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Djurnutrition och djurvälfärd

The course intends to give advanced knowledge of how nutrition influences animal welfare, including aspects on animal health as well as animal behavior.


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HV0201-30218 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

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Andra kursvärderingar för HV0201

Läsåret 2023/2024

Djurnutrition och djurvälfärd (HV0201-30041)

2024-01-15 - 2024-03-19

Kursplan och övrig information


Course: HV0201 Animal Nutrition and Welfare, 2023 (15 HEC)

Grade criteria* and types of examination# for the learning objectives in the course



The student is able to describe different aspects of animal welfare and how they can be assessed in practice

According to learning objective

According to learning objective

The student is able to give suggestions on improvements (that are feasible in commercial situations) in feeding and management systems in situations when nutrition negatively affects health, behaviour or welfare

According to learning objective

According to learning objective

According to learning objective

The student is able to critically compare different methodologies or analyses used in scientific publications


The student gives detailed examples of conflicts between animal well-being and one or more of the factors: health or production, where nutrition is also involved

Discuss in detail pros and cons of different feeding and management systems with examples of health and welfare

The student is able to support discussion and conclusions with relevant scientific references, adhering to sound evidence based practice

3 (pass)

According to learning objective

According to learning objective

According to learning objective

Learning objective

1. The student is able to describe relationships between nutrition, health and welfare in animals in detail

2. The student is able to relate different effects of bioactive substances to animal health

3. The student is able to explain the principles of appetite regulation and its relationship with animal welfare

4. The student is able to describe and discuss at a general level pros and cons with different feeding and management systems

5. The student is able to discuss interactions between breeding and nutrition

6. The student is able to suggest and apply, in practice, different analytical tools that reflect animal welfare and production capacity and also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different tools

7. The student is able to integrate knowledge of how feeds, feeding, management, metabolism and behaviour affects animal welfare and also the global food supply from a sustainability perspective

8. The student is able to independently search, critically review and summarize scientific texts with relevance for animal nutrition and welfare

Exam activity

Canvas quiz and

Final written examination

Canvas quiz

Canvas quiz

Final written examination

Canvas quiz

Practical exercise

Canvas quiz and

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

*For the student to pass the course, (s)he must participate in all mandatory learning activities and grade 3 or higher must be achieved for all learning objectives (LO). It is not possible to achieve a higher grade for a learning objective if prerequisites for lower grades have not been met.

#Examinations in the course:

  1. Canvas Quiz: The quiz can be taken 2 times, canvas will keep the highest score of the 2 attempts. It examines subject matters presented in the lectures and in the literature and is graded pass/fail; to achieve a passing grade 80% correct answers are required.
  2. Oral presentation: Presentation of a literature review prepared by small groups of students (2-3 persons). The presentation is graded pass, 4 or 5 based on individual performance.
  3. Final written examination: Individually graded home exam given in Canvas at the end of the course. The exam consists of multiple essay questions and is graded pass, 4 or 5.


  1. Course literature: "Comparative animal nutrition and metabolism"
    Länk: https://slu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/46SLUB_INST/1sl36d2/alma990004797650605121
    Författare: Cheeke, P. & Dierenfeld, E
    ISBN: 9781845936310
    Kommentar: This book is highly relevant for this course and the following chapters will be examined: Chapters 16, 17, 22, 23 & 24.

  2. Good to know before the course starts: "Nutrition and the welfare of farm animals"
    Länk: https://slu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/46SLUB_INST/1sl36d2/alma9919287419005121
    Författare: Clive J.C.
    Kommentar: This book is highly recommended as general knowledge in nutrition and welfare.

  3. Note: Additional literature for the course will be available in Canvas when the course starts.

  4. Good to know before the course starts: "Animal nutrition"
    Länk: https://slu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/46SLUB_INST/1sl36d2/alma990005074920605121
    Författare: McDonald, P
    ISBN: 9781408204238
    Kommentar: This book is recommended as a general knowledge and refresher for basic nutrition and nutrition physiology.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Husdjursvetenskap - masterprogram Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 38060 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Husdjursvetenskap Biologi Husdjursvetenskap Biologi
Kurskod: HV0201 Anmälningskod: SLU-30218 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för husdjurens utfodring och vård Studietakt: 100%