Ny sökning

Skoglig naturvårdsbiologi

Kursen behandlar ämnet bevarandebiologi (naturvårdsbiologi) med fokus på dess tillämpning i skogslandskap. Undervisningen består av en blandning av självstudier och olika undervisningsaktiviteter: föreläsningar, litteraturseminarier, projekt och övningar.

Kursen består av flera delar: Naturliga och mänskliga störningsregimer, Skogens biologiska mångfald och hur man mäter den, Naturvårdsåtgärder i skogen, Viktiga ekologiska begrepp i bevarandebiologin, Bevarandeåtgärder för enskilda arter, Globala förändringar, Naturvården i ett samhälleligt sammanhang samt Multifunktionella skogar och urban ekologi. Varje del består såväl av föreläsningar som minst en annan undervisningsform (t.ex. litteraturseminarier, projekt och övningar). Litteraturseminarier och övningar är viktiga för att fördjupa ämneskunskap och vetenskapligt tänkande. Ett av projektarbetenas främsta syften är att exemplifiera hur ekologisk kunskap tillämpas.

Kursen ges som distanskurs. Litteraturseminarier, inlämningsuppgifter, muntliga presentationer och en skriftlig tentamen är obligatorisk.

Information från kursledaren

Literature - list with dates
3 November: Sodhi & Ehrlich Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Hortal, J. et al. (2015) Seven shortfalls that beset large-scale knowledge of biodiversity. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 46: 523-549. 4 November Sodhi & Ehrlich Chapter 10 9 – 10 November: Groom, M.J. et al. Chapter 11 Conservation genetics: the use and importance of genetic information. In: Principles of Conservation Biology. 3rd ed. Pp. 375-415. Supple, M.A. & Shapiro, B. (2018) Conservation of biodiversity in the genomics era. Genome Biology 19:131. 11 November: Sodhi & Ehrlich Chapter 5 Jackson, S.T. & Sax, D.F. (2010) Balancing biodiversity in a changing environment: extinction debt, immigration credit and species turnover. TREE 25: 153-160. 12 November: Hanski & Gaggiotti. Metapopulation biology: past, present, and future. In: Ecology, genetics, and evoluation of metapopulations (Hanski, I., Gaggiotti, O.E.). 16 November: Ranius, T. A population viability analysis of a beetles inhabiting hollow trees 18 November: Butchart, S.H.M. et al. (2010) Global biodiversity: indicators of recent declines. Science 328: 1164-1168. 19+23 November: Kuuluvainen, T. (2002). Natural variability of forests as a reference for restoring and managing bio-logical diversity in boreal Fennoscandia. Silva Fennica 36 (1). Ramberg, E. et al. (2018). Coordination through databases can improve pre-scribed burning as a conservation tool to promote forest biodiversity. Ambio 47: 298–306 20 November: Nilsson, S.G.: Biodiversity and sustainable forestry in changing landscapes – principles and southern Sweden as an example. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 21: 11–43. 25 November. Sodhi & Ehrlich Chapter 7. 26 November: Sodhi & Ehrlich Chapter 8. Felton, A. (2016) How climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies can threaten or enhance the biodiversity of production forests: Insights from Sweden. Biological Conservation 194: 11-20. 27 November: Edenius, L., Bergman, M., Ericsson, G. & Danell, K. (2002) The role of moose as a disturbance factor in managed boreal forests. Silva Fennica 36: 57-67. 30 November: Felton, A. et al. (2020) Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix. Ambio 49: 1050-1064. 1 December: Bullock, J.M. et al. (2011) Restoration of ecosystem services and biodiversity: conflicts and opportunities. TREE 26: 542-549. Nogues-Bravo, D. et al. (2016) Rewilding is the new Pandora’s box in conservation. Current Biology Magazine 26: R87-R91 Seddon, P.J. et al. (2014) Reversing defaunation: Restoring species in a changing world. Science 345: 406-412. 7 December: FAO 2018. Forest Policy – Basic knowledge. http://www.fao.org/sustainable-forest-management/toolbox/modules/forest-policy-and-legislation/basic-knowledge/en/?type=111 14 December. Schröter, M. et al. (2014) Ecosystem services and opportunity costs shift spatial priorities for conserving forest biodiversity. PLOSOne 9:e112557 5 January: Duinker, P.N. et al. (2017) Chapter 34. Urban woodlands and their management. Routledge handbook of urban forestry. Fay, N. & Butler, J. (2017) Chapter 33. Conservation of ancient and other veteran trees. Routledge handbook of urban forestry. Sodhi & Ehrlich Chapter 13.7, P. 253.

