om minst 10% och en höjd om minst 5 meter. Mark som i huvudsak används för Jordbruk räknas ej och ett Områdes Yta måste vara minst 0.25 Hektar (vilket är specifikt för Sverige; Siffran 0.5 hektar gäller annars som standard). Detta innebär att stora arealer som i Sverige traditionellt klassats som Impediment (trädbevuxna Myrar, Hällmarkstallskog, Fjällbjörkskog, etc.) enligt den internationella systematiken istället klassas som Skogsmark. Såsom Träd- och Buskmark (other wooded Land) räknas -Internationellt och i denna Rapport -sådan Mark som bär Träd om minst 5 meters höjd med en krontäckning i intervallet 5-10%, eller sådan Mark som är täckt av Buskar vars täckningsgrad överstiger l 0%. Mark som i huvudsak används för Jordbruk räknas ej och ett Områdes Yta måste vara minst 0.25 Hektar (med samma förbehåll som för Skogsmarken). Inom ramen för detta arbete gjordes även det intuitiva tillägget att Buskar måste vara högre än 0.5 meter för att räknas, och t. ex. Fjällhedar täckta av Salix hebacea eller Salix reticulata ingår inte som Träd-och Buskmark}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8805/}, year = {1998}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN315, author = {Löfgren, Per and Ståhl, Göran and Walheim, Mats}, title = {Fjällinventering}, number = {50}, abstract = {l denna Arbetsrapport redovisas Resultaten av en Utredning som genomförts vid Institutionen för Skoglig Resurshushållning och Geomatik på Uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket. Syftet var att utreda Innehåll och Design för en eventuell framtida storskalig Fjällinventering. Omfattningen av Uppdraget var att nå fram till ett läge där nästa steg vore att genomföra inledande Pilotstudier. Behovet av Data från Fjällområdet och tänkbara Metoder att samla in desamma har varit föremål för flera tidigare Studier. Resultaten av dessa har varit viktiga Basdokument i den aktuella Utredningen. Vad gäller Innehållet i en Fjällinventering är Frågor i anslutning Vegetationen och Förändringar i Vegetationens sammansättning centrala. En rad andra Frågor för vilka Data från Fjällområdet efterfrågas diskuteras också. Inventeringen föreslås baseras på befintlig Förhandsinformation från Fjällområdet. Denna används för att dela upp Området i någorlunda homogena Polygoner, vilka förs till olika Stratum. Stickprov av Polygoner väljs sedan Stratumvis. De aktuella Polygonema kan liknas vid Riksskogstaxeringens Trakter. Inom dem görs Mätningar på Provytor och längs Linjetransekter motsvarande en dags Arbete för ett Inventeringslag. För att begränsa antalet längre Förflyttningar-som ofta torde kräva Helikopter -bör Polygonerna slumpas ut på ett sådant sätt att ett Inventeringlag kan upprätta Basläger kring vilka ett flertal Polygoner återfinns inom rimligt Gångavstånd. Vid Studier av nödvändig Dimensionering framgick att minsta relevanta omfattning av en Fjällinven­ tering är ca 200 Polygoner. Ett lämpligt antal bedöms dock vara minst 800 stycken, motsvarande en årlig kostnad om (minst) ca 2.2 miljoner Kronor. Eftersom förändringar snarare än tillstånd normalt efterfrågas föreslås alla Mätningar bli utförda på permanenta Provytor}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8817/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN316, author = {Löfgren, Per and Walheim, Mats}, title = {Metodutveckling för vegetationsövervakning i fjällen}, number = {70}, abstract = {Under flera År har ett arbete pågått för att ta fram ett design-och innehållsförslag för en fjällinventering. Denna skall ingå i ett nytt program för miljöövervakningen av fjällområdet och ambitionen från Naturvårdsverkets sida är att programmet skall sjösättas under början av 2000-talet. Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik vid SLU i Umeå avrapporterade, som ett led i detta arbete, vintern 1999 en utredning om innehåll och design i en framtida fjällinventering (Ståhl. m.fl., 1999). Där diskuterar författama vikten av att använda objektiva metoder för mätbara variabler på platser som väljs ut med slumpförfaranden. Ståhl. m.fl.(l999), ansåg att en av övervakningens viktigaste uppgifter blir att upptäcka och följa vegetationsförändringar, naturliga eller som en följd av olika slags påverkan. Inventeringen måste då vara utformad så man kan uttala sig om förändringar i både tid och rum. Det betyder att övervakningen måste grunda sig på ett objektivt stickprov och bör bestå av permanenta provytor, eftersom sådana ökar möjligheten att upptäcka förändringar. Dessutom måste den metod som används vid inventeringen av vegetation ge konsistenta skattningar med god precision. I rapporten pekar författama ut en del områden som bör utredas ytterligare. Naturvårdsverket gav 1999 institutionen ett nytt uppdrag och denna gång behandlar uppdraget metodutveckling inför övervakningen av fjällen. I uppdraget ingick följande delar: • Vidareutveckling och studier av olika fältmetoder som skall användas vid inventering av vegetation, betestryck och mark. • Utvecklingsarbete av generell karaktär och som ej kräver fältarbete. Detta moment består av tre delar; en fortsatt diskussion om relevant innehåll i en fjällinventering, vidareutveckling av föreslagen metodik att utnyttja befintlig förhandsinformation, samt utredning av möjligheten att upprätta en fix gräns mellan fjäll och skog. Ett förslag på en sådan fix gräns är skogsvårdsorganisationens gräns för föryngringsavverkning, vars lämplighet utvärderas med hjälp av data från Riksskogstaxeringen. • En mindre pilotstudie av den metodik som föreslås av Ståhl. m.fl. (1999), i vilken skall ingå tidsstudier, utvärdering av metodernas fältmässighet, samt insamling av den information som krävs i de efterföljande beräkningarna av kostnader och dimensionering. Föreliggande rapport är uppdelad i de tre ovan beskrivna delarna: metodstudier, generell utveckling och pilotstudie.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8819/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN317, author = {Löfgren, Stefan and Cory, Neil and Zetterberg, Therese}, title = {Aluminium concentrations in Swedish forest streams and co-variations with catchment characteristics}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {166}, pages = {609-624}, abstract = {The negative effects of elevated concentrations of inorganic aluminium on aquatic organisms are well documented. Acid deposition is often cited as a main driver behind the mobilisation and speciation of aluminium in soils and surface waters. In the study, we tested the hypothesis that sulphur deposition is the main driver for elevated concentrations of inorganic aluminium in 114 base poor, boreal Swedish streams. However, the deposition of anthropogenic sulphate has decreased substantially since it peaked in the 1970s, and at the current deposition levels, we hypothesise that local site parameters play an important role in determining vulnerability to elevated concentrations of inorganic aluminium in boreal stream waters. Presented here are the results of a principal components analysis of stream water chemistry, acid deposition data and local site variables, including forest composition and stem volume. It is shown that the concentrations of both organic and inorganic aluminium are not explained by either historical or current acid deposition, but are instead explained by a combination of local site characteristics. Sites with elevated concentrations of inorganic aluminium were characterised by small catchments (<500 ha) dominated by mature stands of Norway spruce with high stem volume. Using data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory the area of productive forest land in Sweden with a higher vulnerability for elevated inorganic aluminium concentrations in forests streams is approximately 1.5 million hectares or 7% of the total productive forest area this is higher in the south of Sweden (10%) and lower in the north (2%). A better understanding of the effects of natural processes and forest management in controlling aquatic inorganic aluminium concentrations is therefore important in future discussions about measures against surface water acidification.}, keywords = {Aluminium Catchment Forest Acidification Sensitivity Swedish NFI}, ISSN = {0167-6369}, DOI = {10.1007/s10661-009-1027-1}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-009-1027-1}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN318, author = {Löfgren, Stefan and Fröberg, Mats and Yu, Jun and Nisell, Jakob and Ranneby, Bo}, title = {Water chemistry in 179 randomly selected Swedish headwater streams related to forest production, clear-felling and climate}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {186}, number = {12}, pages = {8907-8928}, abstract = {From a policy perspective, it is important to understand forestry effects on surface waters from a landscape perspective. The EU Water Framework Directive demands remedial actions if not achieving good ecological status. In Sweden, 44 % of the surface water bodies have moderate ecological status or worse. Many of these drain catchments with a mosaic of managed forests. It is important for the forestry sector and water authorities to be able to identify where, in the forested landscape, special precautions are necessary. The aim of this study was to quantify the relations between forestry parameters and headwater stream concentrations of nutrients, organic matter and acid-base chemistry. The results are put into the context of regional climate, sulphur and nitrogen deposition, as well as marine influences. Water chemistry was measured in 179 randomly selected headwater streams from two regions in southwest and central Sweden, corresponding to 10 % of the Swedish land area. Forest status was determined from satellite images and Swedish National Forest Inventory data using the probabilistic classifier method, which was used to model stream water chemistry with Bayesian model averaging. The results indicate that concentrations of e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter are related to factors associated with forest production but that it is not forestry per se that causes the excess losses. Instead, factors simultaneously affecting forest production and stream water chemistry, such as climate, extensive soil pools and nitrogen deposition, are the most likely candidates The relationships with clear-felled and wetland areas are likely to be direct effects.}, keywords = {Water chemistry Headwater streams Boreal landscape Forestry Representative sampling Probabilistic classifying}, ISSN = {0167-6369}, DOI = {10.1007/s10661-014-4054-5}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-014-4054-5}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN319, author = {Löfstrand, Ronny and Olsson, Håkan and Reese, Heather}, title = {Remote sensing aided monitoring of non-timber forest resources}, number = {66}, abstract = {Forests have traditionally been multiple use areas. However, during the last century the scientific literature on forests has been dominated by timber related issues. The non-wood forest-based resources such as recreation, biodiversity, water, wildlife habitat, range and fisheries did not gain recognition until multiple-use of forests became a renewed concept (Hytonen et al. 1995). That recognition came when the Multiple Use Sustained Yield Act (USA) was passed in 1960 which promoted sustained management of all renewable forest resources, including the non-wood ones. Another catalyst for interest in forests as non-wood resources was the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity. These non-wood resources have been treated under different names e.g. non-wood goods and services (NWGS), non-wood benefits (Wibe 1994) that can all be regarded synonymous to non-timber forest resources (NTFR) which is the term used in the present project. The landscape can be thought of as a hierarchically organised system (Forman and Godron 1986). In order to understand the landscape, and to be able to predict changes using this, three linkages must be known. Each landscape element is linked to the: 1) encompassing element at the next higher level; 2) nearby elements at the same scale; and 3) component elements at the next lower level. Each level in the hierarchy represents a single scale, from fine grained to coarse grained (Forman 1995). The occurrence of resources and their distributional pattern in the landscape are to a large extent scale-dependent (Turner 1989). The same can be said about processes, although processes are usually aspects of biodiversity that are less easy to observe. With processes, the time dimension should also be included since many processes occur very slowly. In order to determine the existence of processes or NTFRs, indicators are sometimes used. Indicators work as observable substitutes for the object or process of interest, the existence for which they provide evidence. Due to the described hierarchical nature of the landscape, the scale-dependency of monitoring and mapping resources, and the necessity to use indicators, there is a need to combine different data sources, i.e. field data, mapped information and when feasible remote sensing data. Usually when remote sensing data is used, it must be combined with a field sample with known geographical position. The objective of the present literature review is to provide an overview of remote sensing related methods for monitoring NTFR. Our aim is not to produce a complete review of the topic, but rather to present a sample of studies that can be regarded as good representatives of what has been achieved and reported in the scientific literature. The focus is on published studies, research and operational monitoring where remote sensing has been used for monitoring of non-timber forest resources. The whole NTFR concept is considered, in the event that we find meaningful studies, but the focus falls primarily on biodiversity monitoring. The scales used in most studies are from stand (1 ha) up to landscape (100 km by 100 km) level, and using remote sensing data sources with image elements ranging from 1 to 200m.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8858/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1284, author = {Ma, B. Q. and Hauer, R. J. and Ostberg, J. and Koeser, A. K. and Wei, H. X. and Xu, C. Y.}, title = {A global basis of urban tree inventories: What comes first the inventory or the program}, journal = {Urban Forestry & Urban Greening}, volume = {60}, pages = {13}, ISSN = {1618-8667}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127087}, url = {://WOS:000636302600007}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1453, author = {Ma, H. Z. and Crowther, T. W. and Fridman, J. and Westerlund, B. and al., et}, title = {The global biogeography of tree leaf form and habit}, journal = {Nature Plants}, volume = {9}, number = {11}, pages = {1795-1809}, ISSN = {2055-026X}, DOI = {10.1038/s41477-023-01543-5}, url = {://WOS:001092001600001}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN584, author = {Madrigal-González, Jaime and Ruiz-Benito, Paloma and Ratcliffe, Sophia and Calatayud, Joaquín and Kändler, Gerald and Lehtonen, Aleksi and Dahlgren, Jonas and Wirth, Christian and Zavala, Miguel A.}, title = {Complementarity effects on tree growth are contingent on tree size and climatic conditions across Europe}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {6}, pages = {Article no: 32233}, abstract = {Neglecting tree size and stand structure dynamics might bias the interpretation of the diversity-productivity relationship in forests. Here we show evidence that complementarity is contingent on tree size across large-scale climatic gradients in Europe. We compiled growth data of the 14 most dominant tree species in 32,628 permanent plots covering boreal, temperate and Mediterranean forest biomes. Niche complementarity is expected to result in significant growth increments of trees surrounded by a larger proportion of functionally dissimilar neighbours. Functional dissimilarity at the tree level was assessed using four functional types: i.e. broad-leaved deciduous, broad-leaved evergreen, needle-leaved deciduous and needle-leaved evergreen. Using Linear Mixed Models we show that, complementarity effects depend on tree size along an energy availability gradient across Europe. Specifically: (i) complementarity effects at low and intermediate positions of the gradient (coldest-temperate areas) were stronger for small than for large trees; (ii) in contrast, at the upper end of the gradient (warmer regions), complementarity is more widespread in larger than smaller trees, which in turn showed negative growth responses to increased functional dissimilarity. Our findings suggest that the outcome of species mixing on stand productivity might critically depend on individual size distribution structure along gradients of environmental variation.}, DOI = {10.1038/srep32233}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/srep32233}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1178, author = {Madrigal-González, J. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Ratcliffe, S. and Calatayud, J. and Kändler, G. and Lehtonen, A. and Dahlgren, J. and Wirth, C. and Zavala, M. A.}, title = {Erratum: Complementarity effects on tree growth are contingent on tree size and climatic conditions across Europe (Scientific Reports DOI: 10.1038/srep32233)}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {8}, ISSN = {20452322 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1038/srep46993}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85048156520&doi=10.1038%2fsrep46993&partnerID=40&md5=3ab6851743a475d8231ece5cd9c1d82a}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN585, author = {Magnusson, Mattias}, title = {Evaluation of remote sensing techniques for estimation of forest variables at stand level}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitetr}, abstract = {There is a continuous need for accurate forest description. Forest data at stand level is required in forestry planning, in particular when scheduling treatments within the next few years. Collection of forest data is typically acquired with subjective surveying methods in the field. However, field work is labor intensive and therefore an expensive method. An alternative to surveying methods in the field is to use remotely sensed data acquired by, e.g. optical, radar, and laser sensors. In the present thesis, different remote sensing techniques for estimation of forest variables at stand level have been evaluated. All studies were performed in hemi-boreal coniferous dominated forest at a test site in southern Sweden (lat. 58°30’N, long. 13°40’E), enabling a detailed comparison. Remotely sensed data were related to field data using regression analysis. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the average stem volume using airborne laser scanning data, CARABAS-II radar data, aerial photo-interpretation, and multi-spectral optical satellite data was found to be 13%, 19%, 21-24%, and 24-32%, respectively. The analyses clearly demonstrate that airborne laser scanning is the single remote sensing technique of those investigated that gives the most accurate stem volume and tree height estimates at stand level. The estimates from laser scanning data are better than commonly achieved with subjective surveying methods in the field. The accuracy of forest variable estimation using aerial photo-interpretation of Z/I DMC images was found to be in agreement with the results using conventional film-based panchromatic photos. Hence, the results indicate that photo-interpretation of Z/I DMC images using a digital photogrammetric workstation could replace photo-interpretation of film-based photos using analog or analytical stereoplotters without loss of accuracy. Combining two or more data sources which are complementary gives the possibility of improving estimation accuracies. Here, two particularly successful approaches were found. A combination of multi-spectral optical satellite and tree height data improved the RMSE of stem volume estimation to 11-12%. Using a combination of multi-spectral optical satellite and CARABAS-II radar data improved the RMSE to about 15%. The application of the investigated remote sensing techniques in the forestry sector is restricted to the costs and the availability of remotely sensed data. In Sweden, airborne laser scanning data might be supplied by several companies operating in a pure commercial market. The National Land Survey has the mission of aerial photo mapping on a regular basis, but aerial photo mapping is also performed by commercial companies. For multi-spectral optical satellite and CARABAS-II radar data the governmental policy effects in practice what is offered to the users.}, keywords = {Forest inventory, stem volume, regression models, combined estimation, aerial photography, multi-spectral optical satellite, laser scanning, synthetic aperture radar (SAR).}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-1189}, year = {2006}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN586, author = {Magnusson, Magnus and Ecke, Frauke and Khalil, H. and Olsson, Gert and Evander, Magnus and Niklasson, Bo and Hörnfeldt, Birger}, title = {Spatial and temporal variation of hantavirus bank vole infection in managed forest landscapes}, journal = {Ecosphere}, volume = {6}, number = {9}, pages = {1-18}, abstract = {Zoonoses are major contributors to emerging infectious diseases globally. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is a zoonosis caused by rodent‐borne hantaviruses. In Europe, Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) carried and shed by the bank vole (Myodes glareolus), is the most common cause of HFRS. We explore the relationship of PUUV infection in bank voles, as measured by PUUV antibody detection, with habitat and landscape scale properties during two successive vole cycles in boreal Sweden. Our analysis revealed that PUUV infection in the population was not uniform between cycles and across different landscapes. The mean density index of PUUV antibody positive and negative bank voles were highest in old forest, second highest in cut‐over forest (approx. 0–30 years old) and lowest on mires. Most importantly, old forest was the core habitat, where PUUV antibody positive bank voles were found through the low density phase and the transition between successive vole cycles. In spring, occurrence of antibody positive voles was negatively related to the proportion of cut‐over forest in the surrounding landscape, suggesting that large scale human induced land‐use change altered the occurrence of PUUV infection in voles which has not been shown before. Dependence of PUUV infection on habitat and landscape structure, and the variation in infection load within and between cycles are of importance for human risk assessment.}, ISSN = {2150-8925}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1890/ES15-00039.1}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN587, author = {Magnusson, Magnus and Hörnfeldt, Birger and Ecke, Frauke}, title = {Evidence for different drivers behind long-term decline and depression of density in cyclic voles}, journal = {Population Ecology}, volume = {57}, number = {4}, pages = {569-580}, abstract = {Decline and long-term depression of mean densities of the grey-sided vole (Myodes rufocanus) and the field vole (Microtus agrestis) have occurred in managed forest landscapes of Sweden since the 1970s. Generally poor over-winter survival during a period with mild winters suggested a common climatic driver, but other explanations exist. Here we explore the response of the grey-sided vole, preferring forested habitats, and the field vole, preferring open habitats, to clear-cutting of old forest in Sweden. The cumulated impact from long-term clear-cutting explained local disappearances of the grey-sided vole. Maintained connectivity of old forest to stone fields was important for local population survival, since no such populations disappeared. For the grey-sided vole, it is probable that climate is not the dominating driver due to different timing of the decline in our study area. Instead, habitat loss is concluded as being a potential cause of the decline in mean density and depression of grey-sided vole densities. The long-lasting depression of field vole densities, despite favourable landscape changes, suggests action of another strong driver. A recent field vole recovery, essentially back to pre-decline densities and distribution, coincided with favourable winter/snow conditions, suggesting a climatic driver in this case.}, ISSN = {1438-390X}, DOI = {10.1007/s10144-015-0512-3}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10144-015-0512-3}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN588, author = {Magnusson, P. H.}, title = {Contortaskogarnas tillstånd enligt 1987-91 års riksskogstaxering}, journal = {SLU Skogsfakta Nr 3 1993}, year = {1993}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN589, author = {Mair, Louise and Harrison, Philip J. and Jönsson, Mari and Löbel, Swantje and Nordén, Jenni and Siitonen, Juha and Lämås, Tomas and Lundström, Anders and Snäll, Tord}, title = {Evaluating citizen science data for forecasting species responses to national forest management}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {368-378}, abstract = {The extensive spatial and temporal coverage of many citizen science datasets (CSD) makes them appealing for use in species distribution modeling and forecasting. However, a frequent limitation is the inability to validate results. Here, we aim to assess the reliability of CSD for forecasting species occurrence in response to national forest management projections (representing 160,366 km2) by comparison against forecasts from a model based on systematically collected colonization–extinction data. We fitted species distribution models using citizen science observations of an old-forest indicator fungus Phellinus ferrugineofuscus. We applied five modeling approaches (generalized linear model, Poisson process model, Bayesian occupancy model, and two MaxEnt models). Models were used to forecast changes in occurrence in response to national forest management for 2020-2110. Forecasts of species occurrence from models based on CSD were congruent with forecasts made using the colonization–extinction model based on systematically collected data, although different modeling methods indicated different levels of change. All models projected increased occurrence in set-aside forest from 2020 to 2110: the projected increase varied between 125% and 195% among models based on CSD, in comparison with an increase of 129% according to the colonization–extinction model. All but one model based on CSD projected a decline in production forest, which varied between 11% and 49%, compared to a decline of 41% using the colonization–extinction model. All models thus highlighted the importance of protected old forest for P. ferrugineofuscus persistence. We conclude that models based on CSD can reproduce forecasts from models based on systematically collected colonization–extinction data and so lead to the same forest management conclusions. Our results show that the use of a suite of models allows CSD to be reliably applied to land management and conservation decision making, demonstrating that widely available CSD can be a valuable forecasting resource.}, keywords = {deadwood-dependent fungi forestry global biodiversity information facility habitat change land use change opportunistic data volunteer recording}, ISSN = {2045-7758}, DOI = {10.1002/ece3.2601}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.2601}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1179, author = {Majasalmi, T. and Eisner, S. and Astrup, R. and Fridman, J. and Bright, R. M.}, title = {An enhanced forest classification scheme for modeling vegetation-climate interactions based on national forest inventory data}, journal = {Biogeosciences}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {399-412}, ISSN = {17264170 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.5194/bg-15-399-2018}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85040739582&doi=10.5194%2fbg-15-399-2018&partnerID=40&md5=6ea358cb01030a20eea53f407407923f}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN592, author = {Malmsten, Anders}, title = {NILS-inventerare och allemansrätten}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {247}, abstract = {NILS-programmet organiserar en rikstäckande inventering av alla landmiljöer i Sverige; fjäll, skog, myrmarker, jordbruksmark, stränder och tätorter. Resultat och analyser används bl. a. för övervakning och uppföljning av miljömålen. NILS finansieras huvudsakligen av Naturvårdsverket, och bedrivs på Institutionen för Skoglig resurshushållning, SLU, i Umeå. Det tar fem år att gå igenom alla de drygt 600 fasta provrutorna från Smygehuk i söder till Treriksröset i norr. 2008 års säsong var den sjätte inventeringssäsongen, och den första säsongen som NILS-inventerare återinventerade den första femtedelen av rutorna. Fältinventering sker varje sommar, under ungefär tre månader. Den består av två delar, bas-NILS (där varje ruta innehåller 12 provytor och 12 stycken 200-meters-linjer), och ett antal slumpvis valda Ängs- och Betesmarksobjekt (ÄBO) i anslutning till dessa rutor. Inventerarna i Bas-NILS består av åtta tvåmannalag, normalt, som i varje ruta besöker provytorna och går linjerna, samt besöker ett antal provytor per ÄBO. Varje ÄBO får dessutom under en inventeringssäsong tre besök av ytterligare ett inventeringslag som samlar data om dagfjärilar, humlor, grova träd och lavar. Dessa är totalt cirka åtta stycken som arbetar ensamma och som går transekter i ängs- och betesmarker. Denna information används bland annat för att se om och på vilket sätt det öppna kulturlandskapet håller på att växa igen. På NILS-programmets hemsida, http://nils.slu.se/, finns mer information. Bas-NILS består av ett stort antal mätningar i fält. De flesta lämnar inga spår, men för att hitta tillbaka till de exakta punkterna vid nästa omdrev sätter man en aluminiumprofil i marken, om det är lämpligt och inte kan skada betande djur. Man färgmarkerar också lämpliga riktpunkter, som till exempel block, för att lättare kunna hitta tillbaka. I begränsad utsträckning borrar man träd, för att få fram ungefärlig beståndsålder. I fjärils- inventeringen går man förutbestämda transekter och noterar arter och antal fjärilar och humlor. Man undersöker också grova träd. De enda synliga spåren av fjärilsinventerarna är träpinnar som markerar start och slut av transekterna. Utbildningen av inventerarna varar ett tiotal dagar. Ungefär en tredjedel av inventerarna är nya varje säsong. METOD Rapporten baseras på telefonintervjuer med fältinventerare, genomförda under hösten år 2008. Dessa intervjuer tog vardera mellan en kvart och en timme. Samtalen inleddes med en kort presentation av vad projektet handlade om, bakgrund och mål med intervjun. Frågorna överlappade till en del varandra, för att fånga upp tankar som inte dyker upp direkt. Samtalen handlade om allemansrätt i vid bemärkelse, och sidospår följdes för det mesta inte upp. När en fråga utretts tillräckligt, hände det att liknande följdfrågor hoppades över. Målet var inte att få in ett statistiskt välunderbyggt underlag, utan att ge en allmän överblick och konkreta exempel. Svaren skrevs kortfattat ned under intervjuernas gång. I texten sammanfattas huvuddragen i vad som kom fram under inter- vjuerna. Stor vikt har lagts vid att ta med citat från intervjuerna, för att belysa tankegångar hos inventerarna. Samtliga inventerare som arbetade under säsong 2008 kontaktades och tillfrågades om deltagande i under- sökningen. Dessutom kontaktades flera som inventerat tidigare och som jag var bekant med, utan avseende på vilket år de inventerat eller hur många säsonger. Några inventerare gick inte att få tag i. De flesta som gick att nå ville delta. Totalt 33 personer intervjuades. Ungefär hälften hade fått frågorna per e-post, och hade hunnit tänka igenom frågorna innan intervjun. Materialet baseras på intervjuer med 25 bas-NILS-inventerare, av totalt 46 som har inventerat, fortsättningsvis kallade "bas-nissar". Dessa har tillsammans genomfört 67 fältsäsonger, av totalt ca 100. Åtta fjärilsinventerare deltog, av totalt 20 som har inventerat, tillsammans med 13 fältsäsonger bakom sig (av totalt ca 25). Det ger ett intervjuunderlag på cirka 66 % av både bas-nissar och fjärilsinventerare med avseende på totala antalet fältsäsonger.}, keywords = {Inventerare, Allemansrätt, NILS}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-703}, year = {2009}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN593, author = {Malmström, Carl}, title = {Våra torvmarker ur skogsdikningssynpunkt}, number = {24:9}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10126/}, year = {1928}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN594, author = {Malmström, Carl}, title = {Om näringsförhållandenas betydelse för torvmarkers skogsproduktiva förmåga}, number = {28:6}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10155/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN595, author = {Malmström, Carl}, title = {Hallands skogar under de senaste 300 åren}, number = {31:6}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10177/}, year = {1939}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN596, author = {Malmström, Carl}, title = {Studier över skogstyper och trädslagsfördelning inom Västerbottens län}, number = {37:11}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9917/}, year = {1949}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN597, author = {Manderola Matxain, Iker}, title = {Computer visualization of forest development scenarios in Backsjon estate}, number = {114}, abstract = {Concern about environmental problems has grown rapidly over the last decades and related to that emergent interest a lot of research has been done and regulations applied. Today public scrutiny is more intense and participation in decision-making has increased especially in forested environments. This situation requires good and easily understandable information, but usually there is not enough communication between authorities, managers and the general public. Those three components have to interchange information about the landscape development and its natural resources in order to maintain or improve environmental conditions. Therefore there is a need for newer techniques of exposing and explaining the future consequences of different management decision alternatives as well as showing forecasts according to different scenarios. It is well established that graphics, specifically data visualizations, are usually the simplest and most powerful way for communicating results (Tukey, 1977; Tufte 1983). This concept has been expanded to include the use of visualizations for representing natural landscapes. Until recently, forest visualization efforts have focused mainly upon illustrating static concepts or the possible outcomes of management actions (Bishop and Karadaglis, 1997; McCaughey, 1997; Buckley, 1998). The development of computer and visualization technologies is making more popular the use of computer visualization as a delivery tool for the results of environmental change studies and management plans, especially concerning forested environments (Tang and Bishop, 2002). Furthermore, there are large needs for visualization in illustrating scenarios and forecast of forest growth, with different management alternatives, and give an idea about the consequences of sylvicultural actions (i.e. cuttings, thinnings, etc.). When delivering spatial and environmental information to a non-scientific audience, or even to managers, it is important to put it in a convincing way, in order that the more important data and their meaning are quickly understood. Particularly when referred to the presentation of spatial data concerning to management or land use change, realism provides the great advantage of familiarity to aid interpretation (Bishop, 1994). Owing to this, the visualization is a powerful tool for communicating with the public on participatory processes. In this context, most commercial 3D visualization software packages have so far not been able to satisfy the forestry related needs. Since currently, these software packages have limitations, mainly because most packages have been aimed at Virtual Reality (VR) capability. Those problems are related to the circumstance that in VR applications, the computer tries to handle each tree as an object in the RAM memory, runn ing into memory problems quickly, and also less developed integration with georeferenced GIS datasets, etc. For the basic forestry need, Virtual Reality capability is however not necessary and the rendering of an image taken from one view point might be sufficient. As an example of photorealistic visualization software, the new Visual Nature Studio 2 promises to be useful in different scales, with other interesting characteristics like vector guided rendering, etc.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8860/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1180, author = {Marini, L. and Lindelöw, A. and Jönsson, A. M. and Wulff, S. and Schroeder, L. M.}, title = {Population dynamics of the spruce bark beetle: A long-term study}, journal = {Oikos}, volume = {122}, number = {12}, pages = {1768-1776}, ISSN = {00301299 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00431.x}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84888057546&doi=10.1111%2fj.1600-0706.2013.00431.x&partnerID=40&md5=8cfac2c18095432ac1112a1f40608f23}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN598, author = {Marklund, L. G.}, title = {Skogsenergitillgångar i Sverige. preliminära skattningar grundade på riksskogstaxeringens material}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 32}, year = {1981}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN599, author = {Marklund, L. G.}, title = {Biomass functions for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) in Sweden. Biomassafunktioner för gran i Sverige}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 43}, year = {1987}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN600, author = {Marklund, L. G.}, title = {Biomassafunktioner för tall, gran och björk i Sverige}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 45}, year = {1988}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN601, author = {Martinsson, Henrik}, title = {Död ved i Biskopstorp}, url = {http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:863314}, year = {2001}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN602, author = {Martinsson, Owe}, title = {Yield of Larix sukaczewii Dyl. in northern Sweden}, number = {196}, abstract = {The stem volume yield of twenty small stands of larch, mainly Larix sukaczewii Dyl., was studied in northern Sweden. The stand age range was 34-89 years. On the most productive sites trees attain a dominant height of 27 m at age 60 years. Tree height increment is still continuing at age 90 years. The productivity of larch varies widely, depending on site quality. During a 100-year rotation, the total volume yield of larch on medium sites was calculated at 500 m3 ha-', and at 1000 m3 ha-' on the most productive sites (both including bark). On the most productive sites, stem volume yield of larch exceeded that of indigenous conifers by 10-25 per cent (excluding bark). On poor, dry, flat or waterlogged sites the yield of larch was inferior to that of indigenous conifers. On high-altitude sites, surprisingly high yields were observed.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/3662/}, year = {1995}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN603, author = {Mason, Euan G. and Holmström, Emma and Nilsson, Urban}, title = {Using hybrid physiological/mensurational modelling to predict site index of Pinus sylvestris L. in Sweden: a pilot study}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {33}, number = {2}, pages = {1-8}, abstract = {ABSTRACTPrecision and bias of a model designed to predict site index of Scots pine (P. sylvestris L.) from site variables in Sweden were tested using data from 1985 inventory plots. The model was biased and relatively imprecise (standard error = 3.7 m). A new model was constructed using a fitting subset of data, employing sums of mean monthly estimates of photosynthetically active radiation modified by local monthly climatic conditions as a primary independent variable. The best model used day-time temperature modifiers to calculate potential radiation-use efficiency. Modifiers for vapour pressure deficit and soil water did not improve the model. Elevation, distance to the sea, and phytometer indicators of nutritional fertility added small but significant improvements to the predictions. The final model had a standard error of 2.06 m for predictions of site index that ranged from 18 to 30 m at age 100. When applied to a validation subset of plots the model displayed a standard error of 2.09 m and very similar residual patterns to those observed during fitting. The new model represents a significant improvement over the older model, and further improvements may be feasible when historical climatic estimates and a higher resolution digital elevation model become available.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2017.1348539}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2017.1348539}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN607, author = {Matern, B.}, title = {Summary of data collected by the National Forest Survey in 1948 to elucidate the accuracy of a sample plot survey}, journal = {Rapp. Kont. Mat. Statist. SkogsforsknInst., Stockh.}, number = {4}, pages = {24-24}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19610604066}, year = {1961}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN609, author = {Matern, B.}, title = {Några statistiska problem i de tre första taxeringarna}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 10 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources methods scandinavia western europe europe forest resources sampling sweden statistical analysis measurement}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN604, author = {Matérn, Bertil}, title = {Metoder att uppskatta noggrannheten vid linje- och provytetaxering}, number = {36:1}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9898/}, year = {1947}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN605, author = {Matérn, Bertil}, title = {Spatial variation}, number = {49:5}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10033/}, year = {1960}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN606, author = {Matérn, Bertil}, title = {Sammanfattning av uppgifter insamlade vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1948 till belysande av en provytetaxerings noggrannhet : Summary of data collected by the National Forest Survey in 1948 to elucidate the accuracy of a sample plot survey}, publisher = {Stockholm}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Summary of data collected by the National Forest Survey in 1948 to elucidate the accuracy of a sample plot survey}, year = {1961}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN608, author = {Matérn, Bertil}, title = {Funderingar om provträd i riksskogstaxeringen}, institution = {Institutionen för skogstaxering SLU, Projekt Nytax 83}, number = {ISBN 91-576-1012-6, ISSN: 0349-6538}, year = {1981}, type = {Report} } @article{RN611, author = {Mathur, K. Bl and Tewari, D. N.}, title = {The Swedish national forest inventory}, journal = {Indian Forester}, volume = {94}, number = {7}, pages = {513-20}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, ISSN = {0019-4816}, url = {://CABI:19680601664}, year = {1968}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1375, author = {Mattsson, Eskil and Erlandsson, Martin and Karlsson, Per Erik and Holmström, Hampus}, title = {A Conceptual Landscape-Level Approach to Assess the Impacts of Forestry on Biodiversity}, journal = {Sustainability}, volume = {14}, number = {7}, pages = {4214}, ISSN = {2071-1050}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1389, author = {Mazziotta, Adriano and Lundström, Johanna and Forsell, Nicklas and Moor, Helen and Eggers, Jeannette and Subramanian, Narayanan and Aquilué, Núria and Morán‐Ordóñez, Alejandra and Brotons, Lluís and Snäll, Tord}, title = {More future synergies and less trade‐offs between forest ecosystem services with natural climate solutions instead of bioeconomy solutions}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, volume = {28}, number = {21}, pages = {6333-6348}, ISSN = {1354-1013}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN612, author = {Melin, Ylva}, title = {Impacts of stumps and roots on carbon storage and bioenergy use in a climate change context}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {As a result of national and international greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, economic incentives and political desires to be more independent regarding energy supplies, there is interest in substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, such as forest fuels. Stump harvesting could be an option to further increase the bioenergy potential in forested countries; currently stump harvesting is carried out on a pilot basis in Sweden. In this thesis, the Swedish stump harvest potential is studied in a national and European climate change mitigation context. One main objective was to develop a general system for estimating and monitoring carbon stocks and carbon stock changes in stump and root systems on a national scale. A core part of this system was a decomposition function for Norway spruce stumps and roots that was developed as part of this thesis. The decomposition rate in Norway spruce stumps and roots was estimated to be 4.6% annually. Another objective included assessment of the carbon balance trade-offs between the use of stumps for either bioenergy or carbon sequestration. This was carried out over different time scales and harvest intensities and, further, the substitution effect of using stumps for bioenergy in comparison with coal was investigated. The risks of nutrient loss linked to stump harvesting were also studied and discussed. Data from the Swedish national forest inventory and from specifically designed studies on stumps and roots were used for the analyses. The results showed that it takes about nine years for a stump harvest scenario to become more climate-friendly than if coal were used i.e. there is a certain lag period during which the CO₂ emissions from the stump harvest scheme exceed the emissions from utilizing coal as fuel; this is due to higher calorific value in fossil fuels. However, in the long-term, the CO₂ emissions decrease if stumps and roots are used instead of coal. In the medium scenario studied, the CO₂ emissions decreased by 5.0 Tg CO₂ yr-1 - this corresponds to 8.6% of Sweden's current greenhouse gas emissions. It was also shown that the Swedish carbon pool in stumps and roots would start to decrease if more than approximately 107 PJ were harvested annually. Without stump harvesting, the carbon pool in stumps and roots increased over the study period (1984 – 2003) by, on average, 6.9 Tg CO₂ yr-1. Also, the nutrient pools would be at risk if intensive stump harvest schemes after stem and slash harvesting were implemented. However, from a nutrient perspective, depletion of forest soils would be at least risk if a proportion of slash rather than stumps and coarse roots were left after harvesting.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2131}, year = {2014}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN613, author = {Melin, Ylva and Petersson, Hans and Egnell, Gustaf}, title = {Assessing carbon balance trade-offs between bioenergy and carbon sequestration of stumps at varying time scales and harvest intensities}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {260}, number = {4}, pages = {536-542}, abstract = {Mitigating climate change and securing a supply of energy may be achieved, in part, by substituting fossil fuels with bioenergy from stumps and roots. However, the use of stumps would result in a reduction of the carbon pool and thus, from a greenhouse gas emission perspective, there is a trade-off between using stumps for bioenergy and retaining them in the carbon pool associated with dead organic matter. The objective of this study was to show whether, from a carbon balance perspective and over the short and long-terms, stumps are more important as a source of energy that replaces fossil fuels, or as a carbon sink. The study was based on the estimated bioenergy potential of stumps for three harvest scenarios and the corresponding effects on stump–carbon sequestration, if stump harvesting had been practiced in Sweden during the period 1984–2003. Approximately 30,000 permanent plots from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) were used for estimates of bioenergy potential. For the scenario “Medium intensity”, the bioenergy potential was estimated to 51 PJ yr−1 (or 5.7 Tg CO2 yr−1). The corresponding carbon sequestration potential from the retained biomass in the ground was 15 Tg CO2 yr−1. Using these stumps and roots as bioenergy substituting coal would result in a reduction of emission from coal combustion of 5.0 Tg CO2 yr−1. In the short-term, the choice of coal or stumps as an energy source has a minor effect on the gross emissions to the atmosphere but the removal from an increasing stump–carbon pool would slightly favor the use of coal. However, this study indicates that the most effective way of achieving a net reduction of emissions in the long-term is to burn stumps.}, keywords = {Sweden Bioenergy Carbon Stumps Wood fuel}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2010.05.009}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2010.05.009}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN614, author = {Melin, Ylva and Petersson, Hans and Nordfjell, Tomas}, title = {Decomposition of stump and root systems of Norway spruce in Sweden - a modelling approach}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {257}, number = {5}, pages = {1445-1451}, abstract = {The demand for quantifying the biomass of stumps and roots and the carbon stored therein is related to aspects of biodiversity, site productivity, atmospheric carbon cycling issues, and the demand for bioenergy. This, in turn, creates a need to develop high-quality tools for estimating biomass and carbon-equivalents in the ground. The objective of this study was to develop decomposition functions for quantifying the remaining dry weight of the biomass of individual stumps and their associated roots in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). The negative exponential model was chosen for this purpose, combined with a chronosequence approach, involving 99 stumps and their roots from three sites in Sweden. The results showed a relative decay rate of 4.6% annually for stump and root systems. Based on this rate, the time required for the loss of 50% (t0.5) and 95% (t0.95) of the wood is 15 and 64 years, respectively. Although there are many variables that affect decomposition, residual studies indicated that the remaining biomass could be predicted fairly accurately on the basis of the independent variables stump diameter and time.}, keywords = {Biomass Carbon Decay Function Model Picea abies (L.) Karst}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2008.12.020}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2008.12.020}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1394, author = {Mensah, Alex Appiah and Holmström, Emma and Nyström, Kenneth and Nilsson, Urban}, title = {Modelling potential yield capacity in conifers using Swedish long-term experiments}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {512}, pages = {120162}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1417, author = {Mensah, Alex Appiah and Jonzén, Jonas and Nyström, Kenneth and Wallerman, Jörgen and Nilsson, Mats}, title = {Mapping site index in coniferous forests using bi-temporal airborne laser scanning data and field data from the Swedish national forest inventory}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {547}, pages = {121395}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1379, author = {Mensah, Alex Appiah and Petersson, Hans and Dahlgren, Jonas and Elfving, Björn}, title = {Taller and slenderer trees in Swedish forests according to data from the National Forest Inventory}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {527}, pages = {120605}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1334, author = {Miina, J. and Bohlin, I. and Lind, T. and Dahlgren, J. and Harkonen, K. and Packalen, T. and Tolvanen, A.}, title = {Lessons learned from assessing the cover and yield of bilberry and lingonberry using the national forest inventories in Finland and Sweden}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {55}, number = {5}, pages = {25}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.10573}, url = {://WOS:000734722200001}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN616, author = {Mikulková, A. and Hájek, M. and Štěpánková, M. and Ševčík, M.}, title = {Forest certification as a tool to support sustainable development in forest management}, journal = {Journal of Forest Science}, volume = {61}, number = {8}, pages = {359-368}, DOI = {10.17221/16/2015-JFS}, url = {https://doi.org/10.17221/16/2015-JFS}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1183, author = {Mikusiński, G. and Edenius, L.}, title = {Assessment of spatial functionality of old forest in Sweden as habitat for virtual species}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {21}, number = {SUPPL. 7}, pages = {73-83}, ISSN = {02827581 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1080/14004080500487045}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33644630350&doi=10.1080%2f14004080500487045&partnerID=40&md5=31584c86c35da94474e7b792d1051e80}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN617, author = {Milberg, Per and Bergstedt, Johan and Fridman, Jonas and Odell, Gunnar and Westerberg, Lars}, title = {Observer bias and random variation in vegetation monitoring data}, journal = {Journal of Vegetation Science}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {633-644}, abstract = {Question: Detecting species presence in vegetation and making visual assessment of abundances involve a certain amount of skill, and therefore subjectivity. We evaluated the magnitude of the error in data, and its consequences for evaluating temporal trends. Location: Swedish forest vegetation. Methods: Vegetation data were collected independently by two observers in 342 permanent 100-m2 plots in mature boreal forests. Each plot was visited by one observer from a group of 36 and one of two quality assessment observers. The cover class of 29 taxa was recorded, and presence/absence for an additional 50. Results: Overall, one third of each occurrence was missed by one of the two observers, but with large differences among species. There were more missed occurrences at low abundances. Species occurring at low abundance when present tended to be frequently overlooked. Variance component analyses indicated that cover data on 5 of 17 species had a significant observer bias. Observer-explained variance was < 10% in 15 of 17 species. Conclusion: The substantial number of missed occurrences suggests poor power in detecting changes based on presence/absence data. The magnitude of observer bias in cover estimates was relatively small, compared with random error, and therefore potentially analytically tractable. Data in this monitoring system could be improved by a more structured working model during field work.}, keywords = {Forest Observer error Permanent plot Statistical power Sweden}, ISSN = {1654-1103}, DOI = {10.3170/2008-8-18423}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3170/2008-8-18423}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN618, author = {Millberg, Hanna}, title = {Foliar fungi of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is an ecologically and economically important tree species in Fennoscandia. Scots pine needles host a variety of fungi, some with the potential to profoundly influence their host. These fungi can have beneficial or detrimental effects with important implications for both forest health and primary production. In this thesis, the foliar fungi of Scots pine needles were investigated with the aim of exploring spatial and temporal patterns, and development with needle age and health status. Using 454 sequencing, diverse fungal communities were detected from Scots pine needles sampled along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients in Sweden and from forests along the Lithuanian coast. Latitude and altitude, as well as the forest edge, were found to influence the fungal community. Needle age and needle heath status affected the fungal community, while OTU (operational taxonomic unit) richness increased with needle age and in symptomatic needles. In addition, Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) was examined under Nordic conditions on seedlings of Scots pine and Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). The disease development of DNB was found to be comparable to what has been reported in studies from Europe and New Zealand. Findings in this thesis show that the fungal community associated with Scots pine needles is species rich, but the majority of these fungi have unknown ecological roles. Our results contribute to the understanding of spatial variability and dynamics of these fungi, which is important for better understanding of their potential effect on ecosystem processes.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2982}, year = {2015}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1295, author = {Minola, Lorenzo and Reese, Heather and Lai, Hui‐Wen and Azorin‐Molina, Cesar and Guijarro, Jose A and Son, Seok‐Woo and Chen, Deliang}, title = {Wind stilling‐reversal across Sweden: The impact of land‐use and large‐scale atmospheric circulation changes}, journal = {International Journal of Climatology}, ISSN = {0899-8418}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN619, author = {Moberg, Lennart and Nordmark, Urban and Möller, Johan J. and Skogforsk, Jan Sondell}, title = {Prognoser för bättre sågtimmerleveranser}, journal = {REDOGÖRELSE}, pages = {74}, url = {http://www.skogforsk.se/contentassets/cc4a6a24b15a4f5292552fcb2dc8ce17/redogorelse-2-2006-low.pdf#page=76}, year = {2004}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN621, author = {Moeur, M. and Stage, A. R.