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Introduktionskurs till miljökommunikation-Samhälle , socialt samspel och kommunikativa färdigheter

Environmental communication is an integral part of environmental management and sustainability transformations. Processes and outcomes of communication play a central role in understanding and addressing environmental challenges such as climate change, unsustainable lifestyles and exploitation of natural resources, and in shaping human-nature relationships. Through lectures, workshops, literature studies and group work, this course offers an introduction to social scientific perspectives for understanding environmental communication as it occurs in everyday life, including casual conversations, environmental campaigns and policies, as well as in multi-stakeholder decision-making. The course brings forward the importance of understanding environmental communication as both instrumental and constitutive. This broadens the traditional understanding of communication as the transmission of expert knowledge and information, and emphasizes the role that communication plays in creating and transforming the knowledge, values, norms and practices that shape today’s sustainability and environmental issues. The course includes practical components designed to deepen students´ understanding of theoretical perspectives and to develop practical skills, usually through interactive workshops and group work. These components involve producing environmental communication artefacts and facilitating dialogue processes between different perspectives.

The course has several mandatory activities that require in person attendance (see Information from course leader and Schedule)

Information från kursledaren

Important: Please visit this page regularly for updates and more information before the course starts.


Canvas page published!

We have now published the Canvas page of the course. If you have an SLU IT account, you should be able to access it through the Canvas tap in this page. You should have also recieved a notification inviting to join the page in your SLU email.

If you don´t have an SLU IT account or email, check below on how to activate it. You can get help on activating the account on Tuesday when we meet.

Important: Access to the Canvas course page does not mean you are registered to the course. You need to be present during the roll call on Tuesday in order to be registered.

Course registration

You will be registered for the course on the first course day after you respond to the roll call. It is thus very important that you attend this session in person. Because this is the first course of the programme you cannot register to it on Ladok on your own.

Note that students of the ECM MSc programme are expected to attend a separate introduction/registration session on Monday the 28th of August (check your .

Bring your laptop on Tuesday

If possible bring your laptop to the course start session on Tuesday. Together we will explore the content of the Canvas page in order for you to get familiar with it. Alternatively you can use the Canvas app on your phone (see below for more information on Canvas)



Welcome to the Environmental Communication introduction course! We look forward to meeting you all on Tuesday 3rd of September when the course starts. We will meet in room Framtiden in the MVM Building (Lennart Hjelms väg 9, 756 51 Uppsala see map here) at 9.00 sharp. In the messages below you will find important information. Please read carefully and note that changes may occur once the course begins. This course page will be used only before the course starts. After we will only use the CANVAS platform. We will intruduce you to Canvas on the first session so if possible bring your laptop. Alternatively you can use the Canvas app on your phone (see below for more information on Canvas)

For questions or comments about the course please contact camilo.calderon@slu.se (availabe after summer vacations on the 12 of August)

We look forward to meeting you all!

Course Schedule, attendance and mandatory sessions

The course schedule can now be found in the "Schedule" link in this page. Note that changes may occur once the course starts.

Most of the activities of the course take place on campus. Only a few are online via Zoom (see details in schedule). On campus sessions cannot be attended via Zoom. You are experected to attend all sessions of the course. However there are a few mandatory sessions connected to group work and assigments. The dates for these mandatory sessions are September 30, October 1, 3, 4, 8 10 and 11as well as October 17,18, 21 and 22. It is important that you plan ahead and make sure that you will attend these sessions. Missing a session will require compensatory assignments. Missing more that one session can imply not meeting the requirements for passing the course.

We will use one Zoom Link for all online course activities. The zoom link will be provided at the start of the course.

Literature List

In the tab Literature List below you will find the literature list of the course. This list comprises required readings for each course week. A detailed list including suplementary readings will be provided at the start of the course. Note that small changes in the literature list may occur. All reading will occur during allocated times in the course. All literature will be available in the course CANVAS page once the course starts. The course does not have a main course book that you need to buy.

Activating your SLU IT-Student account and accessing course CANVAS page.

CANVAS is the online course platform where you will find all course materials. To get access to Canvas (as well all other SLU´s digital tools including Zoom´s Pro Plan) you need to first activate your SLU IT-student account and get an SLU email. You can do this online from mid-August. The instructions on how to activate the IT account and on how to get started with SLU´s digital tools can be found in the Checklist for new students.

