Ny sökning

Forskningsetik för kvalitativa metoder

This course offers an introduction to research ethics for research using qualitative methods such as interviews, participant observations, action research and archival work. In addition to the usual issues of research integrity, such methods pose additional problems, many of them which have are related to interaction with research persons and communities. Such interaction, from planning of research to dissemination of results, can have unforeseen consequences. In addition, to conduct participant observation or action research is often in itself an ethical commitment, expressed as a desire to induce change, which brings a necessity to reflect on ethical premises. This course covers among other things:

- The researcher’s professional ethics and its theoretical underpinnings

- Research misconduct in qualitative research

- Legal aspects of research involving humans

- Informed consent in qualitative research

- Dual-use knowledge - research that can be used and abused for purposes violence

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