}, title = {Most similar neighbor: an improved sampling inference procedure for natural resource planning}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {41}, number = {2}, pages = {337-359}, ISSN = {0015-749X}, url = {://CABI:19950611399}, year = {1995}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1294, author = {Moor, Helen and Nordén, Jenni and Penttilä, Reijo and Siitonen, Juha and Snäll, Tord}, title = {Long‐term effects of colonization–extinction dynamics of generalist versus specialist wood‐decaying fungi}, journal = {Journal of Ecology}, volume = {109}, number = {1}, pages = {491-503}, ISSN = {0022-0477}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN622, author = {Moroni, M. T. and Morris, D. M. and Shaw, C. and Stokland, J. N. and Harmon, M. E. and Fenton, N. J. and Merganičová, K. and Merganič, J. and Okabe, K. and Hagemann, U.}, title = {Buried Wood: A Common Yet Poorly Documented Form of Deadwood}, journal = {Ecosystems}, volume = {18}, number = {4}, pages = {605-628}, abstract = {Buried wood (BW: downed deadwood buried more than 50% by soil, litter, or ground vegetation) is a common but understudied part of forest ecosystems. We reviewed the literature and conducted a meta-analysis of BW that included new data from Australia, Belarus, Canada, Germany, Japan, Norway, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, the USA, and Wales. Buried wood occurred in a wide range of forest types of natural and anthropogenic origin. In some forests, BW was effectively preserved and volumes of BW exceeded the volume of all other live and deadwood combined. Boreal and oroboreal coniferous forests contained large amounts of BW, whereas hardwood forests appeared to contain little BW due to differences in ground vegetation, wood decomposition pathways, and climatic and edaphic conditions. Coniferous forests growing on paludified ground represent areas with a large capacity to store BW. The largest quantity of BW reported was 935 m3 ha−1 in paludified black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.)) forests, where typically mature live bole volumes are only 150 m3 ha−1. Buried wood can accumulate over several disturbance cycles (centuries), due to greatly reduced rates of decomposition following burial. As such, BW can represent a large forest C pool that is currently not recognized in forest C accounting using field measurements or models. Failing to account for wood burial can lead to underestimates of ecosystem deadwood stocks as well as misinterpretations of ecosystem dynamics. Buried wood and the burial process should be included in forest measurement and models, particularly for boreal and oroboreal ecosystems, to reduce uncertainty and improve accuracy in forest C accounting. This will require improvements to existing field sampling protocols and collection of long-term data on processes creating BW.}, ISSN = {1435-0629}, DOI = {10.1007/s10021-015-9850-4}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-015-9850-4}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1186, author = {Nabuurs, G. J. and Dolman, A. J. and Verkaik, E. and Kuikman, P. J. and Van Diepen, C. A. and Whitmore, A. P. and Daamen, W. P. and Oenema, O. and Kabat, P. and Mohren, G. M. J.}, title = {Article 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol: Consequences for industrialised countries' commitment, the monitoring needs, and possible side effects}, journal = {Environmental Science and Policy}, volume = {3}, number = {2-3}, pages = {123-134}, ISSN = {14629011 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/S1462-9011(00)00006-X}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0002974119&doi=10.1016%2fS1462-9011%2800%2900006-X&partnerID=40&md5=ddf2ed92dea568099a1cbb88d3b1b29d}, year = {2000}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1187, author = {Nabuurs, G. J. and Sikkema, R.}, title = {International trade in wood products: Its role in the land use change and forestry carbon cycle}, journal = {Climatic Change}, volume = {49}, number = {4}, pages = {377-395}, ISSN = {01650009 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1023/A:1010732726540}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0035036705&doi=10.1023%2fA%3a1010732726540&partnerID=40&md5=cb8c73c3d88c0d433e320b05fb9a818d}, year = {2001}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN623, author = {Naturvårdsverket}, title = {Sweden's National Inventory Report 2005 - submitted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change}, institution = {Naturvårdsverket}, note = {ISSN 0282-7298}, number = {Report 5451}, url = {https://www.naturvardsverket.se/Om-Naturvardsverket/Publikationer/ISBN/5400/91-620-5451-1/}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @article{RN624, author = {Nelson, Mark D. and Healey, Sean P. and Moser, W. Keith and Hansen, Mark H.}, title = {Combining satellite imagery with forest inventory data to assess damage severity following a major blowdown event in northern Minnesota, USA}, journal = {International Journal of Remote Sensing}, volume = {30}, number = {19: ForestSAT 2007}, pages = {5089-5108}, abstract = {Effects of a catastrophic blowdown event in northern Minnesota, USA were assessed using field inventory data, aerial sketch maps and satellite image data processed through the North American Forest Dynamics programme. Estimates were produced for forest area and net volume per unit area of live trees pre- and post-disturbance, and for changes in volume per unit area and total volume resulting from disturbance. Satellite image-based estimates of blowdown area were similar to estimates derived from inventory plots and aerial sketch maps. Overall accuracy of the image-based damage classification was over 90%. Compared to field inventory estimates, image-based estimates of post-blowdown mean volume per unit area were similar, but estimates of total volume loss were substantially larger, although inaccessibility of the most severely damaged inventory plots may have depressed the inventory-based estimate. This represents the first application of state model differencing to storm damage assessment. The image-based procedure can be applied to historical archives of satellite imagery and does not require pre-disturbance field inventory data.}, ISSN = {0143-1161}, DOI = {10.1080/01431160903022951}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/01431160903022951}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1405, author = {Nesha, Karimon and Herold, Martin and De Sy, Veronique and De Bruin, Sytze and Araza, Arnan and Málaga, Natalia and Gamarra, Javier GP and Hergoualc'h, Kristell and Pekkarinen, Anssi and Ramirez, Carla}, title = {Exploring characteristics of national forest inventories for integration with global space-based forest biomass data}, journal = {Science of the Total Environment}, volume = {850}, pages = {157788}, ISSN = {0048-9697}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN625, author = {Nevalainen, S.}, title = {The incidence of Gremmeniella abietina in relation to topography in southern Finland}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {36}, number = {2}, pages = {459-473}, note = {Times Cited: 6 0 7}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, url = {://WOS:000176901900002}, year = {2002}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN626, author = {Nielsen, Anders Busse and Hedblom, Marcus and Olafsson, Anton Stahl and Wiström, Björn}, title = {Spatial configurations of urban forest in different landscape and socio-political contexts: identifying patterns for green infrastructure planning}, journal = {Urban Ecosystems}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {379-392}, abstract = {Rapid urbanisation and climate change have motivated the development of urban green infrastructure (UGI) as a planning strategy to support the wellbeing of urban people and ecosystems while parallel adapting cities to climate change. Forest (tree-covered areas >0.5 ha) is a key UGI component that afford a wider range of ecosystem services and mitigate urban heat islands more effectively than non-wooded green spaces. However, understanding of spatial configurations (variation in patch size and frequency) of forests across the gradient of urbanisation and between cities is limited to case studies. This represents a considerable knowledge gap for identification of general patterns that can inform integration of forest resources in UGI planning that have value beyond the individual city level. In this study we used Geographic Information Systems to explore the spatial configuration of forests across cities located within landscapes characterised by different levels of anthropogenic modification (degree of forest cover) and socio-political contexts, i.e. all Danish and Swedish cities >10,000 inhabitants (n = 176). We applied general linear modelling to investigate the relationship between forest cover, patch size and frequency with 1) regional landscape type, 2) demographic trends 1960–2010, and 3) the gradient of urbanisation (measured in three zones: urban core (0.2 km from city boundary), urban fringe (0.2–2 km), and urban periphery (2–5 km)). Regardless of demographic trends, forest cover was lowest in cities settled in large-scale agricultural regions, higher in regions with mosaics of forest and farming, and highest in forest-dominated regions. However, in all cities forest cover was lowest in the urban zone and peaked on the urban fringe rather than on the urban periphery. Furthermore, pocket woods (0.5–2 ha) accounted for over 50 % of patches in all three urban zones, irrespective of regional landscape type. We conclude by discussing how these general patterns could inform strategies for integration of urban forests in UGI planning.}, ISSN = {1573-1642}, DOI = {10.1007/s11252-016-0600-y}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-016-0600-y}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN320, author = {Nielsen, Bo and Sondell, Jan}, title = {Sex skogshäckande och långflyttande små tättingars förekomst i Kvismaren under 40 år}, number = {140}, url = {https://www.kvismaren.org/sites/default/files/uploads/files/fkf_msg/fik_2005_sex_skogshackande_och_langflyttande_sma_tattingars_forekomst_i_kvismaren_under_40_ar_140_18-26.pdf}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @book{RN1188, author = {Nilsson, A. and Folving, S. and Kennedy, P. and Puumalainen, J. and Chirici, G. and Corona, P. and Marchetti, M. and Olsson, H. and Ricotta, C. and Ringvall, A. and Stahl, G. and Tomppo, E.}, title = {Combining remote sensing and field data for deriving unbiased estimates of forest parameters over large regions}, volume = {76}, series = {Advances in Forest Inventory for Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Monitoring}, pages = {19-32}, ISBN = {1-4020-1715-4}, url = {://WOS:000221347900003}, year = {2003}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN627, author = {Nilsson, Björn and Tyboni, Maud and Pettersson, Anders and Granström, Anders and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Punktgittertolkning av brandområdet i Västmanland: redovisning av uppdrag från Skogsstyrelsen}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {433}, abstract = {Efter branden i Västmanland i augusti 2014 uppdrog Skogsstyrelsen åt SLU att utföra en punktgittertolkning för att ta fram statistik över den brandskadade skogen. Arbetet har utförts vid institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning vid SLU i Umeå under oktober månad 2014. Sammantaget, så har 2062 provytor med 10 m radie och 300 m mellanrum tolkats i flygbilder från strax före och efter branden. Arbetet har utförts i fotogrammetrisk arbetsstation. Denna rapport redovisar använda metoder samt en första sammanställning av statistik. Från den levererade databasen kan sedan ytterligare analyser göras. Databasen lämpar sig även för framtida uppföljning samt kombination med andra datakällor. Resultaten enligt denna undersökning visar bland annat att ca 13 100 ha berördes av branden, varav 9576 ha bedömdes som produktiv skogsmark. Av den produktiva skogsmarken var marken brandskadad på 98 % av ytan. Skadorna i trädkronorna fördelade sig enligt följande: 4 % av arealen hade inga tolkade skador i trädkronorna; för 23 % av arealen bedömdes mindre än hälften av trädkronornas barr eller löv vara döda; för 52 % av arealen bedömdes mer än hälften av trädkronornas barr/löv vara döda men fortfarande ha delar av kronan kvar. Resterande 25 % av skogsmarksarealen omfattades av kronbrand (viss del grenar kan finnas kvar men inga barr/löv). Virkesförrådet i de två kraftigaste skadeklasserna (> 50 % av kronan skadad, eller kronbrand) uppskattades till ca 917 400 m3sk, medan virkesförrådet i områden med högst 50 % kronskador omfattade ca 344 100 m3sk. Den talldominerade skogen är mest skadad och den lövdominerade skogen och blandskogarna är mindre skadad. Resultaten i denna rapport bygger helt på mätning och bedömning i flygbilder och ingen efterföljande kontrollinventering har gjorts. Av tidsskäl har heller inga referensytor innan bildtolkningen varit möjliga att få fram. Det finns därför risk att det kan förekomma systematiska fel, t.ex. i uppskattningen av virkesförråden. Dessa uppgifter bör därför användas med viss försiktighet. Eventuell kontrollinventering kan bara utföras i den buffertzon utanför brandområdet som också inventerats. Det har även gjorts en kartering av yttergränsen för det område som bedömts som brandpåverkat på uppdrag från Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB). Denna gräns bygger på både bildtolkning och fältbesök. Skogsstyrelsen beslutade att bara punkter inom denna gräns ska ingå i beräkningarna}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2296}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1189, author = {Nilsson, C. and Stjernquist, I. and Bärring, L. and Schlyter, P. and Jönsson, A. M. and Samuelsson, H.}, title = {Recorded storm damage in Swedish forests 1901-2000}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {199}, number = {1}, pages = {165-173}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2004.07.031}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-4444379185&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2004.07.031&partnerID=40&md5=3dd0902ef641ce3854f3342f62013aca}, year = {2004}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN629, author = {Nilsson, L.}, title = {Skogstillstånd och utförd avverkning ovan skogsodlingsgränsen. En analys grundad på material från riksskogstaxeringen, inom ramen för Avverkningsberäkning 1985}, publisher = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, keywords = {5021 coniferous forests forests vegetation natural resources forestry operations physiographic features scandinavia western europe europe forest management silviculture boreal forests subalpine forests forest resources logging felling highland sweden regeneration}, pages = {32 s.}, year = {1984}, type = {Book} } @book{RN630, author = {Nilsson, M.}, title = {Integrering av satellitfjärranalys i riksskogstaxeringen - en försöksdatabas för Västerbottens kustland}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Arbetsrapport - Institutionen för Skogstaxering, Umeå, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, nr 10}, keywords = {5021 surveying surveys forest management information systems remote sensing forest surveys forest inventories databases}, pages = {15 s.}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @article{RN631, author = {Nilsson, M.}, title = {Estimations of tree heights and stand volume using airborne Lidar systems}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 57}, year = {1994}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN632, author = {Nilsson, M.}, title = {Fjärranalys i Riksskogstaxeringen - resultat från en klassificeringsstudie}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Arbetsrapport - Institutionen för Skogstaxering, Umeå, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, nr 16}, note = {4 ref.}, keywords = {5021 surveying natural resources surveys forest management remote sensing forest resources forest surveys forest inventories methods}, pages = {27 s.}, year = {1994}, type = {Book} } @phdthesis{RN633, author = {Nilsson, Mats}, title = {Estimation of forest variables using satellite image data and airborne lidar}, university = {Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, note = {Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, abstract = {Remote sensing data can be used to estimate forest variables or to classify areas into groups of classes. Presently, remote sensing sensors can be used for a variety of different purposes, and the number of sensors is constantly increasing. The development of new sensor systems that are either satellite-borne or airborne, and the development of the Global Positioning System, are both key issues for the future use of remotely sensed data in forest inventories. The main objectives are to investigate the possible use of different sensors and methods for estimation of forest variables in the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI). Five studies concerning airborne lidar, NOAA AVHRR data and Landsat TM data are reported. Three different study areas were used: one located north of Umeå (Lat. 64 deg 15 min N, Long. 20 deg 50 min E), one located south of Stockholm (Lat. 58 deg 56 min N, Long. 18 deg 15 min E) and one loacted in the south of Sweden (centered at Lat. 57 deg 50 min N, Long. 14 deg 20 min E). In all areas, the forest is dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Laser measured tree heights were found to underestimate field measured tree heights by 2.1-3.7 m on a plot level, depending on the laser footprint size. A linear regression function relating the laser measurements to stand volume was derived. A method whereby Swedish NFI plots, a Landsat TM image, and a NOAA AVHRR image were used to assess forest estimates across large areas was evaluated. For three out of the four counties situated partially within the TM scence, the mean estimates for most variables tested were found to be within 10% of the estimates obtained using only NFI plots. Two of the studies concerning Landsat TM data were designed to evaluate the "k nearest neighbour estimation method". In this method, multiple variables are simultaneously calculated as weighted mean values of spectrally nearby samples. It was found that at least 5-10 nearby samples should}, keywords = {5041 * boreal forests forest inventories forest surveys remote sensing data collection classification satellites sensors data integration}, year = {1997}, type = {Thesis} } @book{RN1190, author = {Nilsson, M. and Bohlin, J. and Olsson, H. and Svensson, S. A. and Haapaniemi, M.}, title = {Operational use of remote sensing for regional level assessment of forest estate values}, series = {New Strategies for European Remote Sensing}, pages = {263-268}, ISBN = {90-5966-003-X}, url = {://WOS:000228786900032}, year = {2005}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN635, author = {Nilsson, Mats and Egberth, Mikael and Hagner, Olle and Olsson, Håkan and Reese, Heather and Wallerman, Jörgen}, title = {Mapping forest Parameters across Sweden Using Satellite Imagery and Field Data from the Swedish National forest inventory}, keywords = {Sweden Mapping Remote Sensing Satellite Sensing Forests National Forests Data Processing Inventories Geoscience}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @article{RN636, author = {Nilsson, M. and Holm, S. and Wallerman, J. and Reese, H. and Olsson, H.}, title = {Estimating annual cuttings using multi-temporal satellite data and field data from the Swedish NFI}, journal = {International Journal of Remote Sensing}, volume = {30}, number = {19: ForestSAT 2007}, pages = {5109-5116}, abstract = {Many countries have ongoing national forest inventories (NFIs) that provide reliable information on current forest conditions and changes in the forest landscape. These inventories are often based on data collected using field inventory procedures and the results are presented in terms of forest statistics for different geographical areas. The Swedish NFI has decided to combine their field data with optical satellite data by using post-stratification to obtain improved and unbiased estimates of forest variables. The method has been shown to reduce the sampling error (standard error) by 10–35% for variables such as stem volume and forest area. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect on sampling error for the estimated annual clear-felled area when the NFI plots are post-stratified by cuttings mapped from multi-temporal satellite images. Clear-felled areas mapped by the Swedish Forest Agency using image pairs (SPOT and Landsat) from the years 2001/2002, 2002/2003, 2003/2004, and 2004/2005 were used to post-stratify the NFI plots. The study area covers approximately a 1.3 Mha forest land area in Coastal Västerbotten. It was found that the sampling error (standard error) for the annually clear-felled area was reduced by 31% using post-stratification compared to use of field data alone.}, ISSN = {0143-1161}, DOI = {10.1080/01431160903022910}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/01431160903022910}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN638, author = {Nilsson, Mats and Nordkvist, Karin and Jonzén, Jonas and Lindgren, Nils and Axensten, Peder and Wallerman, Jörgen and Egberth, Mikael and Larsson, Svante and Nilsson, Liselott and Eriksson, Johan and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {A nationwide forest attribute map of Sweden predicted using airborne laser scanning data and field data from the National Forest Inventory}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, abstract = {The National Mapping Agency in Sweden has conducted an airborne laser scanning (ALS) campaign covering almost the entire country for the purpose of creating a new national Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The ALS data were collected between 2009 and 2015 using Leica, Optech, Riegl, and Trimble scanners and have a point density of 0.5–1.0 pulses/m2. A high resolution national raster database (12.5 m × 12.5 m cell size) with forest variables was produced by combining the ALS data with field data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI). Approximately 11500 NFI plots (10 meter radius) located on productive forest land, inventoried between 2009 and 2013, were used to create linear regression models relating selected forest variables, or transformations of the variables, to metrics derived from the ALS data. The resulting stand level relative RMSEs for predictions of stem volume, basal area, basal-area weighted mean tree height, and basal-area weighted mean stem diameter were in the ranges of 17.2–22.0%, 13.9–18.2%, 5.4–9.5%, and 8.7–13.1%, respectively. It was concluded that the predictions had an accuracy that were at least as good as data typically used in forest management planning. Above ground tree biomass was also included in the national raster database but not validated on a stand-level. An important part of the project was to make the raster database available to private forest owners, forest associations, forest companies, authorities, researchers, and the general public. Thus, all predicted forest variables can be viewed and downloaded free of charge at the Swedish Forest Agency's homepage (http://www.skogsstyrelsen.se/skogligagrunddata).}, keywords = {Nationwide forest database National forest inventory Airborne laser scanning}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2016.10.022}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.10.022}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN640, author = {Nilsson, Mats and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Fjärranalysmetoder för datainsamling vid skogsbruksplanläggning i privatskogsbruket: lägesbeskrivning och framtidsvisioner}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, number = {226}, abstract = {Lantmäteriets nya flygfotoprogram med ett omdrev på i genomsnitt 3 år, samt de höga kostnaderna vid beställning av andra fjärranalysregistreringar över enskilda fastigheter gör att flygbilder även fortsättningsvis måste anses som den främsta fjärranalyskällan för skogsbruksplanläggning. Övergången till digital flygfotografering medför en enklare bildhantering och minskade kostnader vid tolkning i digitala fotogrammetriska arbets- stationer jämfört med tidigare generationer av fotogrammetriska instrument. Detta gör att nya arbetssätt där förrättningsmannen själv gör den kartriktiga stereotolkningen bör provas. Det finns även ett behov att utveckla operationellt användbara bildanalysrutiner för skoglig tolkning av de digitala flygbilder som Lantmäteriet nu producerar, t.ex. rutiner för be- stämning av trädslag samt automatisk beståndsavgränsning. Vid utveckling av dessa måste hänsyn tas till att träd avbildas olika i olika delar av flygbilden. Flygburen laserskanning ger mycket bra skattningar av bl.a. virkesförråd och trädhöjd i barrdominerad skog, men för att metoden ska bli konkurrenskraftig för det svenska privat- skogsbruket, krävs en affärsmodell som gör att laserskanningen och skattningen av skogliga data för närliggande fastigheter kan samordnas, eller alternativt att nya typer av billigare lasersystem utvecklas. En tänkbar startpunkt för införande av laserskanning i för privatskogsbruket skulle kunna vara att data från den skanning som Lantmäteriet planerar för att ta fram en ny markhöjdsmodell även görs tillgänglig för skogsbruket. Analys av enskilda träd i laserregistreringar kan ge ytterligare information om t.ex. trädslag och storleksfördelning, men enbart analys av enskilda träd ger sannolikt sämre skattningar på beståndsnivå för virkesförråd, medeldiameter, etc. än den hittills använda arealbaserade metoden som bygger på statistisk skattning av skogliga data på provytor utifrån motsvarande punktmoln med laserträffar i krontaket. Laserskanningen utvecklas snabbt och den täta skanning som behövs för att upptäcka de flesta enskilda träden kommer inte att vara något problem att åstadkomma i framtiden. Den naturliga utvecklingen är därför att försöka kombinera den arealbaserade metoden med enskilda-träd-metoden. Ett flertal nya fjärranalystekniker är under utveckling, bl.a. utvecklas metoder för att mäta krontakets höjd genom matchning av digitala flygbilder som registrerats från många olika tittvinklar. För att denna typ av produkter ska bli fullt användbara för skogsbruket krävs en noggrant bestämd markhöjdmodell av det slag som Lantmäteriet nu planera att ta fram m.h.a. laserskanning. Skogliga satellitbildsskattningar som SLU:s ”kNN-Sverige”-databas, liksom den årligen uppdaterade satellitbildsdatabas som Lantmäteriet fått i uppdrag att ansvara för, ger en överblick över skogslandskapet samt data för ajourhållning, virkesanskaffning och jämförelser mellan olika skogsbruksplaner. Det finns redan idag små elmotordrivna modellflygplan med autopilot (så kallade UAV:er) som kan användas för att på några hundra meters höjd fotografera bestånd eller delar av fastigheter. Dagsfärska fotomosaiker från UAV:er skulle kunna användas för inventering och dialog med markägaren. UAV-systemen förväntas utvecklas snabbt de närmsta åren, bl.a. på grund av lättade luftfartsbestämmelser.}, keywords = {Fjärranalyser, Datainsamling, Skogsbruksplanläggning, Privatskogsbruk, Lägesbeskrivning, Framtidsvisioner}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-698}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN641, author = {Nilsson, Mats and Reese, Heather}, title = {Using Landsat TM and NFI data to estimate wood volume, tree biomass and stand age in Dalarna}, number = {53}, abstract = {As part of the "Monitoring of forest ecosystems" project, within the MISTRA program Remote Sensing for the Environment (RESE), and also with funding from the County Administration Board of Dalarna, a demonstration project was undertaken to estimate forest stand parameters in Dalarna with the use of satellite data. Using two full scenes of Landsat Thematic Mapper data and sample plot data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory, estimations of above ground tree biomass, age, total wood volume, and separate tree species' volumes were made using the "k Nearest Neighbor'' method. Accuracy assessment results at the single pixel level for total wood volume are consistent with results from previous kNN estimations, with an overall relative RMSE of 75% for the western scene, and 58% overall relative RMSE for the eastern scene. Validation data show a bias of the estimate toward the mean value of the estimation data. The pixel level estimates of above ground tree biomass and age had similar validation results to those for total wood volume. Biomass estimates had a 77% relative RMSE for the western scene, and 69% for the eastern scene. Age estimates had a relative RMSE of 60% in the western scene and 57% in the eastern scene. The results may suggest the need to incorporate a geographic limitation on the plots used in the estimation, and to further investigate the co-registration between the satellite and plot data. While pixel level errors are high, an aggregation of the estimates to larger (compartment-sized) areas could decrease the error significantly. Previous similar studies have shown that an RMSE of 10% for total wood volume can be obtained for as small areas as 1 00 to 450 hectares. The estimates from this study will be evaluated for use by the County Administration Board of Dalarna to find areas of ecological interest and to assist in planning.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8867/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN642, author = {Nilsson, Mats and Reese, Heather}, title = {Wood volume estimations for Alvsbyn Kommun using SPOT satellite data and NFI plots}, number = {79}, abstract = {Estimations of wood volume and age were made for Alvsbyn Kommun using SPOT satellite data and National Forest Inventory data. Two scenes of satellite data from 1996 were used, and NFI data from 1990-1998 were used for the estimation. The method used to make the estimates was k Nearest Neighbor. Problems were encountered with estimates of clearcuts in one of the scenes, most likely due to a late acquisition date (September 18) at a high latitude, and a sun angle of 25°. An illumination correction was performed with a 50m resolution DEM, and extra low volume plots were added; results were improved. The total wood volume RMSE was 69% for the eastern SPOT scene and 80% for the western scene. RMSE for age was assessed for the eastern scene at 53% .}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8866/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN643, author = {Nilsson, Mats and Tingelöf, Ulf}, title = {Kartering av Hyggeskanter i Pankromatiska SPOT - bilder}, number = {69}, abstract = {Målet med denna Rapport är att beskriva hur en Detekterad Hyggeskant förskjuts relativt den sanna Hyggeskanten pga Belysnings-och Skuggeffekter. Det är även av intresse att Utvärdera om olika täta Skuggor påverkar den Detekterade Kantens läge. Med kännedom om detta kan en korrekt Metod för Hyggesdetektering tas fram för Operationellt bruk i Riksskogstaxeringen. Att avgränsa Hyggena korrekt är speciellt viktigt för små Objekt där Arealfelet annars blir förhållandevis stort.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8818/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN644, author = {Nilsson, Nils-Erik}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1938-1952 : tabellsamling grundad på tidigare publicerade länsvisa rapporter}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Rapporter / Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, Avdelningen för skogstaxering, 2}, pages = {162 s.}, year = {1961}, type = {Book} } @inbook{RN649, author = {Nilsson, N. E.}, title = {A forest map and a record of forest areas, growing stocks, computed annual cuts, labour requirements, etc. by regions, counties and small [survey] areas}, booktitle = {Rapp. Avd. Skogstax. SkogsforsknInst., Stockh.}, pages = {40}, url = {://CABI:19610606111}, year = {1961}, type = {Book Section} } @misc{RN648, author = {Nilsson, Nils Erik}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringens produktionsöversikter}, number = {50:1}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10039/}, year = {1961}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN645, author = {Nilsson, N. E.}, title = {Förräntningsberäkningar grundade på riksskogstaxeringensproduktionsöversikter}, journal = {Rapporter / Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, Avdelningen för skogstaxering, 3}, year = {1962}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN650, author = {Nilsson, N. E.}, title = {Calculations of profitability on the basis of yield tables from the [Swedish] National Forest Survey}, booktitle = {Rapp. Uppsats. Instn. Skogstax. Skogshogsk., Stockh.}, pages = {78}, url = {://CABI:19630602645}, year = {1963}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN651, author = {Nilsson, N. E.}, title = {Avverkningsberäkningar - vad-nu-då}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 6 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources forestry operations scandinavia western europe europe forest resources logging felling sweden measurement}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @article{RN652, author = {Nilsson, N. E. and Ostlin, E.}, title = {The State forest survey 1938-1952. Collected tables based on previously published county data}, journal = {Rapp. Avd. Skogstax. SkogsforknInst., Stockh.}, number = {2}, pages = {162-162}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19610606112}, year = {1961}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN646, author = {Nilsson, Nils-Erik and Segebaden, Gustaf von}, title = {Undersökning rörande avsättningslägen för skog och skogsmark i Jämtlands län}, number = {51:4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10050/}, year = {1962}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN647, author = {Nilsson, Nils-Erik and Östlin, Eric}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1938-1952 : tabellsamling grundad på tidigare publicerade länsvisa rapporter}, institution = {skogsforskningsinstitut, Avdelningen för skogstaxering, Rapport nr 2}, number = {ISSN 99-0503694-6}, year = {1961}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN653, author = {Nilsson, Per}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen och ståndortskarteringen vid regional miljöövervakning}, number = {1401-1204}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8809/1/nilsson_p_120413.pdf}, year = {1995}, type = {Report} } @book{RN655, author = {Nilsson, Per}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen och ståndortskarteringen vid regional miljöövervakning : metoder för att förbättra upplösningen vid inventering i skogliga avrinningsområden}, publisher = {Umeå : Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, address = {Umeå}, keywords = {5041 forest surveys environmental impact assessment forest land watersheds remote sensing forest inventories methods}, year = {1995}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN656, author = {Nilsson, Per and Cory, Neil}, title = {Skogsdata 2009: Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema: Tätortsnära skog}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2009 är Tätortsnära skog.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-101}, year = {2009}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN657, author = {Nilsson, Per and Cory, Neil}, title = {Skogsdata 2010: Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema : Contortatall i Sverige}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2010 är contortatall i Sverige.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-484}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN658, author = {Nilsson, Per and Cory, Neil and Dahlgren, Jonas}, title = {Skogsdata 2011: Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema : Fält- och bottenskiktsvegetation i Sveriges skogar}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar de mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2011 är Fält- och bottenskiktsvegetation i Sveriges skogar.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-211}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN659, author = {Nilsson, Per and Cory, Neil and Fridman, Jonas and Kempe, Göran}, title = {Skogsdata 2012: Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema : Skogsodling, skogsvård och avverkning}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar de mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2012 är Skogsodling, skogsvård och avverkning.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-741}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN660, author = {Nilsson, Per and Cory, Neil and Fridman, Jonas and Kempe, Göran}, title = {Skogsdata 2013: Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema : Olika mått på skogens ålder och trädslagssammansättning}, institution = {Dept. of Forest Resource Management. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar de mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2013 är Olika mått på skogens ålder och trädslagssammansättning.}, keywords = {Area conditions, Standing volume, Annual volume increment, Site conditions, Forest damage, Forest resources, Forest inventory, Official statistics}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1637}, year = {2013}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN661, author = {Nilsson, Per and Cory, Neil and Kempe, Göran and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Skogsdata 2015}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar de mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2015 är Riksskogstaxeringens permanenta provytor.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2947}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN662, author = {Nilsson, Per and Cory, Neil and Wulff, Sören}, title = {Skogsdata 2014: Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema: biologisk mångfald}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar de mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2014 är biologisk mångfald.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2121}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN1418, author = {Nilsson, Per and Dahlgren, Jonas}, title = {Uppföljning av miljötillståndeti skogslandskapet: Baserat på SLU Riksskogstaxeringen 2016–2020}, year = {2023}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN663, author = {Nilsson, Per and Kempe, Göran and Toet, Hans}, title = {Skogsdata 2004}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU}, number = {0280-0543 (hela verket)}, url = {http://www.slu.se/Documents/externwebben/webbtjanster/statistik-om-skog/Skogsdata/Svenska/Skogsdata2004_webb.pdf}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN664, author = {Nilsson, Per and Kempe, Göran and Toet, Hans}, title = {Skogsdata 2005: aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema: Skogstillståndet ur ett produktionsperspektiv}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2005 är Skogstillståndet ur ett produktionsperspektiv.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-8}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN665, author = {Nilsson, Per and Kempe, Göran and Toet, Hans}, title = {Skogsdata 2006: aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema: Skyddade skogar i Sverige}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2006 är Skyddade skogar i Sverige.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-9}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN666, author = {Nilsson, Per and Kempe, Göran and Toet, Hans and Petersson, Hans}, title = {Skogsdata 2008: aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema: Skogens roll för klimatet}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, SLU}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2008 är Skogens roll för klimatet.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-11}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN667, author = {Nilsson, Per and Kempe, Göran and Toet, Hans and Wulff, Sören}, title = {Skogsdata 2007: aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen. Tema: Skador på skog}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {SKOGSDATA utges årligen och redovisar mest aktuella uppgifterna från Riksskogstaxeringen i form av medeltal för flera år och årsvisa värden. SKOGSDATA innehåller även en fördjupad analys av ett tema. Temat för år 2007 är Skador på skog.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-10}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1409, author = {Nilsson, Per and Roberge, Cornelia and Dahlgren, Jonas and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Skogsdata 2022. Tema: Den formellt skyddade skogen}, ISSN = {0280-0543}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1408, author = {Nilsson, Per and Roberge, Cornelia and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Skogsdata 2021: aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från SLU Riksskogstaxeringen}, ISSN = {0280-0543}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1414, author = {Nilsson, Per and Roberge, Cornelia and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Skogsdata 2021: aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från SLU Riksskogstaxeringen}, ISSN = {0280-0543}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN668, author = {Nilsson, Per and Söderberg, Ulf}, title = {Trender i svensk skogsskötsel}, number = {57}, note = {SKA 99 skogliga konsekvensanalyser}, abstract = {I rapporten redovisas resultatet av den intervjuundersökning som utförts inom delprojekt l "Nuläge och trender i skogsbruket" i SKA 99. Resultatet av undersökningen skall utgöra underlag för att göra en bedömning av förändringar av landets skogsskötsel och miljöhänsyn på 5-l O års sikt. Resultaten ska sedan utgöra grunden för uppdatering av Hugin-systemets skötselförutsättningar samt bilda underlag för scenarier och analyser inom ramen för SKA 99. Intervjuundersökningen har omfattat 16 personer som bedömts ha både insikter om och möjligheter att påverka utvecklingen inom ovan nämnda områden. Personerna representerar såväl små-, mellan- och storskogsbruk som miljöhänsyn och forskning. Intervjuerna har i huvudsak genomförts som telefonintervjuer. De intervjuade personerna har först fått ge sin spontana redogörelse för vad de tror kommer att bli de största förändringarna inom de båda nämnda områdena. Därefter har en detaljerad utfrågning om utvecklingen av olika företeelser i skogsskötsel och miljöhänsyn tagit vid. Vid sammanställningen av intervjuerna har företrädarna för näringslivet grupperats i de ägarkategorier som används i SKA 99; privata ägare och övriga ägare. En sammanfattning av de spontana redogörelserna är att de största förändringarna i skogsbruket redan har genomförts och de flesta förutser inga större förändringar varken i skogsskötseln eller i miljöhänsynen under de närmaste 5-10 åren. En stor andel tror på en ökad differentiering i skogsbruket. Här nämns både en generellt större spridning vad gäller skötselmetoder och större skillnader i intensitet i olika typer av bestånd. Några förväntar sig också en effektivisering inom skogsskötseln. Bland annat förväntas en utveckling av markberedningsmetoder, metoder för att minska snytbaggeproblemet, fler kombinationsmetoder och skötselmetoder för den mera naturvårdsimiktade skötseln. Vad gäller miljöhänsynen håller sig övriga ägare i princip till FSC-standarden, medan privata ägare inom skogsägarrörelsen har en egen certifieringsstandard. Merparten av de intervjuade tror att ökad kunskap kommer att möjliggöra en effektivare naturvård än den son bedrivs idag. Några representanter för södra Sverige trodde på en förändring i miljöhänsynen i södra Sverige som innebär en större variation både i skogsskötsel och miljöhänsyn. De påpekade också att en kraftig storm skulle kunna medföra att skogsskötseln i södra Sverige förändrades radikalt. De viktigaste förändringarna som framkom från detaljutfrågningen var att mera löv lämnas både vid röjning och gallring. Både röjnings- och gallringsarealerna kommer att öka relativt mycket. Låggallring kommer att minska och gallringskvoten kommer att närma sig 1,0. Markberedning förväntas öka bland privata ägare i hela landet medan övriga ägare bedömer att omfattningen blir ungefår densamma. De flesta tror på något tätare förband efter röjning. För övrigt bedömdes inte några större förändringar ske, förutom att en större variation förutsågs vid flera åtgärder som t ex tid mellan föryngringsavverkning och skogsodling, plantantal, förband efter röjning och ålder vid föryngringsavverkning}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8808/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN669, author = {Nilsson, Per Olov}, title = {Biomassaflöden i svensk skogsnäring 2004}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen}, number = {2006:23}, url = {https://cdn.abicart.com/shop/9098/art27/4646127-7ab3c0-1773.pdf}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN670, author = {Nilsson, Torbjörn and Johansson, Maj-Britt and Nilsson, Åke}, title = {Trädslagets betydelse för markens syra-basstatus: resultat från Ståndortskarteringen}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen}, number = {2007:2}, url = {https://cdn.abicart.com/shop/9098/art33/4646133-1ecab2-1779.pdf}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN671, author = {Nilsson, Torbjörn and Stendahl, Johan and Löfgren, Ola}, title = {Markförhållanden i svensk skogsmark: data från Markinventeringen 1993-2002}, institution = {Institutionen för mark och miljö, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {19}, abstract = {I denna rapport redovisas markkemiska data från den s.k. Ståndortskarteringens omdrev under åren 1993-2002. Då inventeringen 2003 bytte namn till Markinventeringen, används i rapporten fortsättningsvis detta senare namn. Markinventeringen utförs på Riksskogstaxeringens permanenta provytor och är integrerad med denna när det gäller fältverksamheten. Markinventeringen finansieras av Naturvårds-verkets nationella miljöövervakningsprogram och SLU. Riksskogstaxeringen och Markinventeringen utgör tillsammans en objektiv, spatialt riktad, nationell inventering av skog, mark och vegetation, som en viktig del av den nationella miljö-övervakningen av landekosystemen. Under omdrevet 1993-2002 ingick vegetationsbeskriv-ning samt lav- och alginventering i Markinventeringen. Data från dessa inventeringar redovisas dock inte i denna rapport, som huvudsakligen redovisar markförhållandena och speciellt då markkemin i svensk skogsmark.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2793}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @article{RN672, author = {Nilsson, Urban and Fahlvik, Nils and Johansson, Ulf and Lundström, Anders and Rosvall, Ola}, title = {Simulation of the effect of intensive forest management on forest production in Sweden}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {373-393}, abstract = {The effects of intensifying the management of 15% of the Swedish forest land on potential future forest production over a 100-year period were investigated in a simulation study. The intensive management treatments, which were introduced over a period of 50 years, were: intensive fertilization of Norway spruce (IntFert); bulking-up Norway spruce elite populations using somatic embryogenesis (SE-seedlings); planting of lodgepole pine, hybrid larch, and Sitka spruce (Contorta, Larch, and Sitka); fertilization with wood ash on peatlands (Wood ash); and conventional fertilization in mature forests (ConFert). Potential sites for applying intensive forest management (IFM) to sites with low nature conservation values were determined with a nature conservation score (NCS). Four different scenarios were simulated: “Base scenario”, which aimed at reducing the negative impact on nature conservation values, “Fast implementation”, “No IntFert” (IntFert was not used), and “Large Forest Companies”, where the majority of plots were selected on company land. Total yields during the 100-year simulation period were about 85–92% higher for the intensive forest management scenarios than for the reference scenario (business as usual). In the “No IntFert” scenario total production was 1.8% lower and in the “Large Forest Companies” scenario total production was 4.8% lower than in the “Base scenario”. “Fast implementation” of IFM increased yield by 15% compared to the “Base scenario”. Norway spruce SE-seedlings and IntFert gave the highest yields, measured as total production during the 100-year simulation period, but relative to the yields in the reference scenario, the highest increases in yield were for Contorta. The “Base scenario” and “No IntFert” gave the highest yields for plots with the lowest NCS, but plots with higher NCS had to be used in the “Fast implementation” and “Large Forest Companies” scenarios. More than half of the effect on future growth of IFM methods was because of increased intensity in the regenerations. It took a relatively long time (40–60 years) for the simulated IFM treatments to result in a significant increase in stem volume production.}, keywords = {fertilization genetics plantation forestry scenarios tree species}, DOI = {10.3390/f2010373}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f2010373}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1193, author = {Nordström, E. M. and Forsell, N. and Lundström, A. and Korosuo, A. and Bergh, J. and Havlí, P. and Kraxner, F. and Frank, S. and Fricko, O. and Lundmark, T. and Nordin, A.}, title = {Impacts of global climate change mitigation scenarios on forests and harvesting in Sweden}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {46}, number = {12}, pages = {1427-1438}, ISSN = {00455067 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1139/cjfr-2016-0122}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84994852234&doi=10.1139%2fcjfr-2016-0122&partnerID=40&md5=096d24a8b76604906efc61ab2e759be5}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN674, author = {Norman, Johan}, title = {Amenities of Swedish forests: attitudes and values among stakeholders}, university = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {The forests of Sweden provide many amenities (e.g. timber, outdoor recreation and biodiversity) that contribute to the welfare of forest owners and other stakeholder groups in society. The amenities have characteristics of private and public goods. In this thesis, measures of attitudes and values towards different forest amenities were studied by means of mail surveys and existing literature. In paper I, the attitudes of private forest owners regarding different forest amenities (timber production, outdoor recreation and biodiversity) were investigated and compared with the forest advisors’ interpretation of the forest owners’ attitudes. The survey was conducted in three regions of Sweden (South, Central and North). The results indicated that the timber production was the most important amenity to the private forest owners, followed by outdoor recreation and biodiversity. The forest officers’ understanding of what was important to forest owners did not consistently coincide with the attitudes of the forest owners. Other aspects of outdoor recreation and biodiversity among stakeholder groups of the Swedish public were studied in papers II, III and IV. In paper II, a travel cost analysis was used to estimate the recreational value of the forests in the southernmost part of Sweden (Skåne and Blekinge). An analysis was also conducted to determine how this value would be affected by a change in the share of broadleaves in the region. It was shown that maintaining or increasing the share of broadleaves would positively affect the recreational value. In paper III, outdoor recreation was studied using data on health measures of recreationists from three different mail surveys, (outdoor recreationists among the general Swedish public, forest recreationists in southern Sweden and hunters in Sweden). The results showed that outdoor recreation activities in all three categories were expected to have a positive impact on self-rated health. In paper IV, the value of attaining the national environmental objectives of Sweden, including the protection of forest land for biodiversity purposes, was studied using data from a contingent valuation survey. The value varied between different levels of forest land protection, and the benefits of protection outweighed the costs by a small margin. The values of amenities in a typical broadleaved and a coniferous stand during a rotation period were reviewed in paper V. The results suggested that most amenity values developed in a similar way during the rotation period in the two stands. This was true for all amenities except for berries. Considering recreational values in forest management is unlikely to affect the timing of harvesting decisions, while considering biodiversity values as part of forest management would tend to prolong the rotation age.}, keywords = {amenities, attitudes, biodiversity, contingent valuation method, human health, mail surveys, outdoor recreation, travel cost method, valuation}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2986}, year = {2009}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN675, author = {Normander, Bo and Levin, Gregor and Auvinen, Ari-Pekka and Bratli, Harald and Stabbetorp, Odd and Hedblom, Marcus and Glimskär, Anders and Gudmundsson, Gudmundur A.}, title = {Indicator framework for measuring quantity and quality of biodiversity—Exemplified in the Nordic countries}, journal = {Ecological Indicators}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {104-116}, abstract = {In 2002, world leaders made a commitment through the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), to achieve a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. At the Conference of the Parties of the CBD in Nagoya, Japan in 2010, the target was renewed for 2020. We have developed a Biodiversity Change Index (BCI) to help measure progress towards this target. The BCI is constructed with a two-dimensional resolution, allowing for a direct evaluation of the relative importance of changes in quantity and quality, respectively, to the overall change in biodiversity. Quantity is measured as the area of a specified habitat type and quality as the abundance of indicator species and other habitat quality parameters, such as the proportion of old trees or dead wood in forests. The BCI enables easy comparison of changes in biodiversity between different habitat types and between different regions and nations. We illustrate the use of BCI by calculating the index for the Nordic countries for two common habitat types, farmland and forest, and one habitat type of similar importance in the northern hemisphere mires. In the period 1990–2005 declines in biodiversity of similar magnitudes are seen for farmland and mires across the Nordic countries, while for forest, trends vary considerably. Our results show that the BCI framework can be a useful tool to communicate the complex issue of biodiversity change in a simple manner. However, in accordance with other studies of biodiversity change we conclude that existing monitoring data are too scarce to consistently calculate BCI for all habitat types in all Nordic countries. In order to reasonably evaluate changes in biodiversity, further efforts towards monitoring programmes to obtain reliable and quality assured data on biodiversity at acceptable spatial and temporal resolutions are needed. Moreover, common methods to apply and harmonise data from different monitoring schemes should be developed.}, keywords = {Biodiversity Biodiversity change Indicators Monitoring Nordic nature Habitat quality}, ISSN = {1470-160X}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.05.017}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.05.017}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN676, author = {Norstedt, Gudrun and Axelsson, Anna-Lena and Laudon, Hjalmar and Östlund, Lars}, title = {Detecting Cultural Remains in Boreal Forests in Sweden Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data of Different Resolutions}, journal = {Journal of Field Archaeology}, volume = {45}, number = {1}, pages = {16-28}, ISSN = {0093-4690}, DOI = {10.1080/00934690.2019.1677424}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/00934690.2019.1677424}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN677, author = {Norström, Fredrik}, title = {Forest inventory estimation using remotely sensed data as a stratification tool - a simulation study}, number = {96}, abstract = {It is well known that remotely sensed data and forest variables are correlated. For inventories like the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) covering large geographic areas, the design for the sample plot layout is often either systematic sampling or simple random sampling. It is reasonable to assume that the design could be more cost efficient if remotely sensed data are used as auxiliary information. A simulated model has been constructed to evaluate the gain in precision when stratified sampling, based on remotely sensed data, is used. A grid map was created to correspond with a landscape in the northern part of Sweden. First, the map area was divided into forest stands, and a vegetation class was assigned randomly ac cording to a probability distribution obtained using NFI data from Norrbotten and Viisterbotten counties, Sweden. Thereafter, for each grid element of the map both wood volume and spectral values were simulated. The wood volumes were simulated using field data from the NFI and the spectral values were simulated with a regression function based on the wood volumes that correspond to a Landsat TM scene with a 30mx30m resolution. Based on the spectral values the grid elements were classified into different strata. Stratified sampling was then performed and compared with simple random sampling without replacement. The comparisons show that the stratified sampling, based on remotely sensed data, produce much more precise inventory estimates of volume than simple random sampling.