Welcome to the course in Forest Conservation Biology! I will fill this website with information during early autumn. Below is the link to a 2-minute welcome video. /Thomas Ranius


Kursvärderingen är avslutad

BI1338-20017 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för BI1338

Läsåret 2019/2020

Skoglig naturvårdsbiologi (BI1338-20009)

2019-11-01 - 2020-01-19

Kursplan och övrig information


Grading criteria – Forest Conservation Biology

Debate and debate article, 2.0 credits

Scale: Pass or Fail

To pass this module the student needs to participate in the debate 16-17/12 and write a debate article (deadline 18/12).

Literature seminars, 3.0 credits

Scale: Pass or Fail

To pass this module the student needs to participate in the online seminars 17/11; 27/11; 1/12; 11/12; 15/12; and 8/1. This means that the student (i) is prepared to discuss questions for each scientific paper, and (ii) presents scientific papers for the group members when responsible.

Excursion, 1.0 credits

Scale: 5, 4, 3, and U (fail)

Due to the new corona virus there will not be any excursions in the field this year. To pass this module the student should finalize the assignment with a deadline in November 24th. The grading is based on the depth and width of the written text, and how the text is structured and written.

Written exam, 9.0 credits

Scale: 5, 4, 3, and U (fail)

The written exam consists of three parts: the written part of the assignment in Conservation genetics (deadline November 20th), and two take home exams (December 4th and one in January 11th-13th).

The written report in the Conservation genetics assignment will be assessed as follows:

To get grade 3 requires:

Shows comprehensive understanding of conservation genetics concepts

To get grade 4 requires:

Shows comprehensive understanding and an ability to link together conservation genetics concepts in a logical way

To get grade 5 requires:

Shows depth and breadth in understanding of conservation genetics concepts and an ability to link together conservation genetics concepts in a logical way

The written exam will test the ability regarding the following aspects:

- Describe nature conservation with respect to its societal context, explain its scientific foundations, and structurally discuss underlying ethical values;
- Explain important theories and concepts in population biology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, and landscape ecology and their application in forest-related nature conservation;
- Define biodiversity and compare different ways to assess biodiversity in forest ecosystems;
- Describe the natural conditions and processes in Swedish forests, how anthropogenic disturbance affect biodiversity, and propose appropriate conservation and restoration approaches;

- Describe different types of conservation measures taken in Swedish forested landscapes
- Explain the roles of actors in the forest sector regarding nature conservation and give examples on how their perspectives on nature conservation differ
- Give examples on how ecological knowledge can be combined by knowledge in other disciplines to find solutions in nature conservation, for instance when handling conflicting goals in multifunctional forests

To get grade 3 requires

  • Basic abilities regarding all seven aspects described above. Basic abilities means that key terms can be explained and patterns described.

To get grade 4 requires

  • Everything required for grade three.
  • Everything required for all modules (debate article, excursion, written exam) have been sent in before the deadlines.
  • For several of these aspects, the student shows a knowledge which especially is deeper, but also wider. This means that also processes behind the patterns can be explained and that the patterns can be described from different perspectives. Wider knowledge means that a larger number of terms can be explained and more patterns be described relevant for forest conservation biology.
  • The student can make a reasonable choice about which knowledge that should be used in different practical examples.

To get grade 5 requires

  • Everything required for grade four
  • For almost all of these seven aspects, the student shows especially a deep, but also wide, knowledge. This means that also processes behind the patterns can be explained and that different perspectives on the same patterns can be compared. Wider knowledge means that a larger number of terms can be explained and more patterns be described relevant for forest conservation biology.
  • The student can discuss which knowledge that should be used in different practical examples and the consequences of different choices.


  1. Conservation biology for all Författare: Editors: Navjot S. Sodhi & Paul R. Ehrilch [Conservation biology for all] (https://conbio.org/publications/free-textbook/) Kommentar: This is the main text book. We will also provide you with scientific articles and other texts as pdf file. In a message from September 16th you can see the full list which corresponds to activities at the course.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Management of Fish and Wildlife Populations - Master's Programme Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Skogsvetenskap Biologi Biologi Skogsvetenskap
Kurskod: BI1338 Anmälningskod: SLU-20017 Plats: Ortsoberoende Distanskurs: Ja Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Studietakt: 100%