Ny sökning

Research Design for PhD-students

The course will consist of lectures, seminars, group discussions, excursions and visits to the main research environments at the faculty. Lectures and seminars will be scheduled on full time (ca 9 – 16) at least four days each week. A detailed scheme will be available in late October.

The lectures will present and discuss fundamental aspects of research design within natural sciences as well as social science and the humanities. Quantitative methods (experimental designs, inquiries, statistical analysis) as well as qualitative methods (case-study methodology, grounded theory, narratives) will be discussed. Invited researchers will present their own work from a research design perspective. The homework consists of independent work, where course participants reflect and link their own postgraduate project to aspects of research design discussed in lectures, seminars and course literature. Course participants’ independent work will be discussed during a concluding seminar.

Kursplan och övrig information