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8861/}, year = {2002}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN678, author = {Nuutinen, T. and Kilpeläinen, A. and Hirvelä, H. and Härkönen, K. and Ikonen, V. P. and Lempinen, R. and Peltola, H. and Wilhelmsson, L. and Kellomäki, S.}, title = {Future Wood and Fibre Sources - case North Karelia in Eastern Finland}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {43}, number = {3}, pages = {489-505}, abstract = {Information on the potential wood supply is important for the wood industry. In this study, the future development of growing stock, cutting potential and wood properties corresponding to the regional scenario of North Karelian Forest Programme 2006–2010 was analysed. The simulations were performed by employing the Finnish MELA system together with the sample plot and tree data of the 9th Finnish National Forest Inventory (NFI9) as initial data for the simulations. Disc-based models for basic wood density, proportion of latewood and fibre length of Norway spruce and Scots pine in Sweden were calibrated and integrated into the MELA system. The wood properties at breast height of both harvested and standing trees were analysed in different strata (age, site type and cutting method) during the scenario period of 50 years (2002–2052). The average wood properties within the same strata varied only slightly over time. However, the results for different strata differed considerably. In general, wood density, fibre length and proportion of latewood increased, on average, as a function of tree age and along with a decrease in site fertility (excl. wood density and proportion of latewood in harvested Norway spruce in the first case and fibre length in the latter case for both species). For trees less than 80 years, properties in harvested trees were equal to or slightly greater than those of standing trees. The values for clear-cuttings were greater or equal to those of thinnings (excl. wood density and proportion of latewood in Norway spruce). The study demonstrates the value of model-based analyses utilising NFI tree measurements in regions that are considered to be sources of raw material.}, keywords = {wood density proportion of latewood fibre length national forest inventory forest scenario analysis}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, url = {https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.202}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1357, author = {Nykvist, Pontus}, title = {Utvärdering av metod för att morfologiskt särskilja björkarterna Betula pendula och Betula pubescens}, ISSN = {1654-1898}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN679, author = {Nylund, Olle and Sundby, Johan}, title = {Lokalisering av sågverk i Västerbotten: en jämförelse mellan två alternativ}, institution = {Dept. of Forest Resource Management}, number = {324}, keywords = {Forestry - General aspects Forestry production Forest engineering}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-365}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN680, author = {Nyström, Kenneth}, title = {Funktioner för att skatta höjdtillväxten i ungskog}, number = {1401-1204}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8810/1/nystrom_k_120405.pdf}, year = {2000}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN681, author = {Nyström, Kenneth}, title = {Funktioner för att skatta höjdtillväxten i ungskog}, number = {68}, note = {SKA 99, skogliga konsekvensanalyser}, abstract = {Som ett led i den landsomfattande konsekvensanalysen SKA 99 har tillväxtrutinerna för ungskog, ingående i Hugin-systernet, kompletterats med nya höjdtillväxtfunktioner för tall, gran och björk. Förutsättningarna för virkesproduktion förändras oavbrutet. Modeller som skall prognostisera virkesproduktionen måste därför efter hand förnyas och nya faktorer beaktas. I den nya skogspolitiken järnställs miljö-och produktionsrnålen, vilket innebär ett ökat behov av att skatta den framtida beståndsutvecklingen givet olika typer av skötsel. En observerad effekt av detta nya skogsbruk är att beståndsanläggning genom naturlig föryngring och skärmar i olika former har ökat. Vidare har naturvårdshänsynen inom skogsbruket inneburit ett ökat sparande av naturvårdsträd, ökad andel kantzoner samt ändrade röjningsinstruktioner. Detta leder sammantaget till en ökad variation i samband med föryngringsavverkning avseende höjd-, diameter-, ålders-och trädslagsfördelningar i bestånden. I föreliggande arbetsrapport redovisas nya höjdtillväxtfunktioner för enskilda träd av tall, gran och björk tillämpbara i höjdintervallet 2-8 meter baserade på material från Hugins ungskogs­ undersökning (Elfving 1982). Funktionerna utgör ett komplement och tillägg till tidigare höjdutvecklingsfunktioner för ungskog i Hugin-systemet och har utarbetats i anslutning till den landsomfattande konsekvensanalysen-SKA 99. De nya funktionernas viktigaste egenskaper är att: • konkurrenseffekter till följd av överståndare och kanteffekter beaktas. • temperatursumma och variabler för de primära ståndortsfaktorerna används, i stället för ståndortsindex, för att beskriva ståndortens bördighet. Viktiga resultat från arbetet med de nya höjdtillväxtsambanden är bl. a. att: • konkurrenseffekten av överståndare på den uppväxande ungskogen beskrivs väl av en variabel för summa höjdkvadrat för överståndarna (Σh²) på provytan. Utförda produktionssimuleringar resulterade i drygt 5% produktionsnedsättning i den nya skogen vid lämnande av lO överståndare per hektar utspridda över arealen, • residualstudier och produktionssimuleringar indikerar att de nya höjdtillväxtfunktionerna ger en något högre höjdtillväxt för tall och björk medan höjdtillväxten för gran skattas lika järnfört med dagens höjdutvecklingsfunktioner i ungskog (Elfving 1982), • i utförda avverkningsberäkningar för Västernorrlands-och Hallands län leder de nya tillväxtfunktionerna till drygt en procentenhets högre "mertillväxt" under en 100-års period jämfört med de hittills tillämpade ungskogsrutinerna.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8810/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @phdthesis{RN682, author = {Nyström, Mattias}, title = {Mapping and monitoring of vegetation using airborne laser scanning}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {In this thesis, the utility of airborne laser scanning (ALS) for monitoring vegetation of relevance for the environmental sector was investigated. The vegetation characteristics studied include measurements of biomass, biomass change and vegetation classification in the forest-tundra ecotone; afforestation of grasslands; and detection of windthrown trees. Prediction of tree biomass for mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) using sparse (1.4 points/m²) and dense (6.1 points/m²) ALS data was compared for a site at the forest-tundra ecotone near Abisko in northern Sweden (Lat. 68° N, Long. 19° E). The predictions using the sparse ALS data provided almost as good results (RMSE 21.2%) as the results from the dense ALS data (18.7%) despite the large difference in point densities. A new algorithm was developed to compensate for uneven distribution of the laser points without decimating the data; use of this algorithm reduced the RMSE for biomass prediction from 19.9% to 18.7% for the dense ALS data. Additional information about vegetation height and density from ALS data improved a satellite data classification of alpine vegetation, in particular for the willow and mountain birch classes. Histogram matching was shown to be effective for relative calibration of metrics from two ALS acquisitions collected over the same area using different scanners and flight parameters. Thus the difference between histogram-matched ALS metrics from different data acquisitions can be used to locate areas with unusual development of the vegetation. The height of small trees (0.3–2.6 m tall) in former pasture land near the Remnings¬torp test site in southern Sweden (Lat. 58° N, Long. 13° E) could be measured with high precision (standard deviation 0.3 m) using high point density ALS data (54 points/m2). When classifying trees taller than 1 m into the two classes of changed and unchanged, the overall classification accuracy was 88%. A new method to automatically detect windthrown trees in forested areas was developed and evaluated at the Remningstorp test site. The overall detection rate was 38% on tree-level, but when aggregating to 40 m square grid cells, at least one windthrown tree was detected in 77% of the cells that according to field data contained windthrown trees. In summary, this thesis has shown the high potential for ALS to be a future tool to map and monitor vegetation for several applications of interest for the environmental sector.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1763}, year = {2014}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN683, author = {Nyström, Mattias and Lindgren, Nils and Wallerman, Jörgen and Grafström, Anton and Muszta, Anders and Nyström, Kenneth and Bohlin, Jonas and Willén, Erik and Fransson, Johan E. S. and Ehlers, Sarah and Olsson, Håkan and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Data assimilation in forest inventory: first empirical results}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {6}, number = {12}, pages = {4540-4557}, DOI = {10.3390/f6124384}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f6124384}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN684, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {Antalet provträd och höjdkurvans noggrannhet}, number = {25:3}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10130/}, year = {1929}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN685, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {Ett gallringsförsök i stavagranskog}, number = {28:7}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10156/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN686, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {Om medelfelets härledning vid linje- och provytetaxering}, number = {31:7}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10178/}, year = {1938}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN688, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {En ny metod för bältesbreddens uttagande vid linjetaxering}, number = {32:3}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10184/}, year = {1940}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN687, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {Funktioner och tabeller för kubering av stående träd}, number = {32:4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10185/}, year = {1940}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN689, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {Den gamla norrländska granskogens reaktionsförmåga efter genomhuggning}, number = {33:1}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10193/}, year = {1942}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN690, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {Funktioner och tabeller för kubering av stående träd}, number = {36:3}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9900/}, year = {1947}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN691, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, dess arbetsuppgifter och organisation}, number = {42:3A}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9957/}, year = {1952}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN692, author = {Näslund, Manfred}, title = {Nytt material för skoglig produktionsforskning : tall, gran och björk}, number = {89}, abstract = {A comprehensive and balanced material is the first prerequisite for forest yield research to provide guidance for practical forestry in important yield problems. In 1941, fieldwork was begun at the then Swedish Institute of Experimental Forestry for a new, large-scale Yield Investigation. The present author, at the time Head of Section at the Institute, planned in detail the Investigation. The fieldwork was completed in 1965. During the long period of collection of the material, parts of it were processed by research workers for various purposes, and the results published. However, there has been no full account of the reasoning and motives underlying the planning and detailed configuration of the Investigation. This paper aims to provide such an account and at the same time to review the very extensive and detailed material collected. The Investigation was planned to use a large number of temporary sample plots, laid out both in untouched stands and in stands thinned according to forestry practice; thus pure stands of pine, spruce and birch and mixed stands of these species, are covered by the study. The statistical analysis of the material, which was collected according to special procedures, is primarily intended to lead to yield models with the help of which yield tables may be constructed, to apply to various natural conditions and under different treatments.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5801/}, year = {1971}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN841, author = {Odell, G. and Stahl, G.}, title = {Vegetation changes in Swedish forests from the 1980s to the 1990s - results from the National Survey of Forest Soils and Vegetation}, journal = {Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift}, volume = {92}, number = {4}, pages = {227-232}, note = {Times Cited: 1 0 1}, ISSN = {0039-646X}, url = {://CABI:19990606510}, year = {1998}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN842, author = {Odell, Gunnar and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Vegetationsförändringar i svensk skogsmark mellan 1980-och 90-talet}, number = {37}, abstract = {Riksskogstaxeringen och Ståndortskarteringen utgör tillsammans de enda objektiva och regel bundet återkommande Inventeringarna av Skog, Skogsmark och Vegetation i Sverige. Resultaten utgör en viktig del av underlaget for Miljöövervakningen av Landekosystemen. Ståndortskarteringen Inventerade under Perioden 1983-87 ca 23500 av Riksskogstaxeringens fasta Provytor över hela Landet. Från och med 1993 och fram till 1997 har ungefår hälften av dessa Återinventerats för första gången. Återinventeringsintervallet är ca lO år. Ett viktigt syfte med Inventeringen är att Studera Vegetationens sammansättning och variation över tiden. Tidigare bearbetningar av Ståndortskarteringens Vegetationsdata har rört tillståndet på 1980-talet. Syftet med denna Arbetsrapport är att preliminärt granska vilka forändringar som inträffat mellan 80- och 90-talet, samt att Dokumentera erfarenheter om hur Data ska utvärderas för att undvika felaktiga slutsatser. Tonvikten ligger därför på att granska och värdera jämförbarheten mellan den l :a och den 2:a Inventeringen. Tolkningar och förklaringar av Resultaten mot bakgrund av möjliga verkliga förändringar i t.ex. Skogsskötsel, Deposition av Luftföroreningar, Viltbete och Klimatvariationer har inte gjorts. Ett drygt 50-tal vanliga Arter eller Artgrupper i Skogsmark har Studerats. Utvärderingar av forändringar i förekomst och täckningsgrad har genomfarts. På grund av att vissa ändringar i definitioner genomfarts, samt att det finns skäl att tro att Artkunskaper och bedömningsgrunder i någon mån kan ha varierat mellan Inventeringar, ges följande Rekommendationer for tolkningen av Resultaten. • Resultat som baseras på Registreringar av förekomst/ej förekomst av mer eller mindre omisskännliga Arter/Artgrupper kan betraktas som relativt säkra, förutsatt att Artenl/ Artgruppen ej berörts av ändringar i design eller definition. • Resultat som baseras på Registreringar av förekomst/ej förekomst för Arter som är svåra att känna igen, eller for vilka Design eller Definitioner ändrats mellan Perioderna bör tolkas med viss reservation. • Resultat som rör forändringar i täckning bör tolkas med stor forsiktighet Här krävs förfinade och fördjupade Studier för att avgöra i vilken utsträckning konstaterade forändringar är att hänföra till forändrad praxis vid bedömningen eller till verkliga förändringar. Bearbetningarna gav följande resultat: • Vad gäller förekomst på Provytor har 37 av de 52 studerade Arternalartgrupperna ökat signifikant. Flertalet förändringar är begränsade och endast 9 av Arterna har ökat med mer än 3%. Endast 7 av Arterna har minskat i förekomst-ingen av dessa signifikant. • Gräs, Ekorrbär, Blåbär, Lingon, Ljung och Vitmossor är exempel på Arter/Artgrupper där förekomsten har ökat betydligt. • Som en kontrast till ökningen av andelar Provytor med förekomst minskar flertalet Artersl Artgruppers täckning. En strikt tolkning av Resultaten skulle alltså vara att de studerade Arterna spridit sig över större Områden (till flera Provytor), samtidigt som deras lokala ut bredning minskat. Arealerna där Fält- och Bottenskikt saknas har ökat. Det finns flera Fak torer som indikerar att de observerade Forändringarna i täckning behöver utredas ytterligare. • Studien visar att det i en del Moment finns svårigheter att hålla Inventeringsmetod och Observationer konstanta över tiden, trots att stora ansträngningar lagts ned på Utbildning och Kalibrering av Fältpersonalen. Utöver de Resultat om förändringar som redovisas, lämnas även Förslag om fördjupade Analyser. De aktuella Resultaten bör alltså betraktas som preliminära. Viktiga Frågor för fortsatt utredning rör hur eventuella systematiska skillnader i bedömning ska kunna identifieras och korrigeras. Materialet bör sedan utvärderas mot bakgrund av hur viktiga Omvärldsfaktorer kan tänkas ha bidragit till förändringar i Vegetatione , t.ex. Skogsskötsel, Deposition av Luftföroreningar, Viltbete o h Klimatvariationer. Andra intressanta Analyser är sådana där varierande bedömningsgrunder över tiden inte är lika allvarliga. Det kan röra jämförande Studier av förändringar i olika Skogstyper, efter olika Skogsskötsel, inom och utom Områden med kraftig Nedfallsbelastning, mellan Skog i olika Åldersklasser, etc.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8813/}, year = {1998}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN843, author = {Ohlsson, Bo and Sandewall, Mats and Sandewall, Kajsa}, title = {People's options on forest land use}, number = {39}, abstract = {The series of draft and finalised Working Papers of the Sida I Sarec funded research co­ operation project "People's options on forest land use" has several objectives. In conjunction with ongoing field work, the Working Paper serves as an instrument to make available to national research institutions and other interested parties a preliminary documentation, related to the field work. Consequently, the Papers are used for workshops and seminars, the objective of which is to discuss and further develop the issues considered relevant in the national and local context. They are also used as reference documents in conjunction with other work with the national authorities at central and local levels. The Working Papers, especially in draft form, might lack in academic standards and style and there are few references to other research, but they could still serve the purpose of developing co-operation and further discussions. They should hopefully facilitate a better understanding of the issues at hand. No quotes from this paper are agreed upon unless written permission from the authors. In this paper Bo Ohlsson is the author of the chapters 3 and 5 and Annex A -B while chapter 4.1 -4.4 and Annex C is written by R. Kajsa Sandewall. The chapters 4.5, 6 and 7 and Annex D - F have been prepared by Mats Sandewall. The remaining parts have been written jointly by the principal researchers. All maps have been prepared by NOFIP. The main findings were presented to the concerned villages, district and province authorities and the researchers of the Shifting Cultivation Research Project in a seminar at Thong Khang Station on August 19, 1997.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8868/}, year = {1998}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN846, author = {Ohlsson, Stig}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen : användning av insamlade data för forskning och planering inom naturvården = The national forest survey : potential use of data for environmental planning and research}, publisher = {Stockholm : Förf.}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {The national forest survey}, year = {1975}, type = {Book} } @book{RN845, author = {Ohlsson, Stig}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen : Ändemål, utformning och användningsområden = The National Forest Survey}, publisher = {Stockholm: Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {The National Forest Survey objectives, design and applications}, year = {1975}, type = {Book} } @book{RN847, author = {Ohlsson, Stig}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen : ändamål, utformning och användningsområden = The national forest survey : objectives, design and applications}, publisher = {Stockholm : Skogshögsk.}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {The national forest survey}, year = {1976}, type = {Book} } @phdthesis{RN849, author = {Olofsson, Erika}, title = {Supporting management of the risk of wind damage in south Swedish forestry}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {Private forest owners in southern Sweden consider wind damage to be one of the most problematic risks from an economic perspective. A potential climate change also raises the question of the possible impact of such a climate change on the risk of wind damage. Taking into consideration the spatial aspects, and the uncertain occurrence of windstorms over time and in space, this thesis aims at providing information to support the management of the risk of wind damage in south Swedish forestry. Computer models were used to assess the probability of wind damage to forest stands, and to project forest stands within case study landscapes in southern Sweden. Although the topography is relatively gently in southern Sweden, it significantly influences the probability of wind damage on a landscape scale. A possible cost-effective means to manage the risk of wind damage can be to target risk-reducing forestry measures to topographically induced wind exposed locations. To support the targeting of risk-reducing forestry measures a tool was constructed, accounting for different risk-preferences among forest owners, for the identification of stands with a high probability of wind damage. The results emphasize the possibility to reduce the risk of wind damage by spatial forestry planning, taking wind shelter from topographic features and surrounding stands into consideration. Based on regional climate change scenarios, it cannot be ruled out that a climate change can lead to an increasing probability of wind damage in southern Sweden. In southernmost Sweden, a climate change very likely can lead to an increasing probability of wind damage. With implications for spatial forestry planning, the probability of strong wind from the sector west to southwest is indicated to remain comparatively high. Shortening the lengths of rotation periods appears to be one possible means for forestry in southern Sweden to adapt to climate change.}, keywords = {decision support, uncertainty, probability, wind climate, tree growth, forest management, spatial planning, topography, climate change, adaptation}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-1064}, year = {2006}, type = {Thesis} } @misc{RN850, author = {Olofsson, Kenneth}, title = {TreeD version 0.8}, number = {106}, abstract = {The TreeD © software, version 0.8, is an application that loads an aerial or satellite image and detects trees by template matching. The software is developed at the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences ( SLU) in Umea, Sweden. This is beta software and the methods and algorithms are continuously being improved upon. Please report any errors you find in the software to the Remote Sensing Laboratory. The algorithms for tree detection used in the application are based on a PhD thesis by Richard J ames Pollock (1996), University of British Columbia, Canada. The application is build upon two software libraries, Intel® Image Processing Library, IPL ©and wxWindows ©. The I PL is used for image processing and wx Windows is used as a graphical user interface. The report contains three major sections, a manual, a method description and a software description. The manual is for someone, without any prior knowledge of template matching, who wants to run the software. The method and software descriptions are for someone that wants to build a similar application as Tree D or as a support for in-house development at the Remote Sensing Laboratory. The TreeD 0.8 application is available at the Remote Sensing Laboratory, SLU and is primarily used as a research tool for single tree detection. The software runs on a Microsoft® Windows 2 000 workstation. The application binary depends on the Intel® Image Processing Library, IPL © DLLs and consequently they need to be put into the same folder as the program. All of these binaries can be found at SLU. The input to the application is an aerial/satellite image (central or orthogonal projection), a tree library, information about the camera and solar positions , and a path to a directory to put the results in. The current status of the input variables can be viewed and changed before starting the correlation of the image. The output from the application consists of three text files , status. txt, treelist.txt and probable_treelist.txt. I f there are old files with these names at the result directory they will be overwritten. To save a new batch you can either rename the oldfiles or use a new result directory. ·· The application assumes that the terrain is fairly flat and that the camera is positioned approximately in a nadir view. I f these conditions are not fulfilled the accuracy of the positioning and detection of the trees will decrease.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8865/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @phdthesis{RN851, author = {Ols, Clementine}, title = {Les téléconnexions de croissance comme indicateurs des impacts des changements climatiques sur les écosystèmes forestiers: Le cas des forêts boréales de la région de l’atlantique nord}, university = {Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue}, url = {http://depositum.uqat.ca/711/}, year = {2017}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1194, author = {Ols, C. and Trouet, V. and Girardin, M. P. and Hofgaard, A. and Bergeron, Y. and Drobyshev, I.}, title = {Post-1980 shifts in the sensitivity of boreal tree growth to North Atlantic Ocean dynamics and seasonal climate}, journal = {Global and Planetary Change}, volume = {165}, pages = {1-12}, ISSN = {0921-8181}, DOI = {10.1016/j.gloplacha.2018.03.006}, url = {://WOS:000432760000001}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN852, author = {Olsson, Bengt Hellsten Sofie Akselsson Cecilia and Zetterberg, Therese Belyazid Salim}, title = {Effekter av skogsbränsleuttag på markförsurning, näringsbalanser och tillväxt : uppskalning baserat på experimentella data och modellberäkningar som grund för kartläggning av behov av askåterföring}, number = {IVL Rapport B1798}, url = {http://www.ivl.se/download/18.343dc99d14e8bb0f58b7552/1445517378761/B1798.pdf}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @book{RN853, author = {Olsson, D.}, title = {Breddning av riksskogstaxeringen. En studie över förutsättningar att följa miljöförändringar}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Arbetsrapport - Institutionen för Skogstaxering, Umeå, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, nr 4}, note = {31 ref.}, keywords = {5021 5012 forest trees forests environmental factors vegetation surveying monitoring}, pages = {79 s.}, year = {1988}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN854, author = {Olsson, Håkan and Eriksson, Göte and Pettersson, Hans and Högström, Mats and Lundblad, Mattias}, title = {Kyoto - ENFORMA : en undersökning om möjligheterna att använda Skogsvårdsorganisationens rutiner för satellitbildsbaserad hyggeskartering som stöd vid rapportering av avskogning enligt Kyoto-protokollet}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, number = {151}, abstract = {Även om mindre än 0,1 % Sveriges landareal avskogas årligen är korrekta uppgifter om den avskogade arealen viktiga . Dels är denna uppgift obligatorisk vid rapportering enligt Kyoto protokollet, dels berörs relativt stora mängder kol av avskogningen (ca 1 M ton C per år). Den lilla andelen avskogad areal gör också att skattningen med ett systematiskt stickprov som Riksinventeringen av skog kan få stora medelfel Skogsvårdsorganisationen (SVO) karterar årligen landets ca 50 000 nya hyggen. Karteringen utförs på de lokala SVO distrikten med hjälp av årliga satellitbilder,, avverkningsanmälningar som är lagrade i ett geografiskt informationssystem; samt lokal-kännedom och fältbesök. I denna pilotstudie undersöks om SVO’s rutiner för kartering av nya avverkningar också skulle kunna användas för skattning av avskogad areal enligt Kyoto protokollet. Resultatet från ett tolkningsförsök i denna studie som utgick från kända förändringar visar att endast 1 av 25 avskogningar missades av en tolkare som inte kände till förändringarna i förväg. Resultatet från ett andra försök, där förändringar istället söktes på samma sätt som vid en operationell användning visade att endast 2 av 28 karterade förändringar vid fältkontroll ej kunde anses vara förändringar enligt Kyoto-protokollet. Detta förutsatt att bilderna är molnfria och tolkningen görs under skogsmask1. Sedan tidigare vet vi att avgränsningsnoggrannheten i genomsnitt är god vid kartering av avverkningar med SVO’s ENFORMA2-verktyg för skillnadsanalys i satellitbilder. I denna studie fann vi också att den nuvarande versionen av ENFORMA-verktyget inte är lämpat för kartering av vägar. Detta är naturligt, eftersom programmet har en funktion som automatiskt tar bort mycket långsmala objekt. De nya vägarna syns dock väl vid manuell tolkning av bilder från två olika år och det finns andra program som är lämpade för en halvautomatisk kartering av dem. I rapporten föreslås att karteringen av avskogningar kan göras för ett systematiskt sampel av kartblad om 5 km * 5 km. Karteringen bör stratifieras3 med avseende på närhet till större tätort. För de utlottade kartbladen karteras alla misstänkta avskogningar noggrant. Antalet misstänkta avskogningar förväntas vara i storleksordningen 0,5 per kartblad och år. Förändringarnas orsak tolkas mot bakgrund av avverkningsanmälningar och lokalkännedom. För alla återstående objekt med oklar orsak till förändringarna görs sedan besök i fält eller så tas en kontakt med markägaren. Med ett sampel om 1200 kartblad, så uppskattas kostnaden för denna karatering inklusive fältbesöken till ca 1 milj kr per år. Översiktliga kalkyler visar att medelfelet för den årliga arealen avskogning med denna design blir ca 10 % för en 1-års mängd. En alternativ möjlighet är att använda ett liknande förfarande för kartering av alla avskogningar efter den första åtagandeperioden 2008-2012. Karteringen skulle då också kunna göras på regionnivå inom skogsvårdsorganisationen. Fördelarna med detta alternativ är att goda skattningar, mindre än 5 % medelfel från sampling designen, skulle erhållas med en engångsinsats och med färre inblandade SVO tjänstemän. Nackdelarna är att årliga skattningar ej erhålls och att lokalkännedomen hos SVO distrikten och samordningsmöjligheterna med den årliga ENFORMA analysen ej tas tillvara. Eftersom felkällorna är olika kan resultatet också skilja mellan den RIS baserade och den ENFORMA baserade metoden för avskogningsskattning. 1 Skogsmask är ett digitalt rasterdataskikt som visar vilka områden som enligt Lantmäteriets allmänna kartor (i skala 1:50 000 eller där denna inte finns, i skala 1:100 000) räknas som skogsmark. 2 ENFORMA är ett PC baserat system för att betrakta satellitbilder och göra skillnadsanalyser mellan satellitbilder från olika år, det är speciellt anpassat ti l SVO’s Kotten system där avverkningsanmälningar hanteras. ENFORMA utvecklades av Rymdbolagets fjä ranlysgrupp inom ramen för ett EU projekt och underhålls av samma grupp som numera heter METRIA Miljöanalys. 3 Vid stratifiering görs ett tätare sampelutlägg inom områden där det kan antas finnas mera förändringar, skattningarna för olika strata vägs sedan samman.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-434}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1195, author = {Olsson, H. and Nilsson, M. and Persson, A.}, title = {GEOSS possibilities and challenges related to nation wide forest monitoring}, volume = {36}, ISSN = {16821750 (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85076814282&partnerID=40&md5=549982e74c1ef2138ce23bf85e5ce8a8}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1196, author = {Olsson, H. and Sallnäs, O. and Nilsson, M. and Egberth, M. and Sandström, P. and Bohlin, J.}, title = {Satellite data time series for forecasting, habiat modelling and visualisation of the managed boreal forest landscape}, volume = {37}, pages = {1007-1012}, ISSN = {16821750 (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-70449422710&partnerID=40&md5=137aa33b3aacdbafd8c5e6732ae45ebb}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1197, author = {Olsson, M. T. and Erlandsson, M. and Lundin, L. and Nilsson, T. and Nilsson, A. and Stendahl, J.}, title = {Organic carbon stocks in swedish podzol soils in relation to soil hydrology and other site characteristics}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {43}, number = {2}, pages = {209-222}, ISSN = {00375330 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.207}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-67249147323&doi=10.14214%2fsf.207&partnerID=40&md5=a521bb0ec8027dd429e8c2f2aff53116}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN857, author = {Olsson, Patrik}, title = {Uppföljning av miljömål om lövskogsföryngring med hjälp av fjärranalys}, number = {2006:59}, url = {urn:nbn:se:naturvardsverket:diva-5186}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1198, author = {Ortiz, C. and Karltun, E. and Stendahl, J. and Gärdenäs, A. I. and Ågren, G. I.}, title = {Modelling soil carbon development in Swedish coniferous forest soils-An uncertainty analysis of parameters and model estimates using the GLUE method}, journal = {Ecological Modelling}, volume = {222}, number = {17}, pages = {3020-3032}, ISSN = {03043800 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.05.034}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-80051947904&doi=10.1016%2fj.ecolmodel.2011.05.034&partnerID=40&md5=223f8b53e22243e37249ea2744e77803}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN858, author = {Ortiz, Carina and Lundblad, Mattias and Liski, Jari and Stendahl, Johan and Karltun, Erik and Lehtonen, Aleksi and Gärdenäs, Annemieke}, title = {Measurements and models – a comparison of quantificationmethods for SOC changes in forest soils}, number = {SMED Report No 31 : 2009}, abstract = {The Swedish UNFCCC1-reporting of the LULUCF2-sector is based on methods incompliance with the “Good practice” as described by the Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC). Biomass and soil inventory data from the SwedishInventory of Forests is the major source of information used to quantify changes inthe various carbon pools on forest land. Even if the reported uncertainties in soilcarbon changes are small from a statistical perspective, they are large in relation tothe total Swedish emissions of green house gases. This is due to the fact that thesoil carbon pool is so large, that even small and statistically non-significantchanges may have an impact on the Swedish CO2 balance. Sampling based methodsmay also result in considerable inter annual variations that may look conspicuousin the reporting. Because of the uncertainty and inter annual variations therehas been a discussion on the methods used and if there are possibilities to lower theuncertainty and to get more stable estimates of soil carbon changes by combiningmeasurements and models. In this study results from the two soil carbon models,Yasso07 and Q, were compared with repeated measurements of the soil inventoryduring the years 1994 to 2000. Soil carbon fluxes were simulated with the twomodels from 1926 to 2000 with Monte Carlo methodology to estimate uncertaintyranges. The results from the models agreed well with measured data. The simulationsof Yasso07 and Q resulted in a soil organic carbon stock in year 2000 of1600 Mton C and 1580 Mton C, respectively while the measured carbon pool was1670 Mton C. The annual change in soil organic carbon varies substantially betweenthe three methods mainly due to different assumptions regarding annualclimate variation. However, the five year averaged mean of annual soil organiccarbon change for the two periods 1994-1998 and 1996-2000 indicate the size anddirection of the estimated annual changes agree reasonable well. The mean annualchange for the two periods was for the Q-model 5.5 Mton C yr-1 and 5.6 Mton C yr-1with a confidence interval of 2.1-10.7 Mton C yr-1, and for the Yasso07-model 3.7Mton C yr-1 and 0.9 Mton C yr-1 respectively with a confidence interval rangingbetween -5 to 12.6 and -7 to 9.8 Mton C yr-1 respectively. The mean annual changefor the two periods estimated using NFI-data was 1.6 M ton C yr-1 and 2.5 M ton Cyr-1 with a standard error of 2 The general conclusion drawn from this study is thatboth sampling and the models Yasso07 and Q are possible tools to predict the soilorganic carbon accumulation and annual changes for Swedish forest soils. Theestimates based on measurements as well as the modelled results indicate an increasein carbon stocks in Swedish forest soils. This study does not support achange of method from inventory to model predictions. However, the agreementbetween the methods shows that the models are suitable as a complement to othersoil carbon estimation methods. They are particularly useful for projections and werecommend a further development of the modelling tools.}, keywords = {Natural Sciences Earth And Related Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Naturvetenskap Geovetenskap Och Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap Smed (Svenska Miljöemissionsdata) Luft Clean Air Frisk Luft}, url = {urn:nbn:se:naturvardsverket:diva-7813}, year = {2009}, type = {Report} } @article{RN859, author = {Ortiz, Carina A. and Hammar, Torun and Ahlgren, Serina and Hansson, Per-Anders and Stendahl, Johan}, title = {Time-dependent global warming impact of tree stump bioenergy in Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {371}, pages = {5-14}, abstract = {Tree stump harvesting could significantly increase the amount of bioenergy feedstock that forestry can supply to substitute for fossil alternatives. However, the climate mitigation potential of using stumps for bioenergy has been debated due to their often long residence time in the forest caused by slow decomposition. This study evaluated the climate effect over time of utilising stumps for bioenergy using ecosystem forest carbon modelling and time-dependent LCA methodology, including uncertainties in soil carbon changes. Different climate impact metrics were used (global mean temperature change, global warming potential and cumulative radiative forcing) and evaluations were made for single harvest as well as continuous supply over a landscape. Stump harvesting scenarios for spruce forests across Sweden were simulated and the forest net carbon balance was estimated as the difference compared with a reference scenario where the stumps were left to decompose in the forest. The results showed that using stump residues from commercial forestry in Sweden gives a climate benefit when they substitute for fossil fuel, even in a shorter perspective of around two decades. The temperature impact from using stumps for bioenergy at the stand level peaked after 10–15 years and then declined steadily to ∼15% of the maximum level during the following 4–5 decades. The remaining long-term climate impact was small compared to using fossil fuel. An immediate climate benefit was achieved when replacing fossil coal, whereas the parity time, i.e. the time to reach climate benefit was 12–16 years (±2 years) when replacing natural gas, depending on geographical location. For continuous supply of stump bioenergy over a landscape, the corresponding parity time was 22–28 years. There was a higher impact on global climate for northern Sweden, although the absolute difference was small. Sensitivity analysis indicated a moderate additional climate warming effect from the soil disturbance caused by stump harvesting.}, keywords = {Forest fuel Stump harvest Bioenergy LCA Global temperature Dynamic modelling}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.02.014}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.02.014}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1199, author = {Ortiz, C. A. and Liski, J. and Gärdenäs, A. I. and Lehtonen, A. and Lundblad, M. and Stendahl, J. and Ågren, G. I. and Karltun, E.}, title = {Soil organic carbon stock changes in Swedish forest soils-A comparison of uncertainties and their sources through a national inventory and two simulation models}, journal = {Ecological Modelling}, volume = {251}, pages = {221-231}, ISSN = {03043800 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.12.017}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84872743935&doi=10.1016%2fj.ecolmodel.2012.12.017&partnerID=40&md5=bcb37176bfe91f9340a8d7c2b7b3836d}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1200, author = {Ortiz, C. A. and Lundblad, M. and Lundstrom, A. and Stendahl, J.}, title = {The effect of increased extraction of forest harvest residues on soil organic carbon accumulation in Sweden}, journal = {Biomass & Bioenergy}, volume = {70}, pages = {230-238}, ISSN = {0961-9534}, DOI = {10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.08.030}, url = {://WOS:000345348000023}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1330, author = {Ostlund, L. and Norstedt, G.}, title = {Preservation of the cultural legacy of the indigenous Sami in northern forest reserves-Present shortcomings and future possibilities}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {502}, pages = {12}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119726}, url = {://WOS:000706400100002}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN860, author = {Pahkakangas, Saila and Berglund, Örjan and Lundblad, Mattias and Karltun, Erik}, title = {Markanvändning på organogena jordar i Sverige}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/13720/}, year = {2016}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1399, author = {Paivinen, R. and Astrup, R. and Birdsey, R. A. and Breidenbach, J. and Fridman, J. and Kangas, A. and Kauppi, P. E. and Kohl, M. and Korhonen, K. T. and Johannsen, V. K. and Morneau, F. and Riedel, T. and Schadauer, K. and Wernick, I. K.}, title = {Ensure forest-data integrity for climate change studies}, journal = {Nature Climate Change}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, pages = {495-496}, note = {Paivinen, Risto Astrup, Rasmus Birdsey, Richard A. Breidenbach, Johannes Fridman, Jonas Kangas, Annika Kauppi, Pekka E. Kohl, Michael Korhonen, Kari T. Johannsen, Vivian Kvist Morneau, Francois Riedel, Thomas Schadauer, Klemens Wernick, Iddo K. Johannsen, Vivian Kvist/A-1926-2015 Johannsen, Vivian Kvist/0000-0002-1268-9787; Fridman, Jonas/0000-0002-8295-665X 1758-6798}, ISSN = {1758-678X}, DOI = {10.1038/s41558-023-01683-8}, url = {://WOS:000993679600001}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1286, author = {Palahi, M. and Valbuena, R. and Senf, C. and Acil, N. and Pugh, T. A. M. and Sadler, J. and Seidl, R. and Potapov, P. and Gardiner, B. and Hetemaki, L. and Chirici, G. and Francini, S. and Hlasny, T. and Lerink, B. J. W. and Olsson, H. and Olabarria, J. R. G. and Ascoli, D. and Asikainen, A. and Bauhus, J. and Berndes, G. and Donis, J. and Fridman, J. and Hanewinkel, M. and Jactel, H. and Lindner, M. and Marchetti, M. and Marusak, R. and Sheil, D. and Tome, M. and Trasobares, A. and Verkerk, P. J. and Korhonen, M. and Nabuurs, G. J.}, title = {Concerns about reported harvests in European forests}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {592}, number = {7856}, pages = {E15-E17}, ISSN = {0028-0836}, DOI = {10.1038/s41586-021-03292-x}, url = {://WOS:000645368900028}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN861, author = {Pang, Xi and Mörtberg, Ulla and Sallnäs, Ola and Trubins, Renats and Nordström, Eva-Maria and Böttcher, Hannes}, title = {Habitat network assessment of forest bioenergy options using the landscape simulator LandSim – A case study of Kronoberg, southern Sweden}, journal = {Ecological Modelling}, volume = {345}, pages = {99-112}, abstract = {Forest biomass is a renewable resource that is increasingly utilised for bioenergy purposes in Sweden, which along with the extraction of industrial wood may conflict with biodiversity conservation. The aim of this paper is to present a method for integrated sustainability assessment of forest biomass extraction, particularly from bioenergy and biodiversity perspectives. The landscape simulator LandSim was developed and linked with models for the assessment of biomass yields and habitat networks representing prioritised biodiversity components. It was applied in a case study in Kronoberg County in southern Sweden. Forest growth and management were simulated for the period 2010–2110, following two land zoning scenarios, one applying even-aged forest management on all forest land except for protected areas (EAF-tot), and one applying continuous cover forest management on parts of the forest land, combined with protected areas and an intensified even-aged management on the other parts (CCF-int). The EAF-tot scenario implied higher yields of biomass feedstock for bioenergy, the CCF-int scenario only giving 66% of that yield, while the CCF-int scenario performed substantially better when it came to the habitat network indicators, if habitat suitability was ensured. Conclusively, the case study confirmed that the modelling framework of the LEcA tool, linking the landscape simulator LandSim with the biomass yield assessment and the habitat network model can be used for integrating main policy concerns when assessing renewable energy options.}, keywords = {Habitat networks Forest bioenergy Forest management Landscape simulation Trade-off analysis Integrated assessment}, ISSN = {0304-3800}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.12.006}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.12.006}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1201, author = {Parikka, M.}, title = {Biosims - A method for the calculation of woody biomass for fuel in Sweden}, journal = {Ecological Engineering}, volume = {16}, number = {SUPPL. 1}, pages = {73-82}, ISSN = {09258574 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/s0925-8574(00)00055-0}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0034534549&doi=10.1016%2fs0925-8574%2800%2900055-0&partnerID=40&md5=a43473e7b6398f4b39db18ec080929ff}, year = {2000}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1376, author = {Peichl, Matthias and Martínez‐García, Eduardo and Fransson, Johan ES and Wallerman, Jörgen and Laudon, Hjalmar and Lundmark, Tomas and Nilsson, Mats B}, title = {Landscape‐variability of the carbon balance across managed boreal forests}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, volume = {29}, number = {4}, pages = {1119-1132}, ISSN = {1354-1013}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN1303, author = {Persson, Henning}, title = {Laserskanningsdatas noggrannhet i contortaskog: En jämförelse mellan fältdata, Laserdata Skog och Laserdata NH}, year = {2021}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN863, author = {Persson, Henrik and Soja, Maciej J. and Olsson, Håkan and Fransson, Johan E. S.}, title = {Satellitbaserade 3D-data till hjälp för skogliga skattningar}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, volume = {1}, pages = {4}, ISBN = {1400-7789}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-3203}, year = {2015}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN864, author = {Persson, Henrik and Wallerman, Jörgen and Olsson, Håkan and Fransson, Johan E. S.}, title = {Estimating forest biomass and height using optical stereo satellite data and a DTM from laser scanning data}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing}, volume = {39}, number = {3}, pages = {251-262}, abstract = {This paper investigates the possibilities of improving aboveground forest biomass and basal area weighted mean height estimates from optical multispectral satellite data by adding Canopy Height Models (CHMs) obtained from matching multiple view-angle satellite data. The analysis was carried out using data collected over the Remningstorp test site in southern Sweden from 2008–2011 and used training and validation data from airborne laser scanning and field data. CHMs were produced by subtracting a Digital Elevation Model (based on airborne laser scanning data) from the Digital Surface Models created by matching multiple view-angle SPOT-5 HRS and ALOS PRISM data. By modeling biomass and height using regression analysis on multispectral data from SPOT-5 HRG in combination with height metrics from the CHMs, an improved root mean squared error (RMSE) was attained, compared with using the individual satellite data sources alone. A comparison between SPOT-5 HRS and ALOS PRISM CHMs in combination with multispectral data was made at stand level using biomass and height estimates from laser scanning data as reference data. For biomass, the relative RMSE improved from 32.9% when using only multispectral data, to 29.2% and 22.4% when adding the CHM from SPOT-5 HRS and ALOS PRISM, respectively. The corresponding improvements for height were from 16.1% to 15.3% with the SPOT-5 HRS CHM and to 12.9% with the ALOS PRISM CHM. A further analysis of combining the ALOS PRISM CHM and multispectral data was made at sub-stand level with field measurements as reference data. This combination gave a relative RMSE of 20.6% for biomass and 10.5% for height. In conclusion, the estimation accuracy for aboveground biomass and basal area weighted mean height was improved by adding CHM data to multispectral data from optical satellites.}, ISSN = {0703-8992}, DOI = {10.5589/m13-032}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5589/m13-032}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1391, author = {Persson, Henrik Jan and Ekström, Magnus and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Quantify and account for field reference errors in forest remote sensing studies}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {283}, pages = {113302}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1202, author = {Persson, H. J. and Fransson, J. E. S. and Jonzen, J. and Nilsson, M.}, title = {Combining TanDEM-X, Sentinel-2 and Field Data for Prediction of Species-Wise Stem Volumes}, pages = {4478-4480}, ISSN = {9781728163741 (ISBN)}, DOI = {10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9324055}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85101998073&doi=10.1109%2fIGARSS39084.2020.9324055&partnerID=40&md5=ba39751f9fdb6ab226a22d866428503b}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1279, author = {Persson, H. J. and Jonzen, J. and Nilsson, M.}, title = {Combining TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2 for large-area species-wise prediction of forest biomass and volume}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation}, volume = {96}, pages = {10}, ISSN = {1569-8432}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jag.2020.102275}, url = {://WOS:000608482800002}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1352, author = {Persson, H. J. and Olofsson, K. and Holmgren, J.}, title = {Two-phase forest inventory using very-high-resolution laser scanning}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {271}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2022.112909}, url = {://WOS:000759731800001}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1204, author = {Persson, H. J. and Olsson, H. and Soja, M. J. and Ulander, L. M. H. and Fransson, J. E. S.}, title = {Experiences from large-scale forest mapping of Sweden using TanDEM-X data}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {9}, number = {12}, ISSN = {20724292 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.3390/rs9121253}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85038214567&doi=10.3390%2frs9121253&partnerID=40&md5=763fe24f27af6a11e7de24c85368cd00}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1205, author = {Persson, H. J. and Soja, M. J. and Fransson, J. E. S. and Ulander, L. M. H.}, title = {National Forest Biomass Mapping Using the Two-Level Model}, journal = {Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing}, volume = {13}, pages = {6391-6400}, ISSN = {1939-1404}, DOI = {10.1109/jstars.2020.3030591}, url = {://WOS:000589192200003}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1206, author = {Persson, H. J. and Soja, M. J. and Fransson, J. E. S. and Ulander, L. M. H. and Ieee}, title = {Using the Two-Level Model with Tandem-X for Large-Scale Forest Mapping}, journal = {IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS}, pages = {4484-4487}, ISSN = {978-1-5386-9154-0}, url = {://WOS:000519270604097}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1207, author = {Persson, H. J. and Soja, M. J. and Ulander, L. M. H. and Fransson, J. E. S.}, title = {National forest mapping of stem volume using TanDEM-X}, volume = {2018-June}, pages = {52-54}, ISSN = {21974403 (ISSN); 9783800746361 (ISBN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85050455552&partnerID=40&md5=03f15448276fa4bfe118763d5fd79540}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN865, author = {Persson, Olle}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen - ett medel för inventering av vegetation och flora}, journal = {SVENSK BOTANISK TIDSKRIFT}, pages = {495-497}, keywords = {Riksskogstaxeringen}, ISSN = {0039-646X}, year = {1979}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN866, author = {Persson, R.}, title = {Forest resources of africa. An approch to international forest resource appraisals. Part II: Regional analysis}, journal = {Rapporter och uppsatser / Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan, 22}, year = {1977}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN867, author = {Persson, R.}, title = {Scope and approach to world forest resource appraisals}, journal = {Rapporter och uppsatser / Institutionen för skogstaxering, Skogshögskolan, 23}, year = {1977}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN868, author = {Persson, Reidar}, title = {Den globala avskogningen : I går, i dag och i morgon}, institution = {Department of Forest Products}, number = {Rapport (SLU, Institutionen för skogens produkter) ; 24}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-4328}, year = {2017}, type = {Report} } @article{RN869, author = {Petersson, Hans}, title = {Functions for predicting crown height of Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies in Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {179-188}, abstract = {Pinus sylvestrisPicea abies The aim of the study was to establish single‐tree functions to predict crown height, defined as the height from the ground to the attachment of the lowest living branch to the trunk. Data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory 1983–1992 were used to construct country‐wide functions for Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) and for Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.). The model derived was based on the assumption that crown recession in closed forests is caused primarily by lack of light. A crown height function and a relative crown height (crown height/total tree height) function were calculated for each species and were found to predict crown height fairly accurately. Crown height was generally predicted more accurately for Scots pine than for Norway spruce. The crown height functions developed here can be used as an input for predicting the quality of timber. The functions are meant to form part of a system for the long‐term forecasting of timber yields, but they can also be used in calculations of the timber quality of a stand.}, keywords = {Crown Base Crown Length Equation Model Relative Crown Height Scots Pine Norway Spruce}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827589709355399}, year = {1997}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN871, author = {Petersson, H.}, title = {Functions for Predicting the Quality of Standing Timber in Scots Pine}, number = {59}, year = {1998}, type = {Report} } @article{RN870, author = {Petersson, H.}, title = {Prediction of Branch variables Related to Timber Quality in Pinus sylvestris}, journal = {Scand. J. For. Res.