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Djurvälfärd, djurskydd och etologi

Kursen innehåller fördjupning inom områdena etologi och djurskydd.

Kursen är uppbyggd av självstudier med seminarier av vetenskaplig litteratur, där studenten aktivt leder genomförandet. Kursen innehåller ett antal nyckelföreläsningar, tillämpade övningar, bedömning av djurhållningsformer samt ett projektarbete i form av en vetenskaplig etologisk studie. I kursen tränas de generella kompetenserna debatt och argumentationsförmåga genom övningar där aktuella djurskyddsfrågor diskuteras ut flera olika perspektiv. Kursen innehåller ett projektarbete och studiebesök.

Obligatoriska moment förekommer inom t.ex. övningar, seminarium, projektarbeten och studiebesök.

Information från kursledaren

Dear all, This is the course zoom -link, which will be the same through out the course: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/67804906781 Passcode: 138935 Best wishes, Jenny and Anna

Welcome to HV0188 – Animal welfare and behavior – 2020
Welcome to HV0188 – Animal welfare and behavior – 2020! This year the entire course will be given digital via zoom. The course starts with a course introduction November 2, 10:00-12:00. A zoom-link to the introduction will be added in a message here on the course site. If you want to prepare before the course on the basic elements of animal behavior and welfare we suggest that you read Jensen 2009 (at least part 1). This book indicates the level of knowledge that is expected at course start. • Jensen, P. (2009). The ethology of domestic animals: An introductory text. Wallingford: CABI Pub. Jensen, 2009 (or at least an older version from 2002) is available as e-book at the SLU library. Best wishes, Jenny Yngvesson and Anna Wallenbeck


Kursvärderingen är avslutad

HV0188-20034 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för HV0188

Läsåret 2021/2022

Djurvälfärd, djurskydd och etologi (HV0188-20007)

2021-11-02 - 2022-01-16

Kursplan och övrig information


Examination activity

Learning objective 1

Learning objective 2

Learning objective 3

Learning objective 4

Learning objective 4


Mark 4 or 5: Quiz passed before deadline

Mark 3: Quiz passed

Mark 4 or 5: Quiz passed before deadline

Mark 3: Quiz passed

Mark 4 or 5: Quiz passed before deadline

Mark 3: Quiz passed

Ethics assignment

Mark 3: The student discuss and review research on ethics related to ethology, animal welfare and animal protection critically.

Mark 3: The student assess and discuss different animal husbandry forms based on an ethics perspective.

Mark 3: The student describes different ethical standpoints in a chosen animal ethics dilemma.

Poster symposium

Mark 3: The student demonstrates an ability to present animal welfare issues in the poster format.

Mark 3: The students collaborate and produce a poster with the target group of the students of the course.


Mark 3: The student demonstrates the complexity in drawing conclusions about animal welfare from data, scientific literature and real life situations.

Mark 3: The students carry out a collaborative project, using scientific literature, and finding or gathering data, analyse with an appropriate method (method should be reflected on) and discuss their results in the light of relevant scientific literature.

Mark 3: The student demonstrate knowledge on how changes in animal husbandry may affect the different parameters of animal welfare.


Mark 3: The student shall after completing the course be able to actively and critically discuss the problems chosen by the group in the light of scientific literature and real life situations.

Mark 3: The student shall after completing the course be able to assess and discuss different animal husbandry forms based on an animal welfare, behaviour and ethics perspective within the problems chosen by the group.

Home exam

See table with specific requirements

Course objectives

discuss and review research within ethology, animal welfare and animal protection critically

assess and discuss different animal husbandry forms based on an animal welfare, behaviour and ethics perspective

apply animal welfare legislation and/or regulations and analyse and reflect on both national and international aspects on animal welfare and animal ethics

design and carry out projects and within animal behaviour and welfare using appropriate experimental and design methods

present scientific information aimed at a specified audience

Specific criteria for the graded mark set from the home exam:

Home exam

Mark 3

Mark 4

Mark 5


Discuss and review research within ethology, animal welfare and animal protection critically

The student demonstrates the ability to review scientific literature in relation to a specific case.

