Ny sökning

Landskapsplanering: deltagande och samverkan

The European Landscape Convention lifts the importance of participation in landscape planning issues. When landscape is recognised as "…an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors" (ELC) it places those who experience landscape as central for defining what landscape is. Landscape planning becomes a collaborative process built in diverse forms and sources of knowledge.

In this course we will problematize participation and collaboration in landscape planning, drawing on literature form a range of disciplines. Through the course we will engage with numerous interrelated concepts including landscape, power, democracy and co-creation of meaning. These concepts will be addressed in relation to the individual student’s research focus.

Structure of the course:

- The course begins with an initial meeting at SLU, Ultuna. During this meeting we will introduce the course, outline the structure, address student’s expectations of the course, present the literature, and assign responsibility for literature seminars.

- A pre-study of the literature that is central to the course is required prior to the second meeting at Ultuna. (40 hours)

- An intensive week long session at SLU Ultuna comprising of short lectures; student driven literature seminars; films and discussions; and field visit. Through the week we will discuss and critique ideas on: Landscape planning, Conflict and differences; Knowledge and co-creation of meaning; Collaboration. These ideas will be discussed through lenses of social and cultural theories. (40 hours)

- The final section of the course will be a written reflection (at distance). (60 hours)

Kursplan och övrig information