Ny sökning

Basic course for cell culture

Time schedule and content of the course:

Day 1, Morning: Lecture on cell biology, the basics of gene expression and epigenetics, ….(Patrice Humblot 1h+discussion), and Lecture on cell culture (Yongzhi Guo 1h+discussion)

Afternoon: Autoclave small equipment (demonstration)

Preparation of medium, thawing and seeding cells (demonstration and individual practice)

Day 2, Detaching, counting and subculture of cells (demonstration and individual practice)

Day 3, Morning: Collecting and freezing cells, create stocks (demonstration and individual practice)

Afternoon: lecture (1h + discussion, Survival, proliferation, apoptosis)

Day 4, Morning: Running apoptosis analysis (demonstration and individual practice)

Afternoon: Hematoxylin staining (demonstration and individual practice)

Day 5, Morning: Cell Proliferation test

Afternoon: Theory examination

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