Ny sökning

Internationell skogsteknologi: att förstå orsakerna till variationen

Forest operations practices vary greatly around the world. Current practices adapt to complex, locally variable conditions in, for example, geo-physical conditions (terrain), management regimes, tree properties, climate, ownership structure, industrial infrastructures, labor availability and capacity, and societal rules for acceptable practices. This course aims at highlighting this variety, and providing the students with the capability to understand the reasons for the variety. The course aims to progress from theoretical definitions of forest operations issues to practical examples from different global regions.

The bearing components of the course are an individual assignment, and an international excursion. The assignment will be to identify, problematize, compare and discuss a delimited aspect (of the student’s choice) of how forest operations are performed internationally. The international excursion will provide hands-on and on-site input and experience to the assignment work.

The course starts with a self-study period of course literature, formulation of topic for the individual assignment, collection of assignment relevant literature and preparation for the international excursion. The course literature is discussed in a literature seminar during the international excursion. The scope and plan for the individual assignments are presented and discussed during a separate seminar during the international excursion.

Aside from the seminars, the international excursions will consist of visits with forest operations organizations (industry and/or research) in order to providing information for the individual assignments. Being the course’s group activity and requiring that students are together during a long consecutive period of time, it will also provide plenty of possibilities to discuss and exchange ideas with fellow students and teachers.

After the excursion, the literature and information from the excursions are compiled into an individually written report which is examined.

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