25 Mar

"Dvalin" in the VHC house/building 5, ground floor, Uppsala

Open lectures: Potentials and pitfalls of DNA metabarcoding

Open lectures about potentials and pitfalls of DNA metabarcoding, organized by the research school Focus on Soils and Waters.

The lectures are part of the PhD course New molecular methods to assess biodiversity (PNS0169).


  • Tomas Roslin, Professor at Dept. of Ecology, SLU.
  • Sari Peura, Associate Senior Lecturer at Dept. of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU. 
  • Florian Leese, Professsor at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany and chair of DNAqua-Net


Time: 2019-03-25 09:00 - 12:30
City: Uppsala
Location: "Dvalin" in the VHC house/building 5, ground floor
Organiser: Cooperation of SLU Research Schools FoSW and Ecology with the EU COST network DNAqua-Net
Last signup date: 18 March 2019
Additional info:

Registration: please register until March 18 so that we know how much fika we need to order, by sending an email to Hannes Keck (hannes.keck@slu.se).


9.00-10.45 1st lecture by Tomas Roslin & Sari Peura: Making sense of biodiversity and barcoding
Tomas and Sari will give an introduction to barcoding, presenting molecular tools as the "new microscope" that open up entirely new worlds to use for biodiversity assessment, including challenges and case studies from microbes to larger organisms
11.00-12.30 2nd lecture by Florian Leese: From potential to performance: Steps towards the application of genetic methods in real-world biodiversity assessment programs
Florian will present the potential of barcoding for environmental assessment, the challenge to implement barcoding in current monitoring programs given legislative boundaries, and the importance that the EU COST network DNAqua-Net has for the harmonization of methods and interaction of researchers and stakeholders
