Ny sökning

Fisk- och fiskekologi

General set-up of course
1. The course starts with a 3-day workshop 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2023 led by the course leaders, taking place as a physical meeting at SLU-Aqua (Lysekil), which entails:
a. Introduction to the course
b. Students present their projects
c. Ground rules for seminars set by the students, together with the course leaders.
d. Introduction to research and facilities at SLU Aqua
e. One seminar (detailed description below)
f. Field excursion
g. Networking activities
In this meeting, graduate students from SLU-Aqua that have previously taken the course will be participating in points b and g.
2. Four online seminars, based on 2-4 scientific papers, planned and coordinated by teachers and co-arranged by the students.
a. The students will take turns to be responsible to make a short introduction to the subject to be discussed at the specific seminar, including selecting one of the papers for the seminar. However, the coordination of the seminar should still be the responsibility of the teacher. Which seminar(s) each student is responsible for (can be more than one responsible student per seminar) will be organized via email together with the course leader, before the starting date of the course.
b. Each student should for every seminar prepare at least two questions to bring up in the discussions of the group.
c. Each discussion seminar should end with:
* students briefly accounting for an interesting idea presented in the literature or during the discussion,
* students reflecting on how theories and concepts discussed during the seminar may be of relevance for his/hers doctoral projects and
* opportunity for everyone to give feedback on the discussion.

Kursplan och övrig information