The student describes hers/his assessment of the animal welfare state and/or animal behaviour based on the literature reviewed.

The student demonstrates the ability to value the quality (e.g. study design, methods chosen) of the scientific literature reviewed.


assess and discuss different animal husbandry forms based on an animal welfare, behaviour and ethics perspective

The student makes an assessment and a comparison of animal husbandry form. The assessment is based on scientific literature and evaluated with ethical arguments.

With the use of scientific literature, the student suggests improvement of the animal husbandry forms described.


apply animal welfare legislation and/or regulations and analyse and reflect on both national and international aspects on animal welfare and animal ethics

The student describes animal welfare legislation or other types of regulations used in different countries or parts of the world. Furthermore, the student describes different ethical standpoints in a chosen animal ethics dilemma.

With the use of scientific literature, the student suggests improvement of the legislation/regulations described.

The student analyses arguments might potentially affect the ethical standpoints described (see mark 3 requirements) in relation to the suggested improvements (see mark 4).


  1. Obligatory literature Kommentar: 1) Fraser, D. (2008). Understanding animal welfare : The science in its cultural context (UFAW animal welfare series). Oxford ; Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell.
  2. Scientific papers related to course activities
  3. Not obligatory but highly recommended Kommentar: One book focusing on Animal Behaviour, of your own choice. Here are some suggestions (if you find another book on the corresponding level that is more relevant for you that is ok): Manning, A., & Dawkins, M. (2012). An introduction to animal behaviour (6th ed.). Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press. Price, E. (2008). Principles and applications of domestic animal behavior: An introductory text. Wallingford: CABI. Broom, D., & Fraser, A. (2015). Domestic animal behaviour and welfare. (Fifth edition / Donald M. Broom and Andrew F. Fraser. ed.). Wallingford: CABI. Martin, P., & Bateson, P. (2007). Measuring behaviour: An introductory guide (3.rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  4. If you want to prepare before the course Kommentar: If you want to prepare before the course on the basic elements of animal behaviour (and welfare) we suggest that you read Jensen 2009 (at least part 1). This book indicates the level of knowledge that is expected at course start.

• Jensen, P. (2009). The ethology of domestic animals: An introductory text. Wallingford: CABI Pub.

Jensen, 2009 (or at least an older version from 2002) is available as e-book at the SLU library.

  1. Ethic litterature Kommentar: TEXTS ON ANIMAL ETHICS IN GENERAL

William Sweet, 2000, Bases of Ethics. To find e-books: log in to Ebook Central at https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/auth/lib/slub-ebooks/login.action?returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Febookcentral.proquest.com%2Flib%2Fslub-ebooks%2Fhome.action Once logged in to EBook Central you will find it under Search by subject, and then Philosophy.

Also, chapter no 2 on ethical theories of the following book might be useful: Röcklinsberg, Gjerris and Olsson (eds) 2017, Animal ethics in Animal Research, Cambridge univ Press

Gjerris, M, Juul Nielsen, M. E., Sandøe, P. 2013. The Good, the right and the Fair – an introduction to ethics. London: College publications, 180 pp.

Hursthouse, Rosalind, 2000. Ethics, Humans and Other Animals. An introduction with readings. Routledge

Sandøe, P., Christiansen, S., B., 2008. Ethics of animal use. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing

Singer, Peter, 1975. Animal liberation. Harper Collins, New York

Regan, Tom, 1987. The case for animal rights. Springer, New York

Diamond, Cora, 2001. ”Injustice and Animals”, i Elliott, Carl (ed.) Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers. Essays on Wittgenstein, Medicine, and Bioethics Duke University Press. Durham and London.

Francione, Gary L., 2008. Animals as persons: essays on the abolition of animal exploitation, New York: Columbia University Press, cop.