Once you activate the IT account you will get access to CANVAS platform (see details here). Right now we are setting up the course Canvas page. Once the page is published you will be able to see the course in the Canvas home page. Our goal is to publish the page latest on the 30th of August. You will get detailed information on how to use CANVAS on the first day of the course. Still, we recommend that you try to familiarize yourself with Canvas (including the phone app for students) before the course starts. We also recommend that you upload a picture of yourself to your profile.

Late arrival to Sweden

We understand that some of you might have delays with your travel to Sweden. But the 16th of September (two weeks after the course starts) is the last day for you to arrive in Sweden and be able to register for the course.

Important: If you know that you will arrive late and will be able to do so before the 16th of September please write an email to camilo.calderon@slu.se before the course starts. If it won't be possible for you to arrive on time and you want to save your place in the course or ECM programme for next year, you may apply for deferment of studies (see details here)

Kursplan och övrig information


Note: This list comprises required readings for each course week. A detailed list including suplementary readings will be provided at the start of the course. Note that small changes in the literature list may occur.

Course Week 1

Harrington, A. (2005). Modern Social Theory – An Introduction. Oxford University Press: Oxford

Introduction: What is social theory, pp. 1-14

Chapter 10: Structure and Agency, pp. 215-232

Marsh, D., & Furlong, P. (2010). A Skin Not a Sweater: Ontology and Epistemology in Political Science. In D. Marsh, & G. Stoker (Eds.), Theory and Methods in Political Science, 3 ed., pp. 184-211. Palgrave Macmillan.

Moon, K. and D. Blackman (2014). "A guide to understanding social science research for natural scientists." Conservation Biology 28(5), pp. 1167-1177.

Course Week 2

Pezzullo, P., Cox, R. (2018). Environmental communication and the public sphere. 5th edition. Sage publications: Washington DC.

Chapter 1: Defining Environmental Communication

Milstein, T., (2009). Environmental communication theories. Encyclopedia of communication theory, 2, pp. 345-349.

MISTRA EC (2019). MISTRA Environmental Communication: reframing communication for sustainability, Program Plan. Retrieved from: https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/subw/mistraec/about/mistra-environmental-communication-programme-plan-for-year-3-final-complete-2021.pdf

Section 2: Scientific value of the programme

Course Week 3

Joas and Knoebl (2009). Interpretive approaches (1). Symbolic interactionism. In Social theory Cambridge University Press

Buijs, A., Hovardas, T., Castro, P., Devine-Wright, P., Figari, H., Fischer, A., Mouro, C., Selge, S. (2012): Understanding people's ideas on natural resource management: research on social representations of nature and the environment. Society and Natural Resources 25, pp. 1167–1181.

MacGregor, S., (2017). Gender and environment: An introduction. In S. MacGregor (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Gender and Environment. (Routledge International Handbooks). Routledge.

Only pages 1-6

Hathaway, J.R., (2020). Climate Change, the Intersectional Imperative, and the Opportunity of the Green New Deal. Environmental Communication 14, 13–22.

Course Week 7-8

Innes, J. and Booher, D. (2016). Collaborative rationality as a strategy for working with wicked problems. Landscape and Urban Planning, 154**, **pp. 8-10.

Reed, M. S. (2008). Stakeholder participation for environmental management: A literature review. Biological Conservation, 141, pp. 2417-2431.

Brulle, R. J. (2010). From Environmental Campaigns to Advancing the Public Dialogue: Environmental Communication for Civic Engagement, Environmental Communication, 4(1), pp. 82-98

Sprain, L., Over, B.V., & Morgan, E.L. (2016). Divergent meanings of community.

Westin, M., Hallgren, L., Montgomerie, E. (2023). Between authority and argumentation: facilitators’ use of power in collaborative governance. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

Westin, M. (2019) Rethinking power in participatory planning: towards reflective practice. Dissertation. SLU, Uppsala.

Pages. 11-12.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: EnvEuro - European Master in Environmental Science Miljökommunikation - masterprogram Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 38060 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Miljövetenskap
Kurskod: MX0115 Anmälningskod: SLU-10172 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för stad och land Studietakt: 100%