}, volume = {13}, pages = {21-30}, year = {1998}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN873, author = {Petersson, Hans}, title = {Biomassafunktioner för trädfaktorer av tall, gran och björk i Sverige}, number = {59}, note = {SKA 99, Skogliga konsekvensanalyser}, abstract = {I de nya landsomfattande skogliga konsekvensanalyserna – SKA 99 – genomförs en bred skoglig konsekvensanalys som under olika antaganden beträffande skogsskötsel samt skogsmarkens och skogens nyttjande på 100 års sikt bland annat skall belysa potentiell tillgång på skogsbränsle, kolbindning och näringsbalanser i skog. Projektet drivs i samverkan mellan Skogsstyrelsen, SLU, Statens Energimyndighet, Naturvårdsverket och NUTEK. I denna arbetsrapport dokumenteras biomassafunktioner vilka utgör underlag för beräkning av potentiell tillgång på skogsbränsle, kolbindning och kvävebalans i skogen. Biomassan predikteras för olika trädfraktioner av enskilda träd. Total mängd kol respektive kväve erhålls genom att multiplicera trädfraktioners torrvikt med konstanter. De biomassafunktioner som redovisas i denna rapport förväntas kunna användas vid framskrivning av biomassa i en simuleringsmodell. För att denna framskrivning skall bli realistisk bör biomassan beskrivas med en volym- och en densitetskomponent. Volymkomponenten bör vara korrelerad med t.ex. diameter-, höjd- och formuttryck, medan densitetskomponenten exempelvis bör vara korrelerad med variabler som beskriver trädets historiska tillväxt, konkurrenssituation och ålder. Jämfört med Marklunds biomassafunktioner som använts i tidigare avverkningsberäkningar har, för funktionerna i SKA 99, större vikt lagts vid att kunna analysera effekter av variabler korrelerade med densitetskomponenten. Materialet är samma som Marklund använt och biomassa avser torrvikt av olika trädfraktioner för trädslagen tall, gran och björk. De oberoende variabler som använts i funktionerna är (mätta i brösthöjd) stamdiameter, ålder och radietillväxt. Vidare har, baserat på en cirkelyta med tio meters radie, ståndortsindex, marktypen ”torvmark”samt lägesbestämmande variabler nyttjats som oberoende variabler. Materialet är insamlat med hjälp av stickprovsmetodik och det representerar stora delar av Sverige med träd från marker ägda av dåvarande Domänverket. Små träd, träd yngre än fem år mätt i brösthöjd, skog i höglägen och kustnära skog är inte representerade. I den använda simuleringsmodellen (HUGIN) avser skogstillståndet i utgångsläget all skogsmark och beskrivs utifrån Riksskogstaxeringens material inhämtat från cirkulära provytor. Minsta relevanta geografiska redovisningsenhet är av storleksordningen län, eller för stora län, länsdel. För dessa redovisas tillväxt, skogstillstånd, utförda åtgärder m.m. under normalt tio kommande tioårsperioder. Trädslagen tall, gran, contortatall, björk, bok, ek och övriga lövträd behandlas. Stamdiametrar skrivs fram med hjälp av Söderbergs grundytetillväxtfunktioner på grundval av träd, bestånds och ståndortsegenskaper. Eftersom vissa träd på provytan åldersmäts kan dessa egenskaper skattats för eller tilldelas övriga, enbart diametermätta, träd. Ståndortsindex, marktyp och geografiskt lägesbestämmande variabler bestäms vid utgångstillfället och förblir oförändrade under alla kommande perioder. En så kallad multiplikativ regressionsmodell har använts för att skatta biomassa. Tänkbara oberoende variabler har testats var för sig, ibland kombinerade, transformerade m.m. Stor vikt har lagts vid att utifrån data erhålla linjära samband mellan beroende och oberoende variabler i tvådimensionell form. Modellen har utifrån dessa tvådimensionella samband successivt byggts upp. Ibland har logiska variabler med förhållandevis låg signifikans inkluderats i modellen. Totalt har 22 funktioner framställts för att skatta torrvikt av stam inkl. bark, bark, barr, levande grenar, döda grenar, biomassa ovan stubbhöjd för tall, gran och björk och av stubb- och rotfraktion grövre än 5 cm och total biomassa för tall och gran. Biomassa-funktionerna har genomgått en rad statistiska tester. Högst spridning kring funktionen och lägst förklaringsgr d erhölls för funktioner som skattade torrvikt av döda grenar. Spridningen kr ng funktionen var 77% eller mer och förklaringsgraden lägre än 0.77. Spridningen kring funktionen för ”levande-gren” för björk var tämligen stor – 45%. Jämfört med Marklunds funktioner skattas generellt sett torrvikter tämligen likartat i utgångsläget medan skillnader i skattning ökar med ökande period i simuleringen. Partialsamband antyder att ”tillväxtsvariabeln” på ett rimligt sätt tycks fånga upp densitetskomponenten. Marklunds funktioner inkluderar ingen motsvarande variabel. Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att funktionerna väl uppfyller sitt syfte att skatta biomassa i projektet SKA 99. Materialet har god representativitet, statistiska antaganden är rimliga, funktionerna skattar med hög precision och de verkar vara flexibla för inter- och för extrapolering.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8782/}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN872, author = {Petersson, H.}, title = {Biomassafunktioner för trädfraktioner av tall, gran och björk i Sverige}, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. skogl. resurshush. o. geom.}, number = {ISSN 1401-1204}, year = {1999}, type = {Report} } @article{RN874, author = {Petersson, Hans and Breidenbach, Johannes and Ellison, David and Holm, Sören and Muszta, Anders and Lundblad, Mattias and Ståhl, Göran R.}, title = {Assessing Uncertainty: Sample Size Trade-Offs in the Development and Application of Carbon Stock Models}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {63}, number = {4}, pages = {402-412}, abstract = {Many parties to the United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) base their reporting of change in Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector carbon pools on national forest inventories. A strong feature of sample-based inventories is that very detailed measurements can be made at the level of plots. Uncertainty regarding the results stems primarily from the fact that only a sample, and not the entire population, is measured. However, tree biomass on sample plots is not directly measured but rather estimated using regression models based on allometric features such as tree diameter and height. Estimators of model parameters are random variables that exhibit different values depending on which sample is used for estimating model parameters. Although sampling error is strongly influenced by the sample size when the model is applied, modeling error is strongly influenced by the sample size when the model is under development. Thus, there is a trade-off between which sample sizes to use when applying and developing models. This trade-off has not been studied before and is of specific interest for countries developing new national forest inventories and biomass models in the REDD+ context. This study considers a specific sample design and population. This fact should be considered when extrapolating results to other locations and populations.}, keywords = {Land Use Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)}, DOI = {10.5849/FS-2016-063}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5849/FS-2016-063}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1355, author = {Petersson, Hans and Ellison, David and Appiah Mensah, Alex and Berndes, Göran and Egnell, Gustaf and Lundblad, Mattias and Lundmark, Tomas and Lundström, Anders and Stendahl, Johan and Wikberg, Per‐Erik}, title = {On the role of forests and the forest sector for climate change mitigation in Sweden}, journal = {GCB Bioenergy}, volume = {14}, number = {7}, pages = {793-813}, ISSN = {1757-1693}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1208, author = {Petersson, H. and Holm, S. and Ståhl, G. and Alger, D. and Fridman, J. and Lehtonen, A. and Lundström, A. and Mäkipää, R.}, title = {Individual tree biomass equations or biomass expansion factors for assessment of carbon stock changes in living biomass - A comparative study}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {270}, pages = {78-84}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2012.01.004}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84856805694&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2012.01.004&partnerID=40&md5=7917f882dcbf72957436455638b35e29}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN876, author = {Petersson, Hans and Melin, Ylva}, title = {Estimating the biomass and carbon pool of stump systems at a national scale}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {260}, number = {4}, pages = {466-471}, abstract = {Countries that are signatories to the UNFCCC and its supplementary Kyoto Protocol are obliged to report changes in carbon pools. These should include the pool of carbon held in tree stumps and roots but, to date, few countries have been able to report this or separate it from the dead-wood pool. The aim of this study was to develop a general system for estimating and monitoring changes in stump system carbon using data from a traditional National Forest Inventory. The system was derived using data based on measurements of carbon (biomass) in inventoried permanent sample plots representing all relevant classes of land-use. With this design it was possible to trace matched carbon at the level of individual trees or stumps back to land-use prior to the 1990 baseline year. Between 1990 and 2003 in Sweden, the average annual net sink of stump systems was estimated to amount to 6.7 Mt CO2 equiv. year−1 – comparable to the reported net sink in 2008 of about 15 Mt CO2 equiv. year−1 from the whole Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry sector, which excluded any carbon in stump systems. In 2003 the carbon stock of stumps and roots was estimated at 495 Mt CO2 equiv.; approximately five times that of the dead-wood pool as defined in Sweden, i.e. dead wood that mainly consists of boles. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change requests that reported carbon should be matched to land-use and traced back to the 1990 base year; however, the present study confirms expectations that most carbon in stumps and roots is found on Forest land. The minimum requirements for estimating the carbon pool in stump systems at a national scale using the proposed methodology are that there should be: (i) a consistent time-series of harvest data, usually estimated as merchantable volume; (ii) conversion factors from merchantable volume to stump system biomass at death; and (iii) a representative decomposition model.}, keywords = {Carbon Kyoto Protocol Stumps Sweden Time-series UNFCCC}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2010.05.002}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2010.05.002}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN877, author = {Petersson, H. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Functions for Below-ground Biomass of Pinus silvestris, Picea abies, Betula pendula and B. pubescens in Sweden}, journal = {Scand. J. For. Res.}, volume = {21}, number = {7}, pages = {10}, abstract = {Accurate estimates of below-ground biomass of trees are important when quantifying the amount of carbon sequestered in forests. Allometric single-tree below-ground biomass functions were developed for Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Betula pendula and Betula pubescens in Sweden. The idea was to calibrate an existing comprehensive data set of about 600 trees that only covered the stump and coarse roots against a new data set that covered roots down to 2 mm diameter. The new data set consisted of about 80 trees acquired using the same design as for the existing set, but complemented with a detailed inventory of the fine root fractions remaining in the ground. Checks were made to determine whether the density properties of the two data sets were comparable and it was concluded that they were. This was a prerequisite for calibrating the older data against the new information and further for merging the two data sets. The merged data set was used to derive regression functions for below-ground biomass. For all functions the adjusted R 2 values were always higher than 0.95 and the root mean square errors were always lower than 36% for P. sylvestris and P. abies. Below-ground biomass predicted with the new functions was approximately 11% higher than the values obtained using the existing biomass functions.}, keywords = {Boreal, carbon, birch, Kyoto Protocol, Norway spruce, prediction, root, root system, Scots pine, stump, UNFCCC}, DOI = {10.1080/14004080500486864}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/14004080500486864}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1210, author = {Petersson, L. K. and Milberg, P. and Bergstedt, J. and Dahlgren, J. and Felton, A. M. and Götmark, F. and Salk, C. and Löf, M.}, title = {Changing land use and increasing abundance of deer cause natural regeneration failure of oaks: Six decades of landscape-scale evidence}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {444}, pages = {299-307}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2019.04.037}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85065105622&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2019.04.037&partnerID=40&md5=a2bb6fb3983c5e909e260829b1903c88}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN880, author = {Petterson, Henrik}, title = {Avverkningsberäkningar för övre och mellersta Norrland}, number = {0369-2167}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9899/1/medd_statens_skogsforskningsinst_036_02.pdf}, year = {1947}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN881, author = {Petterson, Henrik}, title = {Barrskogens volymproduktion}, number = {45:1A}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9982/}, year = {1955}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN882, author = {Pettersson, Folke}, title = {Tillväxteffekter hos träd som toppats med helikopter vid kraftledningar}, institution = {Skogsforsk}, url = {http://www.skogforsk.se/contentassets/d1589bf551ac42bfa5fc8131e4134e28/arbetsrapport-407-1998.pdf}, year = {1998}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN1343, author = {Pihl Karlsson, Gunilla and Danielsson, Helena}, title = {Metaller i mossa Östergötlands län, 2020: På uppdrag av Östergötlands Luftvårdsförbund}, publisher = {IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet}, year = {2021}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1344, author = {Pihl Karlsson, Gunilla and Danielsson, Helena}, title = {Metaller i mossa, Skåne län 2020: På uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen Skåne}, publisher = {IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet}, year = {2021}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN1345, author = {Pihl Karlsson, Gunilla and Danielsson, Helena}, title = {Metaller och kväve i mossa Stockholms län, 2020: På uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen Stockholm och Stockholms stad}, publisher = {IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet}, year = {2021}, type = {Generic} } @phdthesis{RN883, author = {Poudel, Bishnu Chandra}, title = {Forest biomass production potential and its implications for carbon balance}, university = {Mid Sweden University}, abstract = {An integrated methodological approach is used to analyse the forest biomass production potential in the Middle Norrland region of Sweden, and its use to reduce carbon emissions. Forest biomass production, forest management, biomass harvest, and forest product use are analyzed in a system perspective considering the entire resource flow chains. The system-wide carbon flows as well as avoided carbon emissions are quantified for the activities of forest biomass production, harvest, use and substitution of non-biomass materials and fossil fuels. Five different forest management scenarios and two biomass use alternatives are developed and used in the analysis. The analysis is divided into four main parts. In the first part, plant biomass production is estimated using principles of plant-physiological processes and soil-water dynamics. Biomass production is compared under different forest management scenarios, some of which include the expected effects of climate change based on IPCC B2 scenario. In the second part, forest harvest potentials are estimated based on plant biomass production data and Swedish national forest inventory data for different forest management alternatives. In the third part, soil carbon stock changes are estimated for different litter input levels from standing biomass and forest residues left in the forest during the harvest operations. The fourth and final part is the estimation of carbon emissions reduction due to the substitution of fossil fuels and carbon-intensive materials by the use of forest biomass. Forest operational activities such as regeneration, pre-commercial thinning, commercial thinning, fertilisation, and harvesting are included in the analysis. The total carbon balance is calculated by summing up the carbon stock changes in the standing biomass, carbon stock changes in the forest soil, forest product carbon stock changes, and the substitution effects. Fossil carbon emissions from forest operational activities are calculated and deducted to calculate the net total carbon balance.The results show that the climate change effect most likely will increase forest biomass production over the next 100 years compared to a situation with unchanged climate. As an effect of increased biomass production, there is a possibility to increase the harvest of usable biomass. The annual forest biomass production and harvest can be further increased by the application of more intensive forestry practices compared to practices currently in use. Deciduous trees are likely to increase their biomass production because of climate change effects whereas spruce biomass is likely to increase because of implementation of intensive forestry practices.IIIntensive forestry practices such as application of pre-commercial thinning, balanced fertilisation, and introduction of fast growing species to replace slow growing pine stands can increase the standing biomass carbon stock. Soil carbon stock increase is higher when only stem-wood biomass is used, compared to whole-tree biomass use. The increase of carbon stocks in wood products depends largely on the magnitude of harvest and the use of the harvested biomass. The biomass substitution benefits are the largest contributor to the total carbon balance, particularly for the intensive forest management scenario when whole-tree biomass is used and substitutes coal fuel and non-wood construction materials. The results show that the climate change effect could provide up to 104 Tg carbon emissions reduction, and intensive forestry practices may further provide up to 132 Tg carbon emissions reduction during the next 100 years in the area studied.This study shows that production forestry can be managed to balance biomass growth and harvest in the long run, so that the forest will maintain its capacity to increase standing biomass carbon and provide continuous harvests. Increasing standing biomass in Swedish managed forest may not be the most effective strategy to mitigate climate change. Storing wood products in building materials delays the carbon emissions into the a mosphere, and the wood material in the buildings can be used as biofuel at the end of a building life-cycle to substitute fossil fuels.These findings show that the forest biomass production potential in the studied area increases with climate change and with the application of intensive forestry practices. Intensive forestry practice has the potential for continuous increased biomass production which, if used to substitute fossil fuels and materials, could contribute significantly to net carbon emissions reductions and help mitigate climate change.}, keywords = {Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Science, Forestry And Fisheries Forest Science Lantbruksvetenskaper Lantbruksvetenskap, Skogsbruk Och Fiske Skogsvetenskap Natural Sciences Earth And Related Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences Naturvetenskap Geovetenskap Och Miljövetenskap Miljövetenskap}, DOI = {urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-17281}, url = {urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-17281}, year = {2012}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN884, author = {Poudel, Bishnu Chandra and Sathre, Roger and Bergh, Johan and Gustavsson, Leif and Lundström, Anders and Hyvönen, Riitta}, title = {Potential effects of intensive forestry on biomass production and total carbon balance in north-central Sweden}, journal = {Environmental Science and Policy}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, abstract = {Highlights ► We model effects of intensive forest management on total carbon balance in Sweden. ► Forest production increases by up to 26% and annual harvest by up to 19%. ► Carbon stocks in living tree biomass, forest soil and wood products all increase. ► Substitution use of forest biomass has the greatest single effect on carbon balance. ► Net carbon emission reduction of up to 132 Tg is possible during the next 100 years. We quantify the potential effects of intensive forest management activities on forest production in north-central Sweden over the next 100 years, and calculate the potential climate change mitigation feedback effect due to the resulting increased carbon stock and increased use of forest products. We analyze and compare four different forest management scenarios ( Reference, Environment, Production, and Maximum), all of which include the expected effects of climate change based on SRES B2 scenario. Forest management practices are intensified in Production scenario, and further intensified in Maximum scenario. Four different models, BIOMASS, HUGIN, Q-model, and Substitution model, were used to quantify net primary production, forest production and harvest potential, soil carbon, and biomass substitution of fossil fuels and non-wood materials, respectively. After integrating the models, our results show that intensive forestry may increase forest production by up to 26% and annual harvest by up to 19%, compared to the Reference scenario. The greatest single effect on the carbon balance is from using increased biomass production to substitute for fossil fuels and energy intensive materials. Carbon stocks in living tree biomass, forest soil and wood products also increase. In total, a net carbon emission reduction of up to 132 Tg (for Maximum scenario) is possible during the next 100 years due to intensive forest management in two Swedish counties, Jämtland and Västernorrland.}, keywords = {Climate change Forest biomass Wood substitution Forest management Carbon emission reduction}, ISSN = {1462-9011}, DOI = {10.1016/j.envsci.2011.09.005}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1293, author = {Prentius, Wilmer and Zhao, Xin and Grafström, Anton}, title = {Combining Environmental Area Frame Surveys of a Finite Population}, journal = {Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, pages = {250-266}, ISSN = {1537-2693}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1211, author = {Ram, D. and Axelsson, A. L. and Green, M. and Smith, H. G. and Lindström, Å}, title = {What drives current population trends in forest birds – forest quantity, quality or climate? A large-scale analysis from northern Europe}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {385}, pages = {177-188}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.11.013}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85007329008&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2016.11.013&partnerID=40&md5=b1749a79cdcf8557c717ee8df2d41517}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1212, author = {Ramezani, H.}, title = {Forest edge length estimation - a case study using the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI)}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {32}, number = {8}, pages = {782-788}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2017.1287301}, url = {://WOS:000413600600016}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1213, author = {Ramezani, H. and Grafstrom, A.}, title = {A comparison of two procedures to estimate three basic monitoring landscape metrics for monitoring}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {186}, number = {8}, pages = {4709-4718}, ISSN = {0167-6369}, DOI = {10.1007/s10661-014-3732-7}, url = {://WOS:000338275500006}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1403, author = {Ramezani, Habib and Lister, Andrew}, title = {Effects of cluster plot design parameters on landscape fragmentation estimates: A case study using data from the Swedish national forest inventory}, journal = {Applied Geography}, volume = {158}, pages = {103045}, ISSN = {0143-6228}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1215, author = {Ramezani, H. and Ramezani, A.}, title = {Forest fragmentation assessment using field-based sampling data from forest inventories}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, ISSN = {02827581 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2021.1908592}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85103588427&doi=10.1080%2f02827581.2021.1908592&partnerID=40&md5=a57785cdcd8b47451cd7b62534c69b39}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN695, author = {Ramezani, Habib and Ramezani, Farhad}, title = {Potential for the wider application of national forest inventories to estimate the contagion metric for landscapes}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {187}, number = {3}, abstract = {National forest inventories (NFIs) have traditionally been designed to assess the production value of forests as well as forest biodiversity. However, in this study, the aim is to show a new application of NFIs, namely the estimation of the landscape metric contagion. This metric is commonly calculated on rasterbased land cover/use maps. In this study, a sample-based dataset from the Swedish NFI was used. The estimated contagion metric is based on a distance-dependent function so that the value of the metric is small for longer distances, whereas the corresponding estimated variance is large for longer distances. With this procedure, comparisons can be made for different landscapes at a given time and or to compare any given landscape over time. The main advantages are that the approach can be applied where raster-based land cover/use maps of the landscape are not available and that the data obtained from NFIs (e.g., land cover type) typically are of high quality in comparison with remotely sensed data due to being based on direct observation in the field survey. The procedure applied here accommodates both the patch-mosaic and the gradient-based model approach to landscape structure.}, ISSN = {0167-6369}, DOI = {10.1007/s10661-015-4283-2}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-015-4283-2}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1454, author = {Ramirez, Juan Ignacio}, title = {Citizen science predicts the distribution of the treeline in the Fennoscandian Arctic}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN696, author = {Ranius, Thomas and Ekvall, Hans and Jonsson, Mattias and Bostedt, Göran}, title = {Cost efficiency of measures to increase the amount of coarse woody debris in managed Norway spruce forest}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {206}, number = {1-3}, pages = {119-133}, abstract = {Changing silvicultural methods in managed forestland to improve habitat quality for forest organisms has become one of the main means to preserve forest biodiversity in Fennoscandia. In boreal forests, coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important substrate for red-listed species. In this study, we analyse cost efficiency of five management measures taken in Swedish forestry, which aim at increasing CWD in managed forests: retention of living trees at harvest, artificial creation of high stumps, manual scarification at clearcuts to avoid destruction of CWD, prolongation of the rotation period, and retention of naturally dying trees. For Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in different parts of Sweden, we calculated the present value and predicted the amount of CWD that will be present if the same management method is used over a long time. To retain reasonable amounts of naturally dying trees was always inexpensive, and in central and northern Sweden it was more economical to retain them than to harvest them. Creation of high stumps was a cost efficient method to increase the amount of CWD. Prolonging the rotation period was the most expensive way to increase CWD. We conclude that adopting several different measures to increase CWD in managed forests, as prescribed by certification standards today, is a good concept, but to be cost efficient the focus should be on different measures in different parts of Sweden.}, keywords = {Dead wood Forestry FSC Green tree retention Picea abies}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2004.10.061}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2004.10.061}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1217, author = {Ranius, T. and Jonsson, B. G. and Kruys, N.}, title = {Modeling dead wood in Fennoscandian old-growth forests dominated by Norway spruce}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {34}, number = {5}, pages = {1025-1034}, ISSN = {0045-5067}, DOI = {10.1139/x03-271}, url = {://WOS:000222019000005}, year = {2004}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN697, author = {Ranius, Thomas and Kindvall, Oskar and Kruys, Nicholas and Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar}, title = {Modelling dead wood in Norway spruce stands subject to different management regimes}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {182}, number = {1-3}, pages = {13-29}, abstract = {Strategies for preserving biodiversity in boreal forests should include the maintenance of coarse woody debris (CWD) because this substrate is a key feature for the preservation of many threatened species. Computer simulation programs are useful tools for predicting the amount of CWD that will arise if certain management practices are applied in the long term. We have constructed and used a simulation program based on stochastic equations, which aims at predicting the amount of CWD in homogenous stands of Norway spruce in central Scandinavia. Because the rate of tree mortality is a critical factor in such simulations, we present such data derived from spruce-dominated forests surveyed in the Swedish National Forest Inventory. A comparison between simulation outcomes and field data shows that the average quantity of CWD in today's managed forest is possible to predict using the simulation model. If the forest is managed according to the Forest Certification Standard, the amount of CWD (diameter larger than 10 cm) will be almost three times higher as the amount in today's managed forests. The amount of CWD was found to be highest in old stands and immediately after cutting. In stands of an intermediate age the amount of CWD was low, especially CWD in early decay stages and of larger sizes. High productivity and long rotation time tended, on average, to increase the amount of CWD in stands. Among the management practices recommended in the new biodiversity-oriented forestry, retention of small areas with living trees is the most efficient way to increase the average amount and continuous occurrence of CWD within a stand, at least if the retained areas are as productive as the main part of the stands. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.}, keywords = {Dead Wood Fsc Management Picea Abies Simulation Tree Mortality}, ISSN = {03781127}, DOI = {10.1016/S0378-1127(03)00027-6}, year = {2003}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN698, author = {Ranneby, B.}, title = {The precision of the estimates of the growth in basal area}, booktitle = {Rapport, Avdelningen for Skoglig Biometri, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {25 pp.}, url = {://CABI:19810671676}, year = {1980}, type = {Book Section} } @inbook{RN700, author = {Ranneby, B.}, title = {Estimation of standard errors in systematic sampling, illustrated by data from the 5th Swedish National Forest Survey}, booktitle = {Rapport, Avdelningen for Skoglig Biometri, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {19 pp. + appendix}, ISBN = {91-576-0798-2}, url = {://CABI:19810671672}, year = {1981}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN699, author = {Ranneby, Bo}, title = {Medelfelsformler till skattningar baserade på material från den 5:e riksskogstaxeringen}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, year = {1981}, type = {Book} } @book{RN701, author = {Ranneby, B.}, title = {Några grundläggande statistiska ideer kring den nya riksskogstaxeringen}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 2 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources scandinavia western europe europe methods forest resources sweden sampling measurement}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN702, author = {Ranneby, Bo and Cruse, Thorbjörn and Hägglund, Björn and Jonasson, Härje and Swärd, Johan}, title = {Designing a new national forest survey for Sweden}, number = {177}, abstract = {The paper summarizes the methodical work preceding the introduction of the Sixth National Forest Survey of Sweden. Both theoretical and practical problems are considered. Thus the paper contains a discussion about permanent plots and describes the variables recorded, the data acquisition system, some results from field tests and the statistical considerations behind the new design.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/4634/}, year = {1987}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN703, author = {Ranneby, Bo and Rovainen, Eva}, title = {On the determination of time intervals between remeasurements of permanent plots}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {71}, number = {3}, pages = {195-202}, abstract = {Remeasurement frequency in permanent sample plots is discussed within the framework of sampling with partial replacement (SPR) and based on data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI). Previously, Swedish NFI plots were measured every 5 years. The results indicate that it is possible to extend the time interval until the next remeasurement. An extension from 5 to 10 years increases variance by 5–13%, depending on the temporal correlation. By treating the clear-cut plots as a separate stratum with known area, there is a considerable gain in precision. With such a stratum and a measurement interval of 10 years, the variance decreases by 15–20%. By using an approach with intuitive estimators, and viewing the SPR estimator as a linear combination of these, it is possible to obtain additive tables with only minor loss in efficiency.}, keywords = {Sampling with partial replacement Permanent plot Additivity of estimates}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/0378-1127(94)06099-5}, year = {1995}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1219, author = {Ratcliffe, S. and Liebergesell, M. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Madrigal González, J. and Muñoz Castañeda, J. M. and Kändler, G. and Lehtonen, A. and Dahlgren, J. and Kattge, J. and Peñuelas, J. and Zavala, M. A. and Wirth, C.}, title = {Modes of functional biodiversity control on tree productivity across the European continent}, journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography}, volume = {25}, number = {3}, pages = {251-262}, ISSN = {1466822X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/geb.12406}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84959090796&doi=10.1111%2fgeb.12406&partnerID=40&md5=202be2ad52e0ccad9afb7000b04cb1f7}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN705, author = {Rautio, Anna-Maria}, title = {People-plant interrelationships : historical plant use in native Sami societies}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {Different plants have played an important role historically in the subsistence of the native Sami people of northern Fennoscandia. Generally, their use of plants have however been regarded as less vital in their overall subsistence and in comparison to the domesticated reindeer and the hunted game and fish. Also, the impacts of early human plant use on specific plant-populations and the overall ecosystems which they inhabited have often been overlooked in research. In this thesis the traditional Sami practices and extent of plant use from the 1550s until 1900 was studied from two main perspectives; First) the cultural significance of Scots pine inner bark and A. archangelica was evaluated, in the perspective as a discrete form of resource utilization within a larger set of activities which constitute overall Sami subsistence, Second) The human impact of land use from a perspective of plant use was quantified and evaluated. Special emphasis in this thesis was placed on the role of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and garden Angelica (A. archangelica ssp. archangelica L.). My results show that: 1) Scots pine and A. archangelica are two of the Sami cultural key-stone species, since they were qualitatively vital for survival in these northerly regions. 2) It is possible to manage and maintain stable populations of A. archangelica by conducting harvest according to traditional Sami practices, indicating that it is likely that the Sami did not only gathered but also enhanced certain wild plants. Furthermore, the Sami harvest of different Scots pine resources on a regional scale, was shown to be sustainable throughout the study period. 3) Northern Fennoscandia can be considered a domesticated landscape, even long before the onset of agriculture. The Sami have moved over large areas, but they made well informed decisions on what resources to obtain at what times. 4) A combination of methods from different fields should be used to understand Sami plant use in a subsistence context. By combining methods it is possible to understand both the details of how and why Sami used different plants, but also to investigate historical Sami subsistence at different spatial scales.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2168}, year = {2014}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN706, author = {Rautio, Anna-Maria and Josefsson, Torbjörn and Axelsson, Anna-Lena and Östlund, Lars}, title = {People and pines 1555–1910: integrating ecology, history and archaeology to assess long-term resource use in northern Fennoscandia}, journal = {Landscape Ecology}, volume = {31}, pages = {337–349}, keywords = {Forest history Human impact Ecosystem change Native Sami Farmers Commercial logging Sustainability Pinus sylvestris Inner bark Firewood}, ISSN = {0921-2973}, DOI = {10.1007/s10980-015-0246-9}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-015-0246-9}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN707, author = {Reese, Heather}, title = {Classification of Sweden’s forest and alpine vegetation using optical satellite and inventory data}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, keywords = {satellite data, classification, land cover, alpine vegetation, forest}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-221}, year = {2011}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1220, author = {Reese, H. and Granqvist-Pahlén, T. and Egberth, M. and Nilsson, M. and Olsson, H.}, title = {Automated estimation of forest parameters for Sweden using Landsat data and the kNN algorithm}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84879710517&partnerID=40&md5=c647c928a637b71a3e168e53d6f0710e}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1221, author = {Reese, H. and Joyce, S. and Olsson, H.}, title = {ENVISAT MERIS for country-wide estimates of forest and mountain vegetation in Sweden}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84879724353&partnerID=40&md5=5d06335215757c3a86f63e6c36e5b406}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN708, author = {Reese, Heather and Nilsson, Mats and Granqvist Pahlén, Tina and Hagner, Olle and Joyce, Steve and Tingelöf, Ulf and Egberth, Mikael and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Countrywide Estimates of Forest Variables Using Satellite Data and Field Data from the National Forest Inventory}, journal = {Ambio}, volume = {32}, number = {8}, pages = {542-8}, abstract = {About 55% of the land area in Sweden is covered by forest. Presently, there is no uniform and geographically explicit description of the forest cover for Sweden. Independent data sources already existing are satellite data from Landsat TM and SPOT HRV, map masks and forest inventory plots. Together, they provide the possibility of computing estimates of forest variables such as stem volume and stand age. The accuracy for these estimations will be low on the pixel level, but higher on a stand level. This type of raster-based forest data is useful for authorities when planning how timber resources should be utilized or for monitoring purposes. The production line that was developed to create a countrywide database of forest variable estimates in a cost-efficient way is described. Accuracy of forest variable estimates for an area in southwestern Sweden was assessed at stand level. Results showed 33% overall root mean square error for the estimates of total wood volume, and 23% for the age estimates.}, keywords = {ListningKNN}, DOI = {10.1639/0044-7447(2003)032[0542:CEOFVU]2.0.CO;2}, year = {2004}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1223, author = {Reese, H. and Nilsson, M. and Sandstrom, P. and Olsson, H.}, title = {Applications using estimates of forest parameters derived from satellite and forest inventory data}, journal = {Computers and Electronics in Agriculture}, volume = {37}, number = {1-3}, pages = {37-55}, ISSN = {0168-1699}, DOI = {10.1016/s0168-1699(02)00118-7}, url = {://WOS:000180014000005}, year = {2002}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN709, author = {Reese, Heather and Nilsson, Mats and Sandström, Per and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Applications using estimates of forest parameters derived from satellite and forest inventory data}, keywords = {FORESTRY, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, LANDSCAPE PLANNING, ListningKNN}, year = {2002}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN710, author = {Reese, Heather and Nilsson, Mats and Sandström, Per and Olsson, Håkan}, title = {Applications using estimates of forest parameters derived from satellite and forest inventory data}, journal = {Computers and Electronics in Agriculture}, volume = {37}, number = {1-3}, pages = {37-55}, abstract = {From the combination of optical satellite data, digital map data, and forest inventory plot data, continuous estimates have been made for several forest parameters (wood volume, age, and biomass). Five different project areas within Sweden are presented which have utilized these estimates for a range of applications. The method for estimating the forest parameters was a 'k-nearest neighbor (kNN)' algorithm, which used a weighted mean value of k spectrally similar reference plots. Reference data were obtained from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. The output was continuous estimates at the pixel level for each of the variables estimated. Validation results show that accuracy of the estimates for all parameters was low at the pixel level (e.g. for total wood volume root mean square error (RMSE) ranged from 58-80%), with a tendency toward the mean, and an underestimation of higher values while overestimating lower values. However, when the accuracy of the estimates is assessed over larger areas, the errors are lower, with best results being 10% RMSE over a 100 ha aggregation, and 17% RMSE over a 19 ha aggregation. Applications presented in this paper include moose and bird habitat studies, county level planning activities, use as input information to prognostic programs, and computation of statistics on timber volume within drainage basins and smaller land holdings. This paper provides a background on the kNN method and gives examples of how end users are currently applying satellite-produced estimation data such as these. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.}, keywords = {Applications Continuous Estimates Forest Inventory Knn Landsat Thematic Mapper Spot}, ISSN = {01681699}, DOI = {10.1016/S0168-1699(02)00118-7}, year = {2003}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN711, author = {Rickebusch, Sophie and Lischke, Heike and Bugmann, Harald and Guisan, Antoine and Zimmermann, Niklaus E.}, title = {Understanding the low-temperature limitations to forest growth through calibration of a forest dynamics model with tree-ring data}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {246}, number = {2-3}, pages = {251-263}, abstract = {The sensitivity of altitudinal and latitudinal tree-line ecotones to climate change, particularly that of temperature, has received much attention. To improve our understanding of the factors affecting tree-line position, we used the spatially explicit dynamic forest model TreeMig. Although well-suited because of its landscape dynamics functions, TreeMig features a parabolic temperature growth response curve, which has recently been questioned, and the species parameters are not specifically calibrated for cold temperatures. Our main goals were to improve the theoretical basis of the temperature growth response curve in the model and develop a method for deriving that curve's parameters from tree-ring data. We replaced the parabola with an asymptotic curve, calibrated for the main species at the subalpine (Swiss Alps: Pinus cembra, Larix decidua, Picea abies) and boreal (Fennoscandia: Pinus sylvestris, Betula pubescens, P. abies) tree-lines. After fitting new parameters, the growth curve matched observed tree-ring widths better. For the subalpine species, the minimum degree-day sum allowing growth (kDDMin) was lowered by around 100 degree-days; in the case of Larix, the maximum potential ring-width was increased to 5.19 mm. At the boreal tree-line, the kDDMin for P. sylvestris was lowered by 210 degree-days and its maximum ring-width increased to 2.943 mm; for Betula (new in the model) kDDMin was set to 325 degree-days and the maximum ring-width to 2.51 mm; the values from the only boreal sample site for Picea were similar to the subalpine ones, so the same parameters were used. However, adjusting the growth response alone did not improve the model's output concerning species’ distributions and their relative importance at tree-line. Minimum winter temperature (MinWiT, mean of the coldest winter month), which controls seedling establishment in TreeMig, proved more important for determining distribution. Picea, P. sylvestris and Betula did not previously have minimum winter temperature limits, so these values were set to the 95th percentile of each species’ coldest MinWiT site (respectively −7, −11, −13). In a case study for the Alps, the original and newly calibrated versions of TreeMig were compared with biomass data from the National Forest Inventory (NFI). Both models gave similar, reasonably realistic results. In conclusion, this method of deriving temperature responses from tree-rings works well. However, regeneration and its underlying factors seem more important for controlling species’ distributions than previously thought. More research on regeneration ecology, especially at the upper limit of forests, is needed to improve predictions of tree-line responses to climate change further.}, keywords = {TreeMig Degree-day sum Gap model Gap dynamics Minimum winter temperature Tree-line Growth Establishment Regeneration}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2007.04.030}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2007.04.030}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN714, author = {Riksskogstaxeringsnämnden}, title = {Sveriges skogstillgångar enligt den åren 1923-1929 verkställda riksskogstaxeringen}, institution = {Riksskogstaxeringsnämnden}, year = {1930}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN715, author = {Riksskogstaxeringsnämnden}, title = {Sweden's forest resources according to the national forest survey carried out during the period 1923-1929}, institution = {Riksskogstaxeringsnämnden}, year = {1930}, type = {Report} } @article{RN719, author = {Ring, E. and Widenfalk, O. and Jansson, G. and Holmström, H. and Högbom, L. and Sonesson, J.}, title = {Riparian forests along small streams on managed forest land in Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {33}, number = {2}, pages = {133-146}, abstract = {This study investigated characteristics of riparian forests on managed forest land in Sweden. Forest and site characteristics were inventoried at three sites, located along a south to north gradient, in 139 transects placed perpendicular to 38 stream reaches (<10 m wide), in forests representing the age classes 0–25, 26–75 and >75 years. Starting from the stream edge, the 30 m long transects were divided into three zones: 0–5, 5–15 and 15–30 m. The stem volumes of Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) H. Karst, Betula spp. and broadleaved trees, the basal area share of Alnus spp., the stem density, and Sphagnum spp. coverage all showed an effect of zone (p < 0.05). The 0–5 m zone had the lowest volume of P. sylvestris and the highest volumes of P. abies, Betula spp. and broadleaved trees as well as the highest total stem density and basal area share of Alnus spp. Some characteristics of the northernmost site tended to differ from the two sites located in south-central Sweden. Knowledge of the characteristics of riparian forests as found in this study could aid long-term forestry planning and improve precision in the preservation and development of riparian forests with certain qualities.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2017.1338750}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2017.1338750}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN720, author = {Ringvall, Anna and Petersson, Hans and Ståhl, Goran and Lämås, Tomas}, title = {Surveyor Consistency in Presence/Absence Sampling for Monitoring Vegetation in a Boreal Forest}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {212}, number = {1-3}, pages = {109-117}, abstract = {The consistency of presence/absence assessments for a limited list of species was evaluated in a field test involving a large group of surveyors in the southern part of the boreal zone in Sweden. Comparisons were made between two groups with different experience in vegetation assessment. The vegetation species used were those that were reasonably common and easy to distinguish during the whole vegetation period. The surveyors were from the Swedish Forest Soil Inventory and the Swedish National Forest Inventory. Good consistency was found between surveyors, and high accuracy was found according to a reference survey for many of the tested species. Differences were found, however, although the magnitude of the observed bias and the differences between surveyors were fairly small for many of the tested species. A higher percentage of agreement and correct classification and a lower estimated bias and standard deviation of surveyor's differences were found for the group with more experience.}, keywords = {Monitoring, Forest Plants, Biologic Sweden Surveys General}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2005.03.002}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2005.03.002}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN721, author = {Ringvall, Anna and Ståhl, Göran and Löfgren, Per and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Skattningar och precisionsberäkning i NILS}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, abstract = {Denna arbetsrapport bygger på en studie av styrkan i förändringsskattningar som genomfördes som ett underlag för en diskussion om lämplig dimensionering och design av miljöövervakningsprogrammet NILS, Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige. Studien genomfördes år 2001 och rapporten sammanställdes våren 2002 och har under samma namn använts som ett arbetsdokument i förarbetet till NILS. Rapporten finns dock först nu som en tryckt arbetsrapport. Ett stort tack riktas till Sören Holm, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU för hjälp med härledningar av skattningar och variansformler}, keywords = {environmental protection, landscape, monitoring, plot design, statistical methods, aerial surveying, surveys}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8653/}, year = {2004}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN722, author = {Roberge, C.}, title = {Swedish gross felling statistics and harvesting season determination in the National Forest Inventory}, institution = {SLU, Skoglig Resurshushållning}, number = {194}, abstract = {As part of the official Swedish statistics, a figure of the annual gross felling is presented which provides the volume of felled trees within the country for each year. Two figures are annually produced in Sweden: one official figure produced by the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA) and one by the National Forest Inventory (NFI). The annual felling estimates provided by the SFA and the NFI have differed to some extent during the past decades. In this report, the two methods for estimating the national annual gross fellings are described. Possible avenues for improving the gross felling statistics produced by those two methods are suggested. In particular, one of the possible errors in the NFI data is the determination of felling season. An evaluation is made of a method to assess the accuracy of the NFI felling season determination. The test suggests that NFI classification of treatment type is good, that final fellings are usually noticed, but that both thinnings and cleanings are not noticed as often as expected from forest company stand registers. Using stand registers as the truth, unnoticed plots could amount to an underestimate of NFI's felling statistics by approximately 26%.}, keywords = {National Forest Inventory, Gross felling statistics, harvesting volumes, season determination}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-8735}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN723, author = {Roberge, Cornelia}, title = {Inventory strategies for monitoring and evaluation of forest damage}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, abstract = {Under global change, increasing stresses on forests require strategies for monitoring and mitigation of damages caused by pests and diseases. While the threats to forests increase, so do the possibilities to set up efficient monitoring programmes and detect forest damage by utilising new technologies. This thesis focuses on strategies for forest damage inventories where different auxiliary data are combined to improve information for pest mitigation programmes. First, the efficiency of National Forest Inventories (NFIs; or similar inventories) for detecting and estimating state and change of forest damage across large regions was evaluated. NFIs were found efficient for assessing widely distributed damage, but unable to detect clustered and local outbreaks with adequate precision. Second, targeted forest damage inventories directed to areas with potential or suspected damage were investigated. It was found that two-phase sampling for stratification taking the first phase information from existing NFIs was an efficient strategy. Remotely-sensed auxiliary information and post-stratification was shown to further improve the precision. Third, the use of a new sampling design was evaluated: the local pivotal method (LPM), which spreads the sample in the multi-dimensional space of available auxiliary data. The LPM was found to be more efficient than simple random sampling in all scenarios and, depending on the allocation of the sample and the properties of the auxiliary data, it sometimes outperformed two-phase sampling for stratification. Thus, the LPM may be a valuable tool for practical forest damage inventories. Fourth, the cost-plus-loss method was applied to evaluate inventory strategies in a pest mitigation context. If inventory costs are large, it is especially important to quantify the inventory efforts necessary to evaluate the need for mitigation. The optimal sampling effort necessary for deciding whether or not a defoliator outbreak should be treated was quantified. Double sampling was found to be a cost-effective sampling strategy, i.e. the size of the second phase sample was determined based on the estimates from a small first phase sample. As an overall conclusion, the thesis points out the importance of making use of existing information in setting up effective inventories of forest damage and of using appropriate sampling strategies for making use of the information in the best possible way.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-3868}, year = {2017}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN724, author = {Roberge, Cornelia and Grafström, Anton and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Forest damage inventory using the local pivotal sampling method}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {47}, number = {3}, pages = {357-365}, ISSN = {0045-5067}, DOI = {10.1139/cjfr-2016-0411}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2016-0411}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN725, author = {Roberge, Cornelia and Wulff, Sören and Reese, Heather and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Improving the precision of sample-based forest damage inventories through two-phase sampling and post-stratification using remotely sensed auxiliary information}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {188}, number = {4}, abstract = {Many countries have a national forest inventory (NFI) designed to produce statistically sound estimates of forest parameters. However, this type of inventory may not provide reliable results for forest damage which usually affects only small parts of the forest in a country. For this reason, specially designed forest damage inventories are performed in many countries, sometimes in coordination with the NFIs. In this study, we evaluated a new approach for damage inventory where existing NFI data form the basis for two-phase sampling for stratification and remotely sensed auxiliary data are applied for further improvement of precision through post-stratification. We applied Monte Carlo sampling simulation to evaluate different sampling strategies linked to different damage scenarios. The use of existing NFI data in a two-phase sampling for stratification design resulted in a relative efficiency of 50 % or lower, i.e., the variance was at least halved compared to a simple random sample of the same size. With post-stratification based on simulated remotely sensed auxiliary data, there was additional improvement, which depended on the accuracy of the auxiliary data and the properties of the forest damage. In many cases, the relative efficiency was further reduced by as much as one-half. In conclusion, the results show that substantial gains in precision can be obtained by utilizing auxiliary information in forest damage surveys, through two-phase sampling, through post-stratification, and through the combination of these two approaches, i.e., post-stratified two-phase sampling for stratification.