Bekoff M, Pierce J. 2009. Wild justice: The moral lives of animals. University of Chicago Press, Chicago

Abbate, C. 2014. Virtues and Animals: A Minimally Decent Ethic for Practical Living in a Non-ideal World. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):909-929

Hursthouse, Rosalind 2006. Applying virtue ethics to our treatment of the other animals. In: Welchman J (ed) The practice of virtue: Classic and contemporary readings in virtue ethics. Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis

Tännsjö, Torbjörn, 2010. Animal ethics: a crash course. Thales


Monamy, Vaughan, 2000. Animal Experimentation. A Guide to the Issues. Cambridge Univ. Press

Nordgren Anders 2010. For Our Children: The Ethics of Animal Experimentation in the Age of Genetic Engineering, vol 215. Rodopi, Amsterdam

Röcklinsberg, Gjerris and Olsson (eds) 2017, Animal ethics in Animal Research, Cambridge univ Press

Info on research ethics codes: http://www.codex.vr.se/en/index.shtml

Hippocratic oath: http://www.slideshare.net/azzipkhan/hippocratic-oath-ppt

Sveriges akademiska etologer: http://www.sverigesakademiskaetologer.se/index.php/yrkeskodex


Morgan, C.A., McDonald, M., (2007). Ethical Dilemmas in Veterinary Medicine. VeterinaryClinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. 37: 165–179. Rollin, B. E., (2006). An Introduction to Veterinary Medical Ethics. 2.ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Rollin, Bernard E. 2011. Euthanasia, moral stress, and chronic illness in veterinary medicine. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 41(3) 651-659.

Röcklinsberg, H. Gamborg, C., Gjerris, M. 2013. “A case for integrity: Advantages of including more than animal welfare in Animal Ethics Committees’ deliberations”. Laboratory Animals, Vol 48 (1) pp. 61-71.

Sveriges veterinärförbund: http://www.svf.se/sv/Forbundet/Stadgar-regler-mm/Etiska-regler/

Meijboom, F (2017), ”More Than Just a Vet? Professional Integrity as an Answer to the Ethical Challenges Facing Veterinarians in Animal Food Production”.


Gjerris, M., Gamborg, C. & Röcklinsberg, H. (2016) Ethical aspects of insect production for food and feed. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, Vol 2(2), pp.101-110. http://dx.doi.org/10.3920/JIFF2015.0097

Sandøe, P., Christiansen, S., B., (2008). Ethics of animal use. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing

Thompson, P. 2015. From field to fork. Food ethics for everyone. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ Press, 346 pp.

Borkfelt, S., Kondrop, S., Röcklinsberg, H., Bjørkdahl, K and Gjerris, M. Closer to Nature? A Critical Discussion of the Marketing of “Ethical” Animal Products. (2015) Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics: Volume 28, Issue 6 (2015), pp. 1053-1073. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10806-015-9577-4

Mepham, Ben 2000. A Framework for the Ethical Analysis of Novel Foods: The Ethical Matrix. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics (12), 165-176.

Mepham, Ben Short version: http://www.foodethicscouncil.org/uploads/publications/Ethical_Matrix_1.pdf

D’Eath, RB., Conington, J., Lawrence, AB, Olsson, IAS and Sandøe, P. 2010. Breeding for behavioural change in farm animals: practical, economic and ethical considerations. Animal Welfare 19, 17-27

Algers, Bo & Smulders, J.M. 2009. Welfare of production animals: assessment and management of risks. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers


Fryer, Mick, 2011. Facilitative leadership: drawing on Jürgen Habermas' model of ideal speech to propose a less impositional way to lead Facilitative leadership: drawing on Jürgen Habermas' model. Organization, published online 7 April 2011 http://org.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/03/18/1350508411401462.full.pdf+html

Kaiser, M., Millar K, Thorstensen E & Tomkins S (2007): Developing the Ethical Matrix as a decision support framework: GM fish as a case study. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics (20), 65–80)

Jan-Ola Östman and Anna Solin /eds) 2016. Discourse and responsibility in professional settings. Sheffield, UK ; Equinox Publishing Ltd.


