Ny sökning

Kriskommunikation och påverkansoperationer

The course will consist of 8 seminars and group discussions (4 per week; duration of each seminar is 2-4 hours) as well as homework connected to 3 of the seminars. The homework will include self-reflection, writing and filming an interview. All lessons are created with perspectives based on science and working as a researcher or expert.

1. Introduction; What is a crisis, What is crisis communications? Channels and audiences.

2. Media; Contacts with media, Interview training.

3. Society; Authorities working methods during crisis, Culturally conscious actions, Nudging

4. Influence operations; What is influence operations, How to manage influence operations.

5. Language; Klarspråk/plain language, Formulate messages.

6. Knowledge resistance; Fact resistance, Alternative facts, Value scientific sources.

7. International perspective; Threat actors and the research world, Threats against society today, Risks and challenges.

8. Useful tools; Proactive communications, Tips and tricks, Summary and evaluation.

Kursplan och övrig information


Ämne: Other Social Science
Kurskod: PNG0095 Plats: Ortsoberoende Distanskurs: Ja Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för molekylära vetenskaper Studietakt: 100%