}, ISSN = {1573-2959}, DOI = {10.1007/s10661-016-5208-4}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-016-5208-4}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1226, author = {Roberge, J. M. and Bengtsson, S. B. K. and Wulff, S. and Snäll, T.}, title = {Edge creation and tree dieback influence the patch-tracking metapopulation dynamics of a red-listed epiphytic bryophyte}, journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, volume = {48}, number = {3}, pages = {650-658}, ISSN = {00218901 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.01963.x}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-79956058648&doi=10.1111%2fj.1365-2664.2011.01963.x&partnerID=40&md5=32e681ce297733e24bf6b42172b502ff}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN726, author = {Roberge, Jean-Michel and Edenius, Lars and Ericsson, Göran and Månsson, Johan and Lindqvist, Sara}, title = {Kunskap om Vilt och Skog 1}, publisher = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {2012:12}, abstract = {Älgen och de andra hjortdjuren kan påverka både skogsproduktion och förutsättningarna för andra skogslevande arter. • En rad olika inventeringsmetoder har utvecklats för att övervaka effekterna av älgens och andra hjortdjurs bete på den skogliga produktionen. Vissa metoder fokuserar på stamskador (t.ex. Äbin) som framförallt påverkar kvalitet på sågtimmer. Andra uppskattar utnyttjandet av tillgänglig skottbiomassa (t.ex. betestrycksinventering) med fokus på trädens volymtillväxt. • Toppskottsbete är den vanligaste typen av stamskada på tall, särskilt i lågvuxna skogsbestånd, medan frekvensen av andra skadeformer som barkgnag och stambrott ökar med ökande höjd på ungskogen. • Det finns ett starkt samband mellan förekomst av stamskador och betestrycket på tall, både på bestånds- och landskapsskalan. Det innebär att inventeringsmetoder som fokuserar på stamskador förväntas ge en indikation på betestryckets omfattning. • Betningseffekter på den biologiska mångfalden är en typ av viltskada som hittills fått jämförelsevis lite uppmärksamhet. Våra inventeringar visar på ett mycket hårt betestryck på unga rönnar över hela landet.}, keywords = {hortdjur, stamskador, betestryck, bettningseffekt, inventeringsmetoder, biologisk mångfald}, ISBN = {1400-7789}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1524}, year = {2012}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN727, author = {Roberge, Jean-Michel and Lämås, Tomas and Lundmark, Tomas and Ranius, Thomas and Felton, Adam and Nordin, Annika}, title = {Relative contributions of set-asides and tree retention to the long-term availability of key forest biodiversity structures at the landscape scale}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Management}, volume = {154}, pages = {284-292}, abstract = {Over previous decades new environmental measures have been implemented in forestry. In Fennoscandia, forest management practices were modified to set aside conservation areas and to retain trees at final felling. In this study we simulated the long-term effects of set-aside establishment and tree retention practices on the future availability of large trees and dead wood, two forest structures of documented importance to biodiversity conservation. Using a forest decision support system (Heureka), we projected the amounts of these structures over 200 years in two managed north Swedish landscapes, under management scenarios with and without set-asides and tree retention. In line with common best practice, we simulated set-asides covering 5% of the productive area with priority to older stands, as well as ∼5% green-tree retention (solitary trees and forest patches) including high-stump creation at final felling. We found that only tree retention contributed to substantial increases in the future density of large (DBH ≥35 cm) deciduous trees, while both measures made significant contributions to the availability of large conifers. It took more than half a century to observe stronger increases in the densities of large deciduous trees as an effect of tree retention. The mean landscape-scale volumes of hard dead wood fluctuated widely, but the conservation measures yielded values which were, on average over the entire simulation period, about 2.5 times as high as for scenarios without these measures. While the density of large conifers increased with time in the landscape initially dominated by younger forest, best practice conservation measures did not avert a long-term decrease in large conifer density in the landscape initially comprised of more old forest. Our results highlight the needs to adopt a long temporal perspective and to consider initial landscape conditions when evaluating the large-scale effects of conservation measures on forest biodiversity.}, keywords = {Biodiversity conservation Forest management Dead wood Large trees Landscape simulations Tree retention}, ISSN = {0301-4797}, DOI = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.02.040}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479715001176}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1227, author = {Rodríguez-Veiga, P. and Quegan, S. and Carreiras, J. and Persson, H. J. and Fransson, J. E. S. and Hoscilo, A. and Ziółkowski, D. and Stereńczak, K. and Lohberger, S. and Stängel, M. and Berninger, A. and Siegert, F. and Avitabile, V. and Herold, M. and Mermoz, S. and Bouvet, A. and Le Toan, T. and Carvalhais, N. and Santoro, M. and Cartus, O. and Rauste, Y. and Mathieu, R. and Asner, G. P. and Thiel, C. and Pathe, C. and Schmullius, C. and Seifert, F. M. and Tansey, K. and Balzter, H.}, title = {Forest biomass retrieval approaches from earth observation in different biomes}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation}, volume = {77}, pages = {53-68}, ISSN = {15698432 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jag.2018.12.008}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85062857698&doi=10.1016%2fj.jag.2018.12.008&partnerID=40&md5=b1b9f49718f14e2b61617f4c6892a6ae}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1228, author = {Rondeux, J. and Bertini, R. and Bastrup-Birk, A. and Corona, P. and Latte, N. and McRoberts, R. E. and Stahl, G. and Winter, S. and Chirici, G.}, title = {Assessing Deadwood Using Harmonized National Forest Inventory Data}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {58}, number = {3}, pages = {269-283}, ISSN = {0015-749X}, DOI = {10.5849/forsci.10-057}, url = {://WOS:000305310500009}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1229, author = {Rosvall, O. and Bradshaw, R. H. W. and Egertsdotter, U. and Ingvarsson, P. K. and Wu, H.}, title = {Using Norway spruce clones in Swedish forestry: introduction}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {34}, number = {5}, pages = {333-335}, ISSN = {02827581 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2018.1562565}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85066787182&doi=10.1080%2f02827581.2018.1562565&partnerID=40&md5=851725865340913e9d52370a65a29047}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1384, author = {Roturier, Samuel and Picard, Juliette and Cogos, Sarah and Spataro, Thierry}, title = {Influence of prescribed burning on reindeer winter pastures at landscape scale in northern Sweden: A modelling approach}, journal = {Ambio}, volume = {52}, number = {2}, pages = {453-464}, ISSN = {0044-7447}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN729, author = {Rubene, Diana and Schroeder, Martin and Ranius, Thomas}, title = {Diversity patterns of wild bees and wasps in managed boreal forests: Effects of spatial structure, local habitat and surrounding landscape}, journal = {Biological Conservation}, volume = {184}, pages = {201-208}, abstract = {Understanding patterns of species diversity at different spatial scales is important for adapting management and conservation efforts. We have therefore studied wild bee and wasp (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) diversity structure in forest landscapes and evaluated the importance of conservation management at the local and landscape levels. Surveys were conducted at 32 clearcuts in eight landscapes in a managed boreal forest region. We assessed the influence of local habitat and landscape composition on species richness patterns and the effect of prescribed burning and landscape affinity on species composition for all bees and wasps as well as ecological and functional groups. The relative contribution of alpha and beta diversity on the regional level was assessed by diversity partitioning and the beta diversity between landscapes further partitioned into components of species turnover and nestedness. Bee and wasp species richness increased with high flower richness and clearcut size, and species composition differed between burned and unburned sites. Thus, flower-rich early-successional sites in boreal forest landscapes are important habitats for wild bees and wasps. To support this fauna, openness should be maintained for extended periods by delaying or avoiding tree plantation at flower-rich spots on clear-cuts. Beta diversity between landscapes accounted for the greatest proportion of the total regional gamma diversity, and over 70% of this diversity was due to species turnover. This implies that in order to maintain regional diversity, conservation efforts should be spatially dispersed, i.e. applied to every landscape of a few hundred square kilometers and adapted to the local species assemblages.}, keywords = {Aculeata Beta diversity Clearcuts Dead wood Pollinators Prescribed fire}, ISSN = {0006-3207}, DOI = {10.1016/j.biocon.2015.01.029}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2015.01.029}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN730, author = {Rubene, Diana and Schroeder, Martin and Ranius, Thomas}, title = {Effectiveness of local conservation management is affected by landscape properties: Species richness and composition of saproxylic beetles in boreal forest clearcuts}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {399}, number = {Supplement C}, pages = {54-63}, abstract = {Landscape context is known to affect species diversity patterns and can even influence the effectiveness of local conservation management in agricultural landscapes. For other land uses, like forestry, landscape effects are poorly known. We aimed to determine whether landscape composition modifies the response of saproxylic beetle species to local habitat and conservation management, with focus on dead wood and prescribed fire, in managed boreal forest landscapes. We surveyed beetles on 32 clearcuts in central Sweden. We measured local (fire, dead wood, flower resources, patch size) and landscape factors (fire, dead wood within 1–2kmradius), and analysed interactions between these in mixed models. The response was species richness of beetles with different habitat specialization – conifer specialists, deciduous specialists, flower visitor and pyrophilous species, and abundance of a red-listed species, Tragosoma depsarium. Local and landscape factors, as well as interactions between them, affected species richness patterns. Prescribed fire and amount of dead wood, both on local and landscape scale, affected species richness and composition of several groups. There were interactions between local and landscape factors in five models out of six. Locally, we observed a positive response to flower richness for several groups, while the response to prescribed fire and dead wood amounts typically was affected by landscape factors. The results suggest that effectiveness of local conservation management is affected by landscape properties; the positive effects of local dead wood amounts and burning occurred on clearcuts in landscapes with large amounts of dead wood, but not in landscapes with small amounts of dead wood.}, keywords = {Prescribed fire Dead wood Saproxylic beetles Pyrophilous species Flower visitors Species richness Clearcuts}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2017.05.025}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378112716311008}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN731, author = {Ruiz-Benito, Paloma and Ratcliffe, Sophia and Jump, Alistair S. and Gómez-Aparicio, Lorena and Madrigal-González, Jaime and Wirth, Christian and Kändler, Gerald and Lehtonen, Aleksi and Dahlgren, Jonas and Kattge, Jens and Zavala, Miguel A.}, title = {Functional diversity underlies demographic responses to environmental variation in European forests}, journal = {Global Ecology and Biogeography}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, pages = {128-141}, abstract = {Aim: Biodiversity loss and climate-driven ecosystem modification are leading to substantial changes in forest structure and function. However, the effects of diversity on demographic responses to the environment are poorly understood. We tested the diversity hypothesis (measured through functional diversity) and the mass ratio hypothesis (measured through functional identity) in relation to tree growth, tree mortality and sapling abundance. We sought to determine whether functional diversity underlies demographic responses to environmental variation in European forests. Location: Europe (Spain, Germany, Wallonia, Finland and Sweden). Methods: We used data from five European national forest inventories from boreal to Mediterranean biomes (c. 700,000 trees in 54,000 plots and 143 tree species) and the main forest types across Europe (i.e. from needle-leaved evergreen forests to broad-leaved deciduous forests). For each forest type, we applied maximum likelihood techniques to quantify the relative importance of stand structure, climate and diversity (i.e. functional diversity and functional identity) as determinants of growth, mortality and sapling abundance. We also tested whether demographic responses to environmental conditions (including stand density, evapotranspiration and temperature anomalies) varied with functional diversity. Results: Our results suggest that functional diversity has a positive effect on sapling abundance and growth rates in forests across Europe, while no effect was observed on tree mortality. Functional identity has a strong effect on mortality and sapling abundance, with greater mortality rates in forests dominated by needle-leaved individuals and a greater abundance of saplings in forests dominated by broad-leaved individuals. Furthermore, we observed that functional diversity modified the effects of stand density on demographic responses in Mediterranean forests and the influence of evapotranspiration and temperature anomalies in forests widely distributed across Europe. Main conclusion: Our results suggest that functional diversity may play a key role in forest dynamics through complementarity mechanisms, as well as by modulating demographic responses to environmental variation.}, keywords = {Boreal biome climate warming forest succession FunDivEUROPE growth Mediterranean biome mortality plant functional traits recruitment temperate biome}, ISSN = {1466-8238}, DOI = {10.1111/geb.12515}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12515}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN733, author = {Ruiz-Benito, Paloma and Ratcliffe, Sophia and Zavala, Miguel A. and Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi and Vilà-Cabrera, Albert and Lloret, Francisco and Madrigal-González, Jaime and Wirth, Christian and Greenwood, Sarah and Kändler, Gerald and Lehtonen, Aleksi and Kattge, Jens and Dahlgren, Jonas and Jump, Alistair S.}, title = {Climate- and successional-related changes in functional composition of European forests are strongly driven by tree mortality}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, volume = {23}, number = {10}, pages = {4162-4176}, abstract = {Intense droughts combined with increased temperatures are one of the major threats to forest persistence in the 21st century. Despite the direct impact of climate change on forest growth and shifts in species abundance, the effect of altered demography on changes in the composition of functional traits is not well known. We sought to (1) quantify the recent changes in functional composition of European forests; (2) identify the relative importance of climate change, mean climate and forest development for changes in functional composition; and (3) analyse the roles of tree mortality and growth underlying any functional changes in different forest types. We quantified changes in functional composition from the 1980s to the 2000s across Europe by two dimensions of functional trait variation: the first dimension was mainly related to changes in leaf mass per area and wood density (partially related to the trait differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms), and the second dimension was related to changes in maximum tree height. Our results indicate that climate change and mean climatic effects strongly interacted with forest development and it was not possible to completely disentangle their effects. Where recent climate change was not too extreme, the patterns of functional change generally followed the expected patterns under secondary succession (e.g. towards late-successional short-statured hardwoods in Mediterranean forests and taller gymnosperms in boreal forests) and latitudinal gradients (e.g. larger proportion of gymnosperm-like strategies at low water availability in forests formerly dominated by broad-leaved deciduous species). Recent climate change generally favoured the dominance of angiosperm-like related traits under increased temperature and intense droughts. Our results show functional composition changes over relatively short time scales in European forests. These changes are largely determined by tree mortality, which should be further investigated and modelled to adequately predict the impacts of climate change on forest function.}, keywords = {climate change demographic rates drought functional traits FunDivEUROPE mixed modelling National Forest Inventory piecewise structural equation modelling temperature anomaly tree growth}, ISSN = {1365-2486}, DOI = {10.1111/gcb.13728}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.13728}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN734, author = {Rutegård, G.}, title = {Småskogsbrukets skogstillstånd}, institution = {SLU/SIMS}, year = {1992}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN735, author = {Ryling, Å and Skärby, L.}, title = {Landsomfattande kartering av regionala tungmetallhalter i mossa}, institution = {SNV}, year = {1979}, type = {Report} } @article{RN736, author = {Rytter, Lars and Andreassen, Kjell and Bergh, Johan and Ekö, Per-Magnus and Grönholm, Tiia and Kilpeläinen, Antti and Lazdina, Dagnija and Muiste, Peeter and Nord-Larsen, Thomas}, title = {Availability of biomass for energy purposes in Nordic and Baltic Countries: land areas and biomass amounts}, journal = {Baltic Forestry}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {375-390}, ISSN = {2029-9230}, url = {https://www.balticforestry.mi.lt/bf/PDF_Articles/2015-21[2]/Baltic%20Forestry%202015%2021(2)%20375_390%20Rytter%20et%20al.pdf}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN886, author = {Saarela, Svetlana and Andersen, Hans-Erik and Grafström, Anton and Schnell, Sebastian and Gobakken, Terje and Næsset, Erik and Nelson, Ross F. and McRoberts, Ronald E. and Gregoire, Timothy G. and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {A new prediction-based variance estimator for two-stage model-assisted surveys of forest resources}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {192}, number = {Supplement C}, pages = {1-11}, abstract = {Forest resource assessments utilizing remotely sensed auxiliary data are becoming increasingly important due to their ability to provide precise estimates of forest parameters at low cost. In presenting results from such surveys, it is important to provide not only estimates of the target parameters, but also their confidence intervals, which provide the range of values wherein the true value is located with a certain level of confidence. If such an interval is narrow the point estimates from the survey can be considered very reliable. In estimating the confidence interval the variance of an estimator must first be estimated. Unbiasedness, i.e. that an estimator on average coincides with the true value, is an important property also for variance estimators. Another important property is that the variance estimator itself has low variance, not least in cases when the variance estimates obtained with the estimator may not be strictly positive. One such important case is when two-stage designs are used to first allocate sample clusters in the form of strips from which auxiliary data, such as metrics derived from airborne laser scanning, are obtained; field data are then derived from sample plots beneath each sample strip in a second stage. In this article we compare two variance estimators for such surveys. The first estimator is a standard estimator suggested in reference textbooks on model-assisted sampling. The second estimator is proposed by the authors, and utilizes the auxiliary data to a larger extent. Through Monte Carlo simulation we show that both variance estimators are approximately unbiased, but that the new estimator is more stable (i.e., has lower empirical variance) and provides empirical confidence interval coverage rates that coincide more closely with the nominal coverage rates.}, keywords = {Airborne laser scanning Design-based inference Monte Carlo simulation Variance estimation}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2017.02.001}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.02.001}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1233, author = {Saarela, S. and Wästlund, A. and Holmström, E. and Mensah, A. A. and Holm, S. and Nilsson, M. and Fridman, J. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Mapping aboveground biomass and its prediction uncertainty using LiDAR and field data, accounting for tree-level allometric and LiDAR model errors}, journal = {Forest Ecosystems}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, ISSN = {20956355 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1186/s40663-020-00245-0}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85087423830&doi=10.1186%2fs40663-020-00245-0&partnerID=40&md5=d299be44f6de78e46be7559ff2838e4c}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN887, author = {Sallnäs, Ola}, title = {A matrix growth model of the Swedish forest}, number = {183}, abstract = {An area forest matrix model was developed, intended for use as a tool for modelling forest yield in an integrated forest sector model. The model was estimated from data from the Swedish National Forest Survey. Log-linear models are used in the estimation of transition probabilities. By comparison with another growth model, the matrix model generates reasonable growth levels and growth patterns. General characteristics of the model and the matrix concept are analyzed and discussed. In general the model is considered suitable for implementation in integrated forest sector modelling.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/4514/}, year = {1990}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1234, author = {Sandewall, M. and Kassa, H. and Wu, S. and Khoa, P. V. and He, Y. and Ohlsson, B.}, title = {Policies to promote household based plantation forestry and their impacts on livelihoods and the environment: Cases from Ethiopia, China, Vietnam and Sweden}, journal = {International Forestry Review}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, pages = {98-111}, ISSN = {14655489 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1505/146554815814725059}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84927563435&doi=10.1505%2f146554815814725059&partnerID=40&md5=11ab8ded73e442e0c23eed4ff249d525}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN888, author = {Sandstrom, Frida and Petersson, Hans and Kruys, Nicholas and Stahl, Goran}, title = {Biomass conversion factors (density and carbon concentration) by decay classes for dead wood of Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Betula spp. in boreal forests of Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {243}, number = {1}, pages = {19-27}, abstract = {For estimating the amount of carbon (C) in dead wood, conversion factors from raw volume per decay class to dry weight were developed using three different classification systems for the species Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh) in Sweden. Also the C concentration in dead wood (dry weight) was studied. About 2500 discs were collected from logs in managed forests located on 289 temporary National Forest Inventory (NFI) sample plots and in 11 strips located in preserved forests. The conversion factors were based on an extensive data compilation with a wide representation of different site-, stand-, species- and dead wood properties and were assumed to represent the population of fallen dead wood in Sweden. The density decreased significantly by decay class and the range in density for decay classes was widest for the NFI decay classification system, suggesting this to be the most suitable. The C concentration in dead wood biomass increased with increasing decay class and in average Norway spruce (P. abies) showed a lower C concentration than Scots pine (P. sylvestris). The average dead wood C store of Swedish forests was estimated to 0.85 Mg C/ha.}, keywords = {Biomass Boreal forest Carbon concentration Coarse woody debris Decay stage Density Sweden}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2007.01.081}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2007.01.081}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN889, author = {Sandström, Camilla and Lindkvist, Anna and Öhman, Karin and Nordström, Eva-Maria}, title = {Governing competing demands for forest resources in Sweden}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {218-242}, abstract = {Changing and competing land use, where we make use of a growing share of resources, potentially undermines the capacity of forests to provide multiple functions such as timber, biodiversity, recreation and pasture lands. The governance challenge is thus to manage trade-offs between human needs and, at the same time, maintain the capacities of forests to provide us with these needs. Sweden provides a clear example of this kind of challenge. Traditionally, timber has been the most apparent contribution of the forest to Swedish national interests. However, due to competing land use, the identification of the wider role of forests in terms of multifunctionality has been recognized. Today, a number of functions, such as water quality and biodiversity together with cultural and social activities related to forests, are increasingly included as potential demands on forests in competition with traditional functions such as timber production. The challenge is thus related to trade-offs between different functions. How to balance the relationship and guide trade-offs between different functions of forests is, to a large extent, a matter of policy choice and the design of appropriate governance institutions and pro-active management activities. Based on perceptions among stakeholders on future competing demands and a literature review, the paper explore the multifunctionality of the Swedish forests and how it is affected by competing demands for land use; how multifunctionality is currently governed; and concludes by suggesting promising decision support methods to manage trade-offs between different functions.}, keywords = {land use change multifunctionality multi criteria decision analysis literature review participatory planning}, DOI = {10.3390/f2010218}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f2010218}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN891, author = {Sandström, Per and Cory, Neil and Svensson, Johan and Hedenås, Henrik and Jougda, Leif and Borchert, Nanna}, title = {On the decline of ground lichen forests in the Swedish boreal landscape: Implications for reindeer husbandry and sustainable forest management}, journal = {Ambio}, volume = {45}, number = {4}, pages = {415-429}, abstract = {Lichens are a bottleneck resource for circumpolar populations of reindeer, and as such, for reindeer husbandry as an indigenous Sami land-use tradition in northern Sweden. This study uses ground lichen data and forest information collected within the Swedish National Forest Inventory since 1953, on the scale of northern Sweden. We found a 71 % decline in the area of lichen-abundant forests over the last 60 years. A decline was observed in all regions and age classes and especially coincided with a decrease of >60 year old, open pine forests, which was the primary explanatory factor in our model. The effects of reindeer numbers were inconclusive in explaining the decrease in lichen-abundant forest. The role that forestry has played in causing this decline can be debated, but forestry can have a significant role in reversing the trend and improving ground lichen conditions.}, ISSN = {1654-7209}, DOI = {10.1007/s13280-015-0759-0}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13280-015-0759-0}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN892, author = {Santoro, Maurizio and Beaudoin, André and Beer, Christian and Cartus, Oliver and Fransson, Johan E. S. and Hall, Ronald J. and Pathe, Carsten and Schmullius, Christiane and Schepaschenko, Dmitry and Shvidenko, Anatoly and Thurner, Martin and Wegmüller, Urs}, title = {Forest growing stock volume of the northern hemisphere: Spatially explicit estimates for 2010 derived from Envisat ASAR}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {168}, pages = {316-334}, abstract = {This paper presents and assesses spatially explicit estimates of forest growing stock volume (GSV) of the northern hemisphere (north of 10°N) from hyper-temporal observations of Envisat Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) backscattered intensity using the BIOMASAR algorithm. Approximately 70,000 ASAR images at a pixel size of 0.01° were used to estimate GSV representative for the year 2010. The spatial distribution of the GSV across four ecological zones (polar, boreal, temperate, subtropical) was well captured by the ASAR-based estimates. The uncertainty of the retrieved GSV was smallest in boreal and temperate forest (< 30% for approximately 80% of the forest area) and largest in subtropical forest. ASAR-derived GSV averages at the level of administrative units were mostly in agreement with inventory-derived estimates. Underestimation occurred in regions of very high GSV (> 300 m3/ha) and fragmented forest landscapes. For the major forested countries within the study region, the relative RMSE between ASAR-derived GSV averages at provincial level and corresponding values from National Forest Inventory was between 12% and 45% (average: 29%).}, keywords = {Envisat ASAR Forest Growing stock volume Biomass MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields BIOMASAR Northern hemisphere}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2015.07.005}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2015.07.005}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1237, author = {Santoro, M. and Cartus, O. and Fransson, J. E. S.}, title = {Integration of allometric equations in the water cloud model towards an improved retrieval of forest stem volume with L-band SAR data in Sweden}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {253}, ISSN = {00344257 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2020.112235}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85097352688&doi=10.1016%2fj.rse.2020.112235&partnerID=40&md5=e1e5ae9373b0bd87a4b0732e06161e0d}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1367, author = {Santoro, M. and Cartus, O. and Fransson, J. E. S.}, title = {Dynamics of the Swedish forest carbon pool between 2010 and 2015 estimated from satellite L-band SAR observations}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {270}, note = {Santoro, Maurizio Cartus, Oliver Fransson, Johan E. S. 1879-0704}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2021.112846}, url = {://WOS:000759737500003}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1238, author = {Santoro, M. and Fransson, J. E. S. and Ieee}, title = {Integrating Sar Backscatter, Icesat Glas Metrics and Allometric Functions Towards an Improved Estimation of Forest Biomass}, journal = {IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS}, pages = {6320-6323}, ISSN = {978-1-5386-9154-0}, url = {://WOS:000519270606006}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN893, author = {Santoro, Maurizio and Pantze, Andreas and Fransson, Johan E. S. and Dahlgren, Jonas and Persson, Anders}, title = {Nation-wide clear-cut mapping in Sweden using ALOS PALSAR strip images}, journal = {Remote sensing}, volume = {4}, number = {6}, pages = {1693-1715}, abstract = {Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array L-band type Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) backscatter images with 50 m pixel size (strip images) at HV-polarization were used to map clear-cuts at a regional and national level in Sweden. For a set of 31 clear-cuts, on average 59.9% of the pixels within each clear-cut were correctly detected. When compared with a one-pixel edge-eroded version of the reference dataset, the accuracy increased to 88.9%. With respect to statistics from the Swedish Forest Agency, county-wise clear-felled areas were underestimated by the ALOS PALSAR dataset (between 25% and 60%) due to the coarse resolution. When compared with statistics from the Swedish National Forest Inventory, the discrepancies were larger, partly due to the estimation errors from the plot-wise forest inventory data. In Sweden, for the time frame of 2008–2010, the total area felled was estimated to be 140,618 ha, 172,532 ha and 194,586 ha using data from ALOS PALSAR, the Swedish Forest Agency and the Swedish National Forest Inventory, respectively. ALOS PALSAR strip images at HV-polarization appear suitable for detection of clear-felled areas at a national level; nonetheless, the pixel size of 50 m is a limiting factor for accurate delineation of clear-felled areas.}, keywords = {ALOS PALSAR radar backscatter boreal forest deforestation clear-cuts Sweden Kyoto & Carbon Initiative}, ISSN = {20724292}, DOI = {10.3390/rs4061693}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/rs4061693}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN894, author = {Schelhaas, M. J. and Fridman, J. and Hengeveld, G. M. and Henttonen, H. M. and Lehtonen, A. and Kies, U. and Krajnc, N. and Lerink, B. and Dhubhain, A. N. and Polley, H. and Pugh, T. A. M. and Redmond, J. J. and Rohner, B. and Temperli, C. and Vayreda, J. and Nabuurs, G. J.}, title = {Actual European forest management by region, tree species and owner based on 714,000 re-measured trees in national forest inventories}, journal = {Plos One}, volume = {13}, number = {11}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0207151}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207151}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1240, author = {Schelhaas, M. J. and Hengeveld, G. M. and Heidema, N. and Thürig, E. and Rohner, B. and Vacchiano, G. and Vayreda, J. and Redmond, J. and Socha, J. and Fridman, J. and Tomter, S. and Polley, H. and Barreiro, S. and Nabuurs, G. J.}, title = {Species-specific, pan-European diameter increment models based on data of 2.3 million trees}, journal = {Forest Ecosystems}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, ISSN = {20956355 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1186/s40663-018-0133-3}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85049345652&doi=10.1186%2fs40663-018-0133-3&partnerID=40&md5=2e99e659af945d7632e7e5c47f4851ad}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN896, author = {Schmidt-Haas, P.}, title = {Inventory techniques required in estimating drain and its component}, journal = {Tiedonantojo, Helsingin Yliopisto Metsanarvioimistieteen Laitos}, number = {No. 17}, pages = {50-101}, note = {In Forest inventory for improved management. Proceedings of the IUFRO Subject Group 4.02 meeting in Finland, September 5-9, 1983.}, url = {://CABI:19840693454}, year = {1983}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN897, author = {Schnell, Sebastian}, title = {Integrating trees outside forests into national forest inventories}, university = {Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2503}, year = {2015}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1429, author = {Schulte, Maximilian and Jonsson, Ragnar and Eggers, Jeannette and Hammar, Torun and Stendahl, Johan and Hansson, Per-Anders}, title = {Demand-driven climate change mitigation and trade-offs from wood product substitution: The case of Swedish multi-family housing construction}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, volume = {421}, pages = {138487}, ISSN = {0959-6526}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1383, author = {Schulte, Maximilian and Jonsson, Ragnar and Hammar, Torun and Stendahl, Johan and Hansson, Per-Anders}, title = {Nordic forest management towards climate change mitigation: time dynamic temperature change impacts of wood product systems including substitution effects}, journal = {European Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {141}, number = {5}, pages = {845-863}, ISSN = {1612-4669}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1241, author = {Šebeň, V. and Boše'a, M.}, title = {New trends of the forest typology utilization in the framework of forest state monitoring on the basis of sampling method}, journal = {Forestry Journal}, volume = {54}, number = {1}, pages = {1-16}, ISSN = {03231046 (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84884181379&partnerID=40&md5=2ff9e3d86e7aae678fa84f2523335b89}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN898, author = {Segebaden, G. von}, title = {Studies of cross-country transport distances and road net extension}, journal = {Stud. for. suec. Skogshogsk., Stockh.}, number = {No. 18}, pages = {70}, url = {://CABI:19640605653}, year = {1964}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN899, author = {Segebaden, G. von}, title = {Skogsbrukets vägar enligt riksskogstaxeringen väginventering 1957-1963}, journal = {Rapp. Uppsats. Instn. Skogstax. Skogshogsk., Stockh. 8}, year = {1965}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN900, author = {Segebaden, G. von}, title = {Får det kosta vad det vill, bara virket räcker till?}, journal = {Rapp. Uppsats. Instn. Skogstax. Skogshogsk., Stockh. 11}, year = {1967}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN901, author = {Segebaden, G. von}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringens terrängklassificering åren 1970-1972}, institution = {Skogshögskolan, Inst. F. skogstaxering}, year = {1975}, type = {Report} } @book{RN902, author = {Segebaden, G. von}, title = {Med riksskogstaxeringen i tiden}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 15 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources scandinavia western europe europe vegetation forest resources sweden forests measurement surveys history}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @article{RN903, author = {Segebaden, G. von}, title = {The Swedish NFI National Forest Inventory - a tool for forest and environment}, journal = {Meddelelser fra Skogforsk}, volume = {48}, pages = {409-420}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19980613276}, year = {1997}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN904, author = {Segebaden, Gustaf von}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 75 år : utvecklingen 1923-1998 i korthet}, institution = {SLU}, note = {3 ref. Skogshistorisk Tidskrift}, keywords = {surveys forest management scandinavia western europe europe forest surveys forest inventories history sweden}, year = {1998}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN905, author = {Segebaden, Gustaf von}, title = {Komplement till rikstaxen 75 år}, number = {75}, abstract = {Som framgår av förordet i Rapporten1, visade det sig i ett Skede vara nödvändigt att skära ned Manus. Det som då togs bort var i allt väsentligt Referat av Diskussioner vid olika Samman­ komster samt av Anslags- och Budgetbehandlingar. Emellertid kan även dessa delar, som ger en mera detaljerad Bild av Skeendet, ha ett visst bevarandeintresse. De har därför samman­ ställts i detta "komplement" till Rapporten. Kommissionen, som alltså fick sitt Uppdrag den 10 december 1908, arbetade snabbt och kun­ de redan den 30 Mars 1909 avrapportera detta till Skogsvårdsstyrelserna. Under tiden hade Landssekreteraren Axel Schotte (1860-1923), med hänvisning till Wedholms Motion och Ut­ skottsutlåtandet, väckt en Motion i Riksdagen om Anslag till Undersökning av Landets Skogs­ tillgångar, där han bl. a. skriver: "En mera utvecklad Lagstiftning till reglerande af Landets hus­ hållning med sina Skogar är trängande och det i högre grad ju mer det kan befaras att Skogska­ pitalet årligen minskas i stället för att vidmakthållas. Hvarje sådan Lagstiftning blir emellertid mer eller mindre irrande och oviss till sina verkningar, om tillgång ej finnes till systematiskt utförda sakkunniga Undersökningar om tillväxten och Virkeskonsumtionen. Stödd på sådana Undersökningar kan Lagstiftningen också lättare anpassas efter olika Landsändars behof. Då de ifrågasatta Undersökningarna och deras bearbetande torde taga 4 år i anspråk, synes hvarje uppskof med deras igångsättande böra om möjligt undvikas."}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8815/}, year = {2000}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN907, author = {Seibert, Jan and Stendahl, Johan and Sørensen, Rasmus}, title = {Topographical influences on soil properties in boreal forests}, journal = {Geoderma}, volume = {141}, number = {1}, pages = {139-148}, abstract = {Topography is a major factor controlling both hydrological and soil processes at the landscape scale. This is well-known qualitatively in that topography, along with parent material, climate, biota, and time, is one of the fundamental soil forming factors. The topographic influence is also apparent in the soil catena concept. Digital elevation models (DEMs) and topographic indices calculated from these DEMs allow the relationship between topography and soil characteristics to be measured quantitatively as well. In this study we use data from the Swedish National Forest Soil Inventory, which is a long-term inventory of permanent sample plots from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. It includes a description of soil types and soil horizons as well as sampling of organic and mineral soil horizons for subsequent chemical analyses. We focused on Podzols and Histosols, which provided 4000 sample plots distributed over almost all of Sweden. Plot locations were determined accurately by GPS, which allowed the overlaying of plot data and the DEM. Topographic indices such as the topographic wetness index, TWI (ln(a/tan β)), were computed from gridded digital elevation data for all sample plots. We found several significant correlations between topographic indices and soil properties. The thickness of the organic layer increased with TWI and the thickness of the leached E-horizon increased with upslope area. Soil pH in the organic layer increased with TWI, while the C–N ratio decreased. Soil pH in the organic layer was also found to be higher for south facing slopes than for north facing slopes. The ratio between the divalent base cation (Ca and Mg) and the monovalent base cation (K and Na) concentrations in the O-horizon increased with TWI. These correlations confirmed the importance of topography on soil properties, although there was considerable scatter, which could be attributed to heterogeneity in the large data set.}, keywords = {Topography Soil survey Topographic wetness index Soil properties Spatial variation}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geoderma.2007.05.013}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2007.05.013}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN908, author = {Shettles, Michael and Temesgen, H. and Gray, Andrew N. and Hilker, Thomas}, title = {Comparison of uncertainty in per unit area estimates of aboveground biomass for two selected model sets}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {354}, pages = {18-25}, abstract = {Uncertainty in above ground forest biomass (AGB) estimates at broad-scale depends primarily on three sources of error that interact and propagate: measurement error, model error, and sampling error. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we compare the total propagated error for two sets of regional-level component equations for lodgepole pine AGB, and for two sets of high-precision instruments by accounting for all three of these sources of error. The two sets of models compared included a set of newly-developed component ratio method (CRM) equations, and a set of component AGB equations currently used by the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) unit of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service. Relative contributions for measurement, model, and sampling error using the current regional equations were 5%, 2% and 93%, respectively, and 13%, 55% and 32%, respectively using the CRM equations. Relative standard error (RSE) values for the current regional and CRM equations with all three error types accounted for were 20.7% and 36.8%, respectively. Results for the model comparisons indicate that per acre estimates of AGB using the CRM equations are far less precise than those produced with the current set of regional equations. Results for the instrument comparisons indicate the terrestrial lidar scanning reduce uncertainty in broad-scale estimates of AGB attributed to measurement error.}, keywords = {Pacific Northwest Model error Sampling error Measurement error}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2015.07.002}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2015.07.002}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1243, author = {Siipilehto, J. and Allen, M. and Nilsson, U. and Brunner, A. and Huuskonen, S. and Haikarainen, S. and Subramanian, N. and Antón-Fernández, C. and Holmström, E. and Andreassen, K. and Hynynen, J.}, title = {Stand-level mortality models for nordic boreal forests}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {54}, number = {5}, pages = {1-21}, ISSN = {00375330 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.10414}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85097959590&doi=10.14214%2fsf.10414&partnerID=40&md5=499712cc17d4cf6ad49e54e7b5851206}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN909, author = {Simonsson, Per and Östlund, Lars and Gustafsson, Lena}, title = {Conservation values of certified-driven voluntary forest set-asides}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {375}, pages = {249-258}, abstract = {An essential component of many forest certification schemes is that landowners should voluntarily set aside a proportion of their forestland with the main aim of promoting biodiversity. However, the influence on biodiversity of such conservation areas is largely unknown. In this study, we compared the area extent, structural diversity of importance to biodiversity and stand characteristics between voluntary set-asides (VSA1 Voluntary set-asides. 1) established through certification, formally state-protected nature reserves (R2 Reserves and national parks. 2) and managed production forests (PF3 Production forests. 3). We used data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory and focused on forestry company land in boreal Sweden, amounting to about 7 million ha. VSA and R were found to cover approximately the same area (0.6 million ha each) but VSA were more numerous, especially for sizes <10 ha, whereas most areas >10,000 ha belonged to R. VSA also occurred in more southerly locations. VSA were intermediate between R and PF regarding dead wood volume, number of large diameter trees ha−1 and value of a composite structural index. VSA had significantly higher volumes of the important broadleaved trees species aspen, rowan and sallow. VSA and R were much older and had lower site productivity than PF, but VSA had higher total standing volumes. Our analysis showed that certified-driven VSA are an important complement to traditional reserves regarding size and structural factors important to biodiversity. Thus, future development of planning models should consider both types of set-asides and their spatial configuration. This will require integration of non-state and state governance processes.}, keywords = {Biodiversity Dead wood Forest certification Large-diameter trees Nature reserve Voluntary set-aside}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.05.039}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.05.039}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN910, author = {Sjöberg, H.}, title = {Rotröta i Sverige - Förekomst, Problembild, Hantering}, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. virkeslära}, year = {1994}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1245, author = {Sjöström, J. and Plathner, F. V. and Granström, A.}, title = {Wildfire ignition from forestry machines in boreal Sweden}, journal = {International Journal of Wildland Fire}, volume = {28}, number = {9}, pages = {666-677}, ISSN = {10498001 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1071/WF18229}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85069042368&doi=10.1071%2fWF18229&partnerID=40&md5=d4740d3d56c8a661f43ddd323cb30e8e}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN911, author = {Skerlep, Martin and Steiner, Eva and Axelsson, Anna-Lena and Kritzberg, Emma S.}, title = {Afforestation driving long-term surface water browning}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, ISSN = {1354-1013}, DOI = {10.1111/gcb.14891}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14891}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN912, author = {Snäll, Tord and Johansson, Victor and Jönsson, Mari and Ortiz, Carina and Hammar, Torun and Caruso, Alexandro and Svensson, Måns and Stendahl, Johan}, title = {Transient trade-off between climate benefit and biodiversity loss of harvesting stumps for bioenergy}, journal = {GCB Bioenergy}, volume = {9}, number = {12}, pages = {1751-1763}, abstract = {To replace fossil fuel and thereby mitigate climate change, harvesting of wood such as stumps for bioenergy will likely increase. Coarse deadwood is an important resource for biodiversity and stumps comprise the main part of the coarse deadwood in managed forests. We provide the first integrated analysis of the long-term climate and biodiversity impacts of a whole landscape. We simultaneously project climate and biodiversity impacts of harvesting stumps to substitute for fossil coal, assuming scenarios with different proportions of the landscape with stump harvest (10, 50, 80%) the coming 50 years. A life cycle approach was used to calculate future global temperature changes and future metapopulation changes in six epixylic lichens. Metapopulation dynamics were projected using colonization and extinction models based on times series data. Harvesting stumps from ≥50% of the clear-cut forest land benefits climate with a net global temperature reduction >0.5·10−9 K ha−1 after 50 years if assuming substitution of fossil coal. For all scenarios, using stump bioenergy leads to immediate (within 1 year) reductions in temperature of 50% compared to using fossil coal, increasing to 70% reduction after 50 years. However, large-scale stump harvest inflicted substantial metapopulation declines for five of six lichens. High stump harvest levels (≥50%) put common lichens at risk of becoming red-listed following the IUCN criteria. The net temperature reduction (cooling effect) from substituting fossil coal with stumps harvested for bioenergy increased over time, while lichen metapopulations stabilized at lower equilibria after two to three decades. This indicates that trade-offs between climate and metapopulations of commons species are transient, where climate benefits become more prevalent in the long term. As both objectives are important for meeting (inter-)national climate and biodiversity targets, integrated analyses such as this should be encouraged and urged to guide policymaking about large-scale implementation of stump harvest.}, keywords = {deadwood epixylic lichens harvest residues life cycle assessment metapopulation dynamics net global temperature change}, ISSN = {1757-1707}, DOI = {10.1111/gcbb.12467}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12467}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN913, author = {Soebiono}, title = {Jämförelse mellan uppgifter från åren 1953 och 1963 insamlade vid riksskogstaxeringen av region IV : Comparison between data from 1953 and 1963 collected in the National Forest Survey of region IV}, publisher = {Stockholm}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Comparison between data from 1953 and 1963 collected in the National Forest Survey of region IV}, year = {1965}, type = {Book} } @article{RN914, author = {Soederberg, U.}, title = {Functions for forest management. Height, form height and bark thickness of individual trees}, journal = {Rapport - Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen foer Skogstaxering}, number = {52}, note = {8 ref. Summary (En)}, keywords = {Pinus Sylvestris Picea Abies Betula Quercus Forest Inventories Forest Mensuration Yield Forecasting Models Biometry Sweden/ Forest Trees Height Bark Inventaire Forestier Dendrometrie Prevision De Rendement Modele Biometrie Suede/ Arbre Forestier Hauteur Ecorce Inventarios Forestales Dendrometria Pronostico Del Rendimiento Modelos Biometria Suecia/ Arboles Forestales Altura Corteza Nfi Swedish National Forest Inventory}, ISSN = {0348-0496}, year = {1992}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN915, author = {Sonesson, Johan and Berg, Staffan and Eliasson, Lars and Jacobson, Staffan and Widenfalk, Olof}, title = {Konsekvensanalyser av skogsbrukssystem : Täta förband i tallungskogar}, institution = {Skogforsk}, url = {http://www.skogforsk.se/contentassets/9532b0ac12a04699aeb1e8841802293d/konsekvensanalyser-av-skogsbrukssystem-arbetsrapport-834-2014.pdf}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1340, author = {Spohn, Marie and Stendahl, Johan}, title = {Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry of organic matter in Swedish forest soils and its relationship with climate, tree species, and soil texture}, journal = {Biogeosciences Discussions}, pages = {1-23}, ISSN = {1726-4170}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1354, author = {Spohn, Marie and Stendahl, Johan}, title = {Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry of organic matter in Swedish forest soils and its relationship with climate, tree species, and soil texture}, journal = {Biogeosciences}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {2171-2186}, ISSN = {1726-4170}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1421, author = {Spohn, Marie and Stendahl, Johan}, title = {Spatial patterns of nitrogen isotope ratios in forest soils are related to latitude and soil phosphorus concentration}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, pages = {1-14}, ISSN = {0168-2563}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1459, author = {Spohn, Marie and Stendahl, Johan}, title = {Soil carbon and nitrogen contents in forest soils are related to soil texture in interaction with pH and metal cations}, journal = {Geoderma}, volume = {441}, pages = {116746}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, year = {2024}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN916, author = {Sponseller, Ryan A. and Gundale, Michael J. and Futter, Martyn and Ring, Eva and Nordin, Annika and Näsholm, Torgny and Laudon, Hjalmar}, title = {Nitrogen dynamics in managed boreal forests: Recent advances and future research directions}, journal = {Ambio}, volume = {45}, number = {2}, pages = {175-187}, abstract = {Nitrogen (N) availability plays multiple roles in the boreal landscape, as a limiting nutrient to forest growth, determinant of terrestrial biodiversity, and agent of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. We review existing research on forest N dynamics in northern landscapes and address the effects of management and environmental change on internal cycling and export. Current research foci include resolving the nutritional importance of different N forms to trees and establishing how tree–mycorrhizal relationships influence N limitation. In addition, understanding how forest responses to external N inputs are mediated by above- and belowground ecosystem compartments remains an important challenge. Finally, forestry generates a mosaic of successional patches in managed forest landscapes, with differing levels of N input, biological demand, and hydrological loss. The balance among these processes influences the temporal patterns of stream water chemistry and the long-term viability of forest growth. Ultimately, managing forests to keep pace with increasing demands for biomass production, while minimizing environmental degradation, will require multi-scale and interdisciplinary perspectives on landscape N dynamics.