Dunayer, Joan 2002. Animal Equality. Language and Liberation. Lantern Books.

Kemmerer, Lisa (ed.) 2011. Sister Species. Women, Animals and Social Justice University of illinois Press.

Marvin, Garry 2005. ‘Guest Editor’s Introduction: Seeing, Looking, Watching, Observing Nonhuman Animals.’ Society and Animals. Vol. 13, 2005:1. http://psyeta.org/sa/sa13.1/garry_marvin.pdf

Adams, Carol J. 2003. The Sexual Politics of Meat. A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. New York-London: Continuum.

Donovan Josephine and Adams Carol, 2007. The feminist care tradition in animal ethics: A reader. Columbia University Press, New York

Kemmerer, Lisa (ed.) 2011. Sister Species. Women, Animals and Social Justice. University of Illinois Press.

Nussbaum, Martha 2006. Frontiers of Justice: Disability, nationality, species membership (The Tanner Lectures on Human Values), Belknap (Harvard), 512 pp.

Robert Garner and Siobhan O'Sullivan, eds, 2016, The political turn in animal ethics. Rowman & Littlefield

Ramona Ilea 2008. Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach and Nonhuman Animals: Theory and Public Policy JOURNAL of SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY, Vol. 39 No. 4, Winter 2008, 547–563.


Lundmark, F., Berg, C., Schmid, O., Behdadi, D. & Röcklinsberg, H. 2014. Intentions and Values in Animal Welfare Legislation and Standards. J of Agri and Environ Ethics. 2014, Vol.27 (6), pp.991-1017. (e-book at SLU?)

Lundmark, F., Berg, L. and Röcklinsberg, H. 2013. “‘Unnecessary suffering’ as a concept in animal welfare legislation and standards”. In: Röcklinsberg, H, Sandin, P. (eds.) The ethics of consumption. The citizen, the market, and the law. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Pbs., pp.114-119. (e-book at SLU?) Marcel Dol, Martje Fentener van Vlissingen, Soemini Kasanmoentalib, Thijs Visser and Hub Zwart 1999. Recognizing the Intrinsic Value of Animals. Beyond Animal Welfare. Van Gorcum Ldt. Lundmark, F., Röcklinsberg, H., Wahlberg, B. and Berg, C. (2016) Content and structure of Swedish animal welfare legislation and private standards for dairy cattle. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A- Animal Science 66, 35-42. DOI: 10.1080/09064702.2016.1198417

Yates, J., Röcklinsberg, H., Gjerris, M., 2011. “Is welfare all that matters? A discussion of what should be included in policymaking regarding animals”, Animal Welfare, 20:423-432.


Lennart Nordenfelt, 2006. Animal and human welfare. A comparative philosophical analysis. Cambridge, Mass. Cabi.

Olsson, IAS and Sandøe, P. 2004. Ethical decisions concerning animal biotechnology: what is the role of animal welfare science? Animal Welfare 13, 139-144.

Vorstenbosch, Jan, 1993. The concept of integrity. Its significance for the ethical discussion on biotechnology and animals. Livestock Production Science 36, 109-112.


Haidt, Jonathan, 2013 The Righteous Mind, Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. Penguin Books

Stafleu FR, Grommers FJ and Vorstenbosch J., 1996. Animal welfare: Evolution and erosion of a moral concept. Animal Welfare 5: 225-234


Hemsworth, PH. (2003) Human–animal interactions in livestock production. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 81(3) 185-198.

Herzog, H. (2002) Ethical aspects of relationships between humans and research animals. ILAR Journal, 43(1) 27-32.

Frans de Waal, 2009. The age of empathy: nature’s lessons for a kinder society. Crown

Taylor, N., & Signal, TD. (2005) Empathy and attitudes to animals. Anthrozoös, 18(1), 18-27.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 38054 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Husdjursvetenskap Biologi Husdjursvetenskap Biologi
Kurskod: HV0188 Anmälningskod: SLU-20034 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för husdjurens miljö och hälsa Studietakt: 100%