Ny sökning

Ekofysiologiska koncept och tillämpningar i skötta skogar

The course is divided into seven topic areas that will be covered in 4 time sections. Completion of all four sections corresponds to six weeks of full-time studies or 9 ECTS. The topics are: biometry, soil, nitrogen, water, climate, photosynthesis and modeling. Each topic will be represented by several papers for the literature study and at least one field-day during the intensive field-weeks.

The first section is a literature study. Before the field-week, each student should read selected papers relating to the above-mentioned topic areas. The second section is intensive field weeks in the north of Sweden when students and teachers meet for almost two weeks with field-work and indoor classes. The third section is a home-assignment that is done in groups and the fourth section is reporting of the assignment in a written report and in a web-seminar. During the field-weeks, indoor classes will be complemented by out-door practical exercises and assignments followed by analysis of the various variables. The intensive field-classes will be for 2 weeks. Most of the teachers will be available on-site during the whole period. After the field-weeks, the students will do one larger assignment within one of the above areas. The assignment will be in the form of a group-work and will be reported in a written report as well as in a web-seminar.

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