}, ISSN = {1654-7209}, DOI = {10.1007/s13280-015-0755-4}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13280-015-0755-4}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN918, author = {Steidinger, B. S. and Crowther, T. W. and Liang, J. and ... and Fridman, J. and ... and Westerlund, B. and ... and et al. and Consortium, Gfbi}, title = {Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {569}, number = {7756}, pages = {404–408}, ISSN = {0028-0836}, DOI = {10.1038/s41586-019-1128-0}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1128-0}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1247, author = {Steidinger, B. S. and Crowther, T. W. and Liang, J. and ... and Fridman, J. and ... and Westerlund, B. and al., et}, title = {Author Correction: Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses (Nature, (2019), 569, 7756, (404-408), 10.1038/s41586-019-1128-0)}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {571}, number = {7765}, pages = {E8}, ISSN = {00280836 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1038/s41586-019-1342-9}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85068220921&doi=10.1038%2fs41586-019-1342-9&partnerID=40&md5=564246995a115ffde2dad3ce8bbdd6b4}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN919, author = {Stenbacka, Fredrik}, title = {Response of saproxylic insect communities to forestry : implications for conservation}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, abstract = {In boreal Fennoscandia clear-cutting practices and fire suppression have drastically reduced dead wood amount and diversity, deteriorating the sapoxylic fauna (species associated with dead wood). More effective conservation measures are urgently needed, which requires more empirical data on many saproxylics in managed forest landscapes. In this thesis I have studied both the immediate and more long-term effects of clear-cutting on saproxylic insect communities (beetles, parasitic wasps and flat bugs), by comparing species richness, abundance and assemblage composition in the whole successional range of existing spruce dominated forests. My thesis also provides data on substrate requirements of red-listed beetles, response of flat bugs to forest fires, and complementarity of sampling methods for assessing data on rare and threatened species. Old-growth forests supported the most intact communities and the highest densities of saproxylic insects and are probably very important as source habitats, especially for red-listed species. Mature managed forests were very similar in assemblage composition, strongly suggesting a high conservation value of these forests. Surprisingly, many saproxylic beetles adapted to late successional stages were present in thinned middle-aged forests, suggesting a significant conservation potential of these forests, provided that sufficient amounts and qualities of dead wood are retained. In contrast, unthinned forests held assemblages more similar to clear-cuts, which both were low in occurrence of red-listed beetles. Re-growth forests had a sparse dead wood supply compared to the older forests, especially reserves, and my results suggest that dead wood retention should include both snags and logs as these support different saproxylic assemblages. Finally, prescribed burnings are necessary for the survival of pyrophilus flat bugs. Window and eclector traps collected different assemblages of both red-listed saproxylic beetles and parasitoids. Window traps gave a better measure of the local species pool, while eclector traps provided more detailed information on substrate requirements, host choice and hatching periods. For more precise parasitoid-host relationships, debarking of logs can be a useful method. Thus, the trap types used should be carefully selected depending on the specific questions addressed in each study.}, keywords = {Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Heteroptera, saproxylic, red-listed, dead wood, habitat and substrate requirements, parasitoid-host associations, sampling method, forest management, conservation}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2974}, year = {2009}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN1248, author = {Stendahl, J. and Johansson, M. B. and Eriksson, E. and Nilsson, A. and Langvall, O.}, title = {Soil organic carbon in Swedish spruce and pine forests - Differences in stock levels and regional patterns}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {44}, number = {1}, pages = {5-21}, ISSN = {00375330 (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77953055738&partnerID=40&md5=e05f8bb26e44e275ce5539fd28b01dba}, year = {2010}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN920, author = {Stener, Lars-Göran and Rytter, L.}, title = {Genomsnittlig timmerkvalitet för olika lövträd i Sverige}, url = {http://www.skogforsk.se/contentassets/874ea71680404edf92cd6f49454d59a6/arbetsrapport-405-1998.pdf}, year = {1973}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN922, author = {Stokland, J. N. and Tomter, S. M. and Soderberg, U.}, title = {Development of dead wood indicators for biodiversity monitoring: Experiences from Scandinavia}, booktitle = {Monitoring and Indicators of Forest Biodiversity in Europe - From Ideas to Operationality}, editor = {Marchetti, M.}, series = {European Forest Institute Proceedings}, pages = {207-226}, ISBN = {1237-8801 952-5453-04-9}, url = {https://efi.int/sites/default/files/files/publication-bank/2018/proc51_net.pdf}, year = {2005}, type = {Book Section} } @article{RN923, author = {Stokland, Jogeir N. and Woodall, Christopher W. and Fridman, Jonas and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Burial of downed deadwood is strongly affected by log attributes, forest ground vegetation, edaphic conditions, and climate zones}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {46}, number = {12}, pages = {1451-1457}, ISSN = {0045-5067}, DOI = {10.1139/cjfr-2015-0461}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2015-0461}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN924, author = {Stomne, P. E.}, title = {Berakning av skogsenergitillgangar genom riksskogstaxeringen}, volume = {1980}, pages = {100-124}, year = {1980}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN925, author = {Streyffert, Thorsten}, title = {Förenta staternas massa- och pappersindustri med särskild hänsyn till dess råvaruförsörjning}, number = {7}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9499/}, year = {1952}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN926, author = {Streyffert, Thorsten}, title = {Forst- und Holzwirtschaft in Schweden}, number = {12}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9504/}, year = {1953}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN927, author = {Streyffert, Thorsten}, title = {Skogsbrukets företagsformer}, number = {23a}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9515/}, year = {1956}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN928, author = {Streyffert, Thorsten}, title = {Utvecklingstendenser beträffande rotvärden och priser på skogsprodukter}, number = {33}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9526/}, year = {1960}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN929, author = {Streyffert, Thorsten and Malortie, Christian von}, title = {Bondeskogsbruket}, number = {39}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9532/}, year = {1963}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN930, author = {Stridsberg, Einar and Algvere, Karl Viktor}, title = {Cost studies in European forestry}, number = {49}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5859/}, year = {1967}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN931, author = {Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Att planera framtidens landskap : övervakning av skogslandskapet: riksskogstaxeringen och stickprovsvis landskapsövervakning}, journal = {KUNGL. SKOGS- OCH LANTBRUKSAKADEMIENS TIDSKRIFT}, pages = {103-107}, keywords = {Skogsuppskattning Skogslandskap Riksskogstaxeringen}, ISSN = {0023-5350}, year = {2003}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN932, author = {Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Critical length sampling for estimating the volume of coarse woody debris}, number = {116}, abstract = {In this paper, critical length sampling for estimating the volume of downed coarse woody debris is presented. With critical length sampling, the volume of downed dead wood in a stand can be determined by summing the critical lengths of trees included in the sample. The critical length of a downed tree is the length of the &em section, which from a certain sample point is coarse enough to be counted when a relascope is used. In comparison to traditional relascope sampling, where the instrument is held vertically during the mea­ surements, the instrument is operated horizontally. By combining critical length sampling with critical height sampling-a method previously described for estimating the volume of standing trees -the total volume of dead wood can be estimated in a stand. It is proposed that the main area of use of the combined method would be in connection with rapid in-place inventories where a quick estimate of the volume of dead wood is needed. In this context, the combined critical height-critical length method provides a relatively simple means for obtaining such an estimate. In this report, the theoretical background is described and a short description of the use of the method in the field is presented. The report should be considered as a simple first description of the method, which will later on be complemented with a more compre­ hensive proof, efficiency comparisons with other methods, and experiences from field tests.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8883/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN933, author = {Ståhl, Göran and Allard, Anna and Esseen, Per-Anders and Glimskär, Anders and Ringvall, Anna and Svensson, Johan and Sundquist, Sture and Christensen, Pernilla and Gallegos Torell, Åsa and Högström, Mats and Lagerqvist, Kjell and Marklund, Liselott and Nilsson, Björn and Inghe, Ola}, title = {National Inventory of Landscapes in Sweden (NILS) - scope, design, and experiences from establishing a multiscale biodiversity monitoring system}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {173}, number = {1-4}, pages = {579–595}, abstract = {The landscape-level and multiscale biodiversity monitoring program National Inventory of Landscapes in Sweden (NILS) was launched in 2003. NILS is conducted as a sample-based stratified inventory that acquires data across several spatial scales, which is accomplished by combining aerial photo interpretation with field inventory. A total of 631 sample units are distributed across the land base of Sweden, of which 20% are surveyed each year. By 2007 NILS completed the first 5-year inventory phase. As the reinventory in the second 5-year phase (2008–2012) proceeds, experiences and insights accumulate and reflections are made on the setup and accomplishment of the monitoring scheme. In this article, the emphasis is placed on background, scope, objectives, design, and experiences of the NILS program. The main objective to collect data for and perform analyses of natural landscape changes, degree of anthropogenic impact, prerequisites for natural biological diversity and ecological processes at landscape scale. Different environmental conditions that can have direct or indirect effects on biological diversity are monitored. The program provides data for national and international policy and offers an infrastructure for other monitoring program and research projects. NILS has attracted significant national and international interest during its relatively short time of existence; the number of stakeholders and cooperation partners steadily increases. This is constructive and strengthens the incentive for the multiscale monitoring approach.}, DOI = {10.1007/s10661-010-1406-7}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-010-1406-7}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN934, author = {Ståhl, Göran and Blomquist, Göran and Eriksson, Allan}, title = {Mögelproblem i samband med risrensning inom riksskogstaxeringen}, number = {117}, abstract = {En av flera Målsättningar med Riksskogstaxeringen är att få underlag for att beräkna den årliga Avverkningen i Sveriges Skogar, samt att fordela denna på Avverkningsformer, Regioner och Trädkaraktäristiska som avverkade Träds Åldrar och Diametrar. Underlag for dessa Beräkningar erhålls dels från Återinventering av permanenta Provytor, vilka besöks med 5-lO Års mellanrum, dels från s.k. Stubbytor på vilka Stubbar från nyligen avverkade Träd mäts in. Stubbytorna Inventeras om Avverkning genomforts under den senaste Säsongen, d.v.s. under tiden mellan foregående och innevarande Års Knoppsprickning. Den aktuella Rapporten rör en Arbetsmiljöfråga i samband med Arbetet på Stubbytor. För att säkerställa att alla Stubbar (på en Provyta med 7 meters Radie) hittas och mäts in, ska Avverk­ ningsavfall avlägsnas från Provytan innan Mätningarna påbörjas. I samband med detta Arbete forekornrner ofta att Mögelsporer sprids i Luften. Viss osäkerhet råder om vilka Hälsorisker som eventuellt är forknippade med det aktuella Arbetsmomentet. Risdragning genomfors i normalfallet ungefår l gång i Veckan under Fältarbetssäsongen, även om ett visst lag kan kornrna att utfora ett stort antal Risdragningar under en kortare Period som en foljd av att Provytorna är slumpvis utlagda. Tiden for att genomfora Momentet varierar mellan ca 5-60 Minuter på en enskild Provyta. Syftet med den aktuella Studien var att genomfora Mätningar av Mögelhalten i Luften i samband med Risrensning på Stubbytor, utvärdera vilka Hälsorisker som foreligger, samt foreslå Åtgärder for att minimera Riskerna i samband med detta Arbete. Provtagning och Analyser genomfordes under Säsongen 2003. Hygieniska Gränsvärden for Mögelsporer i Luft saknas for närvarande. För tolkningen av Mätvärdena svarade Docent Göran Blomquis}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8816/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN935, author = {Ståhl, Göran and Boström, Bengt and Lindkvist, Håkan and Lindroth, Anders and Nilsson, Jan and Olsson, Mats}, title = {Methodological options for quantifying changes in carbon pools in Swedish forests}, number = {118}, abstract = {Carbon uptake in terrestrial sinks is an important process in the global carbon balance and hence in limiting the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The agreement reached in Marrakesh (UNFCCC 2001), where some remaining issues in the Kyoto Protocol were sorted out, means that anthropogenic sinks can be used to a limited and carefully regulated extent by signatory parties to meet commitments. The agreement requires thorough monitoring and accounting of sinks and sources. IPCC will elaborate methods to estimate, measure, monitor, and report changes in carbon stocks and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from land use, land-use change and forestry activities. Further, IPCC is preparing a report on good practice guidance and uncertainty management relating to the measurement, estimation assessment of uncertainties, monitoring and reporting of net carbon stock changes and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks in the land use, land use change and forestry sector, by the ninth conference (COP 9) of the UNFCCC Parties in 2003. Moreover, IPCC will develop practicable methodologies to factor out direct human induced changes from natural effects and indirect human-induced effects such as fertilization from atmospheric deposition of nitrogen or increased C02 concentration and the dynamic effects of age structure resulting from activities and practices before 1990, by COP 10 in 2004. Different methods can be used to account for changes in carbon stocks of different pools in forest ecosystems. All those methods have advantages and disadvantages and the usefulness of the results are strongly dependent on the objectives, the database, and the geographical scale. In general it is easy to get detailed information on greenhouse gas balances on a local level. The big challenge, however, is to develop and apply methods, which produce estimates on the national scale with acceptable accuracy in a cost-efficient way. The objective of this report was to evaluate Sweden's methodological options for quantifying changes in forest carbon pools on a national scale to meet the requirements in the Kyoto protocol. Our treatment of different methodological options has been quite general, since there will be a certain freedom for individual countries to develop suitable national methods for the reporting. Also, since Sweden is a country with rather stable land-use, our focus has been on Article 3.4 in the Kyoto Protocol, rather than the activities afforestation, reforestation, and deforestation under Article 3.3. Thus, our focus has been on methods for quantifying changes in carbon pools in forest management areas. No attempts have been made to factor out natural and indirect human-induced effects, which is likely to be required in future reporting. Nor have we made any attempts to study methods for estimating fluxes of non-C02 greenhouse gases. The approach of the study has been to compile and synthesize current knowledge and practises in Sweden and to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of various methods in terms of requirements and availability of data, included carbon pools, uncertainty of the outcome, etc. The work has considered: • What forest definition to use • How to define different forest carbon pools in the Swedish case • What methods are available for assessment of carbon stock changes at the national level and the corresponding accuracy in the national level estimates • What methods are available for purposes of verification • Needs for research and improvement of on-going national monitoring programmes to enhance the accuracy of the carbon pool change estimates}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8870/}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN1250, author = {Ståhl, G. and Ekström, M. and Dahlgren, J. and Esseen, P. A. and Grafström, A. and Jonsson, B. G.}, title = {Informative plot sizes in presence-absence sampling of forest floor vegetation}, journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {8}, number = {10}, pages = {1284-1291}, ISSN = {2041210X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/2041-210X.12749}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85031105755&doi=10.1111%2f2041-210X.12749&partnerID=40&md5=2c93a623092a455f3c3d0375dc527edf}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1251, author = {Ståhl, G. and Ekström, M. and Dahlgren, J. and Esseen, P. A. and Grafström, A. and Jonsson, B. G.}, title = {Presence–absence sampling for estimating plant density using survey data with variable plot size}, journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {580-590}, ISSN = {2041210X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/2041-210X.13348}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85083623018&doi=10.1111%2f2041-210X.13348&partnerID=40&md5=ec423dedb0566fc7b234f5c2eb5bfcea}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN938, author = {Ståhl, Göran and Glimskär, Anders and Holm, Sören and Walheim, Mats}, title = {Utökad samordning av landskapsövervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, number = {159}, abstract = {Denna rapport är slutrapporteringen av projektet ”utökad samordning av landskaps- övervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000”. Projektet har genomförts under år 2005 av SLU på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket. Ett fortsättningsprojekt kommer att vidta under 2006 och den aktuella rapporten är därför främst att betrakta som en dokumentation av hittills uppnådda resultat i en löpande process. Målsättningen för projektet var att utreda om, och i så fall hur, landskapsövervaknings- programmen Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS) och Riksinven- teringen av Skog (RIS) kan användas i samband med den uppföljning av gynnsam bevarandestatus som i framtiden fortlöpande ska göras inom Natura 2000-habitat. Projektet har omfattat initiala bedömningar om lämpligheten att använda NILS och RIS för uppföljningen, samt ett antal konsekvensanalyser av vilken kvalitet som kan uppnås i uppföljningsarbetet. Slutsatserna är att NILS och RIS i sina nuvarande versioner kan användas för uppföljning (på biogeografisk nivå) endast av mycket vanliga Natura-habitat. Genom att komplettera med riktade inventeringar till avsatta Natura-områden, och där använda samma provytemetodik som inom NILS och RIS, kan emellertid uppföljningen av ett stort antal habitat inom avsatta områden klaras. Potential finns dessutom att följa upp Naturahabitat utanför formellt avsatta områden genom en generell förtätning av NILS, främst genom att lägga ut flera provytor inom NILS landskapsruta. I tabell S1 nedan sammanfattas behoven av inventeringsdesigner för att klara uppföljningsarbetet. Tabell S1. Ett antal typfall för vilken design som krävs för att klara uppföljningen av Natura 2000-habitatens bevarandemål Typ av habitat Innanför avsatt Natura 2000-område Utanför avsatt Natura 2000-område Vanligt förekommande: Klaras med NILS/RIS med Klaras med NILS/RIS med befintlig (stor total areal) befintlig omfattning eller om omfattning NILS/RIS kompletteras med riktade Mindre vanligt (relativt: Klaras om NILS/RIS komplett- Kräver någon form av generell ut- stor total areal) eras med riktade Inventering- ökning av NILS/RIS ar Ovanligt (liten total a-: Klaras genom riktade Invente- Skulle kräva oerhört omfattande ge- eal) ringar. Basdata från ordinarie nerell förtätning. Förmodlingen är NILS/RIS är till mycket begrä- det orimligt att nsad nytta genomföra Stickprovsbaserad upp- följning av dessa Områden Bedömningen är således att den framtida uppföljningen av Natura 2000-habitat på biogeografisk nivå kan klaras genom att kombinera nuvarande NILS och RIS med dels en provytebaserad riktad inventering till avsatta Natura-områden, dels en generell utökning av provyteantalet i NILS. I det senare fallet är huvudspåret att förlägga ett stort antal provytor till NILS landskapsruta. Uppföljning av sällsynta Naturahabitat utanför formellt avsatta områden kommer emellertid att vara en mycket svår (omöjlig) uppgift att klara. Så länge ingen förhandsinformation finns om var dessa habitat finns i landskapet blir det oerhört kostnadskrävande att följa dessa med objektiv metodik}, keywords = {landscape, monitoring, environmental policies}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-443}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1252, author = {Ståhl, G. and Heikkinen, J. and Petersson, H. and Repola, J. and Holm, S.}, title = {Sample-based estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from forests-a new approach to account for both sampling and model errors}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {60}, number = {1}, pages = {3-13}, ISSN = {0015749X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.5849/forsci.13-005}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84893390946&doi=10.5849%2fforsci.13-005&partnerID=40&md5=53a9856d6df39332715c67a1a7990047}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN939, author = {Ståhl, Göran and Holm, Sören and Naesset, Erik and Gobakken, T. and Gregoire, T. G. and Bollandsås, O. and Orka, H. and Nelson, Ross and Astrup, Rasmus}, title = {Estimating biomass in Hedmark County, Norway using national forest inventory field plots and airborne laser scanning}, journal = {Remote Sensing Of Environment}, volume = {123}, pages = {443-456}, abstract = {In this paper two sampling and estimation strategies for regional forest inventory were investigated in detail and results were presented for various geographical scales. Airborne laser scanner (ALS) data were acquired to augment data from a systematic sample of National Forest Inventory (NFI) ground plots in Hedmark County, Norway (27,390 km(2)). Approximately 50% of the NFI field plots were covered by the systematic ALS sample of 53 parallel flight lines spaced 6 km apart. The area was stratified into eight cover classes and independent log-transformed regression models were developed for each class to predict total above-ground dry biomass (AGB). The two laser-ground estimation strategies tested were a model-dependent (MD), two-phase approach that rests on the assumption that the predictive models are correctly specified, and a model-assisted (MA) approach with a two-stage probability sampling design which utilizes design-unbiased estimators. ALS AGB estimates were reported by land cover class and compared to the NH ground estimates. The ALS-based MA and MD mean estimates differed from the NFI AGB estimates by about 2% and 8%, respectively, for the entire County. At the county level the smallest estimated standard error (SE) for the estimates was obtained using the field data alone. However, the SEs calculated from field and ALS data were based on unequal numbers of ground plots. When considering only the NFI plots in the ALS strips, the smallest SEs were obtained using the MD framework. However, we also illustrated the sensitivity of the estimates of applying different plausible models. All the applied estimators assumed simple random sampling while the selection of flight lines as well as ground plots followed a systematic design. Thus, the estimates of SE were most likely conservative. Simulated sampling undertaken in a parallel research effort suggests that the overestimation of the SEs was probably much larger for the ALS-based estimates compared to the NEI estimates. ALS-based estimates were also derived for sub-county political units and thereby demonstrated how limited sample sizes affect the standard error of the biomass estimates. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.}, keywords = {Airborne laser scanning National forest inventory Sampling}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2012.01.025}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2012.01.025}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN941, author = {Ståhl, Göran and Suty, Nicole Susanne and Nyström, Kenneth}, title = {Assessment of bias due to random measurement errors in stem volume growth estimation by the Swedish National Forest Inventory}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal Of Forest Research}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, pages = {174-183}, abstract = {We evaluated the performance of two methods for estimating stem volume increment at individual tree level with respect to bias due to random measurement errors. Here, growth is either predicted as the difference between two consecutive volume estimates where single-tree volume functions are applied to data from repeated measurements or by a regression model that is applied to data from a single survey and includes radial increment. In national forest inventories (NFIs), the first method is typically used for permanent plots, the second for temporary plots. The Swedish NFI combines estimates from both plot types to assess growth at national and regional scales and it is, therefore, important that the two methods provide similar results. The accuracy of these estimates is affected by random measurement errors in the independent variables, which may lead to systematic errors in predicted variables due to model non-linearity. Using Taylor series expansion and empirical data from the Swedish NFI we compared the expected bias in stem volume growth estimates for different diameter classes of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Our results indicate that both methods are fairly insensitive to random measurement errors of the size that occur in the Swedish NFI. The empirical comparison between the two methods showed greater differences for large diameter trees of both pine and spruce. A likely explanation is that the regressions are uncertain because few large trees were available for developing the models.}, keywords = {Forest Science Skogsvetenskap}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2012.734329}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2012.734329}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN942, author = {Stål, Pär-Olof and Christiansen, Linn and Wadstein, Magnus and Grönvall, Anders and Olsson, Patrik}, title = {Skogsbrukets frivilliga avsättningar}, number = {12}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/shop/9098/art40/12482640-e3dd57-1844.pdf}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1253, author = {Su, M. R. and Pauleit, S. and Yin, X. M. and Zheng, Y. and Chen, S. Q. and Xu, C.}, title = {Greenhouse gas emission accounting for EU member states from 1991 to 2012}, journal = {Applied Energy}, volume = {184}, pages = {759-768}, ISSN = {0306-2619}, DOI = {10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.074}, url = {://WOS:000389785200062}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN943, author = {Subramanian, Narayanan and Bergh, Johan and Johansson, Ulf and Nilsson, Urban and Sallnäs, Ola}, title = {Adaptation of forest management regimes in Southern Sweden to increased risks associated with climate change}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, DOI = {10.3390/f7010008}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/f7010008}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN944, author = {Subramanian, Narayanan and Karlsson, Per Erik and Bergh, Johan and Nilsson, Urban}, title = {Impact of ozone on sequestration of carbon by Swedish Forests under a changing climate: a modeling study}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {61}, number = {3}, pages = {445-457}, ISSN = {0015-749X}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5849/forsci.14-026}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN945, author = {Sundelin, Torbjörn}, title = {Värdering av skogsmark : Ett kompletterande sätt att beräkna en fastighets marknadsvärde}, institution = {Institutionen för skogens produkter}, url = {http://www.slump.se/pdf/En%20skogsfastighets%20marknadsvaerdeOkt12.pdf}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN946, author = {Sundquist, Sture}, title = {Utveckling av ett mått på produktionsslutenhet för Riksskogstaxeringen = Development of a measure of production density for the Swedish National Forest Inventory}, university = {Examensarbete}, note = {Examensarbete}, keywords = {5041 forest inventories forestry production production data models simulation}, year = {2002}, type = {Thesis} } @misc{RN947, author = {Sutter, R.}, title = {Increasing efficiency in volume estimation by the combination of aerial and terrestrial samples in the Swiss NFI [National Forest Inventory]}, publisher = {Umeaa (Sweden)}, note = {12 ref.}, keywords = {Forest Surveys Forest Inventories Remote Sensing Cost Analysis Costs Switzerland/ Sampling Enquete Forestiere Inventaire Forestier Teledetection Analyse Des Couts Cout Suisse/ Echantillonnage Encuestas Forestales Inventarios Forestales Teledeteccion Analisis De Costos Costos Suiza/ Muestreo}, ISBN = {1100-777X}, year = {1990}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN948, author = {Suty, Nicole}, title = {Tree-Ring Data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory}, keywords = {National Forests Data Processing Inventories Forests}, year = {2008}, type = {Report} } @article{RN949, author = {Suty, Nicole and Nyström, Kenneth and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {Assessment of bias due to random measurement errors in stem volume growth estimation by the Swedish National Forest Inventory}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, abstract = {We evaluated the performance of two methods for estimating stem volume increment at individual tree level with respect to bias due to random measurement errors. Here, growth is either predicted as the difference between two consecutive volume estimates where single-tree volume functions are applied to data from repeated measurements or by a regression model that is applied to data from a single survey and includes radial increment. In national forest inventories (NFIs), the first method is typically used for permanent plots, the second for temporary plots. The Swedish NFI combines estimates from both plot types to assess growth at national and regional scales and it is, therefore, important that the two methods provide similar results. The accuracy of these estimates is affected by random measurement errors in the independent variables, which may lead to systematic errors in predicted variables due to model non-linearity. Using Taylor series expansion and empirical data from the Swedish NFI we compared the expected bias in stem volume growth estimates for different diameter classes of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Our results indicate that both methods are fairly insensitive to random measurement errors of the size that occur in the Swedish NFI. The empirical comparison between the two methods showed greater differences for large diameter trees of both pine and spruce. A likely explanation is that the regressions are uncertain because few large trees were available for developing the models.}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2012.734329}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02827581.2012.734329#.VfATDxHtlBc}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1463, author = {Suvanto, Susanne and Muelbert, Adriane Esquivel and Schelhaas, Mart-Jan and Astigarraga, Julen and Astrup, Rasmus and Cienciala, Emil and Fridman, Jonas and Henttonen, Helena M and Kunstler, Georges and Kändler, Gerald}, title = {Understanding Europe’s forest harvesting regimes}, year = {2023}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN950, author = {Svensson, Johan and Mikusin´ Ski, Grzegorz and Esselin, Anders and Adler, Sven and Blicharska, Malgorzata and Hedblom, Marcus and Hedenås, Henrik and Sandström, P. E. R. and Sandström, Stefan and Wardle, David}, title = {Nationell miljöövervakning och utvärdering av ekosystemtjänster i fjäll och skog}, number = {6754}, month = {2017}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:naturvardsverket:diva-6927}, year = {2017}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN1445, author = {Svensson, Johan and Mikusiński, Grzegorz and Bubnicki, Jakub W and Andersson, Jon and Jonsson, Bengt Gunnar}, title = {Boreal Forest Landscape Restoration in the Face of Extensive Forest Fragmentation and Loss}, booktitle = {Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {491-510}, year = {2023}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN951, author = {Svensson, L. G.}, title = {Behovet av skogsvårdsåtgärder är stort}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources forest management silviculture cultivation scandinavia western europe europe forest resources regeneration land clearing thinning sweden}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @book{RN953, author = {Svensson, Sven A.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1973-77 : skogstillstånd, tillväxt och avverkning = The Swedish national forest survey 1973-77 : state of forests, growth and annual cut}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, series = {The Swedish national forest survey 1973-77}, year = {1980}, type = {Book} } @book{RN952, author = {Svensson, S. A.}, title = {The Swedish National Forest Survey 1973-77. State of forests, growth and annual cut}, series = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, note = {Times Cited: 0}, pages = {167 pp.-167 pp.}, ISBN = {91-576-0681-1}, url = {://CABI:19810670569}, year = {1980}, type = {Book} } @article{RN954, author = {Svensson, S. A.}, title = {Medelfel i riksskogstaxeringens skattningar 1973-82}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 34}, year = {1982}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN955, author = {Svensson, Sven A.}, title = {Hur säker är riksskogstaxeringen?}, publisher = {Garpenberg}, address = {Garpenberg}, year = {1984}, type = {Book} } @book{RN956, author = {Svensson, S. A.}, title = {Visst har skogstillståndet blivit mycket bättre under det senaste halvseklet}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 2 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources scandinavia western europe europe forest products vegetation biological development forest resources sweden wood forests growth}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @article{RN957, author = {Svensson, S. A.}, title = {Avverkningen i svenskt skogsbruk. - En analys med tyngdpunkt på perioden 1973-82}, journal = {SLU Skogfakta - Inventering och ekonomi. Nr 15 1987}, year = {1987}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN958, author = {Svensson, Sven A.}, title = {Estimation of annual stem volume increment : a method to be applied to sample trees of Scots pine and Norway spruce on temporary plots in the Swedish national forest inventory = Skattning av årlig tillväxt i stamvolym : en metod att tillämpa på provträd av tall och gran på riksskogstaxeringens tillfälliga provytor}, university = {Diss. Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, note = {Diss. Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, keywords = {Volymtillväxtberäkning vid riksskogstaxering 5021 picea abies pinus sylvestris forest mensuration models sweden volume stems bark growth methods}, year = {1988}, type = {Thesis} } @misc{RN959, author = {Svensson, Sven A.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen, 1978-82: skogstillstånd, tillväxt och avverkning = The Swedish National Forest Inventory, 1978-82 : state of forests, growth and annual cut}, publisher = {Umeå: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering}, note = {Sven A. Svensson, Hans Toet, Göran Kempe. Summary in English. Includes bibliographical references.}, year = {1989}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN960, author = {Svensson, Sven A. and Bohlin, Folke and Bäcke, Jan-Olof and Hultåker, Oskar and Ingemarson, Fredrik and Karlsson, Stefan and Malmhäll, Jenny}, title = {Ekonomiska och sociala konsekvenser i skogsbruket av stormen Gudrun}, number = {2006:12}, url = {https://cdn.abicart.com/shop/9098/art17/8139917-065ce0-1832.pdf}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @inbook{RN961, author = {Svensson, S. A. and Toet, H. and Kempe, G.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 1978-82. Skogstillstånd, tillväxt och avverkning}, booktitle = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet. 47}, volume = {47}, pages = {236 pp.}, ISBN = {0348-0496 91-576-3625-7}, url = {://CABI:19900675290}, year = {1989}, type = {Book Section} } @inbook{RN962, author = {Svensson, S. A. and Toet, H. and Kempe, G.}, title = {The Swedish national forest inventory 1978-82. Condition of forests, increment and logging}, booktitle = {Rapport - Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, pages = {236 pp.-236 pp.}, note = {Times Cited: 0}, ISBN = {0348-0496 91-576-3625-7}, url = {://CABI:19900675290}, year = {1989}, type = {Book Section} } @book{RN963, author = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för, skogstaxering}, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1978}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, year = {1970}, type = {Book} } @book{RN964, author = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen för, skogstaxering}, title = {Instruktion för fältarbetet vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1983}, publisher = {Umeå}, address = {Umeå}, year = {1980}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN965, author = {Sweden and Riksskogstaxeringsnamnden}, title = {Instruktion för arbetet å marken under riksskogstaxeringen}, publisher = {Stockholm: Fahlcrantz' boktr.}, keywords = {Forests And Forestry Forest Surveys Mensuration}, year = {1925}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN966, author = {Sweden, State Forest Service}, title = {State Forest Survey of the forests of Vasternorrland, 1938}, journal = {Skogen}, volume = {27}, pages = {27-47}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, ISSN = {0037-640X}, url = {://CABI:19400607805}, year = {1940}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN967, author = {Sweden, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet}, title = {Forestry data 82. Current information on Swedish forests from the National Forest Inventory}, journal = {Skogsdata 82. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna fran riksskogstaxeringen.}, pages = {55 pp.-55 pp.}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19840694997}, year = {1982}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN968, author = {Swärd, J.}, title = {Praktiskt utvecklingsarbete - instrument, utmärkning m m}, address = {Umeå, 1985}, note = {(Umeå : 16-17 nov 1983) 3 ref. Riksskogstaxeringen 60 år. Jubileumssymposium i november 1983}, keywords = {natural resources scandinavia western europe europe equipment forest resources sweden computers measurement surveys}, year = {1985}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN969, author = {Sängstuvall, Lars}, title = {Estimates of the productivity of logging operations with a focus on forest fuel extraction}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {297}, type = {Technical Report}, abstract = {Over recent years, as a result of energy policy at global, European and national levels, the prices and demand for bio-fuel, including forest fuel, have increased. This has lead to reductions in the marginal profits associated with the use of a range of forest fuel assortments. New and improved methods and techniques for extracting logging residues, stumps and whole-trees from young stands are therefore currently being investigated. Unlike final felling, revenues from forest fuel extraction during thinnings are expected to be of about the same magnitude as the revenue from thinning or the cost of pre-commercial thinning. This will probably influence the timing and type of all forest management activities throughout the rotation period of a stand. When estimating logging potential, forest management is simulated on the basis of assumptions about the forest and the behavior of the forest owner. Priority can be given to forest characteristics, economic or ecological aspects when specifying treatment variables and models can also incorporate probability functions for land owner behavior. Management simulations result in an estimate of the logging potential for the forest area at hand. Forest fuel logging potential is usually derived by appending forest fuel extraction to the roundwood extraction treatments, also taking into account economic and ecological constraints specific for the forest fuel extraction. In order to estimate the harvestable volume based on economic, ecological and practical criteria we must have some measures of the properties and influence of these criteria. This essay reviews productivity studies that could be of use when modeling thinning and forest fuel operations in Swedish forests. Furthermore it pinpoints areas of insufficient knowledge with respect to the productivity of forest fuel extraction from young forests. In the case of such young stands, there is practically no information about land owner behavior, and any logging potential estimates would currently have to rely on some kind of simulation based on a specific forest management goal. Assuming that forest fuel extraction affects forest management, the accuracy of estimates would be improved if such operations were modeled accurately and fully incorporated into the ordinary logging potential estimate. Comparative and correlation time studies are commonly used in forestry to evaluate the performance of different systems or techniques or to evaluate and price different working units within a system or technique. For roundwood logging, both the single-grip harvester and the forwarder are established technological systems, and hence there are many correlation time studies quantifying time consumption in different working environments for these systems. Whole-tree or tree-section logging, particularly in young forests, has been little used in Nordic forestry and hence most time studies that are available are comparative. The properties and influence of forest fuel harvesting in young stands therefore needs to be further investigated. This will ensure appropriate estimates of the amount of forest fuel that can be derived from young stands and will facilitate long-term forest management planning with forest fuel extraction included as a treatment. Harvesting productivity, expressed as number of trees processed per time unit, decreases with increasing tree size and for more processed, e.g. delimbed, assortments. Forest haulage productivity decreases with, among other variables, increasing transportation distance, decreasing load size, and decreasing grapple size. A theoretical, partially deductive, framework for the time associated with forwarding has been adapted to the specific environments described in a number of studies. Comparing the calculated time consumptions with the actual results from the studies shows that the theoretically-based time consumption model has a high level of accuracy. This indicates that the time consumption for forwarding under defined working conditions (e.g. pile size, proportion of solid volume) not yet studied o e perienced can be modeled in advance with acceptable accuracy. A few questions still remain with respect to the way to adapt the theoretical model to specific situations, since different approaches seemed more or less successful in different cases.}, keywords = {harvesting, logging potential}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-494}, year = {2010}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1297, author = {Söderberg, Jon and Wallerman, Jörgen and Almäng, Anders and Möller, Johan J and Willén, Erik}, title = {Operational prediction of forest attributes using standardised harvester data and airborne laser scanning data in Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {36}, number = {4}, pages = {306-314}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN970, author = {Söderberg, U.}, title = {Trädtillväxt och kronutglesning enligt Riksskogstaxeringen}, address = {Uppsala : Sveriges Lantbruksuniv., 1989}, note = {(Umeå : 30 nov 1988) Skogstillstånd och skogsskador. Skogskonferensen 30 november 1988, Umeå}, keywords = {5021 pinus pinaceae picea vegetation tree form plant habit plant vegetative organs plant anatomy natural resources pinus sylvestris picea abies forest trees forests environmental factors crown leaves injurious factors forest resources surveys}, year = {1989}, type = {Book} } @book{RN971, author = {Söderberg, Ulf}, title = {Funktioner för skogsindelning : höjd, formhöjd och barktjocklek för enskilda träd = Functions for forest management : height, form height and bark thickness o individual trees}, publisher = {Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå}, series = {Functions for forest management}, keywords = {5021 pinus sylvestris picea abies betula quercus forest inventories forest mensuration yield forecasting models biometry sweden forest trees height bark NFI Swedish National Forest Inventory}, year = {1992}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN972, author = {Söderberg, Ulf}, title = {Basic requirements for NFI development - technical and methodological aspects}, keywords = {Economics And Business Ekonomi Och Näringsliv Social Sciences Samhällsvetenskap Forest Science Skogsvetenskap Environmental Sciences Related To Agriculture And Land-Use Miljö- Och Naturvårdsvetenskap}, year = {2003}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN973, author = {Söderberg, Ulf and Ranneby, Bo and Li, Chuanzhong}, title = {A diameter growth index method for standardization of forest data inventoried at different dates}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {8}, number = {1-4}, pages = {418-425}, abstract = {A model of tree diameter growth during the growth season was developed to standardize the forest data from different inventory dates. A diameter growth index is defined and its relation with the number of growing days is established. Parameters characterizing this relationship are estimated using accurate tree ring width measurements and other stand and tree related variables from the Swedish National Forest Inventory data for 1989. The residual analyses show that the model is an effective expression of the actual growth and the results are consistent with an earlier used tree growth model. Some climatic data are tested for model improvement, but no essential improvement is gained given the data available.}, keywords = {Inventory Date Forest Inventory Tree Growth Model Diameter Growth Index.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827589309382788}, year = {1993}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN974, author = {Söderberg, Ulf and Wulff, Sören}, title = {Skadeinventering av björk samt test av nya variabler för barrträd : en pilotstudie vid riksskogstaxeringen under 1989}, institution = {Institutionen för skogstaxering SLU, Rapport nr 7}, number = {ISSN 99-0708153-1}, year = {1990}, type = {Report} } @article{RN975, author = {Söderberg, Ulf and Wulff, Sören and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {The choice of definition has a large effect on reported quantities of dead wood in boreal forest}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {29}, number = {3}, abstract = {A survey was conducted to assess the impact of the choice of definition on reported quantities of dead wood in Swedish forests, which to more than 90% are located in the boreal zone. The data collection was made on a subsample of the permanent plots of the Swedish national forest inventory. The objects included were standing dead trees and snags down to 5-cm diameter at breast height, dead lying stems and branches down to a threshold diameter of 1 cm and stumps down to a threshold diameter of 5-cm at normal stump height. Standing trees, snags and stumps were inventoried on 10-m radius circular plots while the downed objects were inventoried using both circular plots and line intersect sampling; thin objects (diameter 1-5 cm) were assessed only through line intersect sampling. The results showed that the estimated volume of dead wood was as high as 25 m(3) ha(-1) when all components were included. With the standard Swedish definition, the corresponding estimate was only 10.9 m(3) ha(-1), or 43% of the total value. Since definitions of dead wood vary greatly between countries we conclude that great caution must be exercised when figures are compared in connection with international reporting. For example, adding stumps to the Swedish definition would increase the amounts of dead wood from 10.9 to 15.7 m(3) ha(-1), i.e. with 44%.}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2014.896940}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2420}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN738, author = {Tagesson, Torbern}, title = {Indirect estimations and spatial variation in leaf area index of coniferous, deciduous and mixed forest stands in Forsmark and Laxemar}, institution = {Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, SKB}, url = {http://www.skb.se/upload/publications/pdf/tr-06-29.pdf}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN739, author = {Tamm, Olof}, title = {Ett försök till klassifikation av skogsmarken i Sverige}, number = {28:2}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10151/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN740, author = {Tegnhammar, L.}, title = {Om skattning av ståndortsindex för gran}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 53}, year = {1992}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN741, author = {Temnerud, J. and von Brömssen, C. and Fölster, J. and Buffam, I. and Andersson, J. O. and Nyberg, L. and Bishop, K.}, title = {Map-based prediction of organic carbon in headwater streams improved by downstream observations from the river outlet}, journal = {Biogeosciences}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {399-413}, abstract = {In spite of the great abundance and ecological importance of headwater streams, managers are usually limited by a lack of information about water chemistry in these headwaters. In this study we test whether river outlet chemistry can be used as an additional source of information to improve the prediction of the chemistry of upstream headwaters (size < 2 km(2)), relative to models based on map information alone. We use the concentration of total organic carbon (TOC), an important stream ecosystem parameter, as the target for our study. Between 2000 and 2008, we carried out 17 synoptic surveys in 9 mesoscale catchments (size 32-235 km(2)). Over 900 water samples were collected in total, primarily from headwater streams but also including each catchment's river outlet during every survey. First we used partial least square regression (PLS) to model the distribution (median, interquartile range (IQR)) of headwater stream TOC for a given catchment, based on a large number of candidate variables including sub-catchment characteristics from GIS, and measured river chemistry at the catchment outlet. The best candidate variables from the PLS models were then used in hierarchical linear mixed models (MM) to model TOC in individual headwater streams. Three predictor variables were consistently selected for the MM calibration sets: (1) proportion of forested wetlands in the sub-catchment (positively correlated with headwater stream TOC), (2) proportion of lake surface cover in the sub-catchment (negatively correlated with headwater stream TOC), and (3) river outlet TOC (positively correlated with headwater stream TOC). Including river outlet TOC improved predictions, with 5-15% lower prediction errors than when using map information alone. Thus, data on water chemistry measured at river outlets offer information which can complement GIS-based modelling of headwater stream chemistry.}, ISSN = {1726-4170}, DOI = {10.5194/bg-13-399-2016}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-13-399-2016}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN743, author = {Tersmeden, Carl}, title = {Några förelöpande resultat från riksskogstaxeringen av Göteborgs och Bohus län, Älvsborgs län samt Värmlands län}, address = {Stockholm}, series = {Uppsatser / Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, 21}, note = {Särtr. %U: Svenska skogsvårdsföreningens tidskrift. 1951:4}, pages = {6 s.}, year = {1951}, type = {Book} } @article{RN742, author = {Tersmeden, C.}, title = {Some preliminary results of the State Forest Survey, in the counties of Goteborg and Bohus, Alvsborg and Varmland}, journal = {Svenska Skogsvardsforeningens Tidskrift}, volume = {49}, number = {4}, pages = {365-70}, note = {Times Cited: 0 0}, url = {://CABI:19516603520}, year = {1951}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN745, author = {Thomas, Randall W.}, title = {Issues and recommendations regarding the implementation of remote sensing techniques in the Swedish national forest inventory}, publisher = {Ume°a}, address = {Ume°a}, year = {1990}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN744, author = {Thomas, R. W.}, title = {Some thoughts on the development of remote sensing-aided national forest inventory in Sweden [NFI]}, note = {48 ref. Summary (En). AVAILABILITY: Ultunabiblioteket, POB 7071, S-750 07 Uppsala - Sweden}, keywords = {Suecia Sweden Forest Inventories Suede Enquete Forestiere Echantillonnage Inventarios Forestales Muestreo Sampling Teledetection Forest Surveys Teledeteccion Inventaire Forestier Encuestas Forestales Remote Sensing}, ISBN = {1100-777X}, year = {1990}, type = {Generic} } @phdthesis{RN746, author = {Thor, Magnus}, title = {Heterobasidion root rot in Norway spruce : modelling incidence, control efficacy and economic consequences in Swedish forestry}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {In spite of its biological and economic impact on Swedish forestry, root rot caused by Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. sensu lato has received no or little attention in forest planning. This thesis summarizes and discusses two experiments involving prophylactic treatment of stumps, and three investigations on the modelling and simulation of root rot in coniferous stands with special emphasis on Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). In 14 previously unthinned stands of Norway spruce, the efficacy of mechanized stump treatments with disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT), Phlebiopsis gigantea (Fr.) Jül. and urea was compared with no treatment of stumps cut in the summer and winter, and with manual treatment. Stump treatment reduced the stump area colonized by H. annosum s. l. by 88-99% as compared with untreated stumps cut in the summer. In terms of colonized stump area, there were neither differences between compounds, nor between mechanized and manual treatments. Sensitivity of root rot antagonist P. gigantea spores to high temperature or pressure was tested in laboratory and field experiments using a mechanized application. The spores withstood 1,600-2,200 kPa for 24 h without losing viability. Spore germination of P. gigantea had an optimum at c. 30ºC. Mechanized application under normal summer conditions in Sweden did not obstruct spore germination of P. gigantea. Functions for predicting the probability of decay in individual trees were developed using logistic regression from data in the Swedish national forest inventory 1983-2001. The functions use data readily available in most stand records, and are recommended for strategic, tactical and operational planning. Models for simulation of disease development were developed based on known facts about the mode of infection and spread of H. annosum s. l. in Fennoscandian coniferous forests. The economic outcomes for a number of stands typical of Swedish forest management were modelled and predicted using the models for H. annosum s. l. dynamics and models for cross-cutting of trees. Stump treatment in thinning and previous final felling was profitable (interest rates 1, 3 and 5%) in pure stands of Norway spruce and in mixed conifer stands in southern Sweden.