Ny sökning


The aim of the course is to bring together PhD students from different backgrounds (biology, agronomy, horticulture etc.) working on plant protection related areas. To account for the expected diversity of student backgrounds and to make sure that they are on a comparable scientific level in the management strategy discussions, some lectures in the beginning will be devoted to introducing the fundamental aspects of the topic. The lecturers will be asked to give a brief basic introduction to the subject area and then to move on and end with the latest results (will also be discussed during the afternoon literature seminars).

The following topics will be dealt with during the course: A comparison of the natural system and the cultivated system - why do different organisms become pests? Plant defence, resistance biology and breeding. Pests and pathogens (especially insects, nematodes, fungus, oomycetes) - ecology/population dynamics, life cycle etc. - some typical examples from each group. Crop loss assessment and presentation of different management methods, e.g. biological and chemical control, resistance breeding, molecular tools, chemical ecology/pheromones etc. Development of management strategies based on the different methods that are at hand - examples from different cropping systems - agriculture, horticulture and forest. Specific challenges in relation to global climate change.

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