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Getting more out of community data

Unit 4: Getting more out of community data

Tomas Roslin (tomas.roslin@slu.se) and Giovanni Strona (giovanni.strona@helsinki.fi). May 3 and May 8, 2021

Matching the focus of the course on interpretation rather than methods, this unit will depart not from a specific method but from a series of ecological questions. Thus, we will start by defining fundamental questions on communities, then point to methods for approaching them:

1. Fundamental question: What can co-occurrence data reveal about ecological interactions?

Methodological application: How do we quantify co-occurrence? How do we separate a "real" pattern from one caused by chance alone (null model analysis)?

2. Fundamental question: More generally: if there is structure, then what fundamental forces are behind it? What signals of such forces are hidden in the data? Methodological application: How can the signals of community assembly be translated into a parameterized statistical model? (HMSC)

3. Fundamental question: Moving from patterns in the abundance and distribution of species to direct observations of who interacts with whom: can we identify the forces structuring interaction networks?

Methodological application: Analyses of trait-matching using recent techniques

The course activites includes initial readings, classroom discussions, hands-on activities, followed by home exercises. This unit corresponds to one theme/workshop and is planned for two days, equaling one credit (ca 27 hours of work for the PhD student). Example datasets will be provided but students could use their own datasets as well.

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