About requesting loans and articles

Last changed: 14 May 2024
Close up of a open book, photo

The SLU University Library is open to everyone. Here you can find information on how to request loans and articles from the SLU University Library, as well as from other libraries.

Borrowing and requesting books

With our search tool Primo you find books owned by the SLU University Library. As a SLU student or employee you automatically have a library account, and you can request and borrow books using your normal SLU login. All you have to do is to choose a PIN code to be able to use our self check machines.

External users not affiliated with SLU need to contact the library to register a library account.

When the books arrives

When you make a loan request you select at which SLU library you want to pick up the book. We will then send you an email when it is ready to be picked up.

Employees and distance students can also have their books sent to their office or home address.

Note: You need to contact the library to be registered as a distance student.

Loan periods

The loan periods and conditions vary depending on the material type.

Regular loans - 30 days

  • You are guaranteed a loan period of 30 days and you can keep the the book for up to 365 days as maximum.
  • The loan is automatically renewed as long as nobody else has requested the book and you will receive an email with the new return date.

Course books - 8 days

  • You are guaranteed a loan period of 8 days and you can keep the the book for up to 180 days as maximum.
  • The loan is automatically renewed as long as nobody else has requested the book and you will receive an email with the new return date.

Reference books - 1 day

  • SLU students and employees can borrow a reference book for 1 day, and it should be returned before midnight the following day. Should this be a day when the library is closed, the book should be returned the next open day.
  • A late return means a fee of SEK 100. 
  • The loan cannot be renewed, and it is not possible to borrow the same book again for 24 hours.
  • Requests are not allowed.
  • External users not affiliated with SLU are not allowed to borrow reference books.

Interlibrary loans

  • For loans from libraries outside SLU the loan period and rules of the lending library applies.
  • You cannot renew an interlibrary loan yourself. Contact the SLU Library to renew the loan.

Requesting articles

SLU students and employees can request articles not available online by using our request form.

Please note that as a student you cannot request articles that are available in print at your local SLU Library. These articles you have to scan or copy yourself.

When the article arrives

For SLU employees the article is normally delivered by email in PDF-format.

If you are a student we will send you an email when the article has arrived and it can be picked up during our staffed opening hours.

Interlibrary loans from other libraries

When the literature you require for your studies or research is not available at the SLU University Library you can request an interlibrary loan. The easiest way to place your request is to use our request form.

It is also possible to request an ILL when searching in Libris. The first time you do this you need to set up an user account in Libris. After signing in you can then search for a book and place a request.

Interlibrary loans from libraries outside the Nordic countries costs SEK 250. We will always contact you before requesting with the lending library if your request comes with a cost to you. 

When the ILL has arrived

When you make an ILL request you select at which SLU library you want to pick up the book. We will then send you an email when it is ready to be picked up. 

Employees and distance students can also have their books sent to their office or home address.

Note: You need to contact the library to be registered as a distance student.