}, keywords = {biological control, chemical control, disease management, forest management, operational planning, strategic planning, tactical planning}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-479}, year = {2005}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN747, author = {Thor, Magnus and Ståhl, Göran and Stenlid, Jan}, title = {Modelling root rot incidence in Sweden using tree, site and stand variables}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {165-176}, abstract = {Decay and root rot caused by Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. s. lato is the most serious disease of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.]. Mathematical models of disease development have recently been developed for forestry planning purposes. Functions for predicting the probability of decay were developed from two data sets, one comprising trees and another comprising stumps. From the years 1983–2001, 45,587 Norway spruce trees from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) were analysed for decay incidence at 1.3 m height and correlation with environmental conditions. The decay frequency increased in all studied regions from the first to the second half of the period for trees with comparable tree and environmental attributes. In a stepwise logistic regression, sets of functions were developed showing significance regarding stand age, site index class, temperature sum, height above sea level, diameter at 1.3 m, soil moisture and texture, proportion of spruce and eastern coordinates. The functions were calibrated and validated with a data set from the Swedish NFI from the years 1993–2002 comprising 7,893 stumps. The calibration of decay incidence at breast height to stump height doubled the decay incidence (R 2=0.85). The developed functions could be used to establish initial conditions for dynamic modelling of disease and in strategic planning.}, keywords = {Decay Forest Inventory Heterobasidion Annosum Modelling Picea Abies}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580510008347}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827580510008347}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN748, author = {Thorell, Erik}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen : dess förhistoria samt organisation och arbetsmetoder}, pages = {59}, year = {1926}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN749, author = {Thorell, Erik}, title = {Kontroll av den vid riksskogstaxeringen taxerade bältesbredden : En specialundersökning, på Riksskogstaxeringsnämndens uppdrag under dess medverkan utförd %D 1932}, year = {1932}, type = {Report} } @article{RN750, author = {Thorell, K. E. and Ostlin, E. O.}, title = {The National Forest Survey of Sweden}, journal = {Journal of Forestry}, volume = {29}, number = {4}, pages = {585-591}, abstract = {The Swedish National Forest Survey was described in a note in the March issue of this journal. Since it went to press the present article, by two members of the Survey, was received. It gives a more comprehensive description of the methods used in the Swedish survey and the essential facts, as determined by it, of the timber balance sheet of Sweden. The authors report that the data have already proved to be of incalculable value. Sweden's forest survey is of particular interest to American foresters in view of the huge survey recently begun by the United States Forest Service.}, url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/saf/jof/1931/00000029/00000004/art00022}, year = {1931}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1257, author = {Thorell, M. and Götmark, F.}, title = {Reinforcement capacity of potential buffer zones: Forest structure and conservation values around forest reserves in southern Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {212}, number = {1-3}, pages = {333-345}, ISSN = {03781127 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2005.03.028}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-20444424940&doi=10.1016%2fj.foreco.2005.03.028&partnerID=40&md5=b857f5cacaaece57f7727eebd806fb7d}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN751, author = {Thuresson, Mats}, title = {Regionalt miljöövervakningsprogram för Stockholms län 2015–2020}, number = {2014:16}, url = {http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:812095}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1258, author = {Tingstad, L. and Grytnes, J. A. and Felde, V. A. and Juslen, A. and Hyvarinen, E. and Dahlberg, A.}, title = {The potential to use documentation in national Red Lists to characterize red-listed forest species in Fennoscandia and to guide conservation}, journal = {Global Ecology and Conservation}, volume = {15}, ISSN = {2351-9894}, DOI = {10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00410}, url = {://WOS:000446625900007}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN752, author = {Tirén, Lars}, title = {Über Grundflächenberechnung und ihre Genauigkeit}, number = {25:5}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10132/}, year = {1929}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN753, author = {Tirén, Lars}, title = {Om granens kottsättning, dess periodicitet och samband med temperatur och nederbörd}, number = {28:4}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10153/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN754, author = {Tirén, Lars}, title = {Skogshistoriska studier i trakten av Degerfors i Västerbotten}, number = {30:2}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10169/}, year = {1937}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN755, author = {Tirén, Lars}, title = {Om försök med plantering av tall och gran i Norrland}, number = {47:5}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10012/}, year = {1958}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN756, author = {Toet, Hans and Fridman, Jonas and Holm, Sören}, title = {Precisionen i Riksskogstaxeringens skattningar 1998 - 2002}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, SLU}, number = {Arbetsrapport 167 2007}, url = {http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:657875/FULLTEXT02.pdf}, year = {2007}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN757, author = {Tomppo, E.}, title = {Designing a satellite image-aided national forest survey in Finland [NFI]}, publisher = {Umeaa (Sweden)}, note = {4 ref.}, keywords = {Forest Surveys Forest Inventories Remote Sensing Cartography Finland Enquete Forestiere Inventaire Forestier Teledetection Cartographie Finlande Encuestas Forestales Inventarios Forestales Teledeteccion Cartografia Finlandia}, ISBN = {1100-777X}, year = {1990}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN758, author = {Tomppo, Erkki and Haakana, Markus and Katila, Matti and Perasaari, Jouni}, title = {Multi-Source National Forest Inventory: Methods and Applications : Methods and Applications}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, address = {Dordrecht}, volume = {18}, series = {Managing Forest Ecosystems}, abstract = {Building on more than a decade of innovative research into multi-source forest inventory (MS-NFI) this book presents full details of the development, outputs and applications of the improved k-NN method. The method, which was pioneered in Finland in 1990, is rapidly becoming a world standard in forest inventory, having been adopted as standard in Finland and Sweden, and recently introduced in Austria and across the US. The book describes in detail the full MS-NFI process, and the input data used – including field data, satellite images, and digital map data, as well as coarse-scale variation of forest variables. It also presents comprehensive information on the types of outputs which can be derived, including maps and statistics, describing, for example, stock volumes and development, dominant tree species, age-class distribution, and large and small-scale variation. The book will provide an invaluable resource for those involved in forest inventory, including government departments and bodies involved in forest policy, management and monitoring, forest managers, and researchers and graduate students interested in forest inventory, modelling and analysis. It will find an additional market among those interested in Earth observation, ecology and broader areas of environmental and natural resource management. Erkki Tomppo was the winner of the 1997 Marcus Wallenberg Prize for his work on the k-NN method.}, keywords = {Forest And Forestry Forest Surveys -- Methodology Forest Surveys}, pages = {XIII, 373}, ISBN = {978-1-4020-8713-4}, DOI = {10.1007/978-1-4020-8713-4}, url = {http://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-8713-4}, year = {2008}, type = {Book} } @article{RN759, author = {Tomppo, Erkki and Nilsson, Mats and Rosengren, Mats and Aalto, Paula and Kennedy, Pamela}, title = {Simultaneous use of Landsat-TM and IRS-1C WiFS data in estimating large area tree stem volume and aboveground biomass}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {82}, number = {1}, pages = {156-171}, abstract = {A multisource and multiresolution method was developed for estimating large area tree stem volume of growing stock and aboveground biomass of trees. Combined Landsat-TM data and IRS-1C WiFS data, together with field data of National Forest Inventories (NFIs), were applied. Landsat-TM data were used as an intermediate step between the field data and WiFS pixels. A nonparametric k-nearest neighbour (k-nn) estimation method was applied with Landsat-TM data and field plot data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (SNFI). A nonlinear regression analysis was used in deriving models for volume and biomass as a function of WiFS data. The estimates were evaluated by applying independent estimates from the Finnish Multi-source National Forest Inventory (MS-FNFI): The estimates are derived using field plots from the Finnish National Forest Inventory (FNFI) and Landsat-TM images. Mean volume as estimated from the Finnish multisource data for a study area of 447000 ha was 84.2 m 3 ha -1 . This compared with 87.2 m 3 ha -1 as derived from the developed method presented in this paper. The corresponding estimates for aboveground tree biomass were 59.5 and 58.3 tons ha -1 , respectively. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.}, ISSN = {00344257}, DOI = {10.1016/S0034-4257(02)00031-7}, year = {2002}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN760, author = {Tomppo, Erkki and Olsson, Håkan and Ståhl, Göran and Nilsson, Mats and Hagner, Olle and Katila, Matti}, title = {Combining national forest inventory field plots and remote sensing data for forest databases}, journal = {Remote Sensing of Environment}, volume = {112}, number = {5}, pages = {1982-1999}, abstract = {Information about forest cover is needed by all of the nine societal benefit areas identified by the Group of Earth Observation (GEO). In particular, the biodiversity and ecosystem areas need information on landscape composition, structure of forests, species richness, as well as their changes. Field sample plots from National Forest Inventories (NFI) are, in combination with satellite data, a tremendous resource for fulfilling these information needs. NFIs have a history of almost 100 years and have developed in parallel in several countries. For example, the NFIs in Finland and Sweden measure annually more than 10,000 field plots with approximately 200 variables per plot. The inventories are designed for five-year rotations. In Finland nationwide forest cover maps have been produced operationally since 1990 by using the k-NN algorithm to combine satellite data, field sample plot information, and other georeferenced digital data. A similar k-NN database has also been created for Sweden. The potentials of NFIs to fulfil diverse information needs are currently analyzed also in the COST Action E43 project of the European Union. In this article, we provide a review of how NFI field plot information has been used for parameterization of image data in Sweden and Finland, including pre-processing steps like haze correction, slope correction, and the optimization of the estimation variables. Furthermore, we review how the produced small-area statistics and forest cover data have been used in forestry, including forest biodiversity monitoring and habitat modelling. We also show how remote sensing data can be used for post-stratification to derive the sample plot based estimates, which cannot be directly estimated from the spectral data. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.}, keywords = {Biodiversity Monitoring Habitat Modelling K-NN Estimation National Forest Inventory Post-Stratification Satellite Images}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2007.03.032}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2007.03.032}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1381, author = {Tong, Cheuk Hei Marcus and Nilsson, Mats B and Drott, Andreas and Peichl, Matthias}, title = {Drainage ditch cleaning has no impact on the carbon and greenhouse gas balances in a recent forest clear-cut in boreal Sweden}, journal = {Forests}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, pages = {842}, ISSN = {1999-4907}, year = {2022}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1346, author = {Triviño, María and Mair, Louise and Snäll, Tord and Moen, Jon and Bengtsson, Jan}, title = {Data from the study: Strong temporal dynamics of ecosystem services through succession}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN761, author = {Troedsson, Tryggve}, title = {Vattnet i skogsmarken}, number = {20}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/9512/}, year = {1955}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN762, author = {Troedsson, T.}, title = {The hydrology of forest soils}, journal = {K. Skogs- o. LantbrAkad. Tidskr., Stockh.}, volume = {104}, number = {3/4}, pages = {142-54}, url = {://CABI:19650601646}, year = {1965}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1261, author = {Trubins, R. and Sallnäs, O.}, title = {Categorical mapping from estimates of continuous forest attributes - classification and accuracy}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {48}, number = {2}, pages = {1-16}, ISSN = {00375330 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.975}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84899079562&doi=10.14214%2fsf.975&partnerID=40&md5=9383a0cd1afb0feef3a95414f8654521}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN763, author = {Trägårdh, Ivar and Butovitsch, Viktor}, title = {Redogörelse för barkborrekampanjen efter stormhärjningarna 1931-1932}, number = {28:1}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10150/}, year = {1935}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN764, author = {Tudoran, Mihaela-Mariana and Marquer, Laurent and Jönsson, Anna Maria}, title = {Historical experience (1850–1950 and 1961–2014) of insect species responsible for forest damage in Sweden: Influence of climate and land management changes}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {381}, pages = {347-359}, abstract = {The ongoing climate change can influence the dynamic of insect populations and therefore the Insect species Responsible for Forest Damage (“insects-RFD” hereafter). The present study aims at identifying the most occurring insects-RFD in Sweden, and exploring the relationships between insects-RFD and climate and land management changes. The recorded insect attacks based on historical reports, literature and databases, were collected for North, Central and South of Sweden, and for two periods at yearly time scales: 1850–1950 and 1961–2014. A series of analyses has been carried out based on this dataset: 1-Estimation of the occurrence of each insects-RFD over years to assess which insect species have caused the major forest damage, 2-Ratios of broadleaved versus conifer host trees to estimate the main types of damaged forests, and 3-Canonical correspondence analyses to evaluate how much climate (winter and summer temperature, winter and summer precipitation, and storms) and land management (land areas for wood production, standing volume for all trees and standing volume for deciduous trees) changes have affected insects-RFD. The results reveal that the most occurring insects-RFD differ between the North and South of Sweden, and between 1850–1950 and 1961–2014. The most occurring insects-RFD since 1850 were Ips typographus, Neodiprion sertifer, Tortrix viridana, Hylobius abietis and Tomicus piniperda. The occurrences of insects-RFD have been higher in the South of Sweden since at least 1850 than in other regions. The North of Sweden have been mostly affected by insects-RFD between 1911 and 1950. Canonical correspondence analyses show that the spread of insects-RFD might be related to environmental conditions. More particularly, the insects-RFD variation explained are increasing between 1902–1950 and 1961–2007 in all Sweden for temperature (winter and summer) and in Central and South of Sweden for storm damage. However, the evolution of landscape management would participate in influencing insects-RFD, in particular from 1961, when changes in forest management (e.g. increase in land areas for wood production) have been developed, as well as the way to report insect forest damages. This long-term perspective of how changes in climate and land management have influenced insects-RFD is of great interest for further discussion about climate adaptation strategies in forestry and ecosystem services.}, keywords = {Climate change Forest damage Insects Landscape management Scandinavia}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2016.09.044}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.09.044}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN765, author = {Tunstig, Herman and Magnusson, Lina}, title = {Ekonomiska effekter av ledtid vid virkesaffärer}, institution = {Institutionen för skogens biomaterial och teknologi (SBT), SLU}, number = {2014:26}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-3982}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN766, author = {Ťupek, B. and Ortiz, C. A. and Hashimoto, S. and Stendahl, J. and Dahlgren, J. and Karltun, E. and Lehtonen, A.}, title = {Underestimation of boreal soil carbon stocks by mathematical soil carbon models linked to soil nutrient status}, journal = {Biogeosciences}, volume = {13}, number = {15}, pages = {4439-4459}, ISSN = {1726-4189}, DOI = {10.5194/bg-13-4439-2016}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-13-4439-2016}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1263, author = {Uboni, A. and Åhman, B. and Moen, J.}, title = {Can management buffer pasture loss and fragmentation for Sami reindeer herding in Sweden?}, journal = {Pastoralism}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, ISSN = {20417136 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1186/s13570-020-00177-y}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85094669805&doi=10.1186%2fs13570-020-00177-y&partnerID=40&md5=687b9b92d52703018d957d0c74c41c04}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN323, author = {Ulvcrona, Kristina Ahnlund and Bergström, Dan and Bergsten, Urban}, title = {Effekter av krankorridorgallring (KKG) på beståndets kvalitet och fortsatta utveckling}, institution = {Institutionen för skogens biomaterial och teknologi}, number = {2015:29}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-3233}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @article{RN324, author = {Valinger, Erik and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Modelling probability of snow and wind damage in Scots pine stands using tree characteristics}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {97}, number = {3}, pages = {215-222}, abstract = {Predictions of damage risk from snow and wind at sites using tree characteristics of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), were made using a subset of data from permanent sample plots within the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI). The plots were sampled twice at five-year intervals between 1983 and 1992. A logistic risk assessment model was developed using data originating from 286 plots, dominated by Scots pine (> 65% of basal area), within one county situated in the boreal zone in northern Sweden (Vasterbotten). The model was evaluated with NFI-data from two other counties, one adjacent in Vasterbotten (Vastemorrland, 99 plots), which is also in the boreal zone, and one (Kalmar, 138 plots) in the hemi-boreal zone in southern Sweden. In each plot, measurements at first inventory of tree characteristics for the largest undamaged sample tree, and measurements at second inventory of damage from snow and wind on all sample trees were used to develop a logistic model that predicts the damage probability for each site. The best predictors were upper diameter (ud, diameter at 3 or 5 m) and the ratio of height/diameter at breast height (rhd). According to the model calculations, the overall damage probability never exceeded 0.26 for any of the sample plots used for model development. At a given ud the probability of damage is higher for a site with trees of low rhd. The fit of the yodel was better for the adjacent Vasternorrland county than for the southern county, Kalmar. This inferior predictability was explained by differences in tree characteristics between Kalmar and the other counties. The results show that it is possible to predict damage from snow and wind at a site by using only single tree characteristics.}, keywords = {Pinus Sylvestris Risk Management Scots Pine}, ISSN = {03781127}, DOI = {10.1016/S0378-1127(97)00062-5}, year = {1997}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN325, author = {Valinger, Erik and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Models to Assess the Risk of Snow and Wind Damage in Pine, Spruce, and Birch Forests in Sweden}, journal = {Environmental Management}, volume = {24}, number = {2}, pages = {209-217}, abstract = {are damaged annually by snow and wind, roughly corresponding to a value of US$150 million, and in Europe, the damage amounts to hundreds of millions of US dollars each year. To help to reduce these losses, tools for risk assessment within forest management have been developed. Predictions were developed of the risk of damage from snow and wind to Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and Birch ( Betula spp. L.) plots using tree, stand, and site characteristics. The data were obtained from 6756 permanent sample plots within the Swedish National Forest Inventory, which were inventoried twice at five-year intervals between 1983 and 1992. Input data for model development used measurements from the first inventory of tree characteristics for the largest sample tree, stand, and site data, and records of snow and wind damage from the second inventory. Models were developed for three different regions for pine- and spruce-dominated sites, while models for the whole country were developed for birch sites. In general the estimated proportion of damaged plots was highly overestimated (31.7%–56.2%), compared with the observed proportion of 3.4%–11.9%. The models for Norway spruce comprising tree, stand, and site data show the best predictability of damaged plots, with 60.6%–67.6% of plots correctly classified. It is concluded that the models developed can be used to detect sites with a high probability of damage from snow and wind, and thus be used as tools to reduce future damage and costs in practical forestry.}, keywords = {KEY WORDS: Birch Norway spruce Risk assessment Risk management Scots pine Silviculture}, ISSN = {0364-152X}, DOI = {10.1007/s002679900227}, year = {1999}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN327, author = {Valinger, Erik and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Factors affecting the probability of windthrow at stand level as a result of Gudrun winter storm in southern Sweden}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {262}, number = {3}, pages = {398-403}, abstract = {A storm in January 2005 in southern Sweden (Gudrun) caused large damage to forests, archaeological sites, buildings, power supply, telecommunications, and infrastructure. In this work, we analyzed the factors affecting the probability of windthrow at stand level (i.e. tree- and stand characteristics) in southern Sweden. We selected a sub-sample (1721 plots) of existing plots from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (inventoried in 2003 and 2004). To assess whether these plots had suffered damage or not, aerial photographs were taken in summer 2005. In order to analyze the effects of measured characteristics on damage, field data for each sub-sample plot were merged with the corresponding result of the aerial photo interpretation. We found that the plots damaged were typically well stocked mature stands, dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), and often also recently thinned. Probability of damage increased with increase in stand height. In mixed stands, decrease of proportion of Norway spruce decreased the probability of damage. An admixture of deciduous trees, leafless in this winter storm, showed larger effect in this sense than that of Scots pine.}, keywords = {Wind damage Tree- and stand-characteristics NFI-data Risk analysis Picea abies Broadleaves}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2011.04.004}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2011.04.004}, year = {2011}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN326, author = {Valinger, Erik and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Sparat löv i granbestånden minskar risken för stormskador vintertid}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {2011:7}, pages = {4}, ISBN = {1400-7789}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-3858}, year = {2011}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN328, author = {Valinger, Erik and Kempe, Göran and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Forest management and forest state in southern Sweden before and after the impact of storm Gudrun in the winter of 2005}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {29}, number = {5}, pages = {466-472}, abstract = {About three times the annual cut in southern Sweden (Gotaland) was damaged by the storm Gudrun in January 2005, i.e. almost as much as the normal annual cut for all of Sweden. To establish any differences in forest management and state before and after the storm, measures such as growing stock volume, age-class distribution, and species composition were analyzed within the damaged area. As a reference the situation before and after the storm within the area in Gotaland not damaged by the storm was also analyzed. For all analyses, sample plots from the Swedish National Forest Inventory were used. Results based on mean values for the years 2000-2004/2005-2009 showed that the total growing stock for the damaged area decreased by approximately 30 million m(3) after the storm. This was mainly caused by a decrease in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst). Annual growth for pine, spruce, and deciduous trees decreased by 1.8 million m(3) in the damaged area. This mainly included stands already thinned and not, as expected, in the stands ready for final felling. Also, the proportional area within each of the age classes 21-40, 41-60, and 61-80 years decreased. The storm led to an increased area in immediate need of precommercial thinning. No changes in choice of species when regenerating could be observed. Furthermore, only marginal adaptation by forest owners to future risk of wind throw could be detected.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2014.927528}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2014.927528}, year = {2014}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN329, author = {Valinger, Erik and Kempe, Göran and Fridman, Jonas}, title = {Impacts on forest management and forest state in southern Sweden 10 years after the storm Gudrun}, journal = {Forestry}, volume = {92}, number = {4}, pages = {481-489}, ISSN = {0015-752X}, DOI = {10.1093/forestry/cpz005}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpz005}, year = {2019}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN330, author = {Valinger, E. and Ottosson Löfvenius, M. and Johansson, U. and Fridman, J. and Claeson, S. and Gustavsson, Å}, title = {Analys av riskfaktorer efter stormen Gudrun}, note = {Rapporten redovisar det arbete som genomförts inom projekt Stormanalys, delprojekt analys av riskfaktorer.}, number = {2006:8}, url = {http://shop.skogsstyrelsen.se/se/search.php?id=9098, http://www.skogsstyrelsen.se/forlag/rapporter/1758.pdf}, year = {2006}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1268, author = {van der Plas, F. and Ratcliffe, S. and Ruiz-Benito, P. and Scherer-Lorenzen, M. and Verheyen, K. and Wirth, C. and Zavala, M. A. and Ampoorter, E. and Baeten, L. and Barbaro, L. and Bastias, C. C. and Bauhus, J. and Benavides, R. and Benneter, A. and Bonal, D. and Bouriaud, O. and Bruelheide, H. and Bussotti, F. and Carnol, M. and Castagneyrol, B. and Charbonnier, Y. and Cornelissen, J. H. C. and Dahlgren, J. and Checko, E. and Coppi, A. and Dawud, S. M. and Deconchat, M. and De Smedt, P. and De Wandeler, H. and Domisch, T. and Finér, L. and Fotelli, M. and Gessler, A. and Granier, A. and Grossiord, C. and Guyot, V. and Haase, J. and Hättenschwiler, S. and Jactel, H. and Jaroszewicz, B. and Joly, F. X. and Jucker, T. and Kambach, S. and Kaendler, G. and Kattge, J. and Koricheva, J. and Kunstler, G. and Lehtonen, A. and Liebergesell, M. and Manning, P. and Milligan, H. and Müller, S. and Muys, B. and Nguyen, D. and Nock, C. and Ohse, B. and Paquette, A. and Peñuelas, J. and Pollastrini, M. and Radoglou, K. and Raulund-Rasmussen, K. and Roger, F. and Seidl, R. and Selvi, F. and Stenlid, J. and Valladares, F. and van Keer, J. and Vesterdal, L. and Fischer, M. and Gamfeldt, L. and Allan, E.}, title = {Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality}, journal = {Ecology Letters}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {31-42}, ISSN = {1461023X (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/ele.12868}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85034031822&doi=10.1111%2fele.12868&partnerID=40&md5=ad94018086b960f93fd3f84c47842625}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1269, author = {Van Sundert, K. and Horemans, J. A. and Stendahl, J. and Vicca, S.}, title = {The influence of soil properties and nutrients on conifer forest growth in Sweden, and the first steps in developing a nutrient availability metric}, journal = {Biogeosciences}, volume = {15}, number = {11}, pages = {3475-3496}, ISSN = {17264170 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.5194/bg-15-3475-2018}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85048502253&doi=10.5194%2fbg-15-3475-2018&partnerID=40&md5=9074010492de93013d2cbfe4a1db899b}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1270, author = {Van Sundert, K. and Radujković, D. and Cools, N. and De Vos, B. and Etzold, S. and Fernández-Martínez, M. and Janssens, I. A. and Merilä, P. and Peñuelas, J. and Sardans, J. and Stendahl, J. and Terrer, C. and Vicca, S.}, title = {Towards comparable assessment of the soil nutrient status across scales—Review and development of nutrient metrics}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, pages = {392-409}, ISSN = {13541013 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1111/gcb.14802}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85073967380&doi=10.1111%2fgcb.14802&partnerID=40&md5=5611856de8435355dab4ca1bf28d37e9}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN331, author = {Verkerk, Pieter J. and Levers, Christian and Kuemmerle, Tobias and Lindner, Marcus and Valbuena, Ruben and Verburg, Peter H. and Zudin, Sergey}, title = {Mapping wood production in European forests}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {357}, pages = {228-238}, abstract = {Wood production is an important forest use, impacting a range of other ecosystem services. However, information on the spatial patterns in wood production is limited and often available only for larger administrative units. In this study, we developed high-resolution wood production maps for European forests. We collected wood production statistics for 29 European countries from 2000 to 2010, as well as comprehensive sets of biophysical and socioeconomic location factors. We used regression analyses to produce maps indicating the harvest likelihood on a 1 × 1 km2 grid. These likelihood maps were validated using national forest inventory plot data. We then disaggregated wood production statistics from larger administrative units to the grid level using the harvest likelihood as weights. We verified the resulting wood production maps by correlating predicted and observed wood production at the level of smaller administrative units not used for generating the wood production maps. We conclude that (i) productivity, tree species composition and terrain ruggedness are the most important location factors that determine the spatial patterns of wood production at the pan-European scale and that (ii) incorporating these location factors substantially improves the results of disaggregating wood production statistics compared to a disaggregation based on forest cover only. Our wood production maps give insight into forest ecosystem service provisioning and can be used to improve the assessment of potentials and costs of woody biomass supply.}, keywords = {Forest productivity Europe Location factors Spatial patterns Disaggregation Downscaling}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2015.08.007}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2015.08.007}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN332, author = {Vesterdal, Lars and Clarke, Nicholas and Sigurdsson, Bjarni D. and Gundersen, Per}, title = {Do tree species influence soil carbon stocks in temperate and boreal forests?}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {309}, pages = {4-18}, abstract = {Highlights► We reviewed tree species effects on SOC stocks in temperate and boreal forests. ► Tree species C stocks varied 200–500% in forest floor and 40–50% in mineral soil. ► Forest floor C stocks were consistently affected by common tree genera. ► Mineral soil C stocks were more weakly and inconsistently affected by tree species. ► The key processes in control of the SOC stock differences remain to be identified. Information on tree species effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks is scattered and there have been few attempts to synthesize results for forest floor and mineral soil C pools. We reviewed and synthesized current knowledge of tree species effects on SOC stocks in temperate and boreal forests based on common garden, retrospective paired stand and retrospective single-tree studies. There was evidence of consistent tree species effects on SOC stocks. Effects were clearest for forest floor C stocks (23 of 24 studies) with consistent differences for tree genera common to European and North American temperate and boreal forests. Support for generalization of tree species effects on mineral soil C stocks was more limited, but significant effects were found in 13 of 22 studies that measured mineral soil C.Proportional differences in forest floor and mineral soil C stocks among tree species suggested that C stocks can be increased by 200–500% in forest floors and by 40–50% in top mineral soil by tree species change. However, these proportional differences within forest floors and mineral soils are not always additive: the C distribution between forest floor and mineral soil rather than total C stock tends to differ among tree species within temperate forests. This suggests that some species may be better engineers for sequestration of C in stable form in the mineral soil, but it is unclear whether the key mechanism is root litter input or macrofauna activity. Tree species effects on SOC in targeted experiments were most consistent with results from large-scale inventories for forest floor C stocks whereas mineral soil C stocks appeared to be stronger influenced by soil type or climate than by tree species at regional or national scales. Although little studied, there are indications that higher tree species diversity could lead to higher SOC stocks but the role of tree species diversity per se vs. species identity effects needs to be disentangled in rigorous experimental designs.For targeted use of tree species to sequester soil C we must identify the processes related to C input and output, particularly belowground, that control SOC stock differences. We should also study forms and stability of C along with bulk C stocks to assess whether certain broadleaves store C in more stable form. Joint cooperation is needed to support syntheses and process-oriented work on tree species and SOC, e.g. through an international network of common garden experiments.}, keywords = {Tree species Carbon sequestration Soil organic carbon Forest floor Mineral soil Review}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2013.01.017}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2013.01.017}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @phdthesis{RN333, author = {Vestlund, Karin}, title = {Aspects of automation of selective cleaning}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {Cleaning (pre-commercial thinning) is a silvicultural operation, primarily used to improve growing conditions of remaining trees in young stands (ca. 3 - 5 m of height). Cleaning costs are considered high in Sweden and the work is laborious. Selective cleaning with autonomous artificial agents (robots) may rationalise the work, but requires new knowledge. This thesis aims to analyse key issues regarding automation of cleaning; suggesting general solutions and focusing on automatic selection of main-stems. The essential requests put on cleaning robots are to render acceptable results and to be cost competitive. They must be safe and be able to operate independently and unattended for several hours in a dynamic and non-deterministic environment. Machine vision, radar, and laser scanners are promising techniques for obstacle avoidance, tree identification, and tool control. Horizontal laser scannings were made, demonstrating the possibility to find stems and make estimations regarding their height and diameter. Knowledge regarding stem selections was retrieved through qualitative interviews with persons performing cleaning. They consider similar attributes of trees, and these findings and current cleaning manuals were used in combination with a field inventory in the development of a decision support system (DSS). The DSS selects stems by the attributes species, position, diameter, and damage. It was used to run computer-based simulations in a variety of young forests. A general follow-up showed that the DSS produced acceptable results. The DSS was further evaluated by comparing its selections with those made by experienced cleaners, and by a test in which laymen performed cleanings following the system. The DSS seems to be useful and flexible, since it can be adjusted in accordance with the cleaners’ results. The laymen’s results implied that the DSS is robust and that it could be used as a training tool. Using the DSS in automatic, or semi-automatic, cleaning operations should be possible if and when selected attributes can be automatically perceived. A suitable base-machine and thorough research, regarding e.g. safety, obstacle avoidance, and target identification, is needed to develop competitive robots. However, using the DSS as a training-tool for inexperienced cleaners could be an interesting option as of today.}, keywords = {autonomous off-road vehicle, decision support system, interviews, robot, pre-commercial thinning, simulations, training-tool}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-697}, year = {2005}, type = {Thesis} } @article{RN334, author = {Vidal, Claude and Alberdi, Iciar and Redmond, John and Vestman, Martin and Lanz, Adrian and Schadauer, Klemens}, title = {The role of European National Forest Inventories for international forestry reporting}, journal = {Annals of Forest Science}, volume = {73}, pages = {793-806}, abstract = {Despite agreements on definitions, the national data provided for international reporting are lacking comparability. To address this limitation the European National Forest Inventory Network has established criteria to harmonise definitions and to provide tools to transform national data into internationally comparable data.}, ISSN = {1297-966X}, DOI = {10.1007/s13595-016-0545-6}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13595-016-0545-6}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1272, author = {Vidal, C. and Gschwantner, T. and Korhonen, K. T. and Alberdi, I. and Gasparini, P. and Redmond, J. and Ginzler, C. and Fischer, C. and Herve, J. C. and Waser, L. T. and Kuliešis, A. and Kasperavičius, A. and Bosela, M. and Adolt, R. and Petráš, R. and Kučera, M. and Fridman, J. and Schadauer, K.}, title = {Progress towards harmonised assessment of availability and use of wood resources in Europe}, pages = {81-104}, ISSN = {9783319440156 (ISBN); 9783319440149 (ISBN)}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-44015-6_4}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85009680851&doi=10.1007%2f978-3-319-44015-6_4&partnerID=40&md5=87732edae0df594f0fbb801f8c850991}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1273, author = {Vilà, M. and Carrillo-Gavilán, A. and Vayreda, J. and Bugmann, H. and Fridman, J. and Grodzki, W. and Haase, J. and Kunstler, G. and Schelhaas, M. J. and Trasobares, A.}, title = {Disentangling Biodiversity and Climatic Determinants of Wood Production}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, ISSN = {19326203 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0053530}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84874263055&doi=10.1371%2fjournal.pone.0053530&partnerID=40&md5=ec89910240b7c986632d8e2d411544f7}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN336, author = {Vinberg, B.}, title = {Rikstaxarna nosar upp varenda träd [Riksskogstaxeringen]}, keywords = {forest surveys forest inventories methods sweden}, year = {1997}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN337, author = {von Arnold, Karin and Hånell, Björn and Stendahl, Johan and Klemedtsson, Leif}, title = {Greenhouse gas fluxes from drained organic forestland in Sweden}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {20}, number = {5}, pages = {400-411}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580500281975}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/02827580500281975}, year = {2005}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN338, author = {von Malmborg, Göran}, title = {Economic planning of the farm forest operating unit}, number = {71}, abstract = {A method for long-term, comprehensive planning of farm operating units, primarily the forestry part, is described. The method is based on gross margin calculations, linear programming technique, and the use of high speed electronic computers. The capital value at period-end is used as efficiency criterion linked with a restriction guaranteeing an annual minimum amount of liquid funds. In principle the method is an investment model simultaneously treating all possible investments, their financing, and the need for liquid funds. The method should lend itself to both research and survey purposes as practical planning of forest operating units, either separately or in combination with other economic activity.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5828/}, year = {1969}, type = {Generic} } @misc{RN339, author = {von Segebaden, Gustaf}, title = {Studies on the accessibility of forest and forest land in Sweden}, number = {76}, abstract = {I detta arbete sammanfattas de studier rörande skogens och skogsmarkens avsättningslägen som utförts vid skogshögskolan i samband med olika utredningsuppdrag (arbete I-V, se s. 5). Resultatet av dessa studier har, med undantag för korta sammanfattningar på engelska i de två första arbetena, tidigare endast varit tillgängligt på svenska. Den i studierna använda undersökningsmetoden innebär att riksskogstaxeringens ordinarie taxeringsmaterial kompletteras med data om provytornas belägenhet i olika avseenden. Denna komplettering sker på rummmet med hjälp av kartor. Beskrivningen av provytornas belägenhet omfattar bland annat köravstånd i terräng till bilväg och flottled samt biltransportavstånd till visst leveransställe samt till bygd. Uppgifterna kan avse skilda transport- och leveransformer samt olika utbyggnadsgrader av det permanenta vägnätet. Med utgångspunkt från det erhållna datamaterialet, som för varje provyta innehåller såväl skogliga uppgifter som belägenhetsuppgifter, är det möjligt att beskriva skogens och skogsmarkens avsättningsförhållanden på en mängd olika sätt. De beskrivningar som lämnas i arbetena I-V avser i första hand dels skogsmarkens och virkesförrådets belägenhet i förhållande till bilväg, flottled etc., dels avverknings- och transportkostnaderna för det potentiella uttaget enligt avverkningsberäkning och det faktiska uttaget enligt riksskogstaxeringens stubbinventering. Syftet med dessa beskrivningar är både att ge en allmän bild av avsättningsläget och att de skal1 kunna tjäna som underlag för vidare beräkningar. Exempel på beskrivningar och sådana frågeställningar som har belysts med hjälp av driftsekonomiska kalkyler, baserade på materialet, ges i kapitel 5. Det poängteras att värdet av dylika kalkyler kan vara relativt kortvarigt på grund av avverknings- och transportmetodernas utveckling. Därtill kommer de förändringar som kan orsakas av en förfinad kalkylteknik, bl.a. bättre kännedom om olika kostnadssamband. Kalkylerna bör därför utföras med alternativa förutsättningar och förnyas med ej alltför långa tidsmellanrum.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/5820/}, year = {1969}, type = {Generic} } @book{RN340, author = {von Segebaden, Gustaf}, title = {Rikstaxen 75 år : utvecklingen 1923-1998}, publisher = {SLU}, address = {Umeå}, volume = {8}, series = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, 8}, pages = {562 s. :}, year = {1998}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN341, author = {von Segebaden, Gustaf}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringen 75 år - utvecklingen 1923-1998 i korthet}, pages = {20-37}, url = {https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/rt/dokument/arsskrift-1999-s-20-37-g-von-segebaden-riksskogstaxeringen-75-ar.pdf}, year = {1999}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN342, author = {Walldén, J.}, title = {Riksskogstaxeringens inventering av virkesspill 1980}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 33}, year = {1982}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN343, author = {Wallerman, Jörgen}, title = {Brattåkerinventeringen}, number = {43}, abstract = {Under 1995 startades Projektet "Inventering och Planering av ett Avdelningsfritt Skogsbruk" som syftar till att utveckla en Inventerings-och Planeringsmodell för ett Avdelningsfritt Skogsbruk. Ett led i detta är att tillämpa Iden på en Projektfastighet, Brattåker utanför Vindeln. Den första delen av Projektet består av att genomföra en Anpassad Inventering för Insamling av Skogliga Data, där en Avdelningsindelning av Skogen inte behövs. Den andra Delen av att med Inventeringens Data utveckla Metoder för att skatta Skogliga Parametrar rumsligt kontinuerligt. I den tredje Delen ska en ny Planeringsmodell utvecklas, där bland annat Metoder att bilda Åtgärdsenheter är en central del. Brattåker ägs av MoDo och var tänkt att nyindelas inom kort, men istället för att genomföra en traditionell avdelningsvis Inventering bekostade MoDo Projektets anpassade Inventering. Dessutom genomförde MoDo i egen regi en traditionell Flygbildstolkning i Stereoinstrument av Området, med Avdelningsavfattning och Subjektiv Skattning av några Avdelningsparametrar. Detta gjordes eftersom MoDo behövde en ny, traditionell Avdelningsdatabas skattad med hjälp av den Anpassade Inventeringen. Skattning av en Avdelningsdatabas ingick som ett villkor för finansieringen och skall därför genomföras inom Projektet. En Avdelningsdatabas behövs dessutom för flera andra Forskningsprojekt på SLU, bland annat i ett Projekt som studerar effekter av Fragmentering av Skogen. Inventeringen av Brattåker genomfördes Sommaren 1996 och följdes av Rättning och en första sammanställning av Data. I denna Rapport sammanfattas Arbetet som följde därefter. En Databas med direkta Inventeringsdata och Skattade Parametrar på Ytnivå sammanställdes och användes tillsammans med Flygbildstolkningen för att Skatta en Avdelningsdatabas. För att kunna använda Inventeringens data, som inte är kopplat till Avdelningsgränser, till att Skatta Avdelningsparametrar användes Metoder som producerar rumsligt kontinuerliga Skattningar. Tre sådana Metoder provades; Ordinary Kriging, Neurala Nätverk med olika Indata, och en kombination av de båda. Med dessa Skattades varje Parameter på ett Raster med 20x20m Cellstorlek. Avdelningsskattningar bildades med Medelvärdet av Cellerna inom varje Avdelning. För att kunna utvärdera Metoderna användes ytterligare ett Datamaterial från Brattåker med Omgivning i denna Studie. skillnaderna mellan Metoderna var små, men ett av de Neurala Nätverken utvaldes som den bästa Metoden och användes till att Skatta Avdelningsdatabasen. Arbetet med att Skatta en Avdelningsdatabas för Brattåker var inte enkelt eftersom det krävde en kombinering av flera Datakällor med olika Definitioner och Kvaliteter. Detta tycks märkligt vid en första anblick, men är naturligtvis ett Resultat av att varken Inventeringen eller Projektet som sådant syftar till att använda Avdelningsbegreppet Skattningen av Avdelningsdatabasen är inte ett direkt led i Projektets Metodutveckling utan är mer en Leverans till MoDo Skog AB.}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8820/}, year = {1998}, type = {Generic} } @inproceedings{RN1338, author = {Wallerman, Jörgen and Axensten, Peder and Egberth, Mikael and Janzén, Jonas and Sandström, Emma and Fransson, Johan ES and Nilsson, Mats}, title = {SLU Forest Map-Mapping Swedish Forests Since Year 2000}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS}, publisher = {IEEE}, pages = {6056-6059}, ISBN = {1665403691}, type = {Conference Proceedings} } @article{RN1267, author = {Wallerman, J. and Nystrom, K. and Nilsson, M. and Axensten, P. and Egberth, M. and Jonzen, J. and Sandstrom, E. and Fransson, J. E. S. and Olsson, H.}, title = {Nation-Wide Mapping of Tree Growth using Repeated Airborne Laser Scanning}, pages = {4822-4825}, ISSN = {9781728163741 (ISBN)}, DOI = {10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9323955}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85101994633&doi=10.1109%2fIGARSS39084.2020.9323955&partnerID=40&md5=3163d1e298d09e232f941e54ff62ceae}, year = {2020}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN344, author = {Wang, Liying and Gunulf, Anna and Pukkala, Timo and Rönnberg, Jonas}, title = {Simulated Heterobasidion disease development in Picea abies stands following precommercial thinning and the economic justification for control measures}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, pages = {174-185}, abstract = {The development of Heterobasidion infection following one precommercial thinning (PCT) in a Norway spruce stand was simulated in the root disease model RotStand, adjusted with a specific growth model for young trees. The effects of stand age at PCT, spore infection probability on PCT stumps, intensity of PCT and efficacy of control measures on disease development were simulated for different management alternatives and the percentage of decayed stems at final felling was compared. Economic outcomes during a rotation were calculated in the decision support system, Heureka. Stand age and the probability of spore infection at PCT did not significantly influence decay frequency at final felling. The percentage of decayed stems at final felling increased with increasing PCT intensity. PCT at stand age of 20 years with stump treatment reduced disease impact, and summer PCT with stump treatment resulted in higher economic outcome compared to PCT without stump treatment during summer or winter. Infection of PCT stumps can negatively impact timber production. If economic gain from stump treatment during PCT is sought, new cost efficient application techniques should be developed. Because results and conclusions are based on simulated disease development and treatment, more field research is needed to validate some findings.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827581.2014.978887}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2014.978887}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1271, author = {Wang, X. M. and Stenstrom, E. and Boberg, J. and Ols, C. and Drobyshev, I.}, title = {Outbreaks of Gremmeniella abietina cause considerable decline in stem growth of surviving Scots pine trees}, journal = {Dendrochronologia}, volume = {44}, pages = {39-47}, ISSN = {1125-7865}, DOI = {10.1016/j.dendro.2017.03.006}, url = {://WOS:000415944500006}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN346, author = {Weibull, Henrik}, title = {Mosskompendium för Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS) 2004}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {139}, abstract = {Mossor varierar förhållandevis mycket i utseende, dels beroende på om de är torra eller fuktiga, och dels beroende på om de har växt skuggigt eller exponerat. Dessutom kan nyetablerade skott vara mycket otypiska och svåra att artbestämma. Därför kan man oftast inte lära sig en mossa ba- ra genom att titta på ett foto av den men ju fler gånger man ser arten (både bilder och ”live”) desto mer förstår man varje arts va- riation i utseende. Därför är fotofloran ”Mossor – en fälthandbok” ( Hallingbäck & Holmåsen) ett bra komplement till denna fält manual . I rubriken med art namnet anger siffrorna inom parentes sidnumret för arten i den fotofloran.}, keywords = {bryophyta, flora, nomenclature, species, sweden}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-406}, year = {2005}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1287, author = {Wernick, I. K. and Ciais, P. and Fridman, J. and Hogberg, P. and Korhonen, K. T. and Nordin, A. and Kauppi, P. E.}, title = {Quantifying forest change in the European Union}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {592}, number = {7856}, pages = {E13-E14}, keywords = {Science & Technology - Other Topics}, ISSN = {0028-0836}, DOI = {10.1038/s41586-021-03293-w}, url = {://WOS:000645368900027}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN347, author = {Westerlund, B.}, title = {Skogsdata 95. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen}, publisher = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, series = {Skogsdata, 1995}, note = {Övervägande tabeller. 49 ref.}, keywords = {5041 vegetation natural resources land resources nonrenewable resources forest management surveys forestry operations scandinavia western europe europe pinus pinaceae picea betulaceae biological development tree form plant habit forests forest resources forest land forest inventories forest surveys logging forestation site factors sweden pinus sylvestris picea abies betula forest trees growth yields forest pathology crown}, pages = {86 s.}, year = {1997}, type = {Book} } @techreport{RN348, author = {Westerlund, Bertil}, title = {Skogsdata 96. Aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från riksskogstaxeringen [tillväxt, virkesförråd, avverkning, tall, gran, björk, lövträd, inkl. skogsskador, kronutglesning]}, institution = {SLU, Inst. f. skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik}, year = {1997}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN349, author = {Westerlund, Bertil}, title = {Skogsdata 97: aktuella uppgifter om de svenska skogarna från Riksskogstaxeringen}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik, SLU}, number = {0280-0543 (hela verket)}, year = {1998}, type = {Report} } @article{RN350, author = {Widenfalk, Olof and Weslien, Jan}, title = {Plant species richness in managed boreal forests—Effects of stand succession and thinning}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {257}, number = {5}, pages = {1386-1394}, abstract = {Disturbance is a key factor affecting plant species richness and it has been hypothesized that species richness reaches a peak some time after disturbance occurs. Managed boreal forests are characterized by large scale disturbance in the form of clear-cuttings, which partly resembles natural disturbance regimes. The young stands however, which may be important to many plants, are often homogenous and dense compared to naturally regenerated stands. We examined previously unstudied effects of disturbance, succession and management practices on plant species richness in boreal forests. Survey data covering the northern and central parts of Sweden (4465 plots) were used to compare species richness and composition in four stand maturity classes—“cutting”, “young”, “pre-mature” and “mature”, and two fertility classes—“rich” and “poor”. In addition, the effect of thinning was examined in young and pre-mature forests. In both pine and spruce forests species richness was higher in the “cutting” and “young” classes than in the “pre-mature” and “mature” classes. In pine forests, the difference in species richness between young and mature forests was greater in “rich” than in “poor” fertility classes. Spruce forests grow on somewhat richer sites than pine forests, but there was no significant effect of site fertility within these stands. A few Ericaceous species were dominant, although this trend is slightly relaxed in favor of pioneer species in the “cutting” and “young” classes, which results in higher species richness. Plant communities were also affected by thinning. Stands thinned in the “young” maturity class exhibited higher species richness in both the “young” and “pre-mature” classes than did unthinned stands. Thinning in the “pre-mature” class had no effect on species richness. We conclude that a peak in plant species richness was recorded in early forest succession stages, especially in fertile sites. Moreover, early pre-commercial thinning seems to promote and sustain this diversity. Hence, young stands and their management may play a central role in the preservation of plant diversity in boreal production forests. We suggest that thinning practices could be developed to support plant diversity, for example the creation of larger gaps in lush young forests.