26 Sep

Tanngrisner, VHC, 5th floor, Uppsala

Seminar: New insights in nutrition and management of dairy cattle

seminars, workshops |

In connection with Lisa Andrée O'Hara's PhD defense on September 27th, 9.15, we will, the day before, Thursday September 26th 13.00, have an interesting seminar in Tanngrisner.

The title of Lisa's thesis: The effect of dry period length on milk production, health and fertility in two cow breeds

You are all most welcome! /Kjell Holtenius


New insights in nutrition and management of dairy cattle

13.00-13.40 "Fit for future": how insights from epigenetics changed concepts for calf rearing Martin Kaske

13.40-14.20 Dry period energy intake – effects on insulin resistance, metabolic adaptation, and production responses. Tuomo Kokkonen

14.20-14.40 Coffee

14.40-15.20 A decision support model for dry cow management for cow health and performance Ariette van Knegsel

15.20-16.00 Modelling the consequences of an extended lactation on GHG emissions and economics in dairy cows Akke Kok




Time: 2019-09-26 13:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Tanngrisner, VHC, 5th floor