Ny sökning

Minerals in soils and sediments and their X-ray identification and quantification

The course will cover the basic concepts necessary to understand what minerals are and how they are classified according to their crystal structures and compositions. It will explain how these features affect mineral properties, and in turn how such properties may influence the properties of soils and sediments. Emphasis will be placed on mineral groups that are of the most common occurrence in soils and sediments. The structure and properties of different clay minerals will be covered in detail along with the classification of clay minerals. The origins of minerals in soils and sediments will be explained in terms of the concepts of neoformation, transformation and inheritance. X-ray methods and identification of minerals, particularly clay minerals, will be covered in some detail including practical exercises. Students will also learn the basics of how to quantify minerals in soils and sediments by the application of X-ray powder diffraction methods.

Kursplan och övrig information


Ämne: Markvetenskap
Kurskod: PNS0134 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för mark och miljö Studietakt: 10%