}, keywords = {Disturbance Succession Biodiversity Plant communities Thinning Boreal forests}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2008.12.010}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2008.12.010}, year = {2009}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN351, author = {Widman, Ulrika}, title = {Shared responsibility for forest protection?}, journal = {Forest Policy and Economics}, volume = {50}, pages = {220-227}, ISSN = {1389-9341}, DOI = {10.1016/j.forpol.2014.10.003}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2014.10.003}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN352, author = {Wijk, Sture}, title = {Skogsskador i Sverige 1990 : resultat av skogsskadebevakning från riksskogstaxeringen och skogsvårdsorganisationens observationsytor}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen (Jönköping : SJV offset), Rapport nr 4}, number = {ISSN 1100-0295}, year = {1991}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN353, author = {Wijk, Sture}, title = {Skogsskador i Sverige 1991 : resultat av skogsskadebevakning från riksskogstaxeringen och skogsvårdsorganisationens observationsytor}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen (Jönköping : SJV offset), Rapport nr 2}, number = {ISSN 1100-0295}, year = {1992}, type = {Report} } @book{RN354, author = {Wijk, Sture}, title = {Skogsskador i Sverige 1993 : resultat av skogsskadebevakningen från riksskogstaxeringen och skogsvårdsorganisationens observationsytor}, publisher = {Jönköping : Skogsstyr.}, address = {Jönköping}, year = {1994}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN355, author = {Wijk, S. and Berghaell, S. and Wulff, S. and Soederberg, U.}, title = {Skogsskador i Sverige 1992. Resultat av skogsskadebevakningen fraan riksskogstaxeringen och skogsvaardsorganisationens observationsytor}, note = {16 ref. Summaries (En, Sv). AVAILABILITY: Ultunabiblioteket, POB 7071, S-750 07 Uppsala - Sweden}, keywords = {Suecia Sweden Forest Inventories Suede Forest Trees Enquete Forestiere Inventarios Forestales Pinus Sylvestris Pathologie Forestiere Defoliation Defoliacion Patologia Forestal Arbre Forestier Betula Forest Pathology Forest Surveys Inventaire Forestier Arboles Forestales Encuestas Forestales Picea Abies}, year = {1993}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN356, author = {Wijk, Sture and Sören, Berghäll and Sören, Wulff}, title = {Skogsskador i Sverige 1994 : resultat av skogsskadebevakningen från riksskogstaxeringen och skogsvårdsorganisationens observationsytor}, institution = {Skogsstyrelsen (Jönköping : SJV offset), Rapport nr 6}, number = {ISSN 1100-0295}, year = {1994}, type = {Report} } @phdthesis{RN357, author = {Wikberg, Per-Erik}, title = {Occurence, morphology and growth of understory saplings in Swedish forests}, university = {SLU, Dep. of Forest management}, abstract = {Growing demands for a multipurpose forestry leads to increased use of silvicultural systems that avoid clear-cutting. Regeneration in such systems is based on establishment and ingrowth of new seedlings under a more or less closed canopy. At long-term forestry planning reliable ingrowth models are needed to predict the future wood production. The objectives of this thesis were to review the field of ingrowth in established stands, to develop a model for prediction of ingrowth for the planning system Heureka and to deepen the insight in the ingrowth process by a case study. The ingrowth model consisted of four parts, describing: Probability for occurrence of saplings (1-39 mm diameter at breast height (DBH)) on plots with r = 5 m. Number of saplings on stocked plots (plots with saplings of target species). Probability for ingrowth of a sapling over 39 mm DBH during a 5-year period. Diameter of ingrown trees at the end of the 5-year period. The model was based on data from permanent plots at the National Forest Inventory. Separate functions were developed for seven species and species groups. Picea abies saplings had the widest distribution and occurred on 58 % of 12 469 representative plots in established forests. Betula spp. saplings occurred on 50 % of the plots, while the occurrence of saplings of other species was less than 20 %. Sapling density on stocked plots was highest for Betula spp, in average 10 per plot. Average ingrowth rate was 14.6 stems per ha and year, and P. abies made up more than half of this. The ingrowth varied according to the different functions with age, density and species composition of the stand and the moisture and fertility of the site. Growth and morphology of young conifers was examined in a species experiment on a clearcut and in shelterwoods of three different densities (41 – 124 stems per hectare). The largest intra-specific differences between clearcut and shelterwood were found for Pinus spp, while moderate differences were found for Picea spp. For Pinus spp, stem height and diameter decreased, while the stem slenderness increased with increasing shelterwood density. Moreover, the number of branches per whorl and the crown ratio decreased with increasing shelterwood density. The proportion of biomass in roots, stem, branches and needles was analysed as a function of estimated irradiance transmission for each individual. The proportion of stem decreased and the proportion of branches increased with increasing irradiance for Pinus spp. No significant trends were found for Picea spp.}, keywords = {understory sapling, advance growth, recruitment, ingrowth, model, logistic regression, biomass allocation, growth, morphology, irradiance}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-295}, year = {2004}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN358, author = {Wikberg, Per-Erik}, title = {Harmonisering av skattningar av koldioxidutsläpp mellan kolpoolerna skogsprodukter och levande trädbiomassa inom ramen för Klimatkonventionen och Kyotoprotokollet}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {465}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-3911}, year = {2016}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1410, author = {Wikberg, Per-Erik}, title = {Skogsdata 2016}, journal = {Skogsdata}, number = {2016}, ISSN = {0280-0543}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1416, author = {Wikberg, Per-Erik}, title = {Skogsdata 2016}, journal = {Skogsdata}, number = {2016}, ISSN = {0280-0543}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1433, author = {Wikberg, Per-Erik}, title = {Skogsdata 2016}, journal = {Skogsdata}, number = {2016}, ISSN = {0280-0543}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN359, author = {Wiksten, Åke}, title = {Beskrivning och analys av några fasta gallringsförsök i mellersta Norrland}, number = {49:6}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/10034/}, year = {1960}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN360, author = {Wilhelmsson, E.}, title = {Modell och verklighet vid regionala avverkningsberäkningar - Några restriktioners inverkan på virkesproduktionen vid beräkningar med HUGIN-systemet}, journal = {Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogstaxering, 48}, year = {1989}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN361, author = {Wilhelmsson, Erik}, title = {Forest use and its economic value for inhabitants of Skröven and Hakkas in Norrbotten}, number = {91}, abstract = {This report covers elaboration and demonstration of a method to quantify and evaluate the many uses of the forest for people living in a sparsely populated area in the north of Sweden. The uses are grouped into the forest or forestry as a source of income, value as environment for leisure time, value as residential environment, and finally other values. Ten households in Skroven and Hakkas in Norrbotten are interviewed. The interviewees describe their use and the amounts and frequencies, rank the four uses, and put a relative value in per cent on each use. The annual mean total value is 121 000 SEK. The various mean incomes are less then half (45%) of the value derived from all uses of the forest. Comparing the three uses that constitute the other half, all are of approximately equal value. The incomes concerned are from employment in forestry, from reindeer herding, from the sale of timber from a forest holding or from the increase in value of the holding, or from firewood. Key words: forest use, value, interview, income, residential environment, leisure time}, url = {http://pub.epsilon.slu.se/8885/}, year = {2002}, type = {Generic} } @techreport{RN362, author = {Wilhelmsson, Erik}, title = {Enskilda skogsägarnas målformulering}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {305}, type = {Technical Report}, keywords = {målformulering, enskilda skogsägare, NIPF, nyttor}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-544}, year = {2011}, type = {Report} } @article{RN363, author = {Winter, Susanne and Böck, Andreas and McRoberts, Ronald E.}, title = {Uncertainty of Large-Area Estimates of Indicators of Forest Structural Gamma Diversity: A Study Based on National Forest Inventory Data}, journal = {Forest Science}, volume = {58}, number = {3}, pages = {284-293}, abstract = {Tree diameter and height are commonly measured forest structural variables, and indicators based on them are candidates for assessing forest diversity. We conducted our study on the uncertainty of estimates for mostly large geographic scales for four indicators of forest structural gamma diversity: mean tree diameter, mean tree height, and standard deviations of tree diameter and tree height. We had three objectives: to estimate the number of national forest inventory (NFI) plots whose data must be aggregated to obtain precise estimates of the indicators of gamma forest structural diversity; to assess differences in structural associations with respect to different forest categories; and to assess the effects of geographic distance on estimates of indicators of forest structural diversity. Uncertainty assessments were conducted using a bootstrap resampling approach and a geospatial approach to assess the effects of geographic distances. Our study relied on a database populated with NFI plot data (12,536 plots and 256,513 trees) from 13 European countries and three ecoprovinces of the United States. The results were threefold. First, data from approximately 150 NFI plots randomly selected from a large database are generally sufficient to estimate standard deviations (SDs) of diameter and height as indicators of structural forest diversity at large scales with acceptable precision. Second, the uncertainties of the estimates were generally greater for forest categories in Europe than in the United States with the exception of Douglas fir forests in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Third, diameter and height gamma diversities expressed by the means and SDs of distributions of tree diameter and tree height were more similar for geographic areas separated by smaller distances.}, keywords = {international reporting on biodiversity national forest inventory spatial autocorrelation tree diameter and height}, ISSN = {0015-749X}, DOI = {10.5849/forsci.10-076}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5849/forsci.10-076}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN364, author = {Wiström, Björn and Busse Nielsen, Anders}, title = {Forest Edge Regrowth Typologies in Southern Sweden—Relationship to Environmental Characteristics and Implications for Management}, journal = {Environmental Management}, volume = {60}, pages = {69-85}, abstract = {After two major storms, the Swedish Transport Administration was granted permission in 2008 to expand the railroad corridor from 10 to 20 m from the rail banks, and to clear the forest edges in the expanded area. In order to evaluate the possibilities for managers to promote and control the species composition of the woody regrowth so that a forest edge with a graded profile develops over time, this study mapped the woody regrowth and environmental variables at 78 random sites along the 610-km railroad between Stockholm and Malmö four growing seasons after the clearing was implemented. Through different clustering approaches, dominant tree species to be controlled and future building block species for management were identified. Using multivariate regression trees, the most decisive environmental variables were identified and used to develop a regrowth typology and to calculate species indicator values. Five regrowth types and ten indicator species were identified along the environmental gradients of soil moisture, soil fertility, and altitude. Six tree species dominated the regrowth across the regrowth types, but clustering showed that if these were controlled by selective thinning, lower tree and shrub species were generally present so they could form the “building blocks” for development of a graded edge. We concluded that selective thinning targeted at controlling a few dominant tree species, here named Functional Species Control, is a simple and easily implemented management concept to promote a wide range of suitable species, because it does not require field staff with specialist taxonomic knowledge.}, ISSN = {1432-1009}, DOI = {10.1007/s00267-017-0851-2}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-017-0851-2}, year = {2017}, type = {Journal Article} } @misc{RN365, author = {Woxblom, Lotta}, title = {Ädellöv: tillgångar och förädling}, publisher = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, number = {2007:4}, abstract = {• Med ädla lövträd avses de inhemska trädslagen alm, ask, avenbok, bok, ek, fågelbär, lind och lönn (Skogsvårdslagen 1993:553, 22§). • Intresset för lövskogsbruk ökar – lövskogen är en råvaruresurs, ett ekosystem med rik biologisk mångfald och en värdefull miljö för rekreation. • Kunskap om de ädla lövträslagens egenskaper och användningsområden behövs för att kunna upptäcka materialets möjligheter och utveckla nya produkter. • Potential finns i den svenska skogen – med en intensivare och mer målinriktad skötsel av lövskogen skulle man kunna utnyttja svenskt lövvirke i högre utsträckning och därmed öka lönsamheten inom lövskogsbruket.}, keywords = {ädellövskog, lövvirke, virkestillgångar, industriell förbrukning, träprodukter}, ISBN = {1400-7789}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-2-42}, year = {2007}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN366, author = {Wulder, Michael A. and White, Joanne C. and Bater, Christopher W. and Coops, Nicholas C. and Hopkinson, Chris and Chen, Gang}, title = {Lidar plots — a new large-area data collection option: context, concepts, and case study}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing}, volume = {38}, number = {5}, pages = {600-618}, abstract = {Forests are an important global resource, playing key roles in both the environment and the economy. The implementation of quality national monitoring programs is required for the generation of robust national statistics, which in turn support global reporting. Conventional monitoring initiatives based on samples of field plots have proven robust but are difficult and costly to implement and maintain, especially for large jurisdictions or where access is difficult. To address this problem, air photo- and satellite-based large area mapping and monitoring programs have been developed however, these programs also require ground measurements for calibration and validation. To mitigate this need for ground plot data we propose the collection and integration of light detection and ranging (lidar) based plot data. Lidar enables accurate measures of vertical forest structure, including canopy height, volume, and biomass. Rather than acquiring wall-to-wall lidar coverage, we propose the acquisition of a sample of scanned lidar transects to estimate conditions over large areas. Given an appropriate sampling framework, statistics can be generated from the lidar plots extracted from the transects. In other instances, the lidar plots may be treated similar to ground plots, providing locally relevant information that can be used independently or integrated with other data sources, including optical remotely sensed data. In this study we introduce the concept of “lidar plots” to support forest inventory and scientific applications, particularly for large areas. Many elements must be considered when planning a transect-based lidar survey, including survey design, flight and sensor parameters, acquisition considerations, mass data processing, and database development. We present a case study describing the acquisition of over 25 000 km of lidar data in Canada's boreal forests in the summer of 2010. The survey, which included areas of managed and unmanaged forests, resulted in the production of more than 17 million 25 × 25 m lidar plots with first returns greater than 2 m in height. We conclude with insights gained from the case study and recommendations for future surveys.}, ISSN = {0703-8992}, DOI = {10.5589/m12-049}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5589/m12-049}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @book{RN367, author = {Wulff, S.}, title = {Skogsskador. Extra observationer vid riksskogstaxeringen år 1990}, publisher = {Sveriges Lantbruksuniv.}, address = {Umeå :}, note = {kronutglesning, barrförluster}, keywords = {5021 5020 picea pinaceae pinus forest management surveys scandinavia western europe europe picea abies pinus sylvestris forest inventories forest surveys forest pathology sweden diagnosis forest trees}, pages = {20 s.}, year = {1990}, type = {Book} } @misc{RN368, author = {Wulff, S.}, title = {The special forest damage inventory by the Swedish National Forest Inventory}, publisher = {Umeaa (Sweden)}, note = {4 ref.}, keywords = {Forests Forest Trees Picea Abies Pinus Sylvestris Betula Forest Inventories Forest Surveys Forest Pathology Sweden Foret Arbre Forestier Inventaire Forestier Enquete Forestiere Pathologie Forestiere Suede Bosques Arboles Forestales Inventarios Forestales Encuestas Forestales Patologia Forestal Suecia}, ISBN = {1401-0070}, year = {1996}, type = {Generic} } @article{RN369, author = {Wulff, S.}, title = {The accuracy of forest damage assessments - experiences from Sweden}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {74}, number = {3}, pages = {295-309}, ISSN = {0167-6369}, url = {://CABI:20023040263}, year = {2002}, type = {Journal Article} } @inbook{RN370, author = {Wulff, S.}, title = {Nonsampling Errors in Ocular Assessments?ÄîSwedish Experiences of Observer Influences on Forest Damage Assessments}, booktitle = {Environmental Monitoring}, publisher = {CRC Press}, pages = {337-346}, note = {doi:10.1201/9780203495476.ch13}, ISBN = {978-1-56670-641-4}, DOI = {doi:10.1201/9780203495476.ch13 10.1201/9780203495476.ch13}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9780203495476.ch13}, year = {2004}, type = {Book Section} } @phdthesis{RN371, author = {Wulff, Sören}, title = {Monitoring forest damage: methods and development in Sweden}, university = {Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet}, abstract = {The aims of the work this thesis is based upon were to assess past and current methods of monitoring forest damage in Sweden and to propose key components of a new monitoring system that would be better adapted to the information requirements. A utilitarian perspective is adopted in the thesis, thus forest damage is defined as anything that reduces the vitality of trees in a forest or their economic value. Similarly, the term forest condition is used to describe the extent to which damage has reduced the vitality of trees, as assessed (largely) through crown defoliation. Evaluation of the accuracy of large-scale monitoring of forest condition showed significant differences between observer teams, although on average their assessments did not significantly differ from a national standard. The results indicate that the long-term development of forest condition is the most important information that can be obtained from these kinds of inventories. Short-term fluctuations are difficult to interpret, since they may be due to extreme weather events or assessment variability. Large-scale monitoring, such as that performed in national forest inventories, has good potential for estimating geographical distributions, areas, and causes of extensive damage outbreaks. In major outbreaks even gradual changes of damage levels can be estimated with relatively high precision. However, large-scale monitoring also has limitations. To meet current information needs, assessments of forest damage must be timely and be made at several spatial scales. Thus, in addition to broad monitoring programmes that provide time-series information on specific type of damage and their causes, there is a need for local and regional inventories adapted to specific damage events. In this way data can be obtained to support not only general strategic decisions but also specific regional and local mitigation programmes which are likely to become increasingly important following anticipated climate changes. To meet the information needs a new Swedish forest health assessment system is proposed that includes several interacting components targeting the information requirements for strategic and operational decision-making, and accommodates a mechanism for continuously expanding the knowledge base.}, keywords = {Forest condition, defoliation, visual perception, national forest inventories, accuracy, precision, tree disease, long-term monitoring, target-tailored inventories}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-270}, year = {2011}, type = {Thesis} } @techreport{RN372, author = {Wulff, Sören}, title = {Nationell riktad skadeinventering (NRS) 2013}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {406}, abstract = {Ett särskilt stort intresse för skador på skog blommade upp under den intensiva debatten på 1980 – 1990-talen om försurningens påverkan på skogen samt då flera betydande direkta skador drabbade skogen under 2000-talet. Omfattande skador kommer sannolikt att fortsätta uppträda, inte minst som följd av förutspådda klimatförändringar. Förändringar som kan leda till att nya typer av skador eller ökning av tidigare kända skador. Det är därför angeläget att långsiktigt övervaka skador på skog och skogens hälsotillstånd. Riksskogstaxeringen (RT) har under lång tid genom objektiva inventeringar samlat in data rörande skador. Data från RT´s skogsskadeövervakning ingår i det europeiska samarbetsprojektet ICP Forests1 och i annan skoglig avrapportering såsom till Forest Europe2. Även om RT genomför en kontinuerlig uppföljning av de viktigaste skadesymptomen saknas ofta möjligheten att på lämpligt sätt följa upp tillfälliga regionala skadeutbrott. Detta har sin grund i inventeringens design såsom stickprovets storlek och en lång fältsäsong. En inventering utförd inom lämplig tid och inom ett begränsat område förbättrar avsevärt möjligheterna att presentera avnämarvänlig information kring aktuella skadegörare. För att effektivisera övervakningen av skogsskador har skräddarsydda inventeringar riktade mot enskilda skadegörares utbrott introduceras. Dessa nationella riktade skadeinventeringar (NRS) utförs i samråd mellan SLU, skogsstyrelsen och skogsnäringen. Idén med NRS bygger på att med kort varsel och begränsade personalinsatser (en till två extra arbetslag för 1 – 3 månaders fältarbete) inventera i ett koncentrerat stickprov. Inventeringen skall ge ett dataunderlag för att med tillräcklig precision kunna redovisa resultat för regionala skadeutbrott. De första resultaten skall kunna presenteras kort efter avslutad inventering. Därefter utförs en grundligare utvärdering av resultaten och om man bedömer att ett inventeringsbehov kvarstår, så kan ytterligare inventeringsinsatser sättas in. Mer information om och från NRS finns att hämta på projektets hemsida: http://www.slu.se/skogsskadeovervakningen.}, keywords = {NRS, skogsskadeövervakning, skogsskador, törskateangrepp, Norrbotten, södra Västerbotten, barkborreangrepp, Västernorrlands län, äldre granskog, tallungskog}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-1741}, year = {2013}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN373, author = {Wulff, Sören}, title = {Nationell riktad skadeinventering (NRS) 2014}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {432}, abstract = {Flera extensiva skador har under de senaste decennierna drabbat skogen med stora ekonomiska förluster som följd. Omfattande skador kommer sannolikt att fortsätta uppträda, inte minst som följd av förutspådda klimatförändringar. Förändringar som kan leda till att nya typer av skador dyker upp eller en ökning av tidigare kända skador. Det är därför angeläget att långsiktigt övervaka skador på skog och skogens hälsotillstånd. Riksskogstaxeringen (RT) har under lång tid genom objektiva inventeringar samlat in data rörande skador. Data från RT´s skogsskadeövervakning ingår i Sveriges officiella statistik samt i det europeiska samarbetsprojektet ICP Forests1 och i annan skoglig avrapportering såsom till Forest Europe2. Även om RT genomför en kontinuerlig uppföljning av de viktigaste skadesymptomen saknas ofta möjligheten att på lämpligt sätt följa upp tillfälliga regionala skadeutbrott. Detta har sin grund i inventeringens design såsom stickprovets storlek och en lång fältsäsong. En inventering utförd inom lämplig tid och koncentrerat till ett begränsat område förbättrar avsevärt möjligheterna att presentera avnämarvänlig information kring aktuella skadegörare. För att effektivisera övervakningen av skogsskador har skräddarsydda inventeringar riktade mot enskilda skadegörares utbrott introduceras. Dessa nationella riktade skadeinventeringar (NRS) utförs i samråd mellan SLU, skogsstyrelsen och skogsnäringen. Idén med NRS bygger på att med kort varsel och begränsade personalinsatser (en till två extra arbetslag för 1 – 3 månaders fältarbete) inventera i ett koncentrerat stickprov. Inventeringen skall ge ett dataunderlag för att med tillräcklig precision kunna redovisa resultat för regionala skadeutbrott. De första resultaten skall presenteras kort efter avslutad inventering. Därefter utförs en grundligare utvärdering av resultaten och en bedömning om eventuella inventeringsbehov kvarstår, vilket kan motivera ytterligare inventeringsinsatser. Mer information om och från NRS finns att hämta på projektets hemsida: http://www.slu.se/skogsskadeovervakningen}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2297}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN374, author = {Wulff, Sören}, title = {Nationell riktad skogsskadeinventering (NRS) 2015}, institution = {Institutionen för för skoglig resurshuhållning}, number = {447}, abstract = {Flera extensiva skador har under de senaste decennierna drabbat skogen med stora ekonomiska förluster som följd. Omfattande skador kommer sannolikt att fortsätta uppträda, inte minst som följd av förutspådda klimatförändringar. Förändringar som kan leda till att nya typer av skador dyker upp eller en ökning av tidigare kända skador. Det är därför angeläget att långsiktigt övervaka skador på skog och skogens hälsotillstånd. Riksskogstaxeringen (RT) har under lång tid genom objektiva inventeringar samlat in data rörande skador. Data från RT´s skogsskadeövervakning ingår i Sveriges officiella statistik samt i det europeiska samarbetsprojektet ICP Forests1 och i annan skoglig avrapportering såsom till Forest Europe2. Även om RT genomför en kontinuerlig uppföljning av de viktigaste skadesymptomen saknas ofta möjligheten att på lämpligt sätt följa upp tillfälliga regionala skadeutbrott. Detta har sin grund i inventeringens design såsom stickprovets storlek och en lång fältsäsong. En inventering utförd inom lämplig tid och koncentrerat till ett begränsat område förbättrar avsevärt möjligheterna att presentera avnämarvänlig information kring aktuella skadegörare. För att effektivisera övervakningen av skogsskador har skräddarsydda inventeringar riktade mot enskilda skadegörares utbrott introduceras. Dessa nationella riktade skadeinventeringar (NRS) utförs i samråd mellan SLU, skogsstyrelsen och skogsnäringen. Idén med NRS bygger på att med kort varsel och under en begränsad tid inventera i ett koncentrerat stickprov. Inventeringen skall ge ett dataunderlag för att med tillräcklig precision kunna redovisa resultat för regionala skadeutbrott. De första resultaten skall presenteras kort efter avslutad inventering. Därefter utförs en grundligare utvärdering av resultaten och en bedömning om eventuella inventeringsbehov kvarstår, vilket kan motivera ytterligare inventeringsinsatser. Mer information om och från NRS finns att hämta på projektets hemsida: http://www.slu.se/skogsskadeovervakningen.NRS skall kunna leverera underlag om en skadas status och omfattning, så att man kan fatta specifika operativa beslut. Därför kan inriktningen av inventeringen variera beroende på vilka skador som för tillfället är mest relevanta och för vilka det finns uttalade behov av information. Inventeringen skall vara åtgärdsorienterad och snabbt kunna leverera resultat. Under 2015 genomfördes en uppföljande inventering av vindfällen och barkborreangrepp i äldre granskog i Västernorrlands län och östra Jämtlands län. Tidigare inventeringar inom området genomfördes 2011, 2012, 2013 och 2014.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-3186}, year = {2015}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN375, author = {Wulff, Sören and Hansson, Per}, title = {Nationell riktad skadeinventering (NRS) 2012}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {386}, abstract = {Allmänt om NRS Intresset kring skador på skog har en lång historia i Sverige. Intresset har också ökat sedan den intensiva debatten under 1980 – 1990 talet om skogens påverkan av försurning och de under senare år omfattande utbrotten av skador på skog. Stora skadeutbrott kommer sannolikt att fortsätta att uppträda, inte minst till följd av förutspådda klimatförändringar. Förändringar som kan leda till utbrott av nya typer eller förstärkta effekter av tidigare kända skador. En långsiktig övervakning av skador och skogens hälsotillstånd är därför viktig. Riksskogtaxeringen (RT) har under lång tid samlat in data rörande skador genom objektiva inventeringar. Data från RT´s skogsskadeövervakning ingår i det europeiska samarbetsprojektet ICP Forests1 och i annan skoglig avrapportering såsom till Forest Europe2. Ett skadeutbrott har ofta en regional och trädslagsspecifik förekomst. Även om det i RT sker en kontinuerlig uppföljning av de viktigaste skadesymptomen saknas ofta möjligheten att på ett lämpligt sätt följa upp de regionala skadeutbrotten. Anledningen till det beror av inventeringens design såsom stickprovets storlek och en lång fältsäsong. En inventering utförd inom aktuell lämplig tidpunkt och inom ett begränsat område förbättrar avsevärt möjligheterna att presentera avnämarvänlig information kring aktuella skadegörare. För att effektivisera övervakningen av skogsskador har skräddarsydda inventeringar riktade mot enskilda skadegörares utbrott introducerats. Dessa nationella riktade skadeinventeringar (NRS) utförs i samråd mellan SLU, Skogstyrelsen och skogsnäringen. Idén med NRS bygger på att med ett koncentrerat stickprov och en begränsad personalinsats (en till två extra arbetslag för 2 – 3 månaders fältarbete) ge ett tillräckligt dataunderlag som förbättrar möjligheterna jämte kvaliteten på redovisade resultat över regionala skadeutbrott. I konceptet ingår även att de första resultaten från inventeringen skall kunna presenteras i omedelbar anslutning till avslutad inventering. Därefter utförs en grundligare statistisk utvärdering av inventeringsresultatet, även avseende huruvida ytterligare inventeringsbehov kvarstår. Inventeringsmål kan beslutas strax innan fältsäsong. Bakgrundsinformation för detta beslut tas in löpande. Det kan t ex komma från den ordinarie RT, den web-baserade skadedatabasen SkogsSkada, Skogsstyrelsen, forskare, skadeexperter och andra skogliga intressenter. Mer information och resultat från NRS och finns att hämta på projektets hemsida: http://www.slu.se/skogsskadeovervakningen.}, keywords = {forest pests, forest surveys, forest protection, sweden}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-954}, year = {2013}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1275, author = {Wulff, S. and Hansson, P. and Witzell, J.}, title = {The applicability of national forest inventories for estimating forest damage outbreaks - Experiences from a Gremmeniella outbreak in Sweden}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {36}, number = {10}, pages = {2605-2613}, ISSN = {00455067 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1139/X06-148}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-33845474861&doi=10.1139%2fX06-148&partnerID=40&md5=5033f7e96c873c3d8e2246388477df83}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN376, author = {Wulff, Sören and Hansson, Per and Witzell, Jesper}, title = {The applicability of national forest inventories for estimating forest damage outbreaks Experiences from a Gremmeniella outbreak in Sweden}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {36}, number = {10}, pages = {2605-2613}, abstract = {The design of the Swedish National Forest Inventory as well as the National Forest Damage Inventory is a sparse sample of systematically allocated plots. In this study data were combined from these two independent inventories to estimate geographical distribution, area extension, and disease development of a Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet epidemic. For the combined data the standard error for estimated total area of affected Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) and lodgepole pine ( Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) forests was about 11%. Assessments of the proportion of pine trees with fresh shoot blight infection shows that changes larger than 1% are significantly ( p < 0.05) estimated. By testing in pairwise cross inventory, it was shown that the accuracy of the assessment of total shoot blight symptoms was fairly good in 20012002, with a statistic of 0.590.61. Severely damaged trees were identified with an agreement of =0.81. The total area of pine forest both slightly and severely affected by G. abietina during 20012003 was estimated to be 484000 ha. Three geographically separate damage centres were distinguished. Thus, despite a relatively sparse sample plot density, the national forest inventories have good potential for estimating the geographical distribution, areal extent, and dispersal of extensive damage outbreak. Results are dependent on the inventories being carried out with an accurate identification of target objects.}, ISSN = {0045-5067}, DOI = {10.1139/x06-148}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1139/x06-148}, year = {2006}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1276, author = {Wulff, S. and Lindelöw, Å and Lundin, L. and Hansson, P. and Axelsson, A. L. and Barklund, P. and Wijk, S. and Ståhl, G.}, title = {Adapting forest health assessments to changing perspectives on threats - A case example from Sweden}, journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment}, volume = {184}, number = {4}, pages = {2453-2464}, ISSN = {01676369 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s10661-011-2130-7}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84862864335&doi=10.1007%2fs10661-011-2130-7&partnerID=40&md5=a3ce6899080ee95401c398a051e7e469}, year = {2012}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN377, author = {Wulff, Sören and Roberge, Cornelia and Ringvall, Anna Hedström and Holm, Sören and Ståhl, Göran}, title = {On the possibility to monitor and assess forest damage within large scale monitoring programmes - a simulation study}, journal = {Silva Fennica}, volume = {47}, number = {3}, pages = {18}, abstract = {There is a growing demand for information on forest health due to fears that climate change may cause new kinds of damage that have not previously been encountered. In many cases, forest damage monitoring is conducted exclusively within sparse large-scale grids of sample plots and it is doubtful whether these are capable of providing relevant information to support mitigation programmes or other actions required to reduce economic losses due to damage outbreaks. In this study, we used simulated sampling to assess the precision of estimators related to forest state and changes in the damage sustained by trees within an area corresponding to the Swedish region Götaland, assuming a sampling design corresponding to that used in the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) under different damage scenarios. Large and uniformly distributed damage outbreaks were well captured by an NFI-type inventory, but scattered damage outbreaks produced estimates with poor precision. As a consequence, we propose that there might be a need to revise current forest damage monitoring programmes to make them more useful for monitoring the kinds of damage that are likely to arise as a consequence of climate change.}, keywords = {environmental monitoring and assessment forest health forest condition forest inventory}, ISSN = {0037-5330}, DOI = {10.14214/sf.1000}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.14214/sf.1000}, year = {2013}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN379, author = {Yu, Lin and Belyazid, Salim and Akselsson, Cecilia and van der Heijden, Gregory and Zanchi, Giuliana}, title = {Storm disturbances in a Swedish forest-A case study comparing monitoring and modelling}, journal = {Ecological Modelling}, volume = {320}, pages = {102-113}, abstract = {A Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) forest site in southwest Sweden was chosen to study the effects of storm disturbances over the period 1997-2009, during which two storms, 'Lothar' (December 1999) and 'Gudrun' (January 2005), affected the area. Monitored deposition data, soil water chemistry data and forest inventory data were compared with the predictions of an integrated ecosystem model, ForSAFE, in an effort to reveal and understand the effects of storms on acidification/recovery in forest soils. Both storms caused windthrow loss leading to increased nitrate and sulphate concentrations in soil water as a result of stimulated mineralization. Lothar led to increased concentrations of Na+, Mg2+, and Cl- in soil water due to sea-salt episode. No general sea-salt episode was seen following Gudrun, but small sea-salt episodes were observed in 2007 and 2008. Each sea-salt episode caused a temporary decrease of pH, and a subsequent recovery, but overall, the soil water pH decreased from 4.54 to 3.86 after Lothar. Modelling suggested that the site was recovering from acidification from 1990s, and would continue to recover in future. Both modelled and monitored data showed that storm caused disturbances in the recovery; monitored data even suggested that soil acidification happened due to storm disturbances. Sea-salt episode does not increase soil acidity in the long term, and will probably decrease the soil acidity by replenishing the base saturation. The modelled data also suggested that storms with only windthrow would not have effects on soil acidification recovery in the long term, but they may influence the soil fertility by losses of base cations. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, ISSN = {0304-3800}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.09.025}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.09.025}, year = {2016}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN380, author = {Zakrisson, Christer and Ericsson, Göran and Edenius, Lars}, title = {Effects of browsing on recruitment and mortality of European aspen (Populus tremula L.)}, journal = {Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research}, volume = {22}, number = {4}, pages = {324-332}, abstract = {High browsing pressure may reduce or halt regeneration of browsing-prone tree species. In this study, exclosures were used to quantify the effects of browsing on vital demographic parameters in European aspen (Populus tremula L.) stands. The experiment focused on stands located in managed forest landscape with densities of 0.85 moose (Alces alces L.)km?2. Other herbivores such as mountain hare (Lepus timidus L.) were present at densities common for this region and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) at low densities. Recruitment and mortality of aspen ramets were recorded before and after the growing season, and over four consecutive years. Seven to 19% of the ramets within browsing reach were browsed annually. No differences were found in recruitment or mortality attributable to browsing per se. Instead, there were large among-stand variability in vital population parameters unrelated to browsing incidence. In general, aspen stands with high ramet density showed higher recruitment rates than stands with low ramet density. There was substantial variability in self-replacement capability unrelated to ecological factors. The results suggest that more attention should be given to finding and managing stands with high capacity for suckering, as these stands may have a disproportionate impact on aspen recruitment at the landscape scale. High browsing pressure may reduce or halt regeneration of browsing-prone tree species. In this study, exclosures were used to quantify the effects of browsing on vital demographic parameters in European aspen (Populus tremula L.) stands. The experiment focused on stands located in managed forest landscape with densities of 0.85 moose (Alces alces L.)km?2. Other herbivores such as mountain hare (Lepus timidus L.) were present at densities common for this region and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) at low densities. Recruitment and mortality of aspen ramets were recorded before and after the growing season, and over four consecutive years. Seven to 19% of the ramets within browsing reach were browsed annually. No differences were found in recruitment or mortality attributable to browsing per se. Instead, there were large among-stand variability in vital population parameters unrelated to browsing incidence. In general, aspen stands with high ramet density showed higher recruitment rates than stands with low ramet density. There was substantial variability in self-replacement capability unrelated to ecological factors. The results suggest that more attention should be given to finding and managing stands with high capacity for suckering, as these stands may have a disproportionate impact on aspen recruitment at the landscape scale.}, ISSN = {0282-7581}, DOI = {10.1080/02827580701442186}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02827580701442186}, year = {2007}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN381, author = {Zellweger, Florian and Braunisch, Veronika and Morsdorf, Felix and Baltensweiler, Andri and Abegg, Meinrad and Roth, Tobias and Bugmann, Harald and Bollmann, Kurt}, title = {Disentangling the effects of climate, topography, soil and vegetation on stand-scale species richness in temperate forests}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {349}, pages = {36-44}, abstract = {The growing awareness of biodiversity by forest managers has fueled the demand for information on abiotic and biotic factors that determine spatial biodiversity patterns. Detailed and area-wide environmental data on potential predictors and site-specific habitat characteristics, however, are usually not available across large spatial extents. Recent developments in environmental data acquisition such as the advent of Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing provide opportunities to characterize site-specific habitat conditions at a high level of detail and across large areas. Here, we used a dataset of regularly distributed local-scale records Of vascular plant, bryophyte and snail (Gastropoda) species to model richness patterns in forests across an environmentally heterogeneous region in Central Europe (Switzerland). We spatially predicted species richness based on a set of area-wide environmental factors representing climate, topography, soil pH and remotely sensed vegetation structure. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between species richness and field measures of forest stand structure and composition obtained from National Forest Inventory (NFI) data to identify potential target variables for habitat management. The predictions for species richness were most accurate for snails, followed by bryophyte and vascular plants, with R-2 values ranging from 0.37 to 0.07. Besides climate, site-specific factors such as soil pH, indices of topographic position and wetness as well as canopy structure were important for predicting species richness of all three target groups. Several NFI variables were identified as potential target variables for managing snail species richness. Stands with tree species from the genera Fraxinus, Tilia, Ulmus and Acer, for example, showed a positive relationship with snail species richness, as did an increasing overstory cover or higher volumes of deadwood. However, only weak relationships were found between NFI variables and species richness of vascular plants, and none for bryophytes. Our findings support the assumption that besides climate, site-specific habitat factors are important determinants of spatial variation of species richness at the local scale. The strength and direction of the determinants vary with taxa, thus indicating a functional relationship between site conditions and the respective species community. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foreco.2015.04.008}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2015.04.008}, year = {2015}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1337, author = {Zhao, Xin}, title = {Design-based sampling methods for environmental monitoring}, ISSN = {9177607805}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1296, author = {Ågren, Anneli M and Larson, Johannes and Paul, Siddhartho Shekhar and Laudon, Hjalmar and Lidberg, William}, title = {Use of multiple LIDAR-derived digital terrain indices and machine learning for high-resolution national-scale soil moisture mapping of the Swedish forest landscape}, journal = {Geoderma}, volume = {404}, pages = {115280}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN382, author = {Ågren, Göran I. and Hyvönen, Riitta}, title = {Changes in carbon stores in Swedish forest soils due to increased biomass harvest and increased temperatures analysed with a semi-empirical model}, journal = {Forest Ecology and Management}, volume = {174}, number = {1–3}, pages = {25-37}, abstract = {We have used a combination of conventional forest yield tables and a theory for carbon cycles to analyse consequences of climatic change and changes in forest management for carbon stores in Swedish forest soils. The yield tables provide us, for different forest stands, with growth and litter production, which are then fed into a decomposition model from which time series of soil carbon development are obtained. The decomposition model is developed on the basis of the continuous-quality theory and takes into account effects of temperature and substrate quality differences. Complete removal of all needles, branches, and tops, which are normally left during harvesting operations, decreases the soil carbon store with 59 Tg after 150 years or 0.4 Tg per year, which should be compared to the annual carbon harvest of 11 Tg and the total soil carbon store of 1700 Tg. Leaving the needles, which should be done to decrease nutrient losses, changes the carbon budget almost imperceptibly. A temperature increase by 4 °C, which is predicted in climate scenarios, will increase decomposition and carbon losses from the soil with 0.9 Tg per year. Only increasing forest production would counter-balance this loss with 0.7 Tg per year, but the net loss of carbon from the forest soils is around 0.5 Tg per year when changes in both production and decomposition are taken into account. The most important factors determining the balance between gains and losses in the carbon budget is the distribution of Norway spruce and Scots pine within the country because of the interaction between management and growth.}, keywords = {Kyoto protocol Forest soil Carbon budget}, ISSN = {0378-1127}, DOI = {0.1016/S0378-1127(02)00025-7}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0378-1127(02)00025-7}, year = {2003}, type = {Journal Article} } @article{RN1278, author = {Ågren, G. I. and Hyvönen, R. and Nilsson, T.}, title = {Are Swedish forest soils sinks or sources for CO2 - Model analyses based on forest inventory data}, journal = {Biogeochemistry}, volume = {89}, number = {1}, pages = {139-149}, ISSN = {01682563 (ISSN)}, DOI = {10.1007/s10533-007-9151-x}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-46249084645&doi=10.1007%2fs10533-007-9151-x&partnerID=40&md5=5d0323820dc7db4f34d210037217c328}, year = {2008}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN383, author = {Åkesson, Hans and Westerlund, Bertil}, title = {Konstruktion, test och underhåll av simuleringsfunktioner i Riksskogstaxeringen}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {419}, abstract = {I den här arbetsrapporten beskrivs hur en revision av Riksskogstaxeringens beräkningar av volym, tillväxt och ålder för de inventerade träden kan göras. Samt en del tips och idéer som kan vara värdefulla. Viktigt är att resultatet har tillräckligt bra noggrannhet, litet systematiskt fel samt att volym, tillväxt och ålder harmoniserar. Simuleringssystemet består i huvudsak av två delar, en prediktionsdel där exempelvis klavträdets volym skattas med funktioner samt en simuleringsdel där de predikterade volymerna korrigeras mot provträden och en ”störning” adderas så att klavträdens volymer speglar alla träds volymer med avseende på väntevärde och spridning. För att resultatet ska bli bra är det av betydelse att hantverket med att ta fram prediktionsfunktionerna görs så att rätt ingående variabler väljs och hur de bör omformas samt hur funktionsindelande kategorier väljs. Det här arbetet tar minst 6 manmånader för två kompetenta personer med stor erfarenhet av Riksskogstaxeringens design, variabler, databaser samt verktyg för funktionsbyggande..}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-2661}, year = {2014}, type = {Report} } @article{RN1288, author = {Öhman, Karin and Eggers, Jeannette and Eriksson, Ola and Lämås, Tomas}, title = {Integrerad planering av virkesproduktion och naturvård}, ISSN = {1401-1204}, year = {2021}, type = {Journal Article} } @techreport{RN384, author = {Öhman, Karin and Holmström, Hampus and Nordström, Eva-Maria}, title = {Utvärdering av kontinuitetsskogsbruk för Linköpings kommunskogar}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {385}, abstract = {Kontinuitetsskogsbruk är en form av skogsbruk där man avverkar och föryngrar skogen med metoder som inte lämnar marken kal, i kontrast till trakthyggesbruk som idag är den dominerande skogsbruksmetoden i Sverige. De senaste åren har intresset för kontinuitetsskogsbruk ökat eftersom både ekologiska och sociala värden i skogslandskapet anses gynnas av att man undviker kalhyggen. I denna studie utvärderades de långsiktiga effekterna av att applicera kontinuitetsskogsbruk på landskapsnivå för Linköpings kommuns skogsinnehav. Detta gjordes genom att tre alternativa scenarier togs fram för Linköpings kommuns skogar med det skogliga planeringssystemet Heureka. Scenarierna beskrev skogens utveckling under 100 år under tre olika skötselinriktningar: (i) Trakthyggesbruk, (ii) kontinuitetsskogsbruk, och (iii) en kombination av trakthygges- och kontinuitetsskogsbruk. De tre scenarierna utvärderades sedan ur ekonomiska, ekologiska och sociala aspekter av representanter för Linköpings kommun med hjälp av flermålsanalys. Sammantaget visade analysen att scenariot med kontinuitetsskogsbruk bäst uppfyller kommunens mål med skogsbruket. Detta beror på att kommunen identifierade ekologiska och sociala värden som mycket viktiga och att kontinuitetsskogsbruk gynnar dessa värden i högre grad än trakthyggesbruk gör.}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-930}, year = {2013}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN385, author = {Öhman, Karin and Holmström, Hampus and Nordström, Eva-Maria and Sandström, Camilla}, title = {Arbetsmodell för skogliga scenarioanalyser och foderprognoser för ett älgförvaltningsområde}, institution = {Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning}, number = {347}, abstract = {Riksdagen beslutade i december 2010 att införa ett nytt älgförvaltningssystem fr.o.m. 2012. Ett av målen med förvaltningen är att skapa en älgstam av hög kvalitet som är i balans med betesresurserna. Detta innebär att, eftersom mängden foder kommer variera med skogstillståndet så måste det finnas verktyg för att göra foderprognoser som baseras på hur skogen kommer att skötas i framtiden. Syftet med denna rapport är att presentera en arbetsmodell för att ta fram alternativa scenarier för skogens utveckling och därmed möjliga foderpotentialer inom ett älgförvaltningsområde (ÄFO). Arbetsmodellen tar sin utgångspunkt i målet att skapa en älgstam av hög kvalitet i balans med betesresurserna men även i målet att förvaltningen ska präglas av samverkan mellan aktörer samt i idén om en adaptiv förvaltning. Eftersom ett ÄFO innebär att det är fråga om relativt stora områden med flera mål med skogsbruket (t.ex. både virkesproduktionsmål, goda förutsättningar för älgjakt och god fodertillgång), blir planeringssituationen så pass komplex att scenarieanalyser utgör ett bra beslutsstöd. Framtagandet av flera olika scenarier tydliggör att resultaten ska användas som stöd i beslutsprocessen – en plan ska aldrig tolkas som ett beslut. Då dessa scenarier innebär att prognoser för framtida fodermängder kan göras kan arbetsmodellen även användas för att analysera markens älgbärande förmåga, d.v.s. hur många älgar marken kan bära givet att skadenivån inte ska överstiga ett visst värde. Den föreslagna arbetsmodellen består av en process i tre faser; informationsfas, designfas samt en analysfas. Syftet med den första fasen är att identifiera dagens skogstillstånd t.ex. i form av mängd foder och tillståndet för älgstammen samt att definiera vilka aspekter som är viktiga för skogsbruk respektive älgförvaltning. Det tillvägagångssätt som föreslås och som användes i fallstudien för att ta fram dagens skogstillstånd inklusive fodermängd baseras på kNN-metoden. Syftet med designfasen är att ta fram ett antal alternativa scenarier som beskriver skogens utveckling framåt i tiden, t.ex. under 50 år. Dessa scenarier beskriver skogens förväntade utveckling baserat på olika skötselåtgärder med utgångspunkt i ett initialt skogstillstånd. Det system som föreslås för att ta fram scenarier är Heurekasystemet. Syftet med analysfasen är att analysera konsekvenserna av de olika scenarierna och diskutera för- och nackdelar med de alternativa scenarierna utifrån både ett skogsbruksperspektiv och ett älgförvaltningsperspektiv. Det är dock i här viktigt att komma ihåg att troligen är inget av de framtagna scenarierna bäst utifrån alla identifierade mål. Att analysera konsekvenserna av olika scenarier utifrån skogsbruks- och älgförvaltningsperspektiv innebär därför att man måste ta hänsyn till olika mål och hur viktiga dessa mål är. Arbetsmodellen har använts i en fallstudie i Kronobergs län där tre alternativa scenarier för skogens utveckling tagits fram och utvärderats för Växjö Norra och Lessebo. Dessa scenarier har presenterades för älgjägare och skogsägare som kan sägas representera dessa ÄFOn. Älgjägarna och skogsägarna fick tillsammans utföra en flermålsanalys och utse det scenario som de ansåg bäst uppfylla de mål de har för skogen inom ”ÄFO-området”, d.v.s. både mål som är kopplade till ett uthålligt skogsbruk och mål som är kopplade till markens älgbärande förmåga. Både markägare och jägare var överens om att det alternativ som bäst uppfyller målen var en ökad satsning på tall. Detta resultat står i kontrast till hur skogen idag i många fall sköts, med en ensidig satsning på gran, eftersom många skogsägare inte vågar föryngra med tall då man riskerar betesskador. I ett skogslandskap där tallen redan är sparsamt förekommande anses riskerna vara ännu större och man hamnar lätt i en ond cirkel där man föryngrar ännu färre arealer med tall. Ett resultat a Kronobergsstudien är därför att foderprognoser och prognoser över skogens framtida utveckling ger underlag för att ta bättre beslut idag, för att försöka undvika oönskade scenarier. I ÄFO:ns strävan att hitta en ”gyllene medelväg”, där välgrundade avvägningar mellan förekommande intressen görs, bör ett antal olika scenarier tas fram och analyseras. I dessa scenarier är prognoser av fodertillgångar, fördelade över tid och rum, en viktig del.}, keywords = {Älgstam, betesresurser, foder}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-387}, year = {2012}, type = {Report} } @techreport{RN386, author = {Östlin, E.}, title = {Barkuppgifter för tall, gran, björk m. fl. Del 2. Barkuppgifter för bonitets- och åldersklasser och för olika sortiment}, institution = {Statens skogsforskningsinstitut, Avdelningen för skogstaxering}, year = {1963}, type = {Report} } @misc{RN387, author = {Östlind, Josef}, title = {Materialet från riksskogstaxeringen och dess bearbetning}, note = {[Anders]}, year = {1927}, type = {Generic} }