Ny sökning

Advances in life cycle assessment

The course consists of two separate physical gatherings complemented by literature reading and a period of distance-based group work in between meetings. During meetings, invited lecturers, representing various fields of LCA research, present and problematise methodological approaches and applications of LCA based on their research and their experiences of applying LCA in various areas. During meetings, students participate in group discussions where they get a chance to learn from each other’s experiences, reflect on their own and others’ research in view of earlier and current LCA research, and discuss limitations and possibilities for future development of their work. The students will also present their current and planned work to others. An important aspect of the meetings is also to engage in networking activities.

Pedagogical form

The course consists of a mix of learning activities. An important basis of the course are the guest lectures to exemplify different methodological areas and applications of LCA, but the main focus is on student centred learning through peer instruction in the form of group discussions/mini workshops, peer feedback on individual work, and group work.

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