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GIS and spatial analysis

Unit 2: GIS and spatial analysis. February 15 and 18 2021 .

Teachers: Alistair Auffret (alistair.auffret@slu.se) and Mohammad Bahram (mohammad.bahram@slu.se).

1.Intro: Why GIS in R? Which packages?

2.Vector analysis: Buffer zones, Intersections, Summary statistics etc.

3.Raster analysis: Overlays, Reclassification, Raster calculator

4.Spatial autocorrelation and its effect on your results, strategies and methods for accounting or using spatial autocorrelation

5.Analysing spatially-structured ecological data

The course activites includes initial readings, classroom discussions, hands-on activities, followed by home exercises. This unit corresponds to one theme/workshop and is planned for two half days, equaling one credit (ca 27 hours of work for the PhD student). Example datasets will be provided but students could use their own datasets as well.

Kursplan och övrig information


Ämne: Matematisk statistik
Kurskod: PNS0226 Plats: Ortsoberoende Distanskurs: Ja Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för ekologi Studietakt: 100%